Welcome to the death games, darling~
Underfell! Mettaton X Reader
Silence was the only thing you heard as you felt your senses come back to you. First it was hearing, then touch and finally your sight... At least thats what you thought. You were unable to see anything but black until you heard the sounds of heals on steel floor. "H-hello?" You cautiously asked but it was kind of hard to sine your tongue was still numb. "Morning darling. Good to see your awake. Just in time too, I didn't want to hurt that pretty face of yours." The sound of Metatton's voice was kind of calming but the fact that you had woken up the way you did worried you. "Mettaton? What's going on?" You asked, your tongue slowly waking up from its slumber. Before he could answer, a sudden sound of curtains opening and the start of a gameshow started. There was a loud cheer from the people crowd that seemed to be in front of you. "Hello my gruesome guys and girls!" Mettaton yelled to the crowd and that caused them to yell louder.
"Today I have a very special guest today. The one and only (y/n) the human." Mettaton announced and one of his arms pulled the blindfold off from on top of your eyes. Two of his other arms where around your waist tightly and his other hand was holding a microphone up to his mouth. It took a while for your eyes to adjust to the heavy amounts of light that was shone onto you but soon you were able to spot monsters young and old clapping and small cheers could be heard. On closer inspection, all your friends where in the front row. Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys, Sans, Monster kid and Flowey but he looked like he was being forced to watch but he really didn't want to. "So tell us a bit about yourself darling." He brought the mic to your mouth.
You stuttered before telling people how you had fallen to the underground and you had been here for about a month. You tell them how you had made friends which seemed to drop viewers and Mettaton's smile dropped to a slight angry scowl so you thought you would leak some kind of juicy information which was the fact that Mettaton was your boyfriend. That got quite a few more views then before which made him pleased and he smiled his legendary, dark smile. "Thank you (y/n). now who is ready to watch my precious darling go on the wheel of misfortune?" Mettaton asked and your eyes went wide, looking up at your boyfriend. Was he kidding? Where you going to be on his twisted gameshow?
You suddenly fell as he let go of you and landed on a metal bed where Mettaton's 4 arms strapped you in. "Now then, on this wheel is the 7 deadly sins. This wheel will tell us which sin you are guilty of most and a punishment will follow. Now my darlings, count down with me!" The whole crowd started yelling a count down before your whole world started spinning rapidly and you felt yourself grow sick quickly. Suddenly the wheel stopped so quickly that you scraped your head along the metal bed. "My my (y/n). Looks like your sin is..." You gulped. This was not going to be fun but with memories of the past floating in your head, this was his sick and twisted way of showing affection and care. After all, he would choose you to star in most of his gameshows. You had gotten to this after a while though.
((Choose a sin: Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Vanity (Pride), Sloth, Wrath, Envy. Leave a comment on which one you want to see and I'll make it happen. Sorry this one was short but i have quite a lot of other requests to go through so yeah))
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