God, I'm so bored.
It's almost 3 o'clock, which means mum should be home soon. Not that I'll be allowed to leave the house after. I was totally sure that I wouldn't even leave my room, I felt disgusted by her right now. I'm an adult, how could she lock me up ? About an hour ago I almost climbed out of the window, but I managed to stop myself. If she comes home to the sight of me not being anywhere, she would kill me for sure.
Mika called me once in every hour. Actually those few minutes were keeping me alive. I only have to last for a day longer, though. Tomorrow I'm leaving to move in to the apartments. God, what if I'll have an annoying roommate ? I hope I'll have someone nice to live with.
With these and similar thoughts I continued to live in my imaginary world. This time I was playing the guitar, I've had so many stickers on it, that I almost couldn't see the actual colour of the instrument. I don't know for how long I've been out, as I liked to call the time when I was playing. I looked outside, it was already getting dark, mum was running late again. I got up to check my bags again, which were carefully hidden in my wardrobe. I didn't want mum to find them, I never leave with a suitcase for university.
I heard my phone ringing again, I quickly adjusted my headphones.
-Yeah ?
-Hi, V. Everything okay ?
-Hey Mika. I'm fine. Mum's still not home, though.-I looked at my phone, this was the first call this hour.
-Would you mind if we repeated the night from yesterday ?-he asked mischievously, I couldn't help but laugh.
-Is that even a question ? I mean I'd love to, but me being locked up is a serious problem, don't you think ?
-I've got an idea. Call Louise and ask her to cover for you. You could tell your mum when she gets home, that you have to get back to university a day earlier than expected.
Actually it was a pretty great idea. All I have to do is pretend that I feel guilty and sad about this whole thing with Mika. I mean I could do that, obviously, but I hate faking myself.
-Okay. Where am I going to sleep ? I mean I could book a room in a hotel and...
-I've got a spare room, don't worry. So, are you up for it ?
-Of course ! Where should we meet ?
-I can't let you go alone, it's dark. I could pick you up at the nearest bus stop, so your mum wouldn't get suspicious. Is it okay for you ?-he asked quickly, he probably had to go.
-It's fine. Text me when you are on your way. See you !
-Yes, madam. Later.
Great, now I have to call Louise.
I dialled her number, waiting for her to pick it up.
-What a suprise ! You never call me, Via. I assume something serious has happened, otherwise you would have texted.-she said in a cheerful tone.
-Uhm, hi. Actually I need you to cover for me. My mum locked me up in the house, I can't even get out of my own room. I have a meeting this evening with someone, but she strictly forbid me to meet that particular person. That's why I'm grounded...
-So you want me to say that you are meeting me, right ?
-If you could do that. Also, if she calls you, just tell her we are at the university, because we needed to head back a day earlier. Okay ?
-Fine. Mysterious tall guy is in the picture, isn't he ?-I could see her winking in front of my eyes, honestly.
-We could say that, yeah. So, deal ?
-Of course, Via. I love this rebel personality of yours. Anyway, see you tomorrow at the hall ?
-Uhm... I'm moving tomorrow to the apartments that are provided for the contestants.
-Oh, I see. Good luck ! See you sometimes. Bye.
-Thanks, Louise. I owe you one. Bye.
This should be alright. I quickly called mum, to let her know my plans. She immediately said yes, apparently if the things were about school, it was really easy to talk to her. I took a shower, to forget about how hungry I was. I also washed my hair and brushed my teeth. I decided not to put my hair into a bun this time, I loved it when it was natural.
I chose a blue button up shirt with black skinny jeans, with a hole in each knee. I rolled up the sleeves on my shirt, so I could wear my bracelets. I grabbed my jacket and quickly put it on, I didn't want Mika to catch a cold because of me. My black Vans shoes were making my outfit complete.
I know I'm boring, but I'm literally always sitting beside my piano, if I have some spare time.
Mum arrived around 9 o'clock. I mean I'm used to her being late, but today it was unbearable. The hunger I felt was destroying me, I was starving.
The first thing she did was check everything in my room, including the place under my bed. Thank God, she didn't do that this morning.
-Okay, I see you've learned your lesson, darling. You are free to go, as long as you are not meeting him. Fine ?
-Whatever, mum. Just give me some food.-I brought down my suitcase and my backpack, I didn't want to waste any time.
