Sans' p.o.v:
Chadley sat in my lap while watching television, resting his head against my shoulder. Papyrus went to the store to buy spaghetti and that Klowbi kid keeps getting clingy and making messes. Right now, she's sitting in front of the television. "If you sit in front of the television too long, your eyes will start hurting. It's not good for them." Chadley said. Klowbi laid on the ground. "That....isn't what I meant.... but.............. Sans.............I........" I looked at him. "Yes....?" "I don't feel so well....." I felt his head, he was kind of burning up. "Y-" "I-I'm gonna throw up..." He stood up. I stood up with him. "W-Well, go to the bathroom!" He nodded and ran to the bathroom. Klowbi got up and started to follow. "I don't think so, kiddo." I picked her up and she laughed. "Come here, kid." I walked over and sat on the couch with her. "So.....uh.... I guess I'm you're....parent.....?" I shrugged. "Mom." "Uhhh....well...I think Chadley's your mother.... I'm your....father? Or just... Sans...." "Smoms!" "What have I done...."
Chadley's p.o.v:
I threw up. "Uuuuuuaaaaahhhh..... the fuuuuck...." I stood up. "..........but....... no....I'm a male.... 100% Male........ boy.....man......." I brought out my phone and dialed Alphys. "Yes, hello Chad!" "Hello, Alphys... you know those pregnancy tests you have...?" ".........." I can only imagine the look on her face... "Yeeeeaaaah?" "Mind if I borrow one.....?" "Uh...sure thing, it shall be there in a couple hours...." "Thank you, and sorry for the weird question....." "I-It's fine.... s-sorry, I have to work on this new machine..." "It's fine.... goodbye!" "Bye." She hung up. I did, too. "Sorry, Alphys." I stood up weakly.
Grillby's p.o.v:
I served a milkshake to a costumer, going in the back again. The flames on my hands grew bigger, I looked over at the knife..... Please...please god help me.... I started trembling as the genocide ran through my fire, I hugged myself, this is the end... huh? It's not going to be long before I turn on everyone.... visions of my life and past flashed before my eyes....... everyone I've known and loved..... just...... it all disappeared..... I looked at the blue friendship bracelet on my hand, it burning...... that skeleton/ghost man grabbed the ashes and made it back into a bracelet. "Why are you so nice to me...?" I questioned him. "Y0u d3$3rv3 !+....." "I don't deserve it...... I don't deserve anything...." He was gone in a flash. "Wait, don't go!" I yelled. I looked at the bracelet that feel on the floor and picked it up, wearing it. I teared up, fire tears streaming down my cheeks. I cried and laughed insanely.
Chadley's p.o.v:
I waited a couple hours...... It came in an evolope, I took it out. "I'm crazy....but this....is crazy...." I tried it out.... Maybe I'm right.... Who knows...........................fucking hell...... I'm pregnant..... Wait.... That's a wonderful thing..... I smiled to myself..... I opened the door..... But this means a world of pain is gonna knock me off my feet.... "Sansy-Soooooo...." I walked to the living room.... I'm just full of rhymes, aren't I.....? Chara was in his hoodie. He got up and walked over to me, kissing me. "Yeah, babe?" He smiled. I took a deep breath. I showed him the pregnancy test. He stared at it for a while. "Is this a joke....?" ".......no....." "It has to be... Y-You're a male..... Aren't you....?" "Duh, I'm was born a boy. And you just," I pulled him close to me. "had sex with me three hours ago~" he blushed bright blue. "And yeah...." I let go. "I'm pregnant....." I sighed. ".....are you sure...?" "I'm sure....." "...." "What do you want to do about it....?" I want to keep it..... I love children..... "Do you want to keep it?" He placed his hand on my stomach and smiled warmly at me. I teared up and smiled. "Yes.....I want to keep it..... I love you...." "I love you, too...." ".....what about Klowbi.....?" "....." "She's our daughter, too, you know..." "..... I guess you're right....." "So we need to give her more attention, too...." "What'dya mean? She's in my hood."
I smiled. "Be nicer........ she may be your nightmare......but...." "I get it...." he smiled.
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