It's almost six o'clock on a Friday and Harry was sat on a bench outside of the train station.
Louis was supposed to be here a half an hour ago and Harry thought that maybe Louis had forgotten to come pick him up. Afterall Harry had made sure to send Louis a text before he had even gotten off the train so Louis would be here waiting for him.
However, that wasn't the case as he was still at the train station. Sat here bored of his damn mind without anything to do. Well other than the lousy apps on his phone, but that was pointless as he spent so much time on the damn thing throughout the ride here. It was almost dead and he didn't want to waste it in case he needed to call a cab if Louis doesn't show up soon.
Which, Harry hoped wasn't the case because he sort of forgotten where Louis lived...
It's terrible, he was a shit boyfriend because he couldn't even remember where the flat was located. Talk about not paying attention.
But as Harry went to sit here with his legs crossed, eyes flickered about as he looked around. His mind wandered back to the past two weeks and how weird it all had been. Not that... it was just Louis had been a bit preoccupied with his internship and new connections he made that they hadn't talked much. Now Harry had decided he wasn't going to worry about it when he helped Louis and Zayn move in. Which he was still not, but it's been quite disappointing, to say the least.
Yeah, they messaged each other here and there when Louis had a break or had time off. They even talked on the phone, well not as much as they had, but Harry took whatever he could get. However, it wouldn't be a lie to say it had been a bit lonesome not having the attention he once had at his beck and call.
Harry had been so excited these past few days leading up to see his boy because two weeks without him had felt too long. Harry had this nervousness fluttering around his stomach all morning and throughout his train ride. In fact, Harry still had it and he wasn't sure why he felt so anxious about seeing Louis. They've known each other for nearly a year now and Harry's never felt this on edge about seeing someone he's dating. Awaiting for their arrival and being in his arms again.
It made Harry's heart stutter at the thought of being with his beautiful boy again, and god Louis needed to hurry the hell up.
Harry let out a sigh as he glanced down to his top for a moment. Harry knew this probably looked like a nervous tick, but he fiddled with the buttons of his top. His mind going back and forth on about his look today, he thought maybe he shouldn't have put on his special cologne so strongly or maybe a different top would have been nicer.
No, no, no.. Louis wouldn't care about any of that.
Louis loved him and had told him specifically that night after night he couldn't wait to have his baby back. Which put a smile on Harry's face because it made him feel validated, wanted, and most of all loved.
Harry just hoped there wouldn't be anymore lost time as his stay was limited until 7pm Sunday evening.
The longer Harry sat here, the more worried he grew that maybe something had happened to Louis. Harry hoped not because the thought of something that had gone terribly wrong made his stomach roll and Harry couldn't deal with that. Maybe he should give Louis a ring even though initially he wanted to save what's left of his battery for an emergency call, but it'd make him feel immensely better if he just got a hold of Louis instead.
After Harry went through his contacts and pressed the call button he sat there as his eyes scanned the area, hopeful to see a familiar face.
And shit, it went to voicemail. Harry frowned as he pulled up Louis' messages, typing in a quick where are you? Before he tapped send.
"Come on, Louis... you knew I'd be here." Harry mumbled to himself as the screen of his phone went black.
Harry chewed the inside of his cheek as he waited for a text notification to pop up any second. Almost tempted to shoot Zayn a text to see about his address, but Harry didn't know if Zayn was busy with work. As Zayn had found good luck when it came to searching for a job. He ended up snatching up a job at one of those fancy schmancy department stores to have a more "hands-on experience" before dipping his toes into the whole fashion buyer thing.
Not that Harry could really blame Zayn because he too would follow in those footsteps. As when it came to the fashion industry Harry knew next to nothing.
Harry was just happy that everyone that was supposed to be heading in the right direction after university was doing it. Well, besides Nick because he's apparently off somewhere on a beach with his latest boy toy, sipping on mixed cocktails. Well, that's Louis told him apparently as Nick decided to take a mini hiatus from reality. Which Harry wasn't surprised at all, at least his mate is out there doing it, enjoying life.
Suddenly Harry was brought out of his thoughts when he heard that all to a familiar voice. His eyes shot up and Harry never had gotten up fast enough. Arms wrapped around Harry's waist, pulled tight, and a pair of lips on his cheek. The scratchiness of Louis' stubble against his skin made him feel quite tingly. God, Harry missed him and ugh, he smelled so good. Harry nestled his head into the crook of his boyfriend's neck as he was embraced, the nervous feeling he had still there, but his heart felt like it was beating so fast.
"Missed you." Harry muttered as his smile grew wider when he felt Louis pull him in tighter.
The hug lingered for a few more seconds until Louis pulled away, but his hand flat against Harry's waist. Harry still couldn't calm his heart down because he was just so happy to be with Louis.
And god damn, did Louis look good.
Harry didn't know what it was about Louis is all black clothes that hugged every inch of his body to his soft fringe. But Louis looked absolutely stunning and Harry was happy to have Louis all to himself. Maybe it was the fact he hadn't physically been with Louis for days that he felt so attracted to his boyfriend. Then again, Harry had always been taken aback by Louis' looks, but this felt a little more intense and he can't quite explain why, but he can't wait to have Louis to himself tonight. On their date, they have planned as Harry was in desperate need of attention from his guy.
"I'm so sorry, babe. I got busy with staying after to help with a project and I was going to call you soon as I left. But, my phone fell out of my hand onto the floor when I was on my way here... hope you're not too mad." Louis explained and Harry shook his head, he was just happy that Louis hadn't forgotten about him actually. "Missed you too, by the way."
"It's okay, Lou." Harry didn't want Louis to think he was upset because he wasn't, Louis had a valid reason why he was late. Not like he did it on purpose because then that'd have been a whole different story. "Everything okay, I hope?"
Louis gave a nod as Harry felt the gentle squeeze of his boyfriend's hand, his stomach still a fluttery mess. God, Harry hadn't thought he'd be this nervous still now that they're together.
"Yeah, now that you're here." Louis said as he leaned up and pressed their lips together.
Harry kissed back before the lips were gone and the hand on his hip no longer there. Harry wanted to pout about it because he craved for more affection, he needed it so bad. But maybe tonight Louis will make it up to him over dinner. Harry couldn't wait to go on this date honestly.
Apparently, Louis had told him he wanted to take him around and out to eat (of course). Spend time together alone instead of cooped up in a small flat where they'd get in the way of Zayn and Niall's time together. Now Harry didn't mind it when Louis had told him Niall was down to see Zayn as well because being with his boyfriend and his best mate? How better could this get?
This weekend was going to be absolutely amazing.
"I missed you so fucking much, seriously Harold." Louis mentioned as he pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Been a tough two weeks, sucks your leaving Sunday night."
"Wish I could stay longer, but you've got work first thing Monday morning and I've got some serious studying to do."
Louis looked taken back, "Studying? On summer holiday... Why?" Harry got that Louis probably thought he was insane for that, but he wanted to refresh his mind. Keep current and learn new things he didn't already know. Also to prepare for his upcoming year of course. "You never seize to amaze me, baby."
Harry could feel the corners of his lips sliding upwards at those word as he shook his head. "Because I want to be prepared and I don't want to have any surprises when it comes to my grades this year coming up." Harry explained honestly because it was true. Harry couldn't have a bad mark again, it wasn't acceptable. Not if he wanted to graduate with first class honours. Harry still had goals to attain for crying out loud, he couldn't let missing Louis override his future. No matter how much he hated to be away from his boy and spent an hour on his phone, there was always times to work on his future.
"Just don't stress yourself out too much, okay? It's not exactly fun seeing you get overworked like that." Louis explained before he reached over and grabbed Harry bag from the bench, "But anyway no more talking about school shit because we've got the whole weekend together. And I'd rather focus on us." Harry liked that idea. "We've got some catching up to do."
"Okay fine, uni is off limits." Harry compromised as he watched Louis readjust the hold he had with Harry's duffle bag. "You do know I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own bag, Lou."
"I know, but I happen to like accommodating you." Harry wasn't in the least bit surprised. "I like to take care of my baby, but anyways do you wanna start heading back to mine now?"
Harry nodded, eager to get away from the train station already and have a little more privacy with Louis. Away from the masses of people and loudness of everything around them.
When they were back in Louis' car, Harry felt a bit more relaxed now that were in the confines of the cabin and away from the noisiness. Various Smashing Pumpkins tunes made up for the silence between them and the hand on Harry's thigh was nothing but soothing.
Harry felt at home.
It wasn't a long drive back to Louis' thankfully because Harry was borderline sick of being transported place to place for the greater part of his day. He'd rather be back at uni doing some clinical practice or even those god awful essays he always dreaded than sit around in those uncomfortable seats. Thank god Harry didn't have to deal with it again until Sunday.
By the time they had gotten to Louis' building they wasted no time to head up to the flat, Harry wondered if Zayn and Louis had kept the place clean. That there were no dirty plates laying wherever to attract vermin, soiled clothes tossed onto a chair in the corner waiting to be washed, and shoes scattered about. Not that Harry had any place to tell the boys to clean up after themselves as they exactly weren't the tidiest guys in the world. Well more so Louis, but still. Harry sort of expected to walk into a mess or at least unorganized.
Once Harry had stepped foot into the flat he was greeted by Niall whose gotten a beer in his hand, bottle half empty.
"Where's Z at, Niall?" Louis asked as he shut the door behind him as he kicked off his shoes.
Niall brought the bottle to his lips, swallowed some down before he explained, "He'd forgotten his wallet back at the shop, he should be back any minute now."
"Let's just hope he's not taking advantage of that employee discount because you might be sitting bored for a while, Nialler." Louis snickered as he disappeared into the bedroom.
Niall let out a sigh, as he knew that there was a high chance of that happening when it came to Zayn and shopping. Poor Niall, he just had to get a boyfriend that loved to spend hours just going around all the shops. Harry was just glad Louis wasn't like that because it'd drive him mad if Louis had to be so fussy over what clothes looked best on him. It was bad enough when they had went weeks ago to go shopping for Harry's formal attire for the wedding. God, did Harry not feel great in anything he tried on, no matter what Louis said to reassure him that he looked handsome, it didn't work. But in the end, he choose something that seemed to get the best reaction out of his boyfriend.
"Hope not, Zayn's supposed to be saving for our weekend trip coming up in a couple weeks." Niall mentioned as he took another sip of his drink. "I'm going to be upset if that's the case." oh god, Harry didn't want to experience an argument between these two if this plays out like Niall had mentioned. From what Harry had heard is that Niall and Zayn had never had any form of disagreement except for the time Niall had been a bit insensitive towards Zayn's feelings when his brand new pair of jeans had gotten an ink pen stain on them, but that was short lived.
Harry just hoped for the best because as selfish as this may sound he doesn't want to spend his weekend trying to have his mates kiss and makeup.
"I'm sure he'll be back any minute Ni, just keep drinking your beer," Harry reassured as he gave Niall a pat on the shoulder. "Cheers." Harry murmured before he got out of his boots and ventured into Louis' room.
