First week of July and Harry was at some band gig in Doncaster on a Saturday night.
Bored out of his mind, he was standing in a nook all alone with a bottle of water in his hand. Waiting for Faithless Night to finish setting up so they could get on with it already. He honestly was not loving the fact that none of his mates were here or the fact that he had gotten dragged to a party. He tried to protest at first as Louis had dropped it on him the night before he came to stay with him for the weekend. However, it was Louis' first show of the summer and as much as he disliked being sweaty and irritable, this was worth it.
Seeing Louis looking so jubilant up there on the makeshift stage with his guitar strapped over his shoulder was everything. It warmed Harry's sole being to see that. But something seemed a touch off as Harry watched closely. Noticing the way Louis had given an eyeroll to Tommy and shaking his head, his smile long gone and expression more serious as he glanced down to his instrument.
Of course, Harry was curious to see what that was about, but he wasn't about to march over there. Especially because Alex had already started talking into the microphone, telling everyone to be quiet as he introduced the band. Harry tried to listen, but his eyes found Louis instead. A small smile came to his lips when he locked his eyes with Harry for a moment before looking down once again and swayed his stance backward a little.
Harry leaned against the wall as he took a sip of his drink, nodding his head along to the beat, and letting his eyes wander in the living room. It was a pretty large room but overly crowded at best. Mostly from what Harry had gathered since he had arrived. Everyone was pretty much around his age and was already drunk for the night with beers in their hand. People kissing, flirting, and nearly shagging. There were tables against the wall filled with a few snack bowls and beer bottles left open and forgotten.
In all honesty, Harry wished he was elsewhere with Louis because he'd much prefer to not be smothered and to have his ears ringing from the loudness of the amps. Wanting to just run off to Louis' car and be alone for a minute. That's all Harry would love right now, but the night only started. Also, he wasn't leaving to go home until Monday night which was nice so that gave him all Sunday to have Louis' undivided attention. Well, with the exclusion of Louis' sisters who've been determined for Louis to take them all to the cinema and then shopping tomorrow afternoon. Apparently, they wanted to spend some time with Harry even though Louis had protested at first, Jay had told Louis that it wouldn't hurt to spend time with his sisters. Earning a scowl from Louis but giving in and only agreeing to a few hours as he'd originally wanted it to be just Harry and him.
Thus, tomorrow would be a busy day and Harry didn't mind so much. He liked the girls and anytime with Louis was great. Although, Harry would love to stay longer, but he couldn't leave his mum like that again. Especially since he's gone for most of the year and she is alone, got no pets or boyfriend. So Harry felt awful especially since Gemma was nearly an hour away and visited rarely since she's so busy with her own life. He felt obligated to be at home and spend as much time as he could with his mum before he would go back to university in September.
Even though a small part of Harry had a premonition that he'd have more time at home if Louis heard something positive back from Gemma's friend. Harry wasn't about to worry about that now as he should be enjoying the music. Not bothered with his worries about Louis maybe moving hours away from him for a few months.
Harry took a deep breath as he took a sip of his water bottle before he focused on the band instead. Nodding his head along once it registered they were covering a Green Day song and watched his boyfriend strum along on his guitar.
Harry tried his best to enjoy himself as he stood there alone with his water, bobbing his head as the band played, going from song to song ranging from covers to their own songs. Now don't get Harry wrong he liked Louis' band and their music, but he wished he had at least a mate beside him to keep him company among the masses. It'd just be nice to hear Niall or Ed go on about their lives because standing in a corner alone while your boyfriend is busy it lonesome. Sure Niall could be a bit selfish when he wanted to be, but Harry enjoyed his company as he's always been such a good friend to him. Never attempted to go after any of the guys Harry liked, been there when he was upset over Louis... well sort of but the point is Harry missed Niall. He missed Ed too, he hadn't realized just how much he enjoyed having them around daily until now and it's making him feel sad. Especially watching everyone talking to one another happily, drunk, as if they were good friends for years it made Harry feel envious.
Shit, even Louis' band joked around and had a good time and yet not even one of the bandmates said a word to Harry. Sure he's gotten friendly looks and hellos from them but nothing more than that. Honestly Harry's unsure if they actually like him or not, but whatever he shouldn't worry about that.
Eventually Harry had grown tired of standing and looked around the living room for a spot to sit, mostly everything was pretty much taken. That was until his eyes landed upon a lone chair next to the stage where Louis was standing occupied with a water bottle with a big "LT" written across it with sharpie. Harry sighed in relief as he made his way over, pushing past people and swatting away grabby hands as he made his way towards the stage. Cringing as he realized that the chair was close to the amps as well, but whatever.
Harry had gave Louis a small smile when they locked eyes for a moment before he moved over towards the chair, putting the water bottle on the floor beside it, and moving to sit and cross his legs. Noticing Louis was looking at him with a small smile and giving Harry a wink before focusing back down on his guitar.
As Faithless Night went on with more songs, Harry enjoyed himself a little more. Well that is until Harry heard someone giggling and he looked over towards two girls that were right by Louis' spot, eyes on Louis, and fiddling with their long red hair. One girl was whispering in the other and then her eyes flicking up and down as if she was giving Louis a once over. Then the girl beside her that was in a tight black dress gave Louis bedroom eyes and Harry sighed.
These girls reminded Harry back to the time when Louis lived the hookup culture and it wasn't a nice thought. Just thinking about Louis going off to fuck whoever it is for the night made him feel nauseated and had to look away. Yes, his boyfriend may be fit, but these girls were making Harry uncomfortable. Harry knew this was out of spite, but he was happy when Louis seemed to pay those girls no mind.
Other than the background being anything but desirable, Harry enjoyed the music. Sharing endearing little grins here and there whenever Louis gave him a passing glance. His heart growing three times larger when he noticed Louis mouthing the words I love you to him while Alex was hyping the crowd up over a new song they've been working on planned to play. Harry felt heat inch to his cheeks as the band started playing again.
By the time of the band's first intermission of the night, Louis had set his guitar softly onto the stand before coming over and leaning down to press his lips against Harry's.
Harry felt fingers curl around his hand and Louis giving him a nodded gesture as if to follow him, and Harry did. Being led through the crowd and holding back a smirk when he saw the girls being disappointed when they noticed that Harry was the one leaving with Louis.
When they made their way out of the house, Harry had thought that they were going to Louis' car because his boyfriend had forgotten his cigarettes. However, that wasn't the case, as Harry found himself sitting in the backseat of the car snogging.
Harry had a hand on his arm, Louis' body pressed almost flush against him, and Harry's arm around Louis' waist as it was more comfortable this way. Louis' tongue explored his mouth and Harry's heart was pounding in his chest. A fiery sensation quickly coursed through his vein, his mind already intoxicated by the way Louis started to slowly yet tenderly rub his hand against his arm.
Their kissing was needy and desperate, making Harry feel like his body was scorching all over. The way Louis sucked on his tongue was nothing but sinful.
Harry moaned when Louis' hand ghosted down his arm and wandered on his inner thigh, lips traveled down from his lips to his neck, and warm breath fanning across his skin.
"I want you so fucking bad," Louis purred before he started to pepper kisses along Harry's neck, which earned a whimper from Harry's mouth. "Can't wait to have you alone back at mine." Louis breathed out before started to nibble and suck every inch of Harry's throat.
Harry's breath hitched when he felt Louis' hand slid up his thigh, nearly trembling when Louis started to palm him through his jeans. Thank god Louis' had parked somewhere dark and discrete or else they'd be putting on a show for the whole party.
The cabin in the car started to feel warm and stuffy, only sex noises and heavy breathing could be heard. Harry' jeans became increasingly tight as he felt his cock hardening, pressing against his jeans uncomfortably. Harry couldn't help it when he pressed up into Louis' hand or when the breathy noises turned into throaty moans when Louis started to rub his bulge. Almost ready to undo the buttons to his trousers himself, needing Louis to touch him.
"You're already so hard for me, baby.' Louis groaned against Harry's neck as he pressed open mouth kisses, fingers now working on the button of his jeans. Harry's toes were curling in his boots when he heard the zipper of his own jeans being undone, relief finally washed over him when he felt Louis' hand sneaking into his trousers. Deliciously cupping Harry through his pants as he worked on his neck, "Wish I had a condom on me.... Wanna jerk you off." Harry cried out at that, gnawing down on his lip as his legs started to feel restless, pressing his knee into Louis' thigh more and more. "Would you like that?"
Harry nodded, trembling at the thought, jolting forward when Louis started to rub harder his cock, Harry entangling tighter his fingers into Louis' top. His heart just pounding a hundred miles per minute.
"Lou.." Harry breathed out heavily as his head tilted back, his mouth falling open. Harry could feel dampness against his pants as his cock pushed against them. Aching for Louis to pull him out and finish him off. Nearly hissing when fingers curved around his dick, sliding over the fabric heavily making Harry quake all over. Series of moans escaping his lips as his throat was littered with searing kisses.
Harry tugged at Louis' shirt as his other hand was resting on his thigh. His own fingers digging into his leg, nails piercing through the denim. Harry wanted to strip these clothes off more than anything, needing Louis' to touch every single inch of him, and to feel his lips cover him with burning kisses.
But of course they were in the back of Louis' car and no matter how turned on Harry was, none of that would be happening.
"I could suck you off..." Louis trailed off, his tone seductive making Harry's heart sped up at those words. "Would you like that?" Harry nodded without hesitation.
Harry ended up peering towards his boy, Louis' eye half lidded, and swiped his tongue across his bottom lip. Staring at Harry needily before he leaned over and pressed a heated kiss against Harry's lips. Feeling the hand that was once palming him, now found its way into his pants, nearly moaning when Louis curled his fingers around his painfully hard cock. He was shaking from eagerness when Louis started to pull him out, almost taking him fully out until there was ear-splitting knocks coming from Harry's window and Louis hand promptly left his pants. Louis muttered out the word "fuck " under his breath as he adjusted himself. Harry's cheeks were on fire as he hastily buttoned up his jeans. Feeling his chest cave at that the thought of someone catching a glimpse of them being carnal in the backseat of a car. Harry's stomach hardened at the thought of what if that person showed up seconds later... Oh god, Harry can't even imagine what would he'd been feeling then.
