It's Friday night and as much Harry abhorred parties, he's going to Liam's.
Now, Harry didn't initially want to go at all because he couldn't care less, but of course, someone persuaded him. That someone being Louis who can be a pain the arse when he wants to be. Especially about this sleazy party he's getting dragged to, apparently it's the biggest party ever. Well, that's what Louis had told him the other day when he picked Harry up from class.
"So after you pack on Friday I'll swing by and we can head to Liam's," Louis said as if Harry had already made plans with him about it. "Supposedly he's announcing who he's handing off the crown to someone and it's biggest fucking party." Ugh, so that meant it was going to be overly crowded and sweaty, great.
"Do I have to go?" Harry questioned, running his fingers through his mess of curls. "I still have things I need to pack, Lou."
Louis sighed, "But you've got to come to this one, it's important." It actually held no importance to Harry because in the coming years he's not going to anymore. "I want to have my one last hurrah with my boy, is that such a crime?"
"No I just-" Harry started but then Louis interrupted him.
"I'll help you pack, cook you your favorite meal, do a puzzle with you, blow you, kiss you all over, anything you want but please come." Louis begged off and Harry just smiled. Louis really was desperate for Harry to come to Liam's on Friday apparently and Harry didn't understand it, but how could he refuse when he was offered all that stuff?
"Hmm, I would love to see you cook so that sounds quite tempting actually." Harry stated as the car came to stop at a red light. "But I don't know... I think 'll need a little more convincing, Louis." Harry smirked as he glanced at his boyfriend who gave him a pout before his eyes back on the street.
"You're always so difficult, I swear." Louis shook his head as he pressed the accelerator, "How about this, I can cook a meal and serenade you with my guitar one of these days?" Louis sounded serious and Harry can't help but smile at the idea. "I'll be romantic and sappy so much that it makes your pants fall off." Louis snickered placing one hand on Harry's thigh. "I'll kick mum and the girls out for the evening too, have them go to a nice restaurant or something like that."
"You know don't have to do all that, Louis you've already won my heart." Harry explained as he glanced down to the hand on his legs. "But I'd love that."
"Good, so that means you're coming, right, to Liam's?"
Harry flicked his gaze back up to Louis and gave a nod, "Of course, hon."
So now Harry's about five minutes from Liam's sitting in Louis' car who's smoking and talking to Harry excitedly. Mainly because tomorrow was the last day of their term and they were going back home, it wouldn't be a lie to say Harry was excited to go back home either. He couldn't wait to just do nothing and not worry about his academics and actually have time for himself. More downtime and of course he'll keep up on his studies as usual when he's off from school related things, but not as nearly demanding as uni of course. It'll just be easier and on the upside, he'll get to see Anne.
The only downfall of it all is the fact Louis wouldn't be there to swoop in whenever he pleased or being physically with him. However, Harry has been trying his best not to think too much about that because right now he was with his boyfriend and he should be enjoying this time with him. Especially since this was Louis' last ever party at uni and he wanted Louis to have a memorable experience. Afterall he wanted Harry to be there and be with their mates, for one last party together before most of them graduate and never look back.
So, Harry ignores that lingering worry in the back of his mind and peeked a glance at his boyfriend instead. Loving the way he looked tonight in his all black attire with a few rips here and there on his skinny jeans. In fact, Harry felt a bit dressed down himself compared to his beautiful boy beside him because Harry was only wearing his typical short sleeve button up with his tight blue jeans. Now Harry could try that unbuttoning thing again, but he was kind of hiding some love bites on his chest that Louis had decorated his body with the other night. Not wanting to gain unwanted questions or looks from anyone, so he kept it buttoned.
"So, are you going to at least try a hit of a joint with me again?" Louis questioned as he ashed his cigarette out the window. Bringing the cigarette to his lips as he gave a passing glance towards Harry.
"I don't think so, Lou." and it was honest because Harry was not sure how he felt about trying pot again. "It's not a very good idea, you know... with my future."
"But it's not going to be in your system three years from now, you've got nothing to worry about," Louis explained as if Harry didn't know this already. "I'd really like to shot gun with you again, except this time I'd actually kiss you." Harry cheeks warmed up at the memory of shotgunning with Louis the first time. Feeling a bit shy because Harry was the one who said he wanted to do and how badly he wanted Louis' lips on his. "You know I've always wanted try it during sex."
Harry swallowed thickly at that because the mere idea of Louis and him sleeping together was something Harry would like to do at some point. Not right now or in a few days, but in the near future.
But, the shotgunning during so? That... Harry's not sure about that.
Then Harry glanced out the window and noticed the swarm of people in front of the all too familiar house and Harry's stomach felt a bit queasy. There were beer bottled littered about in the grass, discarded like it was yesterday's news. People laughing and drinking, clustered into small groups, and Harry's decided he's sticking to Louis' side all night.
"Man this party is going to be sick, " Louis commented offhand as he found a parking spot just a few cars down, under a streetlight. "Everyone and their fucking uncle are here tonight."
"It looks a little too crowded to me." Harry really wasn't up for being in a humid house with a slew of party goers. In fact, Harry just didn't even want to step inside because he was starting to feel smothered just by the glimpse at the front of the house. Harry thought all the parties he'd been roped into in the past were bad, but he had an inkling this one takes the cake.
Harry then felt a light hand on his shoulder, flicking his gaze onto his boyfriend who gave him a heavy nod. "I know this isn't your thing, but i'm happy you came, you know." Louis' voice was a lot softer and then his hand fell off Harry's shoulder down to his thigh. "After all it is where we first met."
"And you were a complete dickhead to me because you couldn't be patient for two minutes." Harry pointed out, a smile splayed across his face at the memory. "You wouldn't leave me the hell alone and you know what? I'm glad." Harry said honestly because it was true. As much as he loathed Louis at first he's happy they met and everything fell into place. Because Harry wouldn't be sat in this car with Louis about to head into a party, the night before the end of the term.
"Good thing I happened to waltz into your life, right?" Louis smirked, sounding a little too smug for his own good. "If it weren't for me you'd never would have been corrupted."
"I think that was your goal all along, corrupt and seduce me." Harry teased as he started to undo his seatbelt.
Louis scoffed, hand off Harry's thigh, and sound of a click of the seat belt holder came bedside Harry. "That's a very loaded assumption Harold, "
"Well, I mean you did say I wouldn't last a day in your shoes so..."
"Because I thought you were snobby as hell but intriguing and fascinating in fact." Louis explained and god Harry had forgotten Louis had said Harry was interesting yet challenging. The Louis shifted himself to face Harry and leaned in, hand back on Harry's thigh, lips brushing, and then whispered, "And fit as fuck." causing Harry to shiver as lips were against his seconds later.
Harry fluttered his eyes closed, kissing Louis back, and his heart racing. Then Louis pulled away and Harry almost frowned because he wasn't quite finished. Then Louis started to talk again, breaking the silence between them.
"But anyways, we should probably head inside," yeah, Harry didn't want to go in there, he wanted to stay out here. "Hopefully those ninnies haven't smoked it all up or else what is even the point of coming?"
"Oh you know, to spend time with your mates? Or your boyfriend that you so happened to persuade properly." Harry pointed out as he brushed some of his hair behind his ear. "I mean if I'm about to be ditched for a hit of a blunt then I'm walking home." Harry tittered and the corners of Louis' lips slid upwards, his hand off Harry's leg again.
Louis just shook his head as he opened his car door, eyes on Harry. " That's why you're going to smoke with me." yeah, Louis could keep wishing because Harry's not too sure if he wanted to try again.
After they had gotten out and headed down the pavement, Louis intertwined their fingers together, leading Harry through the slew of people crowding the walkway. Pushing past them and veering into the house, and Harry felt absolutely smothered the moment he stepped foot inside.
Wall to wall people, men and women, around their ages, chatting exuberantly, drinking (sloppily too), and dancing along to the background music of The Weeknd. It's too much and Harry had no time to react or even utter word over the noise because he was being led towards the kitchen. Bumping into people and giving them apologizing looks despite them either not caring or giving him dirty looks. Whatever though, it wasn't Harry's fault that Louis' basically pulling Harry along, a few steps ahead of him.
Once inside the kitchen, Harry's hand was let go as he followed Louis to the cooler. Seeing him grab a water bottle and handed it off to Harry, before pulling out a beer and cracking it open.
"So, what exactly are your plans tomorrow, you know other than going home." Louis questioned as he took a sip of his drink.
Harry gave a shrug because honestly he didn't have any plans other than to wait for Gemma to come get him. Only because Harry knows it probably will be quite crammed with his and Louis' stuff in his car. Also he could really just use a few hours to catch up with his sister anyways as he hasn't seen here in days.
Speaking of which reminded Harry about something.
"Make sure everything's packed, I guess." Harry answered honestly. "But uh, I need to ask you something." As much as Harry wasn't in love with the idea, Gemma's been persistent since Monday about this.
Louis looked at him curiously, lips against the rim of the bottle, taking another gulp.
"We don't have to, like, do this or anything, but Gemma insists." Harry started as he opened up his water bottle. "Um, I guess what I'm trying to say is that Gem wants us to both come stay for the night soon, you know to bond or something."
"Like sleepover?" Harry nodded and Louis smirked, "You know that doesn't sound like a bad idea, your sister is cool, and it kind of gives me an idea." Oh no, Harry doesn't even want to know. "Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if I just went to ask her in the middle of the night if she had any condoms to spare," Uh, no! That's a terrible idea. "I mean it's brilliant, if you ask me."
"Yeah, how about no?" Harry was not about to have that silly little prank happen, not after her trying to meddle into Harry's crush. This will only light a fire under her bum and probably recommend sex shops or something for them. Uh, that just makes Harry cringe.
"But it's not like we're actually going to fuck in her house or anything." But that didn't make it any better, in fact they just shouldn't.
"I just don't think it's a good idea, Lou."
Louis sighed, seemingly disappointed but whatever, Harry didn't want to do that.
Then it was silent between them for a moment as Louis took a sip of his drink. All of a sudden Harry felt a hand on the small of his back and Louis standing close.
"Do you want to go upstairs now?" Harry really would love to say no to the idea of being crammed into a small room. However, standing in a kitchen where it was unbelievably hot and sticky, drinks being spilt all over, and cheesy chat up lines some guy was using on a girl in the corner was less than appealing.
"Please." Harry said coolly, feeling the hand slid off his back and Louis taking another sip of his beer before grabbing Harry's free hand with his own and leading him out of the kitchen.
As they had gone into the crowded living area, Harry's toes kept getting stepped on from careless revelers not minding where they were stepping. Music thumping through the room making Harry unable to hear anything if Louis had said anything to him. Noticing numerous people dancing quite risque with each other, two girls looked like they were bickering by the bookshelf, and couples snogging on the couches or against the wall. Harry just shakes his head at that and is just glad Louis and him aren't that type of couple to put on a show for the whole population of university to see.
When they were led up the stairwell Harry felt a little relieved as he no longer felt encased in a small area. Yet, the heavy stench of marijuana was still something Harry couldn't get past, no matter how many times he's endured it.
Right as they stepped into the room his wrist was let go and Louis was greeted by the lads, telling him they've been waiting for him to finally show up, and even making a comment how cute it was he brought his boyfriend. Obviously joking and having a laugh, which Harry didn't find all that funny.