From the moment Harry stepped foot into Louis' room Harry felt a strong urge to pick up all the discarded clothes from the ground. Louis' room wasn't messy, but it wasn't exactly neat either as garments were scattered about like yesterday's news, laundry basket sat empty on Louis' desk chair that was off in the corner, and the bed seemed like it hadn't been made in days. Harry was itching to just clean it all up, but he had to remind himself that himself wasn't living here and he had no room to tell Louis to tidy up after himself.
Which if they plan to live together in the future this may be a problem, but that's not important. Not now anyways...
Harry felt arms snake around his waist and a gentle press of lips against his neck. Harry put his arms around his boy's neck as he tilted his head a little as Louis kissed along his neck ever so softly. The nerves he had that were once there slowly went away as his heart quickened in his chest.
"So... I need to talk to you about tonight," Louis breathed against his skin, warm to the touch. "There's been a change of plans."
Harry was taken back as he pulled back a little, a bit confused by those words. "What do you mean change of plans? We're still going out, no?" Harry questioned unsurely as watched Louis' tongue slid across his bottom lip.
"Of course we're still going out, I just-"
Harry spoke over Louis, "Then what is it?"
Louis let out a small sigh. "Just try not to get too upset, okay?" Harry was definitely confused now. "We're going to have a bit more of a party joining us."
A party? What? Does Louis mean they're going on a double date with Niall and Zayn again? Or?
"What do you mean by that?" Harry asked, starting to feel a bit bothered that they weren't going to be alone. After All, it's what he'd been waiting for all day was for the two of them to have the night to themselves. Because Harry only has the weekend to be with his guy and they hadn't been alone together in two weeks.
One of Louis' hand went up and tucked some of Harry's hair behind his ear before he explained, "Well my colleagues found out you were coming to see me for a few days and they want to meet you."
"And I thought maybe this could be a good chance to get to know them better, not that I haven't made any friends at work because I have. Some of them invited me out for a drink tonight and I said I'd be there, with the promise you'd come with me." Louis sounded guilty and yet so hopeful.
At first, Harry didn't know what to think. Louis just sprung this thing on him so suddenly and roped Harry into it without even asking him. Typical, just typical. It would have been nice to have been told this hours ago instead of now.
But now Harry started to feel a bit disappointed because he'd been looking forward to their date for days. Now it's ripped away and torn to shreds, so can you blame him? He hadn't seen Louis in two weeks, two weeks. Now he had to share his time with people he didn't' even know, Harry was bothered.
"But you know I don't drink, Louis so what good will this do me?" Harry wasn't trying to sound too upset because he didn't want to ruin Louis' chances of becoming close to his friends at work. "And why didn't you ask me first about it before making these plans for me?"
"I know, I know but you can still have a nice time and make some friends." Yeah, easier said than done as if friendship came easy for Harry. "I was going to, but I had gotten busy with the project I stayed behind for and I swear I'll make it up to you soon."
Soon.... Right. Whenever that'll be.
"And what if they don't like me?" Harry voiced reasonably because it's true, what if they don't even care for him? Louis' this overly confident, outgoing, and play by his own rules kind guy versus Harry whose more reserved and not exactly oozing with confidence. They're probably going to think Harry's absolutely boring and want nothing to do with him. Especially since he doesn't even like video games and their profession as to do with games... so Harry doesn't know what to expect about this.
"Oh nonsense, they'll love you. Just try not to be so rude to them as you were to me." Louis teased as he his arms fell from Harry's waist. "Even if they end up not being a fan, I don't give a fuck what they think."
Harry wished he could not give a care to what anyone thought, but that had always been so hard for him.
"But I'm not like into video games so they've ought to not like that about me." Harry was certain Louis' colleagues wouldn't be impressed. "I'm just kind of worried they'd think I'm boring."
"Darling, you're far from being a bore. Trust me." Louis reassured and Harry wanted to believe Louis' words. "Liv's been dying to meet you for days now, apparently she too has a passion for puzzles. You two can bond over that."
As if that made Harry felt any better, but he knew there was absolutely no chance of getting out of this tonight. Not when his boyfriend already promised his fellow workers he'd be there with Harry. Also, Louis did promise him he'd make it up to Harry, whenever that'll be.
"We'll see about that." Harry muttered out as he dropped his arms off his boyfriend., laying slack at his sides. "What time are we going?"
"Around nine.. Ish." Ugh, that was so late. Harry hoped the outing didn't last more than an hour or two. "But I promise I'll only have one beer, that's it." Harry was definitely going to hold Louis' word to that.
Hopefully tomorrow Harry got at least the morning alone with his boyfriend because god only knew what Louis had planned for tomorrow night.
"Anyways now that's been settled, maybe we could kill a little bit of time?" Louis proposed teasingly as a hand was back on Harry's waist. "I mean afterall I haven't had you in two weeks and I could really go for a midday cuddle." Hmm, that did sound nice, being entangled with his boy and lay there for sometime just sounded amazing. Much better than these plans they had for later because Harry craved the attention so bad. He needed affection from his man, whether it be on Louis' bed or in his car. Harry didn't care, he wanted time with Louis.
"I think you've read my mind, Lou."
Harry wasted no time as he crawled into bed, snuggle right up to his boyfriend. Giving him a kiss here and there until it turned into a full on snogging. But only that last for so long until they just laid there together as Harry talked to Louis about their plans for the rest of the summer.
And that's how they spend the remainder of their evening up until they got around ready to leave for the pub.
The ride to the pub was pleasant; a comfortable silence between them as good music played in the background.
However, Harry was nervous to meet Louis' colleagues. Would they truly like him or pretend to? What if they flat out ignore Harry's existence? Or worse, what if they're just insanely rude and super sarcastic?
Harry wasn't prepared for whatever he was stepping into, but he was going to try to stay a bit positive. If anything he'd just tell Louis he'll meet him back at the flat and call a cab, hopefully not but it could be happening.
When the car had come to a stop outside of the busy building, Harry's heart was in his throat. Not even the hand on his leg could make him feel better about this. In truth Harry couldn't wait to get this over with as soon as possible, he'd much prefer not even going inside the place.
But Louis promised his new friends Harry would be here and that wouldn't be a good first impression if he bailed last minute.
"Ready to make some new mates, darling?" Louis questioned hopeful as his hand moved off Harry's thigh as he undid his seatbelt. "Maybe afterwards we could go back and watch something on my laptop before bed."
Was Harry ready? No. But he ended up giving Louis a nod because what choice did he have?
"I'd like that." Harry couldn't wait to have that alone time with Louis afterwards. Since he was not getting their date they initially had planned on, at least they'll get to lay in bed and watch a movie.
"Good, been a while since we've done that and I missed it." Louis admitted and god so did Harry. He missed when they just laid around and watched films before bed, under a sheet fort. What Harry would give to rewind time a little and just have those moments back. If only, but it is what it is.
They'll make new memories now that Louis got his life on track.
"Me too, Lou." was all Harry muttered out before they had gotten out of the car, well Louis had run around and opened Harry's door for him. Harry just smiled and still thought Louis was crazy for being so attentive towards him still.
As soon they arrived inside, Harry wanted to already leave. The place was crowded and hot, too loud, and just a lot was going on. Even when his hand was grabbed and being led ahead, he wanted to turn around and march out, but he couldn't. Not when Louis was already leading him towards a table where two other people were already seated.
Good god, Harry was nervous.
"Hey, Louis." one of the guys with dirty blonde hair that was tucked into a bun said. "Lucky for you, You've missed Liv's daily rant about her family issues." the guy snickered, beer poised at his lips. "But this must be your boy?"
Louis had this smirk across his face as he took one of the empty seats as he let go of Harry's hand, Harry was thankful a spot was open next to Louis, so he took it.
"I swear Livy just needs to have a chat with her parents before they drive her mad," Louis commented and Harry was lost. "And yeah, this is Harry." Harry felt a hand on his thigh under the table, thumb rubbed soothing circles.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ellis. Fellow junior coder intern."
"And I'm Ansel, same job." Ansel laughed as he took a swig of his drink, "I suppose we're all interns at this table, well besides you. Louis told us you're a nursing student?"
Harry felt bombarded with attention and his palms felt beyond sweaty. His throat dry and he was already lost for words. Harry was still trying to get these boys' names down and they already wanted to know the specific details of his life. He wasn't prepared for this shit.
Uh," Harry started as he scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, I've got a few more years still but, I like it." And that was the truth. If they thought Louis dating someone that was going to still be at uni for the years to come was stupid, then so be it. At least Harry would have an amazing career doing what he had always wanted to do. "It's not easy though, very demanding."
"But you're going to make a wonderful nurse, in the end, you're super dedicated, babe." Louis commented and it warmed Harry's heart, a small smile coming to his lips.
"Thanks, Lou." Harry cooed, as he leaned a little closer to his boyfriend.
"Any-" Ellis started but was cut off when a girl with long, loose wavy champagne blonde hair plopped down beside the last empty seat beside Louis. "Liv, 'bout time you came back, your work husband's finally showed up."
Work husband?
"Well blame it on the guy serving the drinks, he kept wanting to chat with me." Liv complained as she rolled her eyes. "He was nice and all, but I just wanted my drink." She laughed as she took a sip of her mixed cocktail. Then her eyes fell on Louis as she set the glass down, "Hey Louis, finally showed up and actually brought your boyfriend with you." She gave Harry a passing glance before she was back on Louis once again. Her fingers fiddled with the ends of her long locks.
"Yeah, this is Harry, love of my life," Louis replied, Harry felt his thigh given a gentle squeeze. "Wouldn't have shown up tonight if H wouldn't have wanted to come along." Well, Harry would have loved to know that hours ago.
"But if your boy wouldn't have come then I wouldn't have gotten to see you until Monday morning, and I had got my hair done for you." Liv quipped as she reached over and nudged Louis in the arm. "After all you've been teasing me about my grown out roots for days. Luckily I had the time off today to fix that atrocious mess."
Louis smiled before he said jokingly, "I knew something looked different, still think you should have gone with green hair."
"Yeah, like that would be acceptable." Liv snickered as she took another sip of her beverage. "Maybe one of these days you should shave off the fur on your face and then we'll talk." Obviously the girl had to be joking because Harry felt a smidgen bothered by that comment. Louis' facial hair was completely fine, and sure maybe Harry liked a clean shaven Louis too, but he liked when there was a bit of scruff on his boy's face.
Ellis laughed, as he took a swig of his beer. "Like you're actually going to show up to work one day with hair the shade of olives and algae."
"Yeah, 'm sure Marie wouldn't approve of that, honestly." Ansel added.
Louis laughed and Harry was lost. Who was Marie?
"But anyways before I get too settled, 'm gonna go grab me and my boy some drinks." Louis mentioned as he leaned over to Harry, in his ear. "What would you like to drink, babe?"
