"Marka No,Grab my hand before you fall." Sola said as she grasped onto Marka hand. The constant pulling up with all her strength, only to stop midway. She gasped for breath as she struggled. "Come on p-please try." Sola crys out as her sister looks up at her lifelessly. "I knew we shouldn't have taken this trip!" Sola spit out as Marka held onto her with a very loose grip. She grabbed onto her with both of her hands with no progress "Please Marka you have to trust me" but there was no real response from her other then a faint whisper. Marka plucked her fingers from Sola slowly seeing her death coming.
Sola tried to stop her, increasingly trying to grab up her arm but she just shook her head no. "She wants to die?" Sola thought as she slowly slipped away from her loosing her forever! Sola had intense emotion as she screamed out for her sister "MARKA, MARKA!" her eyes searched for her but only hearing a subtle thud, she broke out into tears. But only to find out that .....
Sola wakes up from the bed hyperventilating and in a cold sweat. As she slightly recognizes her surroundings she lifts up her body to see her sleeping sister across from her. She has joy in her heart as she faintly remembers her dream. She shifted her body as quietly as she could to not wake her sister. She began to think "Was it a dream? Was it real?" She was sure this was going to be a reoccurring thought. Next thing you know she places her feet on the floor. There was a subtle creak that she heard as she lifted her foot. She cursed to herself, then there was a grunt that she heard from Marka side of the room. She slowly looked over to see her sister staring at her. The familiar eyes gave a shiver down her spine. Every since she was a child she could oddly remember those eyes and how they made her feel. Marka then said another time "Is there something wrong?" but she didn't give her a response but she knew from the look that she gave her that it wasn't something good.
As Sola was caught in her daze. Marka came up behind her and scared her from the undetained mind. As she laughed her lungs out their mother called from downstairs. "GIRLS BREAKFAST IS READY!" They both looked at each other and smiled saying "Race you" with all excitement in their voice. They started panting and shoving trying to see who would be first. Marka jumped in front of her only to bump into their mother who was holding a plate of their favorite. Crepes with blueberries, they both looked on in awe as their mother was slowly growing angry. "Girls why would you do that?" She questioned them. They apologized as she continued to cook more food she slowly opened her mouth as they watched her so. "Go and set the table or your not eating" they nodded in agreement and snickered a little. She slowly watched them as they did so and once they finished she watched them eat it all.
Sola got up from the table and watched as they continued to talk. "Alright I have to go, you know class is bright an early!" she chuckled slightly as her mom and sister wave her goodbye. She got into her car and drove there. She went to a private school with a very small friend group that are popular but still have a sense of self. They are understandably some of her closes friends in the world. They laughed and huddled together as they walked to class. No real intention of actually trying to do work but enough to pass. She nodded her head as she slowly was allowing sleep to come over her. Sooner or later she found herself in the dream again.
"No... No... No!" Sola screamed and shouted for it to stop, her sister was about to die once again. The dream reminded her what she was trying to push back into her head. She heard the whisper that came from beneath her. "Listen to me. You have to wake up before you drop me, ok?" Marka pushed out from her whiting lips. "what?" Sola said in confusion.
"Wake up...WAKE up...WAKE UP!" as one of her friends screamed into her ears while she laid there dreaming. Sola woke up only to find out she was asleep during the whole class. She slightly smiled at her teacher as she began to collect her things. Embarrassed is what she felt as she went through her day. She continued to think about the dream more or less at times but she had tried her hardest to push it to the back of her mind.
They began to laugh and act normally while she sat there and stared. They slowly got quiet to see she isn't interacting with them "Are you okay?" Ryion said as he waited for her to answer. Sola slowly looked at them and was trying to act connected. They didn't believe her. "You know you can tell us anything right?" Leija says as she continued to stare. "Yeah I know its just some weird things are going on" Sola states as they they look at her weirdly. Dovid looks at her questionably as they mmed in response. "But what do you mean by that Sola?" Dovid questioned. Sola stopped for a second to wonder if they will think differently of her. She slowly starts to part her lips but was soon hit against the arm by Ryion. "What the hell man?" She says as he laughed crazily as everyone joins in. She knew they were all playing with her, but was getting angry. "If you're not going to take me seriously then I won't tell you" she lowly shouts out. They all stop abruptly as they watch her pack her things to leave, she said her goodbyes as some thew their hands up. "We didn't mean it" Ryion yells as she leaves.
She got into her car and drove for twenty minutes before she heard the familiar crunch under her tires. She let out a breath and hit onto her steering wheel in frustration to her problem. She wiped the tear from her face as she slowly stepped out of her car and headed inside snatching her uniform tie off her. She walked up the stairs and thought to herself "I have to figure this out, before Marka ends up dead!" She felt onto the rails feeling the smoothness. A constant reminder that the things around you are easy but she isn't. She needed her answers and she needed them fast. She only knew one person that could tell her.
Eleazar Pavel her father but also a locally known scientist but unpredictable. Other then the fact that Sola wasn't allowed into his lab or office. He was constantly hiding or as he calls it working. He was working his life away and he knew it. He would only be working in there when everyone was there or at least just Sola. These were undeniable feelings that she felt personally attacked by. "How in the hell am I going to get into there" She thought as she pushed up on the last step. She didn't know the answer to that as she dropped onto her bed and allowed her brain to wonder.
She looked over at a family photo she had sitting on her nightstand. A picture from when they were kids, a faint memory but enjoyable. When life was easier and you barely had to remember anything. The thought of her not really knowing her father invaded her mind. The thought that she rarely could talk about her father proudly as if anyone else did. Honestly that was the least of her worries. She slowly drifted off to sleep with the picture frame by her head. "Oh how wonderful those days were." That being her last thought.
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