Chapter 1: First impressions
"Adam what if your mother doesn't like me?" Entwining my fingers with his, he looks over at me while I sit on the left side of the car.
"Emma she'll love you." He boosts up my confidence a bit.
"She sounds very nice and convincing...but what if she thinks I'm some slut or gold digger?"
"I'm not by the way babe, you already know that." I finish. Adam turns to glance at me and chuckles under his breath.
"What?" I watch him carefully.
"You overthink too much love." He pulls my hand up to his mouth, leaving a soft peck at the tip of my knuckles.
"I'm sorry babe, it's just that this is all so new to me." Giving him a light squeeze, he then winks at me.
"You just have to relax and be yourself love. They'll love you, just as much as I do." Adam keeps his eyes on the road as he speaks.
"Babe! This is why I fell for you." Pushing my body off the seat, I reach his cheek and plant a kiss.
"I'm sure my mom will adore you." He reassures me, giving my hand a light squeeze.
"Are we almost there?" I question him as we turn left into a forest dirt road.
"Sort of." He replies, keeping focus on the road.
"Okay." I smile over at him, then turning my face to the mirror and putting on a tint of red lipstick.
As I fix the edges around my lips, a bright light from behind us blinds me momentarily.
"Who's that?" Turning my head back, I question Adam while he watches the lights through the side mirrors.
"Probably another family member." He replies focusing back on the road again.
"They got bright headlights." I compliment as I sit back down on the seat again.
"Yeah!" He chuckles.
"Here it is!" Adam and I focus on the huge house in front of us.
"Is this like her permanent home?" I question him, referring to his mother.
"Yeah, why?" He asks as he parks beside a black BMW.
"It's so beautiful and private....and huge." I whisper the last word.
"Tell her that when we get inside." Adam winks and steps out of the car.
"Then she'll definitely think I'm very materialistic." I giggle nervously and speak once he opens the car door for me.
"I promise you that she's not judge mental Emma. Besides, she loves when anyone compliments her home!" He grabs my hand, and pulls me under his embrace.
"Okay, I'm sorry Adam. I'm just so nervous about all of this." Being honest with him, I hug him tighter trying to make myself warmer.
December is the time of the year where winter kicks in and here in the woods, it's probably much colder since there's not much movement. Adam keeps his arm on my shoulders as we walk towards the house.
I notice the car with the bright headlights park next to ours. Reaching the large wooden door, Adam knocks and footsteps are quickly heard from inside as someone walks towards the door.
A beautiful tall girl with blonde hair and think eyeliner opens the door and smiles wide once her eyes land on Adam.
"Adam, you made it!" She literally tackles him, but he only stumbles back.
"He gem-gem!" He greets the young girl. She wears dark skinny jeans, with a navy blue jumper and a black beanie covering the top of her head.
"Who's this?" She questions him once she turns to me, but her attitude isn't rude or bitchy, it's more like happy and bubbly.
"Gemma this is my wife Emma, Emma this is my sister, Gemma." Adam greets the both of us and a smile quickly appears on her face.
"Hi Gemma, it's a pleasure to meet you." I greet her, politely stretching my hand out to shake with hers.
Surprisingly, she grabs my hand but instead pulls me into a very welcoming hug.
"Wow, I didn't know you got married Adam! Congratulations to the two of you and welcome to the family Emma." Gemma pulls back, but even pecks my cheek before fully disconnecting herself from me.
"Yeah welcome to the family Emma." I'm suddenly interrupted by a deep voice with a thick English accent coming from behind me.
Turning my head back, I make sudden eye contact with a tall, young man. He has long hair that goes down to his shoulders, and a smirk worn as he steps closer to us.
"Wow first time in three years you decide to come for the holidays!" Gemma smiles at the man and hugs him as well.
"Hello, you have gotten shorter as I can see." I think he jokes around with her, because she playfully slaps his shoulder.
Adam walks over to my side and wraps his arm around my back.
"Why didn't we get an invitation for the wedding Adam?" He steps in front of Adam, sort of hovering him as he happens to be probably a few inches taller.
"We didn't do anything big." Adam stretches his hand out and greets the man.
"Emma.." Adam turns to me.
"This is my brother Harry." He turns to Harry.
"Harry this is my wife, as you can see." Harry's eyes turn to me and a smirk forms on his lips.
"Nice meeting you Emma." He answers, but I feel it as if he weren't being honest. It's almost as if he's trying to intimidate us.
"It's nice meeting you too." I pull my hand out to be polite.
He then shakes hands with me, but his hold becomes tighter and tighter, making my knuckles look pale. When he decides to let go, I turn to face Adam nervously.
Harry walks into the house quickly and Gemma follows.
Adam turns to me with concern showing on his face features.
