By now, it'd been weeks; the weather started changing, as the smell of autumn was in the air. It'd been getting colder and wetter, and the leaves were turning shades of amber, brown and even golden yellow. This time, also known as the middle of October, was Harry's favorite time of year. Harry loved almost everything about the season, with a few exceptions here and there.
The first term was halfway over, and everything had been a little bit more stressful for Harry ever since he started worrying that he'd been slacking off too much. He'd been dragged by Niall to even more parties because of Zayn and was thus always around the same sort of people; the whole party scene was getting old really quickly. The best thing to come out of it all was that Harry knew Zayn better and even Nick.
Then there was Louis, who was different than the others, as Harry was trying to befriend him after the whole spontaneous tattoo adventure. They'd been getting along a lot better after that night because Harry got to know him, a person with feelings, instead of a pothead who made snarky comments constantly. Louis wasn't all that awful and soon enough Harry felt rather neutral about Louis.
Harry was sitting out on a couch outside of Liam's place while a large party was going on as usual. It was a Friday night so what else would be going on? Harry wondered how the hell Liam even got away with these parties; maybe Liam was rich or he was related to the chancellor. If it were anyone else, they'd probably get kicked out or fined for the matter, or even both.
Harry had been sitting by himself while his mates were inside getting high off their arses and snogging against the wall with the night's guest list. Action regarding Harry was quiet, other than the text that he received from Louis asking Harry where he disappeared to when Harry left the upstairs room over an hour ago. In reality, Harry needed to get away from the smell of marijuana, as it was making him feel ill, and well he didn't want a contact buzz nor see Edith all over Louis, as it just made Harry wonder why Louis didn't show any interest to her. But then again, of course he wasn't interested in her, after all, they were just hooking up, and his body language spoke for itself when he was around her.
So Harry prefered not to have second-hand embarrassment more than the times when he had to.
"Just a few more hours," Harry muttered to himself, checking the time. He wanted to leave already because he was just kinda sitting there alone and was done for the night, ready to go back to his dorm and do a jigsaw puzzle with his favorite iced coffee, and just relax a little, as it was the weekend, thankfully. Every week he told either Niall or Ed or whomever that he was going to take the next Friday for himself and not go to a party, but come that Friday night he somehow found himself back at another one, not sure how he got himself there and also strove to avoid the next one.
Harry sucked on his bottom lip looking around the patio area as some stray raindrops hit his jumper. Everyone was heading inside the house continuing with the party to get out of the rain, so Harry slowly went inside and found it more crowded than before. Harry strolled around the living room and then into the kitchen where he saw Nick obviously flirting with some guy that looked to be around Harry's age. Whoever the guy was he was pretty, and Harry hoped the best for Nick, unless this was just some hook up, either way, Harry left the room, there was no reason to stick around. Harry made his way upstairs and felt his stomach churn because of the smell. At the top of the stairs Harry saw Niall and Zayn kissing in the corner at the end of the corridor and decided there was no point in hanging around those two. Harry's mind drifted to what Ed and Louis were up to, and he supposed Ed and Louis were getting high, their favorite past time.
The door that led to the room where the two of them usually smoked in was shut, oddly enough, causing Harry to wonder why it was closed. Harry was a little hesitant to open the door, but he did, and that's when he wished he hadn't.
"Harry!" Ed barked in horror as Ed jumped up off the bed and ran to shut the door. There was a girl on the bed in her bra and clearly that's why the door was closed. Harry didn't know why Ed picked that room (the community smoke room, or whatever) for that kinda late night entertainment, and the bigger question, why didn't Ed bother locking it? Harry sighed and made his way passed the loo and about to head downstairs when he felt someone tap him on the back.
"There you are, Harold," Louis exclaimed from behind. Harry slowly began to turn around, raising his brows. Harry saw Louis standing there with a drink in his hand and his jacket on. "Did you just walk in on Ed?" Louis asked, trying to hold back a smile.
"Unfortunately," Harry started, crossing his arms, "I didn't expect it, to be honest... I thought you'd both be in there since the two over in the corner are sucking face and all you guys do is smoke." Harry hinted to Zayn and Niall still ravishing each other.
Louis gazed over there for a second, "True, but he kicked us out." Louis explained, taking a sip of his drink. "So we were gonna go outside, but then the rain started, so it's whatever," Louis took another sip.
"How many of those have you had tonight?" Harry frowned, eyeing Louis' red solo cup.
Louis looked confused until he noticed Harry staring at his cup, "It's my first one, why? Are you worried I can't drive myself back to my dorm or something?" Louis sneered, putting the cup to his lips. "Beer police."
Harry shook his head, "No, I was just curious."
Louis smirked, sipping down the rest of his drink and crushing the cup. "Want to ditch this joint? I'm bored." Louis announced almost too loudly.
"And where else would be much more fun at this time of night?" Harry questioned
"My dorm, I mean, unless you want to go to yours. Give me a grand tour of this mystery room you sleep in." Louis exaggerated. Harry was surprised Louis wanted to take him back to his dorm, not for like specific reasons or whatever. Just as two guys trying to be mates and yet maybe it'd be nice to figure out where he stayed and see the way he took care of his room.
"How about we head to your dorm instead, that way I can drive." Harry suggested and Louis raised his brows.
"You sure about that?" Louis questioned and Harry nodded. He was sure.
"As much as I would love to see how you can handle being behind a wheel, I'd prefer to drive. I mean since I know the in's and out's around here." That was quite mean what he said at first, but Harry had to agree. Louis' been here much longer than him and he supposes Louis should be okay to drive, he doesn't seem buzzed.
"Fine, as long as you are honest about that being your one and only drink, I'll let you drive." Harry replied.
Louis placed his crushed cup on a half empty bookshelf in the hall before sliding his arm around Harry's shoulders, which was kind of awkward, since Louis was rather short compared to Harry. "To my place it is." Louis began as he led Harry down the steps, maneuvering through the crowd.
Once they were in Louis car Harry buckled as Louis drove off. It was relatively silent without the radio on, until Louis asked Harry to hook up Louis' phone. Harry did just that.
"Pick playlist number one." Louis told him, and Harry pressed it and set Louis' phone down. The opening chords of To Kill started playing, and Harry smiled. This must be one of Louis' favorite bands too, because every time Harry was with him, they listened to Jimmy Eat World.
He wondered what other music Louis liked, if he had any guilty pleasures or other favorite bands. Harry decided that he'd ask him later though, right now he was just enjoying the ride. Also, the fact that they were no longer swarmed by the masses in a (to Harry) boring party.
During the ride, Harry swore he heard Louis humming along to the music, but then again, Harry knew he could have just been hearing things.
It didn't take fairly long for Louis to pull into the Wessex Hall car park and cut the engine; it was still raining so they wouldn't spend that much time outside. Harry's shoes were still a bit damp from when they left.
Despite getting out and following, Louis they hadn't exchanged words. Louis had his hands shoved into his pockets as they walked down the corridor, going up to the second floor to the first door they saw and pulling out his key. The door was opened a moment later, and Harry followed Louis as he made it to the door inside, opened that one up, and flipped on the light.
"Well here it is, it's not much," Louis began scratching the back of his neck as he closed the door behind them, "but it's home."
Harry looked around the room, and it was fairly decent, about the same size as his, and surprisingly enough, it didn't smell like pot. He was impressed. Louis had old concert posters taped to the wall of Nirvana, Metallica, Pink Floyd, and The Stone Roses. He had a black case under his bed visible from where Harry was standing, which Harry supposed was Louis' guitar and textbooks on his cluttered desk. There was a phone charger on his bed with the mess of blankets, and his blinds were down. He had a bulletin board above his bed that had a calendar, tickets tacked on, pictures pinned of Louis and his family and mates. Louis' clothes were in a basket overflowing and his many shoes scattered throughout. Harry liked it; Louis went all out with the personal touches and yet Harry wasn't surprised. Harry expected it to be a little basic, because Louis seemed always to be with his mates, but then again, Harry also thought other things at times which were entirely wrong.
"Sorry if it's a mess in here," Louis mentioned as he moved to sit on his desk chair across from the bed. Running his fingers through his soaked hair, Louis tossed his jacket near the pile of his other clothing on the floor. "I didn't intend to have visitors."
"It's nice a bit more themed than mine actually, and I like your memory board." Harry commented, nodding to the wall as he took a seat on the bed and looked up at it.
Seeing pictures of Louis looking to be much younger with little to no facial hair and no tattoo's was interesting, and there were also ones where he was hugging his sisters, and drinking with Zayn and Nick at parties. All very young looking; Louis, playing acoustic guitar in a circle with his mates outside, and one where Louis was sticking tongue out with Zayn at some Christmas party with smeared red and green frosting on their faces. There were concert tickets from different bands hanging on the walls and even autographs from what Harry guessed were musicians, and Louis also had sheet music hanging up from the song Hear You Me. Harry wondered if he'd been practicing that song in particular, or if it had a lot of meaning to Louis.
"Six years ago was when I started it, but it's been awhile since I've put any up." Louis began, "I always take it with me. Those pictures up there are so old, but I haven't gotten around to putting up any new ones," Louis mentioned, now sitting down beside Harry.
"How old were you in that one?" Harry asked, pointing to the one of him and Zayn before gazing towards Louis.
Louis licked his lips, "That was my nineteenth, early birthday party." Louis explained, shaking his head, "Surprise party more like it, four days before Christmas." Harry realized that Louis' birthday was in a few months, and subconsciously made mental note of it.