Luckily she brought a pizza, I ate more than half of it, but eventually I needed to stop. I'm having a second dinner after all, probably less than an hour later.
-You okay, darling ? You normally eat the whole one.
-Yeah, I'm fine.-I said after sipping my coffee.
It was my drug, my way of coping with life. Probably not a great thing for my health.
I was humming to Underwater, trying to picture myself on that stage, performing that song alone. I was almost sure I would win in the Battles, even if Mika wanted to kick me out. Which obviously wasn't his intention, as he was constantly reminding me of how we were going to win the whole competition together.
-What are you thinking about, Via ?
-Uhm... One day you'll know, mum. I promise I'll tell you, but now it's not the right time.-I said, casually playing with my bracelets.
-It's about him, isn't it ?-she asked suspiciously.
-He has a name.-I lifted my head, to meet her furious gaze.
-Via, I've told you, he's going to hurt you.
-No, he won't. Besides, I'm an adult, I can surely cope with everything on my own. Even a possible heartbreak.-just as I finished I got a text.
Great, finally. Your timing is perfect, Mika.
-I've made a promise to myself. I won't let you meet him.-she crossed her arms.
I didn't even listen to her, I got up and pulled my suitcase to the front door, holding my backpack.
-Where do you think...
-Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be somewhere else. See you soon, mum. I hope you won't be this narrow-minded when I come back.-I didn't even wait for the answer, I practically stormed out of the house.
The cold, fresh autumn air was keeping my head clear. I've never been so disappointed in my entire life. Why does she even hate him this much ? I felt a few tears streaming down my face. Why was I crying again ? I quickly wiped them away. God, I wasn't even sad, I was angry. I could probably break anything in half right now. Suddenly a car stopped next to me, with a rolled down window.
-Need a ride, Miss ?-I heard the familiar voice, which always warmed my heart, no matter how I felt.
-Not so sure about that, Sir. What if you are kidnapping me ?
-Is that what you think of me ?-laughed Mika, getting out of the car.
-Obviously not.-I returned a weak smile, he immediately noticed my state.
-I feel like you need a hug.-he pulled me closer, I was trying to listen to his steady heartbeat.
I eventually calmed down, my breathing became slower.
-Thank you.-I rested my head just below his shoulder, he still had his arms wrapped around me.
-You okay ?-he squeezed my back.
-Right now, yes.-I blushed a little, while saying that.
-Listen, why don't we go home and watch a film ?-he asked after a while.
-Sure, that sounds great.
I threw my backpack to the car, while Mika put my suitcase in the back.
We were talking a lot during our little journey. We discussed a few things about my performance from the Blind Auditions, he also gave me some advice for the Battles. I listened carefully to every word he said, I didn't want to disappoint him. At one point Somebody To Love came on the radio, we were both singing along.
-I guess this is our song.-he said with a smile, slowly glancing at me, while stopping at a red light.
-It really is.-I returned the grin.
God, why did he have to be this perfect ?
I only now noticed how hot he looked in that leather jacket. Seriously, the combo with the black shirt and jeans made him ten times more attractive than he actually was.
-Do you enjoy the view ?-he winked, while I quickly covered my eyes, laughing awkwardly.
-You are horrible and irresistable. Do you know that ?-I said with a red face.
-I simply don't understand this effect that I apparently have on people.
-Why am I not suprised ?-I shook my head in disbelief, finally being able to sit properly.
He was smiling, while biting his lower lip, focusing on the task of driving safely.
-Do you mind if we order the dinner ? I'm not in the mood for people right now.-he asked, still paying attention to what he was doing.
-It's totally fine. You know me, I'm not that good with people.
-You are with me.-he said, his lips were forming a cute smile.
-You are different.-I turned around again, looking out of the window to see some teens sitting on the ground in front of a shop.
The silence between us was comfortable, Mika kept singing along to the songs on the radio, most of the time I joined him, but we weren't talking. He knew I needed some time to adjust to the situation and to forget the argument with my mum. My mad fangirl crush was no longer present, I've never felt this calm and happy in anybody's company in my life. I was proud to call him my friend.
-Here we are.-he parked the car.
We both got out of the vehicle, Mika was carrying my suitcase already.
-You don't have to. I can manage.-I wanted to take the handle from him, but he wouldn't let me.
