It's almost one in the morning and Harry fucked up.
He knows he shouldn't have his boyfriend over this late because he had class first thing in the morning. It goes against his code of conducts as he should be sleeping instead of having Louis shoving his tongue down his throat.
Harry should have kicked Louis out two maybe three hours ago.
Actually Harry should have told Louis he had heaps of bookwork to finish up on and an essay that's sitting blank on his laptop. Which isn't a lie because he does have all that to do and Harry feels as if he's falling a bit behind on his routine.
Then again Harry's own agenda with his boyfriend seemed to override his standards at times. Which should be concerning as he came to university to learn and not mess around with a boy with countless tattoos.
Shit, Harry knows better than that, but he can't help it.
Harry's lying supine on his bed, Louis' on top of him, bodies pressed flushed together, tongues swirling around each other, and a hand in his hair. It's a lot for Harry right now as the light was off with next to no space between his and Louis' bodies. Louis' wearing almost next to nothing as usual and Harry's been aching to touch more territory.
To feel more of his boy's body other than limiting himself to his fingers pressing into Louis' back. Harry would love to just roam freely, but he's unsure if that'd be okay.
Ever since that night at his mum's, Harry has been in a constant state of worry and curiosity. Worry because he still feels quite embarrassed about coming in his pants. Curiosity because maybe he's ready to be intimate with Louis.
If Harry were honest he'd like touch Louis below the belt.
God, Harry wanted to, he thought about it for the past week now. It's been looming over his head most nights while laying in bed. He's never wanted this with his ex boyfriends before and it should be worrisome. He shouldn't be lusting after his boyfriend as they've been dating for a month and a half now.
Which is by far the longest relationship he had, but that's not the point.
Harry just doesn't understand why he so suddenly wants to get into Louis' pants.
The hand on Harry's side under his shirt makes all the hairs on his arms stand straight when he feels it sliding downward. Harry is aching for Louis to press into him, wanting that friction against his hips once again. Needing it because Louis' just laying on top of him, kissing him, and not doing anything else than slightly pulling at his hair.
It's not fair.
For fuck sakes, Harry just wants to do more than kissing.
He wants to do so much, but he's not sure how to go about it when Louis' not doing anything else other than kissing.
Harry felt the lips peel away from his and work down his neck, whimpering at the sensation, and tilting his head to the side more. Feeling as if his whole body was on a fire when Louis' hand met the waistband of his sweats, anticipating for more.
Louis' hand never moved and it's not fair. Not at all because Louis' so close to his bum and all Harry wants is to feel his warm hands slide over his arse. Shit, Harry wants to take these stupid clothes off and be in his boxers like Louis. Aching for Louis to just strip Harry down and go from there, but that never happens.
Not when Louis' sucking on Harry's neck and the hand in his hair disappears.
Harry's breath hitched when he felt the collar of his shirt being tugged down with Louis' other hand and lips latched onto his collar bones moments later.
Breathy noises escaped Harry's lips as Louis marked his pale skin, feeling himself start to get a bit dazed.
Harry couldn't help it when he arched his hips into his boyfriend and his hands slid down to Louis' sides.
But then the lips were gone and Louis pressed his lips against Harry's before he pulled off him.
"I suppose I should let you get some sleep," Louis murmured as he moved to lay beside Harry. "I think I've been greedy enough as it is."
Harry is clearly disappointed, he wasn't quite finished and he wanted to do stuff... apparently Louis wasn't up for that though. Honestly, it makes Harry feel a bit despondent that Louis didn't want to go further than heatedly kissing and leaving kiss marks along his skin.
Maybe another time he supposed...
When Harry moved to look at his alarm clock he cursed to himself as it was half past one. In a way, Harry knows he shouldn't be stuck in a haze as he had to be up by seven. It's just it'd be nice to actually do things with his boyfriend and not having it ripped away from you.
Now don't get Harry wrong he appreciates Louis wanting to give Harry his much needed rest instead of kissing down his throat. It's sweet of him, but in a way Harry kind of wanted to keep going and just feel the intimacy between them he's been craving all week. Yes, he knows they have a date planned for Saturday night and he's more than sure he'll be sleeping over at Louis'.
It's just he thought maybe since Louis slept over at his tonight and they were kissing that maybe things could heat up a little. Especially since Louis was the one who initiated it (as always) and proceeded to feel him up, but it is what it is.
Harry felt an arm slid around his waist and a body against his from behind, the blanket that was by their feet now to Harry's chest, and a kiss pressed to his shoulder.
Harry liked this, being held, and sharing a bed that's meant for one.
The only thing he didn't like is the longer he laid there in the silence as he stared back at the red numbers on his clock was his mind going erratic. Thinking of why Louis pulled away three seconds after Harry had arched up into him.
Harry thinks back to Sunday night when Louis decided he wanted Harry to sleep over in his dorm that night they got back. Which Harry wanted to say no absolutely not because he had class first thing in the morning, but somehow he managed to say yes instead.
They cuddled, kissed, Harry wanted a little bit of friction, and Louis pulled away seconds later. Same thing happened on Tuesday after class when Louis had come to see him and found themselves in the same limbo. Now it's Friday and it happened once again and Harry's wondering maybe if he's doing something wrong.
To Harry's knowledge Louis' got quite the sex drive from what he's gathered in the past and it doesn't make sense why he's not pushing for more. Louis' hooked up with a good number of people for god knows how long and then cut himself off completely nearly four months ago.
If anything Louis should be edging for more intimacy between them.
Up until Harry dozed off a little later his mind remained stuck.
Come morning Harry was still in a series of thoughts regarding the past week's attempts. Even when he getting ready for class and slipping on his nursing uniform. It was there still in his head when he left his building with Louis so Harry could make it to class on time. When Louis gave him a kiss goodbye before he went inside the university hospital.
Harry couldn't concentrate, shit, he couldn't even listen correctly on what to do because his mind is too focused on other things. Not when Niall nudged him in the side could make Harry stay on track for merely five seconds. This is bad, this was so fucking bad because Harry needs to pay attention and do what he has to do, not stay in thought throughout nursing practice. No!
Honestly Harry knows he's going be quite upset with himself come later after missing vital information and doing what he's supposed to. All because he's too preoccupied with slight worries regarding his and Louis' not so sexual sex life.
Damn it, Harry needed to stop this right now.
It was not the time or place to be in thoughts about anything other than class.
Harry tried, he very much so did the rest of his class, and it was tough. They way Niall gave him weird looks throughout their day did no help. Probably wondering why Harry seemed off today as usually he'd be one hundred percent focused on stuff.
Which clearly it had to be because he quietly asked Harry if everything was okay. Harry of course lied and gave a little nod, hoping it was just believable enough. There's no need to be explaining himself right here, right now while they're still in class. Not when their fellow peers are in earshot and patients.
Nial of course gave him a look and Harry knows his friend is probably not buying it, but he never questions it more.
By the time class was done and over with, Harry had taken the bus back to his building. Louis had sent him a text saying he had plans with Zayn and Nick for a bit. That was okay, Harry didn't mind because that meant he could start that dreaded essay.
Ugh, Harry would much rather go to Liam's party tonight then sit in front of his laptop. Then again that was just plain stupid because Harry had no time for frivolous activities. He had goals to maintain and things to be learned, not think about being at some useless party.
As much as he enjoyed learning new things, he certainly didn't enjoy spending hours sitting in front of his laptop wondering what to type.
When Harry was back in his room and changed out of his nursing uniform and into more comfy clothes he was sat at his desk. Waiting for his laptop to load up, Harry had decided to organize his desk a little. Putting the discarded pens and pencils into the cup holder and straightening out his textbooks. Even organizing his papers of information and printed off notes he had for just in case he had lost them.
Harry decided come next year for uni he's really going to invest into one of those desk organizers because it'd just make his life much simpler.
A moment later there was a loud noise coming from his door and before Harry get up to answer, whoever it was let themselves in. Of course.
Harry could only guess who this was...
"Man, It's been ages since we've gotten to hangout!" Niall announced as Harry heard a body slam down onto his bed. "So hopefully you're free because I think we're long overdue." Yeah, that would have been nice if Niall would have given him a heads up. Also you know give Harry a chance to answer the damn door.
Harry let out a sigh as he closed his tablet, apparently the essay will come later then.
