Fourteenth: FGOD Error but in like the NAJ AU or uh Cop/Criminal AUs. (He doesn't fall into a Void but instead he began in the NAJ/CopCriminal AU.)
Addendum: I've decided this FGOD Error began in NAJ/CopCriminal/Etc AU but he wasn't NAJ or Cop/Criminal. He could have been Momma CQ, or perhaps he was just a normal well-adjusted individual. For one reason (Fate) or another (Destiny), he was removed from his AU/Multiverse and forced to play on broken strings. I think this will be longer because I intend to add some songs. In order of appearance: Broken Strings by James Morrison, ). I also might have fun with this one. Lol. See you later.
Error sighs softly, looking across the battlefield at someone he used to know.
"13t m3 h01d y0u~ (Let me hold you~)
f0r th3 145t tim3~ (For the last time~)
it'5 th3 145t ch4nc3 t0 f331 4g4in~ (It's the last chance to feel again~)
but y0u br0k3 m3~ (But you broke me~)
n0w I c4n't f331 4nything~ (Now I can't feel anything~)" Error's voice softly carries across the battlefield, every single Sans pausing their actions to listen to Error's song.
"Wh3n I 10v3 y0u~ (When I love you~)
It'5 50 untru3~ (It's so untrue~)
I c4n't 3v3n c0nvinc3 my531f~ (I can't even convince myself~)
Wh3n I'm 5p34king~ (When I'm speaking~)
It'5 th3 v0ic3 0f 50m30n3 3153~ (It's the voice of someone else~)" The red strings tighten their hold around Error's throat, but he continues to sing, tears beginning to build up at the memories he has.
"0h it t34r5 m3 up~ (Oh it tears me up~)
I try t0 h01d 0n, but it hurt5 t00 much~ (I try to hold on, but it hurts too much~)
I try t0 f0rgiv3, but it'5 n0t 3n0ugh t0 m4k3 it 411 0k4y~ (I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay~)" Ink finally pauses, his eyelights focusing on the reality of the broken destroyer.
"Y0u c4n't p14y 0n br0k3n 5tring5~ (You can't play on broken strings~)
Y0u c4n't f331 4nything th4t y0ur h34rt d0n't w4nt t0 f331~ (You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel~)
I c4n't t311 y0u 50m3thing th4t 4in't r341~ (I can't tell you something that ain't real~)" Error shudders, feeling his soul flicker in his chest with something he's never felt before.
"0h th3 truth hurt5~ (Oh the truth hurts~)
4nd 1i35 w0r53~ (And lies worse~)
H0w c4n I giv3 4nym0r3~ (How can I give anymore~)
Wh3n I 10v3 y0u 4 1itt13 1355 th4n b3f0r3~ (When I love you a little less than before~)" The strings tighten, all the slack gone. Fate wants him to shut up. But he's just singing. And he can't stop.
"0h wh4t 4r3 w3 d0ing~ (Oh what are we doing~)
W3 4r3 turning int0 du5t~ (We are turning into dust~)
P14ying h0u53 in th3 ruin5 0f u5~ (Playing house in the ruins of us~)" Ink's face shifts, an unrecognizable emotion on his face. Error knows that face is a tragic and sad one, but he can't tell which emotion.
"Running b4ck thr0ugh th3 fir3~ (Running back through the fire~)
Wh3n th3r3'5 n0thing 13ft t0 54v3~ (When there's nothing left to save~)
It'5 1ik3 ch45ing th3 v3ry 145t tr4in~ (It's like chasing the very last train~)
Wh3n it'5 t00 14t3 [t00 14t3]~ (When it's too late [too late]~)" Error releases a shaky breath, continuing to sing, feeling something run down his cheeks, but not feeling like checking.
"0h it t34r5 m3 up~ (Oh it tears me up~)
I try t0 h01d 0n, but it hurt5 t00 much~ (I try to hold on, but it hurts too much~)
I try t0 f0rgiv3, but it'5 n0t 3n0ugh t0 m4k3 it 411 0k4y~ (I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay~)" Dream steps forward, shuddering slightly.