Louis waved them off and told them all to fuck off and then glanced at Harry, giving him a small smile, and then went towards the empty space beside Zayn and Niall.
Harry just kept to himself and stood next to Louis, unsure of what to really do with himself standing here. Niall was far too busy taking hits of a joint that was being passed and joking with some of the guys. Louis and Zayn were talking and Harry heard that Nick was with Ed as they were running late.
The longer Harry stayed where he was the more bored and tired he got. Not liking that no one had even said a word to him or the fact his supposed best mate, Niall hadn't even came over to keep him company while they're boyfriends got stoned together. But of course not as Niall was getting high himself, having a good ol' time with stoners, like he had been friends with them for years. It's quite frustrating because in a way Harry feel a bit jealous, none of these blokes had never tried to get to know him. Talk to him at all for the matter, just bantered with Louis about having a boyfriend and that's it. It's quite unfair honestly and sure maybe Harry has a hard time making friends, but it'd be nice to be acknowledged at least.
Harry heaved a sigh, glancing around the room for a moment, gnawing on his bottom lip. Louis' laughing boisterously at something someone said, taking a hit of the blunt when it was passed to him, and then sipping on his beer. Honestly Harry sort of wanted a little bit of his boy's attention him instead of that stupid drink in his hand or that smelly shit he was smoking. Harry just needed some sort of affection to make himself feel a little less alone.
So, Harry moved slightly behind Louis' and ghosted his right hand up Louis' arm, and resting it there on his bicep, and intertwined his fingers with Louis' his other hand, feeling the corners of his lips sliding upwards when Louis curled his fingers, locking them in place. When Louis glanced at him with a small smile Harry's heart fluttered.
"Love you." Louis muttered out tenderly before turning his attention back onto the conversation happening. Whatever that was because Harry wasn't really listening, not to the details at least.
Time seemed to slow down as Harry stood there quietly and bored of his mind. Noticing at some point Ed and Nick had shown up but were already taken by illicit drugs being done. Everyone seemed to be having a fun time losing brain cells and causing a raucous of laughter whenever said something witty and sarcastic. In a way, Harry felt left out because he'd love to just join in and have a grand time.
And yet, He can't. Not when he isn't given the time of day.
Soon, Harry couldn't stand it anymore and needed to say something to Louis who was downing the rest of his beer. "I think I'm going to go step out in the garden for a bit, okay?" Harry mentioned and Louis gave him a confused look as Harry hands left his boyfriend. "You can stay and hang with your mates if you want, I'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Y-" Harry was about to say until he was interrupted by someone over taking him, to Louis of course. Being absolutely rude and obnoxious.
"Awe, can't take anymore smoke, huh?" The guy across from them commented rudely, making Harry's blood boil. "Go on Louis, you should keep your needy boyfriend company." That was totally uncalled for and Harry frowned, shaking his head, and leaving the room. Not even wanting to hear the rest of that and the fact that the room erupted in laughter.
Harry couldn't believe how incredibly rude that comment was and how much more it hurt that Louis didn't even come following after him.
By the time Harry had went downstairs and stepped out onto the patio he found himself on an empty bench that had red solo cups littered on it, cigarettes discarded on the ground, and an opened beer bottle on the armrest. Harry cleared off a spot and sat there quietly, crossing his legs as he pulled out his phone.
He saw that he received a text from Louis asking him to come back and that Sean (apparently that's the pricks name) is a twat and not to mind him. Harry just ignored it and scrolled through his phone to keep himself busy, not wanting to even think about that stunt that happened upstairs. Also quite upset that Louis just brushed it off and acted like it was no big deal. Honestly Harry felt like crying and yes he knows that sounds so incredibly stupid, but it basically confirms he's needy.
Like he's not that needy... right?
Harry just sighed, not really wanting to think about anymore because it was infuriating and just kept his focus on his phone, checking his social media stuff. Mindlessly trying to find something interesting to read or look at, but nothing struck his fancy. A gust of wind blew past him, making some of his hair go in his face, he tucked it behind his ear.
He heard the sliding door open, and Niall came walking out. Not exactly who Harry was hoping it'd be, but at least someone come to keep him company.
"Don't worry about what that guy said, H," Niall mentioned as he took a seat next to Harry. "He's made numerous comments about Zayn and me in the past, so don't take it to heart, okay?" but that's easy for Niall to say. Harry's the sensitive type, so that's quite hard to do. "Louis was pretty ticked off after that." And yet he didn't come to reassure Harry that Sean was wrong?
Harry glanced back down to his phone before pocketing it, "And yet he's too busy getting high to defend me?" Harry hated that he felt so worked up over this but couldn't help himself.
Niall shook his head, "No, actually after you left he ripped that guy a new one, I swear." He sounded serious as he continued, "Louis may be a bit small, but he can be intimidating when he wants to be."
Harry nearly laughed at that because if Louis caught wind of Niall calling him short then he'd definitely be cross with Niall.
Harry heaved a sigh, flicking his gaze back up to Niall. "Still, it would have been nice to have my boyfriend defend me. I don't want everyone to think I'm needy and dependant on him." Harry stressed as he crossed his arms. Niall then put his hand on Harry's shoulder and patted it briefly before dropping his hand off Harry's shoulder.
"That guy is just jealous because he doesn't have anyone and so what if you love spending time with your boy, it's not a crime, Harry." Niall said, and sure Niall had a point, a very slight one. "Trust me, he knows shit about you and Louis' relationship, he's just being a dick to impress the masses."
"But it was still mean, though."
"I know, but Louis' so good for you, H. Like damn, I've never seen you this happy before, like ever. Well other than when you get good grades, but nothing as intense when Louis came waltzing into your life."
Niall wasn't wrong about that.
"You've put your heart on a line for him because you were so scared he loved someone else, when really he had feelings for you this whole time. Louis' a great boyfriend to you and he's everything I always hoped for you to have."
"You've always deserved a prince charming and it's nice to see you've found him."
Harry's heart warmed at that because it was incredibly sweet, his best mate had always wanted Harry to find happiness. Someone that Harry could spend the rest of his life with and wouldn't break his heart. Harry had always wanted that for Niall too instead of always ending up with the wrong guy.
Harry couldn't ask for a better bestfriend.
"Thanks, Niall." Harry gave him a small smile.
Niall gave an understanding nod before silence in the air took over between them and Harry didn't know what to really say now. Unsure how he still feels about the incident upstairs and Louis not coming to cheer him up.
But then the silence was gone and Niall started to talk again, "You know our boys are graduating soon and I've talked to Zayn about our plans." Oh right, Harry had almost forgotten about graduation. That lingering worry that was in the back of mind now settling in the pit of his stomach at the mere mention of it and Harry doesn't like it, not one bit.
"Yeah?" Harry wanted to know what exactly Niall and Zayn talked about, because after all Zayn will be thriving with his career in fashion and Niall will be here at Uni for the next few years. Harry needed to figure it out because he's in the same boat as them with Louis.
"Well I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but every week we've decided to stay at each other parents until September when Zayn moves in with Louis." Uh, what? Harry just stared at Niall perplexed because he didn't quite understand. "Oh don't give me that look, one week I'll stay at his parents and then next mine."
"Isn't that like excessive though? You'll always be together." Harry knows he sounded absolutely stupid because Niall and Zayn are together 24/7 anyways. "I mean you sure your parents won't mind?"
Niall shook his head, "Harry, we've already asked our parents, they don't care." Harry is sure that if he attempted to ask his own mum she would be quite upset for him to be gone so much. "Besides, I'd rather spend as much time as I can with him while he's free."
"Free?" Niall sounded as if Zayn was going prison.
"Yes, free. He's going to be finding a job in September, Harry. Do you realize just how busy he'll be with his fashion stuff once he finds something?"
"I understand that he'll be busy because hello? Louis will be too, Niall!" Harry pointed out because he'll be in the same boat, except he won't be seeing Louis for weeks on end.
Niall sighed, "Yeah, but think of this way, H. They'll be in Doncaster while we'll be down here for most of the year, do you realize how many miles that'll be?" Harry really didn't want to think about this. "So that's why I want to spend as much time with him while the distance will be easy."
That's great for Niall, he had everything sorted out and confident in his relationships future. Here's Harry unsure and his stomach quite a mess because he's feeling unsettled now that the whole graduation this is brought back to light. Great... just great.
"But I think we'll be okay." Niall added sounding confident and Harry wished he could say the same.
Soon, the sliding door opened once again and Louis came waltzing out, coming over towards them, his eyes on Harry with a soft smile, and then flicking his gaze to Niall. Harry watched the way Louis gave a nod to Niall, gesturing towards the door. Niall giving Harry one last pat on the shoulder before he mentioned he'd catch him later and heading inside moments later.
Louis claimed the spot beside Harry, his arm moving to rest against the ledge of the bench, and his eyes back on Harry.
"Sean's an idiot," Louis broke the silence between them. "He's lucky I didn't punch him in the face." Harry bit back his smile at the idea of Louis actually punching the guy. As much as violence didn't sit so well with Harry, it'd just be a funny thought.
"It's fine, Lou." Honestly it wasn't because Harry was still quite upset, but he didn't want to ruin Louis' night all because he's being overly sensitive about what happened.
Louis furrowed his brows and shook his head, "You're upset, so don't lie about it, Harry." Of fucking course Louis could see right through him. As always. "What he said was totally uncalled for and I was shocked he had the balls to say that."
Harry gnawed on his lip, unsure of what to really say honestly. Should he tell Louis he's not only upset with Sean, but also with Louis too? Or should he just forget about and tell Louis to just let it go. Harry didn't know...
"But I did tell him off, so he knows never to make those kinds of comments again." Louis explained smugly, his arm now around Harry's shoulder, and Louis pulling him close. Pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek, "I don't like to see you sad or upset, makes me want to raise hell on anyone that caused it."
"Yeah?" Harry finally muttered out and Louis gave a reassuring nod.
"Yeah." Louis cooed as Harry moved to nuzzle his face into the crook of Louis neck, wanting a cuddle. Fingers caressing his shoulder and Harry feels content, a slow and steady breath leaves his lips as took in the mix of scents that lingered on Louis' skin.
All Harry wanted was to feel close to him.
They sit in silence for a while, Harry's got a hand in his hair toying with his curls, and Harry's arm now around Louis' waist. Enjoying the tender moment for a while, not minding the muffled music thumping from the house or the sound of cars speeding down the street.
Unfortunately, their moment of quiet was interrupted as a slew of smokers decided to come keep them company, filling in the silence with their small talk while exhaling smoke into the night air.
Louis ended up telling Harry maybe they should go somewhere a little more secluded and Harry had moved to look at Louis. Wondering what exactly would be deemed secluded in that overly crowded house. Not even getting a chance to ask as Louis grabbed his hand and started leading him inside the house.
Two minutes later, and Harry was led into the spare room that brought back some memories. It's a little less crowded this time and only had maybe about six boxes. The dimness of the lightning still awful as before, Harry wondered if the room had already been used. However, Harry still thought this room was off limits but of course Louis had different thoughts.
