Two years later
"Yeah, I'm almost about done packing, honestly," Harry said, his phone glued to his ear, pausing to take a sip of coffee. "Might even finish before you even get here, Gem's."
"I still can't believe you're making me take all your things home while you get to go stay at your boyfriend's abode." Gemma complained.
He sighed, as he set one of his jigsaw puzzles into a box that nearly filled. "Gemma, you're the one who offered, remember?"
"Yeah, but I clearly remember saying that I'd offer to take you home. Not drive around with your stuff and be the one to carry it all in. I just got my nails done, you know." Gemma complained as Harry sealed the box with some tape. "Be lucky I'm such an amazing sister to help you on my day off."
Harry may have had a shred of guilt because Gemma would have to do a little bit of heavy lifting. But, Harry wanted to stay with Louis tonight before he heads back home to figure out his life.
"It's not like you have to unpack my things." Harry reasoned as he carried the box over to the small pile in the corner, phone tucked against his ear.
"Yeah, lucky me." Gemma deadpanned, and Harry just smiled.
Harry's dorm was fairly sparsely decorated. Everything was pretty much packed away and ready to be sent home. He still had his clothes to pack and whatever else was in his nightstand. The desk was empty and the bed stripped of Harry's own blankets. Pictures were torn down from the wall he had taped up over the past two years. His laptop tucked away in a box somewhere. He also was setting himself up a duffle bag of essentials to bring to Louis' flat for a few days. It had been quite the bittersweet of a week, Harry was finally done with uni. Graduating fairly soon, and he had been trying to wrap his head around it. All that hard work he put in, the long days he spent in his books making sure he covered all his bases. Making sure everything was up to par. Striving to achieve that first-class degree as he spent many days night cramming everything into his head. Keeping up with study group throughout the years and taking part in the nursing society. Working his best at clinical practice and trying to be a great nurse. Everything Harry strived for finally happened and he was just so proud of himself.
"So, about breakfast-" Gemma started.
Harry just idly listened to Gemma ramble as he sat down on his bed, pulling the small box on his nightstand to set in on his lap. Opening the drawer and tossing his extra phone cord into the box. Some old mystery books he stopped reading or at least forgotten about. Bottle of lube that Harry tossed over to his duffle because no need for Gemma or anyone to see that. Grabbing the few polaroid pictures of Louis and him kissing. Niall had gotten himself one of those instant cameras two Christmases ago and decided he needed to document everything for nearly a month. Taking snapshots of whatever he deemed interesting. Apparently capturing them kissing without even knowing inspired Niall. Regardless, Harry loved to look at them whenever he didn't get to see Louis for a significant amount of time. It made him feel warm inside just looking back at those photos as he set them carefully in his box. Almost too afraid they'd get ruined because it was memories he couldn't get back.
When Harry looked back into his nightstand, the corner of his lip quirked upward. He reached it and held in his palm, reading over the engraving of best friends. It's the keychain Louis had given him a few years ago before holidays. Harry thought back to that cold morning. Standing in the empty car park, all alone but with a warm heart.
Harry thought of Louis kissing him in Manchester under the fireworks, telling him he loved him in the pouring rain, and Louis making a promised he wasn't going anywhere in a defaced room. Harry remembered of the past two years they've been together and how great things have been.
Naturally, there were some minor things they didn't entirely agree on as any other couple normally would. From not agreeing on where to go eat for dinner to who was paying for what. Some other useless bickering that came and gone, never lasting long enough. But they had more good happen in their relationship than anything else. They deemed Wednesday nights their date nights when Harry was in Southampton, and the weekends when Louis wasn't visiting family or busy, Harry stayed over. Going on some day trips whenever neither of them were busy and just needed to get away. Last summer they went on a four day trip in mid -August as Louis had some time off and he wanted them to go to Edinburg. Which was nice, first time Harry ever went on an excursion with Louis for that length of time.
They'd even gotten a few more matching tattoos over time, Louis' got an O on the inside of his pinky finger, and Harry got an X. Then there was the one where Louis got a small sun on his right arm somewhere in the mix of all the other. Harry got the moon etched behind his ear. It's kind of funny how Harry was so bullheaded on the idea of tattoos and how he changed his mind when it came to Louis. Louis may have been right when he said they're addicting, but Harry didn't go crazy. They're rather inconspicuous for his career. He's not loaded like his boyfriend who even gotten ink on his ankle and arse cheek. But Harry was happy with his decisions.
