more things
when you get into outertale!
This will be narrated from PaperJam's perspective.
I never was good with new people. And I wasn't very happy when you came.
One day, Ink just came "home" with a baby, claiming that it was my "new brother". I didn't understand what was he saying with that, and then he showed you to me, my new little brother.
I wasn't happy with this. I didn't want a brother. I mean, Ink couldn't even take care of me, why would he want to have another one? To let them here alone and forgotten with me? Wow, good plan, dad. However, he told me that you only would be staying with us for a day so I could get to know you, since bonding with brothers was very important and blah blah blah...
We spend a few hours talking about you and how you came to life. Apparently, you were just an accident, but not a bad one. And since he created you, you were my brother. Well, step-brother, because Blueberry was the other one that created you. I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous... you were going to have caring parents and a better life than mine. What if Ink actually forgot entirely about me?
Yeah, the idea of having a brother was becoming less and less "exciting" to me.
But then, just before I started to think more things like that (which I thought was very rare for me), Ink suddenly had to go (I wasn't surprised, with his work of protecting AUs and all; he barely had time to be here), cutting our conversation just when I actually started to enjoy it. Ink stood from the sofa and was about to open a portal when he realised something important:
Who was going to take care of you?
He told me that Blueberry and... Honey... I think, were with the other versions of them and he couldn't take you to wherever they were. So, he had only one option... that I didn't like, at all.
Why I had to take care of you?! I didn't ask him for a brother and I didn't know how to take care of a baby. I was five years old! I was starting to learn how to write and read! I remember arguing with him for a while, until I had to accept.
But not without asking something in return, of course.
In the end, he went to do whatever he needed and I was left alone with you. An awkward atmosphere formed where we were, since you found my face very interesting and kept your eyes on me for a really long time. I tried my best to ignore you, but you were too much persisting and even threw me some mini bones at me to gain my attention.
What a smart baby, huh? Well, we were magic skeleton monsters after all. But it was becoming annoying.
"What do you want?" I asked you and you only looked at me and babbled something. I instantly felt stupid, remembering that Ink told me you haven't said your first word yet. how would you even tell me what you needed? You kept looking at me and then, surprisingly, your stomach made a noise.
Right... now I had to feed you.
Making something for you was horrible. I mean, we were in the Anti-Void and only had some snacks since we didn't really need to eat, but being you a recently made creation, obviously needed to consume something, even if you had your HP full. Eventually, I found some milk and gave it to you, ending getting milk on my face and shirt because you apparently didn't know how to drink it.
That was enough for me.
Usually, I'm not a person that gets mad easily. However, I did get mad that time. I stood abruptly from my seat and went to clean my face, leaving you alone on the sofa. Ink told me to not leave you, but I didn't care. I wanted to be alone and so I did. I went to my bedroom (well, it's not a real bedroom... just a bed that Ink made for me) and stayed here for a few hours. Maybe three or four...
It wasn't until I heard a soft sound that I didn't get up from my bed. And when I did, I instantly paled: You were lying on the floor crying softly. Your soft cries barely reaching my non-existent ears. And it wasn't the worst. No, no.
You were blushing and sweating a lot. Were you sick? In that moment I didn't know.
Quickly, I went to your side and picked you up, checking if you had hurt yourself from the fall. Luckily you didn't have any bruises, but your skull was very hot. Now you were sick? And I was alone.
How you could get sick so easily and fast? I didn't understand that at all! Was that the real reason of why Ink brought you here? So he could watch over you while Blueberry and Honey were busy? If that was the reason, he was very irresponsibly by leaving you with me: a child, taking care of another child!
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't use magic to help you, I couldn't ask Ink for help, I couldn't open a portal and find Blueberry... I couldn't do anything. And I was scared.
What if something happened? What if you started to feel worse? What if...
What if you died?
Those thoughts were swirling in my head, making me fell worst and worst. I didn't want you to die.
Come on! You had a great life ahead! You would have a caring family and friends and maybe... maybe we would have been friends! I should have watched you. Maybe if I haven't left you alone...
I couldn't help to feel guilty, even knowing that it wasn't my fault that got sick. In that moment, I didn't cared about anything, just you.
It was in that moment when Ink decided that he should go home, and so he did. He came to the Anti-Void and found me on the sofa, hugging you like it was the last time I'd see you and honestly, that's what I thought. He rushed to my side, worryingly asking what was wrong. I wasted no time and explained him what happened, apologising for being a bad brother and almost crying
Almost, ok?
What I wasn't expecting was that Ink just took you and, with a quick spell, healed you. I mean, I knew magic were fast and efficient but, that was just too fast. When I asked him why, he explained that you were having some problems with your soul.
You see, brother (and also you, reader), Ink told me you were created without a soul, since you were just a magic drawing. So, he made an artificial one for you with the same paint he used to create you. Apparently, he didn't want you to become like some "evil flower".
Your soul was like your eyes: a blue diamond. And that soul was filled with Prussian blue paint that could give you the emotions you needed. It seemed like your body wasn't used to having it yet and would make you sick from time to time. I didn't quite understand that, but I was relieved when he said you would be fine.
The rest of the day was peaceful. Ink and I talked about random things while you slept. It was... nice, being with them like we were a family. That's what we are, right? Yeah, right.
Eventually it was time to bring you back home. Ink said that you won't be coming anytime soon because he wanted to protect you from dangerous people (aka, Error). It kind of made me sad, not being able to talk you again for a long time, but... it had to be done, hadn't it? Ink made a portal back to Underswap and gave me time to say goodbye to you. After that, he started to walk to the portal, stopping when you started to squirm under his grasp.
Curious, I walked to the portal. You immediately looked at me and gave me a huge simile, saying (or trying to say) something that made us look at you in surprise:
My name. Yes, my name!
It was kind of babbled and wasn't my full name but... It was your very first word. And it wasn't "dad" or "mom"... no, it was "PJ"
You didn't have idea of how happy you made me that day. The day when I found you, disliked you and then liked you and accepted the idea that we were brothers. And, in the bottom of my soul, I hoped to see you again.
Maybe having a little brother wouldn't be that bad, right?
pj was telling blueprint with others lising in!
this is so cute! that's all! BYE!
word count, 1722!
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