Harry did fall asleep and had slept most his day away.
Not that he cares because Harry knew his day would have been spent in bed after last night's event involving drunk Louis.
Harry is still in bed and it's been hours since Louis left this morning. Looked like laundry day didn't happen after all because Harry was far too fatigued to do so. More so he just wanted to get as much sleep as he could before forcing himself to stay awake for the greater part of the afternoon. Only so it wouldn't have messed up his sleeping schedule anymore that he had last night.
But the thing is it's late. It's really fucking late.
Harry, the old Harry back before all the parties, epic adventures, and all the mischief he's done that he considers rebellious would have a never slept the whole day. Not after taking care of a boy who got sick from drinking too much. Before, when Niall or Ed gotten ill from too much of a good time he'd make sure they were asleep for sometime before going to bed himself. But that was before he met Louis. Before all the madness that came along with it all.
With Louis it was different.
If you had asked Harry the night after he had met Louis for the first time if he would have cared for Louis if he was shitfaced, Harry would have scoffed and laughed at your face. He didn't like Louis at all, couldn't stand him and didn't want to have anything to do with him. But now, that's all different. He loves Louis' company, enjoys his remarks and opinions, his enthusiasm for celebrations and Harry just likes him in general. He couldn't have imagined not taking care of Louis last night because who knew what could have happened.
Thankfully everything worked out just fine even though some of the things Louis told him last night in a series of drunk confessions had confused him. No, he hadn't forgotten that Louis whispered "I like you so fucking much, love" or that he had admitted he found Harry remarkably attractive. It just wasn't expected and he's never had anyone say those things to him before, so of course, he wouldn't forget. Drunk words or not, Harry can't help but have this jumpy feeling in the pit of his stomach every time he thinks about it.
Not only that but now that he's laying here under his blankets awake, Harry can't help but think what if Louis had actually meant all that. If he liked Harry too as well, not the other Harry in his class. It kind of gives him hope that maybe he has at least a chance afterall, especially after Louis told him why he liked that boy anyway. Which still surprised Harry as Louis seemed to be not taken by someone so engaged with academics and good natured. Harry thought maybe Louis would be more into the wild partier type with interests in fornification and vices. But apparently Harry was wrong after all, Louis wasn't into that apparently when it comes to wanting to finally settle down into a relationship. Especially after shutting down the ideas of commitment for years and hooking up with whoever he saw fit. But this made Harry wonder, why this guy?
Yeah, Louis had told him that this guy is perfect and all that stuff, but why? Is he just bored of hooking up? Is it because this guy doesn't do casual sex (since Louis said he doesn't want to sleep with him)? Or is it because Louis' finally found someone he genuinely likes?
Those were answers Harry wanted to know, but it was definitely for another time.
Harry knows he should get out of bed and do something, but it's easier said than done. Especially wrapped up in his blankets and this may sound a little weird, but his blankets faintly smelled like Louis' cologne. Which Harry realized probably seemed rather strange, but whatever he likes the smell of Louis' cologne because it's quite intoxicating. Not because it reminds him of Louis, nope, not at all.
But that's not the important matter of his evening anyway now that his phone started to go off. Someone decided they had wanted to intrude on Harry's off time, but that's fine. Harry hoped this better be a good reason anyway.
After fumbling around for his phone, he remained wrapped up his blanket smiling tiredly as he saw who exactly it was; Louis.
Without hesitation he answered, "Hey, Lou,"
"Sorry if I woke you up, just haven't responded to any of my messages, but I needed to talk to you about something," Louis did not sound like himself. This bothered Harry and made him feel anxious because what could possibly be wrong? Harry knows he's probably not feeling the best due to his hangover, but Louis did just admit he needed to talk to Harry. So hopefully it's nothing too awful.
"It's okay," Harry said softly into his phone as he moved to lay on his back. "What's wrong?"
The line went silent for a moment and Harry didn't like that pause, no he did not. Clearly something wasn't right and hopefully, whatever it was it will be resolved soon because hearing Louis not sound like his usual upbeat self bothered Harry immensely.
"I feel so awful about last night, I do." Louis finally admitted, "Can't believe I got that shitfaced and you felt like you needed to care for me" he sighed into the phone, "I am so grateful that you were here, I don't want to think about what would have happened if you weren't here, I don't know what I would have done honestly .. " Harry frowned, not liking hearing Louis sounding so disappointed in himself; it actually broke Harry's heart.
He was about to say something when Louis continued.
"But whatever, what's done is done. So anything I said or did I just want to let you know that I wasn't in the right mindset and I'm sorry, okay?"
Oh, okay then...
"I want to make it up to you though this Saturday coming up um .. If you're up for it?"
As much as Harry liked the idea of Louis doing something special for him, Harry can't have the shorter boy do that. Not because he feels bad about being ill and Harry nursing him, no.
"Louis, you don't have to do anything for me, you were drunk, and I saw that you needed help so I stepped up. I didn't mind honestly." Harry really didn't. The only thing he did mind was all the vomit.
But Louis was already protesting and stating his case.
"Harold, just please let me do this for you," Louis stressed, "I want to!"
Now, he feels as if he kept rejecting Louis' plans they'd just be running in circles and it'd just be easier to say yes. It's just, deep down, he doesn't feel like he needs to be treated with any special treatment because of his hospitality. He's going for nursing and of course naturally, he's a nurturer plus his mum taught him right. But clearly, Louis felt the need to pay him back in whatever he had up in his sleeve.
"Fine, but nothing crazy, okay?" Harry compromised because the idea of Louis going all out with an evening to make up for this made Harry feel rather guilty. Not that he didn't like the idea of doing something big with Louis, but not on the terms of this.
Louis hummed into the phone before he finally said, "Don't know if I can promise it won't be crazy, but either way you'll have fun. I'd hope you'd have some fun because this is also to make up for your birthday as well .."
Harry's birthday? Now Harry was confused.
"My birthday? I think you're almost two weeks too late on that one, Lou," Harry pointed out as he pulled his blanket close against him. "Besides we didn't do anything for yours, so why do we have to do something for mine?"
Louis let out a sigh, "Do you always have to argue with everything I want to do with you?" Harry bit back his smile as Louis went on. "I owe it to you and it's been awhile since you've experienced life away from your textbooks, so here I am to save your Saturday," Harry hated how accurate Louis sounded about that.
He hadn't done much lately, not when it was weird between him and Louis. Not that it isn't, because Harry still has these weird feelings and questions and such. But now the idea of actually spending time together sounded good to him.
"So what exactly are we doing anyway?" Harry decided to just see what Louis had up his sleeve and Harry hopes it was at least something he'd be interested in doing.
"What good would a thank you slash birthday outing be if you knew what we're doing in advance? It's a surprise, babe," Harry's not sure if he liked the idea of a surprise ...
Hopefully it's nothing too extravagant or where Louis ends up broke because he wanted to buy Harry things. Harry not sure how he'd repay Louis at all, or even accept such things. He still hadn't scrounged up enough cash to get Louis a belated birthday gift as his money went to necessities instead. So how would he? Help Louis study or test out his latest gaming projects?
Which as much as Harry would love to assist Louis with his coursework, he knows that it is not a good form of payback, especially to Louis who didn't really care for his major in the first place.
"All I'm going to say is wear something warm," Louis alluded before he decided to change the subject about how his hangover still hadn't passed and that he may just go to bed earlier than usual.
Eventually Louis hung up after reminding Harry about the weekend and mentioning he'd get back with him on details later.
So Harry just laid there, back on his side smiling like an idiot, wondering about Saturday.
They haven't hung out by themselves in ages and if Harry's correct and it's just the two of them and no one else; he already knows he'll be the happiest. Harry wanted those alone times again with Louis (not including last night's adventure) and just go back to the ways things were.
But Harry supposes he'll have to wait and see.
Hopefully Saturday comes sooner than later.
Saturday mornings should be spent in bed contemplating if you should start your homework or just go back to sleep.
Right now, Harry is far away from his comfy bed though, peach beanie pulled over his head and wrapped up in an array of a nice warm navy blue jumper under his thicker jacket, he's on the fucking bus, his focus is on his phone and the time reads seven thirty.
He's on his way to the train station as Louis sent him a message last night at nine in the evening, telling him to meet him at the train station at 8am and to remind him to dress warm. Harry wondered where exactly they're going and why couldn't Louis just pick him up. No- why couldn't they just drive there in a car that Louis owns, instead?
He did not ask asked went along with it because Louis wouldn't give him much insight anyway. Surprise it's supposed to be, surprise it will be! Usually not being one for being surprised, Harry honestly was rather excited this time.
Hopefully wherever they're going Louis' not intending to spend all his money on Harry as he knows, like pretty much every student, Louis' just as much on a budget as him, so Harry doesn't want him to go broke for this. All because he still feels guilty over Harry aiding him through his drunken state.
Which Harry planned to tell Louis at some point during their adventure that he really didn't mind and how Louis shouldn't feel guilty. It's not the worst thing he's ever went through and besides, it was great practice anyway.
