Catching a Cold
Chadley's p.o.v:
After the whole "OMG YOU AND SANS!" Sans was pretty upset, and sad. We are now in the taxi, driving to Mettaton's place... he's sleeping and resting his head on my shoulder. After this, we go home, I guess.... "Longer....?" I heard Sans say. I cuddled him, I wonder what kind of twisted things he's dreaming of this time... "Longer..." A voice whispered in my head..... "Until what...?" "Until it's time..." "What time....?" "I guess you'll have to figured that out yourself.... you're gonna have... a bad time...." I bit the bottom of my lip. Sans cupped my cheek bones and I looked at him, he was staring straight into my eye sockets. "Told you...." He pecked my lips.
Papyrus was looking out the window. "Everything will be lost..." "It won't, come on, Sans...... remember...?" He sighed and smiled sadly, kissing me. "You're really sweet, Chad..." he mumbled between the kiss. Papyrus looked at us. "OwO" he looked back out the window (wtf XD)
Sans' p.o.v:
Papyrus still doesn't get us.... I mean all the hickeys and....stuff....and I hope he doesn't. I pulled away from the kiss. Thank god the taxi driver doesn't pay any attention... or...I hope he doesn't.... "Okay, almost to your destination." "Right, want me to pay, Chad?" "No, I got it." "You sure?" "Yeah." I snugged closer to him, smiling. "I love your hair..." I put my hand though his hair. "I love your, uh, skullyness..." "Be quiet." I laughed. The taxi stopped and he payed him five dollars. "Thanks, mister." We got out and Papyrus ran up to the door, pounding on it. The taxi drove away. Something tell me he doesn't like us. Whatever, at least we're paying him. We walked up to Papyrus which was squealing in happiness and excitement. Mettaton opened the door. "Sans, Chadley, Papyrus, darlings~!" he hugged us. "It's so good to see you again!" "You too, Mettaton!" "It is cold outside, you should come in and warm up!" he let go and walked inside, we followed. The walls were pink and the carpet black, a dance stage, a jukebox, disco ball, dance floor, he was really into dancing. some drums, microphone, guitar, pianos, all kinds of stuff.
I picked up a trombone. "Hey, Papyrus, look what I found." "A trom-" I smiled wide. "Forgot it, Sans." I giggled and put it back. "I see you like the trombone!" I giggled louder. "I love it." I sneezed. "Bless you, darling~ You must be starving~! Would you like something to eat~?" Papyrus clapped his hands and Mettaton laughed. "Alright~ I'll be back with a surprise~" he walked in the kitchen with style, I don't know how he could walk in those boots... looks like something Chad would wear....
Chadley's p.o.v:
Sans sneezed again. "Are okay, babe?" I asked him, feeling his head. Papyrus was too fascinated in the drums. He was burning up. "Oh hon.... you're burning up..." I kissed his forehead. "Hopefully you won't catch a bad cold..." "M-Me neither...." he said sniffling. "Aaaw..." "What's that, darlings~? Something about being sick~?" "U-Uh....maybe..." "I can't catch a cold~ I'm a robot~ so don't worry, you can stay as much as you'd like~" "R-Really....? Thanks, Mettaton..." "No problem~" his face turned a little blue. I wonder where he could of caught it from... he sat on the couch I sat with him. "I made some tomato soup earlier~ Maybe that'll fight some of that cold away~" I smiled. "That would be great, thank you." "No problem~" I hugged him tight and Papyrus started to play the drums, smiling at Sans. "Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!" He sang. I started singing with him. "They way that you flip your hood gets me overwhelmed!" "They way that you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell." "You don't know-o-ow, you don't know you're beautiful!" He giggled and put his hood over his head, coughing.
Mettaton came in with three plates of spaghetti with a three bowls of tomato soup. "That was truly splendorous~!" he smiled wide and gave us the plates and owl. "Thanks, Mettaton." we said. "No problem, darlings~" "You can cook spaghetti?!" he tasted it. "This is amazing!" figures. "Yes, I love to cook all kinds of food~!" I could see Sans' breath, it was all glowing blue. "Oh dear, let me see..." he put his hand and his head. "It's just a little cold.... hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow." Sans smiled in relief. "That's good to know..."
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