"Sparkling water with lime, please." In truth Harry wanted to go with his boyfriend because the thought of being left here with other people he didn't know was daunting. Who knew what they were capable of asking him once Louis was gone? What if they ask him questions about Louis that could hurt his career? Oh god, Harry hoped that wasn't not why they had invited them out for drinks. Last thing he wanted to do was foil Louis' career that was already booming with success.
Harry felt a fiery sensation in his gut when Liv stood up to follow Louis, she apparently needed a new refreshment and decided to keep Louis company, the two share a titter of later after they shared a look before they waltzed away. Harry was confused on what was so funny, but whatever he decided not to focus so much on that. Not when he was sitting here with Ellis and Ansel who were chatting about someone named Aiden that they weren't too particularly fond of.
Honestly, Harry didn't know what to with himself right now. He felt awkward and out of place, the only comfort he had went to go grab a drink. Harry wished he could have grabbed his phone off the charger before they left, but of course was too wound up and forgot about the damn thing. So he was essentially stuck here having to listen to the conversation that had no relation to him.
But, then again in a sense Harry was glad he was not being interrogated with questions.
A few minutes passed and Harry wondered what had been taking Louis so long, Ansel and Ellis were going on about parking now and still hadn't even bothered to include Harry. Not that he minded, but Harry was feeling quite bored. He glanced around the room across the sea of many faces until he landed on Louis and Liv at the bar, having a laugh with the bartender. Harry frowned, so that what was taking so long.
Harry didn't like it when Liv reached over and rested her hand on Louis' arm at one point, Harry definitely didn't approve of the fact this girl was actively pushing those boundaries.
Harry didn't like it and he was about to march over there.
"So I'm going to be brutally honest, 'm shocked you approve of that?" Ellis mentioned, Harry finally broke his gaze from the crowded bar. HIs eyes fell onto the two guys staring at him sympathetically. Almost as if they could feel the slight bothersome of the situation.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Liv is always up Louis' ass 24/7 at work, probably doesn't help their desks are next to each other. But it's been so blatantly obvious since he started." Ellis explained and Ansel nodded. Harry didn't know what to think of all that because it was a bit overwhelming. He barely knew these people and Louis had always been the life of the social scene. So, of course, someone was bound to take a liking on him. Shit, he didn't blame Liv at all for being a little infatuated with Lou. Then again the idea of her actively flirting with Louis while he had a significant other rubbed Harry the wrong way.
Especially when Harry was right there and came with his boyfriend. It was like Liv was oblivious of Harry's own feelings and as if all that up there was okay.
But then again maybe that was just who Liv was, a natural flirt.
However, it still didn't sit well with Harry.
"I mean I think she's looking to get in his pants, really." Ansel added his own two cents and god, Harry wasn't sure how he felt about it. He's dealt with this before, it sort of reminded Harry of the whole Edith and Louis thing. Which just annoyed Harry because Edith wanted to not only hook up with Louis, but be with him. It was like round two of that shit show all over again. It was frustrating to see the girl acting like Harry wasn't even there, he felt disrespected.
"I second that." Ellis agreed as he downed the rest of his drink.
Harry could feel his stomach slowly twist into a tight knot the more the two guys spoke. Harry couldn't help but take one last peek over his shoulder and things were the same as they were before. Liv still had her claws on Louis' arm and Harry's lips may have twitched upwards when Louis pushed his arm free.
But Harry needed to cut it out because one he didn't want Louis to think he didn't trust him. Louis' proved time and time again that he was trustworthy and specifically told Harry he'd never hurt him again. Harry really couldn't do anything about it because, at the end of the day, Louis was free to be mates with whomever he chooses.
Harry heaved a sigh as he glanced back towards Ellis and Ansel who were now in the middle of a conversation about World of Warcraft. Yeah, Harry wasn't about to comment on any of that because he'd sound one hundred percent foolish as he knew next to nothing, so Harry just sat here bored out of his mind. Hopeful Louis would come back soon and with that drink because Harry felt a tad bit parched.
It was then that a glass was set in front of him and Louis was back beside him, arm rested against the ledge of Harry's seat. Harry flicked his gaze towards his boyfriend who stared at him with a small smile across his face, beer poised at his lips.
"Took you long enough." Harry teased, taking one hard gulp of his water before setting it down. "I-" Harry started but then was cut short when Liv occupied the spot beside Louis once again, and she wasn't being very quiet. No, she was giggling and saying something about the barman. For a moment Harry wished he could have a second with Louis' attention on him.
"You're lucky I'm such a good friend, Livy." Louis commented on whatever that was said as he glanced over his shoulder at her, Harry didn't listen nor cared.
And Livy? Was that her nickname?
"I'm just glad that he bought it, hopefully now when I go back up there for another drink, he'll stop with the whole number thing." Liv said and Harry almost wished he knew what they were talking about, but didn't bother questioning it. If Louis wanted to tell him, then he will say it. But whatever, Harry didn't need to know everything.
Then Louis' eyes fell back on him and Harry felt the gentle press of warm lips against his cheek as fingers softly caressed the back of his arm. "Sorry it took a while baby, still cold, I hope?" Louis checked and Harry gave a nod, it wasn't exactly ice cold, but it was drinkable. " How're you feeling by the way? Getting along with the boys so far?"
"I'm fine." Harry reassured even though he was trying to convince himself that more so than anything.
Louis eyed him suspiciously, almost as if he didn't buy into that whatsoever. Not that he could blame Louis as lying wasn't his forte, but Harry hoped for at least one night it'd work in his favor.
"And yeah, they're uh, nice." It wasn't exactly a lie because so far they've been nothing but decent with him. It was just that Harry felt out of place and unsure if he was going to say the right things.
Louis then glanced over his shoulder at the boys and said, "Better haven't given Harold a hard time or I'll kick both your arses." Ellis snorted as he gave a head shake.
"Right. Like you're really going to get us banned from his pub for life all because you think we're being dickheads. Good news is, you don't even have to waste your breath because your boys hasn't said much to us." Ellis stated as he finished off the rest of is beer.
"Yeah, what Ellis said." Ansel agreed with a nod.
Can you blame Harry though? He just wasn't comfortable enough to add in his two cents on whatever it was Ellis and Ansel were on about earlier.
"You're so protective, Lou it's sweet." Livy commented as her hand was on Louis' arm once again, Harry wanted to reach over and swat her hand away, not loving any of the touches she had been given Louis so far. The nights only started and god only knew how she was when Harry wasn't around.
Lou? Seriously?
Harry was taken aback, apparently, they're already on nicknames basis. Right. Of course, they are.
"I bet you've kicked some major ass before, no?" Liv questioned curiously as her hand slid more up Louis' arm, fingers squeezed around Louis' bicep. "I mean you've got some nice muscle definition, bet you could knock someone out." She added as she slid her tongue over her bottom red stained lip as her eyes were on Louis'.
Harry's fingers pressed onto his glass firmly, knuckles a shade of white, and budding irritation looming in the back of his mind.
Louis just laughed, "Nah, I mean I've gotten into one real fight, but that was for my best mate." Louis rolled his eyes, "Fucking idiot his ex was, deserved it too."
"Any battle wounds?" Liv prodded more, her hand slid down Louis' arm once again to his fingers, her own brushed again his. But then Louis pulled his hand away and grabbed his beer, taking another sip.
Harry's patience was slowly growing thin with Liv.
"And did you have anyone help you?" Ansel asked curiously as Ellis got to his feet, excused himself to go get another round of drinks.
Louis had moved to face the table, his fingers brushed up against the back of Harry's arm ever so slightly.
As Louis went into explaining his story about that time at a band gig, Harry focused on his water. He had already heard this story and he was content by the gentle caresses of his boyfriends' touch. Feeling a little more comfortable the longer he sat there with the group.
Well that is until the topic changed suddenly onto that guy Aiden, everyone started making complaints about the guy. Harry had absolutely no idea who this person even was. Harry had attempted to grab Louis' attention by putting his hand on Louis' thigh and even whispered out to him, but to no avail, it didn't work. Not when Louis' on the bandwagon of rants of a certain fellow colleague.
It went on like this for what seemed like hours, Harry had finished his drink a long time ago now and Louis was already on his second beer of the night. Thanks to Ellis being such a good new mate and buying a round of beers for them all, Harry had given his to Louis. It was nice of Ellis, but alcohol wasn't really Harry's thing.
But Harry had a feeling he'd be the one to be the designated driver tonight and taking care of Louis' hangover tomorrow morning.
Great, just how Harry wanted to spend his only weekend with Louis.
Two beers turned into three and then into four. Louis guzzled them down like water as he was busy chattering away with his new friends. Harry's been so bored sat here, trying to understand what they were talking about, but it was no use. The topics were infrequent and not relevant to Harry whatsoever. Not to mention they were all just drunk or at least buzzed.
Harry didn't like when Liv thought it was okay to push her fingers through Louis' fringe, muttering out "You have such lovely blue eyes, why do you cover them with this mane, Lou?" Harry was about to lose it.
But no, no, no. That wasn't what ticked Harry off, it was when Liv had come back stumbling to the table after using the restroom sometime after that. Where she asked Louis to fix her bra strap that was falling down her shoulder, and Harry nearly snapped.
Louis, of course, just fucking laughed and shook his head, telling her to do it herself as he chugged some of his beer down. She pouted and batted her eyelashes as she sipped down the rest of her drink before mentioning how she could go for a beer instead. Liv actually grabbed the bottle, the fucking bottle from Louis' hand and took a sip. Before she handed it back and slurred out something about sharing as she didn't mind the germs.
The audacity Liv had all night long had blown Harry's mind, to be honest. Not even Edith was this bad and Harry's never ever wanted to storm out a room like tonight. He was not sure how much more he could take of this...
And it wasn't just the dilemma with Liv, it was the fact that Harry felt left out.
Not only had Harry attempted to grab Louis' attention, but he even excused himself to go use the toilet and no one seemed to have listened. All too giggly and in their own world to even care about anything else. Louis did end up grabbing his hand before he walked away and gave Harry a frown as he begged him to not go.
"I'll be right back, Lou. Promise." Harry reassured as he pulled his grip from Louis'.
"But you'll take forever, baby and I wanna kiss you." Louis slurred out as he downed more of his drink. Harry made a mental note that he maybe should cut Louis off soon as Harry wasn't up to deal with an overly drunk Louis. Staying up all night to make sure he was not puking his brains out or wandering off somewhere. It was bad enough Harry was already upset over the whole night gone to shit.
In truth Harry wanted to leave.
"You can kiss me when I get back, I'm only going to the toilet, hon." Harry explained before he leaned down and pecked Louis on the cheek. Louis of course just snickered and said he missed his lips, Harry just smiled and walked away.
The bathroom was an oasis from the drunken people and raucous of the pub. Harry almost wanted to march back out there and pull Louis in here. Just to have a minute alone with his boy would be nice, drunk or not. But it was all just a tricky situation because for one he didn't want Louis' colleagues to think Harry was dependent on Louis for attention and yet it wasn't exactly private in the restroom.
Harry was supposed to be having this amazing weekend with his boyfriend. Yet, here he was in a pub bathroom, trying to get away for a minute.
