They Always Come Back Stronger...
Sans' p.o.v:
"I never imagined.... among everyone....you were the genocide killer.... I mean...everything we've been through.... Grillby..... I called you more than that... didn't I....? Even with all the fear I had about you, I found the strength to cast it aside. To embrace you... to support you.... to call you my..... lover? But now.... now.... what is this feeling? Kekekkekeke..... I know what this feeling is. It's HATRED. For the person who came so far just to DESTROY a friend. This power of mine, it only activates when such terrible things exists. And with it, I can see everything you've hidden from me before. Everything you've done. And everything you intend to do. Chadley once told me that nightmares weren't real... At first, I thought he was somewhat right.... And so I tried my best to cast my fears aside and keep my head up.... But now.... I've figured it out.... and it's too late to tell him that he was wrong.... It's a funny thing, isn't it? The more you want them to go away, the more they seem so realistic. But no matter how much you want to forget about it, it always comes back STRONGER. Chadley's gone because I put my fears aside and did what made him happy. But I refuse to make that mistake again. I care about so many things. I care about him. I care about this world. I care about all the happiness you took away from us. But the one thing.... the ONLY thing I no longer care about.... IS YOU...... it's a beautiful night outside...... birds are sleeping..... flowers are closed.....on night's like this..... people like you.... should be burning in HELL....!" I teared up.
Chadley's p.o.v:
Sans.........no...... I teared up and sobbed.... I walked over to him and waved my hand in front of him.... trying to get him to notice me..... I kneeled on the ground and cried...
Grillby's p.o.v:
I cried inside, I wasn't able to do anything about this..... "Come on, give me your best shot..... I dare you....." His eyes turned blue.
(I sat in the grass, smiling at a flower, a smiling one in fact, a buttercup. A hand grab my head and bashed it into the ground. "Hello flame-boy." that bully always knows where to find me...... I tried to get up, but I couldn't. They kept bashing my head against the ground. "S...T....O...P....!" "Why should I?" They stopped, he levitated in the air. "Hey, kid, you okay?" A skeleton kid asked me. "DON'T HURT ME!!" "Hey, kid, I'm not going to." "LET ME DOWN YOU FREAK!!!!" "People don't deserve this..." he told me. He threw him against the brick wall. I watched in amazement. "Wooooow...." "Pretty cool?" "Yeah!" he smiled at me and helped me up. "^-^ I'm Sans, who are you?" "M-My name is Grillby..." "Nice to meet you, Grillby!")
Chadley's p.o.v:
I could read their minds....? Their past.....? Their memories....? Do ghost do that? I tried to shake Sans, but my hands went right through him. My eyes turned wide. Of course... "If you won't... I will..." He raised his hands and bones shot out from the ground, Grillby jumped and stood on on with one foot balancing. Sans levitated the bone and shook him off, Grillby back flipped off and shot fire balls at him, Sans dodged each one. "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?! HE DIDN'T DESERVE DEATH!!!" he snapped his fingers as tears streamed down his cheeks, those Gaster Blaster thingys came out of the ground and shot a huge beam of light at him, Grillby barrel rolled forward dodging it, shoot fire at him like a flamethrower, Sans jumped in the air and levitated.
(The buttercups started to spread, only one was different though. It became more beautiful. "Where are you from, Grillby?" "Snowdin, my father's a bartender, and my mother passed away recently...." "Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that..." "It's okay.... though I wish she would come back....." "Your mother is probably in a happier place...." "I'm not... I'm in a darker place...." "Aw, kid...." Sans sat by me. I started to cry. "Don't cry...." he placed a hand on my shoulder. I laid against his shoulder, crying uncontrollably. "Don't cry.... don't cry.... it's okay.....")
There's a lot more to Grillby than I've ever imagined.....
Sans' p.o.v:
"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" He shot multiple fireballs at Grillby. "TIME CHANGES, FRIEND!!!!" "DON'T YOU CALL ME YOUR FRIEND!!!" Grillby absorbed the fireballs. "Oh you fuck...." Sans growled.
(Time passes... a month or so...... it was around Christmas time.... "Grillby?" "Yeah?" "I got you a gift." "R-Really?!" "Of course!" he gave me a present. "Well, open it~!" I laughed and opened it. It was a blue friendship bracelet. "Oh....Sans.....it's beautiful.... thank you....but....." "I know, it's bad..." "No, it's perfect....but....." I gave him a present. "???" "Just open it...." my flames turned pink. He smiled and opened it. "A red, paper heart?" he took it out. I quickly kissed him.)
Chadley's p.o.v:
H-He loved Sans....? T-That would explain t-things....... w-was I in their way.....? I screw up everything...... I even ruined their relationship.... I cried..... maybe... I can stay dead..... and they can be happy together....... I'll stay out of their way.... I cried even harder...... but I can't... I love Sans so goddamn much..... I can't let him go.... but....but...... why am I so miserable....? "Give it up..... you can't stop me....." "FUCK YOU, GRILLBY!!!!" He levitated him in the air and slammed him against the walls over and over again.
(I laid in the field of flowers, I talked to that smiling buttercup. "Howdy!" "Howdy!" "My name is Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" "Howdy Flowey!" "You can make one wish..... if you just say "Asriel Dreemer!"" "Asriel Dreemer!" "Hahahhahahhah! What is your wish?" ".........I wish my mother wasn't dead....." "You're wish....has been granted....... genocide....." "Hmm?" "Oh nothing! Hhahahhahaha!")
W-Who's Flowey? Or Asriel? W-Why did he give Grillby genocide?
"I'm about done with you....." he kept slamming Grillby against the walls, all bloody. I covered my mouth and closed my eyes, tearing up.
("YOU TRICKED ME!!!" Tears streamed down my face. "OF COURSE I TRICKED YOU!!! HAHAHA FOOL! YOU CAN'T JUST WISH AND THINK IT WILL COME TRUE, NOW DO YOU!? YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT DOESN'T HAVE A MOTHER?! I GAVE YOU GENOCIDE, YOU'LL SEE THE BRIGHTER SIDE MY WAY!!!" Flowey popped under the ground. "NOOO!!! COME BAAACK!!!" I cried. I cried so much.... Sans growled at me. "I trusted you...... I loved you..... and you trick me like some pawn..... GET DUNKED ON!!!!!")
I cried more. "I'M SICK OF YOU!!!" He stopped and clenched his fist, red shattered of Grillby and he turned to ashes. He trembled and tears streamed down his face. He kneeled on the ground and cried out loud. "WHY?! JUST WHY?!" I kneeled on the ground, too, in front of Sans, crying..... He stood up and walked over to my cold body, picking it up bridal-style. "Chadley..... please.... you haven't turned to dust....... you have to wake up.... p-please... don't be dead........ I love you.... I swear on my heart.... I love you so much.... more than you can imagine....." he cried. He slowly turned around, walking down the stairs. I followed him.
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