When Harry had gotten out of the car he couldn't meet the person's gaze and he pushed his top down, feeling exposed, and embarrassed. Not even looking up when he felt a hand on the small of his back and the sound of the car being locked.
"You know it'd be nice if you'd come back to the stage on time instead of having your hand down your boyfriend's pants." Tommy berated Louis where Harry heard a scoff leaving Louis' mouth seconds later.
"Fuck off, Tommy." Louis sneered and Harry just kept his eyes on his boots, his face still hot.
Tommy had let out a sigh, "Don't be a dick, Louis. We need to go back and do our job, now come on before Alex and Ryland start without us." Harry didn't like the way Tommy talked to Louis at all, he was being rude.
Louis let out a heavy sigh, "Fine." was all Louis said as they headed back towards the party. Which Harry did end up glancing towards Louis and could see the irritation across his face. However, meeting Tommy's eyes was a whole different story... not even when they stepped a foot back into the house Harry could look him in the eyes.
Harry found himself back in the spot he was before the intermission, legs crossed, and arms folded against his waist as he sat next to the stage. Still feeling utterly mortified about what had happened minutes ago. Gnawing on the inside of his cheek when the band started up again, Harry's eyes were on Louis the whole time as they went through numerous songs. He found comfort in watching Louis the whole time, feeling content when they'd exchanged fond smiles time from time.
As the night carried out Harry could tell there was something off with the band. He couldn't put his finger on it, but they sounded a touch different. Harry wasn't sure if it was that their sounds weren't matching up or if the tension in the air was affecting them. Well, Louis and Tommy at least. Whatever it was Harry hoped they'd fix it and soon.
By the time Alex was talking to the crowd for a moment about how he had written this song about his fiancee they were about to play. Harry had ended up heading towards the kitchen soon after, needing a cold water bottle before he had cotton mouth, which Harry couldn't deal with that on top of how warm the air settled around the house.
Right as Harry reached into the cooler he heard the sounds of the guitar starting, but cutting off seconds later. Harry's head snapped up and peered out into the living room, Alex was talking into the microphone apologizing to the crowd as they were having some minor difficulties, saying they'd be back in ten. Harry noticing Louis stomping off the stage, staggering toward the kitchen with a stern look across his face.
Harry was confused... what was going on?
He was about to ask but Louis ignored him and walked past him to the sliding door to go out to the back garden. Harry frowned, unsure whether or not he should go out there and see what happened. After a giving a second thought Harry went out back and noticed Louis smoking a cigarette alone against a tree. Blowing smoke into the night air and as Harry got closer to Louis, he could see that he still looked bothered about whatever it was that caused him to flee the area.
Harry went over and stood beside him as he crossed his arms, before he questioned, "Everything okay, Lou?"
Louis minutely shook his head before taking a drag of his cigarette before exhaling the smoke from his lips. "I fucking want.." Louis started angrily, his face red as hair stuck against his forehead. " Oh he makes me so mad."
Louis flicked his gaze upward as he brought the cigarette to his lips, and Harry wished there was something he could do to help.
"I never wanted him to join the band in the first place." Louis spat, and Harry just let him vent. "Alex's bright idea to have his cousin join the band, what a mistake that was."
Harry gnawed on bottom lip as Louis went on to complain about Tommy. Hearing about how Louis was sick and tired of hearing his remarks and the dirty glances, even mentioning he thought Tommy had been trying to get him kicked out of the band for a while now. Harry thought Louis was going a little overboard with an accusation like that, but he let Louis talk.
Before Harry could even attempt to ask another question the rest of Louis' band had joined them around the tree, where tension was thick in the air. Louis glaring at Tommy as he worked on his cigarette.
"What the fuck is your problem, Louis?" Tommy started, oh boy Harry didn't like where this was going. "First you're late getting back from the break and then you storm off before the song had nearly started, very unprofessional, mate."
Louis scoffed, "My problem is that you keep making fucking comments that don't concern you."
"Because everything I said is true, you rather be getting into your boyfriend's pants than actually take the band serious." Tommy retorted back, his jaw clenching. "Should have never brought him along. Maybe then he wouldn't be such a distraction for you."
Harry frowned, the feeling of one of Louis' bandmates not wanting him here weighing heavy on his heart.
"Hey... Hey, lads cool it, will ya?" Alex intervened, as he let out a huff. "We're here to play the first gig of the summer and this is how you want to start it off? By bickering like children?"
"Maybe Tommy should keep his mouth shut then." Louis suggested as he finished off his cigarette before tossing to the ground and stomping it out. "Or else I'll leave."
Harry's eyes flicked across the boys, noting the looks of concern across Ryland and Alex's face, and Harry felt bad. Almost as if he was the reason of the bands troubles...
Maybe he shouldn't come to anymore gigs if this meant the boys could get back on the same page. Harry noted it his mind and decided he'd talk to Louis about it later.
"Quit acting so entitled." Tommy sneered, taking a step closer, Harry almost felt the need to step in between them, but Ryland already beat him to the punch.. Pushing Tommy back and telling him to stop it.
"Seriously, Louis you're not leaving until this gig is over and Tommy just don't even say a word to him, alright? This is so unprofessional, do you know how embarrassing that was? After the reputation we've built over the years?" Alex scolded them both, shaking his head. "I'm supposed to be getting married next month and I wanted to have the best time playing as many shows as possible until the big day and I really wish you two would set aside your differences and suck it up."
Right. Harry had almost forgotten about the wedding...
"Alex is right, what kind of impression did we just leave up there?" Ryland started as he backed away, glancing between the two guys. "I get it that you both aren't seeing eye to eye on things right now, but for the sake of the band can we just get on with it already? We can have a band meeting later, but we're at someone's house, where we were offered to play. "
"Not only that but haven't you heard of social media? Stuff gone viral? We're going to be laughing stock of Donny if this keeps up, so no more, let's just go inside and get this done." Alex stressed before turning around and headed inside the house, Ryland hot on his heels.
Tommy had his eyes on Louis, narrowed, and lips pressed into a fine line before he followed his fellow bandmates inside.
Harry wanted to ask if everything okay, but not wanting to pry too much. If Louis wanted to talk about he wouldn't be letting out a heavy sigh, fiddling with his artfully tousled fringe, and reaching for Harry's hand. Intertwining their fingers and flicking his gaze towards Harry.
"Sorry about that, I was just... I... the way he made those comments about you really got to me." Louis apologized sincerely, his expression softening.
"It's okay, Lou." honestly it really wasn't because Harry felt as if he wasn't welcome anymore. The feeling of someone saying you're a distraction and told to be left out wasn't a good feeling. The look in Louis' eyes were suspicious and there was a chance Louis wouldn't believe him, Harry hoped he would for now. Harry didn't want to be the cause of yet another spat between the pair. He'll bring it up later when the gig was all said and done with, because right now Harry couldn't find it in himself to say it.
Louis ended up giving him a small nod before they headed into the thumping house, a draft of warmth smothered them as soon as they hit the door. Harry felt a bit nauseated from the clusters of people to the loud music booming in the background, all that on top of everything else that's weighing heavy on his mind it was like he couldn't breathe. However Harry just took a deep breath as he was led back over to the stage and hoped maybe once he's settled down his nerves will calm.
Harry made a mental note to avoid Tommy for the rest of the night.
As the gig went back into full swing after Alex had apologized to the crowd three times over, which seemed redeemable enough as the crowd just cheered and are probably either too drunk or stoned out of their minds to care. As long as they had some sort of alcohol Harry thought the crowd would have been forgiving either way.
So of course Faithless Night seemed to be back on track... well for the most part. They still didn't sound to their full capabilities still and it made Harry even more concerned that it may be more to the story than what was being led on, but Harry just ignored it for now. Adding it to his thoughts for later and just enjoying the show as much as he could.
Between every song Harry had shared a small glance with Louis whenever he came over to retrieve his water bottle by Harry's feet. Leaning down, only to give Harry a once over as he picked it off the ground, smirking, and winking before taking a swig. Being a flirt and Harry just beamed back up at him, running his fingers through his curly locks. Thinking how dumb they probably looked sharing glances and acting like they had crushes on eachother, but whatever. Harry liked it and more importantly, it made him feel a bit better about stuff for a moment.
Sure... There was a chance of Louis possibly getting that internship at SEGA he had told Harry about that night at Gemma (not that he didn't already know), but Harry decided to not even think about it. Not since that night because maybe if he didn't it wouldn't be real and he wouldn't have that dread coiling in his belly. So, he's been occupying his mind with other sorts, like reorganizing his room around, helping Anne around the house when she was too busy with work, and actually keeping his mind sharp reading up on some health & medicine books from the Holmes Chapel library. Which reminded Harry he needed to get back to doing that once he goes back home to keep himself in check.
Eventually the band had taken another intermission which was basically a smoke break in the back, where Harry found himself there too. Standing beside Louis as they stood off by themselves back by the tree as the bandmates lounged on the wicker furniture, talking about whatever it was. Harry couldn't really tell, but Louis had his interest more as he asked Harry a question.
"So, do you have something at least formal for Alex's wedding next month?" Louis took a drag of his cigarette, leaned against the tree, leg kicked up against it.
Harry thought for a moment, does he actually have anything nice to wear? He's not too sure, but maybe since he's got a bit of time still he could go see about something nice.
"No, I don't think I do, but I'm sure mum could lend me some money to buy something decently nice." Harry said honestly as he stood there looking back at Louis, watching the smoke travel from his lips. "Not sure what exactly to wear though." and that was true, because Harry was stuck and stumped on that. He had almost forgotten about that upcoming wedding until tonight and in a way, Harry felt bad. Not that he would tell anyone he had mostly forgotten, but still.