Moving his desk chair around to face Niall who lounging on his bed like he owned the place. Shoes kicked off at the door and propped up by his elbow facing Harry, running his fingers through his almost grown out blonde locks.
"I mean I was about to start that essay on drug effects", Harry explained honestly as he crossed his legs. "You know the one that's due in a week." Harry pointed out to remind Niall about it, because Niall's the type of guy to procrastinate till the very last minute. Harry just wants Niall to do well and always offer him help of course, they're in this together, and honestly Harry's quite lucky to have a best mate in the same major as himself.
However Harry knows anything could happen three years from now and things could be totally different.
Niall could switch majors for all he knows and worst comes to worse drop out of uni, which Harry hoped that wouldn't happen. He has faith Niall will succeed in this nursing program and actually graduate. Harry will make sure of it because he's not about to let his best friend flunk out, even if it is three years from now.
Shit, Harry even got plans three years from now that he's already narrowing down his list of where he'd love to work at. Thinking about what would be best for him so he could see his family as much as possible. Hoping Louis and him are still together... no! Harry does not need to be thinking so far in advance.
It's literally three years away and he shouldn't be worrying about whether or not Louis and him will still be going strong. It shouldn't even be a worry right now, not when he has coursework to focus on, balancing out his relationships, and trying to figure out the intimate details of his relationship with Louis.
"You can write that essay later, Harry." Niall stated as if that was something that comes easy for Harry, putting off stuff regarding his pending future. "What going on anyway? You seemed off earlier."
Yeah... Harry 's not about to tell Niall about the reason why either.
Harry was silent for a moment, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why his mind was elsewhere during the morning. It didn't help Niall kept looking at him expectantly and curious about whatever is on his mind.
Eventually Harry came up with something that could totally be one hundred percent believable. "I've been a bit worried about my studies, Niall," Harry explained as crossed his arms. "I feel like I'm falling behind." He frowned because it wasn't really a lie either, he feels like he's slowly slipping down a bad path.
However Niall didn't need to know what the real reasoning was.
"I highly doubt you're falling behind, H." Niall pointed out. "You're always taking notes even when it's unnecessary, spending so much time studying that it makes my brain hurt, and you're one of the smartest guys that I know!"
Just because Harry's intelligent and devote a huge amount of time to his education doesn't mean he's not worried about slacking off. He wished Niall could understand that because Uni is hard and Harry may be bright, but that doesn't mean he's not struggling either.
"Just because I pay attention in class doesn't mean I don't have worries too, you know Niall." Harry stated matter of factly. "I've always thought I was pretty damn intelligent until I stepped foot here, it's hard, so damn hard. Trying to maintain good grades, go to class, revise as much as I can, and attend seminars." Harry listed off as he felt himself getting exhausted just thinking about all the work he's put into this university. "I struggle too, you know."
Niall let out a sigh as moved to sit up before he commented, "I think you're way too hard on yourself." Well yeah, how else will Harry make it out of Uni? "Besides I think there's something else going on."
Of course.
"We've been best mates for practically our whole lives, we're supposed to tell each other everything, and I feel like you're not."
Okay that's uncalled for! Niall throwing in the best friend card. Sure maybe Harry felt a bit bad that he hasn't been the best mate by not being truthful, but Harry doesn't want to burden Niall with what's really on his mind.
"You know you can tell me, Harry." Niall said placidly.
"Niall, I told you I'm worried about my studies, that's it!" Harry (somewhat) lied. "Okay?"
Niall didn't look entirely convinced and of course, he had to keep pushing.
"Harry.. seriously," Niall shook his head, "What's going on?"
Niall isn't making this any easier to deny things, is he?
Harry knew Niall was bound to keep prying until he gets his way. Harry's not sure how he feels about openly talking about his and Louis sex life to Niall. Especially since Harry's never had this type of talk with his friends before.
So it's just... weird.
After giving it a thought for a few seconds Harry decided to just tell Niall enough to get him off his back. Hopefully it works because Harry's not sure how much longer before he blurts out that Louis won't sleep with him.
Okay maybe not sleep, but it'd get the point across.
"Well I suppose I'm having a bit of a tough time trying to balance out everything," Harry started off, "with finding enough time to focus on my education, go see my family, spend time with friends, and trying my best to be a supportive boyfriend is so much for me right now." Well, it's not a lie because Harry really needs to figure that all out. "I feel like I don't have time for anything."
"You've got to make time." Niall commented as if Harry hasn't tried to do so.
Harry glared at Niall as he shook his head, "Niall, do you think I haven't been trying?"
"Well... " Niall dawdled and Harry already felt bored and tired. "I mean we haven't gotten to hang out or had that drink with Ed that we planned. Not only that but you spend a lot of time with Louis." Well no shit. "But, I understand where you're coming from."
"You do?" Harry asked skeptically.
Niall gave a small nod before he opened his mouth, "Remember when I told you about Zayn when I met him that first week of uni?"
Oh god, how could Harry forget... it's all Niall ever talked about for days and every time he wasted away his nights at those parties. Shit, Harry knew Niall had it bad for the kid, but not that bad until he was dragged to the party one night.
"He is such a badass, so, so hot, and so cool." Harry mocked as he remembered clearly when Niall came stomping in his room the next morning. Swooning over the resident bad boy with bambi eyes. "Of course I remember Niall." Harry sighed as shook his head at the memory.
Niall rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, "That's not the point I was getting at H, all I'm trying to say is that I know the struggle." Does he though? "When we started dating I started to fall a bit behind on my coursework and skipped a few classes."
"Because you were too busy with what's in his pants?" Harry quipped with a smirk.
"Fuck off!" Niall snapped and Harry just grinned. "But seriously I had a tough time keeping up because I'd rather have a social life instead."
"But you could have asked me for help you know." Harry pointed out as he's always willing to help Niall with whatever it was. Even if they didn't have the same methods of learning, he didn't mind.
"Yeah, but after you finally gotten along with Louis you were pretty much busy most days," well Niall wasn't necessarily wrong about that. "I didn't want to pry you away from him because it was nice to see you get along with him." Niall explained and Harry knows when Louis and him made amends their mates were ecstatic. "Also because I knew you were starting to like him."
Just because Harry slowly started to realize he liked Louis more than a friend at the time didn't mean he wouldn't have been more than happy to help Niall out. If only Niall could understand that.
"But you still could have asked, Niall."
Niall let out a huff, "Yeah I could have, but whatever this isn't the point I was trying to get at, H." Yeah, apparently not because Harry's a bit stumped right now. "What I'm trying to say is prioritizing isn't easy and eventually you'll figure out a way to make things work. It's all about finding solutions."
Harry would love to know what solutions Niall had come up with that are supposedly working for him.
"Besides we're hanging out now, aren't we?"
Harry nodded, but that's because Niall showed up unannounced, not because they had plans.
"Just give it some time, H. It'll calm down after the whole phase of always wanting to be together, I promise."
Hmm... Harry's not sure if Niall's hearing himself talk because Zayn and him are practically always together. Unless Niall had plans with someone else or busy with whatever it was for the evening.
"I think by the time summer gets here you'll find something that works, after all you've been single for so long, Louis' the first guy you've ever had actual feelings for." Niall continued, "You want to be with him as much as possible and that's okay."
With everything Niall was saying held truth and made Harry feel a bit better about his problems regarding his life. Still, he felt like he's in a snowball effect of not getting anything done or being as social as he can. Yeah maybe Harry should stop stressing so much over everything, but it's tough.
"You're my best mate and it's nice to see you with someone that actually cares for you." Niall said saccharinely as the corners of his lips slid upwards. "You deserve to be in love, have a fairytale, and I feel like this is it."
That was really sweet what Niall was saying and Harry hoped he was right because he loves Louis. Can't imagine being without him, but he doesn't want to think so far in advance right now, not when he has something bothering him. Now, it may not be major thing regarding their relationship, but it'd be nice to take things a step further.
Maybe Harry should tell Niall what exactly is going on then... after all, Niall is quite experienced in that area. Not only that but Niall's tone held nothing but seriousness in it when he talked. Also, maybe Niall would know what to do because he's had to at least come across these problems with all the guys he's dated or tried to seduce.
After taking a deep breath Harry let it all out. "Well okay maybe there's something else that's going on actually," he started hesitantly", I've never done things before, like sexual things and I just want to try with Louis, but he won't do more than kiss me and I don't know if it was because I had an incident at my mum's when he grinded against me or what? It's frustrating and I don't know what to do because I've never felt a need for physicalness before with my boyfriends. I'm at a loss." Harry babbled out swiftly as he felt heat inch to his cheeks.
