First morning back at uni and Harry's sitting beside Niall in foundations of health science.
Class hadn't started yet and Niall was already yapping away about what happened over holiday. As much as Harry loves to hear Niall go on about his lovelife with Zayn and their amazing relationship. Harry was not in the mood, not today.
Harry's exhausted and downhearted. If Harry were honest he'd much rather be back in bed with his eyes closed. Unfortunately, Harry's own morals seem to kick his arse and make him be the good student he is. Preparing for exams next week and putting his education first. An expensive education he can't afford to mess up because he feels a bit blue.
Even Niall's been looking at Harry in a peculiar way throughout lecture. Which Harry doesn't appreciate at all. Hopefully afterwards he gets to leave without a million and one questions from Niall. Niall shouldn't be snooping where his nose doesn't belong, but goes about it anyway.
By the time Harry left he thought he'd wouldn't get the hell out of there fast enough. All he wants to do is go back to his dorm and take a nap. Or maybe do a puzzle or something that will get his mind off certain things. Unfortunately, Niall had other plans and yelled out for Harry just as he was about to reach for the handle. Oh no, here we go. . .
"Harry!" Niall shouted as he jogged up to where Harry was standing. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you leave that fast. Got a hot date or something?" Niall laughed. Yeah, not funny.
Harry sighed, fixing his book bag strap as it was feeling quite heavy. Also in no mood for jokes and teasing's. "No, I'm just tired, Niall," which wasn't necessarily a lie per se.
Niall crossed his arms and gave Harry one of those stern looks as if he wasn't buying it. "That's a load of bull, I mean maybe you're tired since you spend nights face down in the books. But I think something's bothering you," Nope, Harry's not even going to go into this, not right now. He's already walking out the doors knowing it was quite rude, but he just can't.
Not making it far, Niall caught back up to him again, almost slipping when he trotted over an icy patch. Thankfully Niall hadn't crashed into the other students leaving because the last thing needs to happen is more than one person falling.
"You know you can tell me what's going on, Harry," Niall mentioned, as he pulled out his phone, quickly typing something before shoving it back into his coat. "Don't pretend like I don't know because I do. You're acting a bit strange," as much as Harry feels a bit guilty for shutting Niall out as they've always told each other everything over the years. This was just... a delicate topic.
Harry didn't offer a response as he veered towards the direction of the bus stop, noticing Niall wasn't leaving his side. So Zayn isn't picking Niall up or what? Maybe he's running late, oh god Harry hopes that's it. Zayn better be on his way here to get Niall for the day or else Harry's not going to have the nice quiet evening to himself.
A few seconds pass as they grew closer towards the slightly crowded bench. Niall still was right next to him, hands shoved into his pockets, and shoulders hunched as if he were cold. Which it is and Harry thinks Niall is crazy for saying the next thing that comes out of his mouth.
"Want to just walk back to our hall instead? Could use some fresh air, you know," Great, so this is going to be an evening full of numerous questions, great. Just great.
Harry just had to bring it up because it's weird seeing Niall fall out of his usual routine all because of Harry's mopy attitude. Niall is a very loyal and dear friend to Harry, so he gets it, but usually, Zayn comes first. Like in a sense of spending time together as much as they can in a day. Then again Niall was always there when he knew Harry was down in the dumps over something, usually something along the lines of boys he liked or dated.
"And why isn't Zayn picking you up? He always picks you up," Harry brought up because it's true. "I mean if you want to walk back to the hall, then by all means I'm not stopping you, Niall. But I'm taking the bus," Harry knows that came out harsh, but it's cold and snowing. Damp curls and his legs going numb from the chill didn't sound too appealing thank you very much. Especially since it's nearly a twenty minute walk.
Is Niall crazy?
Niall let out a huff as if he should be the one that's annoyed right now. "Oh come on, now," Niall complained, "Just walk with me, alright? I told Zayn not to wait up for a reason," as much as Harry wants to tell Niall to fuck off, but every being in him says to just go. Harry knows if he doesn't go off with Niall then it'd prove Niall more right that something is going on. If Harry goes with him then Harry will be interrogated with unsolicited questions thus proving that there is something. Either way, Harry knows he's screwed.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, as much as he dreaded the trek back with the shit weather, maybe skipping out on the very crowded bus (which he hates) sounded okay. Hopefully, it gets to be too chilly to hold a conversation long enough, well Harry's hoping so.
"Alright, fine. But just this once, alright?" Harry settled, already treading away from the bus stop, Niall following not far behind with a satisfied smile on his face.
By the time they were in Harry's dorm, Niall was lounging on Harry's bed with his wet boots kicked off, and coat thrown on the edge of Harry's bed. As if he were at home lounging on a Saturday afternoon. Harry's hair still damp from the snowflakes is now thrown into a disheveled bun and his cheeks still pink from cold. Bundled in a nice warm jumper and making a mental note to never walk that far in the winter with Niall again.
At least Niall dropped the questions and went on about his six month anniversary coming around in two months time. Thankfully that was something Harry could deal with on the walk back. Hearing Niall be so happy and excited about how long they've been together without any troubles. Which was really good considering Niall's shit ex boyfriends in the past. So hopefully whatever they got going for them keeps going.
Harry soon felt his phone buzzing against his thigh, but he ignored it. Knowing who it exactly is, or at least guesses, that he simply shouldn't be talking to right now. A major distraction from his coursework and yeah... other things.
Niall busy with his phone for a moment, his eyes landed on Harry who was clearing off his desk chair and slumping down into it, crossing his legs. "So, Liam's party is tonight and Louis and Zayn are going to be there, so like we should go," Niall casually mentioned and Harry was already shaking his head. Nope, not happening. "And why not?" Niall pressed further, as he pocketed his phone. His eyes on Harry.
"Because exams are coming up and I don't have time to go mess around, alright," Harry snarked, crossing his arms. He knows he's being a bit of a dick today and he'll awfully feel terrible about it later, but Niall caught him on a bad day.
"Sheesh, you need to calm down," Niall stressed as he moved to sit up. "Listen, I don't know what's going on or if something happened that you're not telling me. But it'll be alright, okay?" Harry appreciates what Niall's saying, but it's useless. He's not going to feel better, not for a while.
"But still you should come tonight, loosen up a little, and go have fun with Louis. Because you and I both know you have a massive crush on him," Niall stated as a matter of fact and Harry wished Niall wasn't so good on picking up when Harry liked someone. Harry should have known better though because Niall's just too smart for his own good and knows things before Harry does sometimes when it comes to guys he come to like.