Honestly, Harry just hoped tomorrow would be a better day.
When Harry came back to the table, another round of beers was supplied and Ellis mentioned something about taking off soon. Harry hoped maybe that meant this meeting would come to a close soon enough now that one of the fifths of the party will be gone.
In reality, Harry knew it would be unlikely, but dreaming was free.
"Louis, remember when we super glued Ben's pens to his desk? Classic." Liv laughed as she downed her drink.
"Fuck, that was hilarious, he didn't suspect a thing."
"I know! We need to do more of those." Liv pouted as she leaned over and rested her hands on Louis' arm. "You're just so clever and funny, so good at everything." Her hand slowly slid down Louis' arm, fingers caressed against his skin until Louis pulled his arm away abruptly. A loud boisterous laugh erupted from Louis as he shook his head. "Well it's true, you're amazingly talented and your mental stamina is just out of this world. Bet you've got great stamina in other areas too."
Harry furrowed his brows as he glared at Liv, Harry wasn't stupid. He knew what she was implying and it crossed the line. It was one hundred percent disrespectful because he knew Louis was taken. And the fact that Liv had been all over him and flirted was just so rude, especially since Harry was right here beside Louis the whole time.
Harry was done, just so fucking done.
"Louis, I want to leave." Harry spoke over Liv's loud laughter, "Can we go now?" Harry needed to get far, far away from this hell.
Louis sighed. "But Harold, the nights still young! And I haven't even gotten to finish my beer." The night may still be young to Louis, but Harry was over it. Done and tired, ready for bed to sleep it off.
"But I don't want to be here, I'd rather go watch a movie, like you promised." Harry knew it was not likely to happen. But maybe it was enough of an excuse to pull his boyfriend away. "Please."
For a moment Harry thought maybe Louis was going to make an excuse to have another beer or at least Liv was going to protest.
"Okay, yeah we can go back to mine now." Louis' hands pushed into his pockets for a moment before he pulled out the keys. That was until Harry snatched them from Louis' hand and said he will drive instead. Louis of course frowned and whined that he was perfectly capable of driving, well that was until he stood up and nearly fell into Harry's lap.
Yeah, Louis was not driving.
Once they had said their goodbyes, well more so Louis, Harry had helped Louis out to his car. And it didn't take much longer after that to head back to Louis' flat, thank god Harry paid attention earlier or else he'd be lost.
When they had gotten back to Louis' place and wound up in Louis' room, Harry helped Louis out of his clothes and into bed. Louis begged Harry to come cuddle with him, but Harry told him to get some sleep before he went to go search for some meds. Or at least some type of hangover remedy for tomorrow morning so Louis wouldn't feel like utter shit when he woke up.
About five minutes later after snooping around the room, Harry found a bottle of paracetamol and had gotten a glass of water. Thankful that the boys had at least some type of pain relievers hidden about their place.
Louis was passed out when Harry came back into the bedroom, Harry set the glass and bottle onto the nightstand. Unsure whether or not if he should crawl in bed beside him as he felt an urge to just stay up and keep an eye on Louis.
Harry just wanted to make sure in case Louis needed assistance to the toilet if he woke up ill or fell off the bed. The caregiver in Harry just needed to do this to make himself feel better and that's what he did. Harry stayed up for over an hour, keeping a close eye on his boy. Harry had managed to pull his phone off the charger and check his messages. Nothing too important other than a text from Ed, asking Harry what he had been up to. But Harry left that on read as he'd get back to his mate tomorrow as it was nearing two in the morning.
So Harry just ended up tossing his phone onto his duffle bag and changed into more comfortable clothes. Ready to just lay down already as sleep felt more tempting the longer he stayed up with not much to do.
And that was what Harry did, he wedged himself into the empty spot beside Louis. Pulled some of the blanket over his body and closed his eyes. Hopeful sleep would come in no time, ready for a new day to begin.
Thankfully, Harry fell into a deep slumber not too long after.
When morning came, Harry was awoken by a loud slam of the door, and he just groaned. Ugh, Harry wasn't ready to get up yet.
Harry felt one hundred percent groggy when he opened his eyes everything was just blurry. Harry didn't know what time it was, but it felt like he barely gotten any sleep. Not after the night he had and just thinking about the whole pub dilemma, Harry was mad.
He was allowed to still be upset, okay?
First his date got canceled then he had to share his alone time with three other strangers, Louis was drunker than a skunk, and to top it all off Liv just rubbed Harry the wrong way. Who even flirts with their supposed friend when you know they have a significant other? Who?
Harry had never done it to Niall because it was a shit thing to do. Liv needed to back the hell off.
After a moment Harry let out a tired groan and moved to roll over, expecting to fall onto a hard sleeping body. Yet, he was welcomed by a warm empty spot and Harry let out a sigh, his eyes flicked towards the nightstand and nearly let out a pained whine, it was only six o'clock in the morning.
Three hours of sleep was not okay. No wonder he felt like shit. Harry was exhausted and just wanted to go back to bed.
And yet Harry couldn't because his mind was stuck on how angry he was, maybe it was his fatigue talking, but still. Harry hadn't been with Louis in days and what he came back to is some girl all over Louis and dragged out to a pub to wee hours in the morning. Having to deal with a drunk boyfriend and make sure he was safe, it wasn't exactly the weekend he pictured.
Yes, Harry knew in his heart Louis probably meant well and wanted to just make everyone happy. But sometimes things like that backfired and someone was bound to be unhappy. Like Harry, he was disappointed.
The bedroom door squeaked open and Harry's eyes glanced over, his vision a little less blurry by now. Louis had come back with the door closed behind him, his hair a mess as he let out a yawn. Harry just moved back his side of the bed as he pulled the blanket over more for warmth. Not in the mood to start his day or even really talk to Louis. Not right now at least because Harry just can't.
"Sorry if I woke you, babe." Louis said tiredly, his weight dipped into the bed. Harry heard Louis gulp down the water that he'd left out. Then there was movement beside Harry and nice warm body beside him and a head pressed against the back neck. "Thanks for the meds, Harold. I owe you so much because I feel like shit."
Harry just not in the mood for a morning chat. But Louis apparently needed attention and his hand traveled to Harry's waist and pulled slightly.
"Baby, I wanna cuddle with you." Louis pleaded and as much as Harry enjoyed a nice snuggle, he just didn't want anything like that right now, not when he's gotten bitter feelings.
Harry just laid there as Louis tried to get him to move, but Harry didn't. He shrugged off Louis' hand when he reached for Harry's shoulder and when Louis' body pressed up against his, he just scooted towards the little space he had left.
Couldn't Louis get the hint?
"Harry?" Louis asked as his hand was back on Harry's waist, a gentle squeeze. "Is something wrong?"
Yeah, there was.
"What's the matter, baby?" Louis questioned as he pressed up against Harry, hand sliding down the front of Harry's waist, and Harry felt sweet tender kiss against his neck. "Did I say something to piss you off last night?"
No, not exactly. But Harry still didn't feel like talking with Louis right now.
"If so, I'm sorry, okay?" Louis apologized and that was great. If Louis did say something mean and crude to him, which he didn't. So his apology meant nothing to Harry. It was almost sad that Louis didn't realize what a lonesome night Harry had as he watched everyone be drunk and merry.
Harry curled his fingers into the blanket as he felt another soft touch of Louis' lips against his skin. The scratchiness of his boyfriends facial hair sent a little shiver down his spine.
"Harry just talk to me so I can figure out what's bothering you."
Should he tell Louis what the matter? That he was uncomfortable with Liv touching his boyfriend excessively and flirting with him? That Harry felt left out? Or the fact that he was bothered that one of his nights with Louis had been stolen away from him?
Did Louis really want to know all that? Because Harry was not sure what to even say first or if he wanted to say it at all right now.
Harry didn't know what to do.
"Babe..." Louis muttered as felt the body beside him pull away and moving off the bed.
Louis had come around the other side and kneeled down in front of him. Louis had puffy eyes and dark circles. He let out a tired sigh as he stared at Harry and Harry felt wetness just welled up behind his eyes. A lone one tear slid down his face and god, Harry just felt so frustrated.
Louis wiped the wetness from Harry's cheek with the back of his knuckle before he cooed, "Just tell me what I did so I can make it better?" Louis sounded desperate and yet so rough. Like he had frog stuck in the back of his throat.
Harry blinked back more wetness that begged to escape, but another tear slid out. The pad of Louis' thumb caught it before it got too far and his eyes started to burn. Not wanting to cry like this all because he had a lot of emotions regarding last night, but it was tough.
"I feel let down." Harry muttered out, his tone shaky.
Louis frowned. "What do you mean? You had fun last night, didn't you?"
Hanging out with drunk people wasn't something Harry would consider fun.
"No, Louis. I didn't." Harry stressed as he closed his eyes for a moment. "Do you really think I had this amazing time while everyone was drunk?" Harry just needed Louis to understand how awful of a time he had. "I felt left out."
"Baby, I'm sorry you felt that way." Louis cooed as he wiped Harry's tears away. " I knew I should have asked you first before assuming, but I was just kind of excited for you guys to meet." Louis explained. "Thought it'd be great for me not only because it'd be a bonding experience with my colleagues, but because you'd be there next to me."
That was sweet and all, but Harry wasn't sure if he ever wanted to be in the same room with a certain colleague again.
"Yeah, but it wasn't a great experience for me, Louis. I thought we were supposed to go out on a date together, alone. But instead, I had to spend my time making sure you didn't get alcohol poisoning or worse." Harry sniveled, his eyes burned so bad. "I don't mind you going out and having fun with your friends, but I only have limited time with you. I just thought that this weekend was supposed be about us."
The corners of Louis' lips twitched downward as his hand rested on the edge of the bed. "It is still about us, we're together right now, babe." Louis said, "Last night may have been a bit of a pitfall, but I swear tonight I'll make it better."
"Really?" Harry questioned and Louis nodded. It made Harry feel a little better that Louis was already promising a better night. "How so?"
"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" Louis teased, a small smile back across his face. "But I suppose I can let you in on a little secret since I love you so much, I'm going to wear my nicest shirt."
"I hope it's that blue henley, it's my favorite." Harry just loved that shirt on Louis and the fact he had only got to see it on New Year's Eve was such a crime. The garment was practically made for Louis' fit body, so like he should wear it tonight.
"It's the beginning of August and you want me to sweat my balls off all because you want me in a long sleeve?" Louis shook his head. "Are you mad Harold?"
"Just demanding." Harry quipped, feeling better now that they cleared the air. Even though the whole Liv thing still bothered Harry to his core, he didn't feel up to talking about it. Not only that, but Harry just wanted to forget about her already.
Louis eyed him suspiciously, "Or maybe it's an excuse to have me strip for you, I mean I can't blame you. I have a great body." Louis laughed tiredly as he slowly moved to his feet. "Luckily I'm such an amazing boyfriend that'd risk heat stroke for you."