"Y0u c4n't p14y 0n br0k3n 5tring5~ (You can't play on broken strings~)
Y0u c4n't f331 4nything th4t y0ur h34rt d0n't w4nt t0 f331~ (You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel~)
I c4n't t311 y0u 50m3thing th4t 4in't r341~ (I can't tell you something that ain't real~)" Error slides down to his knees, feeling exhausted but still going.
"W311 th3 truth hurt5~ (Well the truth hurts~)
4nd 1i35 w0r53~ (And lies worse~)
H0w c4n I giv3 4nym0r3~ (How can I give anymore~)
Wh3n I 10v3 y0u 4 1itt13 1355 th4n b3f0r3~ (When I love you a little less than before~)" Ink finally steps closer to Dream and Error, tears welling up.
"But w3'r3 running thr0ugh th3 fir3~ (But we're running through the fire~)
Wh3n th3r3'5 n0thing 13ft t0 54v3~ (When there's nothing left to save~)
It'5 1ik3 ch45ing th3 v3ry 145t tr4in~ (It's like chasing the very last train~)
Wh3n w3 b0th kn0w it'5 t00 14t3 [t00 14t3]~ (When we both know it's too late [too late]~)" Error hugs himself, the strings getting painful, and if Error were a little more focused on reality, he'd notice the strings actually cutting his throat and allowing blood to run down.
"Y0u c4n't p14y 0n br0k3n 5tring5~ (You can't play on broken strings~)
Y0u c4n't f331 4nything th4t y0ur h34rt d0n't w4nt t0 f331~ (You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel~)
I c4n't t311 y0u 50m3thing th4t 4in't r341~ (I can't tell you something that ain't real~)" Error finds Dream has stepped closest to him, the guardian now sitting down beside the broken destroyer.
"W311 th3 truth hurt5~ (Well the truth hurts~)
4nd 1i35 w0r53~ (And lies worse~)
H0w c4n I giv3 4nym0r3~ (How can I give anymore~)
Wh3n I 10v3 y0u 4 1itt13 1355 th4n b3f0r3~ (When I love you a little less than before~)
[W311 y0u kn0w th4t I 10v3 y0u 4 1itt13 1355 th4n b3f0r3]~ (Well you know that I love you a little less than before~)" Error pants as Ink joins Dream in sitting beside Error, the guilt palpable from here for the destroyer.
"13t m3 h01d y0u f0r th3 145t tim3~ (Let me hold you for the last time~)
it'5 th3 145t ch4nc3 t0 f331 4g4in~ (It's the last chance to feel again~)" Blue walks over, slowly helping the destroyer up.
"Come on, Error. We gotta get that neck looked at before it gets infected."
Do you really think you can protect him, Blue? Well then. I have a new game and a new toy.
Error feels the world under him and Blue begin to tear apart. He shoves Blue forward, the smaller skeleton landing just outside of the portal for the Anti-Void that Fate had opened, but Error's focus wasn't on magic, or else he would have escaped the portal to the Void.
He tumbled in, his eyes closing as the Void begins to attack him before halting, two male hands reaching out and grabbing him.
You've traveled quite a long way little one. But now you'll be returned to your rightful home. I can not bring back who you used to be, but I suppose you could reinvent yourself, considering you look similar to many that already live there, but you will live somewhere away from them, so you'll have time to grow your life.
The world begins to warm up as Error begins falling through air.
Good luck little destroyer, and may your future be yours.
Then Error woke up.
Error looks around the dumpster he landed in, thankful the trash was particularly soft.
He takes a few minutes to orient before opening the menu and reading, quickly editing his name since the town he's landed in the middle of seems to be called "Ekaron". Error can't fathom why it's called that, but he shrugs it off.
"It'S oNlY a MaTtEr Of TiMe BeFoRe FaTe FiNdS tHiS wOrLd...AnD mE..." Error sighs, noticing his glitching has reduced to a much smaller amount that before.