"Zayn being the sneaky bastard he is planned it with Nick. They made it Christmas themed to throw me off; he said it was his mum's Christmas party, but in reality when I showed up, lo and behold it was for me. I nearly strangled him." Louis chuckled. "It was so embarrassing, and I still give him shit about it to this day."
Harry wondered if Zayn would do the same for Niall next year or maybe even just for a small date. Zayn seemed to be the big grand gesture kind of guy from what Louis told Harry, which Harry kind of envied because that was another quality about Zayn that made the both of them really special to have each other.
"I'm glad he found Niall," Louis mentioned.
"Me too, they make a cute couple." Harry agreed, and Louis nodded. "Niall was so nervous to ask him out so he dragged me to that party but I ended up getting ditched. Having to ride with you in the end."
"And I'm not that bad, right? Maybe you just needed to be ditched to realize it." Louis teased, smirking.
Harry shook his head, "Okay, maybe you're not awful, but you can be a bit callous sometimes. "But I am glad I got to know you a little better." Harry admits, heat rising to his cheeks slightly.
"I tend to speak my mind."
Harry's eyes wandered back up to the board, and his eyes landed on the picture of Louis playing guitar. "Who took that picture of you?" Harry then looked back at Louis.
Louis sighed, "My ex, Michael." Louis replied, "I was sixteen at the time."
"When we were dating, he insisted on taking pictures of me playing guitar because he was a 'self-proclaimed myspace photographer.'" Louis snickered. "God, I was stupid, I can't believe I even dated him in the first place."
Harry remembered those old myspace days, with his top eight arguments from Ed and Niall, oh what a bad, awful time. Especially when Gemma got upset that Harry set her to number four when he was like number two on hers, all because she got bumped down for guys Harry found to like for a while. Harry was just glad that era was done and gone, and he really didn't want a repeat ever again.
"How long were you with him?"
"Like roughly six months or so; I've only dated a few more people after that, then I kinda got into the whole casual hook up scene. Much easier if you ask me." Louis explained, crossing his arms. "I would never want to go through what Zayn went through few years ago. His heart was shattered when his ex-boyfriend had to move, and let me tell you, those were dark days for everyone close to him for over a year. Not good, not good at all." Personally, Harry hadn't' experienced the whole, 'falling in love' or 'heartbreak' thing. So he couldn't imagine what it'd feel like, in both situations.
"But back to the picture, that was just me playing with my friends and boyfriend at the time while hanging out in a park, way before I joined my band and shit."
"Do you sing?" Harry asked, but Louis scoffs.
"I don't sing, Harry. I don't sound good, for one, and secondly, I've never sung in front of anyone before, so I don't intend on starting now. Plus, they'd just laugh anyways." Louis murmured as he looked away.
Harry wondered why Louis was so insecure about his singing voice, as Harry was sure Louis sounds fine, much better than himself anyway. It got Harry curious, as he'd love to hear Louis sing, just once, but he knew that would probably never happen.
"But enough about my non-existent love life; what about you? Been single for a while?" Louis looked back at Harry finally. "I remember you saying you don't have time to date, but have you at least had any action on the side?"
Harry sucked on his lip, thinking, not sure if he really wanted to tell Louis flat out about himself being a virgin and only ever having short lived relationships. Since Louis was totally clueless about Harry's love life and no one else cared to share the details about it (not that they should anyway), Harry would be telling Louis this stuff himself, which maybe was more nerve wracking than Harry finding out Niall or Ed told him. What would Louis' initial reaction be? What would he think of Harry?
"Have you ever dated anyone before?" Louis prodded in response to Harry's silence, "I mean, you must have.
"Only a few times, but nothing ever lasted long enough, and as for the action part... no." Harry admitted, heat inching up to his cheeks. "I've never really done anything... uh, sexual, before." Good God, Harry thought that'd never come out of his mouth, to anyone, and never to Louis. Harry was preparing himself for laughter or teasing, as he was ready for Louis to make fun of him any minute now.
But all Louis said was "Cool." Cool? What did that mean? Louis went on. "You're smart, very smart Harold," Louis sighed, smiling a little. "Are you waiting for the right time?" Harry nods.
"I should have waited, but I just gave it up to Michael because I thought we'd be together for a long while, and well, I was wrong I don't regret it, though, It made me the person I am today, plus, it was really just sex." Harry didn't think sex could ever be 'just sex.'
"I have a question for you," Louis asked suddenly, "What's your type, as in, what makes Harry Styles weak in the knees?" This totally caught Harry off guard, as no one ever asked him this. Usually, Niall just knew from experience and Ed thinks any guy that's cute was Harry's type.
Harry gnawed on his lip and shrugged, "I don't really have a type, I guess."
But Louis wanted an answer. "Bullshit. Tell me a few celebrities that you'd give your v-card to in an instant?" Harry just smiled a little, he couldn't help it. Why did Louis want to know this silly stuff?
"Chris Hemsworth and Leonardo Dicaprio." Harry announced, and he was surprised he was able to pick those names so quickly, as if some part of Harry had been waiting to answer that question this whole time. Louis smirked at the names.
But why did Louis smirk like that? Was there a doppelganger of one or both of them running around uni or something?
"Interesting." Louis replied, raising his brows. "Chris is hot as fuck, so I don't blame you with that one. Anyway, are you attracted to Leo's acting or his beauty?"
"Is this like twenty questions or something?"
"Just answer the question, Harold,"
"All of the above, he's the perfect man, point blank. Especially with his environment consciousness" And this was true, so, yes Harry would sleep with him if he could.
Louis grinned, licking his lips "So, you like older men that are talented and that care about global warming."
Harry shrugged. "Actually, I just like someone who's a gentleman and has a nice face, really."
"Just like everyone else that wants a man," Louis said frankly, "Anyway-" Louis started but was cut off when a phone started ringing, and he held up his finger to get up and grab it.
Harry sat there, looking up at the pictures while Louis talked on the phone, not paying much mind to his conversation, more admiring Louis' old pictures again. Louis did seem like a fun guy too. He had so many memories with his mates and friends and it was nice that he saved them, hanging them up on board as if to never forget.
"Good news, Harold!" Louis exclaimed suddenly, sitting back down on his bed. "You're my plus one to the invite only Halloween party!"
Harry was? He never agreed to come to any Halloween party, and secondly he was not too sure if he wanted to do Halloween this year. It might have been coming up in two weeks or so, but he hadn't made any official plans to do anything yet. No spook houses, pumpkin patches, or binging on scary movies with candy. No, he figured he'd skip that stuff and focus on his work instead. Niall now had a boyfriend, Ed was always hanging out with Nick at sleezy parties, so Harry thought he'd have a nice quiet night to himself, for once.
"I am?" Harry asked, confused.
"I mean, if you want too. I love it for you to come though, because it's only the most important party of the year, as it's by invites only. I want you to come with me." Louis said firmly.
Like date style? Or did it mean going to a party as friends?
"I don't know, Louis. I wasn't actually planning on doing anything," Harry sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Louis frowned, "Oh come on, it'll be loads of fun, and besides, you can be anything you want. All of our mates are going to be there and not to mention that Liam's actually having a band play. I mean, he throws these parties every year since I've been here... this is important." is it really, though? "It'll be my last one, ever! It's gotta be good, better than the others."
Harry understood why the last party was more important than the other ones for Louis, but why would it be significantly better if Harry was there?
"If you come with me I'll buy you a coffee, how does that sound?" Louis asked.
"Trying to bribe me to come with you?" Harry shook his head, smiling. "I think I'm going to need something more, a coffee just won't be enough. Plus, do you really even need me there?"
Louis grinned, "I mean yeah, who else would I want to come as my date." Louis said it so casually, and Harry's eyes widened. Talk about unexpected, and sudden.
Yeah sure Louis is fit and entertaining, but he's not sure if he would want to go on a date. Let alone be his date to a party. He doesn't have time to date and lastly Louis obviously doesn't so the whole dating thing anyways. Louis calling Harry his date made no sense, especially since they just met, went from bashing each others heads in to now pretty much friends, shared some private information about themselves to each other, and the biggest thing of all, Louis who wasn't into dating called Harry his date? Talk about a joke. Harry hoped Louis was joking.
Harry then felt a pat on his back and heard Louis cracking up, "Oh man, you should see your face," Louis snickered. "I'm only messing around with you. We'll go as friends. Promise."
This made Harry feel better, because, if not, things were happening way too quickly. Harry couldn't do quick. "I'll only agree to come if you help me pick out a costume."
"Of course, we'll go next week and find some amazing costumes that will win us that costume contest. I think Liam rigs the bloody thing because his girlfriend always comes in first and Zayn always gets second place. Always. Every fucking year. "
Harry had yet to even formally meet Liam but he sounded like a load of fun.
"I think we need to beat the system this year. Need kick ass costumes and special effects makeup. But don't you worry, I have my connections and everything, so we'll just pick a day and we'll figure all that stuff out so that we can look kick ass walking into the party, and win that damn contest." Louis was getting so excited about all this, Harry couldn't believe it.
But Harry just nodded, again in a situation where he was roped into something without agreeing into it first. Then again, Harry realized that if Louis asked him to come to this party, Harry would have said no, so it just made more sense (and allowed Louis to get what he wanted), if he just assumed Harry was going and made it so impossible for Harry to get out of coming when Harry actually learned about it.