Louis took another hit of his cigarette before releasing the smoke before he suggested, "Well I could always go shopping with you and help, you know to get a second opinion."
"That would be nice, I mean at least I know you wouldn't lie to me and says it looks good all because you're eager to leave to see the hot guys prowling the area." Harry giggled a little. "As much as I love Niall, I think I'd prefer you to be my shopping buddy when it comes to things like that."
Louis smirked. "I'm as blunt as they come sweetheart." well he wasn't wrong about that. "But I'd love to, we could go next weekend where its just me and you, make a day of it you know? Go shopping, out to eat, maybe see a film. Like a date." Harry would love that. "Unless you've got plans or something, I hope not because I'd really love to take you out."
Harry shook his head, "Uh, not that I know of, but of course, Lou." Harry wasn't about to turn down a date with his boy. "I'd love to."
"Good." Louis scampered before he brought the cigarette back to his lips.
They stood there in silence for a moment until Harry watched as Louis tossed his half gone cigarette to the ground, stomping it out, and pushed himself off the tree. Moving to pull Harry down into an embrace, his own arms wrapping around Louis' torso as their bodies pushed together. Feeling warmness and content from the embrace and his heart racing when he feel featherlight kisses press against the side of his neck. Feeling his cheeks warm up as the grip tightened, fluttering his eyes closed, and taking in the moment.
"Sorry if I stink.. I just wanted to be close to you." Louis explained softly and Harry's heart felt full.
"I don't mind." Harry didn't at all, in fact the suddenness of the hug was enough to override it.
"We probably look lovesick to my bandmates, "Louis snickered against Harry's neck as he tightened his grip even more, Harry's feeling immensely better about being here. "Fuck them though, I wanna hold my boy." Harry's entire face hurts, he can't stop smiling.
Harry took a deep savouring breath for a moment until he felt Louis peel away from him, leaving a hand still on his waist, standing quite close. Almost eager to lean back in to keep the hug going as he wasn't quite finished and yet Harry knew he couldn't have that. Not until their back at Jay's in the privacy of Louis room because the thought of another illicit opinion from one of Louis' bandmates didn't sit so well with Harry. So he was glad when Louis had broken the contact because Harry wasn't sure if he had it in himself to do it.
"Eh Tommo! We're going back on in five, better not be late!" Alex shouted towards them, Harry head snapping towards the group. Feeling heat inch to his cheeks when he sees that smirk across Louis' bandmates face. Watching group stomp out their cigarettes and heading back inside seconds later.
Harry had wondered if Tommy had told the guys the reason Louis was late the last time... seeing that smug look Alex had just screamed he knew too much.
"Suppose we should head back in, shouldn't we?" Louis breathed out as he leaned up and pressed their lips together briefly. His hand fallen off Harry's side and for a moment, this is going to sound incredibly stupid but Harry just wanted to feel his boyfriends touch again. For as small as it was, Harry craved it more than anything right now. But, last thing the band needs is another argument, so Harry's going to suck it up and wait it out.
Once they headed back in, Harry was back in his spot for the remainder of the night. Successfully avoiding most of the crowd even if his ears were paying for it for sitting so close to the amps. Still, Harry was content and for the first time in forever, Harry's actually liked a party like tonights. He wasn't sure if was because he didn't have to deal with Louis' drinking numberless amounts of beer to the point he's smashed til morning and stoned for days. Or the fact the band actually seemed to vibing a little better as time weared down . Whatever it was, Harry actually somewhat enjoyed himself.
So now Harry was sat in Louis' car on the way back to Jay's, his eyes on the clock reading that it was midnight made Harry sigh. Even though it was summer and he had no classes to attend to, Harry still didn't like to stay up so late, no matter how long he's been dating Louis it still bothers him a bit. Because what will happen once he goes back to uni? His sleep patterns will be all sorts of messed up, but he can't find it in himself to actually get the routine down since most nights he's been tethered to his phone or whenever he got to see Louis they stayed up well into the morning hours.
Harry's not sure what it is that makes him let it slide every time, but when it came to Louis in that moment where he knows he should let him go for the night he doesn't want too. It's like the last thing he wanted to do because he's so enthralled by his boyfriend. Like right now, Harry knows they should go to bed as soon as they get back to Louis' mum's but another part of him wanted to stay up and have some time with Louis. Just lay in bed together and talk about whatever it is on their minds.
It's like he almost couldn't win no matter what.
Harry was brought out of his thoughts when he felt his hand being grabbed and glanced down to the source. The corners of his lips sliding upwards when he sees the inked hand intertwined with him before he flicked his gaze towards his boy whose eyes were on the road. Harry's heart fluttered when he felt as Louis' thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand. Letting out a easy sigh he relaxed back into his spot and looked out the window at the lit up buildings they passed.
When they had gotten to Jay's, Harry had noticed that all the lights were off, and it was quiet. He suspected everyone was tuckered right out and in bed for the night. Which was fine because from the moment he stepped foot out of the car he was led inside and all the way to Louis room, what the door was kicked shut behind them. Harry watched as Louis tucked his guitar case into his closet carefully and then telling Harry he'd be right back as he needed to grab his amps from his car..
So, Harry was alone and decided to sit on the bed, taking a glance around Louis room for a moment. Everything was pretty much the same except it had a little more stuff which Harry guessed was Louis' stuff he had in his dorm from uni. Even noticing the memory board that was hung near his mirror and Harry couldn't help but smile when he noticed a printed off picture of the time Louis took a selfie of Harry kissing his cheek. Feeling proud to make the cut of the board after so long of no use. It warmed Harry's heart to say the least.
By the time Louis had gotten back and stacked his amp on top of the others by the corner of his room, Harry was captivated by his phone. Sending a quick text back to Niall who was up (unsurprisingly) and had asked Harry if they wanna hang out soon. Which Harry was a little shocked to see Niall would have time off to actually come spend time together without Zayn being realistically speaking that'd be Harry's role.But, Harry wasn't about to pass up the chance to see his best mate anyway, after all he had been missing his friend.
Before Harry knew it his phone slipped from his hands and was tossed to the edge of the bed, the corners of Harry's lips quicking upwards when he glanced up and noticed Louis in front of him, leaning over so they were almost eye level.
"Yes?" Harry questioned teasingly as his eyes fell on top Louis' lips for a moment before they looked back up to his eyes.
"Pay attention to me, Harold." Louis pouted, his tone nothing but playful. "I didn't have you come over to be on your phone texting your other boyfriend." Louis laughed as he shook his head.
"Oh please, I wouldn't consider Niall more than a brother." Harry nearly cringed at the idea of being more than friends. "If anyone has the extra boyfriend it's you, I mean your sisters did tell me you had a thing for Zayn years ago so... "
Louis' mouth fell agape as he let out a gasp. "I have never in my life crushed on Zayn, they're officially delusional." Louis sounded a little too defensive and Harry couldn't help but grin. "Wipe that smile off your face darling, because it's true."
"Mhmm, sure." Harry said sarcastically as he crossed his arms.
"Well it's true, Zayn may have be easy on the eyes but that doesn't mean I fancied
"Right, whatever you say." Harry bit back his laughter at that because this was just too funny hearing Louis get so defensive about something so trivial.
"You little..." Louis started and before Harry could realize what was happening he felt fingers dancing along his side, shivering, and laughing. Trying to pull away from Louis' tickling him, but of course being a sneaky little shit had all his bases covered as he straddled Harry's lap continuing what he was doing. Harry cackled out loud as he tried pushing Louis off him and wiggling back out of his grip, his stomach hurting from the laughter leaving him.
Harry's back fell flat onto the bed as he pressed his hands flat against Louis' chest trying to get him to stop, but it did absolutely nothing. Before he knew one of Louis' hand found his neck and Harry ended up was having a harder fit of laughter beneath his boyfriend.
"Louis... I'm going to wee." Harry managed to warn him between his laughter.
Then Louis' fingers stopped what they were doing as he moved to brace his arms on either side of Harry, hovering over him, between Harry's legs, and Harry just laid there heavily breathing, trying to catch his breath.
"I think you may have woken the whole house up." Louis crooned, a smile across his face.
"Not my fault you decided to tickle me, should have known better, Lou." Harry mentioned as his hands fell off Louis' chest, staring up into his boyfriend's eyes. "Still doesn't change my opinion though."
"Figures, worth a shot though." Louis shook his head as he brought one of his hand to Harry's cheek, cupping it. "But I only have one baby, so there's that."
"Well I'd hope so." Harry said with a smile before Louis pressed his lips against his. His kiss slow and sweet, making Harry's heart thumped in his chest, and feeling a pang of sadness when he pulled off Harry seconds later. Not wanting to stop that so soon because right now Harry was craving affection and attention, and to have Louis pull away right now wasn't a good feeling. Harry was about to go back for another kiss, but Louis was already on his feet and going across his room.
Harry moved to sit up and messed with his hair, watching as Louis grabbed his stickers covered laptop from the chair in the corner. Then stealing spot back beside him as he opened it up once it was perched over his lap.
"So, was thinking we could watch at least one film before bed." Louis suggested and as much as Harry thought they should go to sleep instead, he found himself nodding. Knowing that when it came to them and movies, it usually ends up them never finishing it off.
Not only that, but Harry wanted to cuddle with an excuse to do so.
Right when Louis clicked on the internet, Harry's eyes immediately went wide and heat inched to his cheeks. Loud moaned and heavy breaths came out from Louis' laptop and Harry could see a threesome happening between two guys and girl on the screen. Louis quickly closed the tab and remained silent. Harry could feel the awkwardness settling in the air between them.
"Uh... sorry about that." Louis apologized and Harry could feel his gaze on him. "I hope you don't mind that I watch porn..."
Harry shook his head because really he didn't care.