Harry rolled his eyes as Louis crawled over him back into bed, snuggled right up behind him. An arm snaked over Harry's waist and pulled him close, Harry felt the corners of his lips slid upwards. Happy to cuddle with his guy now that he felt content and not only that, but he was still just so tired. Harry could really use a few more hours of sleep and maybe Louis could use it too.
"Amazing indeed." Harry breathed out as his eyes fluttered shut. His heart warmed in his chest when Harry felt the back of his hand that had rested against the mattress had been engulfed, fingers laced together.
Then there was a sweet whisper of I love you in his ear, Harry just felt so happy now.
Harry did end up in a slumber minutes later and that was okay, he had his boyfriend there beside him.
And that's all Harry needed.
A few hours later and Harry was with Niall in the kitchen catching up as their boyfriends had went out for a smoke. Which this was nice, Harry hadn't been able to have a small chat with his best mate in a while without anyone else around. Not that there was anything secretive that he was hiding, but Harry always appreciated when it was just them.
They were sat at the small dining table, Niall had been telling Harry that they truly did need to just hangout sometime when they would be back home. Of course, Harry loved that idea because in the past they'd always be hanging out or going places. Unless Niall had a boyfriend then Harry would be the third wheel of course. But now, seeing as Harry now had a boyfriend of his own too he no longer had that problem, which was nice.
"Maybe one of these times before summer ends we can have a night, you know like you come stay over for a night?"Niall suggested. Harry had never been in Niall's house more than a few times since they'd always be outside or going other places. Same for Niall coming to Harry's, well except for that one night he did stay over because they had went to some concert together back when Harry was around sixteen. Still, maybe it'd be nice to just have a sleepover with his best mate one more time.
"That'd be nice, as long as you don't ignore me for that phone of yours." As much as Harry loved Niall's company, he didn't want to be ignored all because Zayn decided to text love declarations.
"Fuck off." Niall shot back, narrowing his eyes and Harry just grinned.
"Well I'm being serious, Niall. I get that you're in love with Zayn and all, but if I'm coming to yours for the night I expect to be entertained." Harry grinned, as he crossed his legs. "I mean unless you come over when Gemma's down for the week."
"When is that?" Niall questioned as he gotten up and opened the fridge.
"To my knowledge she said at least by the end of the month before I head back to uni. So, soon I believe." Harry said as Niall came back to the table with a piece of cold pizza. "Isn't it a bit early for lunch?" Harry teased resting his arms against the table.
"You mean brunch? No, it's never too early for this heaven on Earth." Niall replied before he took a bite of his food. "Not all of us are health nuts, like you H."
Well, Niall did have a point, a very slight one. "I'd rather just eat a nice healthy breakfast than a cold piece of leftover pizza is all. " Harry explained.
"Yeah, but my definition of healthy breakfast is cereal and yours is like yogurt with granola and fruits." Niall wasn't wrong about that. Harry's just felt better when actually ate sometimes with nutrients in it. That was also not greasy as well.
"You mean a parfait?" Harry laughed.
Niall furrowed his brows, "Yeah, yeah whatever they're called, all I'm saying is when it comes to breakfast, we've got different tastes."
"True." Harry muttered out as Niall finished off the last of the slice.
"But anyway, maybe that'd be better if I come to yours instead when Gemma's down." Niall insisted and Harry liked that plan a lot. In a perfect world, Louis would be up to see Harry too but in reality he knew the chances were slim to none. Especially when Louis can only come see him every other weekend until Harry would be back at university for the new year.
"That'd be nice."
Niall gave Harry a nod before he went to wash his hands in the sink and in came Zayn and Louis seconds later. Zayn kicked off his boots before he came into the kitchen, Louis followed behind and slid into the seat beside Harry.
"Hey darling," Louis muttered out before he leaned over and gave Harry a peck on the lips. Louis' fingertips against the back of his neck made him shiver as they toyed with the strands before he leaned back in his spot, fingers still there.
"Have a nice smoke?" Harry asked as he relaxed against his boyfriends touch as Niall and Zayn occupied the other two seats, Zayn's arm around Niall's shoulders.
Louis sighed, "Yeah, I feel a little better, but still shitty."
"Maybe it was bad idea to get smashed last night then," Zayn commented with a snicker. "Haven't you learned that hangovers aren't your friend, Tommo?"
"Obviously." Louis rolled his eyes as his hand fell onto the center of Harry's back, and gave it a rub. "But why the fuck does beer taste so good and yet it makes you feel so terrible?"
"Because you're drinking to get drunk." Zayn stated the obvious as he ran fingers through his messy dark hair. "No one just casually sips on beer like a glass of lemonade or some shit."
"But it does have benefits, like it possibly reduces heart disease." Niall commented and Harry gave a nod. "It's not all bad."
"You're so smart, babe." Zayn said as he pressed a kiss to Niall's cheek.
"Thank you." Niall beamed as leaned a little closer towards Zayn in his spot. "May not be as intelligent as some people at this table." Niall's eyes snapped towards Harry. "But I know my stuff."
Harry wished he was bright as Niall thought. Yeah, sure maybe Harry has nearly perfect grades and always been the top of the class. But that didn't mean he knew everything and didn't struggle too. It was nice to hear it though, even though sometimes Harry felt like he was lost.
"Well maybe if you studied more and actually came to class you'd know even more." Harry teased. "But this year could be different for you, you could join me in the nursing society."
Louis scoffed, "A club? Seriously?"
"Well yeah, I mean it's a good idea and I think it'd help out with my major." Harry said in defense. "I can use all the support and guidance I can get because I actually still have goals I need to maintain, Lou."
Louis looked unimpressed as the hand on Harry's back came to a halt, "But clubs are like... useless." Sure they weren't Louis' cup of tea, but Harry wanted to do this. It'd just make him feel better and he was going to have a lot of time by himself when he would be back at school.
So why not? Harry may even take up yoga or something.
"Maybe for you, but I'm still going to do it," Harry was determined and he just hoped Niall would give it a thought.
"I don't know if I'm up for joining a club, honestly. Sure, in theory, it's a good idea for my future, but I'm unsure." Niall finally said, Zayn's fingers caressed along his shoulder. "It'd be good for you though. Get you out there networking instead of being cooped up in that dorm 24/7 studying your head off."
"Ni's got a point, H." Zayn commented and Louis gave a nod in response.
Harry felt almost ganged up on all because of his revising habits. Yet again. It had always worked for Harry and sue him for taking his education serious, it was just too sad that no one could understand that still. Sure Harry may go above and beyond, but it was all with a purpose.
"But anyway H, do you want to go with me and N to the mall around five?" Zayn asked and Harry was surprised by this suggestion.
Certainly Zayn had meant Harry and Louis, but then again Harry thought Louis and him had plans?
"Why?" Harry questioned suspiciously, not so sure how he felt about going to a mall with Zayn. Especially since he knew it wasn't the type of get your shit and get out kind of thing. Because when it came to Zayn god only knew how long they'll be there for.
Zayn gave a passing glance to Louis for a moment before he smirked, "Well ask your boyfriend."
Harry flicked his gaze towards Louis, curious and wanting to know what this was all about.
Louis rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, "Well I just thought that maybe it'd buy me some time to set up our date tonight," Wait, what? "I just need about an hour or so, I don't want you to spoil the surprise by being here and I owe it you, to us."
Harry took a moment to process what exactly Louis just said. Louis wanted him to go out with Zayn and Niall for an hour or two while he set up their dinner or whatever. But, why couldn't Harry just hangout with Niall in Zayn's room then? Is Louis planning some big romantic gesture? Or did he truly not want Harry here of chances of catching glimpse of what he had plans of.
More importantly, will they have the flat to themselves for a few hours?
Not that they like need to be alone, but it felt more comfortable to be intimate with Louis that way.
"If that's okay?"
The corners of Harry's lips slid upward, "Yeah, I can do that." as much as Harry didn't enjoy not being able to spend time with Louis while he was down. This was okay, it was only for a little while and Harry will have an amazing time by the end of the night.
"Good, because I wanted to surprise you."
"You know I'm not too fond of surprises Lou, but I'll let this slide." Harry joked as he leaned over and gave Louis a sweet kiss on the lips, a smile across his face when Louis returned the favour.
Zayn cleared his throat and Harry felt heat inch to his cheeks when he pulled back and gnawed on his bottom lip. "Anyway before you two start snogging, we'll be leaving around four, H." Zayn clarified before he got to his feet and said something about going to watch a movie with Niall on his laptop for a bit.
In truth Harry knew that a film was code for sex when it came to Niall or Zayn, or at least something that involved nakedness in any case. Not that Harry had ever walked in on them, but Niall had told Harry that's been there excuse for most of the summer. Especially when they were at their parents' house and Niall wasn't afraid to spare the details on that.
So then it was just Louis and Harry alone sat at the table as the door to Zayn's closed and a click of a lock followed.
"Well, now that we're alone, maybe you'd like to accompany me for a cuddle in bed?' Louis proposed and Harry loved that idea. "Maybe we can actually watch movie too before you leave me for a bit?"
"I'd love that, but only if means we get to watch something lighthearted." Harry compromised, as much as he loved Louis. Gore and horror films just weren't exactly his thing.
"Damn, I actually had a plan to watch some slasher films, but I suppose I can give that up for another day." Louis snickered as Harry felt the hand on his back disappear. "How about we go back to the Disney classics then? I mean it's been a while."
Harry tucked some of his hair behind his ear, "That'd be nice, hopefully we'll actually get to finish the movie this time." Harry giggled as they both got to their feet, Louis grabbed Harry's hand and laced their fingers together.
"I can't make any promises, Harold." Louis winked before he led Harry towards his room, and kicked the door shut behind them.
They ended up starting Cinderella, but they barely made it halfway through before Harry had Louis' lips on his. Wandering hands and wet open mouth kisses down Harry's neck, had kept them preoccupied and Harry stifled every whimper and moan that begged to escape. His neck decorated with dark purple marks and his hair was a mess by the time the film ended.
Eventually the kisses had come to an end and they laid there together and talked. Louis filled Harry's ear about how he'd been thinking of when Alex's wedding comes around in two weeks, that he thinks Harry should come stay for more than a couple of days. As apparently Louis mentioned that he'd won't get to see Harry until he will be back at Uni since Louis' bandmates wedding is so close to the beginning of September.
Now Harry didn't mind that because once he was situated in Southampton it'd be easier to see Louis. As that's what he promised to Harry of course.
And Harry wanted to hold Louis to his word on that.
A few hours later and Harry stepped out of the shower as wrapped a towel around his waist. Wet hair stuck against his shoulder until he rummaged his fingers through it, in hopes it'd look better than it had when he started his day much earlier on. Harry was just glad to slip in a nice warm soak before he would take off with Zayn and Niall for a bit. Not only that but Harry wanted to make sure he looked his best for tonight. Obviously.
Harry glanced into the foggy mirror as he wiped it just enough so he could see himself in the reflection.
A moment later there was a loud noise coming from the door and Louis was calling his name.
