Apologies (Frisk X Sans)
(FRANS- Request from: Akagome_The_Otaku)
Turtle side note: I'm doing something with Frisk in this one, that I can almost GUARANTEE you didn't see coming. I like giving you guys surprises. ;D
Sans teleported into waterfall confused.
He looked down in his hand at the note he found next to his bedside. The handwriting was extremely neat, and the paper itself had the scent of buttercups. He read it over again, to make sure he was heading the right direction.
Dear Sans,
Please come meet with me in the wishing room of Waterfall. I need to talk to you about something important.
....You'll soon find out.
It seemed to him that the wishing room was the right place, so he continued trudging through the dark, damp cavern.
It had been about a year since he had last been down there. He had forgotten how beautiful the area was. The crystals shined and sparkled from the cavern ceiling they dotted, and the water had a hushed lull to it's current.
He remembered being little, growing up in this area, playing pretend that the crystals were stars and the river was a rough and dangerous sea. He smiled at the thought. God, he was a weird kid.
He continued through the beautiful cave that had confined the monsters for so long, until he began to hear a murmur of an echo flower.
The flower gave a soft blue glow as it whispered something softly. Sans leaned closer to it, the light reflecting off of his skull, "This way." It softly echoed.
Sans looked down at the flower sighing, continuing on his way. Another echo flower soon coming into view.
The echo flower almost seemed to turn towards him by the way it bobbed and swayed from the small breeze in the cavern.
"There is something I need to explain..." It echoed, louder than the first one had, "Please listen."
"Long, long ago..." another flower chimed, leading Sans further down the cave.
Right after that one had spoke, another one echoed the continued message,"A young human fell into the Underground..."
"Lost and afraid," Sans heard a flower begin, turning a corner just in time to hear the rest of the message, "they went searching to find their way back to the surface..."
Sans continued following the glowing plants,"But instead, they found people to call family..." the monster felt an awkward smile crack his cheeks, before seeing four flowers right in a row, each calling a different section of the message, one after the other.
"They freed them..." the first flower cheered.
"They were happy..." the next said in an almost joyous tone.
"Until one day..." the third spoke darker.
"They got bored..." it echoed emptily.
Sans took in a breath before continuing, feeling his usual smile waver, memories suddenly beginning to present himself. He had a dark feeling that he knew where this was going, as he turned the corner to find the next flower. It's petals were bowed, looking almost in defeat,"They discovered they had the power to rewind time..."
Sans closed his eye-sockets, looking down as he continued walking towards the next flower, his soul sinking, "And decided to abuse the power..."
"They went back to square one, the determination to cause pain instead of love pulsing through them..." Sans continued, trying not to think too much about what the flowers were saying, trying to keep his brother's demise from entering too deeply into his thought.
"They don't know why they did it...but they did... and they regret it... so, so, much..." He continued walking, a tinge of anger finding it's way into his boney fingertips, as they clenched themselves together within his pocket.
"They watched their old friends scream in horror..." Sans could almost hear the women's cry of shock vibrate out the ruins door that one day.
"They watched their family beg for mercy..." He remembered watching his brother from the tree-lines, too paralyzed with fear to move, as he saw his brother kneel in front of the human, his arms open wide for mercy. All he got in return was his head being detached from his shoulders, then crushed under a black boot. Sans felt a shutter go through him as he continued walking, not letting his emotions get the best of him.
"They forced them to fight to the death..." he could see as clear as daylight, Undyne slowly melting in defeat on Alphys' screen. He remembered the look on the dinosaur's face, as she watched the one person she had always loved, become nothing but a puddle to be stepped in. He remembered what she did after. Her feet swinging calmly above the floor, as she wore a necklace of rope, before her body crumbled and collapsed into dust at his feet. His soul dropped deeper.
Sans was becoming sick of these flowers, not enjoying the memories that were weaved into their roots,"Because they knew that all monsters are run by the single trait..."
Sans knew what it would say,"Love..."
He grimly turned another corner, coming contact with the next flower,"They knew that they would fight for the one thing that was ground deep within their souls..."
"And for some reason, they wanted to see who would fight the hardest for something they couldn't get back..." Sans felt his eye-sockets narrow, almost disgusted by that reasoning. However, what the next flower said, made him freeze in his tracks.
"It was you..."
He blinked confused, before hearing another flower begin to call out to him, forcing him to move again,"The human will always remember the expression on your face in the hall of gold..."
"And they wish they could forget it." The flower began, appearing to be in a softened, saddened, tone, " The expression was wracked with..."
"Pain..." cried a flower.
"Fear..." another one whispered
"Confusion..." the next flower murmured.
"Brokenness..." the final flower said, it's bio-luminescent light dimmer than the rest.
"The human will remember the feeling they had when they saw it... you... you made them change their mind..." Something in Sans made him cringe at that comment, not really wanting to hear it, even though he didn't know why.
"They went back again...this time, to show their love, not LOVE..." he sighed to himself, knowing that this was referring to their current timeline.
"And now we're here, back in the blue caverns..." the flower said, bringing the darker memories to a close. Three flowers then began to speak.
