Childhood Friend
Chadley's p.o.v:
I bounced the ball, smiling and keeping my eyes on it. I was really lonely, but I was afraid no one would play with me. I walked over to some people who were playing hopscotch. "H-Hey... I-I'm kind of lonely... will you p-play with me?" I smiled. They stared at me like was speaking another language. My eyes turned white with hope. I had the power to cast an energy ball of pink, it was pretty... and my eyes turn different colors, telling my emotion. "We don't play with people like you... go play somewhere else..." I frowned and nodded sadly. I turned around and walked away, my ball still in my hands. Why I'm I so different? It's not fair...
I started to sniffle and tear up. I sat on the bench, looking at the sunset. It was so pretty... "Heya." Another skeleton kid sat by me. "Hi..." I said softly and quiet. "I'm Sans, the skeleton." I smiled. "I-I'm Chadley..." "Nice to meet you, Chadley... do you want to play ball?" he smiled. I gasped and smiled wide. "Yeah!" I got up excitedly. "Hey... knock knock." I tilted my head in confusion and threw him the ball. "Who's there?" "Bee." "Bee who?" "Want to BEE friends?" I laughed a little. "YEAH!" He chuckled. My eyes turned yellow, happiness.
Sans' p.o.v:
He seems like a nice kid, it's a shame no one likes him. I threw the ball to him. He's joyful, and kind. Papyrus ran up to me. "Hiya, brother!" he smiled cheerfully. "Heya, bro... do you want to play ball with us?" He nodded his head. "What do you think, Chadley?" "Yeah!" I threw to ball to Papyrus and he started nomming on it. "Hey hey hey, throw the ball, not eat!" He threw it to Chadley. "Where are you from, Chadley?" I asked him. "Snowdin." He responded and threw me the ball. "Cool, we do, too!" At least we live close by! That's a great start. Toriel come running to me. "SANS!" She yelled. "How many friends do you have...?" "Eh, some. Let's see, there's Papyrus, Toriel, Asgore, Undyne,, Mettaton and Alphys." "Wow... I wish I had friends..." He smiled wide. "Aaaaaand you!"
He gasped happily. "Really?!" "Sure thing!" He threw it to me, Toriel tugged on my hood. "Yeah, what is it, Toriel?" I smiled softly. "I can't find Undyne and Alphys... me and Asgore were looking for him... we were playing hide and seek." "Gee... want to play hide and seek, Chadley?" "Yeah!"
Chadley's p.o.v:
We spent an hour playing all together... we started playing tag. "GOT YOU!" Undyne tackled me harshly. "Ack!" I fell to the ground. "Hey... you were supposed to tag, not tackle!" I frowned and looked at her. My eyes turned a little blue, kind of sad. She smiled wide and giggled. "You snooze you loose." She got up and ran away fast. I got up and ran after Alphys, which was screaming and laughing. Mettaton ran after me. "COME BACK HERE!" He laughed and put my hood on my head, I started laughing.
I didn't want it to end, but it had to. I told them goodbye sadly and they waved, hoping they will see me soon. I stepped inside and sat at the dining table, which my parents were eating. "I met some new friends today!" I smiled wide, pretty happy. "You were gone for an hour, son. MORE than an hour." I sunk a little in my seat. It was totally worth it. "At least I had fun..." I mumbled and started eating. "Oh yeah... Papyrus is adorable, he's little and loves to chew on things, and Toriel is really kind and gentle and loves to play games, Undyne can be rough, but she's a good friend, and Asgore loves to laugh and play, and Alphys' is the same as Asgore and Toriel, but she gets scared easily and gets nervous, and Mettaton is a robot kid, he loves to sing and dance!" My eyes turned bright, light yellow, extreme happiness and hope.
"That sounds wonderful, dear." I put up my pink hood and snuggled happily. "And Sans was the best..." "Who's Sans?" "Sans is caring and is all of their friends, he loves to make jokes and puns and is really funny! He's kind and means well and actually cares about me!" I squealed. They kept eating, but looked kind of worried. "I want to play with them again tomorrow!" I said dreamily. My eyes turned a little pink. Dreamily.
Sans' p.o.v:
I sat on the couch, watching television. Papyrus was almost asleep, he was worn out. "Sans... will we play again tomorrow?" "I don't know, bro." I smiled.
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