Truth or Dare - Chapter 1
No ones POV:
It was a snowy Thursday evening, the sky midnight blue and snow lightly falling from the sky to the ground followed by a cool breeze. Robert and Ross were on their way to Roy's house to hang out.
"I wonder why Roy wants us to hang at his house, y'know since his parents are super strict." Robert said halfway there.
"Roy told me he's grounded, maybe that's why we're going to his," Ross responded. "His parents probably don't know we're going so we should stay on the low."
Robert nodded in agreement and the boys both continued walking, chatting about school.
Ross' POV:
About ten minutes later we finally arrive at Roy's massive house. Now for the tricky part, getting inside.
"Any ideas?" I ask Robert, turning to look at him.
"Hmmm.. Oh! We could climb the tree in his backyard and jump to his window!" he suggests.
The idea sounded pretty dangerous, but considering I can't come up with anything better I give him a thumbs up. We both jump over the fence of Roy's backyard and walk to the tree in front of Roy's room. Robert threw a rock at his window to let Roy know we're here and about five seconds later he appeared and opened it.
"Hurry up, I don't want the cold air in my room!" he yells at us. Me and Robert look at each other and nod.
"You go first, so if you fall I can catch you." Robert says.
"But who's gonna catch you if you fall?" I ask, kind of concerned.
"Trust me, I won't fall. I've climbed lots of trees before." he answers with a smirk.
"If you say so.."
I put my hands on the tree and start to climb it, it was kind of hard though. I reached near the top and got ready to grab the next branch until my foot slipped, causing me to lose balance. I tried to regain it but was failing miserably. Robert noticed and held his arms out.
"Just fall, I'll catch you!" he says reassuringly.
Not wanting to go down, I continue to try and regain balance until I finally completely lost it and fell. Damn it, I climbed all this way just to have to go back down? How annoying. I kept falling until finally I landed in Robert's arms. Sheesh, that was a long fall, I didn't realize how high I was.
"You alright?" Robert asks, looking down at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine... Damn it I was almost there!" I answer, mumbling the last bit.
We chuckle at eachother and hear Roy yell, "My room is getting cold, hurry the hell up!"
"We're- I'm trying Roy! It's not that easy y'know!" I yell back.
"Doesn't look like you are, when are you gonna get up from Robert's arms?!"
Me and Robert look at each other in embarrassment and I quickly jump out of his arms. "Sorry, I should've put you down." he apologizes.
"No I'm sorry, I should've got up." I apologize back.
I walk back to the tree and I took a moment to prepare myself for how exhausting it's going to be to climb all the way back up. Then finally I put my hands back on the tree and start to carefully climb it. Except halfway through Roy got really impatient.
"God damn it you're so slow! Forget it, stay there!" he grumbles. He shuts the window closed and disappears into his room.
I look down at Robert so he would get ready to catch me but he was already on it. I lean back and let myself fall down once again into Robert's arms.
"Y'know, that's actually kinda fun." I say to him.
"It looks fun, think you can catch me?" he says back.
I thought about it for a second then gave him a thumbs up. He puts me down then quickly and excitedly makes his way half way up the tree. Wow. he wasn't lying when he said he could climb a tree. He looks down at me to let me know he's ready and I held my arms out for him to fall. He leans back and then I realize I should've thought about this more because he's bigger than me and falling really fast. And because of that when he landed in my arms I collapsed to the floor because of the sudden weight. We couldn't help but laugh at each other.
"You okay?" we both ask each other in sync.
"Yeah." "You?" "Um."
We both awkwardly kept talking in sync and laughing at each other. Robert finally gets up and holds his hand out to help me up with a smile. I smile back and grasp his hand with mine. His hands are really warm, it's sort of comforting in a way. That probably sounds kind of weird. Robert then pulls me up and we lean against the tree to wait for Roy.
After a few minutes Roy opens the back yard door and gestures for us to come in. Me and Robert quickly but quietly run inside and follow him to his room. Me and Robert sit on the bed as Roy locks the door behind him with a scoff.
"I can't believe I had to sneak out of my room to let you two in through the back door because you-!" he points to me. "-can't climb a goddamn tree!"
He lets out little huffs of anger which made me and Robert burst into laughter. He acts like such a kid when he's mad, it's hilarious.
"Hey! Shut the hell up!" he whispers but so that it sounded like a yell.
"Aww, Roy is mad!" Robert teases.
Roy then walks over to the both of us and bonks us on our heads. "Did you dumbs forget you're not supposed to be here?!" he whisper yells again.
Me and Robert quickly calm ourselves down and rub our heads. "Hah sorry. Anyways, why'd you wanna see us?" I ask.
"I'm bored." he answers.
"And that's our problem?"
Roy angrily looks at me. "No smart ass but I wanna do something!"
Me and Robert almost started laughing again but manage to keep it in.
"Like?" Robert asks.
"I don't know. We could play board games, uno, video games, truth or dare, or prank call people. Or steal candy from the Candy Club which is definitely the best option."
Me and Robert give him the stink eye and he quickly took back the stealing candy idea.
"How about truth or dare, we haven't played that in a while!" Robert suggests excitedly.
"Sure I guess." Roy says.
I'm not a big fan of truth or dare, the idea of daring people to do gross things and asking personal questions just doesn't seem fun. And knowing Roy he's probably going to torture us. But if that's what they want to do then I guess I'll just have to roll with it.
Roy sits on the bed and we form a circle, Robert on my left and Roy in front of me.
Robert then speaks up. "So who wants to go-?!"
"Me!" Roy yells, cutting off Robert.
"Okay- you can go first Roy." Robert says while rolling his eyes.
Roy then looks at me and gives a smug smirk. Oh god.
"Ross, truth or dare?" he asks.