"Good because I forgot to close that tab the other night." Louis snickered nervously, his cheeks flushed. For a moment as it fell silent between them, and Harry couldn't help but look out the corners of his eyes. Louis looked to be thinking until he broke the silence and Harry's gaze was fully on Louis',
"You know this actually gave me an idea, do you want to watch a few videos together?"
Uh... what?
Did Louis just ask what Harry thought he asked? Because never in his life would he have expected Louis to ask him that!
"Um." Harry started, unsure if it would be a good idea as it was always something Harry had done alone and not often. Too afraid of being walked in on at home and his mind usually too preoccupied with other things.
"I mean we don't have to if you're uncomfortable-" Louis started, but Harry interjected before he even finish that sentence.
"No, we can I just... what if... " Harry stumbled over his words, feeling kind of ridiculous. "What if someone comes in." It was an honest worry because they didn't have the house to themselves for one and secondly what if the laptop malfunctions and blasts the volume to its full capacity. Last thing Harry needed is things to be awkward around Louis' family because of someone orgamsing.
"No one's going to come in, Harold. Mum and the girls are asleep and besides my door's locked." Just because they were the only ones up and locked in a room doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong. Louis could accidentally share whatever they were watching to his facebook for all he knew because Ed had done that once. "I want to watch with you because I actually think it'd help me to understand you better."
Understand Harry better... how?
Harry was puzzled and tilted his head as he gnawed on the inside his cheek. Trying to understand what Louis had meant. Like what does that even mean? Louis' known Harry for nearly ten months now and he was sure Louis knew him as much as Niall and Ed do. If not more.
"Enlighten me?" Harry questioned and Louis just smiled back at him.
"For one I'd really like to know what turns you on more than what I already do know of and see what kind of wild fantasies you have." Louis explained honestly and Harry's heart raced at the idea of all that. Harry's always been so private when it came to intimate details. Even sharing that he's never had sex was such a private matter that only a few close people knew.
However, in a way Harry could understand Louis' point, Harry was curious to know that all about Louis too. More than he already did at least because all Harry knew was everything Louis' told him and things he had observed in the past. So maybe Louis had a point... it'd be good for them.
"Okay, we... we can watch some." Harry's words came out a little more stumbled than he liked, his eyes fallen back onto the laptop.
Watching as Louis clicked open a new tab and typed in Pornhub in the search bar.
Harry watched as Louis typed in boyfriends in the search bar once he was on the site. Swallowing hard when he could see the video thumbnails pop up of various guys being fucked, Harry's palms felt suddenly sweaty. Louis scrolled for a moment before he clicked on a video, Harry hadn't had a chance to read the title because Louis had moved off the bed once again with the laptop. Harry was a bit confused until he noticed Louis setting the laptop back onto the chair rolling it over towards the bed, and opening the bottom drawer to his nightstand beside the bed. Louis pulled out a thick notebook and tucked it under his laptop before he went to shut the light off, sound of a lock following shortly after.
Harry took a deep breath as he stared at the screen, so they were going to do this. They were going to actually watch a fucking porno and god, Harry didn't know what to think still.
"Ready?" Louis asked as he squeezed himself back beside Harry, hand reached to click play.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Harry muttered out timidly, watching the video start.
At first Harry thought initially the whole thing would just start off with someone getting pushed into the mattress. However he was wrong and the video started off like any other cheesy porn video he's seen, terrible acting, and awful plotline of a guy doing stretches on his bed. So Harry was thankful it wasn't a jump right in kind of start as he wouldn't honestly know what to do. Especially when the guy shed his clothes off and some guy watching him and yeah... Harry's face felt hot.
The room grew suddenly warmer, his fingers twitching against his own thigh when the two guys started kissing. Harry's breath hitched when he felt a hand on his thigh, biting down on his bottom lip as the guys on the screen were in the buff. His eyes widening when a blowjob ensured and the hand on his thigh slowly sliding inward, squeezing. Tingles coursing through his body, breaking his gaze from the screen to Louis.
Louis had this smirk across his face as his eyes were on the screen, shivering when the hand on his leg traveled further up his leg.
"Fuck, I wanna do that with you." Louis commented almost in a groan as Harry's eyes snapped back to the screen. Letting out a breathy noise when he feels Louis' palming him through his jeans as one of the guys was getting rimmed.
Harry could feel his trousers starting to feel tight as Louis rubbed his crotch, his mind starting go a bit hazy.
Before Harry knew it, he felt a pair of lip working on his neck as the hand working harder against him. Harry's eyes fluttered shut as he let out small noise, trying to keep his moans at bay. The small moans noises come from the laptop did next to no help when he felt a stinging pain on his neck, stifling back a throaty moan begging to escape when Louis pressed a kiss against the tender area.
"I wanna know what fantasies you've had of me," Louis whispered in his ear as Harry felt the button of his jeans being undone. "What get you off when I'm not there." Harry quivered as the hand then worked its way to his top, tugging at the hem.
"Lou..." Harry whimpered out as his toes curled when he felt his top being pushed a little. Aching for Louis to keep going and almost letting out a whine when he didn't get his way.
"Hmm?" Louis hummed out as sucked and nibbled on Harry's throat. "Tell me, baby don't be shy, okay?"
Harry nearly pouted when the kisses suddenly stopped but knew Louis wanted an answer.
"I won't judge, promise." Louis added for good measures, Harry's whole body felt warm at the idea of admitting his fantasies to his boyfriend.
"I-" Harry started as moan left his mouth as the hand slid inside his trousers, palming him against his boxer. "I've thought... Of you... fucking me." Harry stumbled out in a series of breathy moans and it was one hundred percent honest. Harry had gotten off on the idea of them having sex on a couple occasions. Or more so aroused.
Louis groaned, "How was I fucking you?" his hand working harder against him, series of small noises escaped Harry's lips. "Details, babe."
Harry's mouth fell agape when he felt Louis' fingers curved around the outline of his hard cock, rubbing a little faster.
"I was, uh, riding you..." Harry managed to get out, starting to feeling restless against Louis' touch.
"Mmm, fuck." Louis moaned out against his throat. "You'd look so sexy on my cock like that." Harry trembled at those words spewing from Louis' mouth. "What else?"
Harry nearly let out a sob when Louis' hand left his trousers and slid up his shirt, shiver from the coolness of his fingers that slid over his nipple. His own fingers digging into his thigh, aching to grab onto something.
"And underneath you," Harry whimpered out and yeah he knew what he said sounded bit stale, but he just felt so overwhelmed with the way Louis made him feel right now. His fingers toying with his overly sensitive nipple and the searing kisses pressed down his throat was a lot. "I'd.. like that with you." Harry breathed out, his body feeling sweaty and warm. His mind stuck on the idea of losing his virginity and just knowing he wanted it a lot sooner rather than later.
Not right now, but soon.
Louis' lips slowly peeled away. "Oh yeah?" Louis purred down his neck, his breath warm and tingly against his skin.
"Yes." Harry mewled as his fingers curled against his thigh trying to latch onto the fabric of his jeans, trembling from the sheer pleasure his body was feeling.
"You're probably so god damn tight," Louis groaned out as his hand slid down to the waistband of Harry's boxers. "Fuck, I'm already so hard for you, baby." Harry's breath hitched at those words, the hand sliding out from his shirt and Harry nearly pouted. Until he felt lips against his, tongue dipping into his mouth, and Louis' nails digging against his skin.
Harry moaned into the kiss, his fingers restless against his thigh, aching to just touch Louis. Wanting to feel him more than anything and without another thought, Harry went for it, his hand found Louis' thigh. The frays of the rips of his trousers slid against his palms as he blindly searched for what he was looking for as Lous' tongue painted his mouth. Harry's hand eventually slid over a rock-hard bulge, nearly whining into Louis' mouth when he felt Louis' press up into his hand.
Slowly palming his boyfriend as his bottom lip as bitten and sucked on, heavy noises and loud moans coming from the laptop made Harry quiver.
Then Louis' lips peeled away from his, his hand falling off his cheek and sliding over Harry's hand, firm as he pushed Harry's hand harder against him. A moan escaping Louis' lips before he groaned out, " I fucking love it when you get so eager like that."
Harry's eyes fluttered open as he stared into Louis' eyes, pupils blown wide. Harry wanted to get into Louis pants more than anything right now.
"You can touch me wherever you want, don't be shy, babe." Louis's tongue slid over his slick raw bottom lip.
Louis' hand promptly left his as Harry watched a Louis moved to lean back a little, arms bracing the mattress.
Harry gnawed on his lip for a moment as he searched Louis' eyes, feeling a bit timid as all the pressure of doing things fell on him. Not used to being the one to take the lead and yet, almost twitching his jeans because of the free reign.
After about a second, Harry's hand slid off Louis' bulge and began to undo Louis' jeans, anxious to get them off. Feeling his cheeks grow warm as Louis had a smirk across his face as he helped him get out of his jeans, kicking them off his ankles to the ground, not even giving Harry a chance to get to his shirt as he already was sliding it over his head and discarding it to the ground with his jeans.
Harry's eyes flicked down to Louis' boxers, his mouth gone dry when he saw Louis' cock tenting against it. Buckling his knees together at just the thought of pulling it out and wrapping his lips around it. A small wet stain staring back at him and holy shit, Harry needed those boxers off now.
Before Harry could even think about reaching over and attempting to get Louis' out of his pants, Louis was back already off the bed. Between Harry's legs and helping Harry out of his shirt and jeans, hasty pulling them off, almost sinking back into the desk chair. Harry sat there breathless as the noises and moans came to an end, Louis's body pushing against his against the bed, his bum on Harry's lap, as he worked wet burning kisses down his neck. Harry stifled a moan when Louis lips latched onto his neck just below his jaw. The fingers in his hair tugging made Harry's whole body felt on fire and the way Louis' rolled against his dick had Harry's clawing his nails down Louis' back.
