Chapter 3
[WARNING]: violence and bloodshed ahead. (Though I'm not good in making these kinds of stories) if you feel uncomfortable with reading it, you may skip to the bottom of the chapter. Please heed my WARNING. Enjoy the chapter~!
Sans dropped Frisk at the Dreemurr mansion. He and Papyrus had to do a job the boss had ordered them to do. Frisk begged a few times to come with them, but Papyrus said it would be too risky.
As soon as Frisk knocked on the door, Toriel surprisingly opened the heavy doors (surprisingly) wide open with all her strength and hugged Frisk tight. Another reason why the skeleton brothers are afraid of her; she is beyond strong and scary.
"Frisk! Where have you been?!" Toriel asked as she let Frisk go, as soon as she did, Frisk breathed like she hasn't breathed in months.
"Tori, I told you she just went out to Muffet's yesterday" Asgore said behind them.
Toriel turned her head towards him with a deadly glare. "I am asking Frisk, not you, Asgore...and don't you dare 'Tori' me again" she said coldly.
"Haha...Asgore's right, I just went to Muffet's" Frisk said awkwardly. Toriel whipped her head back at her and sighed, she slightly frowned as she flicked Frisk's forehead.
"Ow" Frisk muttered and rubbed her forehead. It was hard but not that painful, for Toriel's paws are fluffy and soft. "I'm sorry. I just really love their pastries there!"
"Child, do not worry me like that again. Who knows what would have happened to you. Next time, I cannot allow you to go to Muffet's on your own now" in the corner of of Toriel's eye, she saw Sans sneaking away. She cleared her throat loud enough for Sans to hear, catching his attention. He knew excactly what it means. He completely stopped in his tracks but didn't turn. Toriel walked to him, heels clicking. "Sans,"
"Y-yes, boss-I mean, Tori...?" Sans said, his voice a little weak.
"Next time, make sure to do your job well" Toriel said with a threatening growl. Sans quickly turned and saluted the old lady. Toriel nodded and turned to Asgore. "And as for you, make sure to fulfill your job not only as a boss, but as a father now." Toriel said. She turned to Frisk with a sweet smile and kissed her cheek. "I will now go, my child. Be a good lady, good bye for now" she walked off.
"Um..." Frisk started. "Guess I'll see you around, Sans"
"Right. I will come back, young boss. And boss" Sans teleported away.
Asgore put a paw on Frisk's shoulder as he smiled at Frisk. "Care to join me with some tea?" Frisk smiled at him and nodded. They went inside.
Papyrus waited patiently for his brother in his car. Soon, Sans appeared in the passengers seat at the front. "Brother! What took you so long?" Papyrus asked before starting the engine.
Sans put his seatbelt on first, his brother cares about his safety a lot. "A lil' conversation with the old boss" Sans said with a slight shiver in his voice, making Papyrus shiver himself.
They drove through the roads of the city with caution. Most specially since they have to drive to the human part of the city. The humans never liked their company there, but at least some would still stand up for monsters. Take Frisk for example.
"So what's the boss' order this time?" Sans asked.
"Something different. Clean up the trouble the others made and kill them, simpler than our past few jobs." Papyrus answered his brother calmly. "But I still feel highly uncomfortable with killing one of our allies, Sans"
Sans shrugged. "I know...our boys just really are dirty sometimes...we can't just let 'em escape now, right Papyrus? Remember, it's our name they're bringin' around the streets, not just the boss'"
Papyrus sighed as he made a left turn to the human part of the city. "You are right." The human part of the city was the same with the monsters', only it was more civilized than the monsters' part. No one seemed to break the law here, well just a few scumbags stealing from banks and houses unprofessionally. Unlike the monsters where it was almost too dangerous to go to the grocery store now. Papyrus made a sharp right turn and parked by a dark alley. Sans knew it was a bad a idea to hire humans, they betrayed the monsters once they can always do it again. What seemed strange is that it was dead quiet. Too quiet. The last time they went here, it was the total opposite of the silence right now. This sent suspicions and chills down his spine. Something smells fishy. He told Papyrus to stay put in the car to inspect the weird silence and cautiously went out of the car, closing the door behind him. He walked through the dark, cold alleyway as his footsteps echoed. Soon, he reached a metal door. He saw the doorknob and tried to twist it. Locked. He thought. The good news is that the door isn't strong enough to protect itself from magic.
"Found anything, brother?" Papyrus' voice echoed through the alley, making Sans slightly jump.