"FaNtAsTiC." Error mutters, finally digging through the soft bag to find a bunch of garments of varying fanciness. Error tilts his head, humming.
"I'm In A cItY wItH a BuNcH oF cLuBs AnD tHe LiKe...AnD aLl ThIs ClOtHiNg ThAt My EcTo-BoDy WoUlD aBsOlUtElY fIt InTo..." Error sighs, rubbing his throat, wincing as he rubs against the scabs.
"It'Ll GiVe Me SoMeThInG tO dO." Error gathers up all the bags he can find of clothing, placing them into his empty inventory. The only other thing in there is the box of puppets and notes he intended to hand out to them.
Error leaves the alleyway, dressed up in a better version of his torn and stitched together outfit. He could have made himself outfits, but that would have taken time and magic, time he just doesn't have and magic the world around him doesn't have much of. He doesn't want to deal with any more stress beyond what he's already got.
"PuT oN yOuR wAr PaInT~" Error is thankful he decided to wear a fire red dress today, happy to sing this call to arms song, remembering those he used to sing it to.
"YoU aRe A bRiCk TiEd To Me ThAt'S dRaGgInG mE dOwN~
sTrIkE a MaTcH aNd I'lL bUrN yOu To ThE gRoUnD~
wE aRe ThE jAcK-o-LaNtErNs In JuLy~
SeTtInG fIrE tO tHe SkY~
hE-hErE cOmEs ThIs RiSiNg TiDe~
So CoMe On~" Error crosses his hand from the floor up above his head, dancing movements that mimic the song's lyrics, having sung this one a dozen or more times.
"PuT oN yOuR wAr PaInT~" Error smiles, thankful for his tears for the first time ever.
"CrOsS wAlKs AnD cRoSsEd HeArTs AnD hOpE-tO-dIeS~
sIlVeR cLoUdS wItH gReY lInInGs~" Error sighs, stepping back and smiling along to the song.
"So We CaN tAkE tHe WoRlD bAcK fRoM tHe HeArT-aTtAcKeD~
oNe MaNiAc At A tImE wE wIlL tAkE iT bAcK~
yOu KnOw TiMe CrAwLs On~
WhEn YoU'rE wAiTiNg FoR tHe SoNg To StArT~
sO dAnCe AlOnE tO tHe BeAt Of YoUr HeArT~" Error taps the beat of the song on his chest, right above where his soul would be, the heartbeat resting under picking up to match the song.
"HeY yOuNg BlOoD~
dOeSn'T iT fEeL lIkE oUr TiMe Is RuNnInG oUt?~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~
WeArInG oUr ViNtAgE mIsErY~
nO, i ThInK iT lOoKeD a LiTtLe BeTtEr On Me~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~" Error twirls, catching the sides of his dress and making it seem like phoenix wings, proud that he thought of that stunt.
"BrInG hOmE tHe BoYs AnD sCrAp ScRaP mEtAl ThE tAnKs~
GeT hItChEd AnD mAkE a CaReEr OuT oF rObBiNg BaNkS~
bEcAuSe ThE wOrLd Is JuSt A tElLeR aNd We ArE wEaRiNg BlAcK mAsKs~
'YoU bRoKe OuR sPiRiT,' sAyS tHe NoTe We PaSs~" Error has never been more thankful that he is a black skeleton, a small part of his mind reminding him of how this song is reminiscent of his treatment from Fate and his choices. He ignores it, continuing to sing.
"So We CaN tAkE tHe WoRlD bAcK fRoM tHe HeArT-aTtAcKeD~
oNe MaNiAc At A tImE wE wIlL tAkE iT bAcK~
yOu KnOw TiMe CrAwLs On~
WhEn YoU'rE wAiTiNg FoR tHe SoNg To StArT~
sO dAnCe AlOnE tO tHe BeAt Of YoUr HeArT~" Error repeats his motions, tapping the beat on his soul.
"HeY yOuNg BlOoD~
dOeSn'T iT fEeL lIkE oUr TiMe Is RuNnInG oUt?~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~
WeArInG oUr ViNtAgE mIsErY~
nO, i ThInK iT lOoKeD a LiTtLe BeTtEr On Me~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~" Error repeats his phoenix dance move, grinning along to the song as his head bobs up and down to the rhythm.