"Show me what you want, baby" Louis grunted out, Harry inhaled sharply at those words. His whole body absolutely on fire. Almost feeling faint when he slid his hands from Louis' back to his chest, having him all off him and back beside him on the bed. Harry's fingers hooking onto the waistband of Louis' pants and quickly pulling them off. Harry's heart stuttered as Louis' cock slapped against his belly. Precome smearing against his skin.
Harry bit down on his lip as he moved to kneel on the floor between Louis' legs, wrapping his hand around Louis' thickness. Harry pressed a kissed to the underside of the head before he slid Louis' cock between his lips. Bringing Louis all the way down as far as he could before he started to suck slowly.
Louis groaned out, hand in Harry's curls, as his cock hit the back of Harry's throat each time he went down on Louis.
"You look so good on your knees baby," Louis purred seductively out as he tugged on a chunk of Harry's hair. A heavy breath escaping his lips as Harry started to bob his head more eagerly, tongue pressing up against Louis' cock. "Love it when you suck me off."
Harry hummed in appreciation as he started to stroke Louis' off at the base of his cock, his knees already starting to burn from the roughness of the carpet pressing into them. His mind too determined and focused on Louis to care about sore knees in the morning.
The moans leaving Louis' lips absolutely intoxicating as it sent shivers up his spine. Almost gagging when he took Louis back too far and quickly. A gentle caress against the back of his hand as Louis muttered out, "Careful."
Harry pulled off his mouth for a moment as he pumped his hand eagerly as he peeked a glance up to his boy. Gnawing down on his lip when he met Louis' lust filled eyes, his own dick throbbing against his pants, aching to push his own hand down his pants to touch himself. Nearly whimpering when he saw Louis' face contort as a moan left his lip, strands of his fringe starting to stick against his forehead.Harry's eyes traveled back down to Louis' hard cock, sliding his tongue over his bottom lip as he watched precome ooz out before he took Louis back into his mouth.
Almost moaning around his width when Louis started to thrust up into his mouth, his hips pumping against Harry's chin as the bed started to squeak. Harr's heart in his throat about waking someone up and yet his mind too absolutely fucked to not wanting Louis to stop until he comes.
"Harry... fucking hell, babe." Louis moaned out, arching up into him a little harder as Harry's hand fell off Louis' cock to his hip, laying flat against it. Nearly gagging at one point when he felt Louis' hips stutter against him moments later. Warmness spurting to the back of his throat, tasting a load of bitter salty tanginess suddenly against his tongue and quickly letting it spill from his mouth. Nearly coughing from the suddenness of it as it had caught him off guard.
Harry wiped his mouth clean as his eyes fluttered open, his cheeks warm when he sees the come he spit out messily against Louis' lap.
"Sorry... I was going to warn you." Louis breathed out, running his fingers through his own hair, pushing his fringe back. "But I guess I kind of lost myself there for a moment."
"It's okay, Lou." Harry said honestly as the aftertaste of bitterness was still against his tongue.
A smirk then came to Louis' lips before he pulled out, "Do you want to c'mere so I can eat you out now?" Harry's whole body quivered. "Maybe finger you too if you let me?" Harry nodded eagerly, nearly moaning at the thought.
Harry slowly got to his feet, knees on fire, and his legs felt as if they could nearly give out. He felt warm hands sliding over his hips and fingers sinking into the waist back of his boxers. Harry let out a shaky breath as his pants were dragged down Harry's legs. Kicking them off his ankles before he felt a hand on his wrist that pulled him onto the bed. His breath caught in his throat when he felt the tackiness of Louis' skin against him, fingers trailing down his back, and sweet press of the lips against the crook of his neck.
"I love you." Louis breathed against his neck, Harry's heart swelling. Small noises escaping his lips as Louis worked on his neck for a moment. Their cocks sandwiched between them, achingly hard. A mewl left his lips when Louis had arched up into him for a second.
And then suddenly Harry felt warm breath against his ear, " Move on your back for me, baby."
"Okay." Harry muttered as he moved off Louis, his body dipping onto the mattress, and moving to lay supine. Feeling absolutely exposed and cheeks warm as he watched the way Louis eyed him as he squeezed himself between Harry's legs had made his toes curl. His eyes fluttering closed as he felt the warm press of a chest against his and lips back on his mouth, tongue dipping into his mouth as he heard the nightstand drawer open, and things being searched through. Harry 's heart pounded hard and his tongue worked against Louis' as the drawer was suddenly closed.
Then Louis' lip peeled away and weight was lifted from his body, he heard the snap of a cap opening seconds later. Harry slowly opened his eyes to see Louis' on his knees between his legs, squirting lube onto his fingers, Harry nearly moaned at the sight. His hole clenching and dick hardening against his belly.
"Try not to be loud, okay?" Louis teased as he coated his fingers, Harry's body tensing for a second when he felt slickness against his hole. "Relax, babe." Louis cooed as he caressed Harry's rim, feeling tingles go up his arms. His breath hitched when he felt a finger push into him slowly.
Harry's eyes squeezed shut as Louis worked his finger against him, his fingers resting against the sheet as he got used to the feeling. It wasn't exactly painful, but definitely different. Almost jolting forward when he feels himself stretch a little more, wincing at the slight pain.
Louis groaned, "You're so fucking tight," Hairy nearly writhed on Louis' hand when he felt a surge of electricity shoot up his legs to his cock. The way Louis pressed his finger against a certain spot inside him eager for more. The pain slowly subsiding as blissful ecstasy took over every time Louis tapped against it, fingers clawing at the bedsheet. "That feel good, baby?"
Harry nodded as he tried to stifle a small moan begging to escape when Louis' fingers were sinful and started to thrust into him. Harry's hands moving to clutch against the fabric beneath him as his head tilted back. He's starting to press into the mattress and accidentally hitting his foot against something as he heard it pummel against the floor.
"You're going to make me hard again, baby" Louis hissed out as he fingered Harry desperately. "I bet you'll feel so good on me."
A throaty moan fell from Harry's lips, his legs starting to tremble as Louis' pressing against that sweet overwhelming spot yet again. His cock buzzing with sensitivity and warmness shooting up his body.
Oh fuck, it felt so good.
"Louis." Harry whimpered out as he pressed his bum against Louis' hand. Nearly whining from the loss of his fingers when he pulled out until he felt a ticklish sensation against his thighs. Shivering as he felt a tongue slid over his slick hole and hands resting on his thighs.
Every time whenever Louis did this for him Harry couldn't control himself. His legs always so restless and his hands needing something to hold onto because it was so overbearingly pleasurable. Harry loved it, shit, he loved the way it made him feel him.
Harry could feel the numbness in his legs starting to settle as Louis worked his tongue deeper.
The way Louis swirled his tongue inside of him sent jolts of pleasure up to his spine, a throaty moan escaped his lip as Louis pressed his face into him. Harry couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't take how painfully hard he was and how tingly his cock felt right now without it being touched. Not even giving it a second as he brought one of his hands up and wrapped it around his length, nearly whimpering at the feeling when he started to pump his hand.
Harry writhed in pleasure as he rubbed himself quickly. He couldn't help the loud moans escaping his lips and that was a problem. So, with his free hand Harry blindly searched for a pillow, blanket, anything to bite down onto. Harry felt hot and sweaty, his cheeks starting to feel flush, and his whole body tingly. Thankfully he managed to grab the nearest pillow and brought it to his face as fits of sobs left his mouth. The way Louis' thrusted his tongue into him was overwhelming.
Harry stroked himself off eagerly when he felt Louis pressing his face more into him, tongue wiggling deeper than before.
"Lou..." Harry cried into the pillow as his whole body trembled and convulsed. Jolting upward, losing the pillow, and his cock falling from his hand. Harry felt warmness streaking his stomach as series of moans left his lips. Waves of shivers coursed over him as it hit him full force. Labored breaths seconds later left his lips as Louis moved off him. Falling flat on his back, exhausted and yet so blissful.
Harry wiped the back of his hand against his forehead, the room boiling hot now, and his skin clammy to the touch. Taking a moment to calm down as he heard the desk chair sliding across the carpet. Harry felt a body dipping down beside him and rag dragged across his stomach before he felt the gentle press of lips against his shoulder.
"Lets hope mum didn't hear you," Louis muttered out with a slight twinge of playfulness to his tone as Harry's eyes fluttered open. Seeing nothing but darkness as he heard something being tossed over him, "I mean that was pretty intense, Harold." Harry felt heat inching to his cheeks, praying that no one had been woken up because he couldn't keep himself restrained. "But it's nothing to be ashamed of... I thought it was pretty fucking hot."
Harry felt the corners of his lips quirk upwards at the compliment, his heart stuttering in his chest. "You think so?" Harry asked timidly as he watched Louis pull the heavy blanket over them and moved to lay beside him.
"I know so." Louis responded as Harry moved closer toward him. Nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck while his hand rested against Louis' chest. Feeling gentle scratches along his back, content washing over him. An easy sigh slipping from his lips as he laid there, nearly whimpering at the steady ease of Louis' nails against his skin.
It fell silent between them for a while as they laid there, Harry's mind now going back to what had happened at the band gig. Harry didn't like the feeling of being told he didn't belong and was nothing more than a distraction. It genuinely hurt his feelings and honestly, Harry didn't even want to be around Louis' bandmates anymore. More so Tommy.
Maybe he shouldn't go to the wedding then... afterall he is such a distraction.
Yeah, Harry didn't want to deal with unsolicited comments and dirty looks for a day meant to be filled with happiness. It'd make him feel even worse and Harry couldn't have that.
" I don't think I should go to anymore gigs, Louis" Harry announced as he felt an ache in his chest, knowing just how shitty of a boyfriend he sounded. "I feel like I'm in the way."
"What makes you feel that way?" Louis questioned, his nails going down Harry's back had come to a halt. "Does this have to do with what Tommy said? Because fuck him and his shitty comments."
Harry gnawed on his bottom lip, he got that Louis can let this roll off his back like it was no big deal. But, Harry's not like Louis, he took things to heart, and you know what? Yeah, he'd love to be one of those people to have a backbone and be able to let things be no skin off his nose. Harry would love to think he was, but he wasn't.
