The Bitty From A Strange Life
A young skeleton locks up his work, smiling and humming a soft tune today.
All-in-all, a good day's work.
Between rescuing abused and neglected Bitties, adopting out Bitties, and healing injured Bitties, this skeleton had a very productive and active day.
We've had an influx of Abused Error, Nightmare, Horror, Fell, Cross, Killer, and Lust Bitties.
The skeleton frowns, sighing sadly.
"People can be so cruel..."
We've also adopted out a strange amount of Ink, Blue, Dream, Classic, Color, and Outer Bitties.
"To think of one life as worthless in favor of another life..."
Most of our injured Bitties are Errors, Nightmares, Lusts, Fells, and Blues.
"It sickens me." He mutters, walking toward his house.
"00f!" A thump and a soft noise of landing reach the 'ears' of the skeleton. He pauses, listening closely.
"Nghhh...th4t hurt..." A soft whimper of pain hides under the voice's words. Our dear main character moves towards the alley the noises are coming from, hiding behind a trashcan and slowly leaning out to look at the source.
"Inky'5 50 m34n...h3 kn3w 0f th3 b414nc3 4nd c0ntinu3d t0 thr34t3n 3v3ry0n3 f0r th3 54k3 0f hi5 0wn fun...." The skeleton widens his eyelights at what he sees. An Error Bitty. One covered from head to toe in hundreds upon hundreds of painful scars and open wounds. The bitty muttered the name 'Inky'. The skeleton's eyelights dim in anger.
If I find that Inky, I'll rip him a new one. Doesn't he know how hard it is to earn an Error Bitty's love and loyalty?!
The bitty freezes for a moment, his entire body shaking intensely as he winces, clearly fighting a sound of pain. The skeleton checks his inventory, pulling out a medkit and slowly approaching the Error Bitty.
"I'm sure you won't trust me because of whatever your last master did..." The Error Bitty reacts appropriately, jolting and twisting his entire body to look at the skeleton, jumping away as best as possible, blue strings humming with power. The skeleton kneels down, opening the medkit in plain view of the Error, knowing that Abused Error Bitties require knowing everything one is doing, as a way to comfort themselves and give them the feeling of control and preparation. This Error Bitty seems to be the same, as he relaxes upon seeing the contents of the medkit.
"Wh0 4r3 y0u?"
"My name is Bit. I'm the owner of a Bitty Care Center."
"Wh4t i5 4 bitty?" Bit frowns slightly, easily hiding it from the Bitty.
What kind of bitty doesn't know what a bitty is?
"A bitty is a smaller version of a skeleton, or any monster. You are an Error Bitty, there are other kinds of Bitties, each with distinct personalities and traits. But each Bitty within the cluster are slightly different. Healthy Error Bitties behave quite different from you, and from each other."
"Wh3n did Inky m4k3 y0u?"
"I don't know who this 'Inky' is, but if I heard you right earlier, I hope I meet him, if only to punch him."
"Why? H3'5 th3 cr34t0r. It'd b3 5tupid t0 punch him. Y0u'd b3 14b313d 4 r4mp4ging B4d 54n5 4nd t4k3n d0wn with n0 c4r3 f0r y0ur 4U, c4u53 h3 c4n m4k3 4n0th3r th4t w0n't 4tt4ck."
"Creator or not, he abused an Error Bitty. Doesn't he know that Error Bitties are like the hardest to get to trust and love their owners. There's a reason only experienced Bitty Owners are allowed even the chance to own an Error Bitty, much less an Abused one!" The Error Bitty tilts his head, slowly approaching Bit.
"..." The Bitty clearly looks curious to know more about Bitties. Bit gets a sort of a-hah! moment.
"I'll tell you more about Bitties if you'll let me wrap up your wounds."
"...Y0u'r3 n0t g0ing t0 turn m3 in t0 Inky?"
"That fucker will never get a hold of you again! Not so long as I am here to protect you." The Error's eye sockets widen slightly and he steps closer.
"T311 m3 m0r3 4b0ut Bitti35?" Bit nods, pulling things out of the medkit in the Error's view and slowly dressing the worst of the wounds.
"Well, there are beginning Bitties. Healthy Classics, Healthy Blues, and Healthy Outers are all relatively easy to care for, regarding beginning Bitty Owners. Some of them are harder to care for than others, but generally all are cool with a beginning level of commitment and don't require too much hard therapy or anything. Give them proper love, food, sleep, and water and they will be rather happy."
