How it started.
~Frisks POV~
"Heya kiddo, what ya doin' outside in the snow?" Asked Sans. I shrugged and sneezed. "Kiddo, you'll get sick out here." Sans said worried for me. Papyrus came and saw me sitting there with Sans trying to get me to go inside. "HUMAN, GET INSIDE ITS COLD!" Papyrus said. I shivered and felt like I could pass out at any minute. "S- Sans.." I said. "Yeah kiddo?" He asked. "I feel like... i'm gonna... pass ou-" I got cut off by passing out. "HUMAN!" Yelled Papyrus.
~Few Hours later, Frisks POV~
I woke up on the couch and Sans watching T.V. The smell of food could be smelled out through the house and I felt sick to my stomach. "Ngh..." I groaned out. "Hey there kiddo, how do you feel?" Sans asked. "I feel terrible..." I groaned. "Uh, kiddo you look pale..." Sans spotted out. I held my nose to keep the smell of food out of my nose. "Uh... i'm okay...." I lied. "Kiddo, your as pale as me...." Sans spotted out. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. "Kiddo?! Are you okay?!" Sans asked with worry in his eyes. I nodded. "I just need to get fresh air..." I said, lying about me feeling okay. "Oh, then come with me!" Sans said knowing I was lying. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." Sans said. "Stay out here, I'm gonna get something to eat from Grillby's." Sans said going in. A few minutes later he came out with food. I gagged. "Oh shoot kiddo, I'm sorry." Sans said putting the food in his jacket. "Now where are we going...?" I asked. "Again, You'll see." He said smirking. Then, we went to Dr. Alphys. "SANS I'M GONNA FALL!" I yelled falling to my knees. "Dr. Alphys?" Sans asked. She came out of the corner she was in. "Y- yes hello S- sans." She said. I started coughing enough to where my stomach let out some blood onto my shirt. Sans pats my back when I cough but it does not help...
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