"I do not," Harry's answer was rushed and Niall looked unconvinced. "We're just friends, that's it,"
"Uh huh, sure," Niall's sarcasm was something Harry was not appreciating right now, no he was not! "You like Louis, so try again,"
Man, Harry wishes what Niall was saying was anything but true.
Harry wants to keep fibbing about his crush to his best mate and not feed into it. It's just getting to that point it's borderline frustrating because he knows, he fucking knows it's all pointless. "Not like it matters anyway, Niall," Harry scoffed, finally just saying because he's tired, so so tired.
The corner of Niall's mouth quirked up and god, why did he have to look so smug about it? It's not the first time Harry told Niall about his crushes. Sure it could be that Niall beaming that he knew Harry would have fallen for Louis after all this time. Mainly because Niall believes highly in the opposites attract stuff, so he can't blame him for thinking the way he did and he was right. Harry has a soft spot for the bad boy type.
"Well I be damn, it's about time you admit it!" Niall exclaimed, suddenly sounding more enthusiastic. "You actually said it out loud and I can't believe I was actually right, I mean I can because it was so obvious, but damn," Niall was too happy about his (not so) revelation and Harry likes that Niall is excited for him and all. But it's nothing worth getting excited over that's for sure.
"God you have no idea how long I've been waiting to set you two up, seriously Harry. Like the moment I met Louis I knew you'd be drooling all over the place, despite the differences, but I knew it'd take you some time to warm up to him. Which I was right, but still. "Niall went on and Harry just bit his tongue. "Also it does matter because I think he likes you too, by the way, I mean, hello? have you seen the way he looks at you?" yeah, Niall needed to stop right there.
As much as Harry didn't want to say this, he had too. "Niall," Harry started, but Niall kept going on about double dates and stuff. "Niall," Harry tried again, a tad louder. Niall eventually stopping to finally let Harry talk for once.
Harry took a deep breath before he said, "I don't think me and him will work, Niall, it just won't work,"
"What do you mean it won't work? You guys are practically together twenty four seven and-"
Harry cut Niall off, speaking over him. "Because then why would he have kissed me and then apologize for it?" well there it is, out in the open and Niall hasn't said anything. Just sitting there as he gaped at Harry. "Niall he left me all alone hours away from home and I had to have Gemma come get me, does that sound like Louis likes me?" Harry questioned, feeling like honestly crying because he's obviously hurt. Of course he is, because if Harry wasn't then he would have brushed it off two weeks ago.
Niall soon frowned and was silent. Harry wished what he said wasn't true, but it was. It's the reality of the whole situation and surprisingly enough Louis never gave him an explanation other than saying he was sorry and needed to go home. Yeah, talk about a good way to start the new year off! Feeling embarrassed for even thinking for a split second there was something there. Especially since he acted on his own impulse after holding himself back for a while.
"I thought he liked me too, you know, and well I guess I was wrong," Harry said woefully, looking down at his lap, and feeling a bit more upset now that he was talking about it.
If Harry were honest, he didn't plan on Niall finding out about what had happened. At all. It's embarrassing and it's bad enough Gemma knows about it too. Which she claims that Louis probably was freaked out or something. Yeah, unlikely because why would that happen? It's not that Harry is some amazing kisser or at least have any resemblance to Ryan Gosling. It's confusing, to say the least. Some part of Harry believes maybe Louis had only kissed him because it's tradition to kiss at midnight. Knowing Louis and how he tends to take celebrations quite seriously, but still. It wasn't very nice to go around kissing your friends if that's what it was. Especially leading Harry to believe that maybe Louis did feel the same after all.
On the bright side, Harry did finally get to kiss Louis. Which he won't lie, it had to have been one of the best kisses he's ever had. Sure he's only ever kissed two other guys before and lacks in experience. It still left quite an impression on Harry, Louis knows what he's doing that's for sure, but Harry wished he would have known Louis' thoughts on Harry's kissing abilities.
Oh god, he probably is the worst kisser in the world and Louis ran for the hills. It's a crazy thought, but look at Harry's love life that's nonexistent. It's tragic.
"So let me get this straight," Niall began, messing with his hair that was mostly dry. "Louis kissed you and then apologized about it?" Yeah, he did, funny isn't it?
"Yes, Niall. He did, and it wasn't just a small little kiss either, he shoved his tongue down my throat. So tell me how any of that makes sense?" Harry retorted, his eyes back on Niall.
Niall scratched at his scalp and looked to be quickly thinking before he said, "You know I could have Zayn-" Harry cut Niall off again because he knows exactly where this was going, or at least he thinks.
Harry shook his head, "Don't even think about it. I don't need Zayn finding out that I like Louis too. Especially since they're like best mates and all," well it's true, it'll just make things weird if Zayn so happens to tell Louis that Harry's got crushy feelings for him. "Besides I just want to keep this between us, if that's okay?"
Thankfully Niall gave a nod and Harry hopes Niall is able to keep it to himself. Niall wouldn't want Harry to do the same if he were in his situation. Especially when it comes to Zayn that's for sure.
"I won't, I promise," Hopefully Niall keeps that promise. "But you know that you're going to have to confront Louis sooner or later about this, right?" That was not happening, never! Harry doesn't even have the audacity to touch Louis without overthinking too much, so how the hell will Harry be confrontational towards Louis. This wasn't something you just bring up casually on any other day. No. Not without the possibility of making things even more weird.
Why did any of this have to happen though? Harry could have avoided ever liking Louis or talking to him in the first place. This was all Niall's fault for wanting to be more than just one of Zayn's sexual conquests, but Harry can't blame him. Zayn's borderline perfect for Niall compared to his past relationships and Harry found to like Zayn too. It's just his friends could have been left behind, with the exclusion of Nick because at least he doesn't toy around with Harry's head.
Still if Niall wouldn't have pushed Harry to be friends with Zayn's group, then maybe he wouldn't be sitting here slightly miserable. Over some guy moreless.
" I don't know, Niall, I don't even want to talk about it anymore, so can we please just drop it already because it's pointless" Harry muttered, "Not like Louis wants to actually be with me, anyway. Can't believe I actually thought I wanted to be with Louis at some point, funny isn't it?" Harry knows he's being bitter about all of this, but he's allowed to be. He's been saying no to guys for how long? And actually gave a damn about dating again after he found himself liking Louis more than a friend. Well, at least Harry knows for sure he is not the guy that Louis likes after all.
Niall thankfully dropped it all together after he decided to change the subject to something Harry can agree on. Knowing Niall won't be satisfied if he doesn't get his way since he's already sacrificing his evening listening to Harry's problems. "How about we both skip out on the party and hangout instead? Just the two of us." Just the two of them hanging out sounded much better than being dragged to a party. They haven't really just 'hung out' since Niall had a boyfriend, so this should be nice. Maybe it'll get Harry's mind off of things.