"PuT oN yOuR wAr PaInT~" Error twirls to where he is facing away from the crowd but able to be heard very well still.
"ThE wAr Is WoN~
bEfOrE iT's BeGuN~
rElEaSe ThE dOvEs~
SuRrEnDeR lOvE~"
"ThE wAr Is WoN~
bEfOrE iT's BeGuN~
rElEaSe ThE dOvEs~
SuRrEnDeR lOvE~"
"ThE wAr Is WoN~
bEfOrE iT's BeGuN~
rElEaSe ThE dOvEs~
SuRrEnDeR lOvE~"
"ThE wAr Is WoN~
bEfOrE iT's BeGuN~
rElEaSe ThE dOvEs~
SuRrEnDeR lOvE~"
"(WaVe ThE wHiTe FlAg!~)" Error grins, turning around and catching his breath for the finale.
"HeY yOuNg BlOoD~
dOeSn'T iT fEeL lIkE oUr TiMe Is RuNnInG oUt?~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~
WeArInG oUr ViNtAgE mIsErY~
nO, i ThInK iT lOoKeD a LiTtLe BeTtEr On Me~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~" Error does his move, continuing the song.
"HeY yOuNg BlOoD~
dOeSn'T iT fEeL lIkE oUr TiMe Is RuNnInG oUt?~
I'm GoNnA cHaNgE yOu LiKe A rEmIx~
ThEn I'lL rAiSe YoU lIkE a PhOeNix~" Error does his move one final time.
"PuT oN yOuR wAr PaInT~" Error releases his final breath, bowing right as the song ends. The cheers and applause, it makes Error's soul pulse with pride.
Error counts off his rent, thankful he has hundreds of G which is surprisingly worth a lot here. He has to be careful with his G, making sure people don't get suspicious, so he kinda keeps it in a safe, using his gig money to pay the rent and the protection and stuff. He's doing fairly well for himself, using the G money to help others in the building when he can.
"..." Error sighs softly, stretching his body and cracking his neck.
"I sHoUlD pRoBaBlY dO yOgA oR sOmE oThEr PhYsIcAl AcTiViTy..." Error smiles.
"I cAn Go FoR a WaLk, A sOlO aCtIvItY tHaT nObOdY wIlL fInD sUsPiCiOuS!" Error grabs his purse, walking out the door and heading out for a walk in his normal clothing, stretching as he begins his walk around the neighborhood.
Meanwhile the two Sanses meet in an alleyway, looking each other over.
The more physically imposing one is known as Mob, and he's probably the biggest Monster Mobster anyone could ever know of. You weren't a Monster if you didn't know about Mob.
The less physically imposing skeleton but no less influential is one who has many nicknames. Love, Passion, Lust, Music. All of his names stem from his many different clubs. Clubs which a certain new black beauty has worked at.
"Care t' share how ya got the beauty?"
"You mean Error?~ Of course!~ He wanted a job singing, so I gave him one~"
"Ye aren't plannin on doin anything wit the black beauty, are ye?"
"What if I was? It's not your business, Mob." The less physically imposing skeleton harbors no fear, knowing that while he personally hasn't split blood, he's been responsible for every gang and mob leader who got rough with him 'vanishing without a trace'. Mob knows it too. That's the only reason the larger skeleton hasn't throttled the smaller one yet.
"Well, I wanna know cause I want 'im for myself" The smaller, from now on dubbed Passion, only grins slightly.
"Well then Mob, I wish you the very best luck. I want him too, and while I'm inclined to share, I am not sure of his opinion on such an option." Passion turns to leave the alleyway, smiling softly at Mob.
"I sincerely wish you luck, Mob. From what I can tell, he's not had the happiest life before he came to our wonderful city."
"EvEr SiNcE i CoUlD rEmEmBeR~
eVeRyThInG iNsIdE oF mE~
jUsT wAnTeD tO fIt In (Oh Oh Oh Oh)~" Error breathes softly, his eyes closed.