Harry drifted his eyes closed as he held the keychain close to him. His mind tracing back to that late Tuesday night in November, back in year three. Louis came all the way to see him because he wanted to kiss Harry. They went for a late night walk and just talked, Louis ended up sleeping over. Harry woke up to a cold spot the next morning, but that was okay.
Louis was Harry's other half, he couldn't imagine a life without him.
A part of Harry is excited to see what would be going to come his way, but he was also terrified. He got three places in mind where he wanted to apply to work, in London. He hadn't found a place to live yet, or a flatmate. Ed was out of the question because he was flatmates with Nick. Niall, he was living with Zayn. As he asked Niall to move in with him five months ago since Louis no longer lived there. Which wasn't surprising because Harry called it months before it happened. Louis had moved out on his own as he gotten a decent promotion and was able to get something affordable. It was not exactly big, but it was cosy Harry would say. It was nice when he went over there to actually have privacy and to not deal with nosey flatmates. Not having to worry about being caught mid-snog or being interrupted by Zayn whose on a tirade because he couldn't find his lighter. Louis seemed happy though even if his furnishing was still sparse, but he made it feel like home.
Harry wished he could just afford a studio on his own, that'd be perfect. He wouldn't have to live with anyone since making friends still wasn't his thing, but he's gotten better. Even then, it still didn't mean it was going to scare Harry away living with a complete stranger. He wasn't going to work back home or in Manchester where his sister is. He wanted to live near his friends. His boyfriend.
To have his own life that he was eager to start.
Harry just let out a breath of air, his eyes fluttered open, and stuck it into his pocket. Wanting to feel close to it because it held a special place in his heart. He wondered if Louis still had his lock one that matched. Maybe he'd ask him about it later.
He went back to putting various odd as Gemma said into the line, "Sorry, I may have to end this chat short, Harry. But I think mum's trying to get through." Harry had tuned Gemma out he must have forgotten he had been on the phone. But maybe now that she was done chatting Harry's ear off, he can get more things done.
"It's fine, Gemma," Harry reassured, he paused what he was doing as he held onto the box. "I'll see you in what? Half an hour from now?"
"And you better be ready because I don't want to come in there and finish packing for you." Gemma threatened, and Harry just smirked as he grabbed the last of his remains from the nightstand, tossing them into the small cardboard box. "Or else I won't take you to Louis' which is way out of my way I'll have you know."
Harry heaved sighed, "Okay, okay I get your point. I only have one more box to pack, so calm down." The faster Harry got off his mobile, the quicker he could finish.
"I'm just saying. Ok, I need to go and see who's trying to ring me. I'll text you when I'm there." Gemma commented before she hanged up. Harry just tucked his phone into his pocket and set the small box off to the side. Running his finger through his hair, moving to his feet, and grabbing the tape.
When he finished taping up the box on his bed, he put it in the corner. Sliding the bigger empty one with his boot across the floor to his wardrobe. Tossing his pants and socks into the bottom before working his way up to his jeans and tops. Harry pulled his white button up that had been to a beer-stained war and back from the hanger. It was his favourite button up. It also harbored a lot of memories that Harry had bittersweet feelings towards. He tossed it into the box and went to the next.
Harry couldn't help but feel as if he was ending a chapter of his life. Getting ready to start another part of it where it would be unknown territory and uncertainty. Establishing a career and trying to figure out your place in the world. Harry was nervous because it all seemed so daunting, but he was also excited.
All the new people he could meet, places he'll go, and learn things he didn't already know. It was going to be a new path in his life.
And Harry just hoped it'd be a good one.
It had been a long week for Harry. Spending every moment of his day trying to figure out his situation regarding his career. Truth be told Harry still hadn't decided yet. He had other things on his plate though so you couldn't really blame him.
First, he needed to find a place in London and secondly, he was quite nervous to graduate. Okay... Maybe he was massively on edge all week. This was everything he strived for, and he just didn't want to trip and fall. Make a fool out of himself. Being in tears because he was so happy. Whatever could possibly went wrong, Harry just didn't want it to happen.
But, by the time Friday came around, and the ceremony for Faculty of Health Sciences happened, Harry was relieved.
It was like a weight had been lifted off of him and he couldn't stop smiling. Happy to have his family there to congratulate him. Even if his mum was a big mess because it was her last child graduating and she was just so proud. Harry thought it was rather embarrassing, but he just let his mum get it out of her system. Gemma was there too which was nice, she slugged Harry in the shoulder and told him now the real fun would start, sounding awfully sarcastic with a smirk across her face. Harry didn't care, he finally did what he wanted to do, and that was all that mattered.