"He wasn't wrong though, I made you late, Louis." Harry frowned, his heart pang in his chest at the thought of unknowingly sabotaging his boyfriends band. "I don't think your band is fond of me, honestly." Harry knew there was a chance he was overreacting to it all, but it's still a fresh wound in his mind that hadn't been bandaged yet.
And all Harry wanted was to fix it because the feeling was awful.
Louis sighed, "Darling, If anyone is to blame it's me but I don't care what they think, okay?" Harry cared. "You're very much as welcomed to any gigs or practice as all their girlfriends are. I suppose they're still adjusting to the fact I'm in a serious relationship now." A small smile came to Harry's lips at those words, the reassurance of their relationship made him feel better. The way Louis' trying to assure and make him feel welcome warmed his heart.
Still, no matter what Louis would say right now to convince him otherwise, Harry would still feel a bit self conscious.
"No matter what anyone says, I want you there." Louis murmured as his fingers started to tenderly caress against him.
A silence filled the air for a moment until Louis spoke up again, "So, I've also been meaning to talk with you about something, but I've been so busy." Harry's stomach rolled at the sudden topic change, unsure how he felt about it. "Zayn and me have been looking at some flats online and found a couple places we liked. Figured we could take a look if I get a call back for the internship."
Harry's heart dropped at that, the reminder that Louis could potentially leave weighing heavily on him.
"I really hope they call because the more I thought about it, I realized just how good my future will be." Louis added and yeah, good for Louis' future. Not for their relationship because who's to say what could happen?
Louis could end up awfully busy with his new life that didn't involve Harry and that... Harry was scared of that becoming his reality. Louis obviously was going to make loads of new friends and even admirers that are probably so established in their careers and well off. Then there was Harry, Louis' boyfriend who didn't even own a car or a job, and was still at uni. Like, for all Harry knew these colleagues could talk sense into Louis that dating a university student was a bad idea. Insinuating that Harry was immature and something of the past that should be left behind.
Sure, Harry could be overthinking this all and worrying for no good given reason.
But he was allowed to feel the way he did because he was scared.
Harry bit his tongue, hoping maybe for a split second that Louis would think that he drifted off. Harry didn't want to talk about this anymore and he especially didn't want to keep thinking about it. Unfortunately, though, Louis kept talking.
"Maybe if I happen to get some amazing news soon, we could go away for the weekend to celebrate."
"Yeah... we could do that." Harry muttered out as his eyes slid shut, his heart heavy in his chest. The gentle touches of Louis' fingers slowly coming to a stop and Harry hated it that he couldn't even be happy for his boyfriend.
Louis let out an easy sigh, "But, you know whatever happens I'll be happy because I'll have you right there beside me."
Harry melted at those words that made him feel a little better, still, that didn't mean he wasn't terrified of the future anymore.
And after that, no other words had been shared for the remainder of the night. Harry's mind too preoccupied with the what if's and everything that could go wrong. For a split second at one point Harry thought that maybe Louis could have felt the tension he had spread through his body when he pulled Harry close. However, Louis never said a word and that was okay.
When morning came, Harry was awoken by a loud ringing noise that made him groan. Of course someone wanted to have an early morning chat.
Before Harry could even try to tune it out and go back to sleep, he felt a body climb over him. Harry wanted to give whoever that had called a piece of his mind. He kept his eyes closed and tried drifting back to sleep and tune it out. Unfortunately, that never happened once Louis had answered his phone.
Harry let out a sigh as he laid there hearing Louis telling whoever it was on the phone something about noon. It was eventually revealed to be Zayn who the culprit was and apparently he was meeting up with them at the mall.
Harry was confused... Louis and Zayn had plans to meet at the mall? Harry thought that they were going with Louis' sisters instead? Did Louis seriously have a plan to ditch Harry? Leave him alone with Lottie and Fizzy because he'd rather go off and hang out with his best mate? That'd be shitty if it were the case.
Then again, Harry thought Louis wouldn't do something like that..
Maybe Zayn was joining them? After all, Harry recalled the girls asking Louis why he never brought Zayn anymore, so it was likely the reason why. Still, Harry would have loved to know instead of being put on the back burner.
After Louis had gotten off the phone he came back to bed, nestled beside Harry and a yawn escaped his mouth.
As much as Harry felt tired, he moved to face Louis, his eyes fluttering open to find his boyfriend eyes close.
"So, Zayn meeting with us then?" Harry questioned tiredly as he pulled the blanket a tad closer to him.
"Yeah, figured since the girls have been wanting to see him, he could come hang out, Niall will be there too." Louis muttered out. "Be a nice surprise for them."
Harry did like that, he'd been missing his mates, so he looked forward to the outing even if it was originally only supposed to be Louis and him.
For a moment Harry contemplated if it'd be okay to nuzzle up to Louis for a little more warmth, only because he knew Louis wasn't a fan of early mornings. Sometimes they don't work out too well together, you never know what you'll get and he really didn't want to bother his boyfriend in such an important day.
But Harry, decided to chance it and inched closer to his boyfriend, feeling content when an arm draped over his waist as his eyes fluttered shut. Maybe he'd actually get back to sleep now.
Harry managed to drift off for a little longer until his eyes were wide open when hard knocks came from Louis' door. Harry wanted to raise hell on them, twice he had already been woken up, and he was not ready to get out of bed yet.
Louis groaned, "Who is it?" he shouted, Harry winced at the loudness of Louis' tone as they were still entangled together.
"Louis, mum wants to know if you and Harry want some breakfast!" One of the girls shouted through the door and Harry guessed it was Fizzy because it sounded like her, the handle jiggling at the same time. "Unlock your door before I tell mum you're doing funny business in her house!" Harry could hear snickering behind the door.
"Oh buzz off!" Louis snapped as he let out a heavy sigh. Then his eyes opened and were on Harry, "Do you want something to eat, darling?" His tone completely changed when it came to Harry.
"Not really, but a coffee would be nice." Food didn't sound so good right now honestly, if anything he needs caffeine to deal with the rest of the day.
"I'll go get you a cup, don't you move." Louis muttered climbing out of bed once again, Harry heard clothes ruffling about and the door being opened moments later. He listened in for a moment as it was quiet in the room, he could hear Louis telling Fizzy that their mum wouldn't care since he no longer has the open door rule. He sounded smug and Harry hated what Louis just implied to his sister.
Harry moved to sit up after a minute, fingers ruffling his mess of curls, and blinking his dry eyes. Harry thought for a moment if he should at least put some pants on in case someone other than Louis came in to keep him company. But he didn't really feel like moving and besides he had the blanket over his lap, they wouldn't know any better if they didn't look hard enough.
Luckily, Louis wasn't gone too long, maybe five minutes top before he kicked the door shut behind him. A mug in his hand, shirtless, and a pair of joggers that laid dangerously low on his hips. Harry wondered if Louis had any boxers on underneath, but it wasn't really important anyway.
"I hope this is okay, it's definitely not your favourite iced coffee, but it's what mum had in the coffee pot." Louis mentioned and that was okay, any sort of caffeine was better than none. Harry just needed something to prevent being a walking zombie for the day.
When Harry had taken the hot cup from his boyfriend's hands, the smell alone just woke him up more. Sure it may be just straight black coffee and something he really isn't too fond of, it'll do. He can get past the taste and take what he can get until later in the day, hopefully they could at a coffee shop or something.
Louis moved to sit beside Harry, his eyes on Harry, before he said, "So, Harold I think you should stay until Wednesday instead."
Harry wished he could, but it wouldn't be fair to his mum.
"Lou, you know I can't, it's bad enough she's alone most of the year." Harry expressed as he took a sip of his coffee, nearly cringing at the strongness of it. Then setting it on the nightstand near the alarm clock. "Trust me I'd love to stay here with you if I could, but it doesn't feel right. " If Harry didn't have any moral compass then yeah, he'd stay here till Wednesday, shit, he'd probably stay weeks on end if Jay let him.
But family is important to Harry.
Louis let out a defeated sigh, "Well it was worth a shot, suppose I just like having you here with me." Harry smiled, heart swelling his chest as the words affected him deeply. "Ever since we've been out of uni I've felt like a shitty boyfriend because I don't get to see you much."
Harry's smile was gone now, Louis was far from a terrible boyfriend, in fact he was the best Harry's ever had.
"It's okay though, I mean it's summer and we don't exactly live super close." Harry knew even before they dated that summer holiday would be a little rough. "Besides you're far from a bad boyfriend, Louis... trust me." Harry didn't like to think about his past experiences with those guys he dated. "You haven't dumped me yet because I wouldn't sleep with you, so there's that."
"True, I mean I may not be the best bloke around the corner, but at least I'm not a dickhead like those clowns you dated." Louis rolled his eyes. "I swear if I was your best mate around that time I would have spoke my mind to them." Harry couldn't help but chuckle at that because it was silly. "Hey, I'm being serious..." Louis pouted looking like a child.
"So serious." Harry teased as he shook his head, "You've managed to stick around for almost four months, so I must be doing something right."
Louis gave him a small smile, "Because you're amazing, one of a kind, and absolutely stunning, so I mean why pass that up?" Harry beamed at those words. "Afterall I fell in love with you."
Harry glanced down to his lap, his cheeks hurting so much because he couldn't stop smiling.
Then Harry felt weight shift on the bed and flicked his gaze back up, a smile still across his face, as he watched Louis climb onto his lap. His hands cradling Harry's face and giving Harry a soft kiss on the lips.
Harry kissed back with ease, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist as their lips moved languidly together. Louis had ended up dipping his tongue into Harry's mouth and then slowly guided Harry onto his back, moving to hover over him as they snogged. Harry's heart slowly picking up momentum the longer they rolled their tongues together, the way Louis sucked and nibbled on his bottom lip had him whimpering softly.
