Chapter 15: Meticulous
"We must have the DNA on them, right?"
Detective Jojo Kim pulls into her allotted parking space at the station. Her speed was a little too eager, considering her surroundings, but the news of a development in the case of the missing taxi driver and potential passenger had caused her to rush, missing her usual breakfast of porridge and maple syrup, sufficing with only a coffee to go from a drive through.
She swiftly exits the vehicle, being greeted by her colleague at the door. "Have we found it?" She questions as they walk together side by side, hurrying down the corridor, towards the forensics department.
"We are not sure yet, but we can't rule it out, " Detective Wilder says as he is the first to push through the double doors. They are soon faced with burnt out shell, alongside the beaten up taxi, crushed and battered, and now fully exposed to bright lights. The back seat glowed like a christmas tree under the ultraviolet beam.
"This…" she gestures towards the markings. "Is this all related to the case?"
A female approaches with a small clipboard. Her white plastic overalls expose only her face as she finally pulls down the hood from her blonde curly tied back hair. "Samples have been sent to the lab for analysis. We need to categorise all the fluid indications we have traced."
"So that's not all blood?" Detective Wilder questions.
The scientist looks at the detective with a raised eyebrow. "Do you really want to know what could potentially be on that back seat of a taxi? You would never want to get in a cab again."
"Is it relevant to the case?" Jojo questions.
"We are testing now, but the majority of the highlighted area comes from the blood we saw. We just need to either include or rule out the other factors."
"And once you have, can you tell us who the injured person may be?"
"If we have their DNA on file, then yes."
"And the other vehicle?" Detective Wilder looks over to the burnt out shell of the beetle.
"They seem to have made sure to leave no trace, but I will try my best." The scientist smiles weakly as she turns to walk away.
"Do you still think it's…" the male speaks low in Jojo's ear.
"It has to be, but I need proof if I'm to stand a chance of confronting the Mathesons."
"We must have the DNA on them, right?"
"Not this generation." Jojo sighs. "It seems they learned from their parents' mistakes and have made a few law-abiding friends on the way, but maybe with a little persuasion, our scientist may just broaden the search." Detective Kim watches the woman in question return, with something in her hand.
"Here." She holds out a fist, ready to drop something into the palm of the detective's hand. "It may be something. It may be nothing. I found it under the driver's seat."
A small lemon yellow piece of paper is dropped into the palm of her hand. "Whats this?" Jojo asks as she unravels the small note, with some letters and numbers written upon it.
"A postcode, maybe?" The scientist says as she looks at the scribbled writing in pen on the crumpled paper. "I mean, it's not unusual to find an address of sorts in a taxi, but like I said, it could be something, or it could be nothing."
Jojo lets her fingers clasp around the tiny note as it gets scrunched up in her palm. She looks at the scientist and smiles. "Thank you…"
"Sarah Power." The female replies. 'I'm still a newbie." She grins.
"Well, Sarah Power, quite a detailed job, you have done well." Detective Kim takes a step closer to her. "So well, in fact, that I know you will be so thorough with checking for a DNA match. I mean, even extending the search a little wider if you know what I mean." She smiles at the other female with her own persuasive power she possessed. "I see real potential in your fine tooth comb approach."
Sarah looks down, feeling a little flush from the flattery. "I will do a meticulous job, Ma'am." She says as she turns away and pulls her hood back over her blonde curls.
Detective Wilder shakes his head. "You sure have a way with people to get them to do your bidding."
Jojo turns to look up at her taller colleague. "You should know, come on, buy me breakfast." She grins as she walks towards the double doors, pushing through them and leaving the male in no doubt that he too was under her spell, as he finds his feet take one stop in front of the other.
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