"I wAs NeVeR oNe fOr PrEtEnDeRs~
EvErYtHiNg I tRiEd To Be~
JuSt WoUlDn'T sEtTlE iN (oH oH oH oH)~" Error releases tension in his shoulders, wearing a soft blue/teal colored dress today at this little singing session. He recognizes a few magical auras, one of a mobster and one of the owner of this club. The owner he knows as Passion, but the mobster...has been present at every performance, his presence slightly panicking the former destroyer.
"If I tOlD yOu WhAt I wAs~
WoUlD yOu TuRn YoUr BaCk On Me?~" Error turns his back to the crowd, wincing mentally as he remembers this dress has a low-cut back, revealing many of his scars.
"AnD iF i SeEm DaNgErOuS~
wOuLd YoU bE sCaReD?~" Error hugs himself, breathing softly.
"I gEt ThE fEeLiNg JuSt BeCaUsE~
eVeRyThInG i ToUcH iSn'T dArK eNoUgH~
iF tHiS pRoBlEm LiEs In Me~" Error turns around, breathing along to the slow and soft beat of the song.
"I'm OnLy A mAn WiTh A cAnDlE tO gUiDe Me~
I'm TaKiNg A sTaNd To EsCaPe WhAt'S iNsIdE mE~" Error stands straighter, his soul pulsing again as he gets into his zone, the people fading to the back part of his mind.
"A mOnStEr, A mOnStER~
i'Ve TuRnEd InTo A mOnStEr~" Error can't help but feel a sense of humor at the lyrics, but keeps the punny look off his face.
"A mOnStEr, A mOnStER~
aNd It KeEpS gEtTiNg StRoNgEr~" Error holds his hands up, visualizing the red strings around him again, mimicking the action of breaking them.
"CaN i ClEaR mY cOnScIeNcE~
iF i'M dIfFeReNt FrOm ThE rEsT~
dO i HaVe To RuN aNd HiDe? (Oh Oh Oh Oh)~" Error tilts his head, the memories coming back and fogging up his vision.
"I nEvEr SaId ThAt I wAnT tHiS~
tHiS bUrDeN cAmE tO mE~
aNd It'S mAdE iTs HoMe InSiDe (Oh Oh Oh Oh)~" Error blinks away the fog, the lyrics processing for a second while he continues to sing.
"If I tOlD yOu WhAt I wAs~
WoUlD yOu TuRn YoUr BaCk On Me?~" Error steps away from the edge of the stage, continuing to sing while finding the strange parallel the song has with his life one of many conundrums.
"AnD iF i SeEm DaNgErOuS~
wOuLd YoU bE sCaReD?~" Error wants to smirk, he wants to show them why they should fear him, but he doesn't want to interrupt his own song.
"I gEt ThE fEeLiNg JuSt BeCaUsE~
eVeRyThInG i ToUcH iSn'T dArK eNoUgH~
iF tHiS pRoBlEm LiEs In Me~" Error turns away from the crowd, taking a soft breath.
"I'm OnLy A mAn WiTh A cAnDlE tO gUiDe Me~
I'm TaKiNg A sTaNd To EsCaPe WhAt'S iNsIdE mE~" Error stands up straighter, turning back to the crowd and throwing his arms out wide.
"A mOnStEr, A mOnStER~
i'Ve TuRnEd InTo A mOnStEr~
A mOnStEr, A mOnStER~
aNd It KeEpS gEtTiNg StRoNgEr~" Error tilts his head, gunning right to the finale.
"I'm OnLy A mAn WiTh A cAnDlE tO gUiDe Me~
I'm TaKiNg A sTaNd To EsCaPe WhAt'S iNsIdE mE~" Error smiles, ready to leave this club and think.
"A mOnStEr, A mOnStER~
i'Ve TuRnEd InTo A mOnStEr~
A mOnStEr, A mOnStER~
aNd It KeEpS gEtTiNg StRoNgEr~" Error bows, slowly retreating into the bathrooms, panic welling up in his soul.