"They realized that their love for one particular monster, grew fonder and fonder..." the first one said. making Sans' features come together in confusion.
"That monster was you..." he froze.
He didn't understand what was going on, as the third flower began,"They want to know..."
"Do you feel the same way?" A new voice said, one not coming from an echo flower. The human walked around the corner, a smile tugging his cheeks as he approached the skeleton. His hair was in it's normal messy style, and they were wearing their old purple and blue sweater.
Sans' head whipped around, staring up at the human. "what?" He snapped at them, an unusual burn of anger tugging his brows together.
The human looked at him taken aback by his tone, "I asked-"
"oh, i know what you said, i heard it loud a clear," Sans seared, "i'm wondering what the hell gives you the right to even think about asking that?!" He shouted, the frustration he was trying to keep inside him during the flower escapade, all escaping him at once.
Frisk looked at him wide-eyed, feeling their soul tremble under his voice, "S-sans, I'm--"
"you're what!?" he said, holding his ground defensively, "you just decide, 'oh, let's go remind a guy with PTSD one of the reasons why he's so fucked up in the head' and then you decide, 'now let's see if he loves me'." He then pointed an accusing finger at the human, "what the hell is--?!"
"I'M SORRY!" The human shouted, easily taking over his quieter voice. "Sans, p-please, before you go and reject me, please, listen..."
Sans adverted his eye-lights from them, but didn't give an other response other than shoving his hand back into his hoodie pocket.
Frisk looked down at Sans. They gulped, the feeling of guilt setting in. They hadn't meant to make him angry, but... they did. His soul ached, knowing that even after an apology, the likeliness of Sans actually accepting his hand, was very slim.
He took a steady breath, "Sans, I am so...so sorry.... but I can't change my mistake, I just--...I don't know what came over me, you have to forgive me...please... I don't know what else to say."
"what made you do it?" Sans said lowly.
Frisk bit his lip, "I...I don't know... something just... made me want to see what would happen and I-" They paused, hearing Sans' throat make a rumbling sound that resembled an animal's growl. Frisk knew he wasn't liking their answer. "I...I...I guess... I got curious and... decided that since I can go back whenever, that it didn't matter."
Sans shot them a look, "didn't matter?" He repeated, "didn't m a t t e r ? ! what? you think, that just because you have some godly power, that it doesn't hurt the rest of us?!"
Frisk waved their hands in front of them defensively, "No, no! I realize that now!" He licked his lips, "That's why you deserve my apology... Sans, I am so sorry, I'm sorry for what I put you through, and I'm sorry that you have to remember that... but please, try to understand... I'm not that person anymore, I've changed."
"you got that last part right." The skeleton said gruffly under his breath, "i can barely even recognize ya from the first frisk." His eye-lights dimmed slightly as he looked up at human, his tone softening slightly.
Frisk looked at him confused, "But... that's who I am again... I freed you all, just like I did the first time, I'm not different from the first--"
"yes, you are." Sans said, still looking up at them, now like he was trying to find something within the human.
Frisk took a step towards him, "Sans, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm me. The same me who freed you the first time. The me that killed you all is long gone. Don't you see?" They knelt down so they were the same height as him. "I'm still the same person."
They watched as Sans began to search their face, still looking like he was trying to find someone inside them. He still had a slight scowl on his face, seeming to still be a bit angry about the mention of the genocidal timeline.
Sans shook his head, his eye-lights now looking into his green eyes, "no, you aren't... you aren't the Frisk i loved..."
"Sans, I-"
Sans grabbed the human's hands, cutting them off from what they were saying, "these aren't the same hands that i remember. the old frisk's hands were gentle and kind. the old frisk's hands didn't know how to wield a knife, all they knew was comfort and support." He made circles on the human's palms with his thumbs as he spoke, "the old frisk's hands didn't know what a monsters dust felt like, they didn't know what a shattered soul felt like, the didn't know what LOVE felt like... all they knew was love."
The anger seemed to melt from his features, leaving only a grimace of grief and longing. The skeleton squeezed the human's hands as he went on, "you don't feel the same anymore... i remember what you felt like in that first timeline... i will never forget it... never."
Frisk felt like his voice was choked as he shakily said, "But, Sans, d-don't you see... It's still me. Frisk."
Sans shook his head slightly, "monsters see you for what your soul is... you're not the same frisk... i could barely recognize you when you came through the ruin's door this timeline..."
Frisk felt his hands shudder between the monster's small, boney, fingers with confusion, not understanding what the skeleton meant. They wanted to understand, the wanted to help, they wanted HIM back. They missed him. They remember him curling up peacefully next to them in the first timeline. They remember how much he cared for them. They remember how gentle and sweet, and loving he was. They wanted that back. They wanted him to come back to them. That's all they wanted.
"S-Sans, I... I..." They were at a loss of words, their voice becoming strained as their vision became slightly misted.
They watched as the monster moved closer to them, leaning barely an inch from their face. His icy breath grazed the humans warm cheeks, causing an involuntarily shiver to travel down his spine. They watched as the colors of cyan blue and golden yellow mixed with the white glow of his eye-lights. The colors danced around, connecting with his own green orbs.