Niall is just staring at him blinking and Harry's not sure if he likes how silent his friend is right now, not when he just admitted all that, and is getting absolutely no feedback. Starting to almost worry that he revealed too much and should have just said he wants to be intimate with his boyfriend who's not initiating things. However, Harry of course didn't and just blabbered on nervously instead.
Before Harry could tell Niall to forget it and move onto another subject, Niall finally spoke up carefully.
"I understand what's it's like to be on that end, Harry, I do. Remember that night I finally slept with Zayn?" Harry nodded because he remembers, how could he forget that night which ended up with a soiled shirt and a short lived enemy. "Well he wouldn't do more than put his hands on me or kiss me while he flirted his gorgeous bum off, that's it until I pushed the boundaries."
Well that's a surprise as Harry presumed they did some things before they hooked up. Not only that but Niall had always been the type to be spoiled and not be the initiator. Which it still puzzles Harry that Niall was the one who asked Zayn out.
"That night we slept together, when we were back in my room snogging, I told him to fuck me right then and there." Niall said bluntly. "I wanted him so bad and I had to be assertive about it because I think he would have never tried."
"I don't think I can be quite forward like that Niall..." Harry piped up because he doesn't have the balls to just blurt out he wants to go down on Louis.
Niall let out a huff, "That's why there's a thing called liquid courage, Harry." Yeah, not happening because remember the key factor about Harry? He doesn't drink.
"You know I don't do like alcohol so what good will liquid courage do then?" Harry pointed out as he felt his phone buzz against his thigh. Ignoring it for now as he's trying to understand why in the hell Niall thinks Harry's going to be drinking when he makes a decision on his first sexual experience.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. It was just a suggestion." Niall explained. Yeah a suggestion that should have never been brought to light because it was pointless. "But I do think there's something you can do."
Hopefully it's not where Harry needed to go get stoned to do so because he's definitely not doing that, not again.
"You could just be assertive, I mean it's brilliant if you ask me, just go for what you want." Uh... does Niall know Harry at all? Because that certainly doesn't sound like something Harry would do. "Maybe then Louis would get the hint you want to suck him off or whatever it is you want to do."
Haryr's not sure if he likes this suggestion at all because it could end up awfully bad on his part if Louis doesn't want to be intimate with him after all. Then again Niall had a point, a very small one that maybe being a little more bold will get things rolling between them.
Still, Harry's doesn't really know how to even be assertive towards Louis in that manner.
"I don't know, Niall." Harry sighed out, unsure of what to think.
"You don't have to right out tell him you want him to whip it out, just let your body do the talking." Niall mentioned and that piqued Harry's interest a bit. "Just rub your arse against his dick and it'll get him going, works like a charm everytime, H."
Hmm... Harry's tried to get some friction between them, but Louis always pulled away. So he's not sure if that actually works like charm for him.
It is whatever though because Harry was stumped and decided he'll think about it later now that Niall's interest was on his phone.
It wasn't until a few hours later and a coffee later that Harry was finally alone in his dorm. Spending time with Niall most of his afternoon was nice and having Ed meet up with them at the cafe was even better. It was finally nice to just sit down and chat with his two mates. Made him feel better about not spending enough time with both boys as they caught up.
Ed had mentioned that Laken and him had broken up unfortunately as their timetables just didn't seem to match lately. It made it tough for them to spend time together and have that ample amount of communication. Which Harry felt a bit bad for Ed as he knew his friend had been living the hookup culture for sometime before meeting Laken.
It's too bad they couldn't make it work.
However though Ed didn't seem too down about it and proceeded to tell them about how Nick's been trying to hook up with this older guy he's been talking with online. Which Harry hopes he's being safe and not catfished as that would be terrible. Then mentioning how Harry should really come to Liam's party tonight because it's going to be epic. He heard it's going to be a big party tonight as it's pretty much the halfway mark of the term. As Ed heard around that Liam usually has two big parties in the last term, the halfway point, and the last one before they leave. Which he emphasized that Harry needed to stop worrying about his studies for one night and come out.
Now don't get Harry wrong he would love to go spend time with his mates and boyfriend tonight, it's just he really needs to work on his essay. Not only that but have some alone time to gather his thoughts about certain issues and maybe give Gemma or Anne a call.
Not only that maybe it'd be nice for Louis to attend a party without him there to keep him company and chill with his mates.
That was all a few hours ago and now Harry's staring back at his blank word document on his laptop, gnawing on his lip. His mind stuck on what Niall had mentioned earlier about him being assertive and yet he should be really focusing on his education more than anything.
It's hard, it's really fucking hard because Harry needs to figure this out or else he'll go mad without knowing how to get it across to Louis he wants to do stuff. So maybe Harry sighed in defeat and exited out of his word document and hopped onto the internet.
Quickly typing in ways to be sexually assertive.
Which Harry's not going to lie it all seemed intimidating with everything he's read.
From giving orders to do things to pushing Louis up against a wall. That's a bit much for Harry's taste and he certainly wasn't about to pounce on Louis the moment he steps through the door either.
Harry didn't like those suggestions and kept searching until he finally found something a few pages down that seemed more doable for him.
Like touching all over and giving love bites on his boyfriend's body, which was sounded a bit risky, but Harry thinks that Louis would get the point right then. However, Harry's never given one before so he's a bit clueless on how to actually leave a kiss mark. All he knows it feels painfully good and almost as if Louis was biting him.
Maybe he could try tomorrow sometime and see how that goes.
Yeah... Harry could do that.
After glancing at few more articles and advice Harry noted a couple more things before he heard a knock on his door and Harry quickly closed his laptop. Not needing for anyone to see what he's been looking up because last thing he needs to happen is to be teased or drilled with questions as to why he needs to look that up.
Right as Harry got out of his seat, in came Louis, not even giving Harry a chance to answer the door.
"Excuse me, but you could have let me answered the door, Louis," Harry teased as he folded his arms against his chest. "Just because I said you come over anytime doesn't mean let yourself in."
Louis smirked and plopped down onto Harry's bed, messing with his fringe that was sticking out of his slouched black beanie. "Hmm that's funny, I don't recall that rule, must have suddenly made that up to be a dick." Louis quipped. "Besides maybe I wanted to spend some time with you before we go to the party tonight, unless you expect me to leave and come back later, the choice is yours darling."
Harry rolled his eyes as he moved to sit next to Louis, feeling an arm instantly slid around him. "I never made any rules, letting me answer the door is just common courtesy, but be glad I'm not uptight like that." Harry explained as he felt fingers gently caress his side. "I happen to like you waltzing in like you own the place, like a badass." Harry smiled.
"A sexy badass I hope?" Louis exercised his brows with that smirk still on his face.
"Alright no need to swell that massive ego of yours!" Harry chuckled before he locked his eyes with Louis. "But I'm afraid I can't make it to the party tonight, Lou." hopefully Louis will understand that.
"Oh no! Why not?" Louis sounded a bit disappointed that Harry wasn't able to go and it chips off a piece of Harry's heart.
"I need to catch up on some bookwork and get working on my essay." Well, it's not really a lie because Harry does need to do all that.
Louis did not look pleased with those words at all and of course wanted to get his way.
"Nope, cross everything boring you have planned because tonight we're going to have fun, Harold. "
"Lou, I can't... Not tonight." Harry pleaded, as much as he wanted to spend time with his boy, he really needed to get caught up. Not only that but think more about how he's going to execute being a bit more assertive. "Just go hang with your mates and have a drink or two, you won't even notice I'm not there to keep you company."
Louis sighed heavily, obviously being a bit dramatic that he's not going to have Harry with him tonight, not being able to pull Harry away successfully from his studies.
"But I will notice, babe." Louis stated as Harry felt himself being pulled closer. A kiss pressed against his cheek, feeling his face grow warm at the contact. "It'll be boring as shit, but I suppose I can wait until tomorrow to bother you." Louis teased.
Harry licked his lip before he brought up, "You know you can still text me, right? I'm not totally cutting you off for the night."
"I know, I know, but can't I be a little dramatic for once?"
"You're always dramatic, Lou!" Harry pointed out as he gave Louis that 'are you serious' look before shaking his head.
Louis rolled his eyes, but his soft smile contradicted that before he pressed his lips against Harry's fleetingly.