"There's those two, they're alright." I think he notices how uncomfortable I feel, and pulls me into a hug.
"Yeah." I speak into his neck.
"Let's go inside now." He pecks my forehead, then entwines our hands and gently pulls me into the house.
His brother Harry, was very intimidating. I felt like he was a lion and I was his prey. I don't understand what that was, but I felt something strange back there. Like my own conscious was trying to warn me of something, but I couldn't quite understand what.
Gemma on the other hand, she's so bubbly and I can tell she has a great personality. I just really am hoping her mom is more like her than Harry.
"Mum Harry and Adam are here!" Gemma yells out as Harry disappears from our sight.
"Where is she?" Adam questions Gemma, meaning to his mother.
"She's probably in the kitchen." Gemma begins leading us and we suddenly bump into a woman who looks a lot like Harry and Gemma.
"Oh my God, Adam my baby!" Her eyes glow up and she pulls him into an embrace.
"Hello mom, it's been a while." He speaks into her shoulder.
"How are you sweetheart?" She speaks in her British accent, reminding me that I'm not in America anymore.
"Great, and you?" He pulls back once beginning to talk to her.
"I'm very excited having my family reunited again." She squeezes his arms.
"Mom, I want you to meet Emma." He moves out of her way so she can see me fully.
"She's my wife." He stares at her intently as if waiting for any sort of reaction.
"Oh, baby I didn't know you got married." She still stands beside him, but keeps her focus on me.
"No one, but us knew." He confirms.
"Emma...hello Emma." She finally walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.
"Hello Ms. Anne, it's my pleasure to finally meet you." Hugging her back tightly, I realize she smells like baked cookies.
"I've heard so many good things of you from Adam." I add once she pulls back. She studies my face without saying a thing for a few seconds.
"Aww, he's quite the kind man. You are a beautiful woman Emma! How old are you? If you don't mind me asking." She smiles brightly, but keeps her intense gaze on my face.
" of course not. I turn 22 in February." Glancing over at Adam, he only smiles back.
"! You are very young." She turns back and eyes Adam.
"Yeah.." I trail off nervously. I should be very confident right now, but Anne is like a mixture of her younger son and daughter.
"Mum now you got a daughter in law!" Gemma quickly exclaims, making the mood a bit brighter because it was honestly beginning to get really hot in here.
"Yes I do, welcome to the family Emma!" She hugs me again, making me calm down a little bit.
"She's also your sister in law Gem-gem." Adam lays his arm around Gemma's shoulders.
"I know, that's great and we got the same name, except I got an extra letter." She squeal in excitement and Anne walks over to her.
"Yeah, a G for geez girl!" Anne jokes around, making us laugh.
"No it's for being the greatest!" Gemma retorts back.
"I'm the greatest!" Harry walks back into the place, speaking up.
"And my smallest baby!" Anne walks over and hugs him as well.
He notices me staring at the two of them and raises an eyebrow. Quickly turning my head away, I follow Adam and Gemma into the living room space.
"So do you like turkey Emma?" Gemma asks me as she sits on the small couch. I walk over to sit beside Adam.
"Yeah, it's good." I reply as I lean closer to Adam.
"Do you?" I try and make further conversation with her.
"Yes it's delicious!" Her eyes widen and she licks her lips. Adam throws his head back on the couch in laughter.
"You said you're from Frebuary, what day?" She frowns, but smiles at the same time.
"February first." I reply, while entwining my fingers back with Adam.
"Just like Harry!" She points over at him.
"I know." Adam replies instead, while smiling at his own sister's bubbly personality. I really like her!
We spend the rest of the evening talking, well mostly they ask me questions about myself. Harry just sits there, but stays focused on his phone the whole time. Gemma is so exited to know more and more about me, and Anne has gotten much more warmer and kind as we speak.
Anne shows us where we'll sleep later at night. Adam said there's still a bit more family coming as well, but maybe until tomorrow since Christmas Eve is in three days.
Once Adam falls asleep, I walk down to the kitchen to grab water because I have this weird habit where I can't sleep without drinking water first.
The stairs end a few feet by the entrance lobby, and once I take the last step down, someone knocks on the door.
Slowly walking towards it, I peek through the hole, but see nothing.
"What are you doing?" Suddenly, Harry's voice coming from behind me makes me jump a bit.
"I heard knocking." I turn over to him and find him shirtless, standing by the stairs.
He has lots of tattoos, but I quickly turn away.
"Well you're no one to open doors, so move." He replies in an angry tone and walks over to me. I quickly move out of his way and run up the stairs.
Omggggg!!!! I've never written Harry to be so mean lol
But dot forget to vote!!!!!
Comment too haha xD
& I need a volunteer with a beautiful name to allow me to add her name to this story :)) so please let me know!
All the love babes <3
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