Chapter 15: Old Stories
Above is the picture of my new tattoo :) what do you guys think? Is it too much?^^^
Seems like this'll be another day locked up inside this room.
"Okay I gotta run." Adam jogs out of the restroom once he's applied more than enough cologne.
"Have fun!" I smile up at him, before picking up my frame from the bed and fixing up his tie.
"Thank you babe. You know, you should get out of this room're always in here when I come back." He watches me intently.
"I like being in here." I rather respond, with a fake smile.
"Still, I don't want you going out of your mind." Oh sweetheart, I already have.
"I won't." Pecking his lips softly to assure him I'll be okay, he then gives up on insisting and smiles before walking away and leaving the bedroom.
Sighing softly, I throw myself back on the bed.
Boredom slowly yet roughly begins to kick in.
Picking my body up again, I walk towards the closet. Opening each sliding door, I take a look at all of the shoes thrown around on the bottom.
Wow, Adam and I actually are quite messy with shoes.
Kneeling down in front of the mess, I begin to fix up each with the matching pair.
As I fix up all the pairs, I hear a loud bang on the wall.
"Oh shit, did I seriously throw that shoe that hard?" Chuckling to myself, yet curious as to know if I really did make that much noise, I freeze from all movements and listen carefully to see if the banging is heard again.
There it is again.
I quietly get up and press my ear against the wall towards the hallway.
"Fuck!" I hear a raw voice cuss out.
I slowly wait for more sounds as my heart begins to beat a little faster by the minute.
A loud door being shut startles me, making me jump back from the wall.
Then a small knock at my door fastens my heart rate even more, nearly making me have an instant heart attack.
"Who is it?" Having trouble with swallowing back my saliva, my hands slowly begin to twitch.
"It's me Lottie, can I come in?" Her voice reliefs me.
"Yeah come on in." Turning to close the closet doors, I then turn to see her step into the bedroom.
It's good to see her when it's not in the kitchen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
"Hey stranger!" She greets me with sarcasm and a wide smile. Just like her brother!
"Hello beauty queen." I wink at her, which makes her smirk at me.
"Thanks queen b! What are you up to today?" Lottie watches me carefully as I then move over closer to the bed.
"Nothing really. I was just fixing up the shoes in the closet." I admit while plopping myself on the edge of the bed once again.
I think I'll soon make holes on this bed for sitting on it so much.
"Boring! Let's do something!" She walks over closer to me and stands right in front of me.
"Like?" I furrow my brows.
"Let me think." She watches the art frame hanged up right above the bed. Lottie seems to be in deep thought so when I move a bit, she quickly turns back to eye me.
"What if we go to the mall?" Her eyes widen.
"Typical." I smirk up at her.
"Why typical?" She then frowns.
"Because that's what most girls do." I finish my sentence with a smile crawling up.
"Okay then, let's do something out of the box." She sort of threatens me, at least that's how I see it.
"What's out of the box for you Charlotte?" Pronouncing her whole name, she playfully rolls her eyes at me.
"I've never thrown eggs at a house before." She says, confusing me.
"Come on, I got an idea!" She suddenly yells out, scaring me.
"What's your idea?" I ask as I stand up from the bed.
She then takes me by surprise and grabs my wrist, only to then pull me out of the room.
I don't even have time to watch my surroundings clearly because she pulls me with her down the stairs.
"Lottie wait!" I try and get her attention, but she doesn't budge.
The only part she does stop, is by the entrance, to grab the keys to Adam's car. Then she keeps on pulling me all the way to the car.
"Okay, first drive us to Niall's store, then I'll give you more instructions." She hands me the keys, then jogs over to hop into the passenger seat.
"Do I have a say or choice in this?" I raise a brow at her before unlocking the car.
"Nope, you said my choices were typical, probably also cliche so now I'll show you how fun I actually am." She answers ever so proudly.
"Okay then." I laugh at her and unlock the car.
Lottie quickly hops in and I follow after, stepping into the drivers seat.
"What?" She turns to eye me as I stare at her.
"Seatbelt." Smirking at her, she winks at me and ties herself into safety.
"Lottie...where exactly are we headed to now?" Eyeing her momentarily, I then turn my attention back to the highway.
After coming out of Niall's store with three packets of eggs, Lottie instructed me to get on the highway.
We've been in it for at least twenty minutes now and she has seriously not given me a single signal to get off anytime soon whatsoever.
"We're almost there!" She rolls her eyes at me. I've asked her if we're near ever since we got on the highway. She must be really annoyed by now.
"Okay." I sigh, keeping my eyes on the road.
"Take this exit." She finally announces, pointing at the exit to the left.
Taking the exit, I then drive as to where she points to. We then turn left on a street called Dairy. Quite the street name, I think to myself.
"Park right here." Lottie points out and I stop right on the spot she tells me to.
"Okay, what are we doing here?" Turning off the engine, I turn to eye her as she fixes up the bags with egg cartons.