"Apparently not. Stay where ya' are, Paps" Sans said back. He backed away as he blasted the door with his Gaster blaster. There goes my energy. He thought. As soon as the coast is clear, he went inside the room. His face fell. Nothing. There was nothing inside the room except a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Luckily, the camera Asgore asked them to put up was still there in the corner, he sighed in relief. He used his magic to get the camera and walked back to the car. He opened the door and asked Papyrus if he brought a USB.
"What did you find?" Papyrus asked as he gave the USB to Sans.
"The bastards aren't there, so is their stuff" Sans put the USB into the device as he waited for it to load in silence. It beeped 3 times, meaning it has finish its download. He took the USB out and inserted it in the car's radio. He found yesterday's clip and played it.
"I'm sick of this!" A man with blonde hair yelled as he slammed both of his hands on the table. He wore a long-sleeved polo, suspenders, black pants and shoes. His tie just hung around his neck. "I can't take this anymore!"
"Easy, easy there, Simon. There's nothing we could do, we almost got caught" an older man said bluntly. He was smoking. He was leaning on the metal door. He has grayish-brown hair as his beard was neatly cut. He wore excactly the same like Simon's but his sleeves were rolled up, he wore a grey vest and his tie was neatly tied.
"What? We're just gonna stand here and wait for our butts to get kicked-?!"
"Simon, that's enough." A confident and overpowered voice demanded. He was standing in the corner of the room
where no light dared to hit it. Simon cursed under his breath and sat down with his arms crossed. "Of course not. I've got a plan" he said as he finally stepped out in the light. He has dark brown hair. Of course, he wore a long-sleeved polo, black tie neatly tied, black pants and shoe. His black blazer only hung on his shoulders. Simon whipped his head to him curiously.
The old one chuckled. "Typical Will, wouldn't dare to let anyone run from him" he said as he puff smoke out. "But we're talking about Asgore here. You know how he is"
"I keep that in mind, Larry" Will said, a mischievous smile crept on his face. "We just need his daughter and we're done" Simon smiled seductively. This made Will roll his eyes. "And you're not gonna play with her" Will glared at him.
"Aww just a little!" Simon begged. Will rolled his eyes again.
"Fine. Just this once" he said. "We leave tomorrow. Leave Asgore to me" Sans' eyes widened. Before he even knew it, they were zooming.
"Paps! Slow down!" Sans said, trying to get Papyrus' attention. But it was no use. Sans can see the fear in his eyes.
"Can't you teleport us there?! I'm not letting them hurt little pup!" Papyrus said. Sans thought about what Will scolded Simon. His eye suddenly flamed with rage. He tried to teleport but he can't. He doesn't have enough energy to teleport. He can't understand this feeling he's having. He's aware that there are more than 10 monsters guarding the mansion, he's aware that Frisk is safe there, yet he has this feeling he wants to see Frisk safe himself.
"Dammit!" Sans exclaimed. He was filled with anger and regret. He remembered, Will Conor is the most skillful human ally they have. They're chasing Will Conor here, not Will Smith.
Asgore and Frisk drank tea in silence. It wasn't an awkward kind of silence though. Frisk didn't mind. She wanted it to be a peaceful day to today anyway. And Asgore looks like he has a lot in mind. The silence broke when Asgore's personal phone rang.
"Excuse me for a moment" Asgore said apologetically. Frisk smiled and shook her head. He answered the call outside the office. Yes, they're having tea in his office. Frisk real didn't mind at all. His office looks unique, that's what she likes about it. It has the contents of a dangerous mobster boss and a warm hearted father. Frisk realized she's all out of tea.
"I apologize," Asgore said as he came back inside the room. "Something came up. Do you mind if I handle it?"