Harry smiled as he went over to unlock the door, creaking it open just enough to see Louis stood there. His fringe pushed back with a headband and in nothing but a pair of ripped tight trousers. Harry's breath hitched in his throat as he took in the sight, tempted to just reach over and touch. But Harry remembered he was only in a towel and the thoughts of Zayn or Niall catching a glimpse of him like this wasn't some awkward thing he wanted to deal with.
"Yes?" Harry asked, fingers tightened on the door knob harder. Harry tried too hard to not make it show just how much Louis was affecting him for just standing there without a shirt on. Harry didn't understand it, he's seen Louis shirtless more times than he could count. Still, Louis had even sent him a topless selfie just a few days ago because he was bored (Typical, right?). Which Harry may or may not have accidentally saved...
Whatever the case though, Harry needed to cut it out and save that lustfulness he had for later.
"I need to shave a bit and you're taking too long, Harold." Louis began, pushing open the bathroom door.
Harry moved out the way once Louis came in, "I wasn't taking that long." Harry said as Louis locked the door behind him and snaked his arms around Harry's waist. "But knowing you, patience isn't a virtue." Harry then laughed a little before he felt a soft kiss against his collarbones. His heart fluttered in his chest at the sweet affection.
"Yeah, but to me, you were in here forever and I missed you." Louis breathed out against his skin, Harry's arms wrapped around Louis' neck as he felt lips on his neck that worked all the way up to his lips.
Harry kissed Louis back easily, lips moved together effortlessly until Harry pulled back for a moment, "But you could have just joined me you know?" Harry muttered before he had lips on his again.
Then Louis broke the kiss and said simply, "I could have, but then I would have wanted to kiss you all over." Louis went back in for another kiss before he started to trail his lips down Harry's neck, open wet kisses, Harry felt a tingle sensation shoot down his spine.
"Like right now?" Harry muttered out, his breath hitched when one of Louis' hand moved to his hip right above the top of his towel.
Louis nibbled a little at the already colored flesh, " 'm I don't know what you're talking about, baby." Louis let out a mischievous chortle.
"Really? Because I thought you came in here to shave and not slobber all over my neck." Harry quipped, his legs started to feel a bit weak.
Louis' tongue slid up his throat until it hit the bottom of Harry's jaw. Louis pressed a searing kiss there before he pulled back a little, the corners of his lips curved upwards as he stared up at Harry.
"Okay so maybe I had told a fib to get in here with you,"Louis' hands rested against Harry's hip, fingers tucked into the waistband of his towel. "But, God, you smell so fucking good."
"And you're all sweaty." Harry tittered as he dropped his arms from Louis' neck.
"Well yeah it's like a thousand degrees in this place, what do you expect doll?" Louis commented as he reached up pushed some of Harry's damp strands off his shoulder. "I still can't believe you going to make me suffer over dinner, the things I do for you."
"You did say you'd do anything for me so..." Harry's voice trailed off, his tone nothing but teasing.
"You're totally going to start using that against me now, aren't you?"
Harry just gave a little shrug as Louis' hands fallen off him. Louis had this little pout and damn, he looked so cute. Like a disgruntled kitten and Harry just smirked as went over to his clothes, grabbing his boxers from the top of the pile.
Harry dropped the towel and slipped his pants on, Louis' now beside him, leaned against the sink, with his hands braced against the edge of the sink.
"But on a more serious note, clean shaven or no?" Louis questioned as Harry pulled on his skinny jeans, then his short sleeve button up came next.
"I like it either way, Lou." Harry spoke honestly as he buttoned up his top, then rechecked his hair in the mirror. Scrunched his fingers through it one last time before his fell back onto his boyfriend. "Surprise me?"
"I thought you hated surprises?" Louis was obviously joking as he gave a wink, pushed himself off the sink.
"You know what I meant." Harry shook his head before he gave Louis a peck on the cheek. "I love you and behave while I'm out." Harry laughed as Louis crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
"Yes mum." Louis deadpanned.
Harry beamed before he went towards the door, hand over the handle, and looked over his shoulder. "I love you."
"Love you too, babe." was the last thing Louis has said to him before he left a few minutes later with the flat with Zayn and Niall.
Going out on a shopping trip to kill some time with Niall and Zayn was okay. Of course Harry was naturally the third wheel and had to sit through their conversations together. Niall did most of the talking though, mainly about their weekend getaway they have planned before summer's done. Harry of course felt a bit nosey to figure out where they were headed, but didn't want to pry much for answers. But eventually it was revealed they there going to Paris .
In a sense Harry felt a tad jealous, he wanted that. Harry loved the idea of Louis and him going on trips together, like they did with Brighton. Just to experience something like that with his boyfriend would just be everything to Harry.
And it gave Harry an idea, maybe he should plan a getaway with Louis. It'd be good for them and it'd just be so perfect, but question is when could this happen?
Harry didn't own a car or have a job, he was still in uni. Harry definitely didn't want Louis to spend any money on it, he'd feel guilty. Especially if Louis insisted to pay for all of it. Harry just wasn't so sure where exactly they'd go and when would be the best time.
Harry decided he'd think about it later.
When they wound up at the shopping mall, Harry had went store to store with the boys. Harry didn't originally want to spend any money while he was there. However, at one point he did end up getting himself a tea and Louis a box of blueberry cupcakes.
Zayn had been skimming through a clothing rack in search of a new leather jacket to add to his collection. Now Harry thought Zayn was insane because it's too damn hot to be wearing something like that, but Zayn didn't care. As long as he looked good, nothing stood in that guy's way.
Niall, on the other hand, didn't buy a single thing and told Zayn he was fine when he'd offer to buy something for Niall. Of course, Harry was a bit shocked as Niall always loved to be spoiled and taken care of, so it was quite the surprise to Harry. But he never commented on it and just followed them around.
Eventually a little while later Harry had gotten a text from Louis saying he could come back now, and Harry wasted no time to tell Zayn the news.
So they left and Harry felt a bit nervous, kind of like he did back at the train station. He had absolutely no idea what to expect and he hoped Louis liked the sweet treats that he had gotten for him.
Whatever Louis had planned though, Harry was sure he'd love it.
When Harry was dropped off, his heart was in his throat as he went up the stairwell, careful not to drop the box in his hand. Slowly made his way over towards Louis' door and gave a small knock, before the door creaked open and Louis was here with a warm smile across his face.
"About time you got here." Louis teased as his eyes fell onto the box in Harry's hand. "Bought yourself something nice I hope?"
Harry just smiled and shook his head, "Actually, bought these for you, they're uh, cupcakes." Harry handed Louis the box, his palms felt sweaty. Louis wore the blue top as promised and his hair, god his hair looked so soft, and Harry just loved the scent of Louis' cologne that permeated the air around them.
"Aw, thanks baby." Louis cooed as he started towards the kitchen, Harry toed off his boots as he closed the door behind him. His body felt like it was scorching all over as he followed Louis, but was stopped before he could even step foot into the kitchen. "Not so fast, Harold. I don't need you seeing that atrocious mess I made, trust me."
"What exactly did you do?" Harry questioned curiously as Louis rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well... let's say I tried something, but it's none of your concern, babe. How about we go to my room, yeah?" Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist, and guided him away from the kitchen towards the bedroom door that was Louis'. "Just don't freak out too much over the mess."
Harry was a little confused by what Lous had meant until he'd open the door.
There was sheets and blankets scattered about all over around the bed, pillows placed on top of eachother. A sheet that was the roof, tied to the headboard to the curtains and a corner tucked into another linen covering the sides. A string of small lights hung from them and a thick blanket tucked into the corner.
Harry couldn't help but think back to all the times Louis had built them many sheet forts, but this definitely topped them all.
"This looks amazing, Lou." Harry said sincerely as he took a glance at Louis.
The hand on Harry's waist fell off him, "Good, was hoping for that reaction." Louis simpered as he moved to stand in front of Harry and grabbed his hand. "Because I'm going to be honest, it took me good a half hour to get it perfect."
"You know I'd like anything you'd come up with." Harry truly would. "Even though it kind of makes me want to do the wash, I do love it."
"Of course you do." Louis teased as he took a step backward and Harry took a step forward, both making their way into the sheet fort.
Once sat inside it just felt warm and intimate, actually rather spacey than it had looked. Sheet over their heads was up high enough so the top of Harry's head wasn't brushed against it so that was nice.
Harry was sat crossed legged in front of Louis who still had Harry's hand in his, Louis' thumb slid tenderly across the back Harry 's hand. Harry's heart beating rapidly in his chest.
"I know this has been a little hard for you since I've been gone, and it has for me too." Louis started, his tone soft and gentle. "I fucking hate being away from you like that, it sucks. But this is just a small bump in the road, and I know we'll get past it." Louis reassured, Harry's chest felt tight. "I love you so much and I promise you, I genuinely swear to you that I'm trying my best to make time for you."
"It's just tough not having you pop in whenever you pleased or being minutes away." Harry spoke honestly, his eyes on their hands. "I've missed you." Harry felt warm tears well up behind his eyes at those truthful word, but blinked it away. Not needing to start crying because of a lingering longing in his chest when his boyfriend isn't there.
If anything Harry should be happy, but this heavy conversation was a hurdle he needed to get over.
"Baby, you know how I I told you when you're back in Southampton it'd be easier?" Louis questioned and Harry nodded. "I meant it, even if that means I have to come drag you away from your studies or from Niall and Ed. I'm going to make time for you, for us. Because I don't want to lose you."
And Harry didn't want to lose Louis either, so it was heartwarming to know it went both ways.
"I know I'm being sappy right now, but I wanted to reassure you that just because I'm here in London doesn't mean my heart is."
Harry smiled, butterflies in his stomach, and his heart felt so full. God, he loved this boy.
There was lingering silence in the air between them for a few moments until Louis pulled his hand away.
"But now that's all said, I'll be right back, okay?" Louis stated as he crawled out the fort and left the room.
Harry sat there and he still couldn't get this grin off his face as he toyed with one of the button on his top. The fact Louis said all that meant a lot and it was what he needed to hear. It's only a few more weeks of this hardship and then he'll get to see Louis more often. Harry just needed to keep reminding himself of that.
Eventually, Louis came back with two plates, whatever it was on those had a wonderful and strong aroma. Louis managed to make to get back into the fort without spilling the contents all over the sheets and handed Harry his plate along with fork.
"So, I tried to make cream tortellini carbonara and I swear I followed all the directions, but I know it's shit." Louis explained, but in all honesty it looked and smelled good to Harry. "But tell me what you think?"
Louis looked at him expectantly as Harry stabbed his fork into a noodle and popped it into his mouth. Harry nearly cringed at the mushiness of the noodle, but he didn't want to hurt Louis' feelings. The sauce tasted amazing and flavorful, but the noodles... those were a bit overcooked.
"Uh... it's good." Harry said as he watched Louis furrowed his brows as he took a bite of his pasta on his own plate and then spit it back out.
"You're being too nice, Harold." Louis shook his head as he grabbed Harry's plate. "Trust me, I'm not going to force you to eat this nastiness, luckily I had a backup plan."