"You see that house?" She points at a brick, medium sized house across the street.
"Yeah." Watching it carefully, I wait for her to proceed.
"Well there lives my...ex fiancé." She raises her brows. My mouth falls in pure shock.
"Wait! You've been engaged?" My eyes widen and she laughs.
"It's a long story. I'll tell you once we do what we came here for." She opens the car door and pulls the plastic bag out with her.
"No, first tell me. Then we do whatever you have in mind." I follow quickly after her as she walks across the street.
She ignores my bantering and makes her way to the front of the house. I watch her as she stops a few feet before reaching the front door.
Lottie suddenly grabs ahold of an egg. She turns to me and smiles. All of a sudden, she turns to eye the house and throws the egg at the house.
"Lottie!" I gasp once the egg cracks right on the front door, leaving a mess.
"Are you gonna help me, or are you just gonna watch?" She speaks as if what she's doing is totally fine.
"No stop!" I watch her from a distance, as she keeps on throwing eggs at every part of the house.
"I thought you said I was typical. Is this typical?" She smirks over at me, before turning again and throwing an egg at one of the windows.
"No it isn't, and neither is your sarcasm!" I try and step closer to stop her from egging the house.
"Like brother, like sister." She blurts.
The front door suddenly flies open. My heart begins to pound inside my chest really fast.
A young looking man steps outside with a face of anger. He has dark brown,short hair and deep glaring eyes. He looks quite tall from afar.
The man's eyes land on me, but once he makes eye contact with Lottie, he raises his eyebrows.
"Charlotte?" He takes a step forward.
"Let's go!" Lottie's hand wraps on my wrist and before I can react, she's pulling me towards the car.
"Wait Lottie." She runs towards her side of the car and hops in.
I hop into the drivers seat afterwards, and turn to eye her.
"Come on! Drive!" She insists.
"What are you waiting for Emma? Go!" She turns on the engine for me. I then finally react and drive away.
"Why did you freeze?" She laughs at me, once we're out of the street.
"I don't know, I panicked." I finally begin to laugh with her.
"Oh wow!" She laughs even harder.
"Do you think he'll call the police? Or however you guys call them here." I turn to eye her curiously.
"The bobbies? No!" She scoffs it off.
"Are you sure?" I frown.
"Yes I'm sure. Matthew is not capable of that." She explains herself, as her expression once she speaks of her ex fiancé.
"I know it's none of my business...but how did it come to be that?" I watch her carefully, but keep my main focus on the road.
"Came to be what?" She frowns.
"How did it came to be that he's your ex fiancé?" We somehow just cruise through streets as I ask her.
"It just happened you know..." I think she tries not to talk about it.
"Did he..cheat?" I push further with my curiosity. It's just all so shocking to know Lottie has been engaged.
"No." She keeps her vision on her hands.
"Anyways what's with you and Harry?" She suddenly says out of the blue, totally changing the conversation.
"What? Nothing!" I swallow back my saliva as my nervous state makes an appearance.
"Oh come on, let's not act dumb. You have nothing to worry about. I would never tell Adam." My eyes widen at her.
"We ended things because he ruined my life." Lottie blurts out, confusing me.
"What?" I frown.
"Matthew and I." She confirms. I drive slow through the streets.
"How?" I don't know why I feel so curious about what happened with her relationship. I guess it makes me wonder, especially in the fact that they were already engaged.
"I met him when I was a lot younger, but I never really loved him. My mother on the other hand, adored him and she always told me he was the one for me." Lottie focuses on what she's telling me as I keep driving around, yet listening to her carefully.
"I dated him, but that was only because of my mother. My heart always belonged to someone else." She looks down at her lap.
"You must have really loved the other person to break up an engagement." I admire that.
"Yea...Liam was great." She sighs, but I suddenly hit the brakes.
"What?" My eyes widen at her statement. I keep my vision clearly on her as to see if this could be some sort of joke.
"Dude go, there's a car behind us!" She motions for me to move.
"I don't want to talk about it right now. I just wanna get back home for now." Lottie speaks again once I do move the car.
"Oh come on! You can't leave this conversation at this point!" I insist.
"Okay, what if tomorrow we go out to breakfast and I'll tell you everything?" She offers.
"But can't leave me with this curiosity!" I start to get back on the highway.
"Tomorrow, please!?" She begs.
"Okay fine, we'll get breakfast at 10." I set the time.
"Okay, I'll let aunt Anne know we won't be in for breakfast tomorrow." She explains before putting the volume up and ignoring me.
I know how much she doesn't want to talk about this...but I can't help it and be so damn curious!
The only thing I have to say that it's going quite hard to write this when I don't have some action going on, if you know what I mean ;)
I really love you guys and thank you so much for ALL the support I've been given.
I hope everyone's liking the book and please don't give up on me, I will finish this!
All the love,
Lupita x
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