Water Fall (Alphyne Fanfic)
An Alphyne based story, requested by: Soulless_Glitch
The silence was unnerving.
I ran by the echo flowers; who had nothing to say to me, my breath labored, my soul pounding, my mind frantic. I had been searching for what felt like forever for my lover, not even caring for the cuts the sharp blades of weeds were leaving on my blue scales.
I flung around another corner, my red hair following behind me like a cape, as I let out a cry, "ALPHYS!" My voice was sore and tensed from the fire that was set in my chest. I needed to find her, before she-
I let the thought slip away, trying not to think of it, as I clutched the letter in my hand she had wrote to me. I gulped in more air, trying not to think about what was within the note, but the thought persisted, I could nearly hear her voice echoing the words...
My dear Undyne,
I am so sorry. I know you will want to try to find me, but please don't. What I am doing is for the best. I don't deserve this world, and this world doesn't need me anymore. I messed up. Everything that has gone wrong has been all because of me. I can't take it any longer. The voices won't let me go. I'm so, so, sorry. I don't want to leave you, but trust me, it'll be so much better without me. Please forget we ever met. This is for the best.
The relay of words set a hell-storm to my veins. I wouldn't let her die-- I couldn't let her die!
My feet pounded against the dirt in rhythm to my quick pulsating soul, the burn of adrenaline rushing through me, which felt nearly like what I could imagine determination felt like.
"ALPHYS!" I screamed in desperation, dashing around a corner. I froze in place, seeing a fork in the road.
I felt my chest heave up and down, my soul throwing a tantrum inside my torso's cavity. I perked up my ears listening.
Silence to the right.
The waterfall to the left.
My head snapped to the left, knowing that's where she'd be. The fear of her jumping before I got there swelling inside me as I took off, running as fast as my trained legs could carry me. The sound of water rushing growing closer and closer, I could feel myself both gain hope and dread for what I may or may not find.
My boots splashed through the water, getting soaked, but I didn't care, I just needed to find her before it was too late.
I ran around the final corner before the mouth of the waterfall, crying out, "ALPHY--!" I found my voice cut off, stopping mid-run, seeing a yellow body standing at the edge of the waterfall. I took in a deep, shaky, breath of relief.
She hadn't jumped yet.
Hope bubbled inside me, a toothy smile cutting through my scales as I jogged up to her, "Alphys! I am so gl--" I stopped talking, as she turned around.
Her eyes were huge, red, and puffy from crying, she looked at me with dread, like I was an unwanted guest. She took a step back, inching closer to the edge of the waterfall.
I stood a few feet away from her, my muscles finally beginning to ache from the amount of adrenaline that had been rushed into them, causing me to overuse them. My ears flattened to my head, as I put my hands in front of me, as an attempt to calm her.
My voice dropped to a calmer, more soothing pitch. I wasn't sure where I got the courage to speak, but I did, "Alphys, please," I began, looking her over, "Please don't do this-"
"St-stop!" She cried back at me, her voice shaky and uneven. Her whole body was quivering. All I wanted to do was go up to her and hug her, and find a way to convince her that everything was going to turn out alright.
"G-get away," She choked out, between a sob, "Y-You don't n-need to see th-this."
I murmured, "Alphys, I am not leaving you. Not now, not ever." My eye squinted towards her in a pleading manner, my usual confident voice cracking in fear, "Please... come here."
Alphys' mouth moved, but no words came out. She gulped, some finally squeaked out through a small whimper. "Undyne... I-I... I love you... b-but, I-I-I just can't live w-with wh-what I've done anymore." She choked on her own breath, "I-I'm not st-strong enough. I can't d-do it! N-not after I k-killed him!"
The way she sounded. It made me want to run over by her side, grab her shoulders, and tell her over and over again how amazing she was. But something held me back. My own mind held me back. I knew that if I moved, she might jump. I can't risk losing her, I've already lost enough after the incident, I can't lose her now too.
I felt a lump go down my throat, "That's where you're wrong... you're stronger than you think. You have to believe me when I tell you that. You can get through this. You are stronger than your demons, Alphys. And I know you're strong enough to prove those damn demons wrong." My hands were sweating, I was more scared than I had ever been for as long as I could remember.
"It's my fault he's dead!" She blurted out, taking a step towards the cliff, my body suddenly tensing as I watched her, my soul suddenly drumming faster than before.