They stayed like that for a while, until Harry felt a hand grabbing his own and guiding it down Louis' toned chest. His palm pressed flat against every dip and curve of Louis' muscle, Harry shivered and mewled into the kiss when his hand met the waistband of Louis' joggers.
Harry's breath hitched when Louis broke the kiss and pressed open mouth kisses along his neck. Harry nearly moaned when his hand was clasped around Louis' semi hard cock that started to tent in his jogger. Shivering at the fact Louis was definitely not wearing any sort of boxers and that he could feel it getting harder and thicker in his hand as he slowly rubbed his hand along.
"And you're so fuckable." Louis purred into Harry's ear and holy shit, Louis was going to make Harry's heart give out. It was still early in the morning and Louis' family could waltz right in if they wanted to, but Louis didn't care. He wanted to get Harry all hot and bothered under this blanket.
For a moment Harry was about to just push his hand into Louis' joggers instead, but suddenly there was a loud ringing across the room.
Louis let out an irritated sigh as he pulled off Harry to scuttle across the room. Harry just nibbled on his bottom lip moving to sit up, making sure his lap was covered. Not wanting to give anyone a show of his private bits.
When Louis had answered the phone Harry remained quiet, Louis sounded like he was on a business call and that piqued Harry's interest. Louis mentioned something about how 9:30 on Tuesday could work and that he was looking forward to it. Harry felt the worry settling back in his mind when it clicked in his head what exactly this call was about. He didn't have to hear the words spoken, but he knew.
After Louis had gotten off the phone, he turned around and had the biggest smile across his face. Harry wished he could be happy for Louis, but something in him told him that this wasn't something he should be excited about.
"So, I've got some amazing news, Harold.. I've got an interview Tuesday morning." Louis lilted as he came back to bed, "Fuck, I can't believe they actually called, must have been impressed with my CV."
Harry, however, didn't comment and just forced a smile, hearing Louis just go on happily about it was enough to make it happen. He didn't want to spoil the mood because he had got concerns and worries regarding his own peace of mind. It'd be absolutely selfish and Harry didn't want to take this away from Louis, he just couldn't.
"So maybe you could stay until Tuesday at least? I'd love for you to come with me to London." Louis suggested and Harry wasn't sure.
Should he go? Would he be able to keep himself together the whole time while Louis' off trying to get his life together?
One part of him knew he should go for support and suck it up. Another part of him was screaming to not do it because it may make him feel even worse. However, if it were the other way around Harry knew for a fact Louis would in no doubt go with him.
So why can't Harry?
"I promise I'll take you home right after, it'd be nice to have you there to keep me sane. Not only that, but I can't imagine going without you."
Harry wished he wasn't so indecisive sometimes...
The way Louis looked at him pleadingly was enough to give Louis an eventual nod, Harry's heart twisting tightly, but he tried to ignore it.
"I can do that... stay until then." Harry muttered out and that earned a smile from Louis.
"Good, but I suppose now I gotta tell mum the good news. So I'll be back real quick." And like that Louis was gone out of the room.
Harry let out a sigh, unsure how he even felt right now. The fact Louis could potentially be leaving was sitting so heavy on his chest. It hurts, but he can't let it show because it'd be so selfish. It wouldn't be right and Harry would feel guilty for the rest of his life if he took this opportunity away from Louis.
Louis' supposed to be getting an amazing career and going places with his life so why can't Harry accept it?
Harry just hoped Louis wouldn't walk out of his life when they're apart.
It's early, it's so fucking early Harry can barely function.
Starting your day at four in the morning was not something Harry was too fond of especially when he didn't get any sleep. How could he have slept when his mind was so preoccupied on what's to come and how much he dreaded this stupid trip. Harry's head was killing him and he needed a coffee bad. Harry didn't want to wake up an hour before they leave, he wanted to just lay there for a little longer.
Zayn and Niall were due to show up twenty minutes before they head off because apparently, Louis decided him and Zayn could look at some flats. Yeah, Harry wasn't in the mood for that. If he were honest he just wanted to leave London as soon and possible and go sleep his day away.
But of course, that wasn't the plan as Zayn mentioned something about hitting up a couple stores and maybe go to a park. Harry wanted to smack Zayn upside the head because Harry wanted to go home instead of browsing for clothes. But on the bright side, Niall will be there and maybe if they have a minute alone he could talk to Niall about what's going on. Then again if Zayn was there that might be a lot harder than Harry thought.
Harry didn't want to tell Zayn what's bothering him because after all he was Louis' best mate and he didn't want Zayn to go off and tell Louis. It may make things awkward and Louis might get upset at him for not coming to him and saying it to his face.
But Harry couldn't think about that right now as he tried to squeeze himself into a pair of Louis' jeans. Harry had run out of clean clothes yesterday and didn't want to ask Jay to do his laundry for him as that'd be kind of rude. So Louis offered him a pair of jeans and shirt. Needless to say, the jeans were a snug fit and came to his ankles and the nirvana shirt he wore was a size too small.
Harry didn't mind too much because at least he wouldn't stink and he liked to wear Louis' clothes. Even if they were definitely smaller than his own.
After that Harry felt bushed as he sat on Louis' bed, it was quiet in Louis' room and all he wanted to do was to lay down. Louis was in the shower still and not already in here asking Harry to give a mock interview before Zayn and Niall would show up.
Harry hoped not because he wasn't in the mood.
For a moment Harry was able to pull out his phone and center all his focus on that. Maybe doing a puzzle or two on his phone would help soothe his wound up nerves. Harry eyes felt heavy and strained staring back at the screen. Probably from staying up all night, Harry tried to get passed it as he blinked, but his eyes just got watery and dropped his phone onto his lap. Frustrated he couldn't even look at his phone without feeling groggy and gross.
Harry heaved a heavy sigh as he pocketed his phone, his elbows resting against his thigh, and Harry put his face in his hands. Feeling a little better once his eyes were shut and wished he could just close them for five more minutes against one of those pillows on Louis' bed. Yet, he knew soon as he laid down he'd be wide awake and thinking too much like he did hours ago.
Soon enough Harry heard the door creak open and weigh dipping into the bed beside him. Harry felt a hand on the small of his back and heavy cologne lingering through the air.
"You can take a nap on the way there, babe." Louis cooed and yeah, Harry doesn't think that'll happen. "Trust me I feel like going back to bed too."
Harry at first didn't say anything, unsure what words to even use because he didn't want to come off as moody. And yet he felt like one little thing could set him off with everything weighing heavily on his mind this morning.
"Being an adult fucking sucks, but shit, it'll be nice to actually have a purpose after uni." Louis explained and yeah, Harry gets that. Harry was proud, so fucking proud of his boyfriend for graduating and actually finding his place in life post uni. It's always what Harry had hoped for Louis because he deserved it, especially since he gave up on his dream. Harry wanted the best for Louis.
"Yeah.. you're not wrong about that." Harry said tiredly as he dropped his hands from his face and peeked a glance towards his boyfriend. "You look handsome." Harry liked the way Louis had paired his outfit together enough to look professional. The fitted black button was nice and the black trousers and shoes obviously worked well. All in all, Harry loved it, it's not too fancy yet enough to tell I'm serious. Harry, of course, drooled over any man in a suit or at least semi-casual so whenever he got to see Louis in his best dressed it's nice.
Louis gave him a small smile, "I feel like I'm going to church on a Sunday morning." Louis laughed at that and Harry tried to muster up a giggle, but he couldn't. Then Louis' voice softened, "But you really think I look good?"
"Of course, Lou."
Harry felt a pair of lips against his cheek lightly before they peeled away seconds later. "Thanks, love." Louis smiled as his fingers against back started to slowly caress him.
Silence suffused through the air between them as they sat there, Harry wished they could stay here forever. Not wanting to deal with the reality of the situation and pull it has on his heart, Harry wanted this day to be over with and fast.
Eventually there was a knock against Louis' door and Jay popped her head in. "You boys come and eat some breakfast." Jay told them even though food was the last thing Harry wanted right now. "I want to make sure you've eaten well before you get there." Jay went on and Harry knew she was mostly talking to Louis. "So come on, before it gets cold."
Harry's legs felt weak and his stomach rolled at the thought of stuffing down whatever it was Jay had made. Hopefully, there will be coffee and Harry didn't care how strong it was, anything was better than nothing in his system for the next few hours crammed in a car.
Breakfast wasn't very good, not that the food was bad because Jay's a wonderful cook but Harry just couldn't eat a lot. It made him feel even more sick. Hearing Jay giving Louis advice and telling him he will do amazing while she fixed his already styled hair, it was enough to make eating unbearable. Thankfully Jay didn't seem too bothered when Harry tossed it into the bin, as she was too bothered with Louis. Making sure his top was tucked in properly and even asking Louis if he had everything he needed for the interview. Doing what mums do best and Harry bit back a smile when Louis got slightly annoyed when she tried to fix his hair again.
Eventually Zayn and Niall had shown up shortly after that, Zayn mentioned that he could drive on the way there, but Louis protested to that. Apparently, he wanted to drive so they'll get there faster, they ended up arguing about that for five minutes while Niall and Harry just looked at eachother and shook their heads. Harry didn't give a damn who drove and who sat where, he just wanted to get this over with.
And then it was finally settled on Zayn driving there and Louis taking over when they leave. Louis may have pouted about not getting his way, but it made the most sense. Louis could sit there and relax instead of worrying about ways to cut the commute down. Harry was just relieved they settled on something because he couldn't deal with bickering when he had things on his mind.
When it got around the time to leave Harry found himself in the backseat beside Louis who was already working on his first cigarette of the day. Niall was fussing with the radio going between channels before giving up and plugged in his phone instead. Zayn was too focused on the road while he was busy being handsy with Niall's leg and then there was Harry, sitting quietly staring out the window as he watched every car they passed and every building thinking about how long of a day this was going to be.
Harry was just glad before they left Doncaster they stopped at a coffee shop for him.
