You and I Share The Same
Chadley's p.o.v:
Klowbi was nomming on my coat, I patted her head. "Am I going to have a sister....?" "I don't know... you might have a brother...." "I don't want a brother...." I laughed. "Who knows.... we'll just have to wait and see....." There was a knock at the door. "Now who could that be...." I asked myself. I picked her up and set her down, I walked to the door and opened it. "......w....hat are you doing here....?" "Oh Chadley, you haven't changed a bit...." "S-Stay back from me.... I...I'm stronger....." "It doesn't matter, you're coming with us." "THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL!!!" I trembled and walked backwards. "AT LEAST I'M HAPPIER, DOESN'T THAT MATTER?!" "CHADLEY, STOP BEING RIDICULOUS!!!" "YOU'RE RIDICULOUS!!!" My parents....just....why... my father grabbed my arm. ""
Sans' p.o.v:
I was eating mustard and ketchup.... I'm weird as fuck, don't judge me. Klowbi walked in the kitchen. "Hey, kiddo." I ruffled her hair. She was biting her fingers. "Heeey, why you trying to eat yourself?" she giggled and still bit. "Where's your mother?" "Bye bye." "Bye bye? Where did she go?" "Somewhere." "Uuuh... okaaay...." I stared at her and trembled a little. "......Klowbi......where did he go....?" "Bye bye." I was loosing my patience. "With anybody? Or just by himself?" "Somebody....." I sighed. She didn't kill him...that's good..... wait shit he's gone. "With who?" "I don't know.... he maaaaad........" "......." I stared at her for a while as she bit. "Where....did......." I sighed. "Sweetie, where?" "I DON'T KNOW!!!" She yelled and flailed her arms crying. "Why are you crying?!" "I WANT MOMMY!" I sighed and picked her up. "Heeey.... how about you and Papyrus play some of my video games....?" She stared at me sobbing and nodded her head. "Okay...."
I walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to his room, which he snuck in one of my games already. "Uuuuh.... I can explain." I laughed. "This little tyke wants to play, have a second controller?" He smiled wide. "Of course! Always!" "Good, I'll be back, just gotta run a few errands, okay?" "Sure thing, come back safely...." "I will, bro, don't you worry..." I smiled warmly and put her down, she walked over to him and grabbed his cape. I smiled wider. "Thanks..."
Grillby's p.o.v:
I watched as he was experimenting on a ladybug? "What's the purpose of dissecting a ladybug...? It's so small and....tiny..." I said in curiosity. "+ha+, my d3ar Gr!llby, !$ a g00d qu3$+!0n...." he said with a smile. "3v3n +h3 $mall3s+ +h!ng'$ h0ld +h3 m0$+ b!gg3$+ my$+3r!3$...." He ain't wrong. He pulled out the wings and put them in an empty test tube. "They're pretty..." "+ha+ +h3y ar3... !+'$ a $ham3 wh3n all pr3++y +h1ng'$ hav3 +0 c0m3 t0 an 3nd..." I frowned sadly. "Yeah....." he gave me a slight smile. "Bu+ n3w +h!ng'$ w!ll c0m3 +h3!r way..." "Not really..." "+rus+ m3... y0u and ! $har3 a h0rr!bl3 pa$+...." I sighed. "Yeah..." "My b0y$...... m-....n3v3rm!nd..." he smiled slightly again. I smiled slightly, too.
Sans' p.o.v:
I ran through the snow, following the footprints, I don't know who's but I'm following them. My vision kept going to black..... "Noooo... not right nooow....." That's the little nightmare I've been seeing.... the one with soulless-black eyes and ghost-pale skin. "H....Hang on just a bit love..." I panted as my running got slower and the visions got more closer... I got dizzy and the snow fell harder and I could see my breath....
Chadley's p.o.v:
My hands are bound...... I hurt all over.... My body is numb..... I don't know if I'm bloody or not... The lights are out.... I can't see anything.... I'm scared..... What's going to happen?! I don't want to stay! I don't want everything to change again.... I cried..... This has to be one of my worst fears.... I tried struggling, I just can't get free..... They're starting to hurt really bad..... tears streamed down my face, and when it really hurt.... I screamed loudly.. my mouth hurt.... my eyes hurt.... everything hurt.... I'm not sure if I had broken bones or not.... they locked me in the basement as's so cold....freezing..... I'll be a skele-pop if I don't get out of here soon....
Grillby's p.o.v:
"Dr!nk +h!$." he held a blue, glowing chemical in a test tube. "You dissect a ladybug.....and expect me to drink it's remains..." "Pr3++y much...." he snickered. I sighed and took it. "Will this kill me? 'Cause, I'm not drinking it if it kills me." "N0, ju$+ +ry !+." I sighed. "The things I do..." I started drinking it, one of the worst tastes I've ever tasted... "Jesus Christ....." "! d!dn'+ $ay !+ wa$ g0!ng +0 +a$+3 g00d, n0w d!d !?" "No..." My flames turned blue. "What the-" "!+ +urn$ y0ur flam3$ blu3... fa$c!na+!ng..." "Yeah... I-I guess so.... is it permanent?" "N0, bu+ !f y0u wan+ !+ p3rman3n+, ! c0uld +ry..." "No thank you...." I looked at my hands, so weird.... so cool looking.... "+ruly b3au+!ful....." my flames slowly turned purple. "T-Thanks...." he laughed. "0nly !f ! c0uld +ak3 s0m3 0f !+'$ magn!f!c3nc3'$...." My flames turned more purple, orangish as the blue flames started to fade away. "Aaaw, t00 bad.... $+!ll pr3++y, +h0-" "G-Gaster, please, shut up." he snickered.
"If you're such a "famous" scientist, why don't you invent something to get OUT of this core, or void, or whatever, this Hell?!" he sighed. "A$ much a$ ! w!$h +0 g3+ 0u+ 0f +h!$.... +h3r3-" "Hold up hold up," "......" "How the fuck....did you bring me down here....?" he stared at the ground. "+ha+....!$ an0+h3r gr3a+ qu3$+!0n...." I groaned and facepalmed. "Bu+ d0wn h3r3.....!+ g!v3$ m3 +!m3 +0 +h!nk... !n c0mpl3+3 $!l3nc3...... +h0ugh 0f c0ur$3 ! m!$$ and w0rry ab0u+ my b0y$....... ! w!$h +h3y d!dn'+ hav3 +0 3xp3r!3nc3 +h!ng$ 0n +h3!r 0wn al0n3... l!f3'$ +00 pr3c!0u$..... !$n'+ !+....?" "Yes.... it is..." I sighed. "! hav3 a daugh+3r +ha+'$ $t!ll !n h!gh sch00l......." "........."
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