Suddenly, Louis pulled him down into a hard kiss. A hand pressed flat against his hip and the other cupping his cheek, and Harry's own found them on his boyfriend's shoulders.
Their lips glide together effortlessly, Harry's heart was pumping erratically, tongue pressed into his mouth without warning, and being blindly led backwards. Bumping into a few boxes until his back met the wall, Louis was sucking on his tongue, and the hand on his cheek was now pressed firmly on his side, Harry couldn't help the small noises to escape his lips when Louis tugged on his bottom lip.
Harry's nerve endings tingled when he felt Louis' hips meet his, pushing up and causing a whimper to escape into Louis' mouth.
He still felt a little worry to being walked in but his mind was too much in daze unable to pull away. Not wanting to feel the strong dainty hands gone from his body or closeness of the boy that makes his heartbeat like a drum.
Louis' on his neck, slick, wet kisses pressed against his skin, and Harry's whole body felt on fire.
"So glad you're mine," Louis breathed against his neck before he latched his lips against his flesh. Decorating his neck with love bites while Harry whined at the sensation, needing more, and wanting Louis' hands to start roaming his body. Harry just wanted Louis to never stop. "I love you so fucking much." Louis nearly made Harry's chest cave in and tears well up behind his eyes because he does too. But the searing press of Louis' lips didn't let it happen, laboured breaths and whimpers took over.
The gentle press of lips against every mark left made Harry winced at the tenderness. His breathing evened out as soft kisses went across his jaw until they met his lips. Moving their lips slowly together for a moment before Louis pulled away.
Harry's eyes fluttered open, Louis slid his tongue over his bottom lip, and Harry for a moment didn't want to stop kissing. He loved the way Louis presses his lips against his and the way it makes Harry melt.
"Do you want to ditch soon?" Louis asked and Harry nodded without hesitation. Louis' lips curved into a smile, "Why do I even ask?" Louis snickered before he added, "But we can take off in an hour or so, okay?"
"That's fine, Lou." Harry muttered out softly, feeling the hands disappear from his body, and Louis taking a step back. "But uh, I don't want to like, ruin your last party here." Harry truly didn't want to take away from Louis' experience here at uni, no matter how much he loathed these type of things. "So we can stay longer if you want." but Louis was already shutting that down.
"As long as I have you beside me I couldn't care less to be here all night, I'd rather be alone with you instead." Louis said and Harry's heart felt full. It was a compliment coming from his boyfriend that spending time with Harry more than likely doing nothing was better than a social gathering. It's almost mind blowing because Louis' always been overly enthusiastic about parties and celebrations.
Louis gave a nod, "Of course, darling."
Soon, they ended up leaving the spare room and headed back downstairs as Louis needed another drink. Which Harry had made sure it was either water or punch even though Louis may have pouted about it, Harry didn't want to risk their lives on the road.
Eventually, Zayn and Niall had come to keep them company, saying that Nick had kicked everyone out of the room upstairs because he was apparently going to hook up with a guy. Which Harry doesn't even want the details spared to him at all despite Louis asking who it was. Harry just kept his comments to himself as a small smile came to his lips when he felt a hand on the small of his back.
At some point, Niall and Zayn had went off to be in their own little world, leaving Harry to be led to the stairs, because apparently Louis wanted to go sit even though every seat was taken. So, that's where they sat and Harry felt a little bad because Louis decided to be the one to get bumped into by passerbyers.
Louis told Harry that Liam should be making his announcement soon of who's going to be taking over the parties, but Harry could care less. It's not like he's planning on stopping by next year to see how things compare.
But, Harry just let Louis go on, explaining that parties are what made most of his experience here at uni. Stating that he may have gotten a sleazy reputation but at least he enjoyed himself. Also adding in that he had some of the best memories since he's been here and Harry couldn't help but smile. It was nice to hear Louis talk about this kind of stuff, the fact he didn't regret a thing and just lived life to the fullest. Still, Harry thought Louis should have went with his heart instead of going for the major that'll get him a decent career.
Because in the end, Harry would support him no matter what he chose.
They sit there for a while, Louis chatting his ear off about how he was glad to finally be done after all this time. Throwing in that at one point in his second year he almost thought about dropping out because he wasn't so sure if this was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Yet, he didn't want to disappoint his mum so he continued. All that just made Harry feel sad and wanting to reassure Louis that no matter what he would have decided his mum wouldn't have felt that way.
But Harry didn't say that and kept his comments to himself because he knew no matter how much he tried to reassure Louis, he'd get shut down.
Silence took over and Harry glanced around the living room. Still feeling quite smothered as it was packed and quite hot. His eyes landing on various couples almost shagging on the couches and chairs, shaking his head because Harry thinks they need to all get a room. Eventually noticing a girl throwing her drink all over some guy because he touched her bum and Harry may have smiled a little at that.
"Do you wanna meet me in the car?" Louis broke the quietness between them, Harry's eyes fallen back on his boyfriend who was looking at him curiously.
"But don't you wanna hear who Liam's handing off the crown too?" Harry thought that's what Louis was wanting to stay around for.
Louis shook his head, "Nah, not really, would much rather be alone with you instead." Harry's heart warmed up at that. "Besides, Niall and Zayn took off, Ed's probably too busy trying to find a good fuck, and Nick's god knows where." Well, Louis did make a fair point. "And I know for a fact you already have your heart set on no more parties anyways."
"You sure?" Harry asked and Louis nodded, reaching into his pocket, and then handing Harry his keys.
"I just need to go have a chat with a mate real quick, so I shouldn't be too long, okay?" Harry wondered why Louis didn't ask him to come with but whatever, Harry didn't ask as Louis leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips before leaving him alone on the steps, disappearing into the crowd of people in the living room.
Harry just heaved a sigh as he moved from the stairs, pushing past people, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible. Swatting away grabby hands, and ignoring people trying to chat him. Happy once he made his way outside and was able to make it Louis' car without any hassle.
Harry sat in Louis' car for what felt like forever, feeling bored and tired of waiting around in the quietness of the car. Finally, Louis showed up thankfully.
"So you know that thing I asked you earlier?" Louis began as he started the car, but remained parked, and Harry was a little lost.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked curiously because he'd liked to know what exactly it was Louis had asked because he can't remember for the life of him.
Louis smirked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic baggie.
Oh god, Louis wanted to get high with him.
"We're going to proper shotgun this time, managed to convince my friend to hand me a blunt over." Louis sounded too smug and Harry felt as almost this was some drug dealer stuff.
"In your car?" Harry asked incredulously, his eyes still on the baggie that was now stuffed back into his pocket.
Louis sighed, "Yes in my car, but not until we're back at your building, and I promise after we shotgun I'll put it out." Hmm, Harry would have to see that to believe it. "That's if you want to do it with me, as I'd really like to with you."
Harry wasn't sure how he felt about trying pot again, especially since he'd be going home tomorrow. There a chance he may smell like that shit for days, but then again at the same time a small, a very tiny part of Harry was telling himself to let loose one more time.
"Uh," Harry started as he flicked his gaze upwards, scratching the back of his neck. Louis was staring at him hopefully, batting his eyelashes and fuck, Harry couldn't deny that look Louis was giving him.
After all this was Louis' one last hurrah as he put it, so maybe a hit or two wouldn't hurt.
"Okay, we can do that I suppose."
"You sure?" Louis questioned as put his seatbelt on.
Harry nodded because he was or else he wouldn't have agreed now, would he?
Louis just smirked as he turned up the radio, and didn't say another word.
Soon, they were in Bencraft hall's car park, sitting in silence with the windows cracked, and various The Smashing Pumpkins songs playing softly in the background. Harry had watched as Louis pulled out the baggie and lighter, feeling a little unsettle about smoking outside his hall. Hoping the smell wouldn't linger because the last thing Harry wants to happen is to be found out he did illicit drugs on campus.
"Time to let loose, Harold." Louis said almost a little too excitedly as he lit up the blunt and took a drag. Harry watched the smoke leave his lips before he brought it over towards Harry, smoke traveling right into his face.
"Take a hit with me and then we can shotgun." Louis explained as Harry took it from Louis' fingers.
Harry looked at Louis as he brought it to his lips, inhaling until it felt right, and noticing the smirk across his boyfriend's face as he exhaled. Almost looking to smug for his own good because he got Harry to smoke with him again.
"You know, I thought it was fucking hot when you smoked with me." Louis commented, taking another drag. "Love it when you rebel, turns me on." Louis then handed it back to Harry, his tongue gliding across his lip. "One more time?" Louis asked, his eyes on Harry's lips. Harry couldn't help but nod because what's one more hit?
Harry took it from Louis' finger, "Does it really though?" Harry asked as Harry took a another hit and then handed it back to Louis whose eyes were still on Harry's lips.
"I mean don't get me wrong I love how morally good you are," Louis started as he took another drag, exhaling the smoke from his lips. "But it's times when you try new things fuck, it gets me going." Well that's one way to get his boyfriend in the mood, isn't it?
"Yeah?" Harry asked as Louis moved to face him a little in his seat, leaning over a little more.
"Yeah, just wait till we in your dorm." Louis winked and Harry's heart started to race at the thought. "And now we shot gun, remember to inhale when I blow out." Louis reminded as he brought the joint to his lips once again.
And Harry did as Louis said when the blunt was gone from his mouth and leaned in close. Harry inhaled the smoke and before he could process anything else lips were against his. Louis' kissing him soft and slow before his tongue dipped lazily into Harry's mouth, and Harry's heart was thumping.
When Louis pulled away, creating some distance between them Harry almost crawled over the center console into Louis' lap to snog his face off. However, he refrained himself as that'd be a real challenge of the day and someone could come waltzing past Louis' car. Thinking Louis and Harry are doing obscenities while getting high so no thank you.
Harry watched as Louis in his travel ashtray before storing back in the baggie and tucking into his pocket.
"I kept my promise, did I not?" Louis asked teasingly as he moved to put his seatbelt on.
"Okay so you kept one promise, big deal." Harry snickered when Louis rolled his eyes, but his smile across his face gave away the light playfulness.
"So rude sometimes I swear." Louis quipped with a snicker, cutting the engine off.
Once inside Harry's dorm, Harry hadn't even gotten a chance to lock his door as Louis was already all over him. Sloppily kissing him, hands splayed against his back, and their tongues running wild. Harry's hands cradling Louis' face and their bodies pressed flush together, slowly moving backwards.
Feeling Louis' hands slowly sliding down his backside until they reached his bum, squeezing, holding all of Harry in his hands. Harry whimpered against his boyfriend's lips when they suddenly stopped moving and Louis' hips rutted against his. Causing him to shiver and his heart to speed up erratically because holy shit, Louis wasn't kidding around.
Harry whined when Louis sucked and nibbled on his bottom lip for a moment before Lous led him down onto the bed. Harry's on top of Louis, straddling him, Louis' hands still on his arse while he dipped his tongue back into Harry's mouth. Painting his mouth and Harry's already starting to feel even hazier than before.
Trembling when he feels Louis' hands move back up to his hips until then slid down inside his trousers under his boxers, whimpering at the contact. Fingers kneading into his bum and slowly sliding over the curve of his ass, rubbing tenderly. Harry's breathing harder and his jeans starting to become uncomfortably tight.
