Chapter 1: Holy Hell!
~Frisk's POV~
I ran as fast as I can to Mt. Ebott. "Where did that fucking girl go?!" A familiar voice growled behind me, but I ignored it, I need to escape. My name is Frisk, duh obviously, like if you see that 'Frisk's POV' thing at the top. I then tripped on a tree root, and right before I knew it, I have fallen straight into Mt. Ebott. Legend has said that people who have fallen into Mt. Ebott...never returned. I felt tears rushing through my face as I took impact of the ground, surprisingly there was a pile of golden flowers beneath me.
I held my forehead and winced at the pain, I looked up and all I see is the sun slowly going down, sunset, it's almost night time. I sighed and stood up, dusting off the dirt off of me, "h-hey are you alright..?" My eyes widened and I looked around the area trying to find the track of the voice. "Down here," I looked down and noticed a golden flower, a frown plastered on its face that stood above the rest of the flowers, "you need to get out of here! She's coming!" A flower that can talk? And what did the flower mean by.."she?"
"Wh-what do you mean by she?" I hesitantly asked, "the the keeper of the Underground Ruins! Please! You need to get out of here!" I then examined the flower even more, some of the flower's petals are wilted, a petal gently float down from its face, this flower is..frightened. "But where else am I supposed to hide?! And what's your name?!" "The name's Flowey, now hurry!" The flower then sucked itself into the ground as I saw a shadow and hearing an echo of footsteps. I looked around the area once more, shit, no where to hide!
"Who goes there?" I then saw..what I believed was the keeper of the Underground Ruins, the keeper, actually appeared to be a female goat. She wore black clothing with red lining. I grind my teeth together as I took a step back, I felt sweat trickling down my face. "A human..heh...Asgore would take his chance if he were here," she said under her breath. "Asgore? Who's that?" I asked taking a step forward, I then noticed Flowey in the corner shaking its head. "The king of all monsters, you must stay with me, now come on!" She grabbed me by the wrist as I winced.
I then noticed blood dripping from my wrist, how did I cut myself from the fall, I mean come on I landed on fucking flowers! "You're lucky I'm nice," she snarled. "Um, my wrist is bleeding.." "Let me see." She let go of me as I showed her my injured wrist, she then took a box of bandages and lightly placed the bandaid on my wrist where it was cut. "Heh I have no more bandages, want this box?" "Uh n-" "too bad." She gave me the box, I sighed as I placed the box in my inventory.
We walked through puzzles, some were dangerous and I had to crawl to just catch up with the goat. "Now stay here! I need you to stay here you puny human!" She then scoffed and walked off to the other direction, aish, wished she was a little more friendlier. I then noticed a flower pop up from the ground, "aren't you afraid?! This place is not safe, especially for a human like you!" The flower looked up at me, "I'm fine, but I really want to get out of the underground..." Then Flowey looked down, "you mean that place above?"
"Well yeah!" The flower then looked at me concerned, "how did you get here in the first place anyway?" I felt my spine shiver, "I accidentally fell," I lied to Flowey, "heh you're clumsy," he chuckled, "anyway, I guess I'll be your guide, I will help you," and like that he was once again gone, just like that. I then followed where the goat lady went, it was quite the trip since I have to run away from hostile monsters that want to kill me! I then ran into a ghost that just so happens to be in the way.
"Hmph, go away," the ghost said, is it just me or does everyone seem hostile? "And why would I do that?" I crossed my arms raising an eyebrow, "you just so happen to be in the way," I said, I then walked passed the ghost but he followed behind, he had that creepy smile on his face, tch, "where ya going?" He said, "out of this hellhole," I sneered, "oh, too bad you won't make it out alive," he snickered, "and what is that supposed to mean?" "Cause you'll die before getting there."
I felt a drag of my soul as if being pulled into a fight, as I see the imagery of his demented smile, his eyes staring into me, or whatever, I have nothing to defend myself though so I looked at him cautiously. He made his first attack which were tears being poured out of his eyes as I dodged them, the tears then went through the ground like acid. I then felt concerned, "a-are you ok, why are you crying?" I looked up at him as his smile slowly turned into a frown, but went back to his creepy smile.