"Some Intermediate Bitties include Healthy or Abused Fells, Unhealthy or Abused Blues, Abused Classics, Healthy Inks, Healthy Dreams, Healthy Lusts, and Abused Outers. These ones require more affection and attention and work compared to the beginning Bitties. These Bitties rely on you having at least some experience working with other bitties. If you don't know what to do, you could potentially worsen the issues with the abused ones. Regarding the Healthy Intermediate Bitties, it's likely that you'll have to treat them like they expect. Healthy Fells will require a little bit of cursing, but don't be overly aggressive. Just enough that they drop the pretense. From there, Fell Bitties are relatively easy to handle and make loyal companions. Healthy Dreams require a lot of positive reaffirmation of the necessity of their existence, and your love for them. Healthy Inks require a lot of art supplies, and also rely on you to remember things for them. Abused Bitties require time and love and understanding, as most will have a hesitance to trust you, since you're not the first master they've had, and the first one they had, or the last one they had before you, abused them. Unhealthy Blues are Yandere Blues or ErrorBerry Blues. These ones require a certain person willing to curb their...darker intentions. Healthy Lust Bitties require some amount of reaffirmation that they are a person of value beyond the sexual worth. Lust Bitties also struggle with self-esteem, so they will require some extra attention. They are an Intermediate to Expert rating, because it's rather challenging to take care of such issues when you're new to caring for a Bitty." The Error Bitty in front of Bit has been fully dressed in bandages and is currently looking in the medkit, listening intently while also doing something.
"Some more expert level bitties are Healthy Nightmares, Abused Dreams, Abused Inks, Healthy or Abused Killers, Healthy or Abused Crosses, Healthy or Abused Horrors, Abused Lusts, and Healthy Errors. Nightmare Bitties are snappish when at their best. They don't trust easily, and the best idea is to adopt them with a full gang. So get one Healthy Killer, Cross, Horror, Lust, Error, and Fell when you adopt a Nightmare. You may find the others aside from Error all relatively enjoy your company, but the Error and Nightmare will both hover and watch from the sidelines. They do not hate you, they simply do not trust you yet. Be patient, be consistent in everything you do. They will grow to trust you. It will take a long time to get their full trust. Let's just say several owners of Nightmare and Error bitties have told me that there is a sort of spark one day and that's when you know you've got their full trust. All these owners have gone on to keep those bitties forever. Fostering Bitties usually turns into adoption for Nightmares and Errors because neither like change, so the Foster parent will eventually gain the Bitties trust and discover that the bitties don't like trusting because they know everyone will leave eventually. Hence, the fosters then just flat adopt their foster bitties. They may cycle through the gang, but thankfully, the Nightmare and Error bitties kind of take on parental roles for the gang members, helping the gang to foster quicker and cycle through. Abused Dreams require more trust building, similar to healthy Nightmares and Errors. Abused Dreams also have a tendency to develop into either a suicidal and depressed ball of sad happiness, or go Shattered. Shattered Bitties are challenging to take care of mostly cause they turn the abuse outward and begin abusing the adopter or foster. Abused Inks will shut down completely and sometimes it is impossible to bring them back to normalcy. Abused gang members are usually even more passive and shut down, though it is highly likely for them to get violent. Here is where fostering with an adopted Nightmare or Error or both who both fully trust you is imperative. They can help calm down the Bitty and are invaluable to the process of healing the abused Gang bitty members. Abused Lusts are similar to regular. They still require affirmation and they can struggle with self-esteem. But Abused Lusts also divert to cutting and anorexia and bulimia depending on what type of abuse they suffered through. So part of healing an Abused Lust will be breaking through their mental disorder(s). All of this compounds to make each of these Bitties only proper for someone who has handled and helped a lot of bitties and taken good care of them."
"This next category requires you to have fostered and helped hundreds of expert level of Bitties to even be considered for the adoption process. Abused Nightmares and Abused Errors. These are some of the hardest Bitties to handle, and I have a very strict application process. If you fail to meet even one criteria, you will not be considered. It doesn't matter what you say or who you know, I will not be putting an Abused Nightmare or an Abused Error into a home that is not prepared to take the best care of them that can possibly be given. And I will not allow an unprepared person to take on the challenge and then make things worse by being unprepared. Too much danger. Abused Nightmares either turn violent and evil, or they shut down and revert to the Passive form. Violent Nightmares are a danger to every person in the house. They aren't typically violent around or toward other Bitties, but I have had to stop a few bad fights between a Violent Nightmare and other Bitties. Violent Nightmares will require a LOT of one-on-one and some requirements are you must live alone and have at the current time of adoption no other bitties or other kinds of pets. That is to ensure the safety of other innocent creatures. Passive Nightmares require a patient and calm owner. They can be placed with a Healthy Dream, as long as you make sure to give them both attention together, or give them equal amounts of attention. Passive Nightmares will hid if something upsets them until it blows up, and sometimes Healthy Dreams can accidentally try to get all of your attention. This obviously is bad. Abused Errors are violent and distrustful, or distance and cold, or some combo. They are the hardest to re-earn the trust of after abuse. To this day, my list of people who have re-earned an Abused Error Bitty's trust is five long. I've adopted to thousands and hundreds of people foster, but only five people have earned an Abused Error Bitty's trust."