When Louis moved on to the subject of some utopia type costume place in Doncaster to pumpkin picking for his mum, Harry just let him talk. It was interesting hearing Louis being this excited for Halloween as a whole (not just for the party), and the fact he was happy to go to the pumpkin patch and find one for his mum was kind of sweet. Not to mention that he brought up dragging Harry to a spooky house beforehand, which really didn't really sit well with Harry.
Usually, those kinds of things made Harry jumpy and uneasy, so Harry knew it'd be a bad idea. If Louis did end up persuading him enough to go, well, Harry knew he'd have to be prepared to be jumped on. Harry knew himself well enough to know that he would seek safety regardless of a little jump scare.
So Halloween was crossed off then.
Harry lost count of how many times Louis had texted Harry asking about when he'd be free to go to Doncaster for the day. Actually, it was a lot more than just texting; Louis sent Harry reminders, and soon they talked practically every day. Unlike what Harry thought at first, texting Louis wasn't that bad, and between them there was never a dull moment. It surprised Harry how close they'd gotten just a little over a month, and at times, it was scary, as not too long ago Harry never expected it.
Sitting on his bed, Harry was reading over one of his textbooks. He'd been slacking off, and that was not okay, Harry hoped that he'd be able to cram as much as he could and still pull off the results like he spent the past few weeks studying. Harry needed to spend the day working, he couldn't let his grades slip because of some guy with lovely blue eyes.
Harry ignored his vibrating phone on the nightstand beside his bed and went about his studies.
Every minute that passed, his phone went off like he was receiving a slew of long messages all at once. The phone buzzed and hummed, not giving up as much as Harry wanted it to. Harry sighed, grabbed it and checked it to see what all the fuss was about.
Apparently Niall needed to talk to him; why couldn't he just knock on the door?
Seriously Niall?
Harry couldn't even send Niall a text back because Niall came bursting through the door. His hair a mess and panic in his eyes.
"Oh my god, oh my god," Niall panted, pacing about Harry's room. Harry sat on his bed watching him and wondering what in heaven's name was wrong with the poor boy.
"What's the problem this time?" Harry questioned as he crossed his arms, already done and Niall hadn't even started crying to him yet, "I mean, you're obviously freaking out over something."
Niall ran his hand through his hair and groaned, falling down on Harry's bed all dramatically. Typical, just typical when it involves a boy.
"I'm going to be meeting his sisters next week, and I'm so not ready." This took Harry by surprise, as he didn't expect having to deal with something like this so soon, as Niall had been dating Zayn for near month.
"And why are you meeting them?" Harry asked, clearly missing something.
Niall sighed painfully, "Because they're visiting friends down here, and Zayn wants me to meet them before his parents. It's so early, we've only been dating for a month and three days, and I have no idea how I'm going to get them to like me. Like, what if they hate me or what if they think Zayn can do so much better since he's like so gorgeous, and ugh." Niall was seriously overreacting.
"Only you would count the days you've been with him." Harry teased, but Niall just glared at him.
"I'm serious Harry... this is an emergency. What if they don't like me?" Niall asked, closing his eyes.
"Why do you think they won't like you?"
Niall rolled his eyes. "They'd find something, I'm sure."
Harry shook his head, "They'll love you, everyone loves you, Niall. I think you're just overthinking, plus, it's just his sisters. It's not like you're meeting his parents this early. I mean, Zayn wouldn't have you meeting them if he didn't really like you that much, yeah?"
Niall, still not convinced, ran his hands over his face, "Why did I have to land someone so beautiful?" he whined to himself, "I set myself up for this, I'm the one who asked him out."
"This is why I've been single, no need to deal with the meeting of the family or any of that rubbish, it's great. Oh, make sure to not have any love bites on display," Harry added, laughing.
"Fuck off, Harry." Niall muttered, and Harry just smirked to himself.
Harry soon got to his feet, and checked his phone, which had started to buzz again. It was a text from Louis, but now was not the time to deal with him, so he put his phone away again.
"I don't know how I'm ever going to prepare myself, and I don't even know if we're going to that Halloween party anymore because it's the same night." Niall whined, "At least you get to not worry about impressing anyone."
"Who says I'm not worried about impressing anyone?" Harry didn't want Niall to think he wasn't trying, and on the road to let himself go. That wasn't the case. At all.
Niall shrugged. "You said it, all this time you're just so happy to be single, why would you give that up, if it makes you happy? Beats freaking out over the stupid yet meaningful aspects of relationships."
"God, you're so bitter."
"I have my reasons. But whatever. Just don't fall in love, I tell ya, most of the time, it's not even worth it. Stick to the parties thought."
"How about no to both?"
"After the Halloween party, fine, but you gotta go to that one. Can't miss it."
Harry sighed. "So, you found out that I'm going.
"Yep, with Louis to." Niall grinned.
"I'm just going with him, it doesn't mean anything. You just said not to fall in love. This isn't love related. Or anything related. Trust me."
Harry might have convinced Niall to trust him, but he couldn't get that grin off his face. Despite the fact that it made Harry blush a little, he was happy Niall was thinking about something else than the apparent nightmare known as meeting Zayn's sisters.
"But I am glad you're going with Louis, as I'm happy you two have gotten close... makes things much easier. It's one less thing for me to worry about, honestly. Also, he's not exactly awful looking..."
What a hypocrite!
"Niall you-"
"I know, I know, don't listen to me. Go out there, fall in love, no, get shit faced drunk in love; it's amazing, you have no clue what you're missing, and you'll regret being so pumped about being single."
They were quiet for a second, Harry was too...embarrassed and yet excited? Because maybe Niall was right, and the concept of love, as daunting as it seemed, was something Harry knew he'd like to properly experience at some point, and, if he played his cards right, maybe he could experience it sometime soon. But he wasn't going to tell Niall that.
But back in reality, Harry was still Harry, the guy that loved being single. Plus, he couldn't give into what Niall was saying about Louis so easily. Was Harry that desperate? No. Not at all. "No." Harry began, "No, no, no, and no I know exactly what you're thinking. Just because I've been getting close with him doesn't mean there's something special. It's all platonic."
"I wasn't implying anything, not really anyway," Niall replied quickly, slightly smirking. "Aren't you at least attracted to him a little bit? Come on." Niall edged, but and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Am I attracted to him? Really? Niall, what does this have to do with anything?"
"Harry, just answer the question. It won't kill you."
Harry sighed, feeling heat inch up to his cheeks, "Fine, yeah, maybe, like a little, but I don't see him anything more than a friend, Niall." Harry explained, firmly, slightly ashamed when he realized he was trying to convince himself more so than Niall.
"Alright." Was all Niall said in response, and in a rather indifferent tone, so Harry didn't know if Niall really believed him or not, but Harry knew that if he tried to keep persisting, it would look worse, as Harry would be trying too hard.
Thankfully, Niall's stay was short lived because he started getting all weirdly quiet and saying he was 'tired' so, Niall left. Of course, Harry wished him well meeting Zayn's sisters, and told him to relax. Niall responded with a quick thanks before walking out.
Just as Harry was about to go back to his studies (and his oh so entertaining textbook), his phone started ringing. Harry, thinking about ten other things, answered it without even seeing who it was first.
"Drop everything you're doing and meet me in the car park in ten."
It was Louis. Harry hated the fact that he started smiling.
"And what if I'm busy." Harry played on, not going to give in so easily, toying his finger around one of his curly strands, "I mean, you didn't even ask politely, Louis."
Harry heard a sigh on the other end, "Too busy for me, huh? That's not possible." Louis was being a little cocky.
"I'm studying, and I've already been distracted enough by Niall's boyfriend theatrics." Harry explained truthfully, messing with the threading of his jumper.
"You're always studying, and maybe if you had been with me early today you would have missed the Niall's relationship soap opera. Please just meet me outside, I want to see you." That last part, that damn last part got Harry feeling like his room was a little bit too hot and his jumper too itchy, clearly taking everything Louis was saying to the extreme.
Harry licked his lips, "Lucky for you it's almost my study break time, and I didn't have anything scheduled during it today, but I'll need my coffee, so you better fit that into whatever you've planned."
"Begging me for a coffee?" Louis laughed, "Be lucky I like you, Mr. Styles." Harry's smile made it to a grin. No big deal.
After getting off the phone with Louis, Harry decided to check his hair and change his jumper. Niall's words about how Harry was missing out on love and how he needs to get drunk in it, kept ringing in his head, as if they meant a lot more to Harry and he didn't even know it. It was freaking him out a little, but at the same time, thrilled him.
Harry managed to make it outside in record time, because right as he walked out the front door of his building, Louis was leaning against his car with his sunglasses on, lazily checking his phone with his foot kicked up against the car door.
"Ahem," Harry crossed his arms as soon as he was in front of Louis but Louis hadn't looked up from his phone. Harry couldn't help but notice that Louis smelled like he bathed in pot-infused cologne. Despite its muskiness, there was a hint of something sweet that intrigued Harry.
Louis smiled while he put his phone away, and tilted down his glasses a bit to flash his eyes. "You're late. Good thing I'm patient, unlike you." Louis teased, and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Still using unsolicited comments towards me, how sweet."
Louis shoved his hands into his pockets, "Because I know it drives you crazy, but lucky for you I didn't come here to bicker with you, I mean, maybe I did slightly, but that's not the real fun of the day," Louis explained moving away his car and slightly close to Harry. "We're going to Doncaster."
No wonder Louis didn't mention it sooner.