Passion leads Mob to the back area, the two listening outside the bathroom Error stands in, changing.
"IsN't It A gOoD tHiNg ThE sOnG rElAtEs To My LiFe? I cAn PoUr MoRe InTo SiNgInG..." Error sighs, shaky breaths entering and leaving his body.
"ThEn WhY aM i So ScArEd? It'S nOt LiKe ShE cAn GeT mE hErE. iF sHe CoUlD gEt Me, ShE aLrEaDy WoUlD hAvE." Passion frowns, Mob looking furious. Whoever this 'She' is, Mob knows his gun Maria would love to get a bullet acquainted with this 'She's head. Passion gives the symbol to remain quiet, Mob focusing to realize Error is singing again.
"I'm BlEeDiNg OuT~
sO iF tHe LaSt ThInG tHaT i Do~
Is BrInG yOu DoWn~
I'lL bLeEd OuT fOr YoU~
sO i BaRe My SkIn~
AnD i CoUnT mY sInS~
aNd I cLoSe My EyEs~
AnD i TaKe It In~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT~
i'M bLeEdInG oUt FoR yOu, FoR yOu.~" Error's voice is gentle and soft, Passion's soul welling up with emotions of empathy, feeling the broken soul calling out from within the walls Error has put up.
"WhEn ThE dAy HaS cOmE~
tHaT i'Ve LoSt My WaY aRoUnD~
aNd ThE sEaSoNs StOp AnD hIdE bEnEaTh ThE gRoUnD~
wHeN tHe SkY tUrNs GrAy~
AnD eVeRyThInG iS sCrEaMiNg~
I wIlL rEaCh InSiDe~
JuSt To FiNd My HeArT iS bEaTiNg~" Mob finds the beauty's raw and unfiltered voice of sadness and longing even more beautiful than his normal voice.
"Oh, YoU tElL mE tO hOlD oN~
oH, yOu TeLl Me To HoLd On~
BuT iNnOcEnCe Is GoNe~
AnD wHaT wAs RiGhT iS wRoNg~" Passion and Mob slowly nod, the smaller skeleton slowly opening the bathroom, silently relieved and yet worried when he finds that Error is singing this from inside a toilet stall.
"CaUsE i'M bLeEdInG oUt~
So If ThE lAsT tHiNg ThAt I dO~
iS bRiNg yOu DoWn~
I'lL bLeEd OuT fOr YoU~
sO i BaRe My SkIn~
AnD i CoUnT mY sInS~
aNd I cLoSe My EyEs~
AnD i TaKe It In~
AnD i'M bLeEdInG oUt~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU (fOr YoU)~" Passion folds his legs under him, sitting down and waiting, Mob leaning on a wall out of the view of the stalls.
"WhEn ThE hOuR iS nIgH~
aNd HoPeLeSsNeSs Is SiNkInG iN~
aNd ThE wOlVeS aLl CrY~
tO fIlL tHe NiGhT wItH hOlLeRiNg~
WhEn YoUr EyEs ArE rEd~
AnD eMpTiNeSs Is AlL yOu KnOw~
WiTh ThE dArKnEsS fEd~
I wIlL bE yOuR sCaReCrOw~" Error's sniffles can be heard, but manage to not diminish his voice at all. Passion feels the empathy painfully grip his soul now. He can't ignore a soul in pain.
"YoU tElL mE tO hOlD oN~
oH, yOu TeLl Me To HoLd On~
BuT iNnOcEnCe Is GoNe~
AnD wHaT wAs RiGhT iS wRoNg~" Mob frowns, not used to feeling this way. He supposes his black beauty has everything to do with his new feelings of...empathy he supposes.
"CaUsE i'M bLeEdInG oUt~
So If ThE lAsT tHiNg ThAt I dO~
iS bRiNg yOu DoWn~
I'lL bLeEd OuT fOr YoU~
sO i BaRe My SkIn~
AnD i CoUnT mY sInS~
aNd I cLoSe My EyEs~
AnD i TaKe It In~
AnD i'M bLeEdInG oUt~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU, fOr YoU.~" Error's soul releases yet another suffocating call for help, Passion and Mob close enough to feel the overwhelming feeling of someone who just needs a little a lot of love to heal.
