How Can I Forgive Myself...?
Sans' p.o.v:
I trembled and raised my hand a little higher, I want to levitate him soooo bad.... m-my brother.... h-he's dead... MY BROTHER IS DEAD! Tears streamed down my face.. and everyone I know is dead.... just him... HE's left.... he cried loudly putting his hands in the dust. "Talk to me...say something! It's not fair! It's not fair!" he cried. "Nothing's ever fair..... everything has to shatter every single bit of happiness I earn!" He balled his fist and his tears dripped on the snow. "Sans' is going to hate me...everybody hates me now.... I don't belong in this world! I never did! I just want to die.... I just want to die with you all...." he laid on the snow. "I don't care if it's freezing.... I'll be a Popsicle for all I care.... I hate myself... I hate my life...... why me?! Why me God?!" I walked up to his body, my eye glowing blue. He looked at me and sat up, staring at the ground. "......go ahead....kill me....... please...." I stared at him for long minutes..... He looked up at me with huge tears in his eyes and a sad frown, crying, broken in his eyes.... "What are you waiting for?! Kill me already!!!!" he begged.
I couldn't bring myself into hurting him, though... I love him..... I sobbed silently and kneeled on the ground, staring at him.... he slowly took off the bloody bandages and threw them on the ground, revealing his eyes. "What are you doing....?! I don't deserve to live....." I crawled over to him and hugged him, sobbing silently in his shoulder. " can you not hurt me...?" "C-Chad.... s-swear to me..... a-and tell me the truth..... please....." "W-What....?" he trembled and shaked. "Sshhhh..... did you mean to kill everyone.....? Did you mean to do this....?" "N-No! I-I didn't!" he cried hard and more louder. "Sssshhhhh....." I cuddled him.
Chadley's p.o.v:
"I-I don't understand....." I cried. He sat down and pulled me close, setting me in his lap. "Don't you hate me...?" he sighed, staring at me sadly. "I-I'm sorry.... I-I'm so sorryyyyy..." I cried, it's no use..... "I-I-I promised y-you I would p-protect y-you........" "B-but-" "N-No, I-I promised...." tears streamed down his face. "I-......What if I just...stayed at my parents house and I-I never even came into your life....?" "D-Don't say that..." "I-It's true... I-I'm nothing..." "C-...." he couldn't even say my name. "C-Chad......" he sobbed. "D-Don't you want revenge.....?" He hugged me tighter. "I-I don't want to hurt you, Chadley..." The souls kept staying in a line, just staying there.....
I wish you would step back from that friend.....
You could...cut ties with all the lies you've been living in....
And, if you do not want to see me again.....
I would understand....
I would understand....
The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain....
You think you don't belong....
You''re the first to fight....
A bit too loud....
You're a flash of light...
On a burial shroud....
I know something wrong...
He cupped my cheek as his breathing was slow, still frowning...
Well I have got a reason to say...
Put the past away...
Wish you would step back from that ledge... my friend...
You could...cut ties with all the lies you've been living in...
And, if you do not want to see me again...
I would understand....
I would understand...
Well he's on the table and he's gone to code....
And I do not think anyone knows what they're doing here.....
And you're friends.... have left..... you've been dismissed...
I never thought it would come to this....
And I want you to know....
Everyone's got to face down the demons.... today......
Maybe today.... we can put the past away...
Sans' p.o.v:
He quickly got up trembling. "N-No, I won't put it away! I-I'll never put it away!" His eye glowed pink, a mist coming out of it. "I-I'LL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF OR ANYTHING THAT I'VE DONE!!!!!" he cried as his tears turned glowing and pink. I stood up slowly, walking over to him. "J-JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" he cried demonic. "I HATE MYSELF AND I H-HATE MY LIFE! I-I JUST WANT TO DIE!!!" "C-Chad, d-don't say that...." "A-AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY?! THAT I'M IN HAPPY LAND?! "ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD AND IT'S MY SINS AND FAULT, BUT EVERYTHING'S OKAY, RIGHT?! KNOWING I'M THE FACE OF THE MURDER?!" he cried and trembled. I never thought of it that way, actually..... he's going through a hard time, but... I just have this block in my head...... I trembled and grab his hand, he looked at me with blood running down his eye socket's.... "P-PLEASE!!!" he took his hand away and ran away. "......" I trembled, my heart sank......
I never wanted this to happen... I-I thought we could be happy for once.... B-But I don't want to loose him... "C-CHADLEY!! P-PLEASE!! I-I CAN'T LOOSE YOU!! I-I'VE-" I clasped a hand over my mouth, I was going to say I've lost too many people to loose you.... I uncovered my mouth and followed him. "I-I LOVE YOU!! PLEASE!! D-DON'T LEAVE ME!!" The souls followed. "W-WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!" I shouted angrily at the souls. They kept following... I fell to the ground, crying..... I'm loosing everything... I'm loosing myself..... my heart is breaking into a million little pieces.... I got back up, trying to follow him. "PLEASE, STOP RUNNING AWAY!!" "I CAN'T, I-I JUST CAN'T!! PLEASE, D-DON'T FOLLOW ME!! I LOVE YOU, TOO!! WHICH IS WHY I CAN'T TURN BACK!! I CAN'T SEE YOU WITHOUT REMINDING MYSELF THAT I HURT YOU AND EVERYONE!!" I kept following him.
Chadley's p.o.v:
I didn't turn back, I kept running away from my troubles.... from everything... "LEAVE ME ALONE, SANS, GO LIVE YOUR LIFE HAPPILY!!" "H-HOW CAN I LIVE HAPPILY WITHOUT THE PERSON I LOVED FOR SO LONG!!" "Y-YOU'LL GET OVER IT, E-EVERYBODY DOES!!" I tried to slither myself away from this conversation. "I-I CAN'T EVER C-CHADLEY, I-I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" "SOUNDS LIKE OBSESSION TO ME!! KNOWING YOUR BROTHER IS DEAD BY THE LOOKS OF MY COLD, FREEZING HANDS!! BUT YOU STILL LOVE ME?! SOUNDS SICKENING!" I cried. "....." I stopped in my trace, staring at the ground, letting the darkness take over my body. "W-W-WHY DO YOU STILL LOVE ME?! I-IT WILL BE ALL OVER SOON!!" My eye glowed really bright pink, it hurt.... "BECAUSE YOU'LL END ME!!!" "I-I WON'T HURT YOU!!!" "JUST FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!" The souls levitated around me, floating in circles.
I turned around with huge tears in my eyes. "I-I'M BROKEN, S-SANS, Y-YOU CAN'T HELP ME OR HEAL ME!! I-I'M HURT...." He trembled and sobbed. Voices whispered in my head. "He obviously won't fight you, why not fight him with the help of me???" "N-No... I-I don't want to do anything..." I whispered quietly. "Oh, come on, let's do something fun, dear Chad~!" My heart beat fast. "Will you let me try....?" he offered his hand to me. Tears streamed down my face. "Please, Chadley... let me try to help you.... please...." blood ran down my eye sockets again as I cracked a smile. "Fight me...." "What...?" "Fight me..... for the sake of your friends...." "....... I-I can't fight you...." "Pfft..... I knew are pathetic..." "W-What....?" "You can't even save your friends..... you can't even fight me...... I've come to realize... who can I trust in this world....? Who will save me....? No one.... because everyone is selfish in their own ways.... and you can't trust anybody...."
Sans' p.o.v:
"Reality only stays once in your life.... and I'm bound to loose it.... NOW FIGHT ME!!!" he yelled viciously as the souls surrounded him, laughing demonic.
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