Chapter 17: All or nothing
"I've never slummed it in my life."
"It's going to be fine." It was the umpteenth time Rio had said it, but it didn't make a difference.
"You don't get it. Those diamonds were my ticket out of that world." Carlos continues to pace back and forth in the mid afternoon light.
Rio finishes what he is doing, placing the chunks of meat into the pot hanging over the fire. He gets up from the tree stump he had been sitting on and walks over to Carlos. He stands in front of him, halting the other man's pacing as he places a hand on each of his shoulders. It causes Carlos to at least look at Rio. "Where are we?" Rio questions.
Carlos looks around him. "In the middle of nowhere." He replies, looking back at Rio.
"And how did we get here?" Rio asks again.
"I kidnapped you, we took your sister's car, we hitched a ride, we stole another car…"
"We did all of that without diamonds or killing anyone." Rio smiles.
"The rabbit…" Carlos looks over to the fire burning away.
"Ok, so I'm not a fan of guns, but it got us food, but it's at least something to go with the vegetables and should see us good for a time."
"What's your point?" Carlos utters as he reaches up to pull Rio's hands from his shoulders, grabbing a hold of his wrists in the process.
Rio adjusts the hold as he looks down at their hands, now connected. He subconsciously swings them as he looks back up. "My point is that we got this far regardless. If you really want to break free from that life, then you have to cut all connections, diamonds, and all. Maybe you did yourself a favour."
Carlos looks at Rio and forces a smile. "I've never slummed it in my life."
Rio shakes his head. "Jesus! You really are a spoiled rich kid."
It causes Carlos to laugh. "I guess I am," he says, mirroring the gaze as the moment goes silent, their hands still connected, as a new thread seems to attach itself between them. Carlos is the first to look away, breaking the connection. He pulls his hands back as he claps them together. "I'm starving."
Rio turns and looks at the pot, now bubbling away. He leans in, trying to fish out the meat with a knife he had found in the boot of the car. He pulls out a piece and dares to try it. "I think it's done? I don't know what it's meant to taste like, but I wish we had seasoning."
"Now who sounds like a diva." Carlos laughs as he heads to the stolen car in order to find some kind of utensil, having to make do with a plastic spoon, probably used for a takeaway coffee. "I guess my silver spoon days are well and truly gone." He holds out the spoon for Rio to take. They both settle either side of the pot of rabbit stew. Both are not sure if they would touch it in their usual worlds, but right now, they were too hungry to debate it.
"Y'know, this isn't so bad." Carlos says as he has his turn with the spoon.
"Don't lie. It's disgusting." Rio side eyes him. "When we get a little further away, I'll get us some proper food."
"With what?" Carlos looks at Rio with a frown. "We just talked about the diamonds."
"Diamonds or not, you can't just pay for menial stuff over the counter with them. That's not what normal people do. I have money." Rio says, patting his jeans pocket. "In my wallet."
Carlos lets the spoon drop into the tin pot. "You mean to tell me that we could have avoided eating this shit? Do you know how hard it was to kill that rabbit? It was so cute." He points to the now unrecognisable meat in the pot.
"We need to lay low, just for a night. If we are seen a little too soon after our barn raid, we may be noticed."
"They have been compensated. They have my fucking diamonds!" Carlos stands up and heads towards the car. "I'm so sick of this already. All this was a stupid idea…."
"Then I'll take you home." Rio interrupts. He gets up and heads to the car, standing just a fraction behind the other male he leans in, speaking low over Carlos' shoulder. "Get in and I will take you home. You can go right back to your old life. The one where you lived so comfortably under your sister's thumb. You can tell her she was right, you were wrong and get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness for losing those precious diamonds. I'm sure she will be thrilled by what you have to say."
Carlos stays in place. He feels the presence of Rio behind him. He looked at what little reflection the car's surface had to offer. His image is a mess. Dishevelled as he took in his worn out appearance. He emits a small chuckle. "If this is the pits, the only way is up, right?" He turns to face Rio. He had never needed someone on his side as he did in that moment. "If I'm really going to break free, I can't do this alone. Promise me, you'll stay by my side."
Rio leans in. His hands slowly wrap aronnd Carlos' waist as his chin rests on Carlos' shoulder. "I'm going nowhere." He utters in his ear. Those words alone are enough for the other male to pull Rio close. His arms wrap around Rio so tight that Rio feels in danger of being crushed. Carlos' head finds a place buried in the crook of Rio's neck as they both seem to get something from the embrace. The promise that they really were in this together to the end.
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