"Louis, it's noon, and that means the rest of my day is gone. Was this your plan all along?" Harry asked, certainly not as delighted as Louis, but also, not upset either.
"I mean, if you're up for it." Louis replied, hoping Harry would say yes.
'No' is exactly what Harry should have said, and the Harry that didn't get dragged to any parties, meet his friends at a pub and didn't go with Louis to get a tattoo at 2am would have said no, but that wasn't this Harry.
"Count me in."
The ride to Doncaster was pleasant; not a lot of talking, pretty scenery and good music in the background.
But the curiosity (and the fact that Harry said yes without even knowing anything) was getting to Harry, so he asked, "Where exactly are we going?" because the suspense was getting to him. Plus, he was patient, Harry found himself asking after they had already been driving for an hour.
"Costume shop, pumpkin patch, dinner at mums, and then I will get your coffee before we leave." Harry looked over towards Louis while he answered, and saw that he only had one hand on the wheel and was sitting back as if they were on nothing more than a casual Sunday drive.
Harry realized that they'd be in for a busy night, once they arrived, of course. Dinner at Jay's house was kinda freaking Harry out a bit, as they just met a few weeks ago and what would she think at first, before either of them explained they were just friends?
"It's good I like to hang out with you, you better be thankful." Harry replied, moving around in his seat a bit.
"Oh I am, Harold. Trust me on that one." Louis smirked.
Harry bit back a smile and kept to himself, looking out the window as they went down the motorway. Harry decided to worry about dinner when they arrived at the house and were about to walk in; he wasn't going to start stressing about that now.
The first stop on the list was the pumpkin patch. Needless to say, they spent way too much time there trying to decide which four out of nine contenders would be the perfect fit. Apparently, they had to pick the biggest ones, because Louis' family liked to go all out on the carving. Good thing Harry was quite strong and could carry one big at a time, but Louis was able to carry two at once, which made no sense to Harry.
Harry couldn't imagine the back ache Louis was bound to have later.
"I'm not a weakling like you." Was what Louis threw at Harry when they first started out trying to haul the pumpkins, but Harry just laughed, especially when Louis started showing off how strong he was by trying to carry as many pumpkins as he could all the way to his car, but then ended up dropping some, right after he called Harry clumsy for tripping over some pumpkins, when Louis himself looked up for a split second and tripped. Louis was already swearing in response, but when he was humiliated enough by Harry's laughter, he blushed a bit and stormed off, which of course got Harry laughing even more.
By the time that was all over, the pumpkin patch led them off to a great start, despite how much time they spent there and the rush they were in.
From gathering pumpkins it was onto picking out a costume, and soon Harry was plastered in front of a mirror holding up different options.
Louis went off to the clustered aisles looking for a pirate costume, while Harry didn't even know what ha wanted to dress up as.
At first, Harry picked out a royal prince costume, and then a vampire, but those seemed so typical, as anyone could just pick one of those and show up. Harry didn't want to wear a sweaty mask or paint his face and hide it with special effects. He wanted something simple with minimum effort, but the costumes he was finding were so typical and cheap looking it was the other extreme.
Harry's eyes wandered off to his surrounding, scary masks hanging up, skeletons dangling from the ceilings along with paper mache bats, fake spiderwebs around the tops of the shelving and corner of the wall and the Halloween music playing in the background. The store was practically empty too, other than the employee guy at the desk reading a magazine.
"Found anything yet?" Louis came up to Harry and Harry noticed he had something tucked into his armpit.
Harry shook his head, "I told you Halloween is my worst enemy."
"Nonsense, show me what you have," Louis replied.
Harry showed Louis what he found, but Harry could tell that by the look on Louis' face that he wasn't pleased, and, without saying anything, ripped the costumes out of Harry's hands and walked off, vanishing into one of the aisles.
Soon Louis came back and pressed a costume into Harry's hands. "This is your costume," Louis smirked, crossing his arms.
Harry looked it over and furrowed his brows, "A cat? You're joking."
"No, I'm serious. You'll be the hottest one there." Louis laughed.
Harry glared at him before speaking again, shocked at his...tenacity. "This isn't funny, Louis. I just want something easy, okay? Not to look like a stuffed animal."
Louis rolled his eyes, "I'm only messing around, relax, yeah? I suppose you could go as a policeman or something."
They spent more time looking at Harry eventually found something. After an hour and a half in the costume shop, he's decided he's going to be a ringmaster. Louis didn't storm off in protest so Harry didn't dare change his mind again.
It didn't totally match with Louis' pirate costume, but then again, maybe it was better that way since they were just going as friends, and something to matchy might test that fact.
Then it was on to dinner at Jay's and when they arrived outside of Louis' mums house, Harry felt nervous. They were four hours away from Uni, spent the last hours with each other, and with what everything Jay told Harry when they first met, Harry had every right to feel a little anxious.
Harry never spent a lot of time at friend's houses; they'd always meet up somewhere or go out to stuff, because that's just what they did. Harry had been to Niall's house like two times despite how long they've known each other, and as weird as that might sounds that's just how they did stuff. It worked for them.
When Louis just walked in, Harry was right behind him, trailing quietly as Louis led him to the kitchen with the pumpkins in their arms.
"Mum, I'm home." Louis announced, "and guess who I brought?"
Harry followed Louis into the kitchen where Louis' mum and sisters were, and Harry could tell they were making something certainly delicious.
"You brought the young man I met few weeks ago, Harry is it?" Jay asked, and Harry nodded, setting the pumpkin down on the table where Louis had done so.
"Glad to see you boys getting along," she said, smiling. "You can show Harry around if you want but dinner will be done soon, okay?"
"Alright mum, we'll be back in a bit."
As Harry followed Louis around, he realized that the house look familiar, as Harry remembered this house from the party where Louis' band played, but when he was here, not only did Harry dislike Louis, but he was also trying to go home. Now no longer in a rush, Harry noticed the little accents in the rooms and on the walls; the pictures hanging, bookcases filled with good books and the charming little furnishings that were scattered around the house. At times it reminded Harry of his own mum's home.
When they made their way to the bedrooms, Louis stopped in front of the first room, "And here is where you claimed you were doing your hair to avoid me."
"Why do you think I was lying? Maybe I actually was fixing my hair." Harry replied, trying to remember what he was actually doing. Louis shook his head and showed Harry the other rooms until they got to the last door in the hall.
The door had a sticker on it that said no trespassing and Harry knew it had to be Louis'. All the other rooms were his sisters and his mum's, and unless Louis no longer had a bedroom, this was his room.
"Last but not least in the bedroom category is my room," Louis announced, opening the door and flipping on the light.
Louis' room was fairly clean besides a chair in the corner with a pile of clothing. There were band posters up, a dark colored sheet used as a blind for his window, a hemp leaf poster, guitar amps stacked in the corner of the room, and some belts hanging off a stand alone mirror by the bed. There was a laptop covered in stickers (that ranged from drug use to bumper stickers) placed on the middle of the bed and connected to another speaker.
Louis didn't say much as he started messing with a few speakers in the room while Harry let himself in. As Harry looked around, his eyes landed on Louis' closet door that was half shut, and Harry could see a little bit of another poster hanging up. Harry couldn't see what it was a poster of and soon the curiosity got the best of him. Harry walked over to it, and just as he checked it out, Louis' hand stopped Harry from opening the closet door anymore. But Harry had already seen enough of it to know who was on it.
Louis must have been in love with Ryan Gosling, or at least enamored with him.
"The closet is off limits." Louis exclaimed, trying not to sound embarrassed.
"Is it because of that poster?" Harry asked, staring at him and Harry could see Louis' cheeks turnings shade of pink.
Louis shook his head, "No... I just-" Louis began stumbling over his words. "I don't like anyone going through my stuff is all."
"Look who's the nervous one now." Harry commented, "Don't worry, I'd have the same poster hanging up too, just never thought I could get my hands on something like that." he laughed, and Louis rolled his eyes.
"Zayn gave it to me for Christmas one year, told me he found it on some website, but yeah, he's one of my celebrity crushes." Louis admitted.
"Well, you know my celebrity crushes, so I guess it's only fair that I find out yours."
Louis just shrugged.
For the rest of the time they spent in Louis' room, they sat on Louis' bed while they listened to some alternative nineties tunes, and while Louis went on and on about this upcoming party. Despite Harry's take on parties, it sounded promising, and way more eventful than the regular ones Harry got dragged along to. From the supposed 'rigged' costume contest to the games that featured at least one thing illegal in it, Harry kinda felt excited about it. Harry had been to the boring ones, but this was clearly the other extreme.
Shortly after Louis had said all that he could about the party, Louis mentioned something briefly about going to a concert together. Now that was something Harry could agree on, because their music taste was practically the same, and it'd been ages since either of them had been to a gig.
When dinner was called a little bit later, Harry felt a bit nervous. He didn't know Louis that long and Harry certainly didn't know Louis' family any better. Then again, Harry was just overreacting, but he did want to leave a good impression on Louis' family, because he had no idea what Louis told them.
Harry even started to understand what Niall was feeling a few hours ago, when he was crying to Harry about meeting Zayn's sisters, except this was nothing like that, because he wasn't dating Louis.
Harry found an empty seat across from Louis and in between Louis' sisters. He sat there quietly as his mum set a bowl that looked to be chicken carbonara, which smelled delightful and since Harry was pretty hungry, he was eager to try it.
"I hope you don't mind what's for dinner, Harry." Jay said, "I wasn't expecting Louis to bring a guest with him."