Frisk's heart felt like it was pumping out of their chest with the closeness of their two forms. A nervous sweat began to form on his brow as the skeleton remained there, not moving. They felt their warm breath begin to mingle with his cooled breath.
Frisk remembered this feeling. The closeness. The anticipation. The love. They remembered the coo of his gentle touch. They remembered how easily his fingers could trace their body, sending a set of chills through their form. They remembered how he would lean into them, trusting them completely. They missed that trust. They missed the feeling it gave them, they missed the feeling HE gave them. They remembered how it used to be... they remembered how it felt... they heard old voices begin to murmur in their head as the memory formed itself within them...
"Shhhh." The first Frisk said gently, trying to calm their loved one, "It's okay, I'm right here, Sans."
Sans clutched his own sides, not seeming to be looking at anything in particular as his voice came out rushed and frantic, but still quiet, "he's here. he's here. he's here." He just kept repeating the same phrase over and over again.
Frisk had gotten used to this. He'd wake up from a nightmare then go into a panicked state, before calming down then acting like nothing ever happened. The human pulled the monster closer to his chest. "Shhhh, Sans, calm down. No one is here but you and me. You just had another nightmare."
Sans wrapped his arms around their form, clutching their back. His bones creating a soft rattle from shaking. "why won't he g-go away?" he asked, before saying something else that Frisk couldn't catch as his voice dipped into a tone too soft to be understood.
Frisk squeezed the monster tighter, hoping it would serve as comfort, " Sans, try to calm down. He isn't here."
The skeleton made a sound like a puppy getting kicked in the side, before nuzzling into the human's broader chest.
Frisk gently rubbed circles into his back, feeling him shaking under their touch, "Gaster is gone Sans, he can't hurt you anymore."
Sans pulled his head away, looking up at the human, his eye-lights rippling like a puddle on a rainy day. He took in a shaky breath before stuttering,"b-b-but-"
"Sans," Frisk said firmly, but still kindly, cutting him off and cupping his cheekbones into their large hands, "even if he did come back, do you think I would let him hurt you?"
Sans didn't respond and instead just squinted his eyes, trying to hold back the liquid that was threatening to spill from them, as his eye-lights dimmed slightly.
Frisk sighed, "The answer is 'no', Sans." They leaned their forehead into his, caressing his cheek. They felt him involuntarily shudder under the action. "I will never let anything hurt you, Sans...
I promise."
Frisk felt reality come back to them, as a small boney hand was cupped around his cheek. They blinked at the skeleton in confusion, unsure of what he was doing, and why, but not wanting to deny it either.
The human gulped, "S-Sans, what--"
The skeleton quickly closed his eye-sockets, before connecting his teeth with the human's lips.
Frisk felt a confusion of emotions suddenly come crashing towards them, as they felt the familiar buzz of magic against their lips. A familiarity they missed so much. He gently pressed back, feeling himself melt into the monster's cooled touch.
Frisk wasn't sure how long it had lasted, but it felt too short for them as the skeleton slowly pulled away, opening his eye-sockets, his face remaining emotionless as the human watched the magic dissipate into the atmosphere.
Frisk licked their lips, getting a small taste of sweetness from his blue magic. A flavor they remembered that was more indulging than the most delectable candy.
They reached out towards the monster, only to watch him step away, an awkward roguish smile tugging the corners of his mouth as he began to laugh softly.
The human's brows came together in confusion, as they tilted their head at him, their out-stretched arm dropping.
He chuckled, his smile turning strained, "i really was right, heh. guess i should trust my guts more often."
Frisk looked at him bewildered, "What?"
He shook his head laughing, "you really aren't the same person. i knew it... guess i needed to prove it to myself."
He looked at Frisk's expression, seeing that he clearly didn't understand. He sighed, before he pointed to the human's chest, "look for yourself."
Frisk looked downwards to see their soul. The red glow was vibrant and shining. Then, they noticed something. A small, black, core, forming in the middle of their soul. They looked at it wide-eyed, almost horrified.
Sans closed his eye-sockets, "did'ja forget that magic triggers human souls to show themselves?" He spoke, a devilish grin spread on his features.
Frisk opened their mouth to speak, only to find no words follow.
Sans laughed darkly, "you won't ever be the same Frisk, not with HATE in your core..." He turned around, and began walking away.
Frisk called out to him, "SANS! Wait! Please... I know I can get better! I m-mean, come on, I reset from the dark timeline, that's got to mean something to you, right?" Frisk's voice left them in an almost panicked tone.
Sans froze. He slowly turned his skull to face them, his expression empty as well as his plastered smile. A white soul slowly presented itself, cracks streaming through it, making it appear like a mosaic with no pattern.
Frisk's heart dropped to his stomach as he looked at how broken it was, the pieces barely holding themselves together. They covered their mouth in shock, their eyes slowly connecting with Sans'.
Sans spoke gently, so his voice wouldn't be heard nor repeated by the surrounding echo flowers, the words barely leaving his tongue before he teleported.
"you can't reset scars."
Turtle side note: I hope you all enjoyed! I think I did pretty good, considering I dislike this ship... Anyways....
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