But now with his mind too preoccupied on the fact that they're leaving Southampton for the morning and how long. Was it an all day excursion? Oh god, Harry wouldn't put it past Louis to keep him away from Uni throughout the day until wee hours into the night. Not that Harry minded being around said boy, but it's like something in the back of his mind was screaming at him that this was bound to end up in a sea of feelings for Louis. And who knows what could possibly happen ...
It brought back the memory when Niall left town with Zayn for the first time and how Harry had razzed him about how things were getting serious as day trips were more for couples. Especially now that he was, in fact, traveling with Louis which didn't involve going home or preparing for their next Halloween extravaganza. No. This was Louis showing his gratitude, so obviously it doesn't mean anything, right?
That's what Harry's telling himself because it made him feel better. All because he knows if he thinks that way then it will truly mess with his head once Harry sees Louis with someone else.
Hopefully that's not anytime soon...
Harry let out a sigh as he glanced out the window trying to not think anymore about his feelings for Louis. He put his focus on other things like the vehicles speeding down the street in the fogginess of the morning. How tired he exactly is and why he should be back in his dorm working on some notes. But no, here he is, on a bus merely minutes away from being dropped off only to hop on a train shortly after.
He hadn't even had breakfast yet because he woke up just in time to make himself look presentable and Harry kind of wished he did, to be honest. Hell he hadn't even had his morning beverage either so that better be one of Louis' highlights of their trip.
Once he had been dropped off Harry quickly made his way towards the station, eager to get out of the chilliness, and to see that familiar edgy boy waiting inside for him.
Except by the time he reached the entrance Louis was outside, waiting for him. He looked to be cold, cheeks flushed, beanie pulled over his hair as well that stuck out, his jacket wide open and exposing his layers of a zipped black hoodie and a white top that showed off some of his chest tattoo.
Didn't Louis tell Harry to dress warm?
That didn't look warm enough to Harry honestly, but whatever maybe Louis was trying to look good. Which honestly doesn't surprise Harry!
"Hey you," Louis greeted as a smile came onto his face now that Harry was in front of him and fairly close. "Almost thought I'd get stood up," Louis snickered as he pushed his hands into pockets of his jacket. "But you actually showed up."
Of course, Harry did, why wouldn't he?
Harry rolled his eyes but smiling at that, fiddling up with the sleeve if his jacket, "Be glad I did because I was contemplating on doing my studies instead!" Harry teased lightly and Louis just shook his head, looking smugly pleased.
"So why exactly are we here at eight in the morning, usually you're asleep by now?" Louis sighed not too pleased with Harry's observation.
"Oii! Watch your mouth Curly! Just because I sleep in most days doesn't mean I'm never up early, it's just rare is all," Louis exclaimed in defense. "Besides we have a long day ahead of us and I wanted to start as early as possible knowing just how much of an early bird you are," he smirked. Too happy to know Harry's sleep routine oh so well... which isn't hard to figure out, to be honest... But still, Harry can't help but grin at Louis. "Also thought we could, you know, stop for a donut first thing once there, it'd be nice" hmm that did sound good, but Harry's not sure if he had a lot to spend today. Hopefully whatever it is would be cheap.
"And where exactly are we going?" Harry questioned, "I mean since you've kept it secret all week, I am very intrigued now."
Louis licked his lips, hands still in his pockets trying to close his jacket.
"So I hope you don't mind but we're going to Brighton today,"
They were?
"So you better be thankful I'm such an amazing best mate and know how to have a good time," Louis exclaimed, sounding cocky. Which Harry won't lie he kind of liked.
"Does this mean my whole day is slashed or what? Because if it is you better be making it count," Harry teased as he crossed his arm, the corner of his lips quirking up. "Unless you're just dragging me away from Uni for the morning, I mean either way I expect to be impressed."
"My, My, Styles you sure don't have faith in me, do you?" Louis shook his head, "We've been mates for how long now? And you're still questioning my abilities of a good time, remember it's not fun until you do it the Tommo way, okay?" Hmm... the Tommo way. Right.
Harry just sighed, not ready to start hearing stuff resurfacing from Louis' mouth back when they first met again. Nope. He just wanted to get on this damn train and start their day.
"Also yes, I've got you for the day if you really want to know everything, my dear Harold," Louis added and honestly Harry was rather ecstatic about it all, especially it's just going to be the two of them as far as he knows (he hopes it's just them). Also, they're going to Brighton which Harry's not going to lie he's very fucking excited. Because every time he went there with Niall or Ed it had always been a nice time.
But then again there's still that concern in the back of his mind that being away with Louis for the day was slightly worrisome. Only because Harry knows it will create more chances to just wanting Louis more. But it's a risk he's willing to take anyway ...
"Well then, when do we get the show on the road? because I'm freezing my toes off right now," Harry questioned, it was rather chilly today.
"Always so impatient," Louis commented with a smile. Harry's not the impatient one, Louis is!
He recalls very well the scene Louis caused over a wait for the toilet and being a dickhead about it. Whatever though, no point in arguing about that now because they were headed inside, well Louis was and Harry followed.
The train ride wasn't horrible, but seated next to Louis who let Harry have the window seat (thank god) it was hard not to feel jumpy. Only because how close they were, knees touching every time the train was on a bump and Louis smelt so nice, god, this was so hard to not lean in and smell the crook of his neck.
At any moment, Louis could reach over and sort out Harry's jacket so it wouldn't get wrinkled and Harry would be itching to just press for more contact.
Hell, Louis could also grab his hand or touch his thigh, Harry would let him do, he craved it even. But it never happened, they remained both in their seats doing small talk.
By the time they arrived, Harry needed to stretch his legs and have some air; if he kept being that close to Louis he would be brave enough to brush their hands together and that's pushing it. Especially for Harry who is far too shy for initiating any sorts of intimacy towards Louis, a guy he's not dating.
They strolled around for a little while and it was still rather quiet between them. Not that Harry had minded of course because it was nice and even if they weren't talking that much, Harry enjoyed Louis' company. The shorter boy didn't seem bothered anyway but Harry was sure that Louis' cigarette he had been working on was keeping him preoccupied long enough wherever Louis was leading him to.
A little while later after making a stop at Dum Dum Donutterie to get a few treats for breakfast they were now at Starbucks getting some tea, where Harry tried to pay for himself but Louis had insisted on paying as he did back at the donuts bakery. So, of course you can't go wrong with a free drink when it's an option. Even if Harry feels rather guilty for not paying.
"You know I could have at least paid for our teas." Harry brought up as they walked out of the coffee shop and down the pavement. Harry took a sip of his drink staying beside Louis, wondering where they were headed next as Louis mentioned inside he knows somewhere they could stop and rest their legs.
Louis shook his head, eyes fallen on Harry briefly. "Harold, I'm the one who invited you along so I pay. Besides it's your day, don't start feeling guilt-ridden now, huh!"
If only it were that easy, Louis should try being the one who always gets stuff bought for him when he's with Harry.
"But you always buy for me so why can't I at least pay for something? I mean you're going to spend all your money on me and I don't think that's fair," Harry frowned at the thought, but Louis was already arguing.
"Who cares if it's fair. I owe you so much Harry after you put up with my drunken ass! No one's ever done it before, well my mum has once when it was New Years, but that's not the point. I just feel like I need to show you my gratitude, ok?" Louis explained seriously. "Is that reason good enough for you?"No, it wasn't because Harry still felt compelled to at least buy Louis something in return. "Also, believe it or not, but I happen to like spending my money on you." Louis said so casually.
It's still marveled Harry that Louis could just say things like that so randomly not knowing what it did to Harry's butterflies deep in his stomach. Louis likes to buy him stuff which Harry to his knowledge already knew as over the time he's known him, the boy had always paid for him. But strange thing is... Harry's never seen Louis pay for Zayn for example (from what he's seen so far) and they've been friends for years, much longer than Louis and Harry. Or Nick for the matter. It's odd, but maybe he's looking too much into things.
Whatever though, Louis' gets his way one way or another, usually anyway.
Harry just kept his mouth shut after that because there was simply no point in arguing his stance anymore. Especially with Louis holding a greater argument. It's okay though, Harry eventually will get around to treat Louis someday, maybe buy him something as a congratulation for graduating university. Just to show how proud he is that Louis finished, but that's a thought for later of course.
They had walked down the promenade along the beach quietly until they spotted an unoccupied bench.
Now that they were sat beside each other and it was silence between them, a contented one. They were too occupied with munching away at their donuts and sipping at their drinks. It was nice to just sit here and enjoy the sea with Louis beside him. Watching the waves roll gently towards the shore, drenching the sand. Listening to the humming of the ebbing tide had enthralled Harry. It had been ages since he got to actually sit down and watch the ocean. Actually, he hadn't seen it in a while as he'd been too busy with other things in his life. But now that he's here with a boy that makes his heart five times bigger pulled away for the day, he was exultant.
