Dummy Encounter
Toriel leads the ponies through to the next room, telling them to work together to pull the levers she marked. At the end of the room, Toriel praises the six of them for their brilliant teamwork.
"We do normally work quite well together, Toriel," Rarity explains, as Toriel continues to lead them.
"That is an excellent attribute to have," Toriel replies. "While the Underground is a very dangerous place for young humans, it is difficult to say if the six of you would be safe or not. Good to have you all together."
"Humans?" Applejack questions, however Twilight cuts her off before she can question further.
"Why is it dangerous?" She asks Toriel.
"Why, it's quite a long story..." She starts, stopping in her tracks. "In short, there was a war between our two kinds, which is why we are locked down here... All monsters have been ordered by the king, to destroy any humans who fall." Toriel snarls when she mentions the king, whoever that may be. "However, your kind are not apart of our war, from what I know of, so you should be safe... Even though, I think it would be smart to prepare you all incase a monster does happen to start a fight with you."
Toriel steps to the side, to reveal a small dummy.
"If either of you ever get into a fight, I want you to merely start a friendly conversation. Stall for time, I will come to resolve the issue and keep you all safe. Twilight, why don't you try and talk to this dummy first?"
Twilight nods, before walking towards the strange, stuffed creature. When she gets close, a red light flickers, revealing her Soul. She looks back at her friends, realising none of their Souls were showing, before turning back to the dummy.
"Hello," she starts. "How are you today?" She pauses, as if waiting a response. "This... is quite strange... I've never talked to anyone quite like you before,"
"Very good!" Toriel praises, before Twilight steps away, her Soul disappearing. "Pinkie Pie, do you want to go-" Before Toriel could finish, the pink pony bounces up to the dummy, her purple Soul now lighting the area.
"Hi!" She says quickly, a large smile on her face. "I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name? Do you like it down here? What's your favourite food? Mine's cupcakes. I love cupcakes! But I like pie too. Pie's yummy. Also it's my name. Did you know that? Pinkie pie!"
"Very, very good Pinkie!" Toriel laughs nervously, pulling her away from the dummy. "Why don't we let the others have a go?"
Cyan now lights the room, as Rarity approaches.
"How do you do, Mr. Dummy, my name is Rarity," she says. "You are quite the sight, aren't you? I adore what you've done with your, er... stuffing, there! It really brings out your... eyes." Rarity cringes, before looking up at Toriel with an uncertain look.
"Excellent!" She smiles, and cyan is replaced with blue light as Applejack replaces Rarity's spot.
"Howdy!" She says, tilting her hat politely. "Name's Applejack... do ya have a name? Or d'ya just go by 'dummy'?... Sorry 'bout that one, Sugar-cube. Nothin' I can do ta help."
Toriel praises Applejack, as Twilight encourages Fluttershy to go up next. Her green soul lights up, and she flinches in fear.
"H-hi..." she mumbles to the dummy, hiding behind her mane once again. "I-I'm..." she looks across at Toriel, who gives her a comforting smile.
"You can do it, my child," Toriel tells her gently. Fluttershy takes a deep breath, before standing up straighter.
"My name is Fluttershy, it's very nice to meet you," Toriel praises the shy pony, and as the pale green light fades, she awaits the final pony to step up.
"This... this is stupid," Rainbow says, shaking her head. "I'm not talking to a stuffed creature."
"Dash?" With a grunt of frustration, the rainbow maned pegasus approaches the dummy, watching as her orange soul lights up. For a moment, she stands, glaring at the inanimate creature. Then, she turns to Toriel, a glimpse of hatred in her rose eyes.
"I refuse to do this," she snaps. "You can't make me." With a sigh, Toriel gives. She nods, and proceeds to lead the group into the next room.
"Next time," Twilight whispers to her friend. "Just do it. We need practice in this world."
Dash doesn't reply, only huffs at her friend.
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