By the time Louis had left to go off and party a little while later, Harry was back on his laptop.
Spending about an hour in front of his laptop before he grew bored and tired of it. Deciding to just save it and come back to it later as he decided to take a break. Going back online and looking up advice once again.
Not really discovering much more than he already knew, Harry felt a bit frustrated the longer he searched. Everything was either too physically aggressive or intense dirty talk, which Harry wasn't about to do anyway. Not even the sexting sounded appealing because they haven't reached that point.
Shit, the only thing close to is when Louis would send him pictures when he was shirtless. So yeah, Harry not about to pose seductively or send nude pictures to his boyfriend while he's at a party, surrounded by numerous people with wandering eyes.
Harry was stuck and stumped as he rested his cheek against his fist, elbow propped on the desktop, and his eyes fixated on the screen.
It's getting late and the only thing Harry could agree on was love bites, touching, and more grinding. In a way, Harry was a bit disappointed at how much time he spent searching for answers and only managed to find a couple things. It's frustrating, but he supposes it'll have at work or else he won't know what to do.
Right as Harry about went back to work on his essay a little bit before bed, his phone rang.
Harry's eyes glanced over to his phone, needing to figure who in their right mind would be ringing him when it's almost Harry's bedtime. That is until his eyes read Louis' name across the screen and that piqued Harry's interest.
Wondering what this was about, Harry wasted no time to pick up, and right when he was about to say something, Louis' voiced boomed through the speaker, and Harry thinks maybe Louis is intoxicated.
"Baby! you're missing out, party's fucking sweet!" Louis hollered into the phone making Harry cringed a little as he pulled the phone away from his ear a bit. "Wish you were here, fuck... babe I do!"
Yeah, Louis' drunk.
Harry sighed a bit as he saved his work before closing it, swiveling his desk chair around and brushing some of his hairs behind his ear.
"You'll see me tomorrow, Lou and can you please not scream into the phone, it'd be nice." Harry asked playfully as his eyes landed on his alarm clock. Noticing it was almost eleven at night. "Also why are you even calling me, aren't you suppose to be spending time with your mates?"
Louis sighed heavily into the phone before he shouted, "They're all too busy trying to pull and shit." Harry thinks he may have hearing loss at this rate. Then Harry is sure he heard Louis shouting at someone before he hollered, "Fuck baby I want you here."
The corners of Harry's lips quirked up as he shook his head, "You already told me that, Lou."
"But it's true, Harold!"
"I know." Harry said placidly as he got to his feet as he went over towards his wardrobe. Skimming through his clothes to find something for his date tomorrow night. Feeling as if maybe he should start planning instead of worrying about it last minute as usual.
If Harry is honest he hoped Louis didn't drive there tonight because he really doesn't like the idea of Louis having keys in his hand right now.
"Did you ride with anyone there by chance?" Harry decided to ask, hoping that was the case.
Louis hummed into the phone for a moment, "Mmm... no," Oh that was not a good sign. "Why are you worried?" Louis slurred into the phone and uh, yeah Harry's worried.
"Is Zayn there at the party still and sober?" Harry asked as he stopped looking through his wardrobe momentarily.
"Maybe, I don't know." Yeah, Harry needed to find Louis a designated driver or else worse comes to worse he'll be marching over to Liam's to get him. Which Harry didn't feel like it because by the time he'll get there it'll be even later and he doesn't really feel up calling for a cab this late either.
"What about Nick?" Harry hoped Nick was there and not shit faced like everyone else at that party.
"Yeah... I don't know," Ugh, Harry wasn't liking this, not at all. "Don't be so paranoid, I'm fine."
Harry scoffed into the phone as he closed the doors to his wardrobe, "You're drunk, Louis. You're far from fine." Harry said sternly into the phone. "I'll be there soon, okay?"
"You're coming!" Louis nearly screamed into the phone and Harry's poor ears felt like they were starting to bleed. "Fuck, baby I can't wait to see you!"
"Can't wait to see you too, Lou." Harry murmured into the phone before he hung up shortly after and sighed to himself.
So looks like he's going to this party after all.
By the time Harry arrived outside Liam's house after being dropped off by the cab he felt relief wash over him when he noticed Louis' car by the street lamp. So that's a good sign his boyfriend was still here and wasted no time pushing past people to get inside.
There were far more people here than usual, music booming through the humid sticky house, and everyone's dancing. As much as Harry didn't like this and despised that marijuana seemed to perfume the airways with a mixture of sweat. Needless to say, it stunk and badly, and Harry wasted no time to head upstairs where he knew Louis would have to be at.
The smoking room.
Harry was relieved yet again when he saw Louis taking a hit of a joint before passing it to Nick beside him.
"Harold, you came!" Louis hollered out as he stumbled towards Harry, falling in his arms, and hands latched onto Harry's arms to support himself. Harry got his hands on Louis' waist and trying to get Louis to center himself properly. " I missed you." Louis slurred out loudly as he shifted back a bit when he was standing straight back up again, but Harry caught his wrist to keep him from teetering over. "I love you so fucking much, love."
"I love you too, Lou," Harry commented, ignoring the looks everyone was giving them as they smoked. "But we gotta go okay?" Harry explained as Louis pouted and Harry thinks Louis looks far too cute right now.
Louis' not getting his way though, Harry didn't want to be here for not even five more minutes, and lastly, Harry knows Louis will be nursing a hangover come morning. Which mind you won't be good since they have a date tomorrow night.
"Oh come on, you haven't even gotten to enjoy the party yet." Louis argued childishly as he stepped closer towards Harry, well almost falling into him yet again. Clasping his hand on Harry's arm to catch himself though thankfully. "I want to party with you, babe."
"I'll come to the party next week, Lou." Harry didn't want to be here right now, he wanted to go back to his dorm and sleep. So making a promise to drunk Louis about the next party wasn't something Harry would do, but anything to get Louis to understand works for him. "Can we leave, please?"
Louis blinked at Harry for a moment before he pulled the keys from his pocket, "Anything for you, darling." Louis slurred as Harry wasted no time to snatch the keys from Louis' hand. "But you gotta promise me you'll be there."
"I promise, hon." Harry vowed as he moved to slid his arm around Louis' shoulder and guided him out of the room.
It was a bit tough to walk Louis out to his car as Harry had a tough time getting Louis down the stairs carefully without slipping. Not only that the abundance of people did next to no help and made it worse to find the exit. Someone was either cutting in front of them, bumping into them, or wouldn't move. Thankfully by the time they got out and into Louis car, it was a breeze from there on out.
At least this time Louis wasn't sick as a dog, thank god.
Louis ended up sleeping over as Harry didn't feel too comfortable with Louis being alone and shit faced drunk. Mainly for the well being factor of it all because he wasn't too sure if should have Louis be alone or not. However, Louis didn't seem to protest the fact and gladly accepted he was staying over.
Thankfully Harry got some shut eye instead of staying up all night keeping an eye on Louis.
Of course, Harry was up much earlier than Louis and working more on his essay. Trying to squeeze in a little more in before Louis wakes up with a hangover and in need of care.
The rest of the morning went fairly well despite Louis not feeling the best, Harry was quite happy this time around that Louis wasn't feeling ashamed. Harry doesn't need to be showered with gifts or big gestures all because he stepped in to care for his boyfriend. Harry didn't need any of that because he actually would do anything to make sure Louis is alive and well.
Harry had actually driven Louis back to his own building before noon and walked all the way back to his own. He didn't feel too comfortable with Louis driving around with hangover anyway and thankfully Louis didn't put a fight about it either.
The day goes by in a blur of Harry getting most of the essay finished and even rewriting his notes two times over. Slamming down two coffee's somewhere during all of that and even working on some his bookwork before he got around to clean himself up. Which to Harry's dismay, was quite the problem.
They're going on a date. A first official date where they're alone and Harry hopes Louis is feeling better by now.
Harry's currently stumped on what to even wear and how to even do his hair, shit he's not even sure what they're even doing. Louis never told him, just said it was surprising (of course he did), and not to worry about the bill.
Ugh, who knew getting ready for a date stressful?
Harry skimmed through his wardrobe over and over and just wasn't satisfied with anything he had. Louis has seen him in practically everything he's worn. Not only that but since he's trying to be a little more assertive tonight he thought maybe could switch up his usual outfits for once.
Easier said than done though apparently.
