Chapter 42: The visitor
"I always loved your wicked humour."
“Hey, copper. You have a visitor.” Jojo's blank stare at the white painted brick wall gets interrupted by the call. She rolls onto her back. Momentarily looking up at the metal bunk above her before turning her head towards the partially open metal door. She sits up, swinging her legs off the bed.
“Who is it?” She asks, with interest. During her 4 month out of 5 year sentence, she had only had one visitor. That being the newly appointed DCI Wilder. The man still had a bee in his bonnet about the whole case. Something didn't add up, but Jojo pleading guilty of all charges against her and the lack of evidence to prove otherwise, he had to go with what he had. Plus the added pressure of not upsetting the Matheson camp was weighing heavy on his shoulders by his superiors.
“I'm not your personal assistant.'' The warden looks at Jojo with a hardened stare. It makes Jojo boil inside. The injustice of being in here, of being treated with such disrespect for a crime she hadn't actually committed. A far cry from how far she had come, but then she remembered the reason. It had to be worth it to break the cycle. Didn't it?
She gets led into a room filled with tables and chairs sat opposite each other. The space, empty apart from one other woman, sat at a table. Hair tied back in a smart ponytail. Her suit is as neat as a pin on her slender body. Her crossed legs finished off with those trademark heels. “Hello detective.”
Jojo stays in place, a fraction in front of the warden. She takes in the sight of her visitor. “So it seems you have made a full recovery.”
Chanelle smiles at Jojo. “I thought you would be glad. You wouldn't want a murder charge on your hands on top of everything else.” She turns her attention to the warden. “Leave us.” she says, causing the woman to obey as if she would dare do anything else.
Jojo watches the warden leave before looking back at Chanelle. “I see you still use your power of influence.”
“You should thank me.” Chanelle says, raising an eyebrow.
“I should thank you?” Jojo laughs at the words. “Why exactly?”
“You are a convicted police officer. Disgraced. You are a target. If it weren't for me and my words of influence, you would have been beaten to a pulp by now.” She pushes back the chair with her foot from under the table. “Take a seat.”
Jojo reluctantly makes her way towards the chair. She sits down, looking at the woman opposite her. She felt a nervousness in her bones. The decision to take the blame for the shooting. Has it all been in vain? The short term goal achieved. The brothers set free from Chanelle's grip. The sister, caught up in the mess, was able to walk free. But at that split second, Jojo was Chanelle's weakness. It was her, and it was the only weapon she had to turn things around. “What do you want, Chanelle? Come to gloat? To rub my face in it? I don't regret being here, if it means there are three less lives you have destroyed.
“Calm yourself.” Chanelle leans across the table, that smile remaining. “I've come bearing good news.”
“Don't tell me. You had an epiphany on your deathbed and you've given up your ways and now lead a wholesome life.“ Jojo utters with an air of sarcasm.
“I always loved your wicked humour.” Chanelle laughs at the comment. “Not quite, but maybe I am not as harsh as I used to be. Spending time in hospital does allow a person to assess their life choices and maybe I was a little harsh to others in the past.”
“A little?” Jojo shakes her head. “You have this habit of making good people do bad things.”
“Everyone has a choice. Remi, Carlos, Rio, you. I have never forced anyone's hand.” Chanelle leans back in her chair. “Did I force you to be here?” Jojo says nothing, causing Chanelle to raise her hands up in defence. “Ok, maybe I have some influence, but a choice is a choice.”
“You said you had good news.” Jojo replies, eager to cut to the chase.
“Ah yes.” Chanelle smiles at Jojo. “Like I said, I have had some time to reflect. “I don't hold a grudge against Remi, I mean, yes she shot me… but it wasn't meant for me.”
“How big of you.” Jojo replies.
“And as for my brother and his hostage lover boy…”
“What did you do?” Jojo furrows her brow, feelings tense all of a sudden.
“I know where they are. A quaint little place by the sea, I would say the middle of nowhere. Definitely not my style. It would drive me insane. Carlos is lucky to be able to fulfil his passion of painting pictures. I hear he has just been offered a rather large commission….”
“You need to leave them alone.” Jojo leans across the table.
“Who do you think the commission is from?” Chanelle laughs. “He paints like a five year old. No one else would go near.”
Jojo looks at Chanelle. She tilts her head to one side. “I take it he doesn't know it's you.”
“Of course not. It's rather amusing to see him think he can actually make it in this world without me.” She puts a hand to her mouth and whispers. “You mustn't tell him.”
“The diamonds?”
“Just pieces of glass. Very… precious…. expensive glass.” Chanelle clenches her other fist. “I can survive without them.”
Jojo folds her arms, with it being her turn to feel relaxed in her seat. “So I guess you have changed. Just a little.”
“I haven't finished.” Chanelle interrupts. “Then there is you.”
“What about me?” Jojo questions.
“When your time here is done, what will you do?”
Jojo looks up to the ceiling. “My career in the police I believe is fucked.”
“Then come with me.”
“Come with me Jojo.” Chanelle leans across the table towards Jojo once again. “Just a couple of words and I could reduce your sentence like that. I know you have compromised all you've worked for. Maybe it's about time I met you in the middle. What do you say?”
“What are you saying?” Jojo wonders. “Are you going to just walk away from everything? I don't believe that.”
“I am still a CEO of a property empire. All of that is legitimate, above board. Maybe it's time I let the other stuff go. I've had competition biting at my heels for ages. I think it's time I let them fight it out.” Chanelle dares to place a hand on the table, pulling Jojo's into hers. “Perhaps you have a habit of making bad people do good things.”
Jojo looks at the hand in hers. It had been so long since she had felt this feeling. Like that moment all those years back, when their story began. A time of adventures, of the unknown. Her eyes meet with Chanelle's and for the first time in what felt like ages, she smiles a genuine smile… “You risked your life for me.”
Chanelle pulls back the hand, choosing to fold her arms. “If you keep bringing that up, this isn't going to work.” She glares at Jojo, but it breaks into a smile.
Jojo looks up at the ceiling in thought, before looking back at Chanelle. “You cannot buy me. I won't be bought.”
“Well….I… “Chanelle begins.
“But I will be your equal. I will tell you what I think, feel, what I believe. I will challenge you when you're wrong, I will support you when you're right. You don't own me, I don't own you. So come back in 5 years, if you feel the same.” Jojo looks at Chanelle, waiting for a response.
Chanelle taps her nails on the table. “You are so fucking stubborn.“
“That makes two of us.” Jojo smiles. She watches as Chanelle gets up from her seat.
Chanelle leans across the table. “Until then, I'll see you in my dreams, or my nightmares.” She stands back up and heads towards the door, not once looking back as Jojo watches her leave.
Not if I see you first.
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