Harry spent most of his afternoon out with his family since he wasn't going with them as he had plans with Louis for the weekend. Anne and Gemma ended up going to stay at a hotel anyway since it was too long of a drive. Not only that but Anne wanted Harry to go out for breakfast with them tomorrow morning, and to bring Louis. Of course Harry just thought it was weird. You know since Gemma and Anne weren't leaving first thing in the morning to enjoy their weekend. But apparently, wanting to have a family breakfast plus one. Harry just didn't even ask questions and told his mum he'd ask Louis about it.
Later that day, Harry was pressed down into soft plushness of the sofa cushions. Fingers in his hair and burning kisses going down his neck. Louis' on top of him, making Harry feel a little trembly and breathy moans fell from his bitten lips. Harry's heart pumping uncontrollably as his legs tangle with his boyfriends. Fingers toying with the white shirt Louis had on, pulling him impossibly close.
Louis gently nipped at his bruised skin before dragging his lips back to Harry's, gliding them together effortlessly before he pulled back. Bracing his arms and staring down at Harry between his legs. A touch of a smile on his lips.
"I'm so fucking proud of you, babe." Louis cooed. "I know I already told you that at least a million times today, but I meant it." Louis had told Harry at the restaurant they went to The Jetty, that it was a celebratory meal that Louis thought was necessary. Wanting to treat Harry to a nice meal and probably bring him back to his flat to seduce him. Not that Harry had any complaints because so far this day had been nothing but great to him.
"Thanks, Lou." Harry breathed out, feeling heat inched up to his cheeks when Louis caressed his thumb across his jaw.
They lapsed into a comfortable silence for a moment, and Harry couldn't help but think about his future with Louis. Staring into those heavenly blue eyes and thinking how lucky he was that they found one another. Louis was this amazing guy that could have went for anyone else, not the diligent student. Not the homebody type of guy who preferred a quiet night instead of being surrounded by drunks. He wanted the only person that had been different from the rest. It made Harry's heart skip a beat the longer he stared into his eyes as he felt Louis' thumb gently caressing his skin.
"I love you." Harry said in a near whisper, pulling Louis a touch closer.
The corners of Louis' lips slid upward, before he replied softly, "I love you too."
Harry wanted to reach up and cup his boyfriend's face and pull him in for a kiss. He also wanted to wrap his whole body around him and keep him there. Not wanting to let go and just nuzzle his face into his neck. He just needed Louis in many ways right now.
"You know, if we move this to the floor, maybe I can break out that puzzle I got last week." Louis brought up, and Harry was intrigued. "I mean as much as I'm tempted to rip off your clothes, maybe we could do a quick jigsaw before I get my hands on you."
"Sounds good to me." Harry thought this day couldn't get any better. He'd always enjoyed when they sat around to do a puzzle together. Louis had gotten better at the whole whining thing that it's too tedious, well for the most part. Louis usually would end up getting bored halfway through and would be distracting Harry away. Trying to get any sort of attention on himself. They never ended up finishing any of the puzzles they began as they usually ended up with their clothes gone and cuddled on the floor all sweaty after a round or two.
Harry didn't mind though. He knew Louis tried for him and it still warmed his heart to this day.
Louis pulled off of Harry reluctantly, ambling across the flat, and disappearing into the dark bedroom. Harry moved to sit up as he fussed with his hair, trying to get in order while he waited for his boyfriend. Wondering just how long they'll make it through this time before Louis' gotten his lips all over him. But he wasn't in thought for too much longer when Louis popped out of the bedroom with a box in his hand and dumping its contents in the middle of the living room floor. Sitting crossed legged on the floor as he glanced over towards Harry, with a touch of a smile on his lips.
"Well, are you just going to sit there and make me do this myself, Harold?" Louis quipped as he set the top of the box aside, spreading out the pieces.
Harry rolled his eyes as he moved to his feet, sitting down on the other side of the mess to face his boy. "Of course not, was waiting for my invite, actually," Harry smirked as he started to sort through the pieces. "And, seriously, did you have to get a puzzle that says congratulations? Couldn't you have glued it together yourself and given it to me?"
"Hey, it's the thought that counts, darling. Besides just be happy I want to do these with you still, even if they make me want to rip my fucking hair out." Louis snickered. Some things never changed. "Good thing I'm such a supportive boyfriend, right?"
Harry just smiled as he put all the dark edge pieces in a pile. Louis was wonderfully encouraging and always trying to make his day brighter. Doing whatever he could to make Harry smile and not worry about whatever was occupying his mind. Harry had hoped in a way that Louis felt the same way towards him. Even when Louis' band had officially broken up two years because they all went separate ways, Harry was there for him. Just like he had been there now that Louis was thinking about heading off back to uni for the music program sometime next year. At the end of the day, Harry would always be there for his boyfriend, and that was a promise he's always kept.