Louis who was too busy stuffing the last of his blueberry doughnut and slurping down the rest of his tea. Harry can't help but smile to himself as he looked down to his half eaten creme brûlée doughnut, couldn't help but wonder if this could be their new normal. Having a breakfast together on a Saturday morning or even on Sunday. The idea of spending his weekend mornings with Louis sounded even better the more Harry had thought about it. Being alone and engulfed in each other's presence, attention solely on them and no one else. No vices, no other friends, no phones, just them.
Harry would love that.
But Louis isn't his, Louis' not his boyfriend, because isn't what people in relationships do? Spend mornings together without being bothered by other means of distractions.
It's a nice thought in his head, imagining his future revolving around Louis. Seeing them going for walks for no reason at all just because they're bored, film marathons in Louis shoddy sheet forts, late nights intertwined together listening to one of their favorite albums all because one of them needed a cuddle. The idea of kissing Louis again was part of Harry ideal future and lots of it, Louis holding his hand and touching Harry on the small of his back. Love bites, 1 AM conversations spent on the phone because they can't sleep, ditching the seedy parties because they'd rather be alone.
That's what Harry wants, so badly.
Who knew he'd be sitting here on a Saturday morning in February with Louis, at a beach. Sat on a bench and deep in thoughts about his possible future with Louis if he is ever brave enough to talk about it. About them. But Harry of course too coy about it all, he doesn't say anything and just stuffed his mouth with some more pastry. Even if it was weighing on him to say at least something along the lines of his feelings towards Louis, he refrains.
Because he knows, he just knows it's not the right time.
Harry swallowed down the rest of his sweet treat and washed it down with tea. He still couldn't get his mind off his own future regarding the boy beside him that's now got his hands shoved into the pockets of his denim jacket. It's so uncertain and Harry needed to ask Louis about his future because he needs to figure out where he may fit in all of that.
"So, what are your plans after Uni, Lou?" Harry asked softly as his eyes fell back into the slothful sea. Rather tense at the unknowing of what Louis could actually tell Harry because he's never talked about it. Usually, any talk about university alone wasn't Louis' interests, especially when it came to his major.
Louis let out a sigh as if he was waiting for someone to finally ask him this question. "Well had been thinking about taking the summer off I guess, spend time with my family," Louis answered honestly. "Mum probably would want me home anyway before I venture off into the big scary world." Louis sounded more sarcastic than anything at the last part of his answer. With an eye roll accompanied of course.
"She probably misses you since we're like four hours away you know, and you've been away for how long?" Harry knows if it were himself his mum would be the same.
"Three years"
Harry's point taken, "See that's like a long time in parent time. Besides maybe you might decide to come back to uni for music or something..." Harry decided to bring it up because Louis obviously cares less about his current major anyway. Also Louis' so talented in the musical area, so it'd only make more sense to Harry.
Louis scoffed, "And what do you know about parent time?"
"Enough to know that your mum probably misses you at home, just as much as mine does," Harry answered as he took a sip of his tea. "Also my mum was the same when Gemma left so I know from observation."
Louis shook his head, "I visit my mum and the girls every other weekend and talk to them through text everyday. I'm sure they'll be fine once I leave to go find a job," Louis didn't sound too happy about that and Harry wished there was something he could do to help.
"But about the coming back to Uni, I don't think so, love," Louis frowned as he flicked his gaze on Harry. "It's not probable."
Harry didn't like that look on Louis' face at all and he especially didn't like that Louis talking himself down about what's he's most passionate about. "And why not?"
Louis chewed on his lip for a moment as he glanced back to the ocean before they landed back on Harry once again.
"I just don't think it's worth my time to risk a music career, you know? At least with this gaming and art thing I have a chance to find a job," it still didn't mean it didn't break a part of Harry's heart off to hear Louis talk like that. "Besides, I wanted to make mum proud of me for picking something at least worth finishing, you know" Harry's certain Jay would be proud of Louis no matter what he chose. "But whatever, I guess. I can always change careers later on, not like it's set with me for life."
Harry just nodded because he understood now why exactly Louis didn't necessarily follow his dreams in the first place. It was kind of disheartening honestly. But maybe later on in life Louis knowing how unpredictable he can be, Louis could once follow his passions at some point. Harry would be there to push him along... if he's still around.
"I suppose you're right, but I still believe you should have followed your dreams." Harry really did, but enough about that. He needed to know some other things, more important things that are screaming at him in the back of his mind to be asked.
"But what about that boy you like, is he in your plans after Uni?" As much as it made Harry feel quite ailing at the thought of Louis with someone else, he needed to know.
With a downcast expression on his face, Louis pulled his hand out of his pocket to fix his fringe, "Honestly, I hope he is," he finally answered. "As much as I said in the past that I didn't give a shit about dating and would rather hook up. I've been reconsidering it." that certainly did perk Harry's interest. So Louis was looking for a relationship and sadly not with him...
"I just don't think I even have a chance at all because look at my past? I look like a sex crazed twenty two year old addicted to the latest drugs," Harry frowned, not enjoying Louis belittling him like that. "He wouldn't want someone like me, not that I came blame him." Louis went on and Harry wanted to reach over and grab Louis' arm to comfort him, but he didn't. "I'm not his ideal guy, I'm sure of that."
Harry didn't like any of this at all, he especially didn't like the fact on how insecure Louis sounded.
Yes Louis has his faults, but everyone has them.
"You know I've actually been avoiding commitment for so long because I hadn't really met anyone I genuinely liked. Not since my ex Michael." Louis admitted. " I tried dating after him, but I just didn't want to get attached as I know how fucking horrible it feels when things end," Louis frowned as he crossed his arms. "I just don't want to lose him, that's the thing and I know if I don't just nod up and tell him how I feel someday that will never happen." Harry just stayed quiet and let Louis open up, finally having a better grasp of why Louis stopped dating in the first place.
"My mum wants me to be happy and find someone worth settling down with, which I have, but I don't know ..."
Harry wanted to tell Louis that this boy would be an idiot to say no to him, just because they're total opposites meant shit. Honestly, Harry would love to have Louis as his boyfriend, a serious boyfriend that lasts more than a month. Lasts more than a measly six months.
I'd settle down with you was what Harry wanted to blurt out but he didn't. Instead, he said something a little more guarded. " 'm sure he'd say yes, Lou," Harry knows it wasn't the best advice ever, but it's all he could come up with without exposing him.
"I'd like to believe that, really," Louis added as he decided to put Harry on blast about his own future regarding relationships. Oh Joy.
"Enough about my fucking down spiraling singleness, what about you?" Louis asked curiously. "I remember back at the pub before we became mates you said you'd been single for years and were happy about it," Louis actually remember that? That was back in like September and Harry vaguely recalls he even said that. "But you went on a blind date with that law student and that contradicts what you told me, so what's that about?"
Harry bit the inside of his cheek as he quickly thought of what he was going to say so he doesn't say things that might cross some boundaries. His fingers twisted together in his lap before he finally spoke up. "I thought for the longest time that my studies and education were above everything else that mattered." Harry started, " I wanted to have my career under my belt and live comfortably before I even considered trying to find that perfect guy ..."
Yeah, funny how that turned out...
"But it turned out that's not what I even wanted. I haven't ever been serious with anyone before nor dated anyone long enough to know what it's like to actually have feelings for someone." Harry explained. "I kept telling myself that none of the boys I dated worked out well because they were my ideal guy in the first place, well my ideal guy isn't what I've been wanting, not at all," Harry just shook his head, eyes still focused on Louis.
"Well those guys were dummies because anyone would be stupid to break up with you," Louis admitted, the corners of his lips quirking up. "You're wonderful the way you are."
Harry thought he almost got the wind knocked out him with what Louis just said, but he kept his composure and went on explaining.
"It's okay though, Lou. Just meant they weren't the one for me and I don't know. Looking back how I was five months ago is completely different compared to now." Yeah, kind of insane honestly what a change Harry's mind did. "I don't want to be alone for the next four years while I'm here, have someone to share my life with because when I look at Niall and Zayn I do feel envious at times. I want what they have at some point, I do."
If Harry were honest he felt kind of better now that he had getting it all off his chest, even if he hadn't entirely admitted to Louis how he feels.
"I want someone to create memories with ..."
Louis nodded as if he understood everything Harry had been saying and that was a relief honestly. At least he wasn't being asked a million and one questions on who changed his perspective particularly...
Once again silence took over briefly between them as they just held their gaze and thankfully it didn't last too much longer. Louis was the one who broke the silence.
"Would you be with someone that wasn't in Uni or lived hours away?"
Yes, Harry would.
"Of course, Lou."
"And you wouldn't care about his career or if he's not the cookie cutter guy you always described?
Harry shook his head, because he didn't care. At all.
Louis then smiled and put his hand on Harry's thigh, squeezing lightly sending a flutter of electricity through Harry's body. Harry's certain he almost had a heart attack right about then. Louis' hand stuck on his thigh and Harry felt absolutely one hundred percent compelled to put his hand on top of Louis but he holds himself back. Louis could just be showing support and not have put any meaning behind that squeeze.
But, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. it's hard for Harry not to have that jittery feeling in his belly and his palms starting to feel sweaty. To suddenly feel horrendously nervous because he's infatuated with the guy beside him that had his hand is on Harry. Harry tried to suppress it, he did, and hoped Louis wouldn't have caught onto Harry's blatant bundle of nerves.
After a few seconds pass Louis removed his hand and Harry wanted it back on him. Harry wanted Louis to wrap his arm around him and cuddle him on this bench. Share a kiss or two and just stay here admiring the sea. Harry wanted more than that but it's all just a state of being lost in reverie.
Eventually Louis had gotten up to go throw his empty cup into the bin and Harry's eyes were soon focused on a family strolling along the beach. Noticing the parents holding their small child's hand and it got Harry's mind rolling once again about his future.
Wondering if he'd have his own family someday, picturing himself maybe six even ten years from now with a longtime partner and child of their own. Harry liked that thought and he likes it, even more when he pictures that long time companion being Louis. He pulled back out of his thoughts as Louis was back on the bench speaking up again, eyes back on Louis who was already staring at him, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
"Do you see yourself with a family of your own one day?" Harry felt a blush coming on because Louis must have caught Harry watching. Also how weird it was Louis had questioned him on what had he been thinking about.
But Harry decided to not worry about that now and he nodded in response.
"Of course, I mean I'd hope so," Harry answered honestly and wondered what about Louis? Did Louis see himself settling down in the coming years at all? Did he want a family of his own? Or just a doting longterm boyfriend or girlfriend of some sorts?
"And you?" Harry decided to just ask because why the hell not? It's not like he'd ever get to ask Louis at any other chance anyway. Besides, it'd be nice to know more about what lies ahead for Louis.
"Yeah, I do."
Harry bit back his smile at the mere thought of Louis finding happiness and love. It's heartwarming to say the least because Louis deserves it, he does. And maybe a small part of Harry is hoping that he's the one to that fits into all of that. Hoping someday he could tell Louis exactly how he feels and ask him for a chance. A chance with love.
If only it were that easy but the thought of falling in love was already daunting enough as it is. Especially with Louis for the matter. A boy whose complicated to understand at times with all the mixed signals he shoots Harry's way.
But it's stupid, so incredibly stupid because Harry knows Louis see's him in a platonic light and nothing more than that.
Suddenly Louis scarpered past him and Harry who is now addled, stayed put. Wondering what the hell was that and why Louis had ran off so quickly without giving Harry a reason. Almost prompted him back to that night in Manchester, that is until Harry's eyes surveyed the lot and eventually fell on Louis with that family. That family Harry had been watching earlier on and Louis had handed them a mauve beanie that little girl once had on. Probably had fallen off or something. Louis looked to having a cordial chat with the parents and Harry can't help but watch. Seeing Louis having a laugh with them and a fetching smile making an appearance afterwards. Probably charming them with whatever he had up his sleeve. Harry should be wondering what exactly Louis was saying to the family, but he's not. Not at all.
The only thing Harry can think about is how heartwarming the scene was. Louis had that comely grin on his face as waved to the little girl, saying his goodbyes, from what Harry could tell at least. The father shaking Louis' hand and the mum saying something as well. Honestly, Harry was rather surprised by Louis' act of kindness as most people would have looked the other way, well most inconsiderate people that is. But at the same time, he's not necessarily shocked either.
Harry remembers all the time Louis had opened the door for him, offered Harry his jacket on more than one occasion when he was cold, and even walked him to his door some nights. Not only that but Louis' always been attentive towards him in general. Harry had also noted over time how family oriented Louis is and the fact he's seeing his family every other week speaks volumes to Harry. Louis' so much more than what he put out on the surface. Yes, sometimes he can be a little brash, callous and rebellious. But he's also kind hearted once you get to know him and often selfless.
Honestly sometimes Harry thought Louis had always put on an act to impress the masses. Acting cocky and smug as if it were okay to act that way. But since he's gotten close to Louis he realized that's just who Louis is in general and Harry had come to accept that. Louis an actual person with feelings that didn't care about impressing his next lay. He's so much more than meets the eyes and Harry's thankful he's agreed to get to know him even if he loathed him at first.
Because Harry adores Louis tremendously.
By now Louis had jogged back towards the bench and Harry watched endearingly, eyes stuck on Louis. Hands now folded in his lap and doting over the boy who was now standing in front of his with his hands on his hips, staring at Harry with a smile on his face.
"What?" Louis asked, suspiciously.
"Nothing," Harry murmured looking down to his hands, his smile turning into a grin. Hoping Louis wouldn't keep asking questions and get on with the rest of their excursion instead.
When Harry looked back up once again, Louis was still looking at him with that stupid smile on his face. His hands no longer resting on hips, but more so folded against his chest.
"Don't start getting mushy on me now, Harold," Louis shook his head, "Because mushy is not something I can deal with right now, not when we have a day to conquer!" Yeah, a day and Harry still does not know what's going to happen because Louis keeps insisting to not share their program of the day.
"And where exactly are we headed off to next then? Because I'd like to know," Harry questioned, moving to his feet, as he finished up the last of his tea. "Also if it involves any spending I am paying Lou," Harry wasn't about to go all day without paying for anything, no matter how much Louis throws a tantrum like a child, nope. He's going to put his foot down on that one.
Louis sighed, looking unimpressed by the idea of Harry paying his way, but whatever. Harry wanted to. "I already told you to not worry about it, didn't I? Besides, maybe you can pay another time when it's your trip that you planned out, yeah?" Yeah. Uh, no.
Harry wanted to pay for their next meal and he needed to think of a better argument. It took him a moment to recall that the shorter boy had always said he loved a good challenge and is super competitive when it comes to things, so that gave Harry an idea.
"Well then since we're both awfully stubborn about who pays, why don't we settle it with a race?" Harry prompted, hoping Louis would agree to that. Because Harry knows Louis could possibly run faster than Harry due to his better muscle definition but that doesn't mean Harry won't win. He's got longer legs than Louis so...
Why not chance it?
"Are you challenging me?" Louis smirked, "Because you and I both know I love a good challenge, darling."
So looks like Harry might be feeling less guilty about this trip after all. Hopefully, Louis isn't a poor sport today because Harry wasn't about to put up with that. He still remembers back when they lost the silly costume contest and went on a tirade on why it was rigged and such. So hopefully this goes over well or else Harry won't hear the end of it for weeks, maybe months.
Oh god, what a thought! Louis bitter over a silly little race for months on end all because he'll peg Harry of cheating. But Harry knows, either way, Louis will just have to accept the results anyway.
"Maybe I am, but you're not allowed to sulk if you lose, Lou, ok?" Harry noted. "Because obviously, I'm going to win ... ok, first one to make it to the sixth bench from here wins, " was all Harry said as he dashed off, not giving Louis much of a warning.
"Hey, you could have counted down you know!" Louis shouted as he started sprinting up behind Harry, but not fully catching up yet. Harry laughed to himself knowing fully well he was going to win and the fact this was kind of fun honestly.
It's been forever since he got to frolic around, especially with a boy he's massively crushing on. Yeah, that never happened actually. So it's nice, very nice.
Harry scuttled through the sand as he darted passed each bench. Some of his curly strands fallen out underneath his beanie and the wind whipping it back. His cheeks going flush and he still had that broad smile across his face as he grew closer to the mock finish line.
By the time Harry had reached the fifth bench he pushed it. He wasn't about to let Louis win this time, even if he was right on Harry's heels. Harry almost felt his nearly slip in the sand but thankfully corrected himself quickly. Not ready to be embarrassed and lose all in the same go.
Louis wouldn't ever let him live that down that's for sure.
Then it was settled that Harry had won because he was the first to reach the sixth bench. It's when Harry turns around to face Louis that Harry's lifts his arms as if he had won a major victory and chants, "I won! I actually beat, Louis Tomlinson, Mr. big bad and tough, can you believe that?!" Harry beamed, trying to catch his breath all in the same time.
Before Harry can even gloat anymore about his small victory suddenly a body collided with his and his back was now flat against the cold sand.
Harry laid there blinking for a moment, trying to comprehend what had just happened. He has a body pressed against his and not just anybody's body, but Louis' body between his legs. On top of him, smashed into him, and Harry's certain Louis did that on purpose.
Not that he minds having a beautiful boy on top of him.
Louis hadn't moved yet and Harry doesn't care. He's too busy smiling into the crook of Louis' neck, taking in the scent of Louis and the fact he still smells so fucking wonderful. Harry was aching to press a kiss against Louis' cool skin. Wanting to wrap his arms around the boy pressed into him because he's hasn't had a cuddle in ages. But Harry refrains, he refrains from all of that because he's not sure how Louis would react.