-Oh please, I insist.-he flashed a smile, looking for his keys in one of his pockets.
Eventually he found them, a few minutes later we were already in the elevator.
God, I hate these places.
-You okay ?-he asked for the millionth time.
I was actually quite flattered that he genuinely cared about me. My whole life I only had my mum, but right now, she was not the person that I could rely on. She is being overprotective and narrow-minded.
-Yes, but I hate elevators.-I shrugged, looking at the counter on the side of the small cabin.
Mika didn't say anything, he took my hand in his and tried to calm me down. The weird thing is, it only made me feel more tensed. I mean sure, my mind wasn't paying attention to the thing that we were locked up in a freaking small elevator, but him drawing little circles into my palm... That was not helping.
What are we ? What the hell is going on ?
I just couldn't see normally anymore. Maybe mum was right. Maybe he did look at me like that. I obviously wouldn't notice it, though. We've only known each other for 3 days, yet so many things happened between us. I felt like I was going insane. Here I am, with Mika, on my way to his flat, to watch a film. Seriously ? Did I forget to mention that we were actually sleeping in one bed last night ? Also the countless times we hugged each other. Is this what a normal friendship should be ? Well I personally say I really hope so, this is the first time I'm letting someone close to me apart from my mother. I slowly lifted my head to meet his gaze, he was clearly watching me all along.
-Why me ?-I blurted out, not even knowing how did I have the courage to say the words.
-What do you mean ?-the elevator finally stopped, so we were allowed to step outside.
-Nothing, leave it. Stupid question.-I tried to fake a smile, but he was seeing through me.
-Just be honest with me. Nothing to worry about.-we walked to the only door on the floor, which was apparently his.
-I'll tell you inside. Okay ?
-Fine.-he opened the door, then he let me in to his flat.
The small space next to the entrance was full of his shoes and his hanged up coats. The living room was huge and really classy. It didn't suprise me at all, that it was very colourful. Mika loved colours.
An elegent black piano was in the corner, with a little desk next to it. He also had a big and comfortable looking sofa, with the TV against it in a small table looking thing. He had dozens of records on the shelfs, which were surrounding the television. His collection of books looked impressive, too. Not to mention the films. He had the same taste as me, which made me smile.
-Where are your dogs ?-I asked.
-They are staying in London with the family for a while. Not sure for how long. Someone in the studio is allergic to the fur, so I can't take them with myself, which means they would have to stay here alone. I rather left them home. I do miss them.-he explained, walking to the windows.
I only noticed now that the kitchen was right next to the living room. It was also very modern, but really classic at the same time. A cute little table made it even better, probably it was only for two people to use.
Mika stepped outside to the balcony. He was watching the stars and the planes. He looked peaceful and happy.
-What did you want to say ?-he sat down on the armchair, which was the only one.
I took my place in the side of the chair, shyly leaning against him.
-Why me ? It could have been anyone. Why me ?
He knew what I was talking about, obviously he was prepared for a question of this kind. Without a doubt he took my hand again, placing it in his.
-You know when I first heard you sing, I felt something. You moved me, which can't be said about everyone, Via. You were singing with so much passion and love, that it made me emotional. Then you chose to properly introduce yourself to us with my song. That also touched me, it always does when people are singing my lyrics. There is something in you, you are truly interesting. You are like an unpolished diamond, and I want to know every tiny little detail about you. I've already said it before, but I really see myself in you. Also, you were totally the best one to audition in years, clearly a winner is sitting here next to me.-he said all of this, while still observing the sky.
Wow. I can't even put it into words how much this means to me. He finally was being honest about the past few days. Also, the things he said were making me want to cry out loud. I never thought someone would talk about me the way he just did.
-Thank you for trusting me.
-No, Via. I should be grateful for your trust. I mean seriously, only three days and you are at my place ? Never thought you would agree to this.
-Are you kidding ? You are my only friend, it's natural. So, would you pick the film ? I'm dying to know your choice.-I stood up, pulling him up from the armchair.
-Aren't you hungry ?-he raised an eyebrow, flashing a cheeky smile.
-Have you got popcorn ?-I bit my lip, studying his expressions.
-What kind of question is that, Miss ?-he lead me inside, to start our movie night.
Hello guys ! Next chapter is up, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day !
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