Harry pulled away from the kiss, "Louis," Harry breathed out as he started to kiss along Harry's jawline. Feeling fingers ghost over his hole and it drove Harry mad. Louis' just rubbing his fingers right there and Harry's cock was pulsating in his pants.
"Yes baby?" Louis asked silkily as he kissed wetly down Harry's throat.
Harry's breath hitched when Louis pressed his fingers against his hole teasingly. Lips latching to his throat and and the hand on his bum clawing into his skin.
"Touch me... please." He whimpered out when the fingers started to caress against the rim. Aching for Louis to do something because Harry's mind was a fucking mess and his dick painfully hard. Pressing up against his jeans, begging to be released.
Harry shivered when he felt Louis pressing a featherlight kiss after the mark he left. His breath hot against Harry's skin and his hands gone from his trousers. Suddenly feeling himself being flipped around and his back flat against the bed. Feeling a warm body hovering over him and his lamp being switched on, light filling the small space. Louis leaned down and captured Harry's lips with his own before crawling off the bed.
Harry laid there watching his boy curiously. Seeing him undress to his impossibly tight boxers makes Harry's toes curl. The outline of his hard cock staring back at Harry which made him bite back a whine when Louis palms himself through his pants. Needing Louis to cut that out and come here and do something, anything with him.
Louis moved back onto the bed, wedging himself between Harry's legs. Arms bracing on either side and dipping his head down and claiming Harry's lips. Kissing him sensually yet slowly, and Harry felt a hand on his chest slowly, very slowly sliding down his waist to the hem of his top and the waistband to his jeans. Feeling goose pimples spread across his body at the feeling of Louis' fingers curling into the fabric of his top.
After the kiss broke, Louis placed a kiss on the side of his neck before he whispered sinfully, "I wanna make you feel so fucking good." Harry let a tiny sound escape his mouth as Louis breathed into his ear. His shirt being slowly pushed up over his stomach, cool air hitting his skin. "Make it a night to remember."
Louis' mouthing wetly at his neck again before he moved back to help Harry out of his top, discarding it to the ground before he started to work on Harry's jeans, undoing them quickly and glancing at Harry through his lashes, a mischievous smirk across his face. With one swift movement Louis had pulled off Harry's jeans and tossed them to the floor as well, leaning back down in for a kiss, coaxing his tongue back into Harry's mouth and Harry felt Louis' touch on his side, sliding along his body, making Harry feel on edge. Kissing like that for a while until Louis' hand ghosted back up to his chest, running his fingers to his overly sensitive nipples. Making Harry groan as it went straight to his throbbing hard on.
Then Harry felt lips peel away from him, breath tickling his lips, before his bottom lip was being sucked on gently. Harry's not exactly sure how much longer he can stand this because he was aching to just do stuff already.
So Harry just reached down and palmed Louis through his boxers, needing to feel him. Wanting to make Louis feel good too. Hearing Louis let out a small moan against Harry's lips was enough for Harry to start wanking Louis through his boxers because fucking hell, he needed to do something, anything.
"Fuck, you're so eager tonight." Louis husked against his lips before he started to kiss down his neck once again to his chest, pushing Harry's hand away. Harry pouted as he watched Louis leaving a trail of gentle steamy kisses down his stomach, wincing when he felt sudden pain below his navel, and gnawing on his lip when the area was kissed. Harry's heart was pounding hard as laid there and seen Louis' fingers hook around the waistband to his boxers, pulling them off Harry's body, his cock springing out against his stomach.
Harry gnawed on his bottom lip as he felt a kiss against his thigh and a hand sliding over his hip. Louis' eyes trailing up his body as he moved to pull off his own pants and Harry's mouth waters at the sight of Louis' hardness, needing to wrap his hands around him again.
Louis' moved back up to his lips, dipping his tongue into Harry's mouth without warning, massaging their tongues together, and Harry moaned into his mouth. The friction suddenly against his lap when Louis rolled his hips made him quiver in pleasure. Kissing back Louis needily, fingers clawing down Louis' back, and hips grinding into him.
And it feels so good that Harry doesn't even want to stop.
When Louis stopped kissing him, his breath hot against his skin as he thrusted against him, Harry could feel Louis' skin starting to get tacky and warm. His laboured breathing and soft noises is music to Harry's ears and the kisses pressed against his shoulder made Harry scratch harder.
"I want to try something new with you," Louis groaned out as he rolled his hips harder, making a moan escape Harry's mouth. "Wanna eat you out." Harry's breath hitched at those words, heels digging into the mattress.
Harry let out breathy noises when Louis pressed his groin down harder into him, Louis' hair brushing against his cheek making him shiver, and the idea of Louis doing something so intimate was just so overwhelming.
"Would you like that?" Louis asked tenderly, as he pressed a wet kiss to Harry's shoulder.
"Please." Harry whimpered desperately as he felt the weight on his body gone and a hand on his hip. Harry's eyes fluttered open to witness Louis' hungry eyes on him which made him shivered down his spine.
"Roll over, darling." Louis didn't even give him a chance to move on his own because he was already helping him to move onto his stomach. He rested his head against his arms and waited unsure of what would come next.
He knew exactly what Louis wanting to do as he's seen it in a porn once, but they've never tried this before. Well at least Harry hadn't.
He let out a breath when he felt a press of the lips against his neck. Body against his and the feeling of Louis' hardness pushed against his bum had Harry' toes curling at the feeling. Hands pressed down into mattress on either side of him and the slick, wet press of his boyfriend's lips against his skin was just so erotic.
"Tell me to stop if it's too much for you." Louis whispered into his ear before left concupiscent kisses down his back to his arse. Sucking a dark purple mark onto his cheek, causing Harry to shudder at the feeling.
Soon, the lips were gone and Louis' hands sliding over the curves of his ass. Harry nearly lost his breath when he felt the scratchiness of Louis' facial hair against his skin and a tongue sliding over his hole. Harry didn't know what to make of it at first because it was definitely a new feeling, but to say it didn't make his entire body tingle would be a lie.
The way Louis dipped his tongue and teasingly slid over Harry's rim had him letting out small breathy noises, feeling a buzzing feeling in the pit of his stomach. Harry couldn't hold himself back when he pushed back into Louis' face, squirming slightly, his fingers curling into the sheets. Knuckles turning a shade of white as an overbearing amount of pleasure washed over him, moans escaping his lips as Louis flicked his tongue repeatedly against him.
"Louis... Lou," Harry whined out in ecstasy as Louis' tongue sinfully did things to him. Feeling himself becoming increasingly wet and the room starting to feel absolutely scorching.
It was one hundred percent overwhelming and had Harry feeling as if he was almost paralyzed from the waist down. Mewling when he felt Louis' fingers caressing the area below where he was licking, making Harry's cock be on fire, nearly sending him over the edge as it tingled like crazy. Fingers twisting harder into the sheets and letting out a series of moans as Louis continued to wreck him with his skilled tongue and fingers.
Harry's toes curled as Louis pressed his tongue into him, aching to rub his painfully hard cock against the bed for relief as the feeling of needing to come had been lingering. But not wanting to move because he didn't want Louis to stop.
His legs started to feel shaky and his arms felt as if they were about to go numb, loud moans escaping his lips, not even caring if anyone in the room over could hear him. Harry's senses of reality were gone and all he could do was lay here with absolutely no control of himself. The feeling just made Harry writhed in pleasure.
For a moment Harry felt like he was about to pass out when an an immense amount of warmth coursed through his bottom half. The way Louis pressed his face into him more and tongue's at his rim heavenly had Harry in fits of sobs.
Almost letting out a whimper when Louis stops for a moment and the fingers gone only to feel a hand slide back over his bum, He almost lost his breath when he feels a fingers slide over his slick hole.
"You're doing so good baby." Louis groaned out as Harry felt the fingers push slightly against his sensitive hole, his face contorting and his mouth agape. Shivering when he feels the fingers one again gone only to be replaced with Louis' hand cupping his bum.
Biting down harshly on his bottom lip when Louis' tongue is back on him again.
Harry can feel the way Louis was working him open, it's hot, wet, and wiggling deeper than before. It made Harry tremble breathlessly when Louis' tongue thrusts into him and holy shit, Harry's not sure how much longer he can hold himself together.
The way Louis swirled his tongue around inside of him sent spikes of pleasure up his spine and Harry knew in that moment he couldn't stop it.
"Louis." Harry moaned out as he fisted the sheets harder, toes curling into the mattress, and his body convulsed. He came as Louis' tongue continued being delightful against him, the hand cradling his arse was too much for Harry right now.
His body trembled from the aftershocks of it all, breathless, he was unable to move. He felt Louis' pull away from him and all Harry could hear was slapping noises and heavy breathing.
Harry's fingers slowly uncurled from the blankets as he slowly came back to his senses, laboured breaths leaving his lips, and his eyes fluttered open. Feeling blissful and relaxed laying here for a moment as he felt Louis moving off the bed after Harry's name escaped his lips in a moan. Harry hadn't the energy to flip around and see where his boyfriend was going, too fatigued. Just laying there blinking up at the alarm clock to see it was nearing midnight.
"it's pretty fucking hot that you came untouched babe," Louis commented, sounding absolutely smug as he padded towards the bed, crawling over Harry, and stealing the spot beside him. "I honestly haven't had someone do that before with me." Harry's cheeks warmed up as he slowly moved to his side to face his boyfriend. His skin had a sheen of sweat across it, his hair pushed back, and Harry can't help but think how breathtakingly beautiful his boy is like that.
"Here." was all Louis muttered out as he wiped Harry clean with the washcloth he had in his hand before tossing it to the floor. Harry then felt a heavy blanket being pulled over them and Louis' hand on his hip as they laid there staring at each other tenderly.
"You haven't?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head, and Harry knew these sheets would have to be thrown in the wash tomorrow.
"It got me off that's for sure." Louis smirked as Harry felt fingers starting to caress against his skin. "But you know what? I'm happy you trusted me enough to do that for you." Harry scooted closer towards his boyfriend, wanting to be near him. "I feel a little more close to you."
"Me too." Harry whispered honestly as he felt lips press softly against his forehead and Louis' hand sliding up to his waist, pulling Harry's against his body, arm draped over his waist. Making Harry felt warm, safe, and content in his boyfriend's arms. Their faces were so close that Harry could feel the hotness of Louis' breath tickling against his lips.
It fell silent between them for a moment, Harry's mind wandered him and he remembered the conversation he had with Niall earlier. Knowing that after tonight it's up in the air on what could happen and Harry didn't want that. He needed to know they'll be alright, to have that reassurance that Louis wasn't going anywhere. Harry could feel the gut wrenching worry making itself known and uncertainty coursing through his veins.
"Louis, can I ask you something?" Harry finally broke the quietness between them, feeling the quiver in his stomach.
Louis raised his brows as his eyes focused on Harry's. "What's up?" his tone was soft and soothing to Harry's ears.
Harry gnawed on his bottom lip for a moment as he flicked his gaze down towards his pillow, almost too terrified to even ask the question. But if he doesn't get on with it, he'll never know what will be in their cards and Harry doesn't want that to happen. Not at all.