"No! Not at all" Frisk said as she smiled, Asgore smiled back and apologized again. He took his coat and went outside. Moments later, Frisk decided to walk around the mansion to pass the time. She walked pass Asgore's room, her room and soon, she's in the hallway where picture frames hung. She smiled as she saw the pictures. The first one is when Asgore and Toriel decided to take you to the carnival for the first time when you were just around 8 years old. Toriel wore a simple smile while Frisk smiled wide on top Asgore's head, he was trying his best to find her. This made her smile. The second one was a picture of Sans doing a selfie with Frisk feeding Papyrus nice cream as a background. This made her roll her eyes and smile. The third one was a picture of your first Halloween. Sans wore a blue jacket, white t-shirt, basketball shorts with a white stripe on each side and pink slippers. Papyrus wore a white and blue battle armor, red boots, red gloves and a red scarf wrapped around his neck. Toriel wore a simple purple dress with long, white sleeves and a delta rune in the middle. Frisk wore a blue turtleneck sweater with 2 pink stripes, navy blue shorts and brown boots. This made you giggle. You remembered Sans saying "our costumes are normal civilians". After a while, you finally stopped to see the final picture. You stared at the smiling young human girl who looks exactly like you except with her red eyes and pale skin. Next to her, a very familiar young monster goat wore a smile, it seems he got his red eyes from his mother. What really interested her was the human girl. She decided to shrug it off and walked to the next hall. When she turned to the next hall, she gasped. She ran to Lesser dog, who was badly injured, lying down on the floor with some blood surrounding him. "A-are you okay?" Frisk said, thinking twice about touching him.
"B-boss...?! Run as f-fast as you can! G-get out of here!" He stammered. Frisk hesitated but obeyed. She ran away from him. She doesn't know what's happening, but she knew somethings wrong. She stopped. A man with blonde hair was in front of her. He chuckled deeply.
"Frisk, right~?" He said. She didn't like the way he said 'Frisk'. She took a step back. "Now, now. Don't need to be afraid. Nice clothes you got there" he said as he stared at her black skirt. She wore a white, short sleeved polo, black skirt that reached only above her knees, and black boots.
"Don't you dare touch me" Frisk hissed. The man chuckled again as he started walking towards you, making you back up.
"I have a name y'know. It's Simon"
"And do you think I'd give a crap about it" Frisk barked. She's not the kind of person to swear, knowing Toriel forbids her to ever say it once. Simon was a little taken aback but smiled anyways. She was finally cornered as she felt the cold wall on her back. Simon got satisfied and put his arms beside her. Frisk felt anger, fear and defense building up all at once. She knew what Simon's gonna do. And he better Sim-off. She thought. The very bad pun she made didn't even help though. Simon leaned closer to her, Frisk rolled her eyes and hit his head hard with hers. Simon stood straighter as he rubbed the part where she had hit him.
"Why you little-" He was about to slap Frisk when they heard Will's voice.
"Simon, what did I told you?" He said, Larry following behind him. "I told you to call us as soon as you found her!" He said, his anger building up. Simon stepped aside, swearing something under his breath. "We're very quite sorry for his actions, boss" he said as he took Frisk's hand and kissed it in a gentlemanly manner. Frisk quickly took his hand out of hers.
"You think I'm gonna believe this crap? Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you," she said as she crossed her arms. She thought twice and glared down at the floor. "But I'm not giving myself to any of you scumbags"
"Too bad," Will started. "We want and only want you" Frisk flinched.
"Tsk tsk tsk..." Frisk cleared her throat. "Better try and catch me then!" She said with a hyped and childish voice as she speedily ran off to the other hallway.
"Get her!" She heard Will say as she heard running footsteps. She ran pass Lesser dog and the pictures. Soon, she found herself in the dining room. She has to avoid the long table that stood in the middle of the room. She could go to the side, sure, but she isn't going to be fast is does that. With a visible smile on her face, she jumped and slid on the table. She perfectly landed on the floor without getting injured. She continued to run. She glanced back and smiled, she had lost them. Frisk stopped running and breathed. She stood stiffly, realizing she's not the only one in the hall.
"Good show, boss" Will said as he played with the gun in his hand. "Really impressive. But can you run pass me?" He pointed her and quickly pulled the trigger. But before it could even hit her, a floating skeptical head blocked the bullet. Frisk sighed in relief as she let her shoulders relax a little.
"Finally...what took you so long...?"
"Sorry, lil' pup," Sans said as the skeptical head disappeared. "I know traffic isn't an excuse, right?" Will glared at Sans, Sans glared back with a flaming eye. "Go..." Frisk nodded and ran away. Sans chuckled darkly. "Ya' think ya' could just take Frisk away after all you've done? Some guts you have in ya', pal." He said. Will didn't show fear the slightest. "Ready to have a B A D T I M E ?"
"Ready as I'll ever be" Will said bluntly and dashed to Sans, a knife in hand. Sans dodged the attack as Will's soul turn blue. "Put me down! Now!"