The moment seemed to linger for a few seconds more and now Louis had his arms braced on either side of Harry. Staring down at Harry with a smile and Harry's not sure why Louis hasn't gotten off of him yet or why he's still nestled between Harry's legs. Harry just stared at him wondering what happens next, because Louis wasn't saying anything, just staring at Harry. Harry thought something was happening here because he was sure he caught Louis' eyes on his lips. But he must have been wrong because Louis ended up sorting out Harry's hair that had been out of place and Harry's thankful it's just chilly enough to have an excuse for the flush in his cheeks.
Before Harry knew it, Louis was no longer against him and a dainty hand was in front of him. Louis was offering a hand and Harry just smiled even wider at the simple gesture.
After his feet were firmly planted on the ground, Harry looked at Louis who was already breaking the silence between them.
"You're such a cheater you know that right?" Louis teased and Harry just shook his head. Oh here we go, Louis surely not going to let this go anytime soon. But whatever, he won fair and square. Also, it's kind of endearing seeing Louis act like a total spoilsport from his loss. Makes Harry want to lean in and kiss him on the cheek to tell him he's always a winner to Harry. But of course, he doesn't.
"I didn't cheat."
"Yeah you did, You did not count down, this was not a fair race!" Louis sighed heavily being all dramatic about it as per usual. "You gave yourself a head start and that's not fair, especially since you've got legs for days," Harry almost choked on his spit because Louis just said that and thinks it's something you admit so casually to your best mate. Well then... Harry's certainly not going to forget that Louis finds his legs appealing that's for sure.
"I still won though, so look who's paying next: me." Harry pointed at himself with his free hand and that's when he realized his other hand was still in Louis'. His cheeks suddenly feeling warm and Harry's not sure if he should retract his hand from Louis grip or not.
"Still cheated," Louis mumbled under his breath.
Harry just smiled, even when Louis pulled his hand away finally and stuffing it into his pockets of his jacket. "But whatever I guess, onto more important things of the day instead of rubbing your win in my face," Louis winked and Harry's certain Louis would be the one rubbing it in if he'd won, not Harry.
By now they were no longer on the beach as they made their way around the streets near the seaside. Taking their time and just enjoying the scenery and the sun that was now shining. Which definitely Harry was thankful for because as much as he doesn't mind being slightly chilly, a bit of warmth never hurt. Especially since he's certain they're more than likely going to keep spending their day outdoors.
Harry didn't mind though as he never truly gotten to just look around and see everything. Usually Niall or Ed, sometimes Gemma would have a motive and they wouldn't have time to just go mosey around and admire everything. All the colorful houses they passed by and Harry thought it'd be pretty kicky to reside in a pink terraced house. Harry's taking pictures of pretty much everything thinking it's kind of bummed that he didn't have an actual camera with him instead, oh well the phone will do.
"You should have told me to bring my camera, by the way," Harry expressed as he took a snapshot of a linear view of the vivid houses they slowly approached. Sort of wanting to take a picture with Louis and put him on Harry's own Instagram, only because he's on Louis' of course. Not that he wanted to show off that he's taken Louis' company for the day or anything...
"But it wouldn't have been a surprise now would it?" True, but Louis could have just been vague. He didn't have to go into details or anything.
Harry sighed, "Still would have been nice to take better pictures!"
"Maybe next time, love." Louis softly mentioned.
It was almost as if Louis was intentionally fucking with Harry's head at this point. Maybe next time and god, Harry's certain Louis had meant that. So Louis means they'll come here again and with a proper camera. Which Harry in his mind is a clear statement that Louis is already planning future trips down the line for them. And that just makes Harry's mind is going bat shit crazy over the fact that he's included in Louis' future.
Like Louis not just going to toss him off to the side once he's done with Uni and it makes Harry feel one hundred percent better.
Because Louis is certainly going to be a part of Harry's that's for damn sure.
Louis was already smoking his second cigarette of the day (as far as Harry knows) and yes, as much as Harry disliked cigarettes. Louis' habit of it too because Harry would love to see him not be so dependent on them, but that's Louis personal choice anyway. Harry doesn't even mind right now honestly because maybe he does surprise Louis with a quick snapshot on his phone of him exhaling the smoke from his lips. Explaining that since Louis thinks it's okay to exploit Harry looking like a mess half asleep that this was considered payback (also maybe because Louis looks striking).
But eventually the phone had been put away and they were just enjoying each others company quietly. Just the two of them, walking rather close together and now that Harry had nothing to keep his hands busy, he was feeling quite on edge. He tried his best not to react as much every time their hands lightly brushed together.
Luckily Harry had spotted something up ahead that he knew would hold Louis' interest, as well as Harry's especially since he's been curious about it. It was a tattoo parlor and anything at this point that could pull Harry's attention away from reaching for Louis' hand is good enough for him.
"I notice they have a tattoo parlor up the street," Harry pointed out; Louis looked intrigued as he glanced at Harry with raised eyebrows, "I mean not that I want to like get one today for myself... I'm just surprised you didn't plan for one, unless you actually did." Harry started to stumble over his words a little now that he was explaining himself.
Louis smirked, "Are you suggesting I should get more ink or something young Harold?" Harry shook his head because that's not what he was implying at all. "I mean I have been thinking about adding more anyway, you know it'd been since what? September since I got this baby," Louis showed off his established in 1991 tattoo and god Harry had kept forgotten about that silly tattoo on the inside of his middle finger.
Kind of brought back the memory of Louis and him actually being in the same room together without having it caught fire, but that was a thought for later. All because Louis was no longer reminiscing about his stupid finger tattoo and was now standing in front of the tattoo parlor.
When Harry finally caught up he noticed Louis already in front of the entryway and god, maybe Harry shouldn't have said anything. He didn't think Louis would want to go in at all, especially since it wasn't his favorite place to go to for his ink. Not only that but Harry recalls Louis saying his uncle does it for him because Louis had said he needed to afford his ink and he'd do anything. But whatever, Louis' so unpredictable sometimes, you never know what that boy is up to.
"You're not seriously going to go in are you?" Harry questioned nervously as he stared up at the sign, reading "Inka". Of course, Harry feels rather intimidated because he's like fresh meat walking into a place like this, someone's bound to come at him with suggestions of inking his skin up, just like last time. Harry still doesn't even know if he wants a tattoo or not yet. It's up in the air still.
Louis let out a sigh, "I just want to have a look, maybe get some inspiration for my newest idea" ugh, Harry's not sure how he feels about this anymore. "Why? Are you scared to go in?!" Louis teased, sounding too smug for Harry's liking. Also not liking how amazingly correct Louis was either. "I'll hold your hand if you want me to?"
Uh, was Louis joking or what? Because Harry is certain Louis was only messing around and thankfully that's exactly what it was. Louis had chortled and shook his head with a smile, "I'm only teasing by the way," thank god for that! Because Harry's certain he would have reached for Louis' hand.
Yeah. He most definitely would have.
"Now are you coming in or what? Because I need you with me inside to help of course," Louis stated before opening up the door and staring back at Harry.
It took a moment for Harry realize that Louis had been holding the door wide open for him and suddenly Harry's cheeks felt slightly warmer. Louis and his chivalrous acts really do something to Harry and he still doesn't understand why Louis had to be so accommodating all the time. Sure it's nice, but he feels kind of guilty that Louis felt obligated to baby him. All because of a drunken night gone wrong.
Whatever though, Harry's just going to keep his mouth shut and headed inside first even if he still felt rather timid about going inside.
The first thing Harry noticed as he stood inside was the designs displayed on the wall and what had been done on people previously. Harry found it fascinating at how amazingly talented the artists were and how well done their work was. Harry had his eyes fixated on one tattoo in particular as it was just one behind someone's ear, a drawing of a tiny anchor. Honestly, Harry thought that was pretty cool and maybe if he still has the courage to muster up over this whole tattoo thing, he may just get one behind his ear or on his ankle. Somewhere where he could easily hide it if he wanted and just subtle enough. Also, he'd want something small as a large piece kind of sounded less appealing to him.
Maybe Harry could bring it up to Louis later on and see what he thinks about it. Even though Harry pretty much knows Louis would be game for it, it'd just make him feel better to hear Louis' opinion.
Harry's attention was soon no longer on the display but on the blonde woman covered in numerous tattoos on his forearms and various piercings on her ears who was standing behind the counter.
"Do you boys have an appointment?" the lady asked, but Harry just stayed quiet. Because no, he doesn't and neither does Louis, they honestly have no reason to be here, but apparently, Louis thinks they do.
"Mm, no just looking around, you know getting some inspiration and all" Louis smiled back at her as Harry just stared at Louis. Who was right beside him, scratching his scruffy cheek. "Trying to figure out my next one."
"Well someone was supposed to be in ten minutes ago but they haven't shown up yet, so if you want I can squeeze you in as I have about an hour free'd up." the lady suggested and of course Louis nodded. Of course he did! Great, now Harry was stuck here because Louis wanted a tattoo.
"Also depending if choose something small, maybe I could squeeze you both in if I have some time left of course," oh no, no, no, and no. Harry wasn't planning on this so soon and so suddenly.