"As nice as nap sounds to me, I actually think I can agree on that, Niall. I just don't want to be up all night, okay?" that was his one and only compromise. Well other than bring up the whole kissing conflict thing, but still.
Niall gave a nod as he moved to his feet, pulling his wet boots over his feet. "So I'm going to go back to my room and change into something a little comfier, " Niall mentions, grabbing his coat off the end of Harry's bed. "I'll bring some stuff, you just sit tight and set up your laptop so we can watch some films tonight," Niall hadn't even given Harry a chance to say anything because he was already out the door.
Well at least Harry's not being pestered to come out tonight anymore so that's a plus, but he has a feeling Niall won't stick around long enough. He'll probably run off the second Zayn texts him that he misses him or some shit. Harry just knows or at least thinks this will happen most definitely before the clock is seven. Which Harry won't complain because the sooner Niall leaves, the sooner he can go to sleep!
With what little time Harry had to himself, he refrained from checking his phone, too nervous to even take a look. So he put his phone on the charger next to his bed and went to change into something a little more comfortable. A nice warm jumper and pair of joggers to go with it, Harry even left his hair tied up because he doesn't even want to deal with that mess on his head. The last thing Harry did pull out was his laptop from underneath his bed and start it up, minimizing his screens.
By the time, Niall had come back with various snacks and drinks tucked into his arms, which Harry doesn't understand. Niall's room isn't that far and he could have just made two trips instead. Then again this is Niall and he likes to make things harder than they are or is just being plain lazy. Even though it is not necessary since there's no time crunch or anything. Unless he has plans lined up afterwards with Zayn, which isn't in the least bit surprising.
"You know Niall, you could have just texted me for some help, or you know, make two trips." Harry pointed out as he watched Niall clear Harry's desk off in one swift movement off his arms. Papers and pens falling off his desk and onto the floor, one of his textbooks is now in the rubbish bin. Harry wonders if Niall is planning on cleaning up after himself because Harry's not.
"By the time I messaged you it'd take too long going back and forth. So I thought 'hey I got two arms why not use them'," Niall explained as he slouched down onto Harry's desk chair, rolling it over towards the bed (with his feet) as he already has his hand in the bag of salt and vinegar crisps. Like he hasn't eaten in days and can't put the bag down to just move the chair. "Besides I told you I would be the one supplying snacks, so don't start complaining now', " Niall mentioned as he pulled out his phone with his free hand and quickly checked it.
So Harry takes it Niall going to be on his phone or at least checking it throughout the night? Surprise, surprise!
"Anyway, what exactly are we watching because you left before I could even ask you," Harry hoped he would stay awake long enough to last until the end of the movie. Or at least pay attention to it other than being in his thoughts.
Niall soon grinned after scarfing down a pile of crisps before he carried on, "Well you know we have to watch A Walk To Remember, that's like the staple of all movie nights." Oh yes, that film. Hmm... Harry's not sure if he's really up for a movie like that.
"Is it really though? Or is because it's literally one of your favorite films?" Sure it's a good film, but anything in the romance genre sounded the least bit appealing to Harry. Maybe they could have at least gone into the more comedic route? Hell even a flinching from jump scares from horror flicks would be better than watching love stories. But of course, Niall would much rather cry over some sappy movie then maybe you know, something a little more lighthearted?
How the hell was this suppose to perk Harry's mood up?
The film is literally about a bad boy falling in love with a guileless girl that has great ambitions. Like how more relatable can it get? Well except Harry not the local minister's daughter or starring in a school play with Louis. It's the concept mainly and to be honest, Harry doesn't like it.
"It's a timeless classic, Harry. So shush," Niall declared. Harry just bit his tongue because not like it would do any good. Niall already has his mind set and Harry's just going to have sit through this film whether he likes it or not. All because Niall was doing this for Harry's sake and Harry feels obligated (because he such a good friend) to just go with it.
By the time they had gotten comfortable on Harry's bed (there wasn't a whole lot of room), as comfortable as they could. Sitting side by side with their legs crossed wasn't the ideal way to watch a film, but it's good as it's going to get. Niall's the one who wanted a film night, in Harry's dorm mind you, so he better not complain to Harry about accommodations.
Harry tried, he tried to focus on what was in front of him, but it was just so hard. How can he even focus on Landon picking apart Jamie on the bus after she said 'Please don't pretend like you know me' when Niall's sitting beside him checking his phone every five seconds. Man, he wished he could kick Niall out and it hasn't even been twenty minutes into their 'lads night'.
If Harry's honest the way Jamie had gotten picked apart reminded him of a certain someone when they had first met, but Harry's not going to think about that. It's only a teeny tiny resemblance to Louis anyway, nothing to stress over.
Niall's not even paying attention anymore as expected now as he is face first in his phone. Smiling while scrolling through Instagram, well Zayn's Instagram. It was annoying. So what happened to them just hanging out? This doesn't even feel like Niall's even really trying and it was his idea in the first place! Then again if Harry himself had a boyfriend he'd suppose he'd be doing the same, maybe, maybe not. Still, Harry wishes they could have just studied instead of watching a movie they both aren't really paying attention to in the first place.
When it got to be half way over, Harry had to say something, he just had to because Niall is in need of being in check. "Niall, so when are you actually going to start paying attention and put away your phone?" Harry firmly questioned, his eyes on Niall. "I mean afterall this was your idea," the screen to Niall's phone went dark and he had mumbled an apology in the midst of all of that. In truth, Harry knows Niall was trying his best even if his best wasn't necessarily great. Harry expected it to go south from the start anyway because for as long as they've known each other it's always been like this. Always.
Not that Harry can blame him, Niall's in a relationship that's going places and it's probably exciting to finally be with someone that isn't a total jerk. But still, that doesn't mean ignoring your friends because your boyfriend can't handle one night without getting into your trousers.
Eventually they both fell back into the movie. Niall was actually watching this time and commenting about if he were getting a temporary tattoo from Zayn in a car in the middle of the night like in the movie. Then confessing his love to Niall sometime after, why he'd would be the happiest ever.
Still, it beats seeing Niall on his phone the whole damn time.
By the time the movie had ended, (fucking finally!) Harry was relieved, and a little sadder now. That damn ending always, always gets him. Every time Harry has sat through this film no matter how many times he tried to hold back tears, it always gets him.
"You know, I've seen this movie at least a hundred times and it still makes me cry." Niall mentioned, as he rubbed his eyes.