I kept my voice calm, despite how much my body was screaming, despite how much my mind was screaming, despite how much my soul was screaming, "He wouldn't want you dead too. I don't want you dead. His brother doesn't want you dead. Asgore. Gerson. Toriel. Mettaton. Bratty. Catty. Frisk. None of them want you dead." My ears perked up slightly, trying to reach out to her in anyway possible. "Our hearts are beating as one, Alphys... Please... come back home with me."
I watched her beautiful, saddened, eyes stare at my hand, her expression too complex for me to be able to tell what she was thinking.
My ears quickly flattened as she shook her head 'no', edging closer to the fall. She looked up at me, her eyes wracked with pain, "I can't come back..." She said, her voice barely above a whisper, the waterfall's crashing water making it even more difficult to hear, "I-I'm nothing more than a-a coward... I-I can't face him... n-not after what I d-did to his only f-family."
"You're his family too." I argued calmly, keeping my voice as steady as I could. It felt as if something was helping me get my words out past the lump in my throat.
She looked at me, her eyes more distant than before, "Y-you're lying. I-I know h-he hates me. I know y-you hate me. You're j-just lying." She stammered, her eyes welling up again.
I took a step forward, my voice dropping lower, "If I hated you... then why would I come running after you?"
She didn't respond, her yellow scales just reflecting the atmospheric blue light, the colors dancing and playing games with any eyes that gazed at it for too long.
"Alphys... listen." I said, daring another step forward, my sharp teeth digging into my bottom lip, "What happened was out of your control. He was going to die if you didn't help, and you kept him alive way longer than he was supposed to be alive. You did the right thing. No one blames you for what happened to him. The human's attacked him, not you."
I took another step, seeing as she wasn't moving. I felt the water soaking into my boots, the tips of my toes receiving a numb, cool, feeling. "The human's caused the injuries, and you did everything you could to stop fate. But the fact is, you stalled it. You stalled it enough so he could see his family before he died. And I bet you he is so thankful for that."
Alphys glanced at the ground.
"Please... we all love you Alphys... I don't know how else to say that. But, the word love can't even describe it... we care about you... every single one of us. If you left now, I think that would hurt everyone even more. Don't make us have to lose two amazing people... I don't think I could handle that." I felt my eyes begin to swell with liquid, the thought of her disappearing digging a hole through my heart. "If you're convinced you can't do this alone, then take my hand. I can help you... WE can help you. You are more important than you could ever imagine..."
"Let me prove that to you." I said, feeling a tear streak down my face, forcing me to breath from my mouth as the lump in my throat doubled in size. I held out my webbed hand, waiting for her to take it.
She didn't move.
A soft sound was heard emitting from her. It took me a moment to realize, but it was the sound of her crying.
The moment my mind processed that, I quickly found her suddenly grabbing a hold of my hand. I let myself immediately fall to my knees with relief, pulling her towards my body and away from her death. Away from the demons who were trying to grab her and pull her down through the waterfall. I could almost hear their screams of defeat as I felt her body in my arms.
Her body.
And breathing.
I felt her small frame curl around my much larger one. Thank God she was okay. I felt tears burn down my own cheeks as a I squeezed her close, knowing I would be fully content to stay like this with her for all eternity.
As we stood there, I wondered. Where did I get the strength to say all of that? Sure, I was the old leader of the Royal guard, but that doesn't mean anything in a situation like that. The whole time it felt like something was encouraging me, helping me do it. Or maybe it was someone.
My thoughts were cut off, as I felt a presence.
I looked up, staring blankly in front of me, before I smiled crookedly at what I saw.
"Hey, Alphys..." I said, hearing her cries begin to die out, "How about we head home, okay?" I released her, watching her nod before she started walking towards the exit. I turned as well, taking two steps in her direction before freezing. I looked over my shoulder.
A blue whisp floated where Alphys was once standing by the cliff.
I gave it a bitter-sweet smile, my soul pulling as I said, "Thanks for the help back there, I couldn't have saved her without you..." I paused, the name of the fallen monster not wanting to leave my lips. "See you later..."
The whisp bounced, seeming to be pleased, before dissipating into the cool air.
I waited a moment, before turning and leaving, but not before his name slipped through my teeth.
Turtle Side Note: ... I swear, I'm not usually this bad of a writer, but... I was having a lot of issues with this one. Probably because I was trying to write in first person... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Turtle, out!
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