Harry smiled, "It's okay Jay, it smells wonderful." Harry replied.
"So Louis tells me you also know Nicholas." Jay announced as she made up her plate.
Louis smirked," You better not call Nick that, mum. He hates it." And yet Louis still had the gall to call Harry 'Harold' when Louis knows it drives Harry crazy.
Harry was in love as soon as he took the very first bite. Each time it was a forkful of comfort and packed with flavor, just exquisite, and his plate was nearly gone by the time Lottie finished talking about the boy she liked, as she hadn't even started eating yet. But back to the conversation about Lottie's latest crush, apparently, they'd been best friends and have been for years. Lottie had liked him for a very long time and had been getting all these mixed signals, from getting asked to go to the cinema alone with him and then watching him go off and flirt with these other girls they're both mutual friends with, two days later. As Harry listened to Lottie's situation, he hoped she'd be able to figure it all out soon enough, because Harry couldn't of imagined what it'd be like to have feelings for a friend and then watching the same person go flirt with others.
"Boys are just a bunch of trouble, stay as far away as possible at all times," Louis commented, stuffing a forkful of pasta into his mouth.
Jay just looked at Louis, "You've never listened to me when it came to advice about boys, so what good is your advice to your sister?"
"Mum, I've dealt with all kinds of guys, and besides, my advice is true," Louis explained in a tone of voice that seemed to be surprised that Jay was doubting him. "Dating is just a waste of time if you ask me."
Harry sat there quietly, clearly avoiding adding his two cents, primarily because he didn't any to add. He'd never been in this sort of situation, so if he offered any advice, it'd be weirdly hypocritical of him since he'd be sharing knowledge that lacked experience, so it'd be worthless. Plus, he didn't really know Lottie that well and didn't want to start poking his nose into things that weren't his business. It made him feel almost like family, since Lottie, for some reason, felt comfortable sharing all that in front of a stranger (to Lottie anyway) at dinner, and such subject matter was usually saved for those family dinners.
During the course of the dinner, Harry did his best to ignore Louis' gaze every so often and put his focus elsewhere. Not saying much but also paying attention to people as they spoke in the midst of conversation to show he had manners and was polite and things like that.
"So, Harry's going with me to a Halloween party," Louis mentioned, his voice sounding slightly excited, as he twirled some pasta around his fork before taking a bite.
"As a date?" Fizzy questioned with a smirk, asked, quirking her brow, "I mean, yeah, since you always talk-" her words were cut off with a yelp, "hey! God, you and your stupid feet-mum!"
Louis glared at Fizzy as his fork scraped against the plate.
Harry had no idea what that whole ordeal was about, but he didn't dare ask.
"Fizzy and Louis, cool it," Jay scolded but couldn't hold back a smile, as that whole exchange was comical, "before I ask you both to do the dishes."
Fizzy rolled her eyes after letting out a dramatic huff and went back to eating. Louis got to his feet and pick up his plate, "We should probably head out soon before it gets too late." Louis mentioned off hand as he made his way to the kitchen with his dish.
Thankfully Harry was plenty satisfied and it seemed like perfect timing for them to head on back, since Louis was right, it'd be late soon and there was a four hour drive back in front of them.
About twenty minutes later, Harry was ready to go. The process of saying goodbye included hugs, which was odd at first, but Harry didn't even have a minute to think about it being weird because it was hugs all around and rather rapidly that the whole thing felt more like saying goodbye to family, not friends.
"Ready?" Louis asked as he twirled his keys around his finger as they walked to Louis' car.
"Yeah, sure am. It was nice meeting your family though, like, actually meeting them."
Louis nodded. "They're crazy though, don't believe anything they told you."
This made Harry think back to what Fizzy was saying, and how quickly that was shut down. It got Harry curious as to what Fizzy was planning on saying, especially since Louis reacted like he did.
As soon as they were ten minutes from the house, Louis grabbed a cigarette and started smoking.
"I'm surprised you didn't take a smoke earlier, like, while we were there. You went a while without it."
Louis shrugged, replying after he took a drag. "Mum doesn't like me smoking around the girls when I'm home. At parties it's different because there's so much going on and tons of people over, but when I'm home and their entertainment for the night, I have to cool it. Plus, I don't want to get them hooked on these dirty things. I can't stop them from getting their hearts broken by boys, I mean, I would if they'd just listen to me, but I can help them from starting to smoke."
"Yeah, but, you tried getting me to smoke, and I'm pretty sure you're still trying."
Louis laughed, now finished with his cigarette. "I tried because I knew you'd never actually give in. You're going to school to be a nurse, like, clearly I knew I'd never actually succeed, but I still gave it a shot because, I don't know, why not?"
As ridiculous as all that seemed to Harry, he took it as a valid answer, because there was no point in arguing anymore, plus it seemed like the amusement of bugging Harry was slightly beginning to dissipate so certainly Harry didn't dare want to disturb that process.
When they left, it was already dark out as the lights were illuminating the streets and buildings were starting to light up on the inside. Ever since Harry got into the car with Louis while they were still in the parking lot at uni, Harry hadn't checked his phone once. At Louis' mum's house, it seemed like they were only there for maybe an hour, but they were there for almost two hours according to the clock on Louis' car radio. But that didn't upset Harry, as it was quite nice; Louis' family was lovely, and it was a nice change from the nights Harry spent at parties.
They were on the road for some time before Louis pulled into a spot in front of a coffee shop. "So how about we go get that coffee I owe you," Louis began, unbuckling himself, cutting the engine. Harry just stared at him.
"You were actually serious about that?" Harry asked, rather surprised.
Louis nodded, "I'm a man of my word, Harold. Now, do you want that coffee or not?"
Harry got out of the car and stood in line with Louis once inside, standing there looking at the menu f while Louis eyed the pastries. When Harry got to the counter, he ordered his vanilla ice coffee while Louis ordered a brownie, a chocolate chip cookie, and a hot chocolate. After Louis paid, Harry followed Louis over to the side while they waited for their drinks.
When they made it back to the car, they didn't drive off right away. Harry sipped his coffee as he watched Louis devour the brownie in a mere minute.
Harry took one last sip before putting his coffee into the other spare cupholder as he watched Louis break his cookie in half, "Want a piece?" Louis asked, but Harry shook his head, and Louis shrugged before chowing down the piece that he offered Harry.
Two minutes later they were off again.
Harry didn't mind drive back, as the hours spent with Louis were nice, with good music in the background, good conversation and good coffee.
Despite being so far away from uni and totally out of his element, Harry had a lovely time, and he was glad he went.
Maybe they could do this again sometime.
Halloween mornings spent with Niall. It wasn't really what Harry wanted to do, but Harry was stuck on Niall duty, preparing him for meeting Zayn's sisters later that night. Harry knows Niall was overthinking it and freaking out for no reason, and since Harry had dinner with Louis' family, he understood Niall's anxiety, but also realized it wasn't that big of a deal.
Everyone who met Niall liked him; he had a contagious laugh, plenty of witty humor, totally easy going, and just was a really good mate overall. Putting up with the back and forth banter that happened between them was worth it, as they had a great relationship and considered themselves practically brothers.
"Oh my god, I don't think I can do this." Niall fretted as he paced around Harry's room. It was six in the morning, and Harry had no idea why Niall needed to be up so early, besides to overreact, and the fact that Niall came to Harry's dorm to do so just made the whole situation so much better. No it didn't.
And no matter what advice Harry gave with his half asleep mind, Niall was not taking any of it, totally ignoring Harry's efforts.
"Yes you can," Harry huffed, "You're going to be fine, I promise."
"You don't understand, Harry. This is such a huge deal, and I'm meeting them so early, and this is the next big step before meeting his parents." Niall shook his head, scraping his hand through his hair, and adjusting his clothes as if they were chafing him. "It's so hot in here," Niall complained as he wiped his forehead.
Harry got out of bed and grabbed Niall by the shoulder, stopping him from pacing, and stared Niall in the eye. "Calm down before you make me feel anxious. You have hours before you're actually meeting them, so quit worrying about it now. And, for the last time, you're going to be ok, just trust me on this, yeah?"
Niall sighed, "I just don't know... I have so many worries about what could go wrong, I guess I feel so overwhelmed. Having a boyfriend is so stressful."
"Then maybe you shouldn't have asked him out or shagged him, then maybe you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place." Harry teased.
Niall narrowed his eyes, "Harry." he started, crossing his arms. "This isn't a laughing matter; this is serious."
Harry sat down back onto his bed, "I was just giving you some input, but if you're really worried about tonight then talk to Zayn, oh and take a nap, that always works for me. Find something that will calm your nerves."
Niall's freakout seemed to go on for twenty minutes, before he finally slumped down on the bed beside Harry and ran his hands over his face.
"What are you doing tonight? I mean, anything other than the party? Maybe not talking about Zayn's family might calm my nerves down."
Harry's eyes darted over to his alarm clock to check the time, "Well, apparently, around noon or so, Louis' planned a trip to some spooky houses, and then we're going to Liam's Halloween party, but you knew about that." Harry mentioned. Niall raised his brows, a smirk forming on his face.
"So, you're still going with Louis alone tonight? Interesting." Niall grinned
"Don't start on that now." Harry sighed, "He just offered me to come because he wants me to experience the supposed best party of the year, it's not because Louis likes me in that way, Nialler."
"Alright, if you say so. I'm just surprised you're even going in the first place."