"And yet you were more into your phone the first half of the movie," Harry shook his head, moving off the bed, and pulling his phone off the charger. Heading into the bathroom for a moment while Niall did whatever.
Now that Harry was alone for a few minutes he was able to take a deep breath. Not that Niall was overwhelming to be around, but he needed to have a second alone. Also maybe because he was feeling a bit anxious when it comes to his phone. Harry knows he can't avoid checking his messages much longer.
It took every ounce of Harry to turn on his damn phone and pull up his messages. Which Harry was amazingly correct about, even though he wished he wasn't. It was Louis.
'Louis: Hey you. '
The last time Harry even heard from Louis was a couple days ago, but that was a text that went ignored. Harry didn't want to talk to him, and he still doesn't want too. Louis is just so confusing and he's already done enough, Harry just needs a little more time before he's okay to just have a conversation with Louis, let alone hang out with him again.
Yes, of course Harry's missed Louis and his antics, he really likes him for crying out loud. But Harry's never been in this sort of situation before and everything's just so... complicated.
Harry just pockets his phone and decided to not think about it anymore than he should. Last thing he needed to do is dwell on the fact of feeling guilty of not responding to Louis. Hopefully, Louis' getting the hint that they're not okay and won't be for a little while. Harry sighed as he left the toilet and first thing Harry noticed was Niall back on his phone. Smiling and typing away and Harry's just about to tell Niall to just go already. Obviously, he'd much rather be with Zayn than spending his time watching films that he's seen numerous times already. Harry isn't going to force Niall to be here either, so he's going to bring it up to him.
"You can go off with Zayn, if you want," Harry suggested as he made his way back over to his bed, seeing Niall's head pop up. Of course, the mere mention of getting off movie night to see Zayn had Niall's immediate attention. Man, that boy is so gone for Zayn and Harry hopes it's a mutual feeling on Zayn's part.
"I'll be fine, promise," Harry reassured him for extra measure just so Niall won't have that guilt of leaving behind his friend who's mopey over some guy. It's not like Harry's going to hold it over Niall's head either, he'd much rather be in bed anyway. Even if it wasn't particularity late into the night, everything was just wearing onto him mentally.
Niall had a pensive expression on his face, his head titled to the side, and his phone no longer in his hand. Then he gave a soft shake of his head, "Eh, I don't know, Harry. I can see Zayn anytime I want and it's been ages since we've hung out, just the two of us, with the exception of Ed being there," Niall pointed out. But Niall's okay to spend time with Harry if that means he can text Zayn instead? Wow talk about a shit compromise!
"But you're texting him? And have been since you've been here and made a mess on my floor, which you need to pick up before you tail it out of here, by the way," Harry's just being honest and he's tired. It's still rather annoying to him that Niall would much rather be in deep conversation of god knows what with Zayn than spend sometime with Harry. Even if that means being deep into poorly done rom-coms and tear jerking films. For one night, for one fucking night. Harry's a good mate though, he wouldn't tell Niall no about going off with Zayn, of course not. He just wishes sometimes Niall would be a little more considerate of Harry's feelings.
"Are you sure though, Harry? Because I think we can squeeze in one more film before it gets too late." Niall proposed. "I was hoping we'd at least make it to 10 Things I Hate About You,"
Harry nodded because he was sure, he was so sure that he wanted to go to bed!
"Niall as much as I enjoy your company, just go and be with your boy. It's not like the end of the world or anything, maybe we can study for exams together soon," oh god, what a thought! Niall actually studying with Harry, something not likely to happen since they have such differences on study habits. "You know where you actually take pride in your coursework," Harry teased for good measures.
"Fuck off, I do so take pride in my work, just my routine is a bit more laxed" Niall scoffed as he went to pick up his mess. Well at least Niall actually was cleaning up after himself, so that's an upside.
"Your routine involves what's in Zayn's trousers instead of coming to class, hate to break it to you, Nialler!" Harry suddenly feeling a little bit better as they bantered back and forth. It's nice.
Niall just shook his head, "Well you know, sexual anatomy has always been my favorite subject," oh god, Harry was not ready for that and how smug Niall sounded. "Zayn's been helping me study real good every night," oh dear lord, last thing Harry wanted to picture is Niall and Zayn shagging on a nightly basis. Thanks a lot, Niall.
"Did I really need to know that? Really?" Harry shook his head while closing up his laptop, shoving it back under his bed. Watching Niall grabbing a few of the unopened bags and other snacks he hadn't touched or at least Harry didn't touch.
Niall just smiled, looking satisfied as he could as he didn't say anything else before leaving the room. Umm... talk about rude. He didn't even say goodbye or at least tell Harry he'd be back.
Well he did, he sent Harry a text three minutes later, hoping he had at least picked Harry's mood off the ground slightly. Also saying that he was up for the study session by the way. Well, that should definitely be interesting... as Harry's more into revising for hours and Niall's more of a quick study kind of guy. Not that it's a problem, but Harry feels like their study 'date' will be short lived. It's the thought that counts though right?
So now that Harry finally had his room to himself and it wasn't even seven thirty yet, he thought maybe squeezing in a bit of studying before bed sounded like a decent idea. Now that his mind was in fact on exams and no longer napping. Which he really should be studying even if he does feel like burying his face into his pillow for the night.
Squeezing in a bit of studying turned into nearly two hours of studying because by the time he reached the thirty minutes mark his brain was a tad more awake. Also, he'd been sort of slacking off over holiday, so he figured maybe, getting in two hours was a good idea; it was, until Harry almost fell asleep halfway through his notes on the cardiovascular system.
Harry had decided right then that it was definitely time for bed, even if it was later than normally planned. He feels better though, a lot better now that he refreshed his mind on how important his university career is to him. Harry's now putting his stuff away and slipping off his jumper, tossing it onto his desk chair. Looking through his wardrobe for one of his more loose casual shirts to wear to bed, as it felt a little too warm to wear long sleeves to bed.
Right as Harry pulled his white shirt off the hanger there was a loud pounding coming from the other side of his door. Oh great, what now? Hopefully whoever this is will go away if Harry ignores them, because maybe they're drunk and have the wrong room. Yeah, that's probably what it was.
Except they didn't just go away.
They wanted Harry to march over to his door and give them a piece of his mind because he's too tired for this shit. He's already been through a whirlwind of things, so confronting a potential drunk couldn't be too hard, right?
And Harry does go stomping over, shirt folded over his arm, face in a scowl, and opening up his door in a quick. Suddenly wishing that he didn't act on his impulse tonight because right now he'd much rather deal with the consistent (well rather inconsistent) knocking then having to deal with who was on the other side.
Louis. It was Louis and he isn't wearing a coat. Cheeks flushed and snow in his hair. Harry wonders if maybe Louis is intoxicated.