"Psh what are you talking about?" He then kept attacking, as I dodged once more, but a single tear slipped onto the slave of my arm, the burning sensation, surprisingly, it didn't burned through my clothing, I looked around me, his tears weren't acidic anymore. But, is there something wrong? "Are you..lonely? I'll be your friend if you want...what's your name?" It seemed like his eyes widened, he gave a sad look and turned away, "I-I'm so sorry...oh and my name is Napstablook, wanna hang out sometime- I mean..NOT!"
He then started floating away, I followed him, I called out his name, he turned around, tears were swelling up in his eyes, "wanna do something?" He then smiled, it wasn't his creepy smile that he usually made, it was filled with sympathy, he closed his eyes as his tears started levitating up to his head, the tears formed a hat, "I call this Dapperblook.." He chuckled, I laughed, "you don't feel tearable anymore?" I joked, "nope..cause I have a new friend..." And like that he disappeared into thin air.
I then made my way as I saw a tree to my left, I also noticed the goat lady, she noticed me and rushed up to me, "wh-why are you all the way here?!" "I got bored, what are you? A mom?" I puffed my cheeks and looked the other way, "yes..just follow me," she then walked to a small cute house, what was that about..? I walked up to a glowing yellow star as I pressed 'save,' hm..weird, I walked up the stairs, "oh and I'm Toriel, this is your new home now." New home? She then walked in, I followed and smelled a nice scent...
"Um maybe you are tired, go take a rest," she hesitated as she walked to what I believe is the kitchen. Should I trust her? She has been nice compared to the other monsters that tried to pop a cap in my ass, I then went to the right where there was a hallway, I went into the first room, it was cute actually! I then walked towards the bed as I rest my head on the soft pillow...zzz..
Zzzz..repeatedly saying "z."
I woke up, holy hell I'm alive! I jumped out of bed and stretched, I then noticed a slice of pie on a plate next to a silver fork, I took the pie and placed it into my inventory. Like it's totally not gonna get spoiled. I walked out of the room and noticed there was a downstairs, but I was more concerned about Toriel, I walked into the living room and saw her in a big comfy chair. "What's downstairs?" She stared into space, "hello? Goat mama?" " about a cool fact about snails?" She was avoiding my question. "Downstairs?" "Snails are-" "Is downstairs where I can exit the ruins?"
She closed the book that she was reading as she stood up and placed the book back in the bookshelf. "I must go..." She then rushed downstairs as I followed from behind. The atmosphere suddenly changed from comfort to sins crawling up my back. "I'm destroying the exit." "Well what the shit! Is that what you didn't want to tell me?!" "Yes actually, you're very smart." I puffed, "please Toriel I wanna leave! It's like you're a mother!" "CAUSE I AM! IF YOU REALLY WANT TO EXIT YOU MUST GET PAST ME!" Mother goat nooo.
I was then introduced by flames dancing around me as all of them ran up to me, I swiftly dodged, I tried to start a conversation but I don't know what topics to start off with, "TORIEL PLEASE! STOP BEING SO BADASS!" I then quickly went to the side as a single flame rushed up to me, no response from her. "PLEASE, IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? ENDING MY LIFE WHEN YOU WANTED ME TO STAY? What is this bullshit?!" I then ran around in hopes for no flame to attack me but to my surprise, they were..not going after me.
"Mother goat?"
"I'm sorry for cursing.."
"You're forgiven."
She ran up to me and hugged me, I felt tears seeping through my sweater, I chuckled, "hehe stop you're ruining my favorite sweater, and my only one!" I felt her smile as she placed her hands on my shoulder, "whatever happens, be safe, you proven to be..well actually friendly in a brutal way but..I know you will get pass Asgore." She then gave me a phone, "here, it has my number." Sweet! Goat mama's numbah! She then pulled me in for a hug as she opened the exit...
"What's your name?"
"Heh, that's a nice name..."
"Toriel wait!"
And like that she shut the doors in front of me as a chilly breeze welcomed me.
Hiya how about that chapter! I dunno Underfell as much so yeh, I'm sorry if I'm not accurate but I am doing it in a different way!
I don't own Undertale nor the AU Underfell!
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