Chapter 10: The Department and the Unsovled Case
Everyone followed Sammy going more deeper down the stairs where every step you toke would creek. Asriel held onto Boris which he gladly held him back so he wouldn't be scared. It was getting darker and colder when the went farther down until Sammy made a stop. "Is something wrong Sammy?" Asked Frisk as she walked beside him, "No, we just made it to the door," he said as he turned the door nod and opened the door wide open. Chara flew in the room before anyone entered. Bright light was shown as everyone else entered the room, there were different posters, beautiful wallpaper, and music was being played like a Elevator music would sound like, Chara hummed the tune that was playing. "Wow this looks amazing!" Said Asriel, "Yup we redesigned the Music Department since the last look was... horrible... so we made it a little more creative here," Sammy said as he crossed his arms. "Come along then, wouldn't want to miss the fun would ya?" He asked, they all shook their heads as they followed Sammy to the next room where another door appeared, they opened it to reveal another to with a open room (no door). They entered it too see more stairs down, Henry groaned since it's taking them awhile to get to the Music Department. Finally they made it to a wide entrance to a large room, they entered to see a huge board in front of them with Bold letters, " Joey Drew Studios, Music Department, Director Sammy Lawrence." "Your the Director?!" Asked Asriel as he jumped up," "Yeah, I keep tract down here with the other workers with musicals and recordings," he said. As he explained a little bit more about the Department, they heard a cart moving and a door being opened. "What was that?" Asked Frisk in a nervous voice. "Oh that must be Wally, our helper in the studio," he said as they heard the door being closed and footsteps coming towards them. Then out came out a old man in a navy Blue coveralls, with white short hair and beard. "Heya Wally?" Said Henry while waving at him," "Oh heya Henry, everyone and oh two Children and a ghost, hello kids my name is Wally, worker here at Joey Drew Studios," he said as he shook both Frisk, Chara, and Asriel's hand. "Nice to meet you sir?" Said Frisk with a smile. He smiled back, "What are you all down here?" He asked while scratching his head. "We're here because I told them I could show then around here, especially the kids," replied Sammy while standing up straight. "Oh I see, well you are all welcome to explore, just don't make a mess though, I already cleaned the floors," Wally said while chuckling a bit. "I'll be around then, see ya around fellas," he said as he then walked back to the same hallway where he came out of to a room and closed the door. "Well then you can all explore now then," Sammy said as he opened on arm to allow them to pass. They walked together for a while until Sammy said he had to do something important, now it was Frisk, Chara, and Asriel with Bendy, Boris, Alice, and Henry. They soon started to explore the Department, which was very huge that you could get lost easily so they stayed together. When they finally reached a room, they heard a woman talking. They approached the woman talking in a room where they saw a small auditorium with instruments and chairs, and a big screen above on the wall. They then saw the woman who was talking in a room with a hanging Microphone and scripts in front of her. (I don't really know how Susie looks like but I'll try my best here) She had strawberry blonde hair in a wavy bun (tied up but with some of her wavy hair sticking out of it) a black coat on and a yellow dress on. Once she finished she toke a deep breath, it looks like if she was practicing some lines. She then looked at them at the glass window and looked back at her, she waved at them as she exited the room she was in. She came out of the room and dusted her dress and walked to them, "Hello Susie," said Henry as he waved at her. She chuckled and waved back, "Hello Henry and Toons and- oh my! Children too?!" She said in excitement, She crouched down to both of the kids level and let out her hand, "Hello Sweethearts, my name is Susie Campbell, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said as Frisk, Chara and Asriel shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too Miss, Susie," said Asriel. 'Oh my god their so adorable!' Susie thought. After they greeted each other and stuff Frisk, Chara, and Asriel asked if they can explore more around the Department. Henry said it was okay but said Bendy and Boris would come along to keep them safe, they didn't mind at all. They walked around near the auditorium to stay close but once they got farther, they heard low groans as they saw black ink splattered all over a corner. Then spout out black creatures from the ink and moved towards them, both Frisk and Asriel were afraid, they went in between Bendy and Boris. Both Toons and Chara growled at the creatures, there were about five of them in front of them. "Stop!" Yelled Bendy as he walked towards one of the creatures, Boris hugged both Frisk and Asriel for protection while Chara was flew next to Boris. They heard Bendy yelling at the creatures furious but the couldn't make out what he was saying since they were covering their ears and had Their eyes shut. Then it was silent, they uncovered their ears and opened their eyes to see the creatures wining like if they were saying sorry. "Sorry for that, these guys get out at hand when seeing new faces, they are Searchers, not sure why they are called like that but ehh," Bendy said as he Crossed his arms. Boris then let's go of them to meet them, Frisk walked slowly to them, they kinda backed away from her but let out her hand and pat one of the Searchers head. The Searcher showed a smiled as it got closer to her, Asriel followed and pat a Searchers head, after a while they were all surrounding them happily. "Looks like you made new creature friends," said Chara as flew next to a searcher and pat it's head. Frisk smiled as they continued to play with the Searchers.
Back in Undertale, police were on the search looking for Frisk and Asriel all over town and city. Sans and Papyrus were at their house with some police officers with them to find any clues to what happened to both children. As Sans Sighed heavily on the door steps Papyrus was quiet and looked very nervous since it's was their fault they left Frisk and Asriel home alone. That's then one of the police went to them from inside the house, "Sir's we found a letter on the ground in your living room and it looks every old," said the officer as they handed the letter to Sans. "Dear Henry....." read out Sans as Papyrus listened to him while looking at the letter as well. Someone must of left this letter in their house since it didn't belong to both brothers, the only thing that popped up in Sans mind was, they were either kidnaped or something unreasonable happened to them without any other clue to what happened to them.
To be continued....
(Hope you enjoyed this Chapter, one last thing, we reached to 90 followers so tomorrow I'll do a face reveal in my "Art/Sketches" book okay like I promised, and I'll be seeing ya in the next part~ Chibibon)
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