Giving into temptation
Underswap!Napstablook X Reader
"Please let me go. I'll be fine since I'm with the girls." (y/n) begged looking the Sans. Gaster kid was his his room and Papyrus had already given her an ok about the girls night out. Sans thought, unsure. Undyne, Alphys, Queen Toriel an a long with a few other females from the underground where going to have a small party to get away from everything else and just have fun which was Undyne's idea. Sands sighed before nodding finally. "fine but be careful." He said. you smiled widely and hugged him before grabbing your jacket and leaving. Sans was like a short over protective father but that was probably because of Gaster kid and Papyrus being lazy.
You caught up with everyone quickly, putting your jacket and everyone greeted you. All the females and you walked to Muffet's so Muffet could relax while her spiders take over for a little while. They walked in and ordered a few bottles of alcohol and tried to convince Muffet to leave her bar and go to the hotlands and hand at the lab. All the while, you looked around and wondered of some things people could do for the girl's night. Eventually Muffet let out a loud sigh and agreed to leave. She swapped her skates to actual shoes for the snow and she told a spider to take really extra good care of her bar.
With the walk to the lab, everyone was talking about random things while you stayed quiet and just listened to what everyone else would talk about until you made it to the lab. All the girls pilled into the room and started opening drinks and got the tv to show some tv shows that where either NTT branded or with Napstablook himself in them. In the end, a music countdown list was the best chosen thing. You took a drink that as handed to you by Muffet and you started to drink. This would probably be a long night.
~Time skip brought to you by Nice cream. The frozen treat that warms your heart - Nice cream cat~
You world span and you couldn't think straight but the only things on your mind where your crush Napstablook and the girls with their current game of truth or dare. All of them being drunk, they didn't care that the game of truth or dare was childish. Toriel was the sad drunk, Alphys was happy, Undyne was clingy and Muffet was pretty angry. "(y/n) truth or dare!" Muffet said, slamming her bottle onto the ground without it smashing. "Dare, I ain't no chicken!" You said happily. Everyone smirked down at you but you didn't flinch at all. "Go make out with your crush. Napstablook" Your cheeks became more then just tinted from the amount of liquor you had drunk. "Ya gotta do it (y/n)" Alphys said and Toriel hugged you, crying a little "I'm not letting my child go!" You did end up struggling from her hug and left for Napstablook's house.
Somehow when you were given the dare, you felt as if some part of you became sober. This was one way you could confess to him and you were pretty sure the girls were watching you through Undyne's tv. The liquor started taking affect again and took any part of you that was sober away. There was no way you would pass up the opportunity to smooch that robot ghost person. You suddenly imagined a a person who looked mostly like a snake. "Your lucky. Have fun, You won't remember it." She said before disappearing which left you confused but snapped out of it when you saw the houses that belonged to Napstablook and Mettaton. You walked up to the house and knocked three times before opening the door. "Blooky~ You here?" You asked looking around until your eyes landed on the robot sitting a bed with headphones on. You took off his blue headphones and smiled at you. "Hey (y/n). What's up?" He said before getting up and helping to a seat, noticing the fact that you were drunk.
"Blooky, have I ever told you how hot your body is~" Your words slurred and you placed a gently hand on his thigh causing a light blush to appear... somehow. "No... Maybe you should rest." He said trying to get you to lie down, moving your hand from his thigh and you did only you pulled him down with you, your arms gently around his neck. "I have a question for you. Would you smooch a human?" You asked. He didn't know where you were drunk of actually showing some kind of confession. "Do you love me?" He asked cautiously and you giggled. "Of course silly now shut up and kiss me." You said, pressing your lips against his. His blush grew and he gave into the kiss. He moved so he straddled your hips and put his hands just beside your head, the kiss got deeper and rougher.
The rest of the night was one large blur to you but you could imagine what had happened when you woke up in only your shirt and underwear, the shirt being one of Napstablook's. You laid in bed with him, confused but also blushing and trying to stop your aching head. He slowly woke up and smiled at you. "You ok?" He asked and you nodded slightly. He kissed your cheek before getting up and put on his normal jacket, shirt, headphones around his neck along with his cap. "Feel free to stay till you feel better. I need to head off to the studio. I love you." He said with a wink before leaving. "I love you too." You mumbled and gripped the blanket before laying down and hoping to forget the pain in your head and in other places.
(( 26th January - Happy Australia day :D. 27th - Happy birthday to me. I love robo Blooky. don't care if you don't read this. Happy birthday to me X3. So yeah. 4 more to go. Burgerpants, Underfell! Sans, Gaster and finally Papyrus (Since i have a fun idea for him XD) Sorry this one took longer to update!))
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