Louis was about to open his mouth, his hand up in the air, finger pointed but then his hand dropped and mouth closed. His eyes widening slightly as he licked his chapped lips.
The last time Harry was face to face with Louis, he got stranded hours from home and Harry's suddenly feeling even more annoyed at the thought. He wants to ask Louis, why, but he can't do it. He's actually more worried that he didn't manage to slip on his top in the heat of the moment now that Louis' in front of him. Staring and not saying anything. Ugh, now Harry's starting to feel a bit self conscious, that Louis may be judging his lack of muscle definition or something, but he tries to ignore that and ask Louis the important question of the night.
"Louis.. What are you even doing here? And without a coat?" Harry crossing his arms, trying to cover himself up a little. It's not much, but it's better than standing there in the entryway exposed like that.
"I came to see you!" Louis announced loudly, waving his hand in the air, as his body shifted back and forth for a second "Night so fucking boring, oh my god!" Yep, Louis is drunk. Great, just great.
Harry sighed, not even knowing what to really say to this. He doesn't want to be Louis' source of entertainment tonight at all and dealing with someone drunk wasn't on his agenda either.
But then Louis blurted out something that confused Harry, "You weren't there," what does that even mean? Where wasn't Harry? At the pub or something?
"What?" Harry questioned, absolutely one hundred percent confused.
Louis scoffed, "You weren't at the party! Fucking boring as shit," Louis then as if he had an official invite lurched past Harry into the room. Almost falling into Harry's desk and right now was not the time for another mess!
Harry shut the door behind him because there was no need for anyone to be curious as to what this was about. Especially since he just saw a couple students peering over at Harry as they slowly walked down the hall. Great, now they probably think Louis' spending the night in Harry's room where Harry's shirtless and it's almost going on ten.
"No, of course I wasn't, I was with Niall, Louis." Harry explained, still wondering why Louis showed up in the first place. "Why are you even here?"
"Question is why not?" Louis asked, as he was supporting himself with the top of Harry's desk chair.
Ugh! Harry just wants to go to bed and for Louis to get the hell out here. If Louis wants to talk then he should have showed up sober, because it almost feels like this is some joke.
"For fuck sakes are you really going to bed at nine fucking thirty? What are you twelve?" Louis teased. Harry did not appreciate being mocked at all.
Silence suddenly filled the air and Harry just stared at Louis, noticing how disheveled his clothes were. His green utility button up is out of sorts with one sleeve rolled up. His white shirt had taupe colored stains that looked like droplets and Harry wonders if that's from Louis' beer he probably had before just showing up. The one thing that did stand out to Harry though was that he didn't reek of marijuana which was impressive, but Harry wasn't going to comment on that. There's no need and there shouldn't be any need to say anything to Louis besides telling him to go home.
"I think you should leave," Harry muttered out and Louis just laughs, he fucking laughed. Obviously thinking this is some kind of joke or something.
"Mmm, but I want to hangout with you, Harold!" Louis suddenly exclaimed, making Harry slightly worried he might get in trouble for being too loud. "I haven't seen you in ages!" Can Louis stop talking loudly? That'd be great.
"I've been busy, also would you tone it down a few notches, you're going to get me in trouble or have half the hall hate me by the end of the night," Harry stressed firmly as moved to sit on his bed. Tired of standing and not really sure what to do anyway, feeling a bit awkward that he's still shirtless and all.
Louis rolled his eyes and suddenly flipped the chair around and straddled it as if he was making himself comfortable. Staring at Harry with his arms folded at the top of the chair, looking kind of like arsehole, to be honest. A hot arsehole.... No, Harry is not going to think Louis looks good tonight, it shouldn't even be a thought! He's still annoyed with Louis and he still doesn't even want to talk to him either.
Why can't Louis get the hint?
"You need to relax, Harold.. No one gives a fuck," Louis said carelessly as he started messing with his fringe. "No one except for you who's already ready for bed!" Louis then laughs and Harry frowns. Not up for Louis jokes and teasings. He doesn't want to hear any of it!
"Then again I'm not in the least bit surprised considering it's you," alright that was enough, Harry was done. Sick and tired of Louis bashing his lifestyle because clearly, that's probably the reason why Louis doesn't like him.
Harry crossed his arms, glancing down at his lap, and breathed out, "Just leave me alone, Lou. You've already done enough."
Silence once again filled the air between them and Harry didn't say anything or look up at all. Especially a few seconds later when Louis finally spoke up, just kept his eyes off, because he can't even look at Louis right now. Already upset again and wanting to be left alone and he means it. He wants Louis to go away.
This was probably the first time since he met Louis where he didn't want to see Louis and wanted him to leave him alone. After being lead on and all, Harry's not sure how their friendship is going to recover from this.
As if Louis finally got the fucking hint, he finally declared "Well then I'm going to go back to the party now," as he almost stumbled out of Harry's desk chair (but caught himself) and leaving without even saying goodnight. Not like Harry was expecting it, but whatever.
At least Harry was finally alone and hopefully the next time he sees Louis it won't be for a while.
It's Thursday and it's going on two.
Harry's been at the library for the greater part of his morning. Studying and all that fun stuff. Needing just a change of scenery from his dorm or sometimes the cafe. Also, it gave Harry an excuse to make a detour to grab his usual coffee. It was finally nice to be back into the swing of things that's for damn sure!
Harry gnawed on his lip as he was typing out his notes again. He's been revising all morning now that he had a day off from class. From copying out his notes two times over (his favorite thing to do!) to writing down the key points of interest and rephrasing it to make it less dull. Harry is satisfied. Now if he is able to keep himself motivated for one more hour then he can leave and take a break. Then the rest of the night is free to do whatever he wants, which Harry could use a night to decompress.
Well that is until Harry's phone buzzed against the table, not once but two times. Already having a feeling that he just needs to ignore and come back to it when he's on the bus. Not when he's in the middle of studying especially since exams are starting very soon.
So that's what Harry does and in the span of the time, he had left he received even more messages. So apparently it looks like his evening of lavishing in his room wasn't going to happen. Harry knows it, he just knows because whoever is sending these umpteen messages is obviously trying to get a hold of him for whatever reason. This better be important.
Hopefully it's not who Harry thinks it is...
Harry sighed as he grabbed his phone and saw he had a few texts. As much as Harry didn't want to read them until he was on the bus back to his dorm, he was curious. Of course, he was because the last time he received this many messages was when Niall was in a crisis over meeting Zayn's sisters.
And it was actually Niall who texted Harry and not because he was meeting his boyfriend's family, no. It was about Zayn's birthday outing tonight asking him if it was okay to come get him at six.
