Chapter 2: Taken Care...
As the sun rose up, Toriel was the First one to wake up, she then shook Asgore to wake up, (In this Story, they are back together) "Asgore, it's time to wake up, and take the kids to Sans and Papyrus," she said to him. He woke up sleepy, "Alright dear, I'll go make some Breakfast, you wake up Frisk and Asriel to get ready," he said as he sat up from bed. "Alright then," she replied as she put on her slippers and opened their door, walking in the hall to Frisk and Asriel's room. She slowly turned the numb, trying not to wake them up just yet. Chara seemed to be awake, but Toriel couldn't see her, so she few next to their bed, waiting for Toriel to wake them up. Toriel smiled, seeing both of her children snuggling together. She gently shook them by their shoulders, they squirmed a bit until they each opened an eye, seeing her with a smile. "Wake up my children, we have to get ready to leave, so do you too," she said in a soft voice. They both sat up, Frisk with her hair puffy a little bit and Asriel opening his eyes sleepy, Chara giggled. "Morning mom," they both said. Then they got out of bed to change into their normal cloths, so as Toriel but in a judgement suit. When they walked out of the hall to the kitchen, it's smelled look sweet pancakes and eggs with bacon, Chara squealed at the smell. They saw Asgore already dressed in his judgment suit, serving the plates with the food. Toriel, Frisk, and Asriel went to wash their hands before sitting down at the table. "Good Morning my Children, how are you too," said Asgore. "Great!" They said as they began to devour their food, Both adults laughed as they ate their Breakfast as well. After Breakfast and brushing their teeth, Frisk was Curious, who's going to be the ambassador for Toriel and Asgore? She was too curious, 'Go ask mom and dad before you guys leave,' said Chara in her ghostly voice. She nodded as so went to go ask both of them while Asriel was playing with his toys. "Mom, Dad, I have a question," she said, "What is it my child?" Replied Toriel. "I was curious about this but, who will be your Ambassador while you too are over there?" She asked. Toriel smiled at her as Asgore cleared his throat. "Well, we asked the people who came here yesterday if Monsters can be ambassadors, they said it was okay as long as they do their job correctly, and we could bring two, so when you too went sleep we called Alphys if she can be one, she said it was okay. Then we called Undyne and she said she's okay with it as well so, dose that answer your question Frisk?" He said. She nodded, "Yeah it dose so we'll be with Sans and Papyrus for while, but what about the others?" She asked, "They're extremely busy ever since they got to the Surface, so you won't be seeing them for a while," replied Toriel. "Oh okay, thank you for answering my questions Mom and Dad," "Your welcome my child, now go get Asriel, we'll be leaving on a bit okay," said Toriel, "Okay!" She replied as she ran to get Asriel. As they got their things and got to their car, (yes they have a car) they started the engine and drove off to Sans And Papyrus house, it was 9 blocks away from where they live. After about 15 minutes has passed, they made it to their house. Once they got out they heard a loud yell, it sounded like Undyne's yell. They hurried to the door and knock on the door, then the door was opened, it was Papyrus, "Hello King Asgore and Queen Toriel, Sorry if we startled you all, come in! Undyne was yelling because she was playing a game with me and Alphys is trying to clam her down of losing, they were waiting for you to come to leave!" He said in his cheerful voice. "Alright then Papyrus, we'll be leaving pretty soon, can you get Alphys and Undyne so we can have a little chat please?" Asked Toriel, "Why of course Queen Toriel," he replied as he ran to the living room. Then Sans teleported beside them holding his bottle of ketchup, "Sup," he said, "Why hello Sans, how are you?" "Pretty good," he looks at both kids, "Haya Kiddos," he said, "Hello Sans!" They replied. Chara wrapped her arms around Frisk Shoulders, she was lazy now to fly, Frisk giggled to her self. After they greeted, out came Alphys and Undyne in their suits. When Frisk and Asriel were asked if they could wait in the living room, they did. After a while they went to the front door to say goodbye. "Take of care my children Sans and Papyrus, I'm trusting you two," said Toriel. "You can trust us Queen Toriel, we'll take good care of Frisk and Asriel!" Said Papyrus, "We'll keep an eye on them," said Sans as he chuckled. "Take care punks, well miss you," said Undyne to Frisk and Asriel. "Y...yeah, if you need anything, like an emergency or s...something like that, we packed you two a backpack with supplies needed, al...alright," said Alphys. "Okay, we'll miss you both," Frisk and Asriel said as they ran up to them for a hug, they hugged them back. When it stroked 10:38 AM, it was to for them to leave. They hugged Toriel and Asgore one last one before they left to go to the car. "Take good care of each other, we will be back as possible as we could," said Asgore, "We'll miss both of you dearly," said Toriel. "We'll miss you too," Asriel said as a tear slowly rolled down his cheek. "We'll take care of our selves," Frisk said as the four them hugged each other tightly. When they got to the car, Frisk, Chara, and Asriel were in front of the door with Sans and Papyrus, they waved to them as the started the engine again and drove away. "It's getting chilly already, we should get back inside and unpack your stuff kiddos," "Your right Sans, I'll go make some Spaghetti for dinner!" Papyrus said as he ran to the kitchen, Frisk, And Asriel giggled, while Chara was actually flying sleeping on Frisk's shoulder. They then got inside to unpack their things and ate dinner, after that and brushing their teeth, it was bed time. As Frisk got on her bed, (Sans and Papyrus and 3 rooms but the third one is like the guest room so Asriel and Frisk are sleeping there), she saw Asriel was fast asleep. She heard Chara giggling, 'Hopefully he get comfortable when he wakes up in the morning," she said as Frisk giggled and went fast asleep with Chara (floating beside her bed) waiting for the sun to come up.
To be continued...
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, toke my time since I'll be busy for a while, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter~ Chibibon)
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