Harry folded his arms, "I don't know why you should be, after all, you got me into this mess of going to parties. Plus, I can go to a Halloween party with a friend, it's not a big deal." Harry continued defensively. "Sue me for actually enjoying hanging out with him now."
"I never said it was a huge deal, just you've never been much of a partier, and it just surprised me how he managed to convince you. I mean, you spent half the day with him, alone, and you didn't have to, so talk about a quick change to a pretty bad first impression of him. God, you hated his guts."
Harry sighed, already tired of this conversation because he didn't want to keep defending himself.
"Alright, I think we're done with this conversation, Niall," Harry began, ready to start his day and stop worrying about Niall or what Niall had hinted about him and Louis. Harry didn't need that. "Maybe you should go see Zayn now, yeah?"
"Fine, I'll stop interrogating you about your super quick developing friendship with Louis and will go back to bugging my man, but please have fun today and at that party, you deserve it, as it's about damn time you stopped missing out on this kinda stuff." Niall teased lightly before leaving, and Harry heard him laugh, mumbling something as Niall closed the door behind him.
Harry spent the rest of his morning getting ready for the day's events and organizing his slightly messy room. Harry tried not to think about what Niall said and put his focus on preparing himself for his day with Louis. He was kind of excited, because Louis did know how to have a good time, as there was never a dull moment with him, and, don't take this the wrong way, but the idea of seeing Louis in a pirate costume perked Harry's interests.
Later that day, Harry got a text from Louis saying that he'd be by in ten minutes to pick him up. Harry fixed his hair and threw on a warm jumper. As he walked out, Harry saw Louis' car parked and waiting.
Harry took a deep breathed before he strolled over to Louis, who was dressed in all black.
"You're late," Louis commented, "I thought I was getting stood up."
Harry smiled, "Someone's impatient today."
Louis licked his lips, shoving his hands into his pockets, "I'm just excited to get this fang-tastic evening started."
Harry shook his head and just got in the damn car. He just can't right now. Not once puns start going on.
The drive was nice, good music and all, and soon they left the campus of the university. Trees were in full show with brightly colored leaves that lightly drifted down as the wind blew. The air was slightly chilly, and Harry hoped it wouldn't get that cold later.
The first spookhouse they stopped at wasn't that scary, actually (more like thankfully, as Harry was perfectly fine with that). It took about an hour to walk through it, and the special effects and even the makeup and jump scares weren't good. It had the people that would randomly grab you, but most of the time it was just a tall guy with a mask on. Nothing special. But, they weren't just going to one house, Louis had them planned out, researched, list created and memorized by heart. Halloween was his day and there was no way Harry was going to dare touch it.
As Louis' warned Harry, as they started going through more of these houses and going down the long list, each house got scarier and scarier, as if Louis knew all along and ordered them deliberately, easing Harry into it slowly. The walkthroughs got longer; the scares got worse, and if anything, the whole spectacle became more real each time. Harry was getting spooked here and there, but remained cool and calm, even when a guy jumped out at him with a chainsaw to blood-curdling screams playing along with creepy music, yeah now would be the time to say Harry had had enough.
Despite all that Louis told Harry that he was not going to get scared by anything at any of the houses, Harry was actually surprised Louis was right about his claim. Louis flinched, at the most, but that was it, laughing when Harry got spooked. Harry didn't see how this sort of thing could be fun when you weren't scared at really anything, but then he realized that he was probably Louis' form of entertainment, not the houses per se; Louis laughed at Harry getting spooked and teased him, awaiting Harry's reaction and making something fun out of them. Louis didn't care about the houses, it was all on Harry.
The last house was a popular one, as they had to stand in a long line in order to get inside. By now the air was chilly, and they were both impatient to enter the house.
"I wish this line would hurry the hell up, we have a party to attend in a couple of hours, and I don't want to show up late." Louis exclaimed, crossing his arms, "Do you think you can handle this last one, Harold?"
Harry nodded, "I mean, I did the others, I think I can manage one more."
"Good, because I saved the best for last." Harry knew Louis wouldn't let him off easy, since all the houses were pretty lame. Of course, Harry was already plotting revenge just in case this house would be a total nightmare.
"God help me," Harry muttered under his breath as the queue moved up, but it wasn't directly related to having to see the house, more as to the fact that the majority of the day and that night were practically wasted between going to these houses and then the party.
As they entered the building, Harry felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. Louis was behind him (because of course he made Harry go first), and that made Harry uneasy. The lights and the music was getting to him, mainly because this was the tenth spooky house, and even though Harry assumed he'd get used to all the tricks and the effects, he was wrong.
During the course of the time spent in the house, Harry jumped a bit here and there, scared only a few time. A few times, Harry felt some grabs at the back of his jumper, like where Louis was behind him, and Harry never really found out what it was. For a second, Harry thought it could be Louis, but then again this house had better scares, so it could have been people trying to grab him from the back.
This house took longer to get out of, probably Harry reached his limit and had had enough. All Harry wanted to do was get out, and maybe get something to eat, but he was physically tired enough to take a nap. The minute Harry blinked, something (a guy in a blood covered face mask with an axe) jumped out at Harry and started screaming, and the whole thing caught Harry off guard, so much so that he stumbled back into Louis, who just lightly pushed Harry forward again and over all the noise Harry could hear him laughing.
Thankfully, it wasn't much longer until they reached the exit, and Harry felt like breaking out the champagne, as he completed Louis' spooky house marathon and made it out alive to tell the tale. Of course, he didn't drink, but at that moment, he was both relieved and pleased with himself that he'd do it.
"So did that fill your thrill thirst at all?" Louis asks as they head out to the car park, noticing the sun was setting by now. They must have been in there for almost two hours since it seemed to fucking drag on.
Harry nodded, "Yeah, and I hope it filled your thrill, as you were the one that demanded we do all that. I think I'm good till next year. I had fun, though."
"Good, that was my intention." Louis replied, generally pleased as they made their way to his car and got in. "Now, onto my dorm. The real fun has just begun."
Louis' dorm looked more messy this time, and Harry stood and waited while Louis frantically searched around for something. There were tons of plastic bags, both on and under his bed and on his desk; everything they bought at the costume shop. Soon Louis walked back over to Harry with his arms rather full. He handed Harry over his costume and then walked back to where his desk was.
"You can get changed in the loo if you want," Louis offered as he ripped open one of his plastic packets.
Harry nodded and made his way into the small bathroom with his costume, and locking the door behind him.
It took him awhile, but he eventually Harry figured out the surprisingly confusing costume and threw it on. Harry had to be careful not to rip it while putting it on, as the fabric was cheap and Louis would still make him go, as a rip would look like Harry intentionally tried to get out of going to the party. Harry didn't know why he decided to go as a ringmaster, but he decided it would be one of the costumes that would make him look the least stupid, at least that's how it looked on the bag. The whole day, going and actually celebrating the holiday kind of brought Harry back to when he was younger, when he'd go with Niall for Halloween celebrations and spend all week looking forward to picking out his costume. Obviously, they'd both grown up, and after so many years, stopped caring so much about Halloween. But that night, as much as Harry would have rather done many other things, it was nice, because it was like what Halloween was when he was young.
By the time he had the whole costume on, Harry was worried to look in the mirror, but when he finally did he saw he looked halfway decent. The whole look didn't look bad, especially with the hat and his curls that had a lot of bounce that day, thankfully.
Harry headed back into the room, but didn't get that far; Louis was buckling his stupid belt buckle to his costume multi striped trousers with no bloody top on, and Harry never expected to see such a delightful sight, or to find such sight a delight. Standing there like an idiot, Harry tried not to stare and appear fazed, because, like, no, he wasn't, most certainly was not, at all. Actually, Louis' back muscles with the ink here and there was mind numbing, to say the least. A thousand red flags were going up in Harry's mind, and yet he dismissed and ignored every single one as he cleared his throat, ripping his eyes away after a quick mental note to calm himself down.
"I'm ready when you are."
Louis finished with his belt and smiled up at Harry.
"You look good, like a real circus fiend." Louis snickered as he slipped on the top to his costume and buttoned it up halfway.
Harry smiled as he sat down on Louis' bed, watching Louis grab the scarf and eye patch that went with his costume, and something off his desk before heading out the door to escape to the bathroom.
Harry couldn't get seeing Louis' shirtless (at least the back of him) out of his mind, and it was both scaring him and worrying him. What was happening here? Not something good, as Harry didn't need anything of that sort developing. Talk about wrong place wrong time, if Harry had walked out two seconds later he would have avoided seeing Louis' shirtless, and that would have been better. For sure.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck and waited silently, hoping when Louis comes back out shortly and that everything would be fine, that Harry won't stumble over his words, or do something stupid, and they can just enjoy the party.
Eventually, Louis returned with the scarf tied around his messy fringe, the eye patch on the right eye and he was wearing eyeliner, talk about going all out. Holy shit, he looked so good, and Harry couldn't even believe that he was thinking that way. If Harry was all there, he'd be more nervous about the party than standing in Louis' presence.
Oh, how the tables have turned, and so suddenly too!
"How do I look?" Louis asked, stuffing the fake sword he grabbed from his bed into the holder connected to his belt. "Do I look like a real pirate?"
Harry swallowed, "Uh, yeah, you look nice." That was a safe answer.
"Thanks, Harold." Louis replied pleased as he checked his phone, "I suppose we should head out, so we can make it in time to participate in the contest " Louis grabbed an orange colored paper from his desk, and Harry guessed that was either the invite or the tickets.