Harry knows this sounds bad and make him look like a shit friend, but he sort of, maybe forgot it was tonight.
Niall had told Harry about it the other day when they were sitting in the cafe after class. Hanging out because Niall being the supportive friend he was, felt super guilty about ditching halfway through their movie night, spent his afternoon entertaining Harry. Telling Harry that he knows it's last minute but Zayn had wanted all of their mates to go out for his birthday. Yeah, of course, Harry was very hesitant because he knows Louis would be there. He's Zayn's best friend and Harry knows how important celebrations seem to be to Louis.
Niall advised Harry to just ignore Louis or at least just walk away if it gets to be too much for him. Yeah, but then Harry wouldn't have to see Louis and he could always send Zayn a birthday text. Niall didn't like that idea apparently and continued to persuade Harry. It took a little while and a promise from Niall to not be focued on Zayn all night for Harry to accept. Harry didn't buy it but he gave in to make Niall happy. Also because deep down he likes Zayn too.
So now the night Harry already had planned out is scratched off. So that's just great. He had about three hours to get ready and prepare himself to face Louis again.
After sending Niall a text back confirming that time was alright, Harry was already on his way to the bus station.
By the time he was back in his dorm he managed to have a quick shower and was now in front of his wardrobe with a towel around his waist, wondering what he's going to wear tonight. Sure it's not like he's actually going on a date or anything. He just wants to look decent and not look like he's been languishing in his joggers as of late. Besides maybe cleaning himself up might make himself feel a bit better about going out tonight.
"What to wear... what to wear," Harry wondered, torn between wearing his go to staple short sleeve button up or just a basic black long sleeve. It shouldn't be this tough to just pick a damn top out to wear with his trousers, but it was. Deep down Harry wanted to show Louis that he, in fact, isn't moping over him, he wants Louis to see that Harry can get over one small kiss. Okay two kisses, but still. He just doesn't want to appear still phased.
Eventually Harry settled on the long sleeve top and slipped it over his head before pulling on the rest of his clothes after losing the towel. After Harry scrunched his hair, he was ready to hit the road. Still, Harry had about an hour before Niall would come swooping in to come get him. So with what little free time he had, Harry decided that maybe he should break out one of his thousand pieces cat puzzles he got two Christmas's ago from Gemma. It's been sometime since he's got around to doing one since he's been here at university and besides, maybe it might calm his nerves. Get his mind off of things too...
Who knew working on a puzzle would make Harry feel slightly better about going tonight, crazy, isn't it? A cat puzzle, a fucking cat puzzle was the reason why Harry could go be there tonight and not wanting to dash the moment he see's Louis. Wow, who would have thought that many cute little faces of cats would brighten Harry's mood and he only has the perimeter done.
Puzzles should definitely be more frequented during his stay here that's for sure.
By the time Harry was working on one of the cats' faces, there was a soft knock on his door and someone let themselves in. Harry with his back turned and too focused to look up, knew exactly who it was because he knew that irish accent from anywhere when he spoke up.
"Really Harry? A puzzle?" Niall asked in disbelief as he tossed Harry his coat, hitting him in the back. Wow, talk about being rude.
Harry just rolled his eyes as he got up from his spot, shooting a glare at Niall before picking up his coat off the ground and dusting it off. "You could have just handed it to me you know," Harry snarked, slipping it on afterwards.
"Yeah, but at least you got the hint that we're leaving now, plus Zany's waiting out in the carpark for us," and Zayn couldn't have just came inside? Or maybe sent Harry a text to come out there instead. But Niall just wanted to come in and be all dramatic about it, of course.
Not offering Niall a reply he just shook his head and walked past him out the door, hoping Niall would be sticking to his word tonight. Hopefully, he won't be left alone without anyone to entertain him. Maybe Ed might talk to him if he's not too busy with a beer in his hand and an arm around Laken. Yes, they're still together surprisingly enough, apparently, they're dating now.
Even Ed has a girlfriend now and Nick? Harry hasn't really spoken to him since he left uni before holidays so he's sure he's off the market. And so it looks like Harry's the single one with Louis who's more into getting a good fuck than a meaningful relationship. So that's just fine. Really.
Ugh, Harry didn't want to think about Louis potentially hooking up with anyone tonight, it would seriously kill his mood. So he stops it before it even occurs.
Thankfully it was just the three of them on the way there because Harry wouldn't have known what to do if he had to share a back seat with Louis. Harry would have probably jumped out of the moving car actually because he'd rather walk, to be honest.
"Hey H, haven't seen you in weeks," Zayn mentioned as he got into the car, Zayn looking over his shoulder with a smile.
"Yeah I know, happy birthday by the way," Harry commented as he buckled himself in as Zayn muttered out a thanks.
After Niall gotten in they were off down the road and Harry just kept his mouth shut.
Being a third wheel in a small cabin was not fun and not ideal. Sure, the car ride isn't going to be that long, but hearing those Two boys flirting with one another with Zayn handling the wheel with only one hand, the other one possessively gripping Niall's thigh. In a way it made Harry feels a bit envious because he wants that, he really wanted that. Sure he didn't want to think about boys when he first came here and even before anyway because they're just a distraction! But look what happened? He got himself distracted by one guy...
Harry wished he had better willpower when it came to his weaknesses sometimes.
When they finally arrived Zayn explained they needed to show up earlier than the others which, honestly, was fine by Harry. Maybe then Harry could actually take a breath before he has to be in the same room than a certain person. A certain someone who probably won't leave him alone. Harry just knows that's bound to happen. Too predictable if you will.
Once they were inside and seated in the back of the pub, Harry was besides Niall who was telling him that afterwards he's going to stay over at Zayn's (of course he is) and how they're going to go out for breakfast tomorrow if he can get Zayn out of bed by then. Zayn who was fetching drinks for them had left The two boys by themselves for a quick minute. Harry felt envious yet again because he too would love to have breakfast dates or even late night dates just spontaneously happening. Even going on random trips or staying over at someone's room for the night sounded like something Harry wants. He wants it, but he knows he can't have it.
As if, in some weird way, Niall knew what was on Harry's mind he spoke up while they were still alone.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay about him coming tonight?" Harry just nodded because what else can he do? He's already here and it'd be rude to just leave this early and it'd just be pointless. "You know I could always talk to him and maybe-"
Harry was already shaking his head and cut Niall off, speaking over him. "Niall, I already told you no. We're not talking about it, not to him, not to anyone. I just want to forget about it, okay?" Harry stressed, not liking the fact Niall's already wanting to confront Louis himself. Which that cannot happen, not tonight.