"I'm in thi5 fin41 c4t3g0ry?"
"I'11 0n1y b3 4 h45513 f0r wh03v3r wi11 0wn m3."
"If you wish to be adopted out, I'll adopt you to the first person to re-earn an Abused Error Bitty. Her name is Sasha, and she has personally fostered out and adopted hundreds of bitties. She also runs her own Bitty Center a few Towns over, so she has the best chance of helping you out." Bit blinks as a soft buzz hums from his phone. He smiles, pulling it out and tapping the message notification.
Sasha: Hey Bit! You got a hard case for me to tackle? I just finalized the adoption of all my Abused Nightmares and Errors and I'm feeling up to adopting my own personal hard case to work with.
"And she happens to be in the mood for a case like yours."
"Y0u d0n't w4nt t0 kn0w my p45t?"
"If you want to share it, that is your choice. I'll need to know what issues you have and what triggers you, but beyond that, you can choose to tell me, Sasha, or the both of us."
"0h." Bit smiles, placing the medkit in his inventory and gently picking up Error.
"You'll have to stay at my place for the night, as I'll personally drive you to her."
"Wh4t 4b0ut y0ur Bitty C3nt3r?"
"I have employees who can handle the adoption process. Sarah, Sasha's Sister, is one of the others who have worked on hard cases, and can more than handle running my Bitty Center while I transit you to Sasha." Bit responds to Error, calling Sarah on his phone.
"Hello?" Sarah mutters, half-asleep and drowsy.
"Hey, Sarah. I'm gonna be transiting an Error Bitty I found on the street to Sasha."
"Coool...I'll head in early tmr....handle the adoptions and such...g'night Bit...zzzzzz" Bit shakes his head, grinning as Sarah falls asleep during the call.
"Good night Sarah." Error looks up at Bit, who smiles as they reach the apartment.
"Ccino! I see you're a night owl too!" Ccino blinks, seeming as if coming to, a book in his lap and three cups of coffee around him.
"Oh yeah! I got a big test tomorrow! It's so stressful."
"Sarah will be running the Bitty Center while I take this little guy to Sasha, so after your test, just wander in and say you want the comfort room. Sarah loves running that room." Ccino blushes softly as he beams at Bit.
"I love the comfort room! I'll probably take up that offer." Bit laughs softly.
"Make sure to get some sleep, Ccino. Maybe text one of your boyfriends~ I'm sure they'd love to hear from you. and help you out." At this, Ccino flushes brighter, releasing a soft squeal. Bit heads to the elevator, humming softly.
"Wh0 4r3 Ccin0'5 b0yfri3nd5?"
"You'll eventually meet them. They live in Sasha's city. They are all big actors, and Ccino met them while he was an intern there. However, he transferred schools to go into a degree program relating to the study of Bitties and therapy for them. He also works at our local Cat Cafe. He's a sweet guy, just a bit highstrung from stress." Bit and Error fall silent as they stand in the elevator and head up. When the door opens, Bit steps out, heading down the hall, turning and unlocking a door with practiced ease, placing Error gently on the counter and closing the door.
"Feel free to make yourself at home, I'll go pack so I don't have to worry tomorrow." Error nods as Bit heads down a smaller hallway to a bedroom, more than likely.
"BittyV3r53...Wh4t 4 5tr4ng3 p14c3. Why h3r3? Why n0t ki11 m3...?" Error mutters softly to himself.
"W31p. Might 45 w311 m4k3 th3 m05t 0f it. Thi5 w0r1d i5 v3ry int3r35ting..."
"I w0nd3r wh4t thi5 '545h4' wi11 4ct 1ik3. 1ik3 B1u3? 0r 1ik3 Cr055? 0r m4yb3 1ik3 50m30n3 I'v3 n3v3r m3t b3f0r3..." Error smiles.
"I'm 4ctu411y kind 0f 100king f0rw4rd t0 thi5 0n3."
(2477 words.
I wrote this in 30 minutes.
You're welcome.
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