He still hasn't the slightest clue on what he wants and to top it off it's permanent! It's definitely something he still needs to think about that's for sure.
Harry had tittered as he shook his head, "I'm not really into the whole marking up my body, thanks though," Harry explained quickly as his eyes then fell on Louis wondering what his plans were. Hoping he would say no thank you and leave because Harry doesn't want to feel pressured into doing the whole tattoo thing so soon.
"Don't mind him, he's never had a tattoo a day in his life, he's here to observe mainly," Louis said and well that was nice of Louis to tell the girl. "But I'm up for it, I mean wasn't planning anything for today, but I'm always up for new ink," so Louis really was going to go through with this then.
Louis then proceeded to take off his jacket and push up the sleeves of his hoodie, showing off his tattoos and even pulling down the scoop neck of his shirt to show off the script across his collar bones. Mentioning to her that he's quite addicted himself and someday would love to be covered in them. Which Harry won't lie it's pretty damn hot just thinking about Louis covered in even more ink.
Harry needed to stop the thought about that because it was not the place or time to think about it. Especially since Louis' seriously going through with this last minute tattoo idea. As he was telling the lady that he already had an idea in mind and Harry's honestly not surprised.
So great, another tattoo session of Harry sat on the sidelines and staying mute. Which is fine Harry supposed he could watch the process once again. Just to know what to expect if he ever decided fully on going through with it.
Yeah, that sounded like a good idea as there really wasn't other things he could do.
"Well if you want to follow me we can start unless you need some time?" The lady asked and Louis already shook his head.
"Nah, I already know what I want," he does? "But uh can my mate Harry come with?" Louis asked and Harry hoped so. Harry's not sure how he'd feel about sitting in the waiting area alone and occupied with his phone that he hasn't had a chance to really enjoy. Not that he wouldn't mind scrolling through his phone, or at least study, because god knows how long he'd actually be sitting there for.
The lady nodded as she glanced at Harry, "Of course, but only if it won't make him queasy!" she teased before she finally told them to call her Olivia and to follow her.
Louis had gave Harry a glance before they followed the girl behind the counter and into a smaller room. This place was different than the other one they had went to back in London from what Harry observed. For one they weren't led over to a station more so a tattooing chair and in a room. There was a chair in the corner that Harry assumed would be his spot, and not to mention that it felt just a bit more secluded then back at Louis' uncles work.
Once Harry was in his spot he crossed his legs and just observed. Wondering what exactly this tattoo Louis had in mind and where he's going to put it at. Not only that but how can Louis be so spontaneous with something so permanent? It's so odd to Harry still that Louis can be so impromptu sometimes regarding many things.
"So what is that you're wanting done then?" Olivia asked as she pulled up a chair beside where Louis was seated. "And where would you like then?"
Louis had showed Olivia his left hand that was tattooless and pointed to his middle and ring finger. So Harry takes it Louis' rather taken a liking to hand tattoos as that's all he's been noticing he's been doing. Not that Harry has any complaints or anything because Louis wears them well, it's just interesting as Lous had mentioned in the past something about a neck tattoo at one point.
Which hell, it would look absolutely amazing on him.
"Was thinking about putting 28 on them as I've been into fingers tattoos lately, obviously," Louis gestured to his other hand, showing off his works of art. "Was originally going to opt for the more inner ear tattoo, but seems brutal honesty." Yeah, that didn't sound too pleasant to Harry. Quite painful actually.
Olivia nodded as then she started to tell Louis that finger tattoos were in fact quite trendy at the moment and proceed to show off hers located on the inside of his fingers with various words and designs. Explaining that they're nice if you don't want something too prominent and can fade over time as well which is nice.
But Louis was already shutting that down, "Well I was more so thinking about on the actual fingers instead, rather be able to see it as it's quite important to me" Harry wondered what it had meant to Louis and he made a mental note to ask him later about it.
Then the lady began to ask Louis if had an idea of what sort of font he wanted and mentioned that if he wasn't sure she could show him some examples. But Louis was already on that and mentioned something more classic and a little gothic as well for some edge. Which Olivia had nodded and told Louis to give her a minute to sketch up some ideas and after a couple sketches later and quick search on her phone Louis had decided on which one he had wanted done.
Harry just sat there quietly still, not realizing just how much detail you exactly have to go into a tattoo. A small tattoo. A number tattoo on your fingers.
It kind of intimidated Harry towards his own idea of getting some ink because they're definitely many ways to go about what kind of style to what exactly you're going to put on your body. Not to mention the fact it's fucking permanent. Yes, it fades over time or whatever, but to Harry, this was a huge decision. For years he'd always been against the idea for himself and has been little by little easing his mind into the idea of a small one. Yet that doesn't mean he's still not unsettled at the mere idea of marking his body permanently.
But Harry had all the time in the world to decide when or if he'd go through with it in the first place.
"What's so special about this number then?" Olivia asked, that's what Harry would like to know.
Louis just smiled, "Just my lucky number is all, really" Hmm, Harry was expecting an elaborate story of some sorts or maybe it's an important date. Not Louis' lucky number, but honestly this doesn't even surprise Harry as Louis had his year he was born tattooed on his finger.
"Well that's fine," she commented as she then started to disinfect Louis' fingers and then rubbed in what looked to be like a lotion into them. Then stuck on the white paper that she had done sketched on (the one Louis picked out) and went from there. Honestly, Harry watched in awe with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape.
Harry's eyes followed all the movements and eventually at one point had fell on Louis who smiled at him softly. Harry just peered down to his fingers twisted together in his lap and smiled. Feeling his cheeks grow suddenly warm and Harry's not sure why in the hell he's feeling like his stomach is in a twisting mess. They're in a tattoo shop for crying out loud as Louis' marking up his body, the last thing Harry should be doing is blushing over a smile.
But of course Harry just had to like Louis more than he should, can't help himself. Hopefully, he's not being too obvious and Louis doesn't poke fun at him about it later on. More importantly, Harry hopes Louis just doesn't say anything at all.
Eventually Louis' tattoo had been finished and Harry was impressed, it was well done. Even for just a silly number tattoo and thankfully Louis seemed impressed. Even mentioning that he couldn't wait to show it off to Zayn and hopefully that Jay wouldn't kill him. Louis had said he promised her no more tattoo's until after Uni, but looks like he didn't stick to that after all.
Harry is not surprised because since when does Louis conform to rules anyway?
After Louis had let Olivia clean up and bandage up Louis' fingers, she explained not to put water on it for a day or touch it. Disinfect it for several days and a lot of other stuff that Harry had noted in his head for later.
Harry may or may not send daily reminders to Louis...
When it came around time to pay Harry was ready to leave as they've been here for an hour now as he had grown tired of sitting there quietly. As he could just do that on the train ride back to Southampton later on instead. Well if Louis let him that is if he hadn't run out of things to talk about yet.
Once Louis had paid the £80 they were out the door and Harry could help but shake his head. Because he can't believe Louis even did that like, it was so random, and no one. Not even Ed one of his mates that actually has his some of his body blanketed in tattoos has never once just gotten tattoo's on a whim. It's crazy. Which made Harry sort of laugh because it's just so weird.
Louis never seizes to amaze Harry that's for sure.
"What's so funny?" Louis questioned as stared at Harry curiously with a frown.
"Nothing it's just I think you're out of your head really, that was quite unexpected, didn't think you'd actually get a tattoo," Harry explained honestly. Yeah because it is fucking crazy that Louis did that. Like who even does that even? "I swear you're addicted to them, Lou!"
Louis smirked and shrugged, "Well what did I tell you? Once you have one you'll always want more. I'm always right aren't I?" Oh no, Harry's not ready to deal with Louis' cockiness once again. "Besides it's just a small one it's fine, if it was a bigger one I would have to make an appointment and talk about it beforehand."
Still Harry thinks Louis has some balls to just randomly get body modifications on the spot.
"Also my uncle would be the one doing it anyway and I wouldn't have made you sit through that kind of appointment as I know you'd be beyond fucking bored." Louis explained and he did have a point there.
Still doesn't cover the fact Harry thinks Louis' impulsiveness is insane.
"But I'm actually feeling a bit peckish, so how does lunch sound?"
Yeah, that was something Harry could definitely agree with right now.
A little while later Harry and Louis had found themselves at The Mock Turtle as Louis had insisted they go there. As he explained he's been here more than once with Jay and the girls in the past and that in case Harry was planning on eating healthy today there were some of those options too.
Which was nice of Louis to even think of Harry in the first place when it came to sitting down for a meal.
Harry gazed around the dainty room and was fairly impressed with the light décor. The china around the walls, to the array of homemade cakes laid out in the window was rather charming to Harry. Not to mention the wooden furniture was quite a nice touch to a cozy feel and everything about this place was welcoming. The food is splendid and Harry's certain his own mum would love to come here for tea, maybe even Gemma too.
Maybe have Louis coming along as well to keep him company...
"So Harold I wanted to ask you something," Louis said as he had sipped on his tea, eyes trained on Harry. "but you have to be honest and no shit answers to like make me feel better or anything, okay?"