Niall sighed and was about to open his mouth when a drink was set down in front of him and thankfully that shut him up for now. Zayn being nice even had gotten Harry a sparkling water with lime and Zayn, of course, had a beer. At least some people finally got it that Harry is not and never will be a drinker. It just doesn't taste good, and sure wine can be okay... if it's the right kind. Still, Harry appreciates that Zayn knew this fact about him.
Thankfully Niall had gotten distracted now that Zayn was back and left Harry to drink his water in peace.
Unfortunately drinking his water in peace didn't last long enough because Nick came strolling over and Louis wasn't far behind him. Already making eye contact with him, Harry quickly looked away and down at his drink. If matters couldn't have gone any worse, Louis sat across from him. So, now Harry had to be forced to look at Louis now, ugh this was already turning into a nightmare.
"Ey we made it! Already drinking without us?" Nick commented as he sat down beside Harry, shaking his head.
And then it was Louis' turn to speak up, "Hey boys... Harold" Harry just kept his mouth shut as he stirred his straw around his drink. Not feeling up to talking with Louis right now.
Harry feelt Niall nudge him in arm, but Harry just played it off like he wasn't paying attention and kept to himself. Listening to Nick and Louis go back and forth with Zayn and Niall. Ed and Laken eventually showed up a few minutes later and now they all have drinks in their hands and Harry still hasn't said anything since Louis arrived.
This was going to be a long night...
Thankfully Harry didn't have to really say anything because everyone else did all the talking. Zayn going on and on about how he's thinking of someday owning a motorcycle and of course Niall isn't much of a fan of this idea (for safety reasons). Harry thinks Zayn might just want it to look cool. Maybe, maybe not, but Harry didn't comment. Ed was saying something about how on his birthday next month he's not going to do anything special and Harry can agree with that for his own. Nick mentioned that sometime after the topic has changed into something not really interesting; he also talked about how he's been hooking up with that guy he had seen at Liam's party that one night. So Harry takes it Nick didn't follow his own plan of not shagging the hot guy of the night? Well, Harry's not in the least bit surprised. Then there was Louis who only spoke up when Zayn mentioned something about going to get a tattoo touched up soon. Louis is discussing that he thinks he's going to add some more ink to his arms or something and okay, maybe Harry was imagining that in his head but it's pretty damn hot if you ask Harry, well, of course, he won't say that out loud because why would he? And he's still upset with Louis anyway.
Which every time Harry looked over to Louis, the boy was already staring at him, even when he was sipping on his beer. Giving Harry a smile when he didn't and one thing that surprised Harry was the fact Louis didn't try to get Harry to talk to him.
Everything was going pretty smoothly and Zayn seemed to be enjoying his birthday so far even if it wasn't like some big birthday party. Which Niall had told Harry that Zayn prefered a smaller gathering over a party anyday. Which was odd because Harry thought Zayn lived for big parties and such?
After a while Harry grew bored and tired of sitting in his spot now that his drink was pretty much gone and nothing to keep him busy. So Harry excused himself to go get another drink in hope to at least have a second to be away from Louis just staring at him. Can't he look at someone else? Seriously!
Harry spent maybe five seconds waiting for his drink when someone was next to him. That someone being the one Harry really didn't want to talk to right now. Or at all for that matter.
"Hey you," Louis said lightly, his eyes on Harry. Pulling down the sleeves of his denim jacket and tapping his fingers against the grain of the countertop.
Harry gnawed on his lip, not really wanting to say anything and was glad when his drink was in front of him. Listening to Louis getting himself another beer even though Harry's sure the one he has is not even half gone.
Then again Harry knows if he ignores Louis, he will only keep bugging Harry until they talk.
"Hey," Was all Harry had to say as he went back to their table, setting down again, and Louis was right back in his, with a beer right next to his other one. Glancing over towards Harry again and smiling.
Harry doesn't like this, he really doesn't like it!
Louis is so frustrating to Harry and goes about acting as if everything was okay when it isn't in the first place. He wants to have conversations with Harry and has been texting over the past couple of days trying to initiate some sort of exchange. Harry just can't do it though, he can't reply to any of those messages without having any sort of bitter feelings.
Yes, he would love to just hangout with Louis like before, why wouldn't he?
Louis' one of his best friends and Louis always knows how to have a good time. He knows a lot about Harry, maybe more than a friend should know, and he remembers everything. It's crazy to Harry because even sometimes Niall forgets, Ed too when it comes to useless things and they've been friends for years. Like Louis knows the way Harry likes his coffee in the morning and what kind of music he likes. Louis also treats him better in most cases by buying him various things and offering his jacket like he did at Liam's party. Walking him to his door and spending hours upon hours with him doing whatever it is to keep Harry's mind off his studies. Harry's never had a friend like Louis before and that's why it's so hard to just forget about what had happened.
Deep down Harry's waiting for the moment it starts feeling okay again to be friends.
Soon enough Niall and Zayn found themselves at the billiard area leaving them alone and eventually it started to slowly just wind down to being just Harry and Louis. As Ed and Laken soon after had joined the couple for a round of pool; while Nick was at the bar chatting up some guy, so Harry takes it he's is back the hookup scene then, surprise, surprise!
Then it was just silence between them and it was awkward.
Almost as if this were preplanned and set up by Niall to get them to talk. Which by the way is not working and all Harry wants to do is go back to his dorm already. At least back there he wouldn't have to keep making eye contact with a boy that still gives him those fluttery feelings.
Harry made sure to keep himself busy as he downed most of his water and he almost spit it out the moment he saw someone he did not want to see. Not at all!
Instantly he felt ten times more upset and annoyed because here was Edith and Harry hates the fact he had made eye contact with her. She sent him a glare as if he was the cause of the end of Louis and her sexual relationship. Harry would have laughed if that were true because it'd be funny to him. Knowing she would be jealous of Harry even though there's nothing to be jealous over in the first place. It's not like he's actually sleeping with Louis, no, or even kissing him. Harry does in a way want to reach over and make it looks legit that maybe they are a thing because again it would be comical, but that would be weird. Also, he is still not in good terms with Louis, so...
Speaking of Edith she sashayed over towards their table (probably trying to look seductive or something) and Harry knew in that moment, she was coming in for the prowl. Oh god, Harry's not prepared for this shit.
By the time she reached the edge of their table, Louis was already looking up at her and Harry's got his arms crossed. Giving Edith a bit of a scowl, not too happy she's here tonight. One way to make this night a whole lot worse for Harry, just shove it in his face that Louis' not interested in him whatsoever. It doesn't help that he remembers Louis and her hooked up the night before he left to go on holidays. So yeah, he has his reasons to still be annoyed by her being around, probably wanting to go home with Louis tonight.
