Chapter 33: Deep roots
“I know you two were in a relationship.”
Remi slowly opens her eyes to the sound on intermittent buzzing, followed by a curse word. She sees Chanelle pull the buzzing phone towards her ear and utter “What is it?” Remi stays as still as possible, pretending to still be sleeping, in order to eavesdrop at least half of a potential conversation. Anything to redeem herself after the previous night's endeavours. She had found herself caught up in the moment. Wanting to be selfish, to seek and receive the promise of unrivalled pleasure and Chanelle hadn't disappointed. Remi had come more times in one night than she had in the past few months. She had discovered more about herself than she had ever thought possible but now in the morning after, she felt a sense of guilt and shame. She felt used, selfish and cheap. Remi thought she knew what shie was letting herself in for. She couldn't have been more wrong.
“Fuck that bitch” Chanelle is all to aware of her voice level as she suddenly sits up. Her hair cascades over her bare back as she turns to see Remi seemingly still asleep. “Is it on now?” Chanelle continues to talk on the phone, lowering her voice to a whisper as she gets up from the bed. Remi can see through slightly opened eyes, the woman slip on a silk dressing gown, before leaving her alone in the bedroom. Her eyes now open fully as she realises quickly that this is her moment. The opportunity she had been waiting for to redeem herself.
She pushes her body up from the bed, scrambling and pulling herself across the king sized bed towards the side Chanelle had been sleeping on. She reaches for the drawer by her bed, pulling it open in the hope to find something, anything she could to defend herself, or use against her, to turn the tables and regain some control, but as her hand rummages in the drawer space, there is little to find. No keys, weapons or codes. Nothing but pills prescribed for migraine, a few sex aids and a photo of an unfamiliar young woman with a short brown bob and big metal framed glasses. Remi stares at the image for a moment, wondering who the person was and more importantly who they were to Chanelle that she would keep a photo of them in a drawer by her bed.
“She has gone too far. See to it…” The sound of Chanelle returning to the bedroom forces Remi to cut her search short as she places the photo back and closes the drawer, doing her best to resume her sleeping position, enough to show that she may be stirring.
“What's the matter?” Remi stretches as she rolls onto her back, looking at the other woman getting comfy on the end of the bed.
“The detective..." Chanelle looks at Remi with a hard stare. “Interfering in family business. If she wants a war…” Chanelle stops herself as she looks at Remi, still naked in her bed, only covered by a single white sheet. She places a hand on Remi's exposed thigh, letting her palm stroke the bare flesh as she contines to speak. “Waiting for the mice to come out of their hiding places is now not an option. She has made the disappearance public. That will be sure to make my brother retreat further.”
Remi slowly sits up, causing Chanelle to move her hand. “Then we must find them before they do.” She pulls the sheets up around her bare body, feeling all too aware of her own nakedness in the morning light.
The actions amuses Chanelle. “I can't unsee what I've already seen. We had fun last night didn't we?” She gently pat's Remi's cheek as if she were an obedient child. “Get dressed. Meet me in the library. And next time, If you're looking for a weapon to use against me, you're going to have to be way smarter than that.” She gets up from the bed, as she pulls her phone to her ear once again as the silk from her dressing gown billows from her swift exit. Remi is again in that moment reminded of her significance to the other woman. Light entertainment. A muse. Whatever plan she had, just dissolved into nothingness. And once again she was alone in her room.
“Detective…. Detective…”
The press conference came to an abrupt end, with Detective Jojo Kim ending her public plea for witnesses, live to the nation in the early hours of the morning. The calls for her to impart more information were ignored. No matter what she thought, she had to stick to the facts in front of her. Carlos Matheson had hijacked Rio Tenet's taxi. Gunshots had been fired, both males missing. She could have added her own take of how Chanelle Matheson knew more than she was letting on. That the coincidental disappearances of Remi Tenet was especially strange. But she kept quiet, sticking to the facts, the evidence.
“Detective Kim!” Jojo turns to see her superior head her way. His strides fast and strong as he gets right up into her face. Towering over her with his height and status.
“Superintendent Cook. Sir.” She stays as calm as can be, not matching his outrage. She had this under control.
“My office… NOW!”
Jojo tenses at the rage directed at her. She half expected it in a way. It wasn't anything new. Her boss had never been a fan of what he had called her ethics. Ethics which she had pointed out were her just doing her job. Upholding the law, something the man seemed to be selective over.
The door closes behind the pair, with the superintendent making his way around his desk opposite her, but not sitting down. “Care to explain what the hell that was?” He points in the direction where the live broadcast had just taken place.
Jojo's eyes follow the finger pointing to the wall. “I thought it would have been obvious sir. It was a public appeal….”
‘Don't get smart with me detective.” He balls a fist, slamming it on the desk. “Who authorised it?”
“I did.” Detective Kim straightens her standing positions as if to improve her height. “I am doing my job as an upholder of the law. A member of the public has been kidnapped…”
Superintendent Cook sucks in a breath through his clenched teeth. “This involves the Mathesons…”
“Are you out of your mind? It is a family matter. I have just had my ear literally torn off by one of Chanelle Matheson's lawyers. You drop this case now. Do you hear me?”
“Why should I?” Jojo lets the formalities finally slip. She raises her arms in question. “There are innocent people missing. The evidence is there. I'm doing nothing wrong. In fact I have been extra meticulous….”
“Just stop!” The super raises a hand. It causes Jojo to silence her words. “You say you have been meticulous. You're not the only one. Class of 2012.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Jojo looks at the man, confused.
“You and Chanelle Matheson were roommates at university.” The super leans across the table. “I know you two were in a relationship.”
“Yes…. But I don't see how this relates to the case. And how do you even know that?”
“You are too close to this Jojo. Your view is biassed. You are off the case.'' Superintendent Cook looks across at Jojo from over his desk, waiting for her comeback, but she just shakes her head and emits a dry laugh.
“No sir, I would say your view is biassed.” She turns away from the man and exits the door, leaving it wide open as he sees her walk down the corridor. Her long jacket flows like a cape as it trails behind her.
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