Wait, what?
Harry was in the middle of munching on his chips until he set that down and stared at Louis, wondering what this was about. Wanting to know what exactly is this question he needed an answer too anyway and hopefully, it's not pertaining to that night he walked in on Louis. Because that... Harry's not sure if he could answer that without getting all flustered.
"Go on," Harry responded quietly as he just sat there, not even touching his food anymore or his tea.
Then nothing was said for a few seconds which worried Harry; who knows what Louis wanted to ask to him now! It could, in fact, be the worst thing Harry could think of. The mere thought of Louis bringing up anything regarding their kiss back in Manchester to the night Harry caught Louis pleasuring himself, made Harry feel nauseated. Even his food didn't even sound good anymore and he hasn't even eaten more than a couple chips.
Louis fingers curling around his teacup before he spoke up with a tight voice, "Do you think I'm fit?" Uh is this a trick question or something? "I mean do you genuinely think I'm attractive?"
Oh god Harry wasn't prepared for this, no he wasn't. Shit, none of his mates has ever asked him this question before, especially ones he has crushes on. This is weird and Harry not sure if he should tell Louis he finds him exquisitely stunning or go for the safer route with telling him he's cute. Harry doesn't know and he's sitting here silently wondering why in the hell Louis needed to know what Harry thought.
Shouldn't it be quite obvious that he's good looking anyway? After all, Louis has had many sexual conquests from what he's heard and besides doesn't Louis own a mirror? He's gorgeous to Harry.
But Harry knows Louis was wanting an honest answer and wasn't about to let Harry off easy without preying an answer from him. Oh, how Harry wished there was a scapegoat out of this because he'd rather deal with this over text than face to face because it seemed so much easier to Harry.
"Uh, yeah I do," Harry felt like it was suddenly boiling in the quaint room. His jumper starting to feel a bit itchy and suffocated as some more people stepped inside the building. Louis wanted an honest answer and he got it even if Harry was on the verge of fainting from heat stroke. Oh how that sounded wonderful right about now to get far away as possible from Louis interrogating Harry about if he finds Louis attractive. It'd be much kinder because who knows what's going through Louis' head right about now.
Will he be creeped out? Will he tease Harry now? Or will he be cocky and say something along the lines of thank you for reminding me? Because who even knows with Louis .
Louis lips curved into a smile, so Harry scratched off he's not creeped out. so that's a relief. But that still left Harry wondering what Louis Motivation was behind this intricate question.
"Likewise, babe."
What did Louis say just now?
Did Louis seriously just admit he found Harry attractive? Harry's certain that's what he just heard. Louis Tomlinson actually admitted to finding Harry Styles attractive, and no these weren't slurred words either. They're sober, honest words and Harry not sure how to feel or respond as he was just sitting there in a daze wondering what in the hell is he supposed to say now.
"You know funny thing is, I was actually going to try and pull you at Liam's party when we first met" Louis casually admitted and Harry was speechless. That wasn't something Harry expected to never leave Louis' mouth, at all. "I saw you come upstairs looking perturbed over your soiled top and I was instantly intrigued." Louis went on and Harry not sure where Louis was going with this, but it was definitely making his stomach in a jumbled mess of knots. "Wanted you the moment I saw you to be more clear," yeah, Harry's still fucking dumbstruck.
"But," of course there's a but, there always one. "I had a change of heart once I actually found out you were mates with Niall as I knew Zayn had been infatuated with the kid," Louis explained, his cheeks flushed. "As that'd been really fucking weird if we had hooked up once and they dated," Harry really wasn't going to make it out of lunch alive was he? "I mean talk about getting to know your new mates and all than just hanging out!"
Louis was now rearranging his fringe and Harry hasn't even said a word, nothing, as he can't form a proper sentence either.
"Not mention that it felt different with you when I actually got around to chat with you!"
Different? What's that supposed to mean?
Harry didn't have a chance to ask at all not that he could have because he's still tongue-tied over the fact Louis admitted of wanting to sleep with him. Louis actually wanted to bring Harry back to his and have his way with Harry and that's something Harry should not be thinking about right now. Not at all.
"But anyway this actually leads into my question because I'm curious," oh no... Harry wasn't prepared for another question. Not when it involved Harry with a fleeting sexual rendezvous in Louis' dorm. No.
Louis gnawed on his bottom lip for a moment, "So if I had approached you, like, let's say at the cafe one day and we had never met before. If I had come over and chatted you up, would you had given me the time of day?"
Uh. Why did Louis want to know that?
Why is Louis admitting this all now? To Harry at a tea house where everyone could eavesdrop on their conversation. Does Louis want everyone to know he had originally planned to shag Harry in the beginning? Does he? Because Harry feels like that conversation was far too intimate and shocking for tea. But then again Louis plays by his own rules and thought it was a marvelous time to bring up such a topic.
Harry's stomach is a jittery mess and all he can do is sit there silently because he doesn't know. He just doesn't know, okay?!
Back before he gotten to know Louis he wouldn't give guys that looked like trouble any time of his day because he knew bad boys led to no good. But then again maybe Harry would have given Louis a chance as he found him attractive right off the bat. Even if his first attitude kind of killed that part for him in the beginning.
Harry cleared his throat as he finally found his voice again, well more so stumbled over his words "Uh, I guess, I mean... if you were like... if you were nice," god Harry felt like he was about to pass out right about now. "I would have.. Yeah.. "
Louis smirked as he crossed his arms, "So you admit if I was charming enough you'd give me a chance to take you out then?" Harry nodded slowly, because damn Harry's not sure if he could say no. Especially if Louis had actually been nice, but only as like potential friends of course because guys were clearly off limits.
It was relatively quiet between them now and Harry not even sure what else to say to Louis at all, not after all that came out. Thankfully though Louis had excused himself to use the restroom and left Harry alone with his thoughts.
Louis wanted to not only sleep with him but also get his number... like who admits that to their best mate? Has Louis ever tried that towards Zayn in the past before they had met formally? Or even Nick?
It's strange to Harry but also make him feel kind of happy that Louis is in fact attracted to him and had wanted him at some point. Except that Harry wouldn't have slept with Louis as it is against his principles, he's never been with a guy in that way before and he's not about hop into Louis' bed either. Not because Louis had admitted he thought of fucking him the night they first met. Also, Harry needed to remind himself that they're just mates... best mates and Louis has a thing for someone else. Just because Louis finds him easy on the eyes doesn't mean anything.
Soon Louis had come back and was already onto another other lighter topics which was fine by Harry. Anything that's as far away as getting Harry to admit his attraction towards Louis was better.
Louis was going on about how his band was thinking of possibly taking it more serious and putting their names more out there. Like uploading their music online finally as they haven't done it yet or maybe just networking a little. Which Harry thought were splendid ideas. So Harry won't be surprised if they continue on with their success but it got Harry thinking about Louis.
Louis is always on Harry's mind now, isn't he?
But seriously Harry was curious if Louis would continue with his band after uni well into the later years. Also, it got Harry wondering if maybe Louis would ever build up his courage and sing at least once. He has such a lovely voice to Harry from what he's heard and should show it off. But then again Louis would shut that idea down in an instant and tell Harry to just drop it. Hopefully someday Louis realizes that his voice is impressively beautiful.
Soon their conversation turned towards their families and how his mum has been wondering about Louis' love life again. Louis says it annoying but he gets it that she wants him to be happy. He's stopped hooking up but didn't spare the details to his mum of course. But then Louis went on about how he thinks his mum may just be bored at home and trying to take charge of Louis' love life, he appreciates the effort but maybe she should focus on other things. Like maybe going on trips or something. With or without the girls when she isn't working. Like Brighton for example because she adores the city and sea.
Harry had chimed in and said his mum should do about the same. Only because ever since Harry's been at uni she's been alone. Probably quiet most days at home when she isn't working. She is always so excited every time Harry comes home when he does.
Louis had mentioned that he could drive Harry home anytime he wanted as he doesn't mind since it's not out of his way, apparently.
Actually it is, by like two hours give or take. But apparently to Louis it's not a waste of time or anything.
This conversation had apparently gave Louis an idea, a sudden idea that kind of caught Harry off guard.
"You know this going to sound a little crazy, but maybe our mums could meet, like over dinner or something." Louis suggested and Harry's not so sure about that to be quite honest. Only because he knows in the past Louis' mum tried playing matchmaker and Harry knows he's smitten with Louis.
"I mean it's a brilliant idea if you ask me because shit, me and you are best mates, imagine if our mums became friends." Louis went on, sounding too excited. "I mean I'm sure they'd get on just fine anyway. Both have loads of free time too" Louis made some good points... but this was something Harry would need to think about.
More importantly, talk to his mum about and see how she feels about it.
"I'll have to get back to you on this, Lou" Harry finally said as fiddled with the buttons of his jacket.
Surprisingly Louis didn't fight him on it. Usually, he'd at least try to get his way. Just like back on New Year's Eve when he had kept pestering Harry attending about Jay's party.