They lapsed in and out of conversation as they slowly pieced together the outline of the puzzle. Harry sneaked a peek at his boyfriend every time he went to grab a piece from the pile. Couldn't help but stare at Louis in the soft light of the flat. Thinking he was as beautiful as the day they met. That their love for another hasn't faded away and that Harry felt pretty damn lucky. Harry's chest tightened the longer he stared. Biting back a smile and glanced back down, knowing loving Louis had been the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Harry braved another look at his boyfriend, grabbing more pieces from the pile. This time grabbing a few of the white pieces to set off to the side. Louis caught Harry staring and shared a smile with him before his eyes fell back onto the puzzle. Harry just tucked his hair and followed suit.
When they had eventually gotten to the lettering once the black background had been filled, it became easier filling in the empty spaces. Connecting pieces one by one. Working together efficiently and quietly.
But soon, Harry was baffled.
There was no way this was turning out to be congratulations because there was simply no "In" in it. Harry wondered if maybe Louis didn't check his spelling or got it off of some shoddy website. Yet, Harry didn't say anything of it and just kept putting together the puzzle.
They sat there in silence as they slowly started to finish the puzzle, putting all the finishing pieces together. Harry's eyes narrowed as he stared down at the picture as Louis connected the last few pieces together. Making Harry's heart stall in his chest and as if time stood still. Trying to pick apart the words staring back at him. To understand if this was what Harry thought it meant.
Move in with me?
Harry couldn't stop reading it over in his mind. Louis wanted to live together. He wanted Harry here with him. Not down the street or on the other side of the city. To be right here and spend their days together. To no longer be apart and start a new chapter together.
And it made Harry's heart feel so full.
"You don't have to say yes." Louis said carefully, breaking the silence between them.
Harry let out a shaky breath as he flicked his gaze back up at his boyfriend, his pulse racing. Staring into those hopeful blue eyes and Harry knew what he wanted. Even before crawling across the puzzle, pieces going everywhere as he slid onto Louis' lap. Not caring if it looked awkward, wrapping his arms around his shoulder. Feeling the gentle press of Louis' palm underneath his top. Harry pressed his lips against Louis', his fingers tips grazing Louis' cheek. Heart just growing twice its size at the warmth of Louis' hand on his skin and the idea of this place being Harry's home. His place where he came to at the end of the day and to be with the person he loved the most.
Harry pulled back from the kiss and breathed out, "Yes... Yes, I.. I'd love to, Lou." It was more a desperate soft chant. Resting his forehead against Louis', their noses brushing, and Louis' warm breath against his lips. Dropping his hand from his cheek and resting it on his bicep.
"Was hoping for that sort of reaction, been meaning to ask for almost six months now." Louis confessed, sliding his hand a little lower on Harry's back.
And, what? Six months?
Harry pushed his head back just enough so he could look at his boyfriend, "That long?" Louis nodded. "Really?" It came out in more a whisper because he felt on the verge of tears of joy. He wasn't expecting any of this and it was all so much for him.
"Yes, really. Talked to your mum and Gemma about it before I even entertain the idea of planning how to ask. Luckily they like me enough to give me their blessings." Louis beamed, and that was why his family wasn't going back home. It all made sense. "Gemma sort of grilled me with questions, not that I didn't blame her because I would too do the same for my own sisters," Louis explained as Harry searched his sincere eyes. "And I'm happy that they approved because I don't think I can stand being in this flat anymore without you. I moved here for you. For us."
Harry grinned, squeezing Louis' arm gently. "Even if they'd said no, I would have still said yes. I don't want to be anywhere else except with you."
" I'm glad, because I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, you're my everything."
Harry's heart swooned in his chest, pressing his face into the crook of his boyfriend's neck, and letting out a steady breath. His nose brushing against Louis' skin as he placed a small delicate kiss. Nuzzling his face into him as he felt Louis' grip tighten and Harry couldn't think of anywhere else he'd rather be right now.
Being here now and understanding that his life was going to change, Harry was no longer scared. He wasn't terrified to try and figure out where he'd love to work or who would be his flatmate. Where to live and how to adjust to life after uni alone without anyone of his mates there. Harry didn't have to do any of that worrying anymore because he'll have Louis right there with him. Something Harry never expected to happen so soon. Something that wasn't in his plan before he stepped foot onto campus years ago, but you know what?
He wouldn't change anything.
Because underneath it all, this was all Harry had ever wanted.
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