"I don't know." Harry whined to himself the longer he kept searching through his garments. Thinking maybe he should ring Zayn and asks him what he thinks since he is majoring in fashion. Not only that but that boy is always stylish even when he didn't even try.
Normally, Harry wouldn't call someone on such short notice to come help him with whatever it was. This was an emergency however and he was glad Zayn didn't take 89 years to answer his phone either.
Harry explained to Zayn that he's having a bit of trouble finding something to wear. Telling him that Louis and him are going on a date and he just wants to wear something a little different than usual. Which in turn Zayn told him not to worry about and he'll be over soon as he could to help. Thank god for that because Harry was about to just wear his goto button up as usual.
It didn't take Zayn long to show up, more so a couple minutes as suspected he must have been at Niall's.
"So let's see what you've got, yeah?" Zayn questioned as he stood in front of Harry's wardrobe before opening the doors. Harry stood there quietly with his arms crossed, watching Zayn go through every item Harry had for a minute or two.
Zayn of course grabbed the goto white shirt sleeve button up and folded it over his arm and then a pair of Harry's dark wash skinny fit trousers.
Umm.. Harry's worn this outfit numerous times, this isn't the kind of help he was hoping for. He thought maybe Zayn would have done something a little different like add another layer or something you know, different. Apparently not though, '
"Roll the sleeves up once, undo the button and the two topmost, and you'll be good as gold, H." Zayn explained as if he knew it already would look good as he closed the wardrobe doors. "Tuesday I'm going shopping for clothes, if you want to come with?" Zayn asked as he pushed the clothes into Harry's chest, "And I can tell you everything embarrassing Louis has done in the past." Zayn snickered before muttering, "Oh shit he'll kill me, but whatever."
Harry would like to be closer with Zayn as he is Louis best mate after all and dating Niall. Maybe that sounded like a good idea and use some of his money he's been saving up in his lock box. Yeah, getting new clothes sounded nice because then maybe he'd stop worrying about what to wear on special occasions.
Also hearing about Louis' embarrassing moments was also enticing.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Harry commented as held the clothes against him, "Thank you though for helping me, Zayn. Appreciate it lots."
The corner of Zayn's mouth lifted for a moment before he lazily said, "It's no problem, H." Yeah, but Harry still feels a bit guilty for ringing him last minute. "Louis likes that top on you, by the way."
Louis does?
"Thinks you look like a fit librarian if I can recall," Hmm... yeah that's something Louis would say. "Well a fit as fuck librarian to be more precise." Zayn elaborated as he shook his head.
Yeah, Louis definitely would say something like that.
Zayn didn't stay too much longer as he had plans with Niall for the night and didn't want to keep Harry bothered as he had a date to get ready for.
When Harry was alone he did exactly everything Zayn had told him and even fixed his hair. Feeling a wave of anxiousness wash over him as time started to wind down and his mind was back on his plans to be assertive. Harry knows he's sleeping over at Louis' tonight and that when he's going to attempt to get things going. It's just he feels his stomach just churning every second that went by and himself starting to sweat a little.
Thinking of all the worse case scenarios on what could happen when they're alone. Louis could reject him and tell him to stop touching him. Or Louis would ask him what's he's doing and sound creeped out or something. Not only that but Louis could still be not feeling the greatest from his hangover and not want Harry to touch him at all.
Those are all valid worries he has, okay?
The last time Louis was hungover he just left and kept his distance, so what if Louis isn't as clingy as usual tonight? Not that it matters, but if he is then Harry won't get to use the stuff he learned last night online.
Harry didn't get to keep fretting over it anymore because there was a loud noise coming from his door and Louis letting himself in.
"Ready to hit the road, Harold?" Louis announced as he kicked the door shut behind him before he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes down Harry's body before they snap back up to his face, "You look so fucking hot, by the way."
Harry felt his cheeks grow warm as he glanced down to his boots briefly before his eyes were back on his boyfriend. "Thanks Lou and yeah, ready as I'll ever be." Harry said as Louis was now in front of him, leaning up, and pressing their lips together. Making Harry's stomach feel all fluttery and his heart full.
In all honesty, Harry's brain was still addled on what could happen after their date tonight.
Even when they left Harry's building and were going down the street, Harry mind was still stuck on what the hell he's going to do. Unsure of what could happen and it makes him feel sick, but he tries to calm himself down as he nodded his head to the music. Louis' smoking as usual and it's a comfortable silence between them as music filled the air.
The ride seemed to drag on almost as if Louis was stalling, that is until he pulled up in front of a restaurant called Casanova. A restaurant that looked a little dead on the inside, Harry hopes that's not a bad sign and he ends up with food poisoning hours later.
'I trust you don't mind, figured I would take you out to dinner first before we head to the cinema." Louis said enthusiastically, and Harry just smiled. Dinner and movie sounded nice to Harry even if he's a bundle of nerves. "Like I said don't you worry about the bill, I have it covered."
Harry thinks maybe one of these days he'll take Louis out for a drink and have a tab for him.
"I promise this place is decent."
"Are you sure about that? They look a little dead to be decent." Harry pointed out as he undid the belt to his seat.
Louis smirked "Of course I know, I wouldn't have brought you to a shitty restaurant, would I? No?" Louis tilted his head as he pulled the key from the iginition, "Don't you trust me?"
"Louis I-" Harry's word were cut off with a kiss and Louis pulled back, grinning.
"Stop, this place is fine. You're not going to be doomed to the toilet and besides I've eaten here before." What, one time? Three years ago?
Harry glanced towards the building and sighed, not so sure if he should, but then again Louis brought him. They're on a date after all and Louis didn't have to take him out to eat, could have just gone to see whatever film instead. However, Harry will suck it up even if his already messy stomach thinks otherwise. See for himself about this place being decent in Louis' terms.
Also because it was sweet of Louis to take him out for a bite to eat.
"Okay, fine. " Harry settled. "I swear though if I end up poisoned, you won't hear the end of it and not be allowed to kiss me for a week," Harry stated playfully, crossing his arms. "So I hope I come out well, so we both don't have to torture ourselves for a week." Harry winked as he smiled.
By the time they were inside and seated, they ordered their food, and Louis had brought up that he still felt kind of gross about his hangover, but saying it was nothing to worry about. Also mentioning that his band had a gig at Liam's party in a couple weeks. Louis actually sounded excited because they've never gotten to play at his parties before and glad that he gets to at least once before he leaves. Then the topic changed onto Louis asking Harry how he felt about going get their tattoo's in two weeks time or so so he could make the appointment.
Which Harry wasn't going to lie he was beyond nervous about the tattoo, but he nodded and said that'd be fine. It's just they'd need to start looking soon for what they were going to do and something small because Harry can't do large pieces. Especially not for his very first tattoo anyway, hopefully Louis would understand that when they get around to look.
Once their food was in front of them, Harry had dug into his spaghetti carbonara, which was decent. Harry kept holding glances with Louis every so often and it made Harry's heart flutter. Harry also got thinking about what film they were going to see. Of course though, Louis probably won't tell him as it's all just one surprise and Harry wonders if they'll be doing anything else afterwards before calling it a night. Either way, Harry just going to enjoy himself and try not to think too much about his own plans for later.
It was pretty much silence between them. A comfortable one and Harry was okay with that. Even when they didn't talk, it Harry enjoyed Louis' company. Sometimes just his presence was good enough for him. It's just nice to be around someone that loves you and someone that makes you feel all giddy every time you're with him.
Dinner lasted for a while until Louis got the bill and walked with Harry out to the car. It's started to rain, so that's just great, but thankfully they wasted no time getting into Louis' nice warm car.
Which Louis had opened the car door for him, and Harry couldn't help but smile. Louis being quite the gentleman tonight. Paying for his dinner and now opening doors for him.
What's next?
Letting Harry walk on his jacket over mud puddles or buying him a flower?
Harry does appreciate it when Louis feels the needs to be chivalrous even though it can be a bit ridiculous at times. Honestly, in a way Harry secretly wishes it doesn't stop because it makes him feel special.
As they went down the street, Harry was feeling a bit anxious more than before. His mind back on the whole being assertive plan and trying to think about how he's going to execute it. He's torn, absolutely fucking torn because he doesn't know if he wants to try and attempt giving a love bite or be touchy feely with his boyfriend.
Ugh, Harry doesn't know!
