Watch and Learn
Juliet sees what Gnomeo does...
Gnomeo and Juliet were walking side by side as they left the building.
''So, where are we going?'' She asked.
''To a hotel, it's easier to keep track of calls and besides if you keep to one place they are bound to find it.'' He shrugged.
They got in a cab as it took off to a different part of the city and they came to a fancy hotel as they went in, Gnomeo wrapped his arm around Juliet's waist as they went to the desk.
''A room for Blue please.'' He answered.
The lady looked at them with a smile and gave them a key as they went to the room and there was a big bed for them.
Juliet stopped and looked at it and was pulled by Gnomeo who was moving to place his stuff on the floor next to the bed.
'2 can play this game.' She thought.
Suddenly Gnomeo was yanked back as Juliet moved to the drawer to place her clothes in it as he fell at her feet.
''Oops.'' She answered innocently and smirking.
He stood up and nodded. ''Very clever, you know you could have just asked.''
''Well, I mean we are cuffed together so, I guess we'll have to get used to it, unless you uncuff me.'' She suggested raising an eyebrow.
''Nice try. I don't trust you... yet.'' He replied.
''Oh, so you want to?'' She questioned.
''Yes, I guess you're have to prove yourself.'' He answered winking.
''So, what now?'' She asked going face to face with him.
''We watch tv or something until I get a call.'' He replied with a shrug as he walked to the bed and yanked Juliet towards him.
She was startled by this and yanked as she fell into Gnomeo catching him off guard as he landed on the bed with Juliet on top of him.
They look at each other eyes widened as they realized what position they were in. With Gnomeo's hands on her hips as hers were on his chest.
Both stayed quiet not sure what to do. His phone went off as she jumped up away from him and he sat up and looked at his phone happy for the distraction.
He looked and saw an older male with a black beard flexing and he nodded as he read the text.
'I need him dead.'
Gnomeo saw all the info he needed and responded
'Will have it done once the money is sent.'
Juliet looked at him and shook her head.
''So, what now?'' She asked.
''Well, I look up his name on my phone and find out where he works and then follow him and watch where he goes and what he does, it gives me time to plan out how to take him out without causing a scene.'' He answered.
Juliet nodded. ''So, did she say why?''
''No, but it's not my job to know why, I just follow, observe, and then figure out how to dispose of him without causing a scene.'' He answered.
''What if they don't pay?'' She asked.
There was a ping to his phone as he saw a large sum of pounds was in a account.
''I don't get paid I don't kill.'' He responded.
''What now?'' She asked.
He got up. ''Now we go to his place of work and wait outside for him.''
Juliet stood up. ''Ok but won't it look weird with us cuffed together?'' She asked.
He looked at her and was debating.
''Come on I won't leave I said I would stay, and I intend to.'' She replied.
''How do I know you won't say or do anything to ruin this chance?'' He asked staring hard at her.
''I won't.'' She answered.
He looked into her eyes and saw she was being truthful. ''Fine but you're holding my hand the whole time and if you try to run, I will tie you up and leave you here.''
She nodded. ''Deal.''
He uncuffed her and held her hand as they left the room and went out as he flagged down a taxi and got into it as they drove to the area. It was a large banking firm surrounded by a park and Gnomeo and Juliet held hands as they walked closer to the firm and were sitting on a bench watching the doorway.
''So, you just hang around the area and wait?'' She asked.
''Yep, and you don't follow them right away you let them get started on their routine and keep back without looking suspicious.'' He replied.
They saw that gnome walk out looking at his watch as he took off with his briefcase. Gnomeo looked at her and they got up and followed.
Juliet wrapped her arm around Gnomeo showing as if they were a couple enjoying a walk as they stayed a distance behind the gnome.
''Todd Gate, 35.'' Gnomeo replied quietly.
They saw him look around and he crossed the street as they followed and saw him go into a cafe. They walked across the street and were about to walk in when they saw him talk to the cashier who pointed to a table, and he nodded and went over to it.
They walked in and up to the counter.
''Hello.'' Juliet smiled.
''Hello there, what can I get you love birds?'' She asked.
''A chocolate latte please.'' Juliet answered.
''Hot chocolate please.'' Gnomeo responded.
''Have a seat somewhere and I'll bring it to you.'' She smiles.
They sat in a booth that gave them the access to see Todd who was looking around before kissing the blond gnome as he sat next to her, and they got cozy.
''Alright Juliet what do you think of this situation?'' Asked Gnomeo looking at her.
She watched them. ''My guess she is the mistress, and they meet up probably everyday here and they spend time together, I believe she knows he's married the way she is all over him and she wears revealing, low cut tops to make her more desirable for him and other guys... And I take it they are talking about when they spend the night together.'' Juliet stated.
Gnomeo was impressed by this. ''Woah you figured all of that?''
''Well, I am a girl, and I know a thing about being cheated on, and most times the other woman knows so she'll do whatever to keep him, but then again, he will never leave his wife.'' She mentioned.
Gnomeo took a picture and send it to the number.
'Is this your husband and you?'
Gnomeo drank his hot chocolate as they watched the couple kissing and holding each other.
His phone pinged as he saw the message and Juliet leaned over to look.
'No! I am at home.'
Gnomeo sighed as Juliet looked at him.
''I thought you liked doing this stuff?'' She asked.
''It's a job, if I don't get paid I don't do it.'' He responded.
Later they saw the couple leave and they got up and left as they saw the lady go one way and the guy the other and they follow him back to the bank.
''So, we wait?'' Asked Juliet.
''Yes.'' He replied as they started walking around to kill time.
Here we go...
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