After taking a deep breath, he slowly gazed back up to his boyfriend. "Will we be okay?" Harry asked, seeing the way Louis furrowed his brows for a moment made Harry unsure how to feel.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Niall and Zayn have already made these amazing plans together since their timetables will be conflicting next year. And I just thought that... I don't know it's stupid anyways." Harry said timidly, feeling a bit apprehensive suddenly.
"Harry... darling, " Louis started, the arm gone from Harry's waist, and he could feel a palm against his cheek, thumb sliding across his cheek affectionately. "I don't know what even brought this on, but everything will be fine, I promise you that."
Hopefully, Louis was right...
"I'm not jumping off the face of the earth if that's what you're scared of, I'm not going anywhere." Louis continued to reassure him and in a way it worked, it soothed the consistent worry that's been there in the back of his mind for days.
A small smile came to Harry's lips as Louis' thumb caressed his cheek, "Promise?" Harry muttered out hopefully.
It's the second week into summer holiday and Harry's sat on his bedroom floor working on that cat puzzle he'd never finished as Louis talked his ear off over the phone. Keeping Harry on the line for the past hour and he still hadn't run out of things to tell Harry. Of course, Harry just listened and commented whenever it was necessary.
Louis' been gabbing about his band and their first gig of the summer. Explaining that since he's been home he would been going to practice more often since they all had more free time. However, Harry can hear a bit of tension in Louis' voice when he spoke about it. But maybe Harry was listening too closely.
"Mhmm." Harry hummed out as he skimmed through the pile of pieces. This is how it's been since he's come home, spending majority of his nights glued to his phone. Listening to the sound of Louis' voice as he talked aimlessly about anything that came to his mind. Harry didn't mind though as it compensated for the fact he hadn't seen Louis since he graduated.
So Harry takes what he can get for now as they've been enjoying time at home. Even if a small part of Harry missed seeing Louis on a daily basis. Okay... maybe a massive part of Harry missed Louis, but can you blame him?
They have spent most of their days together for nearly a year and now to have that ripped away it's like something was missing.
"Anyways enough about me, what are you up to, Harold?" Louis asked as Harry found a matching piece and connected it to the perimeter.
"Working on a puzzle, you know actually keeping my mind active during this time off unlike someone I know." Harry said with a hint of playfulness. Biting back a smile when he heard Louis let out a dwindling sigh, as if he wasn't expecting anything less. "Don't you sigh at me, Lou because we both know it's true."
"Yeah, but I'm done with uni for good so what's the point of keeping my brain active?"
Harry shook his head as he looked through the pile once more. "Oh you know, since you're planning to get a job in September, you may want to retain enough knowledge as possible." Harry explained as he found a piece he was looking for. "Unless you plan to just wing it and hope for the best."
Louis scoffed, "You have no faith in me, do you?" Harry just smiled and remained silent. "I'll have you know just because I'll be spending my free time fucking around doesn't mean I will have a sudden memory loss." Harry snickered at that, his lips curving into a smile. "Besides I know you'll keep me on my toes anyways, because well, you're you."
Well, Louis did have a point about that.
"I mean one of us has to keep us in check, right," Harry explained as he heard a chuckle escape into the speaker. "But I know you'll be fine, you always come up with something in case of failure."
"Because I'm always a proficient improviser, right?" Louis sounded smug and Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Anyways, what time are you coming tomorrow?" Harry asked curiously, connecting another piece to the outer edge. Hoping Louis would show up sooner rather than later because he'd like to have a little bit of alone time with him before they go to Gemma's. Not only that but Harry may be a little too excited to see his boy.
"Depends when I get up I suppose." Louis answered vaguely and Harry didn't like that.
"So midday then?" Harry hoped not.
Sure Louis' will be staying with Harry for a most of the week as they've planned, but Harry would love to have that little bit of extra time.
"Well.. I wouldn't say that late, would like to actually have a minute with you before we go to Manchester."
"Knowing you, It's more likely than you think." Harry teased as he finished up the rest of the outer area. "But I hope so as I kind of miss you." Obviously downplaying how much he exactly missed Louis. Not wanting to come off as too desperate and overly excited about seeing him.
"No need to be so rude, darling." Harry could picture Louis pouting right about now. "Just kind of? Not exactly what I wanted to hear you know. "
"What were you'd hoping I'd say? That I've been balling my eyes out for days hoping you'd come around?"
"Okay maybe not that dramatic, but still was hoping more for of the 'I can't wait to see you, miss you so much babe'." Louis commented and in truth Harry felt that way. "Miss your big cock too." Louis laughed hysterically at that Harry couldn't help but grin. Thinking it was stupid but also quite endearing whenever Louis tried to make him laugh.
"You think you're so funny, huh?"
"Because I'm fucking hilarious baby." Louis snickered and Harry just bit his tongue. "But in all seriousness, I miss you too." Harry's heart fluttered at those words.
Harry stopped what he was doing for a moment as he got to his feet, his bum was starting to feel quite sore from the hard ground. Satisfied that he got a quarter of the puzzle done and decided he'd take a small break and venture downstairs, hoping his mum would be too busy to listen in on Harry's lovely chat on the phone.
"Anyways, what are your plans for the rest of the night, love?" Louis asked as Harry started heading down the stairs, veering towards the kitchen once he hit the bottom. "Got any other plans than doing puzzles, I hope?"
Harry wished, but his life isn't quite as exciting as Louis thinks. With Niall in Ireland visiting family and Ed too busy doing whatever with Nick. It made Harry stay at home but he didn't mind. Harry liked the peacefulness even if some days he was wishing a special someone could swoop in and whisk him away for the day unexpectedly.
"Eh, not really may watch a film or something, what about you?" Harry asked curiously as he opened the fridge, wondering what his boyfriend had plans for. His eyes landing on some day old minestrone soup and grabbing the container from the fridge.
"Well, got emergency band practice in a few so there's that."
"Again? Didn't you go to practice yesterday?" Harry inquired as he set the soup onto the countertop. "Is there something important coming up that you haven't told me about?" Harry was a little confused because this was a first. For as long as Harry' known Louis' never had two practices in a row, so he was curious.
"Yeah, but we've got some critiquing to do on a few songs. We'd like it to be perfect by the time we have another gig come up, you know?" Louis explained. "Besides this is what happens when you're dating a musician darling. Just be lucky I'm not dragging you along to anymore practices."
"As much as I enjoy watching you play guitar, I think I'd rather not distract you since you're such a serious musician and all." Harry quipped as he grabbed a bowl from one of the cupboards. "I don't think you're bandmates appreciate it when you keep kissing on me the entire time, Lou."
"Like I care what they think anyways."
Harry just shook his head as he poured some of the cold soup into the bowl before popping it into the microwave for a minute. Leaning against the countertop, hand bracing the edge, and glancing towards the living room where his mum was reading a book on the sofa.
"But anyways, I suppose I should let you go." Louis sounded as if that was the last thing he wanted to do. "I'll ring you after practice, okay?"
"Of course Lou, I'll still be up... maybe... but I'm definitely in for the night," Harry said nonchalantly as the timer from the microwave went off. "But I expect a call or at least a text before bed."
"Bossing me around as always, huh?" Louis snickered. "Seriously though I really should go, but I'll definitely get back to you afterwards, so don't worry that pretty head of yours, darling."
The corners of Harry's lips slid upwards before he commented, "Good luck at practice, Lou. I love you."
Louis let out an easy breath, "Love you too."
Harry spent the rest of his evening finishing about half of his puzzle before he changed into his pyjamas. Ready to lay down for the night and relax a little, finding himself in bed, hair thrown into a disheveled bun, and scrolling through his phone. Not having anything better to do and seeing what his mates have been up to since he wasn't seen them in days. Nothing too particularly interesting comes up though other than the funny videos Niall had shared or Ed posting various pictures of Nick and his pub crawls of the night.
Eventually Harry grew bored and plugged his phone into the charger, wondering when Louis would be finally done with practice as it's been hours now. Hoping everything was okay and maybe Louis had ended up falling asleep soon as he had gotten home. Probably too tired to send Harry a text and Harry hoped that was the case. Not that he needs to hear from his boyfriend to get on with his night, but ever since they've been home goodnight texts or calls are definitely a thing.
About to close his eyes he heard his phone rattle against his nightstand. Harry hoped this was who he thought it was as he rolled to his side and glanced at his phone. Smiling when he seen he had a text from Louis, unplugging his phone, and quickly checking his messages.
'Louis: come outside'
Uh... what? Harry was confused, was that meant for him?
Harry was about to text back a question mark, but then someone had knocked on his door.
"Harry, Louis' in the driveway waiting for you, I think." Anne said unsurely and Harry shot up out of bed, stumbling through his room in the dark, almost tripping over his feet as he flipped on the light. Taking a quick glance down to what he had on but there was simply no time to change into his best dress as Louis was already here. Way earlier than planned and needless to say Harry's heart was racing.
Luckily Harry managed to keep himself together as he made it downstairs, quickly slipping on his shoes, not caring if he looked a mess. Just too excited and eager to be in his boyfriend's arms again.
From the moment Harry stepped outside he had a fluttery feeling in his belly. Seeing Louis leaned against the car, standing right there. Right there in Harry's driveway looking too good dressed in all black and his hair tucked into a beanie. Taking a smoke and Harry couldn't help it when he goes to cuddle into his boyfriend naturally. Arm wrapping around Louis' waist, leaning against him, and just taking him in. Harry almost felt like sobbing because he's just so over the moon that he has his boy back and not ever wanting to be that far apart again.
"You came." Harry breathed out shakily, trying to calm himself down a little.
"Missed you too much to wait, sort of wanted to surprise you a bit I guess." Louis said calmly as he exhaled the smoke from his lips before he pressed their lips together. Then peeling his lips away as he took another drag. "Sorry I was a little too anxious to get here that I didn't get to have a smoke."
"It's fine." Harry didn't care, not at all now that he's got his boy back. "You didn't actually have band practice, did you?" Harry saw that knowing smirk across Louis face and he just pressed a wet kiss to Louis' cheek.
"So I take it you kind of missed me was an understatement?" Louis chortled as he brought the cigarette back up to his lips. Harry could feel a hand go under his shirt, resting on the small of his back, warm and soothing to the touch.
"Okay, fine... maybe I missed you a little more than that." Harry just smiled as he rested his chin against Louis' head. Feeling one hundred percent better that he finally had his boyfriend here and that pushed every bit of sadness out of him. Harry's thankful Louis is such a wonderful boyfriend to him. Showing up to surprise him, like who even does that? Does Zayn even do that for Niall? Harry would love to know.
"Knew it, such a shit liar I swear babe." Louis snickered as he finished up the rest of his cigarette before tossing it to the ground and stomping it out. His face nuzzling into the crook of Harry's throat, his breath hot against his skin, and the arm he had around Louis waist tightened. Not wanting to move or have him leave again. Harry hoped Louis was staying a little longer than planned because Harry's not too sure how the hell he's going to survive going another week without seeing his boy once he's gone.
"I fucking missed you so much, really H." Louis cooed and Harry's heart fluttered as he felt a gentle kiss press against his throat and the fingers on his back gently caressing. Louis' beanie rubbing up against his chin and the scruffiness of Louis facial hair against his throat made Harry strangely content. His eyes fallen shut and as they stood there quietly for sometime, almost as if neither of them had wanted to let go.