"Fair enough," Louis agreed as went back to his food, no longer trying many ways to persuade Harry.
Which was fine though, because having their parents meet was kind of a huge deal. Like Anne has only met with Niall and Ed's parents a few times over the years. But never with the intentions of being friends anyway other than acquaintances.
But this was different. Yeah, Louis is his best mate but not Niall kind of best mate where Harry considered him family. Louis the best mate that Harry happens to have feelings for so this situation is kind of tricky.
Especially because Harry had thought when you have your parents officially meet that things were getting serious.
But then again it could just be Harry as always not looking at the big picture.
Soon enough conversation between them tapered off as they had finished up the rest of their lunches, well Louis more so as Harry had nothing but worry in back of his mind.. All because of dinner in Doncaster a few weeks from now. It's unsettling and unpredictable on what could happen and Harry doesn't want to know and he's going to keep agonizing over it until the night is done and over with.
For the rest of their day Harry felt more at ease as they continued looking around. Even stopped by the Royal Pavilion right after lunch to have a look, taking some more pictures, before heading off once again. Louis had even managed to get a selfie with Harry with the sea in the background at some point as he claimed they needed to document their memories. Which Harry held no argument towards and went with it anyway. It was nice doing this with Louis and Harry hadn't realized just how late it was getting well into the evening. Meandering around the area has been quite nice, they did not talk that much but the silence was not heavy between them, they felt comfortable enough to just enjoy the scenery of the people visiting certainly just like them, stopping time from time to sit on a bench while Louis had a smoke.
It had gotten Harry's mind off everything that was said during lunch and he was kind of sad when they headed back to the train station once the sun started to go down.
The train ride back was nice and quiet, Harry once again had the window seat even if he couldn't see much because of the night, he was quite thankful Louis had given it to him. He even considered napping after the day they just had on the ride back, but then again the idea of a neck ache sounded less than appealing. Not only that but Louis may have fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder not even twenty minutes into it. Honestly, Harry didn't mind that Louis used his shoulder as pillow.
Harry kind of liked it... a lot.
At some point during the ride back he wanted to cuddle into Louis' side to relax a little himself. Oh, how he wished he could have done that! It would have been a far more pleasant ride back to Southampton!
Once they had been dropped off and out of the train station Harry knew this was the moment he should start heading back to his dorm. Giving a call for a cab to come pick him up and out of his chilly night air. Even if a part of Harry didn't want the night to end so soon already.
But Louis had other plans apparently, "So I didn't bring my car with me this morning, want to come on a walk with me Harold?" Louis questioned as he let out a yawn and well... Harry certainly wasn't opposed to this idea. He honestly wasn't ready for Louis to leave just yet. Wanting to go off and spend time with him some more at either of their dorms, have a film night again or just stay together. Harry wanted that more than anything, but he doesn't want to overstep things and definitely doesn't want to spend too much time with Louis as he may just end up being more infatuated with him if that's even possible.
So in the end, Harry went with Louis on the way back to their dorms noticing at some point where Harry knew they should have parted ways, Louis kept by Harry's side. Walking beside him all the way back to Harry's building and Harry's not going to lie; it made him feel elated and secure because Louis could have just left Harry to walk the rest of his way back to his building. But that didn't happen, Louis apparently wasn't ready to say goodnight so soon either.
Harry's stomach did a somersault at any moment Louis' hand had brushed against his. Even at one point Harry had felt fingers brush up against his own as if they were aching to interacting with his own.
As they ambled towards the heavy doors of Harry building, Harry had been thinking of many excuses. Something, anything, just to not end his night already and have just a little more time with Louis. Of course, though, Harry knows it's quite pointless and he's sure Louis had plans anyway, better plans than hanging out with him, that's for sure. Probably has one of Liam's parties to go get stoned ...
Harry glanced at Louis when they were now near the main doors.Louis smiled at him as he stepped a little closer to Harry before he finally broke the lingering silence between them.
"So I take it the day was a success then?"
"Of course, glad you dragged me along." Harry answered with a smile.
Louis just scoffed, "Jeez make it sound like I forced you to come out today, Harold!" Harry just shook his head at Louis' teasings. "You know you should appreciate me! Not but for real, I did all of this to show my gratitude.."
"But you didn't have to, Louis I told you that!, Harry explained because Louis really didn't have to. "I didn't mind nursing you back to health, you know, I am studying to do that on a daily basis, to take care of people .."He'd care for Louis's well being at anytime, no matter if he was sick, tired, or just had a terrible day. Louis far too important too for him.
"I just ... I wanted to since I felt so fucking guilty about what happened. And also... maybe also because I happen to like your company" Louis explained shyly reaching over and gently grabbing Harry's arm. "I would do anything for you."
How do you go from that? It has just been said out loud that Louis would do anything for Harry and Louis had actually done many questionable things today. All those things were confusing and made Harry's mind go all fuzzy. Is Louis trying to tell Harry that he's into him because that's what's it's coming off as but then again Louis is tough to read. You never know if Louis' flirting with a purpose of jokingly. Not only that but Louis quite the gentleman at times like tonight for example. He had walked Harry home to make sure he made it safely as it was dark out. Letting Harry have the window seat both ways on the train, opening the doors for him, paying most of their bills, and even at one point offering his jacket to Harry as the weather was getting chilly.
But there's still that one thing, that one little thing. Louis infatuated with a boy in his class, not him.
It bothers Harry, pangs in his chest at the mere thought of them together. Harry in a way wishes he didn't care as much about it, but he does. He does so fucking much because in truth it's painful to think about Louis, a boy he truly likes with someone that isn't him.
Talk about getting stabbed in the heart.
Harry needed to stop thinking like that though because right now that wasn't a priority. As him being next to Louis was the most important thing in the world right now. Anything wasn't important as this right here, right now.
A smile came to Harry's lips as he was trying to think of a response but nothing came to his head, nothing at all. Because what do you even say after someone says they'll do anything for you, it's tough.
There was silence in the air for a moment as Harry's mind was still stuck on the whole response. Louis was just staring at him not saying anything else as if he were waiting for something. Waiting on Harry to say something then wish him goodnight. But that's not what Harry does.
What Harry does do after thinking it over and deciding to end their night here, Harry leaned forward and pressed his lips against Louis' scratchy cold cheek. Feeling like his whole body was about to give out and felt as if time slowed down
When Harry retracted back, he felt heat inching to his cheek and that look Louis was giving him right now made Harry's night. The corners of Louis' eyes crinkled as his the corners of his lips slid upwards and Harry thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
At least Louis wasn't creeped out or running off after a kiss. Even if it's just more so a thank you peck on the cheek kind of kiss. It was reassuring to Harry that small gesture was okay and Louis seemed to be pleased by it.
"Thank you, though Louis. I had a lovely time"
Louis nodded as he finally removed his hand off Harry's arm that Harry hadn't realized was still on him. A part, a massive part of Harry wanted Louis' hands back on him. Except Harry knows Louis had absolutely no reason to be physical with Harry, especially before they are about to part ways.
Then there was once again awkwardness in the air for a couple seconds. As neither of them were saying another word and just staring at each other, almost as if they were waiting for something to happen, subconsciously. It sort of made Harry feel anxious in a sense because does he say goodnight now? Does he invite Louis inside his dorm for a little while? Or does he keep talking some more?
Thankfully though Harry had decided to clear his throat and decided maybe they should call it a night. Afterall Louis will (hopefully) more than likely send Harry a text later on in the night anyway. Not only that but they'll more than likely hangout again sometime this week. As now they were slowly starting to hang out regularly again.
Which honestly Harry was thrilled about even if he knows deep down it could lead to more attachment.
"I should probably head in for the night, you know to study before bed," Harry said honestly as he pressed his lips together as he felt heaviness in his stomach. Of course, it wasn't a lie per se as he's always down for expanding his knowledge, but he almost doesn't even want to. He'd much rather spend his night at some seedy party with Louis, shit even a sitting in a car hot boxing with Louis, Zayn and Nick sounded better than revising.
Almost as if time seemed to move too quickly when Harry's with Louis and Harry wished it'd just slow down for once. Especially when they have days like these where Harry hadn't wanted the day to end so soon.
But then again Louis probably had plans anyway with like Nick or Zayn. Someone other than Harry of course which is fine, they don't have to spend every minute of the day together.
"Of course you are," Louis smirked as he then stuffed his hands into his pockets of his jacket. "Well I guess I should let you go off and do your mundane routine, " of course he has to throw in comments Harry's nightly routine, how typical.
"So I'll see you around, night Harold," Louis ended up saying before he walked off.
Harry couldn't pull himself away from his spot, not when Louis looked back over his shoulder back at Harry once more before his silhouette disappeared into the night's darkness.
But eventually Harry had smiled to himself and went inside. In which his textbooks were never touched once and he found himself in bed by nine.
Because Louis had ended up sending Harry a series of texts throughout the night.
And Harry knew that tonight he may just have just fallen a little more for Louis.
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