"Hey Louis," Edith greeted with a smile as she started twirling her hair around her finger.
"Hey, "was what Louis responded and he looked far more interested in his beer, to be honest. Still, Harry's not going rule out that they might end up start sleeping together again, you know since Louis' unpredictable. Shit even Nick didn't stick to his word so what good was Louis' then?
As if Harry couldn't get any more annoyed, Edith sat down beside Louis as if she had been invited to do so and Harry was already up out of his seat. Done and tired of this, he doesn't even want to look back because it probably won't be good. Harry just slips on his coat and heads outside, needing a little bit of air because his nerves were through the roof.
Harry took a deep breath as he stood there with his arms crossed, shivering slightly from the chill in the air.
His mind started racing as to why what just happened.
Did Louis tell her to come tonight? Or at least informed her that he'd be at this pub in particular or something?
Especially since she came alone and it makes Harry feel a bit sad that Louis might actually be hooking up with her again. Does Harry know that for a fact? No. Is it a possibility? Yes. Hell, they could have never been just done hooking up in the first place and Louis could have fooled Harry into believing that. But Louis wouldn't lie about it though, right?
He's been telling Harry for months that there was this guy he likes but was rather secretive when it came to the details. Then again he'd run off and have sex with her or anyone else that came about, it's all just one big complicated mess to Harry. He just wishes he could read Louis' mind and figure him out for once.
"I want to go home," Harry muttered to himself. He really wants to go back to his dorm and go to sleep. It'd be better than sitting at a table watching his friends do whatever and seeing Edith and Louis looking all cozy. So here he is, about to march inside and demand Zayn to take him back home or at least fetch him a cab or something because he's done.
Maybe Harry could make up an excuse that he's feeling suddenly ill or has a massive headache. It could work, but then again Harry's not necessarily the best liar either. So Zayn believing it for a split second? Maybe, but he's not banking on it.
Sure Harry could call his own damn cab to come get him, but it wouldn't feel right to leave unannounced. Niall would probably be disappointed that Harry's up and left the moment he seen Louis with someone else. Zayn might be upset because it is his birthday after all and Harry was specifically invited.
Harry pressed his lips together as he squeezed his arms just a little tighter as the wind started to pick up a little. Not caring if his hair would be windswept or that his cheeks were flushed. He just doesn't care. He needed to be here and away from that mess inside, or else he would have finally said something to Louis. That something not being too nice.
Unanticipatedly a group of girls, around his age, walked passed Harry into the pub and he was hoping those were Edith's friends and that's why she showed up alone. Not because her and Louis are.. well you know.
Just as Harry was about to give in and head back inside because his legs were growing numb, Louis came alone. Harry hated the fact that he felt better knowing Louis didn't have any followers. What confused him though was when Louis didn't pull out his cigarettes. Usually, by now, he would at least have a smoke, but he's just standing there; next to Harry with his eyes down on the pavement, hands in his pockets, letting out small breathes. Which Harry could see in the night air as it's quite chilly and already started snowing again. Not that he was paying a lot of attention to Louis, but it wasn't hard to not notice since they were standing quite close together.
It's comforting knowing Louis had come out here to stand next to him, but for what reason?
All of a sudden, Harry remembered why, in fact, he came out here in the first place. Harry had to say something or else he may never get it off his chest and sulk for days. Thinking that maybe things aren't what they seem after all.
So here goes nothing...
"So I take it you and Edith are back to hooking up, then yeah?" The way it came out sounded a little bit harsher than Harry had intended it to be. But he's allowed to feel upset and annoyed by everything that's been happening. Especially when it's right there in his face being rubbed in which isn't a nice feeling at all.
Louis let out a huff his eyes now on Harry before he shook his head. "No," Louis said easily as he moved to stand in front of Harry, closer than Harry would have liked right now. "I had no idea she'd even be here tonight and she knows it's over," Louis clarified, but Harry was still feeling rather bitter towards what happened back at the table.
Harry just looked down at his boots, not wanting to even look at Louis right now. Not even offering Louis a reply because it still bothering him. Louis hooked up with her even after he told him back at his dorm two damn months ago that he liked someone else and declared he would stop sleeping with her. Well what good did that do, huh?
Louis fell through on that plan because Edith was already in his pants at the last party after Harry tried weed with him. All because Harry thought maybe something special was going on between him and Louis. He was wrong though just like he has been because he just doesn't know.
Then Louis decided to continue chatting and Harry just listened no matter how much he didn't want to.
"It was a coincidence that she showed up, okay?" Hmm, Harry's not sure if he actually believes Louis on that. "Actually, I haven't slept with anyone else since I called it quits with her.''
Was that suppose to make Harry feel better? Because it did, slightly. Very slightly.
Yes the idea of Louis not fucking everyone in sight was a nice concept, wonderful one actually. Not that there's anything wrong with the hookup culture it's just thinking about Louis in bed with someone else had a tendency to twist his stomach into knots. Harry knows he's probably not even on Louis' radar because look at his sex life? Pretty much nonexistent.
He's never even had his neck kissed before or anything that's remotely sexual. Harry remembers Louis said it was all cool and stuff, but did he really think that though?
All because Harry's waiting for the right guy to do things with and someone who he trusts? Louis probably doesn't even want that, probably wants someone more experienced who know exactly what they're doing. Not a flat out virgin.
Then Louis went on, "Sex has been the last thing on my mind lately, and I'm being serious about that."
Harry still didn't say anything, not even looking at him, his eyes still on his boots that were now lightly dusted with snow. To be honest, Harry wanted to walk away and go back inside to warm up. He's cold and upset, but as much as this is what he wants, he rebels and stays because Louis obviously wasn't going to let Harry off easily without giving him a lecture on why he hasn't been sleeping around.
Eventually Louis just stops altogether and blows out a noisy breath, his eyes still on Harry, but Harry wasn't looking at him. "I don't know what else to say to get you to believe me or at least say something, anything," Louis expressed helplessly.
Harry couldn't just say anything though, because he had absolutely no idea what to say in the first place. It's not like Harry's going to straight up tell Louis that he's jealous, no absolutely not. That's just asking to tip over their already teetering friendship and Harry doesn't want to lose Louis asa friend. No, of course not.
"Are we okay, though?" Louis asked, but Harry just bit his tongue. "It seems like you've been trying to avoid me all night, and you know..." Louis voiced trailed off, scratching at the back of his neck. Almost as if he seemed a bit nervous, and Harry just had to look up and make eye contact with him when the next thing came out of his mouth.
"I miss you."
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