It's amazing how someone could make Harry feel like this, so overwhelmed and emotional over seeing that person again. It's crazy as this is something that's never happened to Harry, as his ex-boyfriends were shitty and fleeting. So it's definitely different. Harry doesn't understand it, but he thinks maybe be he finally understands those couples that are sad when they're away from the partner for significant periods of time.
Harry let out a easy breath, "We should probably go in before it gets too late." Harry stated as he reluctantly pulled away, feeling the hand slid from his back, and still standing quite close to Louis. "Do you wanna go up to my room?" Louis nodded without hesitation as he held up his finger. Harry watched as Louis opened up the door to the backseat of his car before pulling out a duffle bag and then following Harry inside.
But, the moment they had stepped inside the house, Anne had different plans.
"It's so nice to see you again, Louis." Anne greeted with a warm smile. "Harry said you'd be here tomorrow, but I suppose you boys couldn't wait to see each other."
"Exactly, " Louis nodded he glanced at Harry with a small smile. "Decided I'd surprise him."
Harry couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.
"Well I don't want to intrude anymore on your time together, so I'm going to leave you boys alone, and head to bed as I've had long day of work," Anne mentioned as she crossed his arms. "Just please if you make a mess in the kitchen clean it up."
"Yes, mum." Harry didn't want to have a rude awakening come tomorrow if Anne had a dirty kitchen first thing in the morning. "We'll be quiet too, promise.
"I'd hope so, but anyways sleep well boys." Anne parted as she gave them a tired smile before disappearing upstairs.
"Goodnight mum." Harry shouted after as he felt fingers brush against his wrist.
Once up in Harry's room, Louis had tucked his bag into a corner and they found themselves on Harry's bed, necking and making up for the lost time spent apart. Louis' got a hand on his thigh, Harry's on Louis' waist, and sitting impossibly close.
"Missed this," Louis husked out in between kisses, "Missed you." and Harry's heart felt full and he could feel wetness starting to well up behind his eyes. "Hated being away from you, hated every second of it." Louis was going to make Harry cry, he needed to stop this right now!
It's not like they were away for months on end, Harry didn't understand why he was feeling so impassioned.
"Missed you too, Lou," Harry mumbled as he peeled their lips away for a moment, taking a breath from their avid kisses. "Don't leave like that again, okay?" Harry blinked his eyes to prevent whatever it was trying to make him feel sad. As it's unbelievably stupid. Harry shouldn't be feeling like this, Louis promised they're going to be okay and he's not going to be out of Harry's life. It's only nearing the end of June anyways, so far Harry thinks they're doing fine. Even if not being with his boyfriend majority of the time isn't his idea of a good summer holiday, at least he gets to see Louis.
"I promise I'll try to come around more now that I've gotten situated at home and figured the band stuff out. Maybe next week or so you could come to mum's for the weekend or something like that." Harry liked that idea. "I know the girls are dying to see you and embarrass me yet again." Louis rolled his eyes and he kept them on Harry's lips. "I just don't think I can go that long again, it's torturous, I tell ya, love."
"But you know, it's definitely making us appreciate the time we have together." Louis explained seriously and he wasn't wrong about that. "Honestly, I've never been miserable being away from someone like that, ever."
Harry's heart was in his throat and he couldn't help the wetness clouding his eyes anymore, feeling just so happy. Finger sliding across his cheek suddenly wiping away the stray tear that slipped out. "Oh don't start crying about it now, darling. I swear I'll make more time for you."
"I can't help that I've been dying to see you... It's just... I don't know.." Harry glanced down to the hand on his thigh, feeling a gentle squeeze before it started to slowly rub comfortingly. "It sucks."
"I know, but we'll be okay, I promised you didn't I?"
Harry nodded as he then felt the hand off his thigh move to cup his chin, making him glance up to his boyfriend who was staring at him tenderly "You've got me, Harry. I'm attached to you inevitably, I'm afraid and I hope you're okay with that. Being with a knobhead like me for a while."
Harry's heart speed up and the words Louis just said stuck to him like glue.
That means a lot coming from his boyfriend. Who had commitment issues for years and resorted to casual sex. It just means so much to hear that, to be reassured.
"You're the first guy that's actually treated me right and I know I'm nothing like your exes and past hookups. But I'm happy that you didn't brush it off when I told you how I felt back when we went to that concert... which I'm sorry by the way for ruining it. "
"Hey... none of that." Louis lightly scolded as he shook his head. "You didn't ruin anything for me, I was being a big fucking idiot, If anyone should be sorry it's me." Louis consoled as he slid he dropped his hand from Harry's chin, back down to his thigh. "But we're past that now and I'm never going to hurt you again like that, okay?"
Harry nodded as he leaned in and kissed Louis before resting his head against his shoulder. Nuzzling his face into the fabric of his shirt. Taking in the notes of Louis' cologne that intertwined with the smoky scent that lingered. Tightening his embrace and just letting out calming steady breaths as they cuddled.
They stay like this for a little while until Louis ended up suggesting to Harry that maybe they could build a sheet fort. Harry wasn't sure how he had felt about a mess to clean up first thing in the morning. However, Harry being so delighted that his boyfriend showed up out of the blue found himself going against his first thought and helped Louis build a shoddy fort.
Harry initially thought that occupying a sheet fort had meant a night of cuddling and some sort of film playing on his laptop. But apparently, that wasn't the case as the moment Harry turned on his laptop after moving to lay beside Louis. Before he could even click on anything once it loaded up Louis had his lips all over Harry, (ever so gently) pushed Harry onto his back, and had wandering hands. Laptop ignored and forgotten as clothes were shed. Kiss marks littered across Harry's neck and collarbones. Heavy breathing and soft moans filled the silence in the air when Louis' had his tongue pressed against his hole. Sweaty and breathless when Harry returned the favor as he wrapped his lips around Louis' cock.
And then after that Harry had an arm around his waist and a gentle kiss pressed against his shoulder. Warm breath tickling the back of his neck and sweet nothings whispered into his ear. His heart pounding as he leaned back into his boyfriend's arms. And that's how they stayed until sleep took over.
When Harry woke up the next morning, he could hear his phone rattling against his nightstand where it was still on the charger. Groaning not wanting to move, and face the chill morning air. Wanting to stay next to the nice warm body beside him that's softly snoring with his back to Harry.
However, whoever was blowing up his phone was being an annoying little shit continued their nuances until Harry gave in and got to his feet. Shivering when the coolness in the morning air hit him and crossed his arms as he made his way towards his phone. Harry had about five texts in his notifications when he grabbed it off the nightstand and letting out a tired sigh when he sees there from Gemma. Of course it was. She had asked him when they were coming, how they felt about roast for dinner, and what kind of beer Louis liked. Honestly Harry thought Gemma was crazy for being up right now as it wasn't even seven yet. Not to mention they weren't leaving for hers until later in the day so Harry just ignored it and decided that he would get back to her later. Tossing his phone on the bed and crawling back into the fort. Not ready to start his day yet.
Although, before Harry could even have the chance to nuzzle up against Louis for warmth, Louis was letting out a groan, and moving to sit up. Harry's plan to lay there longer with his boyfriend went right out off the window and he did not like that one bit. Shocked Louis was even up right now as it was still quite early. But Harry thought that just because Louis was up didn't mean Harry had to start his day already. So Harry closed his eyes as they felt still heavy and tried to sleep. Clutching the blanket closer and suppressing a smile when he felt a body press up against him, arm around his waist, and a gentle kiss pressed on his shoulder.
Laying there in silence for sometime before Harry could feel himself drift off, that is until Louis' body was gone. His eyes fluttering open as they landed on the roof of the fort, letting out a tired sigh. Needing Louis back in here, wanting his warmth, and to lay with him just a little longer. But of course Harry heard the duffle bag dropped onto the bed and zippers working. Harry moved to lay on his stomach, watching Louis make a mess on Harry's bed. Clothes just piling around the bag until Louis had a black garment in his hand. Watching as Louis slipped on what were boxers and then rummaging through his clothes once again.
"Morning, Lou." Harry mumbled out as he decided to sit up, unsure if he felt like getting dressed yet or not.
"Hey you," Louis cooed as he glanced over towards the fort, giving Harry a lopsided smile. "Sleep okay?" Harry nodded as he moved to get out of the fort, quickly going towards his wardrobe, eager to slip on something.
"So when are we going to your sister's?" Louis asked as Harry started to skim through the clothes.
"Ugh, I don't even want to think about this right now, she texted me already and I think she may be a little too excited that you're coming with me." Harry hoped she didn't have a plan to embarrass him because that is something Harry can't deal with.
"Well I mean, I can't blame her I'm pretty fucking amazing." Harry rolled his eyes as he continued to look through his clothes. Eventually letting out a easy sigh when he felt an arm snake around his waist and a kiss pressed against the back of his neck.
"What time does your mum get up?"
Harry was confused, why would Lous want to know when his mum wakes up?
"Why?" Harry inquired as he stopped searching through his clothes as he felt kisses along his shoulder.
"Because." was all Louis said his hands effortlessly slid down to Harry's hip to press his hips against Harry's bum.
Harry shivered as he felt hardness against him, "Because you want to be evil at this ungodly hour?" Harry teased as he pressed his arse back into Louis a little more to be a menace because he to can be sinful when he wants.
Fingers tightened on his hips almost bruisingly and Harry gnawed on his lip when Louis started to rut his hips against him slowly. Harry could feel himself starting to get hard when Louis sucked a mark onto the back of his neck and hips thrusting against him. Harry couldn't help the tremble in his legs and his heart racing at the thought of Louis' fucking him like this. Harry can't help it, he just can't.
Harry doesn't know if it's the fact they've been apart for days or what happened last night when Louis had him in orgasmic bliss. That all he wants is to have Louis' cock inside him, to know what it feels like, and yet Harry knows he's not ready. He wants his first time to be perfect and now was definitely not the time, not when Harry's mind was a mess.
"Maybe we could sneak a shower together?" Louis mentioned as pressed open mouth kisses along Harry's shoulder. "Would love to have you one more time before I won't be able to touch you like this." Harry trembled at the thought of them showering together and doing things... sexual things. Being sneaky about it and god, how could Harry say no to that?
His mum usually isn't up until nine when it came to her off time when she wasn't bothered with work.. So why not?
"I think that should be okay." Harry breathed out, feeling a bit woozy as Louis' lips lingered against his shoulder. "But we've got to keep it down." Harry just didn't want it to be known they were occupying the shower, waking his mother up. Which Harry couldn't deal with that embarrassment and another one of those safe sex talks Anne tried to give him last time Louis stayed over.
"Can't make any promises on your part, but I'll try not to have you moaning my name as much." Harry could feel Louis smirking against his back. "Oh Louis... Lou." Louis moaned mockingly, snickering afterward. Bastard!
"I'd shut it if I were you or else I won't let you touch me in the shower." Harry teased, biting back a smile. "Guess you'd have to wank off your own self then, huh?"
Louis had let out a gasp, his breath tickling Harry's ear. "My own boyfriend bossing me around and threatening me with no sex? How delightful." Louis laughed as pressed a wet kiss to Harry's neck before he pulled away.