The ride to the party was relatively quiet and similar to the other rides they've had together, as the music was playing on in the background and Louis was smoking. Along the way, they saw little kids in costumes trick or treating with their parents as every street seemed to be alive.
When Louis parked the car about a block or two away from the campus, he scrambled out. Harry, never saw Louis move that fast, and watched him scramble around to the other side, but had no idea what he was doing, until Harry's door was opened for him. Needless to say, Harry was stunned.
"I can open my own door, I'm not weak you know," Harry commented, once out of the car.
Louis grinned as he shut the door, "I wanted to." Harry never expected to hear that.
Shortly after they walked along a dimly lit path over to the house, they heard music getting louder and voices, a clear sign this as the place. Between Louis and Harry, however, they were quiet. Harry followed Louis past some people on the front yard and into the house, after Louis gave some tall buff guy the orange piece of paper.
Once inside, Harry noticed plenty of people dressed in scantily clad costumes and yet a few of some fascinating ones. There were also plenty of lame ones also, like guys just dressed in khakis and polo shirts dubbed as 'white guys.' Harry ignored all the really bad looking costumes and just followed Louis, noticing all the Halloween decorations on the walls. Fake spider webs, skeletons, black and orange streamers, banners saying 'Happy Halloween!', and candy bowls spread throughout each table, which of course was loaded with food and drinks. The kitchen table had a pumpkin tablecloth over it with candy apples, green colored popcorn balls, pumpkin decorated cupcakes, a punch bowl filled with orange colored contents. This party, since it was themed, had more to it, and Harry appreciated the effort, and knew someone spent a lot of money on all this.
"Do you want anything to drink?" Louis shouted over the loud music as they went over to the cooler. Louis grabbed a beer and cracking it open.
Harry nodded, which promptly sent Louis off to pour him a glass of punch. Harry could have just done it himself; Louis didn't need to keep accommodating Harry tonight, as if Harry was some royal pain in the ass.
When Louis came back over to Harry holding a red solo cup and a beer, he gave it to Harry before taking a sip of his drink.
"So, are you having a spooktacular time?" Louis asked raising his brows.
"Why are you using such awful portmanteau words today? It's embarrassing."
Louis smirked. "I'm only trying to have a little fun because it's a holiday, and maybe I am trying to embarrass you, Harold."
"I hate you." Harry chaffed, taking a sip of his punch.
Louis shrugged before taking another sip, and set the can on the messy counter. Louis then moved closer to Harry a bit, as more people were starting to come into the tiny kitchen.
"Do you think you could meet me upstairs? I'm going to go sign us up for the contest and get our name tags." Louis explained in a rather serious tone, because this was his party and there was no messing around. "I'm sure Ed or Nicks up there."
"Um, yeah, sure," Harry replied, and without another word, Louis wandered off.
With nothing better to do and after promising to Louis that he'd be upstairs, Harry made his way up, expecting the smell of weed and he surely wasn't disappointed. Harry walked into the first room on his left and there were a bunch of guys in there, plus Ed and Nick.
"Harry!" Ed called out, waving for him to come over. Ed was in a doctor's costume, and Nick himself was dressed as a male cheerleader. Not very cohesive but then again Harry and Louis weren't either.
"Let me guess," Nick began, scratching his chin, clearly pretending, "You're a ringmaster, yeah?" Harry nodded.
"I'm surprised you're here." Ed exclaimed, crossing his arms, "Usually you hate coming to these kinds of parties."
"I'm not surprised. Louis asked him to come tonight." Nick smirked, looking pleased with himself that he knew that fact.
Ed looked at him with a grin before taking a hit of the blunt that was passed to him. "Where's your date then, I mean, since you came with him and all."
"We came as friends," Harry sighed, "And he was signing up for some costume thing."
They both nodded, and thankfully they didn't prod more into the reasons why Harry went with Louis and didn't just go alone, or even not at all.
Soon enough, Louis made it into the room and pinned a name tag on Harry's chest. Harry felt weird being this close to Louis, and he was surprised again that Louis didn't just hand it to him and have Harry do it himself. All this babying as if Harry couldn't do it himself, or something.
"Now we're all signed up, but we have to be down in the living room area in about an hour." Louis announced, stepping away from Harry.
Louis fretted Ed, Nick, and the others as he made his way away from Harry and sat down on a couch in the room. Louis eagerly grabbed the blunt when it came towards him and took a hit. Harry stood there watching Louis exhale the smoke as he passed it to the guy next to him.
"Going to try it this time?" Louis asked when it came to Harry. Harry shook his head and it was passed to the guy next to him, skipping Harry.
"Such a goodie two shoes." Louis mumbled, and Harry ignored that.
Harry stood among the guys as they smoked and bantered back and forth with each other. It was a little bit boring, because he wasn't into getting stoned or joking about stupid things. Harry kind of wanted to stuff his face with those treats from the kitchen and get away from the pungent stench and smoke. Plus, he was kind of hungry. Harry knew that even if he made it downstairs with the purpose of getting away from the smell, he'd have to ride back with Louis, who'd be drenched in it, so, no, there was no escaping it.
Soon, Edith came in, dressed as a sexy nurse. She made her way over to Louis with a beer in her hand and almost stumbled into him.
"Hey Louis." She started in a low slurry voice, biting her lip, "You make one sexy pirate." She purred as Louis took another drink before wrapping her arm around him.
Harry saw Louis give her a little smile, "Thanks, love." Was all Louis said, and they didn't do much more interacting, as much as Edith probably would have preferred.
As crazy as this sounds, she was getting onto Harry's nerves because she was just rather...annoying, trying to get Louis' attention and it wasn't working, at all. Louis looked more interested in the blunt and his beer than her, but maybe Harry was just looking too hard.
Edith licked her red stained lips before leaning and pressing a kiss to Louis' neck. "I marked you." She fiddles, pulling away. "You're mine."
Harry gave her a sharp gaze as he crossed his arms over his chest, clearly caring too much about this Louis and Edith thing.
"Calm down, babe" Louis commented as pulled his arm from her grip. "Why don't you go downstairs and wait for me in the basement, yeah?" He asked her, and she gave a little pout before getting up and wandering off again.
So they were going to hook up?
What the hell was Harry going to do? He arrived with Louis and needed him to get back. Now he'd get stranded and forgotten about because of some silly girl.
Louis' eyes flicked over towards Harry and he smiled, clearly not worried about anything Harry was currently preoccupied about. "We should probably head down in a few."
Harry nodded but didn't say anything in response. Soon, they all began to filter out of the room and head down stairs. Harry followed after Louis, not really sure what was going to happen next, but he was already ready to leave. It wasn't that Edith kind of ruined the mood, but she ruined the mood.
When they got to the bottom of the stairs, Louis grabbed Harry's jacket by the sleeves and led him to the area where others were gathered around. Everyone who was in the room had such amazing costumes, and especially Liam being shirtless with a construction uniform on with a girl in a latex catsuit pressed up next to him.
"That's Liam's girlfriend Sophia, and that's Liam, clearly. I bet you anything she's gonna make them win again." Louis exclaimed in Harry's ear unexpectedly, making Harry jump.
They both looked amazing, of course they'd win, Harry thought, be he didn't say anything.
"Like I said, shit's rigged." Louis huffed before stepping away and quietly standing next to Harry.
Not even a moment later, Liam had a microphone in his hands and told everyone to be quiet.
"As you all know, it's time for my annual costume party where we crown the king or queen. We have a good number of contestants this year so it'll be good. Winner gets a gift card of their choice and second place gets a 5-pound bag of candy, of their choice of course." Liam announced. Harry didn't think those prizes were that great, but then again, it was the spectacle of the thing and the bragging rights that really mattered to everyone.
"Now, if you ghoulies and ghosties are ready we can start this thing, so remember to vote in the kitchen where the ballot box is, and only one per person please. Up here I have a list of the people in the contest so feel free to look at that before voting if you forget or something."
Then contentores started walking. It seemed as if there were at least fifty people in the competition, and they each had thirty seconds to 'sell themselves.' At first, Harry felt really nervous when it was his turn, but he was the only one sober there so literally no one cared. Plus it only lasted for a moment.
Soon it was Louis' turn, and Harry watched as Louis walked around with such confidence, pulling out his fake sword and posing with it, before putting the sword back. When Louis was finished with this 30 seconds of glory, Harry bit back a smile as Louis stood by him again.
The contest seemed to drag on, losing its excitement as it continued, especially when Liam's girlfriend (as attractive as she might have been) did a really stretched and almost boring (to Harry at least) out stroll around. There were a few whistles going on during her time, but they all probably come from Liam.
Thankfully, after a little while longer everyone had gone and the whole walking portion was over. Now it was time for people to vote, so everyone was strongly encouraged to head into the kitchen, as they'd only have an hour to vote.
Once again, Louis grabbed Harry by the sleeve and dragged him outside where it was a little more quiet, leading Harry to a bench and claiming it. Louis smoked a cigarette and the two of them were quiet, listening to the music faintly playing inside and shivering a little from the chilly air, but getting to step outside was nice, since the house was stuffy and a little bit too hot.
"I bet you anything Sophia wins it," Louis remarked as he exhaled the smoke from his lips. "And for second place, it could be Liam, but if not, I'm clueless, since Zayn isn't here to sweep everyone off their feet." Louis paused, as if in thought. "Gorgeous bastard."
"It's not a big deal if we don't win, Louis," Harry finally responded as Louis flicked his gaze towards Harry, bringing the cigarette up to his lips.
