Chadley's p.o.v:
Apparently I decided to walk..... I tried turning back, my legs just won't do. A yellow flower popped out of the ground. "Aaaaaw, poor Chadley, all defenseless.... where are you off to, buddy? Off to genocide road?" he laughed demonic. "W-What's happening to me....?" "Aaaaaw... just a little of this pollen while do all the pleasure of becoming genocide, I AM the genocide prince after all...." it popped back under the ground. "C-COME BACK! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I cried and kept walking, knocking on the purple door, smiling and trembling. "S-Sans....P-Papyrus....please....." I cried. I started laughing again. "OH JOYOUS GENOCIDE!!!" I yelled as it ran through my veins. I paced, crying. Voices echoed in my head. 'Don't worry, this will be all over soon, just let it slide~' I trembled, I'm scared to death. 'Death~' "W-Why me?!" I cried... I don't want to hurt the ones I love...... Toriel opened the door. "Oh, Chadley, it's been such a long time! Eheeheh, sorry, it's a little bit awkward, but you're adorable as always!" ".......Thanks......" "Chadley.....why do you have bandages over your eyes and head....? What happened...?" "...I turned blind......" "Oh dear.... how did you get here....?" "......... I guess guidance...." "O-Okay then, why don't you come in? It's freezing outside, dear." She stepped in, I followed. "How did you become blind?" ".......chlorophyll......." "Chlorophyll? That's rather strange, but horrible.... I've baked some pie, would you like to try some?" 'With a sharp fork?' "Sure, thank you..."
Sans' p.o.v:
I looked around the house. "Where they fuck did he go?" I saw Papyrus trembling. "Bro, what's wrong?" I asked him. "....... I...It's all my fault....." "What's your fault?" "I-I let him go.... w-why....... I couldn't help him...... I didn't know how with such evil in evil presence lives inside him..... more evil than Grillby....more evil than Asgore....more evil than Gaster...more evil.....than anything....." "W-What are you talking about...?" "IT'S TOO LATE!!!" he cried. "B-Bro, you're scaring me....!" "C-Chadley left..... h-he won't stop until he collects all of the souls of the innocent....." "W-What are you talking about- how could he, he's blind!" "He can see through the bandages now....and can smell the blood of the innocent." "W-Where did he go?!" "He'll slaughter......" "P-Papyrus!" tears streamed down my face. "H-He went to Toriel's..." "T-Toriel?!" I trembled. "O-Oh geez..... s-stay safe, o-okay?" he nodded. I ran outside.
Chadley's p.o.v:
I stretched my fingers, the red liquid flooding down the palm of my hands, blood splattered on me, I held three, levitating hearts, one purple, one lavender, and one green. That buttercup popped out of the floor. "Good go-" "How did you do that?" "Easy, my friend of mine..... my caring innocent mother.... do you see those?" "Duh." "Those are the souls." "Duh. "Let me fucking finish. These will give you all the power you need..... you will become unstoppable....." I smirked. "Where do I put them?" "I will carry those for you." "Fat chance." "Fine, they'll follow you around." I put the one the ground and the started to levitate up in the air. "Sweet." "Now go, go my dark one, go!" I nodded, trembling and walking out of the house. "It was a good pie, too...." they followed me. I trembled and sobbed.
Sans' p.o.v:
I ran in the house, my eyes went wide. No, no no no no no. I covered my mouth in horror. I couldn't look at this.... it was horrid... I walked out, going to throw up. "Chadley... what have yo done..?" I asked myself, I looked at the barely covered footsteps, I followed them quickly, I have to stop this.... I have to get my sweet, innocent baby back..... tears streamed down my face.
Grillby's p.o.v:
I covered my mouth in horror. "T-To Chadley...? D-Did it spread...?" "N0... ra+h3r ch00$3n...." he said sadly. "B-But it's not his fault, is it?" "! d0n'+ kn0w wh0 +0 blam3 anym0r3..." Tears stream down mt face. "Come on, no more..." he walked back into the laboratory and I followed. "THIS IS SO FUCKED UP!!!!" I yelled and kneeled on the ground. "P-Please... I-I would rather have my genocide back...." I sniffled.
Chadley's p.o.v:
I drug myself to Undyne's place and knocked on the door, kneeling on the ground and crying. "S-Sans...P-Papyrus.....please save me............I don't deserve to live.....I don't deserve anything...." I shook my head. Undyne opened the door. "Hey, fruity." "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that..." "Sorry, anyways, WELCOME AND COME ON IN! Wait, Chadley, you've been training so hard you've got bandages around you." "Sure, let's go with that." "How can you even see?" "These eyes.....have mysteries." "I like it. Come on." She walked inside and I followed. "How would you rate your strength?" "Oh, the strongest in all of the whole land!" "I'd like to see that." "Wanna fight?" "Sure." "Be prepared, no mercy!" A spear appeared in her hand and she threw it at me, I caught it in a flash and smiled wickedly.
