You Shall Soon Find Out
Grillby's p.o.v:
I sat in the middle of the dark, silent room. I was left out..... I.....I don't want revenge.....I.....there's no reason for that...... I had Chadley's jacket in my hands, a pile of dust on the ground. "YOU FUKIN BITCH!" Sans kicked me in the chin, blood dropping on the ground, he broke my jaw..... "P-Please...." "PEOPLE LIKE YOU DON'T DESERVE MERCY, BURN IN HELL, GRILLBY!" I stood up. "I WON'T FIGHT YOU!" "THEN DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!" I sat up with my head pounding, I'm starting to get nightmares, too... my mirror....what the...why is it all shattered.....? I stepped on the ground, getting cut....just my luck... "FUCK!" I sat back down.
This isn't going to be my kind of night... I looked at the mirror frame, a skeleton staring back at me... and not a familiar one, either... it had a strange smile and one of his eyes were kind of closed.... he raised his hand and I flinched, watching in horror.... he started making weird....sign language? I understood it, though..... "My t!m3 !$ n0t n0w..." "W-Wait, w-who are you...?!" "That.... y0u $hall $00n f!nd 0ut y0ur$3lf...." he started to disappered. "WHY DID YOU BREAK MY MIRROR?!" But he was gone. I groaned and laid back, staring at the ceiling...
I felt the genocide rushing through my veins..... I looked at my hands and my vision was blurry..... my hands shaking..... "pfffff, hahahahahha....hahahahha....HAH...HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I had a sinister smile on my face as the shadows started whispering, wicked, evil things....
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