About six minutes later they had pulled into the cinema car park. Louis cut the engine and unbuckled, glancing over at Harry, who was too busy unbuckling and didn't noticed Louis watching him. That was until Harry looked up noticed eyes on him, causing Harry to smile a little and lightly blush.
"What?" Harry asked calmly.
Louis smiled before he explained, "Just waiting is all."
"Care to tell me what film we're seeing or is that still a surprise?" Harry questioned curiously as he gave a passing glance towards the lit up cinema in the dark before his eyes landed back on Louis.
Louis smirked. "You'll find out when we head inside twenty minutes from now."
Twenty minutes? Um... are they that early?
Harry furrowed his brows about to ask what are they suppose to do now that is until Louis shuffled in his spot more, leaning back over some and capturing Harry's lips with his own. Thankfully for them both it was pretty dark out, and they were parked towards the back where there weren't many cars. Harry's just glad no one will be spying on them or just sit there and watch them suck face.
Louis placed his hand on Harry's knee as he moved their lips together. Louis pressed his tongue past Harry's lips and massaging their tongues together. Harry whimpered into the kiss as he shifted a little himself. Trying to get more comfortable and create less distance between them. Kissing for a while and losing track of time. Harry honestly still has worries about snogging in public, but then again at the same time, he doesn't care. Harry can't help himself right now and it makes him feel so much better knowing Louis is still up for affection.
The hand on his knee slowly moved up, and Harry felt like his heart was hammering in his chest the hand slid up to his mid-thigh which was okay, even though Harry was aching for more. For Louis to keep pushing his hand up Harry's leg to his inner thigh, Harry wants that so bad. Harry wants to skip the film and go back to Louis' dorm and get these jeans off. He just wants to be intimate.
Harry let out a breathy noise when Louis paused and leaned back just enough to where their lips brushed together, Harry wanted to climb over this stupid center console, and onto his boyfriend's lap. To straddle him and have hands on his body, but that can't happen. Not for Harry.
Not when Louis pulled fully away and simpered at Harry, "We can do more of that later, babe." Louis cooed and Harry doesn't like that plan. He wanted to keep kissing and stuff, not have it ripped away from him and put on hold. It's not fair.
"Okay." Harry murmured as glanced down to the hand on his thigh and bt back his frown when it disappeared.
At least Louis was feeling better to kiss on Harry, so that's a good sign for when they're in Louis' dorm later on.
When they went inside a couple minutes later, thankfully not getting too drenched from the rain Harry was a bit surprised to find out what film they were seeing. Free Fire. Now don't get Harry wrong he doesn't mind an action film every now and again as long as the plots good, it's just not his thing much. Whatever though, it's the thought that counts and maybe next time he can be the one who decides what film they see.
Not only that but there wasn't really anything else good that was playing, as long as he's with Louis, then he's happy.
However during the film, Harry couldn't concentrate on the movie, not at all. Couldn't munch on any popcorn that Louis had gotten for them or follow along with the storyline. All Harry could do was lean into his boyfriend who had his arm around Harry's shoulders and thinks about afterwards.
His mind stuck on how the hell he's going to be able to pull off being assertive. As he's usually more passive than anything and loves it when Louis takes the lead. Harry just hopes he doesn't embarrass himself because god, he wouldn't know what to do. Especially if he doesn't something weird and it creeps Louis out which Harry hopes that isn't the case.
The longer Harry sat through the movie, the more he felt on edge to get the hell out of here. Just wanting to get back to Louis' room and kiss already. His mind came to the decision on wanting to give Louis a love bite and that's what Harry wants to do. Give Louis a kiss mark and not just on his neck either.
Harry wants to feel Louis' toned body under his palms and run his hand over his groin. Shit, Harry wants to so badly as he shifted in his seat a moment. Feeling himself getting a little warm at the thought of cupping Louis and feeling him get hard. Gnawing on his lip as he kept picturing it in his head, unzipping Louis trouser, pulling out his dick and holy shit Harry should not be thinking about that right now.
He definitely should not be thinking so sexually right now with a room full of people and Harry found himself crossing his legs. His cheeks feeling hot and he's still thinking about Louis hardness in his hand.
Fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck.
Harry needed to stop this right now. He shouldn't be turned on of all things just by the thought of giving Louis a hand job. But unfortunately he is and knows crossing his legs can only cover up so much and he almost hates Zayn for picking out these trousers for him. Then again he hates himself for wearing such tight jeans in the first place.
"You okay?" Louis whispered suddenly in Harry's ear, causing him to flinch a little, and gave Louis a little nod.
Harry swallowed thickly as he glanced towards Louis who didn't look convinced and what made it worse was when he removed his arm from Harry's shoulder and put it between them, and his hand now on Harry's thigh.
For fuck sakes Harry felt tortured.
Louis hand never left his leg and Harry was trying everything to kill his problem below the belt. It was an absolute nightmare because nothing was working and Harry needed relief. He doesn't understand why all of a sudden he's lusting after Louis from that one time at his mum's. It makes no sense and kind of worrisome.
Before Harry couldn't imagine being intimate with anyone, not until he was with them for sometime, and trusted them. Not that he doesn't trust Louis, because he does. It's just... it felt like everything was hitting him at full force and he needs to do something. Anything with Louis to satisfy himself.
Maybe it's because he's never been with someone so sexually experienced before, or maybe it's because Harry hasn't had time to... You know, get himself off. Been so busy with his academics most of the time and trying to figure out his feelings for Louis, it just didn't happen. Not only that but he's never been a super sexualized person so this all just so new to him.
The need for Louis to rip his clothes off him and do stuff.
Harry gnawed on his lip as he tried to put his focus on the film, but it is pointless. Harry's mind was a fucking mess.
After a minute or so Harry needed to do something and quick before he loses his damn mind. Harry leaned up into Louis' ear, "I'll be right back, Lou." Harry whispered before he wasted no time to get to his feet and quickly walked out.
Thankfully Harry made it to the toilet in no time and locked himself into the stall. Running his hands over his face and letting out a sigh, his jeans felt very uncomfortably tight right now. Leaning against the stall door, trying to think of how in the hell he can survive the rest of this movie.
Harry needed to come up with a solution and fast . He definitely wasn't going to relieve himself in a public bathroom, hell no. Not when Louis could come waltzing in any moment asking him if everything's fine. Not only that but it'd just be weird.
So he settled on waiting it out and thinking about his coursework, and being away from Louis for a moment who is overly affectionate.
It worked and Harry could feel himself starting to come back down the longer he thought about spending time at the library after class one of these days coming up or sitting in at the cafe. His mind going on about Louis' band gig at Liam's in a few weeks that Harry intends to go to. Even thinking about his plans for the summer and how they revolve around his family, his mates, and Louis.
Thankfully Harry's was able to go back and watch the rest of the film with ease. Even if he didn't know what the hell was going on, he was able to relax. Even though his mind went back to being assertive when it comes to Louis, it didn't get out of control like before, thank god.
Once they left the cinema and heading to Louis' hall, Harry sat there quietly as Louis worked on his cigarette. Listening to an array of Nirvana songs as they passed numerous buildings and vehicles as rain slid down the windows.
It was then Harry he heard a faint singing voice coming from besides and it was most definitely not Kurt Cobain.
Harry's eyes snapped over to Louis who was softly singing along to Hear-Shape Box and Harry wasn't sure if he should make a comment or not. Not when he gets to hear the rare sounds of Louis' breathtakingly talented voice.
"I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks" Louis softly sang along and Harry couldn't help it when his mouth curved into a smile as he kept his eyes on his boyfriend. Wondering if maybe Louis felt comfortable around him now to belt out his beautiful voice.
However though Louis must have felt Harry's eyes on him because he snapped his mouth shut and quickly glanced towards Harry, his cheeks a shade of pink.
"You sound lovely, Lou." Harry reassured him and Louis knitted his brows together, obviously not agreeing with what Harry just said.
"I sound like shit and I didn't mean to do that, you know." Louis said in defense and Harry didn't like that. Not at all, Louis shouldn't keep putting himself down like that because Harry hates it and he hates that Louis can't see that he's so talented. That maybe he should be the lead vocals of his band instead.
"I think you need to stop putting yourself down," Harry expressed seriously. "How many times do I have to tell you you're talented before you believe me?"
Louis let out a huff as he pulled into the car park of his building and pulled into a spot closes to the building. Shutting the car off and undoing his seatbelt, Harry just sat there quietly, waiting for an answer. Wanting to know why Louis won't believe him when he says he's got a voice of an angel.