Oh thank god, as much as Harry's heart warmed at the thought of Louis cooking something for him, he just couldn't stomach those noodles.
"I loved the sauce." Harry complimented and the corners of Louis' lips slid upwards as he left the fort again, Harry wondered what exactly was this spare meal. Harry was certain it was definitely takeaway, not that it was a bad thing of course. As long as he was here with Louis, it didn't matter.
Even if Harry had to force himself to eat that pasta he would have.
Thankfully, Louis wasn't gone for too long and came back with a pizza box put it between them and two water bottles for the both of them.
"I know it's not exactly romantic, but it was sort of last minute. I mean seriously though, you can't go wrong with pizza. "
Harry just leaned over, his hand pushed against t softness of the blanket underneath him for support as he pressed a kiss to Louis' cheek.
"I don't mind, Lou. Romantic or not, I'm just happy that I'm here with you." and that was the truth. Harry simpered when Louis leaned in for a kiss on the lips, the hand that cupped his cheek made his arm feel weak.
Louis pulled back from the kiss, " You're so good to me." Louis cooed as Harry moved to sit back, and shared one last smile before they broke into the box, ready to eat.
Overall the dinner was delicious as expected and they nearly finished it off. A few pieces leftover. There was a comfortable quietness between them, even shared a few glances with each other here and there. A small part of Harry still had wished he could have eaten Louis' meal. It was so sweet and warmed Harry's heart that Louis tried for him, maybe next time they'll have a success.
After the pizza box got discarded outside the sheet fort, Louis had taken Harry's hand again. Laced their fingers together and he had this warm smile across his face, Harry wanted to kiss him.
"Can I ask you something?" Louis questioned and Harry tilted his head, taken back by the fact Louis just asked him if he could ask a question. This was so weird, usually Louis wasn't afraid to say anything that came to his mind. Good or bad.
"Go, ahead." Harry muttered out as he gnawed the inside of his cheek.
Louis' let out a breath, "Do you really think I sound good when I sing?" Louis had a conflicted look on his face almost as if he were expecting Harry to say no. But, Harry loves the sound of Louis' voice and he'd never tell Louis he wasn't good.
Louis' amazingly talented, better than himself anyway, and Harry just wished Louis had that confidence.
"Of course, I think you sound lovely, Lou. Seriously." And that was the truth. "I'm you're number one fan, and I'd love to hear you."
"You mean my only fan?" Louis snickered as he glanced down to their hands. "You're just saying that because you have to, you're my boyfriend."
Harry frowned as he pulled his had from his Louis' and moved to sit beside him, hand on his back, giving him a little rub.
"Now come on, Louis. You know that's not true, I've told you many times how good you sound." Harry just needed to get it through Louis' head, "Yeah, I'm just one person, but I'll always be there right beside you, pushing you along. Because I know you can do it and I'll always support you."
Louis' eyes fell closed for a moment before he glanced at Harry and the corners of his lips twitched upward.
Harry rested his hand on the center of Louis' back before he added, "I'll be here when you're ready to show me, okay?"
Louis gave a small nod as he leaned over and gave Harry a peck on the lips , a warm palm against his cheek.
"God, I love you so fucking much, Harry." Louis breathed out after the kiss broke, Harry's heart stuttered in his chest. "But uh, the reason I asked was because I want to do something for you, something I've never done with anyone."
Louis gave a nod as he crawled out of the lit up fort and Harry was a bit confused as the light to the room was shut off, the string of lights illuminated the room. Harry heard the hustle and bustle outside the sheet walls and the sound of something being snapped open. Harry's stomach felt like it was a twisted mess because he didn't know what to expect.
When Louis had come back, he had his acoustic guitar with him and Harry was definitely curious now.
"So I've been perfecting this song I've been trying to play for a few years. I go back and forth on my electric and acoustic every once in awhile." Louis explained as he positioned the guitar in his lap. "And I just thought maybe it was time to have an audience. Someone that I care about and who is supportive."
Harry's heart was beating so fast, Louis was saying all the right things.
"Just don't laugh if I fuck up, okay?" Louis pleaded as his eyes fell onto the guitar and started softly pluck at the strings.
From the moment the intro started, Harry knew which song he was playing. It was familiar. Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World.
Harry sat there as he watched Louis strummed along and in truth, this rang a familiarity with him. He remembered the sheet music for this song hung up on Louis' memory board and it brought a smile to his face. Harry had wondered at the time when he first noticed it, if held any importance to Louis. Or if we're just his favourite song.
Whatever ever the case may be, Louis played it beautifully.
However, the next thing that happened caught Harry off guard.
Louis was humming along with the melody as his eyes closed, and Harry just sat there gobsmacked.
Sure, it wasn't anything like a song being sung to him, but it was pretty damn close. Louis felt comfortable enough to give him this and it just warmed Harry's heart.
Harry sat there and listened along, he felt an array of emotions hit him all at once. It was overwhelming. From amazement to elation, Harry's mind was all over the place right now just sitting here listening to Louis' hum along with his guitar.
He's never had a guy do this for him before, not anyone.
Harry just felt so special.
It seemed like ended too soon when the strums came to an end and the sounds of the guitar stopped. Harry wanted more, he needed Louis to play it again because it Harry felt like this was the only time he'd ever get to experience something like this. But he didn't want to ask for too much and scare Louis off all because he enjoyed the serenade his boyfriend had given him.
Louis let out a breath as he opened his eyes as they fell back onto Harry, moving his fringe out of his eye with his free hand.
"Wasn't too terrible I hope?" Louis queried as he gnawed on his bottom lip.
Harry shook his head, "It was lovely."
Louis' face broke out into a smile, "You really thought so?" and Harry nodded. "Shit, thanks, babe, really. Means a lot."
"You know you're very talented with the guitar and I've always been impressed." Harry spoke truthfully as Louis moved to set his guitar carefully outside the fort. "It makes me happy when I see you do something you love."
"And you should be impressed, I'm quite amazing, no, the best at guitar." Louis sounded so smug.
"You're just the best at everything, huh?" Harry teased.
"Basically." Louis smirked, as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Fuck, It's so hot."
"Of course." Harry giggled a little and Louis was right, it was quite warm. Harry almost wished he had put on shorts instead, but they weren't exactly what Harry would consider proper date attire. "Me too."
Louis pushed up his sleeves before he said, "Well I mean, at least you're not wrong about that. You're fucking hot."
Harry tried to bite back his smile, but to no avail, he couldn't contain it. It was silly comments like those, that Harry couldn't help but grin over. His boyfriend was just so witty sometimes.
For a moment there was a silence between them and Harry wanted to crawl over and kiss Louis' face. Yet at the same time, Harry just wanted to talk. Talk about anything and everything with his boy. Harry didn't know what he wanted more because truthfully speaking he enjoyed both. Hell, even a cuddle sounded good right now, anything with Louis was best.
The next thing Harry knew Louis had slowly moved his way over towards him, Harry was a little confused, that was until Louis' pulled him in for a kiss, his hand on the back of Harry's neck Fingers curled into Harry's hair.
Harry relaxed into the kiss as he leaned in a little more as it was kind of awkward with Louis on his knees in front of him. But in a sense Harry didn't care, his stomach was all fluttery, and the way Louis kissed him softly and yet so ravenous had Harry hungry for more. Harry hand found its way onto Louis' arm and squeezed as he moved his lips against Louis'. Just in need of more and more of his boy's kisses.
Louis' tongue coaxed into his mouth as Harry felt Louis shift a little closer and a hand on his knee. The gentle squeeze on his leg sent a jolt of electricity through Harry's veins.
They massage their tongues together slowly, and Harry's heart beated erratically in his chest. Harry could feel Louis' crowding his space as the hand fell from his neck to his shoulder. Breath almost caught in his throat when Harry felt slowly being guided to lay on his back as they kissed.
Harrys' hands were on Louis sides, fingers grabbed onto the fabric of Louis' top. Harry's got Louis between his legs, hovered over him, and fingers working on the buttons of his top. Harry let out a low whine when Louis suckled on his tongue, goosepimples spread all across his arms.
God, the things Louis did to Harry were insane.
Harry's top slowly had come undone as each button unfastened, Louis' fingers danced along his stomach until they slid over his nipple. Harry had squirmed under Louis' touch and felt a buzz of hankering for more.
Fuck, he needed whatever he could get.
Harry broke the kiss and trailed his lips down Louis' throat, his hands pulled Louis closer, bunching his top up a little more. Thrill peaking as Louis' fingers ghosted along his nipple once again, A small noise escaped Louis' lips and Harry could feel his own cock start to press up against his jeans.
"Baby..." Louis groaned out as Harry worked back up to Louis' lips and Harry nearly whimpered against them when Louis pushed his hips against him.
But then Louis pulled away from the kiss and Harry's eyes flew open, Louis was on his knees and hurriedly pulling his top over his head. Tossed it to the side like it was yesterday's news before he surged back down for a kiss. Harry's fingers could feel the warm tackiness of Louis' skin, a series of shivers crawled down his spine when Louis' hand was on his shoulder guided him to sit up just enough to lose his shirt before his back was pressed against the blanket seconds later.
Harry mewled against his boyfriends lips as he rolled their hips together once again. Harry didn't want Louis to stop, he couldn't stop. Louis just couldn't because Harry needed it. He wanted it so bad.
Two weeks was far too long apart from Louis and Harry's never felt more aroused in his life. There was just something about not having his boyfriend in days that was making him feel greedy for so much. He felt beyond attracted to Louis and his scent, god his cologne was just absolutely intoxicating.
Louis pulled from the kiss again as he left open mouth kisses down Harry's neck, "I wanna fuck you." Louis breathed out in between every searing press of his lips. "Hard."
Harry's toes curled at those word, a moan fell from his lips as Louis' lips latched under his jaw. Head tilted upward a little. His nails slid down Louis' sides until they hit the hem of his jeans. A breathy whine fell from his lips when Louis worked his way to the other side of Harry's neck.
"Would you like that?" Louis groaned as he nibbled and sucked along Harry's neck.
"Yes." Harry nearly cried out as Louis' lips went further down until they found his collarbones. Louis sucked a dark purple mark against them, "Louis.. Please."
Louis, the little devious shit he was, slid his tongue down until he reached Harry's nipple. Swirled his tongue around before he gave it a suckle. Harry felt as if he got the light whacked out of him, his legs quivered and his body buzzed with sensitivity. Louis flicked his tongue a few times before latched his mouth once more before he left concupiscent kisses down Harry's stomach.
Harry felt breathless and nearly moaned at the sound of the button to his jeans popped open. Fuck, Harry couldn't wait to get out these clothes.
The zipper came next and then Louis' fingers hooked into the the thick band and started to drag the trousers down Harry's hip, his boxers following, which Harry lifted his bum enough to get these things off, and thrown to the side. Harry stifled an oncoming moan when he watched Louis undo his jeans hurriedly, the delicious outline of his hard cock pressed against the tight denim had made Harry's own pulsate.