"Truth." I answer quickly with no hesitation.
"Don't be a wuss Ross!" he yells.
"Quiet! Fine dare sheesh.." I say with a sigh.
If it wasn't Roy I would've kept my word but since it is Roy I know he won't shut up and will keep bothering me if he doesn't get his way. Just like a child.
"Okay, I dare you to...poke your eye." he happily dares.
I guess that isn't too bad. I brought my finger to my eye and quickly but lightly poked it, making my eyes watery. I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt as Roy laughs.
"Alright now it's my turn, Roy truth or dare?" I ask Roy.
"Dare, cause I'm not a wuss." he smugly says.
"I dare you to take one sip of hot sauce."
"What?! Well I can't go to the kitchen to get it so choose something else."
"Then I dare you to sneak down to the kitchen and bring the hot sauce along with some snacks." I dare with a smirk.
"Don't be a wuss Roy, go do it! And I want a snack so hurry up!" Robert teasingly chimes in.
He lets out a long groan then gets up from the bed to open the door. He peeks his head through the door to make sure the coast is clear before running downstairs, closing the door behind him. Me and Robert both quietly laugh.
"Geez Rob, why'd you wanna play truth or dare? Roy is gonna torture us!" I say to him.
"Hah, I didn't think about it that well, sorry. But so far it seems fine!" he responds.
"Well not for long, did you see how pissed he looked when he left?"
"Your fault, but whenever he gets pissed it's kinda funny. The way his face turns red like a kid is hysterical."
We both laughed again and chatted for a bit while waiting for Roy to get back. Mostly about school.
"Do you have Ms. Wiggins? For english?" he asks me.
"No, but I think I've seen her around. Looks like a witch to me." I answer.
"She is! She's literally so mean and annoying. Today while she was handing out some books she took my notebook just because I was sketching in it and told me to..."
He went on and on talking about how this teacher was the meanest person on earth and how she's always bothering him for stupid reasons. It kinda confused me though because how could a teacher pick on someone like Robert?
Out of the three of us I would say Robert is the smartest. Especially in science and english. He has average grades but I think it's mostly because he's always turning in late work. He procrastinates a lot but I know if he turned his work in on time he'd probably go from average grades to mostly good grades.
But the point of all that is that he's a good student, and person. He's caring, funny, trustworthy, considerate, ambitious, and I could go on. He's probably the brightest person I've ever met and I just can't understand how someone could- "Ross." -be so rude- "Ross!" -to someone like him? "ROSS!"
I flinched and snapped out of my train of thought. Did I really just blank out while thinking about Robert? That's weird.. but I'm sure it's nothing...yep.
Robert and Roy were staring at me kind of concerned so I had to assure them I was alright. "Guys, I'm fine."
Robert frowns a little. "Are you sure? You blanked out while I was talking to you. Did I bore you or someth-"
They both look at me with stunned expressions. Dang it, why did I do that?!
"Uhhh, well I got the snacks. And hot sauce." Roy says, trying to break the awkward silence that now formed between the three of us.
"Oh- nice! Oooo purple doritos!" Robert says while quickly grabbing the bag of purple doritos from Roy and opening it.
Roy then sits back down on the bed where he was before and looks at Robert, whose mouth was already stuffed with chips.
"Your turn."
Robert quickly chews the chips in his mouth, swallows, then clears his throat. "Ross, truth or dare?" he asks me.
He opened his moth to talk but paused when he realized I said truth. He was probably waiting to dare me something.
"Uh, is it true... that you... never wash your beanie?" he hesitantly dares.
Roy lets out a long exaggerated groan. "Dude you're boring!" he complains.
Robert shushs him and waits for my answer.
"Not true-"
"Robert, truth or dare?!" Roy quickly asks right as I answered Robert's question.
"Truth!" he answers.
Roy chuckles. "Now let me show you how to not be boring. Is it true you have a thing for that chick in our math class?"
Robert stayed in silence for a bit then muttered not true. He looked uncomfortable.
"You sure? She's always giving you lovey dovey eyes in class and you two talk someti-"
"It's not true Roy!" Robert suddenly shouts.
Roy jumps a little at Robert's sudden outburst. "Jeez, okay.." he mumbles.
Suddenly we hear footsteps approach Roy's room.
"Crap, my parents are coming! Go somewhere!" Roy quickly says.
Without thinking I grab Robert's hand and run to Roy's bathroom (Roy has his own bathroom in his room cause y'know his parents are rich). I slid the curtains on the bathtub to the side and step inside with Robert. I close the curtains before me and Robert sit down. We hear his mom enter the room and speak to Roy, though it was kind of hard to hear about what.
"Ross.." Robert whispers.
I look at him and he looks down so I would too. I look down and realize I'm still holding his hand, making me quickly let go.
"Sorry. Sheesh I don't know what's up with me today." I whisper back.
"It's fine."
We stayed in the tub in silence for a couple minutes before Roy came in and opened the curtains.
"You guys have to go. Hurry up and follow me." he whispers.
Me and Robert quickly get up and follow Roy to the back door. He opens it and we step outside.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Now hurry and get outta here." Roy quickly says.
Me and Robert say bye to him and start walking to our houses.
Five minutes into our walk I noticed Robert looked kind of annoyed, is he mad at what Roy asked him?
"Uh Rob, you okay?" I ask him.
Robert looks at me then at his shoes. "Yeah, just annoyed at what Roy asked." he says.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He opens his mouth to talk but then quickly shuts it and frowns. "Maybe another time. It's a lot." he answers quietly.
I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a smile. "That's fine, when or if you're ready just call me, ok?"
He looks at me and I give him a thumbs up which also makes him smile.
"Thanks Ross."
We both continue walking to our homes, talking about what a douche Ms. Wiggins is.
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