"Just because you think I'm talented doesn't mean everyone else thinks so, Harry." Louis voiced out as he messed with his fringe in the rearview mirror.
"But you don't know if they think that if you don't try, Louis."
"That's why I'm never going to figure that out because what's even the point?" Louis explained and Harry didn't like that. He hated when Louis talked down about himself when he's usually so confident about everything else. That why Harry's never going to let Louis think he's terrible something, no matter what he thinks.
"To prove yourself wrong, Lou."
Louis just shook his head and Harry frowned when Louis just got out the car, obviously this conversation was done and over with. Harry wished he could just get it through Louis' head that he wouldn't be his only fan. To get Louis to realize just how beautiful he sounds.
Maybe another time though..
Shortly after heading inside they wasted no time into changing into some more comfortable clothes, well more so Harry. Louis of course was wearing nothing but a pair of those body hugging boxers and Harry may or may not appreciate that it leaves little to the imagination.
At least this time he prepared himself and has gradually becoming used to his boyfriend sleeping half naked. Not only that but maybe it'll make the whole being assertive situation work better since Louis' like close to being pretty much in the buff once they come off.
Now Harry was sat on Louis bed as Louis turned on some tunes, volume low, and chatting about Louis' band gig. Louis of course keeps going on and on about how iconic it's going to be for them to play at Liam's party. As he's mentioned Liam always had one band play every year before summer came rolling around. Harry loves how excited Louis sounded about it all, especially when he mentioned how special it'll be as it's his last year here. Not only that but Louis also commented that he was going to have his new guitar by then. Some part of Harry thinks Louis just wants to show off his shiny new toy more so than play at the party.
Eventually the conversation steered to Harry bringing up that he thinks he may go visit Gemma one of these days. As he hasn't been to her place since July as she always just goes to Anne's instead. Louis of course made a comment about how he'd like to get to know Gemma better if she doesn't hate him still. Of course, he was joking and said maybe one of these days all their sisters and them could go do something since Harry's stuck with him.
That Harry could agree on.
The conversation tapered off and it was fairly quiet between them. Harry watched as Louis had leant over and turned on his bedside lamp before getting to his feet. The light flickering off and back and slouched back onto the bed, sitting crossed legged, eyes on Harry.
"You know if you come 'mere Harold... we can pick up where we left off." Louis suggested, licking his lips.
"Well, yeah I promised you, didn't I?" Louis teased with a smirk
Louis didn't promise anything, but Harry takes it and took a calming breath before he slowly comes towards Louis across the bed. Feeling nervous all of a sudden that this could go totally wrong and almost embarrassing because he's going to do something out of his comfort zone that he never did.
When Harry was in front of Louis his heart rate quickened as he climbed onto his boyfriend's lap, straddling him, arms going around Louis' neck, and heat inching to his cheeks. God, Harry never thought in a million years he'd be doing this, especially not with Louis is his fucking boxers.
"Someone's a little eager." Louis purred as his hands found Harry's hips.
Harry didn't say anything as he pressed his lips against Louis'.
The way Louis moved his lips against Harry's made his insides melt and the hands on him just made his whole body feel warmth all over. Especially when those hands slowly slid down to his thighs, shivering at that, and when Louis' tongue is in his mouth.
Harry mewled into the kiss as their tongues rolled together and itching to just start roaming his hands all over. However, he didn't want to do too much at once and go slowly with trying things instead as he thinks maybe it'd freak Louis out a bit.
Then again Louis seems receptive to Harry so far, so that's a good sign.
Louis, fucking Louis sucked on Harry's tongue and god that had to be the hottest thing ever. Made Harry feel shaky and a bit overwhelmed, what makes it worse is when Louis drawled Harry's bottom lip into his mouth.
The hands on his thighs slowly slid back up to his hips and then his waist, and Harry skin feels all tingly all over. He wants, no he needs Louis to just touch him, his skin and fuck it, Harry planned to be assertive and so he's going to do that already.
Harry peeled his lips away and wasted no time as he slipped his shirt off, just needing that skin to skin contact. Not only that but this has to be a hint to Louis because Harry's never shirtless around him. So maybe Louis will understand.
"Fucking hell." Louis muttered under his breath and his hands were back on Harry's waist, causing Harry to let out a small whimper at the contact. Loving Louis' hand on him and glad Louis seemed to like it too as he ran his hands down Harry's sides.
Harry licked his lips as he stared at Louis' neck, thinking about what those articles said last night about love bites. Harry definitely felt compelled right now to try, especially since Louis hasn't pushed him away yet.
So maybe this was working after all.
After a second or so Harry fluttered his eyes closed and leaned into the crook of Louis' neck, feeling the scruffiness of Louis' stubble brushes against his cheek, making him shiver. Pressing his lips down Louis' neck and Harry's starting to feel a bit dazed.
Louis let out a breathy moan and Harry thought that was the hottest fucking he's ever heard.
The hands on his waist tightened and Harry pressed a wet kiss against Louis' skin before he started to gently nibble on his neck. Itching to grind his bum against Louis, but didn't want to push too much too soon.
Harry then hooked his teeth into Louis' skin and he felt Louis flinch and let out a grunt, almost as if he were in pain.
"Babe stop, "Louis stressed and the next thing that came out of Louis' mouth as Harry unlatched from Louis neck made him feel instantly embarrassed. "You're hurting me."
Harry gnawed on his own lip as he suddenly started to regret even trying to be assertive at all.
After slowly getting off his boyfriend's lap, Harry sat beside him and folded his arms against his chest, feeling terrible. Especially when Louis rubs his neck while he cursed under his breath and Harry almost feels like the worst boyfriend in the world.
Harry glanced down to his lap, his heartbeat racing, and can't get himself to look at Louis right now. Especially not after what happened seconds ago.
Before Harry could keep agonizing over it more he felt an arm slid around his waist and lips pressed against his shoulder. "It's okay, darling." Louis cooed as caressed Harry's side. "I think it's so fucking hot that you're trying new things."
Was Louis just saying that to make Harry feel better or does he actually mean it?
"But if you were trying to give me a love bite I can show you," Louis suggested as Harry flicked his gaze to Louis. Liking the idea of Louis showing him because apparently, he did it all wrong. "I'm sure that's what you were doing, but it's nothing to feel bad about though, beginners mistake." Yeah, but Harry still felt awful that he bit into his boyfriend's neck thinking that's how you do it.
Sometimes Harry wonders why Louis is even into him as he's inexperienced and apparently had a lot to learn.
"I'd like that." Harry muttered out as the corners of Louis' lips slid upwards, the hand sliding off his waist and Louis crowding into Harry's space.
Every hair on Harry's arms raised at the closeness of their bodies, feeling Louis breath down his neck, causing him to tremble ever so slightly.
"All you do is suck on the skin for a while," Louis whispered against Harry's skin as he attached his mouth to a spot just below his jaw. Making Harry start to feel warm and tingly all over as he let out a whimper. The Louis' lips were gone and then breathed out, "It's that easy."
Well at least he finally knows how to do it and hopes Louis would let him try again.
Before Harry knew it Louis' lips were on his and an arm slid around his waist once again. Their lips moving together and Harry felt as if he was slowly being guided downward as Louis' tongue painted his mouth.
Harry whimpered into the kiss when he realized that Louis' back was against the mattress and Harry was nearly pulled onto op him. Which was fine, Harry liked this, and what he liked even more was when Louis hand on his waist ghosted down to his bum and rested it there.
They stayed like this for a while until Harry peeled their lips away and started to kiss down Louis neck once again.
Harry could feel himself starting to get hard when Louis let out a moan as Harry felt his arse being squeezed, because holy fuck that's hot. So, so, so hot that Harry felt an immense amount of pressure just building in his cock.
Then Harry picked a spot and started to suck the skin into his mouth, having an urge to just roam his hands over Louis' body, and feel every inch of him.
God, Harry wanted to so badly...
Fuck it, Harry slid his hand down Louis' chest to his toned stomach, and Harry's heart was racing when he felt the waistband of his Louis' boxers. His fingers hooking onto the elastic band, feeling as if his heart could give out at any moment because he's so, so, so close to Louis' cock.
The Harry peeled his lips away and noticed there was a dark purple mark right in the center of Louis' neck, feeling satisfied, Harry wanted to try again.