"That's not the point, it's the principle; he cheats the system," Louis commented. "Every year I've been here and every year they've been together, and probably even before he started dating Sophia."
"If it's rigged, why do people keep participating in it? I'm sure you're not the only one who noticed the same thing happening year after year. You'd think people would just stop once they found that out."
"You really think these people care enough to stop? They like to show off and dress up, and it'd be about ten times more stupid if they couldn't say they were entering a contest. No one actually cares, because no one, except you, is sober, and at the very least, they're buzzed." Louis explained, as if he had a Ph.D. on the subject.
"You're not drunk, or very buzzed, and you care about actually winning. Why? What does this even mean to you?" Harry knew the whole thing was silly, and probably just a big joke, so why was Louis so invested in winning?
"I can't get drunk tonight, not when I have you to worry about, plus-"
"You don't have to worry about me," Harry cut in, "I should be worried about you, since you got somewhat high tonight and will probably freak out if you don't win that contest."
Louis shook his head, speaking after taking another drag. "Alright fine, I guess I'll stop worrying about you then. But maybe just try to understand how annoying it might be for those that take a contest like this seriously, I just don't like to lose."
"Fair enough."
Louis tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it, heading inside to grab another drink, leaving Harry alone on the bench.
Not in the mood to follow after Louis and preferring the outside air to the sticky, warm air of the inside, Harry pulled out his phone. He checked his texts, seeing that had ten texts from Niall. Harry forgot all about what Niall had planned for Halloween night, and was suddenly glad he wasn't in Niall's situation.
It was funny to read Niall's texts, as they went from Niall freaking out to slowly being ok to then having a great time. Harry was right all along, and he wanted to reply with an 'I told you so,' but he didn't as then Niall would start asking about Harry's night, and Harry didn't really know what to say yet. Plus, the expression on Niall's face when Harry actually says to him 'I told you so' would be ten times better in person that through text, and Harry decided he'd save it for when he'd see Niall again, which would be soon, of course.
"What are you smiling about?" Louis asked as he sat down next to Harry again, taking a sip from his red cup.
"Niall; he was freaking out this morning about meeting Zayn's sisters, but it's going well so he had nothing to worry about," Harry told Louis, eyeing his' drink. "I hope that's punch and not beer."
"Course Niall would freak out, such a drama queen, honestly. Now you need to not be a drama queen, this is punch, chill."
"I was just looking out for our safety, especially since you're driving tonight. I am chill."
"Are you though?" Louis asked, squinting as he looked at Harry.
"Certainly. Why, are you surprised?"
"Nah, just pleased."
For the majority of the time spent at the party, Harry and Louis hung out in the kitchen, munching on snacks and staying out of the way of people that were just too drunk to reason with. At times it was filled with people, so they stayed away from trouble by standing in a corner, talking and acting as if they weren't bored.
"Why did you lie to Edith earlier upstairs?" Harry asked, curious, and just because he wasn't too fond of her, he didn't think it was very kind of Louis to lead her one like that and not mean it.
Louis shrugged, looking as if he wasn't phased by it, and honestly forgot about it.
"Just wanted to get her off my back, and besides, she'd come back and find me if she was really serious. I'm sure she found someone else to bug."
"But still it was still kind of rude, Louis." Harry commented, but Louis just smirked.
Louis didn't say anything else, just huffed quietly and leaned against the wall.
Five minutes later, Liam called everyone into the living room because they were going to announce first and second place winners of the costume contest.
Harry stood beside Louis among the slew of sweaty people as Liam talked to the crowd. Liam spoke about how he was so happy that everyone seemed to be having fun, how the costume contest winners were a close race and that he hoped everyone had a safe rest of the night.
Harry felt someone grabbing his wrist and his eyes darted down to see Louis' hand wrapped around his wrist with his eyes closed shut, squeezing it so tightly. Harry still didn't get why Louis wanted to win so badly; it was just a silly little costume contest with stupid prizes.That's it.
Liam opened the first envelope, "The second place winner is..." Liam announced, "Michael Abbott."
"Come on," Louis muttered sounding pretty stressed out.
"And the first place the winner is..." Liam paused, trying to get the anticipation up when Harry just wanted him to read the damn name so that he could go home.
"My girl, Sophia Smith."
Louis' hand promptly left Harry's wrist and he uttered some curse words, not happy.
The crowd cheered a bit before they went back to what they were doing, and Harry remained where he was standing, wondering if they could leave now. Louis took off his eyes patch and sighed, looking deflated.
"I just can't believe it," Louis ranted, "I mean, I can, because like, it's rigged, but damn, another year she wins. Another year! Totally not fair, at all."
Harry, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea to try and bother with Louis mid rant, let his pout about it for a while. Louis then went on to explain why Sophia shouldn't even be in the contest, and then wanted to find out who was responsible for recording the votes to give him a piece of Louis' mind. Talk about a drama queen.
Eventually, Louis calmed down, and they went to go hang out with Ed, Nick and the other guys no one bothered to introduce Harry to (and yet Harry was ok with that), for the remainder of the time they spent at the party. Harry watched as they got high, keeping to himself except for the times when they managed to talk about something of actual importance, but those moments were rare.
That's what the party was like until the very early morning hours, Harry spent time in that room with basically those same guys and nothing really happened. Harry didn't think about his studies or how late it was, Harry was enjoying the fact that everything was very low key and that no one paid attention to him, as Harry no longer had to worry about Louis' constant teasing and name calling any more.
When they were back in Louis car, Harry felt utterly exhausted. When Harry looked at the time, he felt very mad at himself for letting this happen, but there was no point, and he knew that it was a lot better for it to be three in the morning than five or even six. Harry had no lectures the next day so he decided to just let it slide, plus, it was Halloween, the biggest and best excuse for staying up late.
The ride was long enough for Harry to close his eyes for a bit, and with the music in the background rather luling, Harry almost fell asleep, but he didn't, as he kept himself awake because he knew they were almost back at uni and if he did when he'd wake up his neck would probably ach because of the position, making sleeping just not worth it.
Five minutes later, the car pulled up into a spot near the door of Harry's building, and Louis cut the engine. It was quiet for a second before Harry unbuckled and opened the door.
"I had a lot of fun tonight, Louis," Harry said with a smile after getting out, closing the car door and turning back to Louis, sitting in the car.
"Me too," Louis agreed.
Harry gave a quick sigh, unsure of what really to say next or what more to do. Harry just decided to keep it short, since he was sure Louis would head back to the party and see if Edith was still around, or something.
"Well, I should head in, it's fairly late. Thanks again." Harry then turned and started walking off, not turning back to the car, as he had no other desires to do anything but go to sleep. That was until he heard another car door slam and then someone walking or running rather fast, and it sounded to be in his direction. Louis was jogging up to him.
What was going on here?
"I wanted to walk you to the door," Louis explained as he reached Harry (who was too confused and 'what is Louis doing?' to keep walking), and once again, Harry felt he was clearly missing something. Why was Louis such a gentleman tonight? Was this just a Halloween thing, like a trick, or was Louis just trying to show Harry that he did indeed know how to be nice to people?
Harry was too stunned to say anything as they walked to the main doors, still unsure what Louis' motive was for all this, and every other thing Louis did for Harry earlier that night that got Harry thinking Louis was babying him. Maybe this was Louis' display of appreciation for Harry being such a good sport and going to all of the spook houses and also the party when Louis knew Harry really did not want to go. What a weird way to thank someone.
"I'm glad you came tonight." Louis mentioned as he leaned on the brick wall next to door, "Even if you thought I was going to ditch you for Edith." Louis laughed.
"Yeah, I was sure you were going sleep with her, I mean, she left a lovely red stain on your neck."
Louis shook his head, "I just needed her to leave me alone tonight, especially since the world does not revolve around her and I came with someone else tonight. Despite what you think, I'm not that rude."
"Not with all the babying you've done for me tonight you're not."
Louis smirked, "Don't get used to it, I don't do it often." Then Louis stood up a bit, creating space between him and the building he was just leaning on. "Besides, she probably went off with her friends or something, so I'm not worried."
"Well, I'm just glad I wasn't ditched, so thank you," Harry smiled as they stood there quietly.
There was an awkwardness in the air for about two seconds, while the both of them didn't know what to say or do and just stood there. It was as if they were waiting for something, subconsciously, but on the surface, they didn't know what to do next.
"I should probably go inside before I shiver to death, and before you need to take another smoke," Harry reasoned out loud, scratching the back of his neck. "Night, Lou." Harry said, accidentally throwing in a nickname, suddenly wondering what was to happen in terms of Louis' reaction. Harry thought it would be ok since Louis called him 'Harold,' and at the party tonight, all the guys in the room were calling Louis 'Lou,' so why not?
Louis smiled a little and nodded before walking off, and he looked over his shoulder back at Harry once more before getting into the car, as if to say something, but he didn't. Harry didn't know why he stayed to watch Louis leave, but he did, as if he couldn't pull himself from his spot until Louis was actually gone. Why? Harry wasn't sure, and it freaked him out a little.
Just like it freaked Harry out that Louis wanted to walk Harry to the door, hanging around longer than usual, and of course Louis treating Harry in ways Harry never expected at the party that night; everything freaked Harry out. All of it. Louis did. Maybe in a good way, maybe in a bad way, maybe even a little bit of both, but overall, it just freaked Harry out.
And soon, Harry learned to like being freaked out, but he didn't find that out until later.
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