"Just be lucky I'm letting you join me while mum's home." Harry pointed out as he grabbed a white button up from his hanger.
"Fair enough." was all Louis said as he gave Harry a slap on the bum before he padded away. Harry just smiled and shook his head, grabbing a pair of his tight blue jeans, and boxers. Quickly pulling on the pair from last night after he closed the doors to his wardrobe as he didn't feel too comfortable parading around stark nude to the bathroom. Because with his luck his mum would be up and that was something Harry didn't want to face. Nope!
"I think I'm going to start the shower now, meet me there in a minute or two?" Harry asked as he was now by the door, unlocking it.
Louis flicked his gaze towards Harry as he going through his clothes, giving him a nod as his eyes trailed down Harry's body, biting his lip, and then winking at him. "By all means, baby."
Harry just smiled as he left the room, happy to see darkness swarming the hallway and nothing coming from downstairs. Feeling relieved as he opened the door to the bathroom and flipped on the light before he turned on the shower. Waiting for it to warm up as he stripped down and tossed the soiled pants to the side as he stepped in once he felt the temperature, almost moaning at the warmth. Taking a minute to relax under the jets and was able to quickly wash his hair before the bathroom door opened, the click of a lock, and shower curtain being pushed open.
"Hey." was all Harry could even mutter out before his lips were sealed with a hungry kiss and fingers wandering on his body.
Harry felt his back pushed up against the cold tile wall as they kissed, Louis' warm body pressed against him sent shivers down his spine as Louis' tongue worked its way into his mouth. Harry's fingers slid down Louis' back as their tongues rolled together needily. Louis was gently sucking and nibbling on Harry's bottom lip and peppering kisses along his jawline before working down Harry's neck, leaving pleasurable love bites against his throat, and Harry was trying everything in his power to bite back the moans that wanted to escape his lips.
"Wish we had the place to ourselves, would love to hear your moans for me." Louis purred against his neck between each kiss mark he left as he traveled down this chest. Which Harry had a feeling his body was going to be a canvas of love bites from all the kiss marks Louis had given him last night and right now. Not that he cares, but when it comes to hiding them to his mum it'll be another story.
But whatever, Harry didn't even care right now, not when Louis slid his tongue over his nipple before gently sucking on it causing Harry's legs to feel shaky and his cock to harden. Harry couldn't help it when small noises escaped his lips as Louis continued to be a tease.
Harry let out a breathy moan as Louis traveled back up to his lips as his own fingers traced down Louis' back to his ass, resting his hand there. Louis' prodded his fingers into Harry's side burningly, as his tongue traced along Harry's bottom lip before he coaxed back into his mouth. Harry could feel Louis' hardness press against him as his tongue painted Harry's mouth. In which Harry nearly whimpered when Louis peeled away from the kiss, until Louis wrapped his hand around Harry's cock. Nearly moaning at the contact and squeezing his eyes shut, head lolled against the wall, as Louis pumped his hand slowly.
"You've got such a nice cock, darling." Louis said seductively and Harry nearly laughed at that, but a breathy moan beat it to the punch and left Harry's lips. He could feel Louis' warm chest pressed into him and hot breath against his ear as Louis whispered, "Would love to see you touch yourself babe."
"Yeah?" Harry asked timidly as his eyes fluttered open as Louis moved back still working on Harry, but pulling a little faster than before.
"Mmm of course, it'd be so fucking hot." Louis purred out as Harry glanced down to Louis' hand that was rubbing him, nearly losing his breath when Louis squeezed his own cock against Harry's in his hand. Watching as Louis started to rub them together and Harry didn't even realize how that was physically possible, but holy shit it felt so good.
Harry could feel Louis rubbing faster and it was almost too much for him, he bit down on his lip to keep a moan that so badly wanted to escape.
His toes wanted to clench against the wet floor when Louis thrusted against his cock, his own nails digging into Louis' bum. Harry needed to bit down on something other than his lip for christ sake because he was not sure how much longer he could hold back.
Louis was now rubbing them faster, harder than before and Harry felt like his knees were about to give out from the sheer pleasure. Praying he doesn't slip and fall because he's too wound up in ecstasy.
"I-" Harry started to moan out as he attempted to tell Louis he couldn't last much longer, but Louis shut him up with his hand brought over Harry's mouth. Harry moaned loudly into Louis' hand when the pleasure coursed through him, feeling himself coming. Trembling and his eyes squeezed shut as the hand dropped from his mouth. Hearing Louis let out a small moan seconds later before he felt Louis' hand gone.
Harry leaned against the wall, laboured breaths leaving his lips as he tried to calm himself down.
"You almost gave us away, Harold." Louis teased tenderly as Harry heard a cap snap open. "Good thing I'm such an amazing boyfriend and saved the day." Harry could just hear Louis smirk.
Harry opened his eyes and they landed on Louis who had a shampoo bottle in his hand. "Yeah, yeah, yeah don't get a swelled ego about that now." Harry quipped as he noticed Louis handing him the shampoo bottle.
"Can't I gloat about being a hero for once?" Louis snickered before he doused his head under the warm water. "Shampoo me?" Louis asked hopefully and how could Harry say no? As much as he loved when Louis spoiled him, Harry enjoyed to take care of Louis too sometimes.
"Of course, Lou." Harry muttered out as he took the bottle before he squeezed some into his hand, watching Louis turnaround. Lathering the shampoo in his hands before working his fingers against Louis' scalp. The corners of his lips sliding upwards when Louis said Harry had magic fingers.
They stayed in the shower for sometime, maybe a little longer than intended as Harry wanted to stay under the warm water until it ran cold. Kisses and gentle touches here and there throughout the shower was enough to make it more appealing, but Harry knew it would have to be cut short soon. Especially if Harry didn't want to have another one of those awkward talks with his mum.
Harry has a towel wrapped out his waist as ringed out his hair some before putting some product into it. Finally noticing his neck and chest just littered with coloured marks. Feeling rather nervous to face Anne soon as he knows she'll see the ones on his neck.
"My neck looks awful, mums going to really think we're sleeping together now." Harry commented as he fiddled more with his hair until it was just right. Feeling an arm around his waist, seeing Louis in the reflection of the mirror with smirk across his face.
"I know I got a bit carried away I suppose... oops."
"A bit?" Harry questioned incredulously as he shook his head. "It looks like a warzone, Louis."
Louis just pressed a soft kiss to Harry's shoulder before he muttered out, "A battlefield of my love actually."
"Still doesn't make it any less incriminating." Harry countered back as he felt Louis' cold hair against his skin, another kiss pressed to his shoulder. "You're lucky I happen to be very fond of you to let it slide." Harry could see Louis smiling against him before he pulled away, arm falling off his waist.
"Fucking hell, I love you so much." Louis cooed as he leaned up and pressed a kiss against Harry's cheek. "I suppose I should let you get dressed alone... you know to make it more believable I wasn't with you."
Harry watched as Louis grabbed one of the plush clean towels from the cabinet and wrapped it around his waist. Grabbing his pair of boxers and giving a wink in the mirror before disappearing from the bathroom seconds later.
Harry just smiled to himself as he shook his head, getting dressed for the day after he dropped the towel to the floor.
As the morning continued on once they had gotten dressed for the day and joined Anne for breakfast, where Harry had tried to hide most of the love bites decorating his neck. But to no avail, Anne had ended up giving him a knowing look as Harry sat at the table with Louis. So breakfast was a bit awkward to say the least and Harry was glad to escape once it was over with. They ended up hiding back in his room where they cuddled and snogged for sometime, almost falling into a nap. Well that was until Harry's mum had came stomping in his room with other plans, startling Harry as he quickly pulled away. Moving to sit up with his cheeks flushed and crossing his arms, feeling a little embarrassed.
His mum was just checking to see if Harry had placed himself some clothes for the night and if they needed anything. Harry just told her he was fine and they were leaving soon anyway, not even bothering to respond to her other question. Anne of course was just being a mum and making sure Harry had everything he'd need, even though all he needed was the clothes on his back and Louis by his side. Well... okay maybe a fresh pair of clothes, but still.
So eventually Anne had left, closing the door behind her, and leaving them alone for the remainder of the time. Which Harry was absolutely thankful for because at some point Louis had his tongue shoved down Harry's throat.
A few hours later they were on their way to Manchester, Louis was going on about how he's a bit excited to get to know Gemma better than he had and to hear all the embarrassing things she gets to spill to him about Harry. Of course he is. Harry wasn't looking forward to that because he knows when it comes to Gemma humiliating Harry it's fair game.
"Can't wait for your sister to spill all your dirty laundry." Louis teased as he kept his eyes on the motorway. Harry glanced away from the window and shook his head at Louis, not finding this all too funny or 'exciting' as his boyfriend did.
"I don't think I'd believe everything you hear come out of her mouth, She'll just tell lies or something to make my life more interesting, I know it." Harry explained, knowing his sister and her ways to humiliate Harry. "Also Gems will probably tell you every little thing that come to her mind so please don't dump me afterwards if it's too incriminatingly embarrassing." Harry quipped as a the corner of his lips quirked upwards.
"I guess we'll have to wait and see about that huh?" Louis questioned with a smirked, giving Harry a passing glance." I mean who knows what kind of juicy secrets you've kept from me. For all I know I may have a sinful menace kept under wraps."
"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed if you think I'm some devious hooligan underneath it all."
"I mean anything is possible, right?"
"I think you've had one too many blunts to smoke if you think like that." Harry laughed because Louis had to be smoking something if he thinks Harry was some troublemaker deep down.
"Can't I just think about you secretly rebelling for a minute? Gotta ruin my fantasies as always, don't know why I even mention them." Obviously Louis was joking because he cracked out in laughter. "But good thing I happen to find your super serious librainanesque lifestyle fucking sexy." Louis purred as he reached over and rested his hand on Harry's thigh. "Love you in that shirt by the way, makes me want to rip it right off because it looks better on the ground, but sadly you wanted to be a tease. And wear it to a place where I can't even do more than kiss you because who knows how thin those walls are and not only that, I think it'd be a bit weird."
Says the guy that tried to get Harry undressed at his own mum's house.
"Honestly, Gemma wanted me to hook up with you before we even dated so I mean... " Harry trailed off as he glanced down to the hand on his leg. His heartwarming up at the contact and the ever so gentle squeeze Louis gave him.
"Oh she did, did she?"
"Well, I mean yeah, it's all she talked about after she found out I liked you. She wanted me to make a plan of it for New Years, it was absolutely embarrassing." Harry flicked his gaze upwards, back onto his boyfriend as his cheeks were a shade of pink, feeling almost as if he said too much. "But she knows I wasn't going to do that so she dropped it."
Harry added that for good measures because he didn't want Louis to think that's been Gemma's plan all along. She's just wanted them together as she liked the idea of Harry and Louis together and the fact he makes Harry incredibly happy.
Louis just let out a chuckle, "I'm sure she meant well, probably just excited for you to be finally taken off the market, even if it was a bit delayed." Harry nodded because that was true. Gemma had been wanting Harry to find love or at least a guy to do things with. Shit, even his own mates had wanted him to go out there and meet someone. Thankfully he had met that person that gave him a little hope that maybe he wasn't undateable after all.
