I Have Feelings
Chadley's p.o.v:
I don't want this trip to end, it was wonderful.... Sans was awake, unusually awake... I snuggled closer to him. "I love you guys..." He looked at me and smiled. "We love you, too, Chad..." "You guys changed my life around...." He stared at me and smiled wider, snuggling into my chest, I kind of giggled.
Grillby's p.o.v:
I wiped the counters, the bar was closed.... only my flames lit up the room... no other light.... I looked out the window, watching each....single......white.....snow flake.... fall........sticking on the ground.... not moving...... stuck...... I smiled to myself........... and shaking my head, staring at the ceiling..... I was always the one left out............. there was that one kid that replaced me.............that skeleton......... but that was years ago....... I still remember....... his flowing, glowing, soft, blonde hair, blowing through the air................. I feel the genocide rushing in my veins........... I shook with fear............ it feels so good..................... I remember that laugh.............. I saw him here just a week ago............ I knew it was him............ I knew it........ please...............please Grillby..............calm down............please...........they're your friends...............please...................please forgive me..................... I'm sorry my old friend.............................. my senpai.................. my lovely............................ my pun master.............. I can't help to be so genocidal, now.... i-it's not my fault.... you have to believe me.... you have to believe me... Chara put a hand on my shoulder and smiled wide.
Sans' p.o.v:
We got out of the car, hopefully Grillby didn't burn down the place. Hhahahhahah, he's a nut....... The driver drove away with a sigh of relief. Yeah, me too, buddy...... "Hey, uh, you two get home, I'll catch up to you guys...." "But....Sansy, where are you going.....?" Chadley said worried. "Don't worry, darling, I'm just going somewhere, I'll be back, I promise....." I waved. He waved back, smiling a bit. He always was so worried, Papyrus waved happily. They were adorable. I started walking in the snow, the bar was closed, but he let's me come in at closing time..... I guess I'm his number one costumer or something.... I walked in, the only light source was him, lighting up the room. "Welcome back, Sans." "Hey, Grillby." I walked up and sat down. "What can I get you today?" "Uh, I don't think anything right now.... just wanting to talk and stuff...." "What happened to your eye?" "Wha......oh...that......well....if I tell you.....please don't think I'm crazy....and tell no one..... promise?"
He smiled and nodded. "I mean it....." "I promise." I sighed. "I've been having nightmares about everyone dying right before my very eye sockets....... it haunts me so much......... I've been dreaming of a human, with rosy pink cheeks and a sinister smile..... it whispers horrid, terrifying, paralyzing, dreaded things...... telling me I couldn't save them and I've been so weak....." I sighed. "I'm seeing things that no one else sees...... and I get up all wobbly...... that's what happened to my eye...... I got all scared and paralyzed and fell, my eye socket hitting the door knob, smashing and cracking it....blood everywhere...." ".......................that's rough, buddy......................" "Is it not crazy?" "It's pretty bizarre...." his eyes kept darting. I sighed more. "I've been so stressed because of it....." "....I'll make you a milkshake, on me...." "Kekkeke, thanks Grillbz....." "No problem....." He started making it.
Chadley's p.o.v:
I sat on the couch and looked at the ceiling, colors were flashing.... and I felt woozy... "Is Sans going to be alright?" Papyrus looked at me worried. "Sans is strong, Papyrus....I know he is...." He nodded and sat by me.
Grillby's p.o.v:
I leaned closer as he blushed bright blue. "G-Grillby...... w-what are you doing....?" "I-If I do this....p-please don't hate me...." "G-Grillby....I-I'm sorry... b-but I-" I started trembling, he's with somebody else.....well......I won't....not on the lips, anyway....... I quickly pecked his forehead and stepped back. "W-Why did you do that.......?" "I-I'm sorry, I-I just...I-I..." "Grillby.....I-I'm taken....by someone that has my heart....." He looked at the ground. "I-I know, p-please forgive me....." "........What's going on....?" "I-I....." I leaned against the wall. "....." "Grillby, please, you're my friend, and I wanna help you...." he got up and slowly walked over to me cautiously. "Please....tell me....."
Why does he want to know so bad.....? "Are you...depressed or anything...? I-I can help you...." Depressed? "Sans.....I......I have feelings....for you....." "..... I know how you feel...... but...... I'm sorry... you have to find someone else....someone else to keep you happy and on your feet...." "Why....or...how....do you know all this....." "Because Chadley's been through the same as you've been...... everyone's been through hell and back......." I stared into his beautiful, uh....dark...eye socket.... that's awkward, I mean, it sounds awkward...but it really wasn't..... "A-And I don't hate you, I-I know you can't help it..... but please....let me go....... i-it's the best way to relieve it..." "I can't...." "You can, Grillby....I know you can...." he opened his arms and smiled....... somehow I imagined him saying get dunked on... *sigh*.... like always..... I hugged him.... no puns? Tricks? Dunking? He smiled and hugged back.
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