Louis was quick to remove his bottoms off before he surged back down for a kiss, hand on Harry's cheek, and Harry fingers slid through Louis' silky locks.A blissful ecstasy rang through Harry's mind as their cocks brushed together as Louis sucked and nibbled on his bottom lip. Harry's fingers gripped onto the Lous' hair, his heart rate climbing in his chest, and a low moan escaped from his lips as Louis broke the kiss to work back on his neck.
" I missed your body, fuck" Louis groaned into Harry's ear as he nibbled on he lobe ever so slightly. Harry's whole body convulsed at those sinfully riveting words. "So fucking fit, Jesus christ."
Louis sucked on last kiss mark to the already bruised skin as he pushed down against Harry's hips. Harry let out a sharp intake of air as their cocks rubbed together. Blissful delight rushed through Harry's body every time their dick 's caressed together.
"Lou... " Harry moaned out, needly. "Fuck me... please." Harry just felt so overflowing with torrid lust. Like, Harry just needed Louis' cock. It's been too long and he wants it so bad... Harry's been aching for it for days.
"Love it when you're eager, baby." Louis purred into Harry's ear once again as he pulled away. Harry made grabby hands for his boy, but Louis held up his finger before he quickly exited the fort. Harry wanted to follow after him and take this to the bed, he just needed Louis now.
Thankfully Louis was only gone for a moment as he had come back, lube and condoms set aside as he kissed Harry again feverishly. His hand cradled Harry's cheek until he pulled back once again and grabbed a pillow from the corner and set it beside Harry.
"Lay on this babe, bum in the air," Louis said, as he stroked his own self off. "Wanna make you feel good before anything else."
Harry trembled at those thrilling words, quick to move, hips snug against the pillow, on his stomach. Harry rested his head against his arms and he felt sweet, tender kisses travel up his back, all the way to his neck. Harry mewled as Louis's lips peppered the back of his shoulder with kisses, Louis' cock pressed against his ass.
And fuck, was it teasing.
Harry let out a whine when he felt Louis' body disappear, only to feel hands slid over the curve of his arse. Harry relaxed against Louis' touch, gnawed on his bottom lip as he felt his bottom being squeezed and an ever so gentle kiss pressed right above his ass,
Then came a scratchy sensation against his skin and a relish of delight when he felt the swipe of Louis' tongue against his rim.
Fucking hell, it's been way too long!
Harry had these small noises he couldn't hold in as Louis teased along his hole. His legs already felt weak from the sensations. The way his guy worked him open had Harry in fits of breathy moans and desperate whimpers the more Louis carried on. Harry just felt so dazed and intoxicated with every desperate swipe and wiggle of Louis' skilled tongue.
"Louis, Louis." Harry repeatedly moaned out, his whole body felt like it caught fire and dripping. His cock painfully hard and ached to be touched, the pillow definitely not sufficient enough. But, what Harry wanted more was to have more of this, Louis' mouth on him.
Harry pushed back more into Louis' face, a throaty moan came out when Louis swirled his tongue the right way.
Fuck, Harry felt tingles shoot through his dick the longer Louis was on him, Harry needed to come. He just wanted to so badly, and yet not wanting to even stop. He could do a double round. Harry's certain he could.
But then Louis' pulled off him and Harry rubbed against the pillow, eager for something. Anything to make his painful hardon better.
Louis' tongue on him was too short lived and definitely not enough. However, Harry knew what came next was even better and it just made his dick throb as his fingers pressed into his arms.
Harry nearly sobbed at the sound of a cap being popped open, and slick fingers slid against his rim.
"Wanna fuck you from behind... would you like that?" Louis asked needily, Harry nodded desperately, he didn't care. Probably be easier on his hips anyway.
Harry's breath hitched when he felt himself stretch, fingers slid around, prickly sensations crawled up his arms when he could feel another finger in him. It still stung a little, but bearable compared to last time. Thank, god.
Louis fingered him for a moment, Harry jerked a little when he felt pressure against that sweet spot. But almost saddened when Louis' fingers were gone shortly after only to feel the tip of Louis' cock against him as he straddled Harry. Hands flat against the floor by Harry's neck.
"Remember to relax, baby." Louis breathed out as he slowly pushed in Harry, Harry hissed at the stretch.
It was still quite the pain, but Harry could get through it.
Harry let out a deep breath as they stayed at a standstill, the burning feeling present. For a moment Harry thought if he'd ever get used to it, Louis' thickness. Afterall Harry does see a future with his boyfriend and sex is definitely something Harry would love to keep doing. Try different things as he grows comfortable and confident with Louis. But also just not feel like his ass was on fire for minutes on end before he could start feeling blissful and connected with his boy.
"So tight, babe." Louis groaned out. "Fuck." Harry fluttered his eyes closer and let out a hum at those words.
A few moments later Harry could feel himself starting rid the burn.
"Okay, Lou." Harry said, his toes curled when Louis started to thrust slowly into him. The pushes in him started off gently. A small noise escaped Harry's lips when Louis pummeled his hips deep against him at one point.
Harry let out a little breaths here and there, his own leaking cock rubbed against the blanket everytime Louis' hips met his bum. Harry's whole body quivered as he felt his hair moved off his neck and steamy kisses along his skin.
Fiery kiss marks and heavy breaths fanned across the back of Harry's neck. His curly locks fallen in his face, swung back and forth in the motions, and Harry started to feel frisson with Louis' frenetic thrusts.
Harry's hands moved to grab a hold of the blanket at one point when Louis hit that sweet spot. A shock of intensity over took his body and Harry let out a sob, avid for that feeling again. He tried to push back against Louis to meet his movements, desperate for that intense rush of ecstasy.
"More." Harry moaned out. "Louis.. Please." Harry was desperate, so eager for it. He needed it.
Louis had let out this animalistic groan in Harry's ear, Harry breath hitched at hastiness of Louis' momentum. Skin to skin snapping together had Harry nearly in a fit of whimpers, his nails clawed into the bedding.
Harry felt like his whole body was smouldering as it was drowning in pleasure.
Every strangled noise, huff, and moan filtered the air, bodies covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and arousal peaking stronger.
Harry felt like his brain was losing its functions the more pressure he felt against that pleasurable spot. The more Louis fucked him, the higher Harry felt. His knuckles a shade of white as every drive of Louis' hips against bum was so much.
Louis was going harder than before, and fuck, did it feel amazing.
"Does that feel good, baby?" Louis rasped into Harry's ear as he started to shove roughly.
Harry's whole body felt tingly and unable to move, his cock painfully hard tucked under his body. "Yes." Harry whined out, shockwaves of pleasure just shoot up his dick, aching to just get himself off already.
And shit, Harry needed to roll over and just do it, he needed to so bad. But he felt so... so.. Overwhelmed. Louis had been making him feel so good that he didn't want to stop, not because he's desperate to come.
Harry felt the weight of Louis' body press against him, hand cupped Harry's jaw having his head turn to the side, and face pressed against his cheek. Scratchiness and lips brushed along his skin, shivers crawled down Harry's spine. Arced up his ass a little to meet his boyfriends thrusts.
Every drive of Louis' hips whenever they snapped against him and the moans in his ear was making Harry feel closer.
The way Louis' got his body pressed into him, making his mind go wild, and his heart pumping is enough to make Harry go in and out of it. It seemed Louis was capable of such a thing and god, did Harry never want that to end.
To have that searing pleasure caused by the guy you love was the best feeling in the world.
"Babe. Shit." Louis grunted out as pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek, his momentum still strong.
Harry suddenly started to feel trails of fire shoot up his legs all the way up to his cock. A loud moan escaped his lips as his body started to wiggle underneath Louis. His toes curled as he came, his fingers locked into the blanket harder as he shivered and lurched back to his senses.
Louis gave a few more hard pushes before he stopped, heavy breaths against Harry's neck as he could feel Louis pulse inside him.
"Love you." Louis cooed tiredly as he laid there for a moment, his hand uncupped from Harry's chin.
"Love you too, Lou." Harry murmured, his fingers uncurled from the sheets. They felt absolutely sore.
Then Louis' body was off him moments later as Louis said he'd be right back as he left the fort for a moment.
Harry finally opened his eyes, slowly blinked as he moved to lay on his back, the room hot as hell. His body felt beyond sweaty and yet, he felt so serene laying here. Being with Louis like that again just ignited their closeness in their relationship.
Sure, they could do without sex just fine, they've done it before. It was just Harry felt a bit of a stronger connection when they slept together. And he wouldn't want to do it with anyone else, honestly.
Harry couldn't, not when his heart was totally invested.
When Louis came back, he had a rag in his hand as he slid it across Harry's stomach before he tossed it out into the bedroom.
"Looks like you'll be needing another shower, Harold." Louis teased as he grabbed the thick blanket from the corner. He moved to lay beside Harry, the blanket pulled over their bodies and Harry was already nuzzled right up to his boyfriend. His hand rested against Louis' chest and his face nestled against his shoulder.
"I don't mind, you can join me this time if you want tomorrow morning." Harry offered, fingers caressed the back of his neck.
"You don't even have to ask, babe." Louis snickered.
Harry just smiled and pressed his face more into his guy as they laid there in silence.
They laid there for a while, entangled together as their laboured breaths evened out. Louis' fingers were in his hair at some point, sliding through Harry's curls.
But then Louis started to talk again seconds later what left his mouth totally caught Harry off guard.
Like, they've talked about it, but never the specifics.
"So, I've been wondering, after you graduate in a few years, do you think you'd come work down here?"
Harry was stumped and stuck, honestly, he hadn't really gotten that far where exactly would be the perfect place. Like sure he's envisioned himself somewhere close to home so it'd be easier to see his family and mates. However... the idea of living and working close to Louis sounded more like something Harry would want.
But, who's to say it'll work out that way?
So many things could go wrong or he'd have much better opportunities closer to home. It's a bit of a tough subject right now and Harry still has a few more years to figure this all out.
"Possibly... I mean if I can find something, I suppose." Harry said, unsurely. "Why?"
Louis was silent for a moment and Harry wasn't sure if he liked that. Usually was quick to reply, but he's so quiet it makes Harry's heart twist in his chest.
"Just curious."
Harry gnawed on his bottom lip as Louis' hand moved to rest against his arm. Harry couldn't help but wonder what was the underlying meaning of that. But Louis doesn't say anything else on and it changes the subject and its entirety about the wedding.
Yet Harry couldn't focus on that even because he was trying to pick apart why Louis wanted to know about Harry's future.
Harry just felt it was far too soon to be asked about it as he's not even started year two yet. It got Harry to wonder though, was Louis already making plans for them? Or at least feeling out where Harr's head was at on the whole post-uni thing.
However it did make him feel better to have that sense that Louis see's them together in the long run. That he wants Harry there right beside him even after Harry was done with uni and it made Harry's heart feel full.
And yet... It was also confusing.
Because when to comes to Louis, you have to expect the unexpected and god knows what Louis had in store for their future.
But truth be told, Harry couldn't wait to find out.
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