"You're not wrong about that, but she's always found ways to give away my crushes no matter how much she always promised not too." God, Harry remembered all those times and he did not want to start reminiscing about that. Hopefully there's next to no fabricated stories because Harry's not sure how much he could defend himself against two people who love to discuss about his life like it was their favorite topic of the day.
"Because maybe she was trying to help you out, afterall you don't come across as warm and welcoming at first." as if Louis had room to talk.
Who was the rude and impatient one again over waiting in line for the toilet?
"And yet I'm not the one who gives the 'newbies' hard times, now do I?" Harry teased as he air quoted the word newbies as the hand on his thigh was gone and a window was being cracked. Louis grabbing a cigarette from the cigarette pack in the cup holder and his lighter that was tucked in with it.
"Hey, got to weed one the boring ones or else I'd never have fun with them hanging around. Buzzkills and all."
"And I wasn't the one that fit that description? after all I happen to recall you saying I was a killjoy." Harry still couldn't stand that word. "You teased me and got under my skin on purpose, so excuse me, who's the mean one now?"
Louis grinned as he glanced at Harry before he brought his cigarette to his lips after lightening it up and taking a drag. "I needed an excuse to talk to you, no? I already told you I wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you, do you need anymore proof?" Louis explained with a smirked as he exhaled the smoke from his lips. "You were always so receptive it was fucking hilarious when you'd get so upset, but you know I was only teasing to get you to notice me. Apparently my annoyance worked after all."
Louis was right, if Louis wouldn't have been a pain in the arse and pestered Harry to oblivion for days well then they would have never gotten passed tension between them. In fact Harry thinks he'd still be protesting a friendship with Louis and refuse to be in the same room with him. Funny how now Harry couldn't even bare the thought of being away for too long without feeling loneliness set in and missing him terribly. His laughter, lovely smile, gorgeous blue eyes, and the way he gently kisses Harry like it meant something... just his everything.
Harry doesn't like being away from him. Period.
"Unfortunately so." Harry bit back his smirk when Louis sharing a glance with him briefly, clearly unimpressed with that pinched expression written across his face. But then when Louis' eyes were back on the road, he had a small smile across his lips.
When they had arrived to Gemma's a little while later Harry was feeling a bit anxious to head inside already, eager to get this night started. Not only that but he wanted to stretch his legs more than anything. Thankfully Louis didn't seem to have much to say as he had gotten out and grabbed their bags from the backseat. Not even giving Harry the chance to grab his own while he was busy undoing the seatbelt. Harry just didn't even say a word when he got out of the car and followed him inside the building after he locked his car. Harry had led Louis up a stairwell and down the corridor until they were in front of the last door on the right.
Harry pounded his fist against the door a few times, hoping Gemma would answer soon as he already felt bad enough Louis took it upon him to carry both their overnight bags. Gemma was probably going to tease Harry about it too, he just knows it.
"So... we're going to be the only ones right?" Louis asked as he held both bags by the handles in his hands effortlessly, like it was the easiest thing in the world. Harry would love to know the secret because apparently gravity wasn't a thing when it comes to Louis.
"To my knowledge she said it would be just us, but I wouldn't be shocked if there was any last minute plans." Yeah, Harry knew better because when it comes to Gemma and fit guys, there's always someone around. No matter if it was a mere hook up or an actual romantic interest. Which Harry wants to laugh at because Gemma and relationships doesn't mix, haven't been for a while. As she claims sex is the best way to go and ugh, Harry can't even think about that.
Before anything else was said between them the door finally opened up to Gemma who had a the biggest smile across her face. Her eyes curiously surveying the two of them before she glanced down to Louis' hands. Harry prayed she'd shut up before she even started.
"Carrying my brother's bag, how kind of you, who knew he was such a diva." Gemma cackled in laughter and Harry just grimaced, not appreciating that. At all.
"Are you going to let us in or what because if you're going to crack jokes then I'll leave." Harry threatened as he crossed his arms, not even wanting to give her the satisfaction.
"Oh come on, Harry lighten up a little. Tonight's going to be a blast, I promise." Gemma tried her best to convince him otherwise, but Harry wasn't so sure.
"She has a point, love." Louis added his own two cents. Figures.
"At least your boyfriend agrees with me, see?"
"I think as long as you have your opinions at bay then maybe it might be a blast." Harry countered in defense, ready to head inside already feeling bored and tired of this nonsense. Not wanting to stand out here any long and certainly didn't want to be bickering in the hall either.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Gemma snickered before she took a step back, "But anyways I should let you boys in so we can get this show on the road." Thank god. "But please no snogging on my couch until after I'm asleep, as much as I'm happy your both are together, I'd rather not watch my brother get his face mauled.
"Gemma." Harry sneered, not finding that funny whatsoever.
"Okay... Okay I'll shut up now, just follow me lovebirds." Gemma quipped with a lopsided smile as she waved them inside, already wandering off towards the kitchen. Louis and Harry shared a glance with each other before they had went inside, closing the door behind them.
This was going to be a long night...
Surprisingly, Gemma wasn't awfully embarrassing after they joined her in the living room after they put their bags in the guest room. As she was too busy going on about her own life. From her job to how she's been thinking about adopting a cat to keep her company in this lonely old flat.
Mentioning that she's also been thinking about changing careers and other things Harry wasn't paying much attention to because he's heard this all before. Gemma needed a change in her life and was seeking ways to figure that out.
What had caught Harry off guard was when Louis had interjected and changed the subject onto Harry, asking if there's any dirt on him that he should know about.
Of course Louis would ask that, he didn't expect anything less.
Gemma just had to tell Louis that Harry's basically next to perfect when it comes to stuff like that as she couldn't really name something other than him being embarrassingly obvious when he likes someone and how it's easy to tell when he lies. Says she's tried to save his arse so many time when it came to their mum, but Anne was just too smart. Gemma even added that Harry was always a precious angel she said mockingly and Harry ended up rolling his eyes. Louis laughed and commented that he wasn't surprised as he nudged Harry in the arm. Also adding in that when they had first met he thought Harry was an incredibly uptight goodie. Gemma of fucking course just chuckled and agreed with him.
Harry didn't appreciate that and told them both to shut up as he pouted, not liking being attacked like this. Louis just slid his arm around Harry's shoulder and told him to lighten up as they were only messing around with him.
Yeah... messing around being mean.
Gemma had mentioned that she was happy that they're finally together after weeks of Harry pining for Louis as it drove her mad. Especially when Harry was in denial about his feelings for him anyway.
Ugh, can they just stop discussing about Harry as if he wasn't in the room?
Thankfully, that conversation died out as Gemma had changed onto the subject that she wanted a Jenga rematch after dinner because she recalled Louis being an absolute poor sport about it. Wanted to prove herself that she's just that good at it. Of course Louis being competitive as he was agreed and Harry just didn't want any part of that. He's not sure if he could do it without the fun being sucked right out it because with these two playing it's bound to be a serious matter of who wins and loses.
Eventually Harry had excused himself to the toilet for a moment as Louis and Gemma were still going on about Jenga. At least they were getting on fine like before after everything that happened and Harry was happy about that. He really was don't get him wrong, but they both have such big personalities, Harry needed a moment to himself.
With a quick fix of his hair and a moment to smooth out his top, Harry stepped out into the hallway, only to stop in his tracks when he reached the edge of the wall that connected to the living room. Leaning against the wall as he overheard Gemma bringing up something that took him by surprise.
"So I know this a bit out of the blue and you don't have to do it if you don't want to. But, I have this friend that works at SEGA and he's a game developer there." Gemma started as Harry crossed his arms, gaze flicking down to his socks. "If you'd like I could give him your number or I could talk to him for you, and see about getting you an interview there."
Gemma's going to do what now?
"Seriously?" Louis asked sounding a bit stunned.
"Yeah, I mean after all you are dating my little brother and you've proven you're not the biggest arsehole he's dated, and I like you." Gemma explained and well that's good. "But also because I know what a pain it can be to find something after you've finally gotten done with whatever you went to school for."
Harry knew he should just go sit down instead of lurking around the corner, but he couldn't find it him to do it.
"You do make a fair point I suppose and that is an amazing company, like big wig kind of shit." Louis commented and he almost sounded a little too excited.
"I think this would be a good opportunity for you, I mean Harry would be happy for you to have a job at a massive company like that." Gemma wasn't wrong about that because Harry wanted Louis to be successful and have a nice career, but he was feeling a little unsettled about the suddenness of this.
Then there was silence for a moment and Harry almost... almost moved from his spot when Louis broke the silence.
"So, where exactly is it located?"
Wait, what?!
Harry could hear Louis letting out a sigh, "That is quite far from my family. But you weren't wrong when you said it'd be an amazing opportunity." Louis' not actually going to consider it is he? "I'm torn because my best mate will be living with me and he's got these visions of working at some high end fashion store or whatever. I'd be great for him. Me too because to work at a place like that, it looks good on me." Louis went on to explain. "It's just if I take this job, distance is going to be a problem."
And that's what Harry was scared of.
"I know and you don't have to feel obligated to take this offer, but if you do I'm sure you'd figure out a way to make it work."
Harry didn't like this, not at all. Because the idea of seeing Louis even less than he does now doesn't sit so well with him.
But, maybe Harry was starting to worry for no reason as Louis had yet to give her a serious answer. Not only that but Louis had promised him days ago that they'd be okay. So Harry's going to try and hold onto that.
"I think I want to do it, I mean it may have messed up my initial plan of taking summer off, but it's something I can't refuse. Especially since you've kindly offered it to me." Louis finally gave in and Harry tried to keep his heart from sinking. Reassuring himself it'll be okay and that this would be good for Louis. "I'll talk to Harry about it tonight when we're alone and see what he thinks."
"Great! And don't worry about that, Harry would be happy with whatever you do." Gemma sounded as if she knew for certain Harry would be okay with Louis being hours away from him. "Besides not like he couldn't go stay with you for week or so if it's that much of an issue."
Gemma did make a point about that. Harry could spend a few days wherever Louis resides even if he worked, Harry would see him afterwards. Although, just because it's a decent idea doesn't mean things will go that way, who knows what could happen.
Honestly Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to find that out because right now things may not be ideal, but it works.
"That is a brilliant idea, since he won't be back in uni for a few months anyway, and it closer to Southampton."
Oh, Harry didn't have a good feeling about this...
"See? It works out because think of this way if you stayed around home when H goes back to uni, distance will be awful. So this actually benefits your and my brothers relationship." Gemma pointed out. "If anything I'm sure Harry could transfer to university that's much closer."
"That isn't a bad idea, I think he would do that."
As if they had the right to decide whether or not Harry would even agree to such a thing. He picked Southampton for a reason, not because of some boy he's dating. Honestly it kind of bothered him Gemma would even suggest such a thing and Louis to agree with it.
Do they not know Harry at all? Or the reasons why he settled for uni that's hours away from home?
Don't get Harry wrong, he loves Louis to the moon and back and pretty much do whatever for him, but when it comes to his education it's off limits.
It's not happening. No, Harry's putting his foot down.
"So, did you want me to talk to my friend for you?" Gemma asked.
Harry took a deep breath, ready to make himself known until Louis broke the silence, making his heart drop.
"Sure, what do I got to lose?"
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