As Harry sat there quietly an hour into their drive, Harry hadn't said a word to anyone, not after they left the coffee place that is. Louis' been bantering back and forth with the pair up front and Harry could hear the twinge of nervousness in his tone. Harry couldn't look at Louis in the eyes because Harry knew Louis would pick up on his wretched mood.
And that was the last thing Harry wanted.
At some point Harry felt a hand on his thigh and body wedged against his, Harry's heart fastened in his chest at the simple touches, his eyes still focused on the vehicles that passed by. His eyes starting to feel wet when he realizes just how long they've been in this car and they're not even there yet. Harry didn't want this, he hated this feeling, and he didn't want to accept that this will be more than likely will be their reality. It makes him feel ill to his stomach and Harry feels like he can't breathe for a moment.
The hand on his leg was soothing, but not comforting enough... Harry still couldn't get past this. The distance, it was going to be shit and he knew it. He'll probably see Louis less than before because the company just had to be in London and if Louis did come home for a day or so it'd at Jay's not to see Harry.
Then again Harry could just be over thinking it and worrying himself sick for no reason. Louis told him weeks ago that they'd be okay and Harry's been holding his word to it. Hopefully, it was not just an empty promise.
"You okay?" Louis ended up asking Harry sometime a little later as Zayn was still cruising along the motorway. Niall conked right out in the passenger side.
Harry gnawed on his bottom lip as he finally ore his eyes away from the window, his gaze flicked towards Louis. "Yeah.. 'm just tired." Harry muttered out, and well it wasn't a lie. He was so exhausted he felt like going to sleep but a neck ache sounded unappealing. Harry felt a gentle squeeze on his thighs and lips against his own, giving him a peck before they peeled away.
"I promise we won't spend all day in London." Louis sniggered before his thumb rubbed soothing circle against the fabric of Harry's jeans. "If it makes you feel better I won't even ring you tonight so you can sleep, I can tell you're worn out."
Harry did like that idea, being able to lay in his bed alone under the covers sounded nice.
"But I'm glad you came though, makes me very happy and you're honestly keeping me sane right now, because I'm so fucking nervous." Louis admitted, Harry just put his hand on top of Louis' to comfort him. No matter how bummed out Harry was about the situation, he wanted to make sure Louis was okay too.
"You'll be fine, Louis." Harry knew Louis would be alright once he was sat down with whoever he was getting interview by. Louis' naturally a schmoozer (for the most part) and able to make good connections with people when he wanted. Harry was certain that Louis won't have a hard time making friends with his future colleagues.
"You think so?" Louis questioned hopefully and Harry nodded. "Shit.. thanks babe, needed to hear that."
Harry tried to force out a smile, but he couldn't muster it up so he just leaned over and gave a gentle kiss against Louis' cheek. It was enough to show Louis he cared and Louis seemed to be pleased before Harry turned his attention back to the window.
For the remainder of the ride, Harry kept to himself, even when Louis tried to get him to chat, Harry just gave little nods to show he was listening, but he couldn't form proper words. He nearly started to tear up when it hit him that they were so close yet so far away, it torn him up inside. However he kept himself together and told himself to stop being so worried or else Louis would catch on. Because the last thing Harry wanted was to make this trip about himself.
When they finally had gotten to London and dropped Louis off for his interview, which thankfully they arrived a few minutes earlier. Harry was with Niall and Zayn at Starbucks waiting it out and not even Harry's tea could make his mood pick up from the ground.
Harry just sat there as his eyes were focused on his cup, hearing Niall and Zayn talk about plans for tonight after they get back. Harry didn't really say anything because what could he say? It's not like Louis and him were going on a double date with Niall and Zayn. Besides Harry wasn't in the mood for small talk, all he could think about was Louis.
Harry wondered if he was doing okay and selling himself enough. Harry just wanted to be a fly on the wall and hear everything, but whatever. It's not in his hands what will happen and they'll find out soon enough how it went.
"So, H, do you think you'll come stay most of the summer with me and Louis?" Zayn questioned, and Harry's eyes snapped up from his cup and across the table.
Harry shrugged, because he wasn't sure actually. He hoped so, but right now he didn't want to get his hopes up. "Possibly." Harry lied as his gaze fell back onto his cup, not loving the suspicious look Niall had give him.
"Well it'd be cool if you did, maybe one night Ed and Nick could show up and we could all go out for a night or something." Zayn suggested like it was something set in stone.
"Oh that'd be cool! Have the gang back together living it up... we definitely have to do that." Niall sounded too excited, it made Harry sick.
Harry however didn't comment after that and just let Niall and Zayn go on about these plans. Apparently wanting to hit up as many pubs as they could and a few night clubs along the way. Harry thought they were mad for even thinking Harry would even agree to that. All that sounded excessive for Harry's liking and last thing he wanted to do was spend his night nursing his friends hunched over a toilet with massive hangovers.
At one point Harry had excused himself to the toilet, just needing a moment to breath. He had ended up splashing some cold water over his face and tucked his hair into a bun. Harry's mind still stuck on this whole interview thing, anxious to know the outcome.
Harry just wanted to know now instead of playing the waiting game.
Eventually Harry went back and joined his mates, Zayn and Niall were in the middle of a kiss when Harry sat back to his seat. Then, they pull away and started conversing once again about their plans for the rest of the summer.
It seemed like they were sat here for hours and Harry felt too anxious to check his messages. He felt completely on edge and the mixture of noises in the background were not helping him to calm down. From numerous people talking, coming in and out the building, and the music playing throughout the store, it was enough to make Harry want to pull his hair out.
Harry was one boisterous laugh away from snapping.
As if his hopes and dreams had been answered, Harry heard his phone ring, and wasted no time to answer it. Not even giving a look to see who it was because he was keyed up.
"Hello.. Lou?" Harry asked, hoping that's who this was.
"Hey baby, where you guys at?" Louis sounded quite jovial and Harry wondered how his interview had went.
"The Starbucks in front of your building," Harry started as he glanced to Zayn and Niall who eyed him carefully, almost as if they knew Harry was on the phone with Louis. "How did it go?" Harry asked, ignoring the pang in his chest.
He heard a brief pause on the line and Harry wondered if it had went awful. Harry couldn't but feel a shred of guilt at the thought of things not going to plans. As if it were his fault that he wished on it to go south. That was until Louis started to talk again.
"It went fucking amazing! I think I have a really good chance here." Louis expressed and Harry was happy for him, he really was even if his heart torned a bit more. "I can't believe I was nervous because seriously it was a piece of cake if you ask me, they loved me."
"Well I'm happy it went well for you. I knew you'd be nervous for no reason, love." Harry felt his stomach twisting harder and harder as the words fell from his mouth.
Harry heard an easy sigh on the other end before Louis said, "I'm just happy I got it over with because these fucking clothes are going to be the death of me." Harry knew Louis should have brought an extra pair of clothes to change out of. "Anyway tell Zayn to get his ass here and pick me up.. I'm sweaty."
"Okay I'll relay the message to him... love you." He hung up before telling Zayn and Niall that Louis was done.
When they had left the coffee shop and were on their way to get Louis, Harry hoped whatever else was on their agendas for the day went by quickly. Harry knew he had his hopes up, but maybe for once he won't get let down.
After Zayn had picked up Louis they heard all about what happened. Louis still sounded confident and yet so excited about this, certain he was going to get the internship. Harry just nodded his head along but didn't even comment on it. Louis didn't seem to mind though as Niall had asked Louis a million and one questions about it anyways. Harry was thankful for that.
Once Louis had gotten done answering all Niall's burning questions, it had gotten around time for Louis and Zayn to head over to a few buildings to take a look at some flats. Harry honestly didn't want to do that, he almost told Louis when they were outside one of the building's that he'd wait in the car. Harry in the end just went up with them because if he stayed back Louis would be nosey and poke around for answers.
Not only that, but Louis probably wouldn't have left him in the car alone.
Overall, the flats Zayn and Louis were interested in were decent, not exactly huge, but cozy enough. Harry's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he learned the prices and wondered if Louis and Zayn would even be able to afford it. Hoping if things pan out the way Louis had hoped that they won't be stretched thin.
The last thing Harry wanted was for Louis to end up broke or homeless.
Harry couldn't help but wonder when they were looking around one of the places if he'd ever get his own place after uni. It all sounded very expensive, more pricey than he thought because Gemma lives on her own and does just fine. Then again she isn't living in London and she's been out on her own two feet for a while now. Still, Harry dreaded the day it would be is turn.
Then again... Harry wondered if maybe Louis and him would ever live together at some point. To find their own place together to call their own and be together most of the time when they weren't busy with work. Harry knew that's a huge step especially for Louis and not something that's likely to happen now, but it was a nice thought.
But it always made his stomach roll because thinking too far ahead of himself never was a good thing, as disappointment wasn't something he wanted to deal with.
At one point they ended up outside one of the apartment complexes where Zayn and Louis were having a smoke. Taking a much needed break before enduring yet another appointment they had scheduled soon. Harry just stood there silently beside Louis, swatting the smoke away when it traveled towards him. Zayn and Louis were going on about all the little things they'd need to buy as if they had found a place to live.
However that conversation got cut short when someone's phone started to ring.
Harry watched as Louis pulled out his phone and he looked quite taken back when he stared at the screen. Harry watched to peek and see who it was that got Louis so surprised but he never had the chance to look before Louis muttered out he needed to take this call and walked off as he answered his phone.
In all honesty Harry didn't know what to think, but something about this made him feel anxious.
Harry watched Louis who had his back to them, eager to march over there and listen in, but that wouldn't be right. If Louis had wanted to let them all know what this was about, then he wouldn't have walked off. Still, Harry couldn't help the curiosity.
Eventually Louis had gotten off his phone and turned on his heels as he came back to the group, moving to stand beside Harry.
"So, what was that about?" Zayn asked as he brought the cigarette to his lips.
Harry was curious to know who it was and glad Zayn asked the question himself.
Louis had a small smile across his face so it had to be good.
"Boys, I've got some good news."
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