*Sonic's POV*
I had gone back home the next morning, I had spent two straight days at Shadows' house, so I figured it was best if I went home. Rouge never answered Shadow back the night before, which got Shadow confused and said he was going to go look for her and keep me updated once he found her.
Shadow had fallen asleep in his office that night. He had told me he didn't even notice when he fell asleep, but I couldn't help and feel bad. His back was sore now from the position he slept in, I had woken up early to use the restroom, and that's when I had found him. I guided him back to his bed, and I went to sleep the rest of the night in the living room. Though I knew Shadow and I wouldn't do anything, I didn't want to rush things by sharing a bed and making him uncomfortable.
"I need to talk to them about what the plan is. Maybe see if Tails has found anything yet. It's taking too long." I sighed as I murmured to myself.
Once I had eaten breakfast, I made my way to my closet and changed. Putting on the outfit that we had been making Scourge wear, I had hidden one deep in my closet as well with the mask. Once I was dressed, I dashed off to the castle, making sure I wasn't being followed or anything.
"Tails!" I smiled under the mask when I saw him. "Hey Bud, I needed to talk to you." I walked closer, only to finally notice Tails was waving me off, looking really nervous. "Whats going o-" I was about to remove the mask and instantly froze when I saw Rouge and Shadow standing beside Scourge. Shadow was holding his mask and growling as he looked at me. His eyes narrowed, glaring at my direction, looking completely furious. Rouge had her arms crossed, holding a pistol to Scourge.
"I knew it." Rouge shook her head as she put the pistol down and put it away. "I didn't want to believe it." She walked to me and snatched the mask off my face, creating a small cut on my muzzle, but I didn't even flinch. I couldn't stop looking at Shadow.
"Sorry, Blue. They found the necklace and confronted me. Your siblings went to get your uncle and your mother." Scourge spoke, my ears were pinned down, and I took a step closer to Shadow.
"I can explain." I raised my hands, Tails grabbed Scourges' hand and moved him away from the 3 of us. Shadow growled louder and threw the mask at me.
"You have been lying to me!" Shadow snapped at me. I let the mask fall and just got closer, grabbing his hand, but he pushed me away. "I trusted you, Hedgehog. I opened up to you, and you've been the reason why Rouge and I keep getting in trouble. You've been sabotaging this mission since day one. You've betrayed us." I've never seen him this mad at me before.
"Im sorry! I needed to protect them!" I let a tear roll down my muzzle. "I didn't want to betray you, lie to you, but I have to keep them -" I stopped when guards came our way and grabbed Rouge and Shadow, cuffing them. My ears perked up, and I quickly stopped them. "Let them go!" I ordered.
"No, Maurice. They broke in -" My mother started, but I cut them off.
"I said to let them go." I raised my voice. "That's my boyfriend and my friend. You can't treat them that way." Shadow scoffed at me.
"I am nothing to you, Hedgehog." His words broke my heart, but I grabbed the guard that was holding onto him and stole the sword he carried. Raising the sword to the guards neck.
"You better listen to me." I glared at him. He let go of Shadow as the other guard let go of Rouge. "Tails." I said, and he quickly understood. He grabbed the keys from them. He freed them, making me drop the sword in front of my mother.
"Im tired." I confessed to my family then looked at Shadow and Rouge. "I didn't want to betray you, I just have to keep my family safe. I had to, and I had to figure out who was the one who paid G.U.N. Whoever it was wants to know who I am to hurt my family, and I can't let that happen. Please forgive me."
"Bro. I dont think we should let them go." Manic spoke, but I ignored him. "They're going to finish their mission."
"They won't." I quickly answered. "I trust them."
"You're right. We won't. Because unlike you, we wouldn't betray a friend." Rouge spoke. My heart couldn't help but break at that. "But I think I speak for the two of us when I say we don't want to see you again, Blue."
I looked at Shadow, he wasnt even looking at me anymore. He was picking at the bracelet I had given him, his face unreadable. I slowly nodded at Rouge and looked down.
"I -" I wanted to cry. "I understand. I'm sorry." I couldn't look at Shadow anymore.
I couldn't get mad at them, I couldn't even be mad at Rouge. Was she aware of who I was since two days ago? Was that why she was acting so weird? I can't even be mad at her. She was trying to protect her best friend. She was trying to protect Shadow.
"Shadow. I'm really sorry." I let more tears escape my eyes. I really did have feelings for Shadow, I really never wanted to hurt him. I finally looked up at him again, his expression changed, he looked... hurt.
He stayed quiet, he walked up to me and grabbed my hand then placed something in it. He didn't say a word to me as he walked to Rouge, and they were suddenly gone.
I looked down at my hand, opening it up to see the bracelet I had given Shadow.
I'm sorry.
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