Chapter 12: A Strange Problem...
(Picture above by me)
It's been 4 hours since Frisk and Asriel, As well Chara went to sleep. Alice went back to The others because she overheard what Bendy said so They told her what's going on. "Sammy and Joey have been acting strange lately, especially when I was getting the soups, I saw Sammy Staring at the Kids With no emotion. But when he saw me, he immediately went away leaving a note on the ground," said Bendy (Shows them a small piece of paper) "I'm watching you all... especially the Kids.... so you better keep an eye on them so nothing happens to them....." It read. Henry Gasped in shook thinking of what he could do the Frisk, Asriel, and Chara. "What is it Henry?" Asked Boris worriedly, Henry shook a bit, "You don't think, Sammy is gong to hurt The kids physically?!" Asked Henry in anger. Alice stared at them as she thought. "I think bendy is right," she said, "How do you know Bendy is right?" Asked Henry. "Well 2 days ago, I was walking around the studio until I saw you and Joey from my distance, didn't Joey went up to you after you found The children? And Grabbed on your bow almost making you choke? That's something that Joey will never do, plus we haven't seen in for 2 days," said Alice as she crossed her arms. Henry but stayed silent, "Your right Bendy and Alice, they have been acting weird days ago." Said Boris in a upset voice. Henry looked at the ground thinking of what they can do to stop this, "Well then like the note said, we have to keep an eye on the kids so they are safe from them, we wouldn't want anything happening to them." Said Henry as he stood up straight, "Alice can you go to Their room to take care of them until the three of us make a plan please," asked Bendy, "Oh of Course!" She said as she speed walked to Frisk, Asriel and Chara's room.
(They now make their room as Frisk, Asriel, and Chara's room)
"Now that she's doing the job for now, let's make a plan to stop Sammy and Joey and figure out what is wrong with them," said Bendy as he and Henry and Boris went to the workplace to create a plan and possibly get help.
Sans got hit on the shoulders whenever he toke a step forward but with each step he toke, more game Characters would bump into him, and block his way. He was too Tired to use his magic at the moment but he won t give up to Find Frisk And Asriel. Finally he got the buildings glass doors, he sighed in relief as he opened the doors. There were about 30 people in the 1st floor, which wasn't that much to go to the front Desk. There wasn't a line to the front Desk so Sans was able to go to the Front desk Easily. Once he got there, there was a woman game character but he wasn't sure where she was from, "Oh hello sir, may I help you?" Asked the woman, "Yes can I go to floor 5 please, I need to talk to someone." Said Sans, "Of course I'll open the portal for you," she said as she pressed a button on her left then a portal appeared and few inches away from him, "Thank you Ma'am," said Sans as he started walking towards the portal, "No problem Sir," said the woman as she continued her work. He then walked into the portal where he then heard the portal close, them Felt like it was going up, (like an elevator). It toke about 15 seconds when the portal was finally opened. He walked out of the portal and then closed and disappeared out of nowhere. He walks down the hallway to a room called "Video Game Stations," he proceeded into the room after he opened the door. There were thousands of rooms with Video Game Names, he walked around the hallways and rooms until he found the room he was looking for, "Undertale Station,". He sighed as he opened the door to see people working on computers, working on paper work and taking phone calls and chatting. Some of the people Greeted him as he walked to a room where one person is in Charge. He got to the door and breathed in heavily then exhaled, he knocked on the door waiting for an answer, "Come in," said a voice from behind the door. He opened the door and closed it as he toke a few steps forward and stopped And looked up. "Oh Sans, nice to meet you," the voice said as it sounded now like a man. "Hello....... Creator....... it's a pleasure to see you again....." Sans said in a faint voice.
Alice hurried to their room to see if they were still okay. She opened the door quietly to make sure that they don't wake up. As she opened in the room she saw Frisk wide awake, she then looked at Alice looking scared. "Frisk? Are you okay?," she asked me while walking towards her. She shook her head, "My body hurts..." she replied as she hold herself while shaking. Alice went beside her and ruffled her hair softly, "Are you sick?" She asked, "No..." She replied, she didn't know what's going on with her, her front hair was covering her eyes, So Alice couldn't see her face as much. "Can you look at me Frisk?" Asked Alice as she placed her hands on her cheeks. Frisk shakes as she looked up, Alice Gasped in horror. Frisk pupils were Ruby red with Dark Black cover around them, black stuff was falling from her eyes and mouth, her skin was a bit pale as she mumbled. "What's wrong Alice?" Asked Frisk in pain, "We.... We need to take you to another room now," she replied as she grabbed her and carried her out of the room, "What about Chara and Asriel?" She asked in a faint voice, "I'll get Boris to take care of them," she said as she went to the same room where she and the others where talking but they weren't there. "Where are they?" She said while still carrying Frisk in her arms. She heard voices from a room, that sounded... like Bendy and Henry and Boris. She knocked on the door hard, "Guys I need help!" She yelled. They came out of the door with a worried expression. "What's wrong?" Asked Bendy, but before Alice said a thing, he looked at Frisk in her condition, his eyes widen. "What happened to her?!" He asked as Henry started to worry. "I don't know? I just went Into the room and found her like this," she said. Frisk mumbled out words but couldn't say it correctly. "Do you think Sammy and Joey did something to her?" Asked Boris. "I'm not sure but we need to treat her right now, Boris can you take care of The children to make sure they are okay?" Asked Alice, "Yeah, I'm on it," he said as he ran to the room. Henry, Bendy and Alice, toke Frisk to a room where a bed was placed at a corner and aids with hospital supplies on a desk. They laid her on the bed where Frisk blinked slowly as her vision got blurry, she heard faint voices saying stuff to hurry up with something. When she saw them looking at them and mumbled out more words, she blacked out.
To be continued...
(I hope you enjoyed the Chapter as much as I did.... that's all I have to say, but again hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter~ Chibibon)
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