You know to like practice and such...
Harry went at it again and the way Louis groaned and the hand rubbed his bum just made Harry feel extra sensitive all over. Aching to feel some friction and wanting to explore his boyfriend's body some more.
If Harry wasn't assertive enough before, he certainly is now when he pressed a kiss to Louis' chest and downward until he got to below his navel. His mind utterly intoxicated and his finger still latched onto the band to Louis' boxers. Louis' hard cock pressing into his chest, and Harry so badly wants to touch it.
But he doesn't and latched his mouth right next to Louis' happy trail, sucking a little harder this time, but before Harry could finish Louis was moving to get off the bed. Harry laid there confused and wondering what was going on.
That is until he glanced up to Louis who's tenting in his boxers and saying he needed to use the toilet before scurrying into bathroom.
Harry eyed the door to the toilet, wondering if Louis' feeling okay, and thinking maybe Louis started not to feel so good. Afterall he more than likely still had a hangover and probably still felt sick.
As much as Harry wanted to be intimate with his boyfriend, maybe it wasn't a good night to do so.
Maybe he'll try again tomorrow, because Louis has to feel better by then, right?
Harry moved to get under the covers, taking the spot near the wall this time just in case Louis felt squeamish throughout the night, and pulling the blankets to his chest.
After sometime, Louis was still in the bathroom but Harry was tired and hoped he was okay.
The longer Harry laid there the more he wanted to get out of bed to check on his boyfriend, but didn't want to smother him. As Harry knows sometimes when you don't feel so great being smothered is the last thing you want.
However when the door to the toilet opened Harry felt relief wash over him as Louis came ambling towards the bed. Feeling heat inch to his cheek when he see's a faint purple mark on Louis' body.
"Sorry about that, felt a bit nauseous I guess." Louis mentioned as he wasted no time to crawl in the bed with Harry, his arm instantly going over Harry's waist and pulling him close. "But I do feel quite knackered now."
Well that made Harry feel better that Louis seemed to be okay even if his skin felt quite clammy and warm.
"Okay, Lou." was all Harry said to that before Louis removed his arm and moved to turn off the lamp.
Harry moved to face the wall to feel more comfortable and the corners of his lisp slid upwards when he felt an arm go around his waist, pulling him close, and a gentle pressure of Louis' lips against his shoulder.
"Goodnight, darling." Louis cooed against Harry's back and Harry's heart was fluttering.
The smallest thing this boy does to him...
"Goodnight, Lou." Harry whispered.
It didn't take Harry much longer to fall into a deep slumber after that.
Come morning, Harry was up at six and Louis' cock was pressed against his bum.
Louis' hard and he's not even up yet, Harry doesn't know what to do.
Harry has three viable options here: One, stealthy climb out of bed and change. Two, lay here and feel tortured that his boyfriends hard on is right there against him. Three, wake Louis up and be a little assertive to fix the problem.
Now, don't get Harry wrong last night was progress for him even if Louis wasn't feeling his best. Still, Harry felt quite proud of himself for even attempting to be like that because in the past anything that involved being too dominant scared the hell out of him.
Actually it still does, but he's trying.
The longer Harry laid there the more he wanted to just rub his bum right up into his boyfriend. Eager to just feel some friction between them as his mind started to go fuzzy when he kept thinking about Louis' hard cock.
For fuck sakes Harry's wanted Louis up and now.
He wanted to be kissed all over, fondled, love bites decorating his skin, and just to make Louis feel good. Harry wants to do this for him and he can't do it anymore just laying here with a dick pressed against his bum. It's made him gone a mess in his head and Harry finds himself shifting his bum back into his boy ever so slightly.
Squeezing his eyes shut as he felt hardness press into him the more he pushed back, letting out a breathy noise at the sensation, and his heart stuttering.
God, this was promiscuous for Harry and in a way it felt freeing and good, so good.
Harry slowly grinded his bum against Louis' hardness, hoping Louis would just wake up, and put his hands all over Harry.
However Louis wasn't up yet and Harry was aching in his sweats.
Then Harry just upped the ante and put even more pressure against Louis' groin. Harry could feel Louis' hard cock just rubbing into his bum with every moment. Goosepimples coating his arms and his whole body feeling weak.
After a moment or so Harry's breath hitched as he felt lips against his neck. Causing him to shiver at the sensation and his bum arched into his boy more, his lip gnawing right down as he felt his boyfriend's hand slid from his waist to the waistband of his sweatpants.
"Morning, baby." Louis whispered tiredly into Harry's neck, letting out a drowsy groan as he grinded up against Harry's bum.
Harry bit back a whimper when Louis hand slid under his sweats and started to run his hand over Harry's boxers to his thighs. Harry shivered at the contact, Louis' warm fingers caressing his leg, and the way Louis' pressing tired kisses into his neck.
"Lou." Harry whimpered out when he felt Louis marking his neck up, unable to keep himself together with his boyfriend.
Then the movements came to a stop. The hand slid out of his sweats and Louis was no longer pressed against him and Harry was confused. Especially when Louis was quick to get out of bed and Harry heard the door to the toilet slamming.
Uh.. that was odd.
Louis quickly ran off on him like last night and he's certain Louis shouldn't still be dealing with a hangover. Not only that, but every time Harry has attempted to make things hot between them Louis was always excusing himself.
Honestly it kind of makes Harry feel disappointed that Louis does that.
Is he doing it right? Or maybe doing something wrong?
Harry's clueless and feeling a bit disheartened the more he thought about it. The idea of Louis not wanting to be intimate with him makes him not feel so good because that's what it's starting to feel like.
However, maybe Harry's reading way too much into this.
Louis could just be so used to his dry spell t that sex was clearly off his mind. The again Louis' actions completely contradict that.
Ugh, Harry doesn't know what to think.
A little while later Harry was dressed and sat on Louis' bed, waiting patiently as Louis hadn't left the loo since he ran in there. Harry was a bit worried up until he heard the shower running and that's when Harry told himself to stop worrying so much. To not over analyze things as usual and just relax a little, maybe study while he can before Louis pulls his attention away.
That's what Harry did, he revised.
Well that was until Louis came waltzing out in just his boxers and running his fingers through his damp hair, and Harry couldn't take his eyes off of him.
"I feel so much fucking better now." Louis announced as he went to his wardrobe and sank down to his knees, digging through numerous garments for sometime before moving back to his feet and pulling on some black ripped trousers.
Harry glanced back down to his phone and let out a small sigh as he pocketed his phone, unsure of how to feel right now.
Especially when Louis was beside him and already has his hoodie on, zipped up (of course) and checking his phone quickly.
Harry knows it's bad to peek, but he couldn't help himself, not when Louis' phone is just right there beside him. Noticing how his contact name in Louis' phone was underneath Harold and that just made Harry wanted to shake his head... Of course Louis would do that.
"So my boy, what are your plans today?" Louis questioned as he pocketed his phone and Harry flicked his gaze towards his boyfriend, hoping Louis didn't see him peeking there for a moment. Harry doesn't want Louis to think that he doesn't trust him, because he does. It's just hard not to look when it's basically in your face.
"Well, I suppose heading to the library and focusing on my coursework." Harry answered because he really should spend his day in his books and focus on more important things than pleasure.
Yeah, that sounded like a brilliant idea actually.
Louis sighed, obviously sounding a bit disappointed that Harry had planned his day around his academics.
"You're seriously going to revise all damn day?" Louis asked incredulously and Harry nodded because it's possible. Harry's been doing this for years, studying for hours on end, and putting all his attention on his education. Like it should be.
"Uh, yeah, why wouldn't I?" Harry inquired, furrowing his brows, wondering why Louis still hadn't gotten it by now that Harry's serious about his pending career.
"Because I wanted to take you to breakfast and was thinking maybe just go to for a stroll or something before I let you go for the day." Louis mentioned and Harry did like that. He liked it a lot actually, the idea of spending his morning with his boyfriend with a breakfast date and a walk around the area.
Harry felt a hand on the small of his back before Harry said, "I think I'd love that, Lou."
"I was hoping you'd say something like that." Louis teased lightly as he pressed their lips together briefly.
Sometime after that they'd taken off and Louis had brought Harry to some cafe for breakfast. Having a nice and quiet meal between them without much to say and that was okay. They made up for that when they had went for a walk around Riverside park for a while.
And that's how Harry spent his morning.
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