"Seriously. Ya' got guts," Sans' eyes turned pitch black. "Too bad you're gonna have to lose 'em" Will stared at him in complete terror. Without merely a second, bones from the wall popped out. Sans raised his left hand to the right, making Will hit the bones on the wall. Blood and Will's insides splattered everywhere. Sans just wore his usual s##t-eating grin as his white pupils slowly reappeared. "Welp, I'm dead".
Frisk eventually found Papyrus. He already took care of Larry, she can tell when she saw him lying on the floor unconscious.
"Hello, lil' pup-I mean, Frisk!" Papyrus said. Frisk smiled and shook her head.
"Nah, it's okay. Call me 'lil' pup'. You deserve it"
Papyrus smiled brightly. Soon, Simon held Frisk's neck with his arm from behind. "Lil' pup!" He was too afraid, Simon held a knife under her chin. Frisk didn't even struggle, she just rolled her eyes and bent her body all the way down effortlessly, making Simon fall. Frisk got the hold of his arm and pulled it while she stepped on his chest. She finally dislocated his arm, making him scream in agony. Frisk let him go and dusted her hands.
"Do not mess with me ever again" Frisk growled. Simon silently whimpered in response. Without warning, Papyrus hugged Frisk tight as he raised her.
"Lil' pup! You were awesome! But not as awesome as me though" Papyrus squealed. Frisk laughed. Soon, they saw Sans appear in front of them.
"Hey, what's with the hug fest?" Sans said lazily.
"Frisk dislocated his arm!" Papyrus said proudly as he put Frisk down. Sans saw Simon whimpering on the floor, he saw Sans and sobbed quietly this time.
"Sheesh, what did ya' really do to make him cower like that?"
Frisk shrugged. Asgore got home just in time and told them he was tricked. As Papyrus explained everything to Asgore (which Sans was too lazy to do)after calling Alphys to help cure Lesser dog's injuries, Frisk joined Sans outside. "What's up?"
Sans smiled. "The sky" he said with a smile. Frisk face palmed and laughed.
"Really, Sans?" Frisk said. Her face lit up, she though of a joke. She hoped it would work. "Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"My love"
Sans thought twice. He slightly blushed. He doesn't know why though, he never felt this feeling before. He also blushed when he just complimented her the other day ago. He realized he didn't answer Frisk yet. "M-my love who?" Sans said. S##t! Why did I stutter?! Sans scolded himself. He doesn't know why though. The voice inside him suddenly just scolded him.
Frisk held her laughter. It looks like he's buying it. She thought. "Your love is standing beside you!" Sans just stood there, looking dumbfounded. Suddenly, he blushed a deep blue. Frisk slightly blushed and laughed. "Aww, Sans! You look cute!" She said between laughs.
"Not funny, lil' pup" Sans said as he tried to hide his face with his hand. Suddenly, he felt something soft peck his cheekbone. He looked up and saw a smiling Frisk. She looks cuter when her face is covered in! What are you thinking?! He thought. "Stop teasin' me or you're gonna have a bad time"
Frisk giggled. "I already did, bonehead. The kiss was your reward, silly." She said. "It was your reward for saving me from earlier." Sans stayed quiet.
He sighed. "Yeah...guess I do need a reward, huh? And I got it from the boss herself" Sans smiled. Frisk smirked.
"You don't sound contented. Want a real kiss then?" Frisk said as she slowly leaned closer to him, he blushed hard, making him look like a blueberry. Frisk laughed. "Oh god, that was priceless!" Sans saw her and growled softly.
"Ya' wanna see something priceless? Here's something priceless!" Sans said, wanting to see Frisk's reaction to what hes about to do. He tackled her down on the floor. Sans used his two arms to hold himself up while Frisk was below him, making her blush mad. "That's...something I wanna see." Sans smirked as he watched Frisk blush. Sans just realized what he just did and blushed madly like Frisk.
"U-um...mind if you stand up?" Frisk said with a slight shaky voice.
Sans' eyes widened in embarrassment as he quickly stood up and helped Frisk stand. "S-sorry..."
"It's okay. You got me there" Frisk smiled sheepishly as she playfully punched Sans' shoulder.
"SANS! COME IN HERE. HELP ME CLEAN THE MESS YOU MADE IN THE HALL" Papyrus boomed, startling Frisk sand Sans.
"Heh. I Better go inside or Paps will kill me"
"Me too. I have to reassure Asgore that I'm safe before Tori comes"
Sans nodded. "You first, m'lady~" Sans said in a gentlemanly manner with a wink. Frisk rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Why thank you~" Frisk said as she did a small curtsy. She walked inside, Sans following from behind.
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