Sans' p.o.v:
I followed them, what have you done.......what have you done.... Chadley what have you done....."
Chadley's p.o.v:
"Strongest?" I sighed. "Can't I find a worthy opponent?" The souls glowed cyan. I crooked my head demonic. "Now, how about ol' Alphys?" I cracked my neck and was on my way already, Every piece of innocence and sweetness was far out of my head. Sheesh, blood dripped from my coat. I touched some and tasted it, smirking evilly. "Oh yes yes~" It was freezing, too freezing.... but at the same time, I couldn't feel anything. Blood drops fell to the ground as I ran my hands through my hair and laughing lightly, blood streaks in it now. That flower thing popped out of the ground again. "Howdy!" "Can't you leave me alone for five seconds?" I crossed me arms. "Wow, you're much more bitchy when you're on genocide." "Excuse me?!" "Nothing, just get all the souls and hurry! You don't have much time left!" It popped back in the ground. "I only got four..... six more to go...." I sighed and put my hands in my pockets.
Sans' p.o.v:
"No fucking way... he...he defeated Undyne...?" I said in horror. "Chadley...what's possessing you to do such things...?" I took the sphere out of her and threw it aside, tearing up and running back outside. "CHADLEY, WHERE TH-" I looked at the blood drops and followed them. "YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS, RIGHT NOW!!!" I don't want to hurt him..... I really don't.....
Chadley's p.o.v:
How do I get there so easily? I give up and use teleportation. Why? Honestly, I don't know. I could hear his voice. I sighed and snapped my fingers, teleporting in front of Alphys' door, knocking on it, waiting. Blood on me, I'll have to make up an excuse, maybe. Mettaton opened the door. "Oh, Chadley, honey, what happened?!" "Just got in an accident." "Oh Jesus, please, come in!" he walked inside and I followed with a smirk. "What happened? I want to know everything." "I-It was horrible..." I walked in the kitchen. I grabbed the sink sprayer and turned the sink on. "I...I... GOT A TASTE OF BETRAYAL IN LIFE! LIFE BETRAYED ME!" I squirted water on him and he started sparking, I smiled wide crying. He fell on the ground and Alphys covered her mouth, staring at me. "H-How could you....?" "Hello, Alphys~"
Sans' p.o.v:
"Just like the nightmares....just like them...." Tears streamed down my face. I started breathing
heavily as the snow fell harder. My eyes glowed blue....
Chadley's p.o.v:
Mettaton's soul glowed pink and Alphys' yellow. I sighed and held all the souls, crying and hugging them. "C-Come, my beauty's.... l-let's get work d-done...." I let them go and started walking back to the house.
Sans' p.o.v:
It started to rain.... fuck yes... thank you rain.... I put up my hood... following the blood drops... "Follow the red drop road..." I said out of boredom. I ran into him, getting my coat freshly blooded. "C-CHADLEY!!!" he looked miserable and teleported away before I could touch him. My hand shook, tears streaming down my face. "GODDAMMIT!" I fell to the ground. "O-Okay... t-think, S-Sans.... w-where could he have went....?"
Chadley p.o.v:
I kneeled to the ground, teleporting by the house.... Blood ran down my eye sockets and mouth, crying so hard, the souls kept following me. I covered my eyes that were around the bandages, feeling so bad...... how could I do something like this....? I'm a monster... everyone's going to hate me..... Someone kneeled in the snow by my side, I kneeled in the pouring rain, washing the blood and hurt away.... I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stared at Papyrus in horror. He smiled warmly and held his hand out. I trembled and cried, refusing. "Why would you want to help ME....?" "Because you are family, Chadley.... That's what friends are for........ We love you......even if you don't know it....." I cried and trembled, smiling. I took his hand and he helped me up, standing with open arms. I frowned. "..........." "It's okay...... It's all okay" I hugged him, my heart pounding dark and I'm crying hard..... He hugged back.
Sans' p.o.v:
He's gotten to everyone...... Wait.... My heart stopped.... "Papyrus....." I teared up. "PAPYRUS!!!!!!" I didn't have time for walking. I teleported instead. I covered my mouth in horror and tears streamed down my face... it was too late.... he turned to dust, blood in the snow..... only thing left living... is Chadley heavily breathing.... I clenched my fist and my eyes glowed terribly blue... I'm done playing around.... I trembled and raised my hand a little.... he kneeled to the ground and burst out crying...... "Why?! Why?! Why?!" he repeated over and over again. He grabbed the red scarf he always wore and put it on him.
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