By: Fawnbrry
Blaise sighed as he looked over her busted lip. The girl had gotten into yet another fight and it was only the first week back at Hogwarts.
"you know, your real lucky snape didn't catch you. or any teacher at that. They would have surely taken points away from Slytherin."
The girl huffed, puffing out her cheeks "yeah yeah, dad." Blaise shook his head in disapproval, sighing. "You need to stop calling me th-" he was cut off by the sound of a door opening.
The two of them looked towards the painting, who had let a student in. Rigel. they watched as the boy walked gingerly towards the dorm rooms, not speaking a word to the two, which they were used to.
Rigel had always kept to himself and Juniper had found it quite hard to talk to the wallflower but was planning on making him her friend one of these days.
As Juniper was lost in her own personal dream world, students had piled into the common room, coming from their classes. Draco and Noelle plopped themselves down onto the couch Blaise and Juniper were seated at.
"where in bloody hell did you two go?" Draco hastily spoke, eyes narrowing when he noticed the girl's busted lip.
"Yeah!" Noelle cut in, "Snape wasn't too pleased when he realized not one, but two of his students had ditched class." Juniper groaned, rolling her eyes. "It was that bloody Gryffindor again! I heard her talking shit and swung at her." Blaise sighed, "You need to learn how to control yourself before you get into trouble."
Noelle shook her head in disagreement, "I would have done it myself if I was there!" she said, sticking her tongue out at Blaise. "Hey, you never told us your excuse for missing class!" The girl punched his arm playfully.
"I was coming from the bathrooms when I saw Juniper getting her arse beat." He rolled his eyes, playfully shoving the girl back.
"Okay, okay lovebirds, snap out of it! where did Pansy and Adrianna run off to?" Theodore spoke up, taking his seat by the rest of the group. He had fallen behind the group to talk to Hermione for a bit without being criticized by the rest of them for talking to a Gryffindor.
Blaise thought for a moment before replying. "I believe Snape asked them to stay behind to talk about their group project they're doing together"
"Must have gotten in trouble for messing around again," Draco replied, staring off into the fireplace, watching the flames dance in excitement.
"Silence!" A voice boomed through the room, quieting all the student's chatter across the great hall. The Headmaster stood up, smiling in approval when all of the students turned their attention to them.
"As most of you know, there are many traditions coming with the Triwizard Tournament, one of them being the yule ball!"
The dining hall erupted in excitement as girls squealed in excitement and nervous boys realizing they'd have to ask out their crushes out, if they wanted a shot at getting a date.
Dumbledore quieted the room once again, explaining all the rules and expectations for the ball.
Juniper tuned Dumbledore out, not really caring about the rules. She turned her attention to her friend group of Slytherins, who were all sharing a knowing glance. Their friend group loved getting a chance to party, and this was definitely a perfect event to get absolutely plastered at.
As dinner came to an end, Juniper got up, skipping over to the Hufflepuff table to go see her two favorite sweethearts, Helena and Dahila.
"Hi, guys! Are you excited for the ball?" Juniper asked, plopping down next to them, getting dirty glances from another Hufflepuff who had to move over for the girl to sit down, making the table even more squished than it already was.
Helena smiled calmly, looking over at the over ecstatic girl. "Yeah! Maybe this is a good opportunity to get Harry to finally ask Dahila out." The girl opted, smirking at the now blushing girl.
"How many times do I have to say I don't like him!" She cried out, extremely flustered.
The other two giggled at the girl's face. "If you don't like him, why is your face so red huh?" Juniper added, smiling.
Dahlia rolled her eyes, blushing. "You guys are mean..." She said, playfully glaring at the two.
"Well I gotta go, there's a bunch of work I need to catch up on. Dahila will you be joining me?" Helena said, gathering her stuff as she got up from the table. Dahila nodded, doing the same. The three all said their goodbyes, all headed to their own common room.
Characters's mentioned in this chapter;
me, starxiddo ,lcvlysuga , jellylegsjinx_ , yesterdays_ , DURMSTRANGG , moonylupins-
Ahhh I'm sorry this took me so long, I was just concerned with all the rumors about Tom Felton going out and got nervous. Honestly I don't know what to believe but I am gonna separate the actor from the character just in case, maybe even change Draco's face-claim if needed. Honestly idk, leave your opinions down below.
- Alex (:
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