"I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU (fOr YoU)~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU (fOr YoU)~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU (fOr YoU)~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU~" Passion sighs softly, knowing Error is getting to the final chorus.
"CaUsE i'M bLeEdInG oUt~
So If ThE lAsT tHiNg ThAt I dO~
iS bRiNg yOu DoWn~
I'lL bLeEd OuT fOr YoU~
sO i BaRe My SkIn~
AnD i CoUnT mY sInS~
aNd I cLoSe My EyEs~
AnD i TaKe It In~
AnD i'M bLeEdInG oUt~
I'm BlEeDiNg OuT fOr YoU, fOr YoU.~" Error ceases his singing, a soft sniffling noise replacing the space the music had occupied. Passion moves toward the stall, slowly and cautiously opening the door so he doesn't scare the whimpering skeleton.
"Error, darling? Are you okay?" Error's sniffles cut off as Passion fully opens the stall to look at Error dressed in an attire far different from his typical dress. (It's just his normal outfit, but PAssion has never seen Error outside of a dress.)
"W-wHy D-dO y-YoU c-CaRe? I-i DoN't MaTtEr..."
"That's bullshit love and I don' care who told you that horseshit!" Mob speaks up, scaring Error, who automatically flinches as if he's about to be hit. Passion waves Mob down, slowly scooting closer to Error.
"Sweetheart. You do matter. You shouldn't feel the need to flinch everytime someone bigger than you moves toward you..." Error looks down, Passion slowly and gently pulling Error's gaze up to him.
"I mean it. You should not have to live in fear. Or cry in bathroom stalls." Passion moves his hands to Error's hands, pulling the smaller skeleton up off the toilet and out of the stall to stand in front of a mirror, with Passion standing behind Error.
"You know what I see in this mirror?"
"A sTrOnG mAn...AnD tHeRe I aM." Passion sighs, leaning forward slightly so he's the same height at Error.
"Not quite, sweetheart. I see two strong men, who've struggled to get to where they are, and ultimately need or needed more help to get to a better place." Passion looks at Mob, who kneels, equaling the height of Error.
"Ya, sweetheart. Don' worry too much, okay? We'll 'elp ya out."
"WhAt'S iN iT fOr YoU?"
"Yer mental health, darling."
"YoU wAnT mOrE...i KnOw It..."
"But we can be patient on what we want. You matter. You come first."
Error looks around the apartment Mob and Passion have shown him around, stating it'll be the place they all can live in. Three bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. The living room and kitchen take up the rest of the space on this floor. They claim that there is another floor up top with some other things, but Error isn't so sure he should believe them, because two-floor apartments sound a little far-fetched. He gets into his room, summoning his companion blaster, the blaster remaining quiet and nuzzling Error gently, calming down the panicking skeleton.
"NoW...tO eXpLaIn YoU tO tHeM...hOpEfUlLy ThEy WoN't ShOuT aT mE fOr ThE mAgIc...Or TuRn Me In To SoMe ScIeNtIsTs..." Error sighs, tilting his head as he hears soft singing. He leaves the room, heading to the living room, where he finds Passion singing softly. Error listens, but the tune seems unfamiliar to him.
"Hey, Error, darling." Error feels a slight panic, finding the names uncomfortable, but unwilling to ask them to stop calling him those names.
"Y-yEs?" Error curses himself internally for the stutter, his nerves getting the better of him.
"I understand if you don't want to share, but can you explain to me what happened to you? The scars...and the behaviors...I want to know who abused you and how, so I can avoid triggering any bad memories you have." Error looks down at the floor, speaking clearly despite the slight glitch in his voice.
"If YoU lEaRn ThE tRuTh...YoU wOn'T lIkE mE mUcH..." Mob has begun working in the kitchen, but Error isn't a fool. He's listening to their conversation.
