This Is Life - Part 1
Flare: Flare.exe has crashed
Duska: -.- fuck dis shit! *flips table and walks away*
Flare: Flare.exe has crashed because of FloweyBreakingiPod.exe
Duska: 0.0
Flare: *turns supersayin and throws Flowey at the wall*
Duska: OoO XD
Flare: *turns normal* FLOWEY!!!!!
Flowey: :0 Oh shit. *runs away*
Duska: -.- You just wrecked your chances with him
Flare: *processing* FLOWEY!!! D: *runs after him*
Brittany: *dying of laughter in the background*
Duska: *dying with her XD*
Flowey: *pops up from the floorboards* I'm safe! :D
Brittany: °~°
Duska: You have to deal with a sorry Flare now though.
Flowey: :3 I'm safe though..
*A wild Rosy has appeared*
Duska: *growls* No 'Flan' shippers allowed...
Rosy: I brought an army. :3
*A million Flans fans outside*
Flowey: FUCK. DIS. SHIT. *dissapears in the ground*
Duska: Welp. We're gonna die.
Sans: hey whats-
Duska: SANS!! *sweats profusly* uh....
Sans: whats wrong kid?
Duska: *thinks* fuuuuuuck..... can't let him know can't let him know can'tlethimknow...
Brittany: There are murderous fangirls that ship you and Flare outside...and she da captain. :3 *points to Rosy*
Rosy: *waves* Hi! :3
Sans: °~° Duska...what happened?
Duska: *dying inside*
Sans: *pokes her* why is so much happening? and why is she like this?
Flare: *thinks* Why is she? She's always so defensive about- oooooooohhh!!!! :3
Flare: I think it's because...uhhh....I brought her on a drug trip? :T
Brittany: *facepalms*
Sans: *eye lights up and sighs* I guess I just have to do with the army of shippers. Seriously... why me and Flare!?!
*magic picks the army up and throws them onto Jupiter*
Flare: Uh Sans? Are you alright?
Sans: Um... yeah... fine... *faints*
Duska: SANS!!!!!!!
Flare: Shit! I murdered another person!
Duska: *turns to Flare* Another...? °~°
Flare: I mean nothing. :3
Frisk: *shakes Duska* CALM DOWN! *slaps her face repeatedly*
Duska: OW!!! SHTOP!!!
Flare: *throws her to ground and looks at Sans* Hmm... what to do now...
Flare: Let's bring him to my Dad! :D
Brittany: THAT'S A BAD IDEA!
Flare: It worked well last time! :3
Brittany: The last person you brought was human Marionette.
Brittany: He killed her. Your Dad is off the list.
Duska: O.o I'm gonna... ignore that. Maybe my Dad? He is a scientist...
Flare: Really!?! Why haven't you introduced me yet!?!
Duska: Cause he's always busy trying to bring his best friend back from the void.
Flare: You mean Ga-
Duska: *covers her mouth quickly* Don't say his name. If either Sans or Pap hears it they'll cry :(
Flare: *nods*
Muffet: I've been here the whole time. :3
Flare: *muffled talking*
Duska: Not now Flare! We're gonna go get my Dad to help Sans!
Flare: *eyes faintly glow red, more muffled talking*
Duska: NOT NOW!
Brittany: Uh...Duska? *points to Flare*
Duska: NOT. NOW.
Flare: *eyes glowing blood red with more muffed talking*
Duska: *picks Flare up and throws over shoulder while holding Sans in her arms*
Brittany: OoO Your strong!!
Duska: I am half monster...
Flare: *demon voice* PUT ME DOWN.
Everyone's ears start ringing.
Brittany: Ow! Ma ears. ;-;
Duska: *her ears are fine* SHUT UP WOMAN! WE GOING TO DA VAN! *shoves Flare, Sans, and Brittany in da van and drives to Sylin's lab*
Duska: *carrying Sans* DAD!!! HEY!!! WE NEED HELP!!!
Sylin: DAUGHTER!!! *rushes up stairs and sees her holding an unconscious Sans* What has happened? *sees Flare and Brittany* Who are they?
Flare: *puts arm around Duska* I'm Flare! That's Brittany over there *points to Brittany who waves*
Sylin: Alright then... put Sans down on the couch.
Flare: Flare.exe has crashed.
Duska: Ignore her. *throws her to the other side of the room*
Brittany: XD
Sylin: *looks at Sans* Oh It is just an overuse of magic. He just needs rest.
Duska: *goes to kitchen and searches cupboards* Daaaaad! Where's my stash!?!!?!?!
Sylin: I hid it. It isn't healthy for you.
Duska: DX I need my salad dressing!!!!
Flare & Brittany: O.o
Flare: Welp, this has been a lovely fucking day. I get 2 hours late for school. Had my friend yell at me most of the day. Disappointed my other friend. Got a C+ on my Science test. I almost killed Sans and now I think you have made my arm eternally bleeding by throwing me at the wall.
Brittany: Tough.
Flare: ;-;
Duska: D:
Flare: *rolling away* Now I'm gonna roll back home. Bye. ;-;
Duska: *looks at Brittany* Brittany?
Brittany: *evil face*
Duska: Also you didnt almost kill Sans, it was Rosy's forsaken army.
Sylin: Come with me Flare, I'll fix your arm *she rolls over and he uses fucking magic bish*
Flare: YAY!!
Brittany: You know she's-
Flare: *covers her mouth* a normal fox girl! :D That's all! *nervous laughing*
Duska: ......You're hiding something aren't you?
Flare: Uhhh...nooo...?
Duska: -.- Very convincing.
Duska: *shakes flare* TELL MEH!!!!
Flare: Nooooooooo!!!!!!
Sylin: Duska, stop shaking the obviously not normal fox girl
Flare: >:(
Brittany XD
Brittany: Flare. Fucking tell them!
Flare: Oh shit.
Brittany: :D Yay!
Duska: *pulls phone out* ALPHYS!
*phone mumbles*
Duska: What did Flare promise you?
*nervous mumblings*
Duska: Come on.... pleeeaaaassee?
*hang up noise*
Duska: O.o
Flare: XD
Flare: You'll never know!
Brittany: *grins and slaps Flare's back*
Flare: Flare.exe has crashed.
Brittany: >:D Your secret has been revealed!
Duska: She's done that like nine times by now.
Sans: *mumbles something about ketchup*
Duska: DAD! GET DA KETCHUP!! and the salad dressing...
Sylin: I will get the ketchup but you are not having salad dressing.
Duska: DX
Flare & Brittany: XD XD XD
Flare: Flare.exe crashed because of secret.exe
Duska: -.-
Brittany: Here, let me dumb it down. Electronics crash...*motions to Flare*
Duska: Wait...does that mean...?
OOOHHH!!! End of Part 1
You all hate me now :3
I hate cliffhangers too and i've never done them before... it feels... evil XD
This is going to be a rather long RP (at least seven chapters :3) and I may put other randoms in between. Depends what mood i'm in :D
I hope you have enjoyed and are looking forward to Part 2!
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