"Now, Error, dear. I don't think anything could change my mind about you. I know what I feel from your soul. You're a selfless individual with a guilt complex. There is next to nothing that could change my desire to help you." Error sighs, hesitantly beginning his story when Fate took him and forced him to destroy, moving to the treatment he suffered under the forgetful Ink's hand, both romantically and otherwise. He continues with the treatment he suffered due to the burden he was forced to shoulder, then to the events of the last time he saw that world and those people. Error shakes, his eyes closed and tears welling up as he waits for Passion to kick him out.
"You have a companion Blaster, yes?" Error peeks one eye open in confusion, looking at Passion and slowly nodding.
"Call it to you. You need it right now." Error opens both his eyes, surprised when in the blink of an eye, his blaster is nuzzling against his chest. He hugs it close, looking at Passion.
"I needed one too, and my magic automatically made it for me when I needed it. I felt a similar magic drain from you. Calm down, in the meantime, sit down and relax, okay?" Passion smiles genuinely, and Error feels a flutter in his soul. This...Passion and Mob...might be more genuine than anything he's experienced in his long long life.
"Are you scarred by what he put you through?~ Is that why you treat me like you do?~" Passion begins the soft song, Error much more comfortable with the two and the apartment, which he has since learned does indeed have a second floor.
"Ya keep buildin walls I can' break through~ What can Ah do te prove myself to ya?~" Error jumps a little in surprise when Mob joins, having never heard Mob sing before this point in time.
"Just because he was unfaithful~ Doesn't make me a cheater~" Passion moves, sitting beside Error.
"Jus' because he just wasn' true~ Doesn' make meh a liar~" Mob, continuing to sing, sits on the opposite side of Error.
"Can' you see~ That he ain't meh~ (He ain't meh) This is not how it's supposed to be~ No way Ah can win~ Guilty until proven innocent~ Now I'm paying fer his sins~" Mob and Passion sing the chorus in unison, Error looking down at the ground.
"Th' shouting seemin all like deja vu~ 'Cause Ah can' stand th' thought o' hurting ye~" Mob continues, relaxed in every manner, but Error's always known how to read those who are like Mob. They're more dangerous than any other. Acting relaxed, but ready to strike like a viper.
"But you keep pushing me farther away~ Even when I'm begging you to stay~" Passion continues, leaning against Error, being gentle.
"Jus' because he was unfaithful~ Doesn' make meh a cheater~"
"Just because he just wasn't true~ Doesn't make me a liar~"
"Can' you see~ That he ain't meh~ (He ain't meh) This is not how it's supposed to be~ No way Ah can win~ Guilty until proven innocent~ Now I'm paying fer his sins~" They continue their pattern, singing together.
"It's unfair~ Te compare~ Ever'time ye needed meh Ah've been right there~ Ah just know Ah can' hold on~ Unless ye let it go~" They sing this and the rest of the song together.
"Can' you see~ That he ain't meh~ (He ain't meh) This is not how it's supposed to be~ No way Ah can win~ Guilty until proven innocent~ Now I'm paying fer his sins~"
"Can' you see~ That he ain't meh~ (He ain't meh) This is not how it's supposed to be~ No way Ah can win~ Guilty until proven innocent~ Now I'm paying fer his sins~" Error tears up, sniffling softly.
"I-i'M sOrRy..."
"It's okay, sweetheart."
"One day, ye'll nevah think o' those jackasses again, and when tha' day comes, Ah hope ye'll let me an' Maria teach em all a lesson!" Error sniffles even as he smiles.
"They May Have Mistreated Me, But Nobody Deserves Death...Believe Me, I Know."
(4756 words.
Oops. It's a little long. Hope you enjoyed. And saw how some of those songs lined up strangely well with FGOD Error and the story in general. As you can tell, I kinda drifted from the original premise, but Oh Well.
Hope you enjoyed. Have a good whatever the fuck it is for you as I head to bed. (It's 2:12 AM for me on the Western Coast Of America. Comment with the time it is for you upon reading this short. Good luck my stalkers. = )...)
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