Suspension - Chapter 30
Robert's POV:
"You sit there," the teacher instructs Roy, pointing to a desk. He points to Ross next, "You there," and then me, "And you there."
We all sat down in the seats we were told to then wait for the teacher to tell us what we were supposed to be doing. He sat Roy all the way in the back far left, Ross two rows ahead to the right, and me in the very front to the left. There was no way we'd be able to talk with each other without getting caught, what are we supposed to do in here for eight hours?!
The teacher grabs a piece of chalk and begins writing on the board. It was just rules after rule after rule, to make it worse his handwriting was horrible so we could hardly tell what he was writing, Roy writes better than this, which says a lot.
"Rule number one, no one leaves the room except to use the restroom, and only one at a time. Rule number two, no talking. Rule number three, no phones. Rule number..."
He went on rambling about the rules for what felt like forever. But since he was turned around i took the opportunity to take a paper and pencil out from my bag and write a note for Ross and Roy:
"Any ideas on how to make this NOT boring??"
I folded it into a paper airplane then turned to Ross, since he's closest.
"Pass to Roy when you're done." I mouthed.
He gave me a thumbs up and I proceeded to throw the plane at him, it landed perfectly on his desk. He opened it, read it, and scribbled some stuff before crumbling it into a ball and throwing it right at Roy's head. He almost yelled at him but he surprisingly held it in, at the cost of his face turning completely red. Me and Ross quietly laughed as he unscrambled the paper ball and read what we wrote. He scribbled some stuff down, quietly walked over to Ross, and slammed it onto his face so hard he almost fell backwards on his chair.
The teacher, who was still ranting and writing down god knows what, heard the slam and turned around. Thankfully Roy was already back in his seat and Ross had put the paper in his pocket. He glared at us for a minute.
"If you break any of these rules that's another day of suspension and a write-up. Got it?" he asks.
We all nod our heads in agreement and with that the teacher walks over to his desk and sits down.
I turned my head towards Ross, waiting for him to figure out how to pass the paper to me. When he realized I was waiting for him he took the paper out from his pocket and set it on the floor. He slid it towards me and I quickly picked it up when it got close then put it on my desk. I took my notebook out from my bag so it looked like I was doing something then finally sat up straight. I looked down at the paper and read it:
"I dont have any, theres too many rules :/ - Ross
What if rob went to the nurse with you and I went to the bathroom? You think hed fall for it? - Roy
Maybe, he does look really old. Rob what do you think? - Ross"
I made sure the teacher wasn't looking before turning back to them to give them a thumbs up. They gave a thumbs up back before I turned back to the front to think of how I could get a pass to the nurse.
I couldn't really think of anything, if I said I had a headache he'd probably go to the nurse for me and get me some pain meds. If I gave myself a paper cut or something he'd just give me a bandaid, since most teachers carry around a first-aid kit. Maybe I could lie about feeling dizzy. That's probably my best bet.
And with that I raised my hand, the teacher nodded his head at me as a gesture for me to go ahead and speak.
"Can I go to the nurse? I feel dizzy and um... nauseous." I lie.
He raised an eyebrow at me. "Stand up," he instructed.
I hesitantly stood up and waited. He stared for about ten seconds before saying, "You look fine, sit down."
"Wh- You can't-!"
"I said sit down!" he yelled, slamming his hand on his desk which made us all flinch.
Damn it, I should've known that wouldn't work. ...Unless I actually dropped.
I saw Ross looking at me through the glimpse of my eye mouthing for me to not do something stupid. But I, of course, didn't listen. I sat down and held my breath.
A few seconds in I was already starting to feel lightheaded but was interrupted by Ross yelling, "Sir, he needs to go to the nurse, look how pale his face turned!"
"Don't speak unless spoken t-!" He turned to look at me and his eyes widened. "Oh shit, someone take him to the nurse!"
Ross immediately shot up from his seat, grabbed me, and walked me out of the room. I finally took a breath before we walked down the hall to make sure we were out of sight.
We walked into a nearby bathroom that was surprisingly empty and when we did Ross took both my shoulders and shook me.
"What the hell was that?! You can't just hold your breath until you pass out!" he shouts, he looked upset but worried at the same time.
"I couldn't think!" I shouted back. I took Ross' hands off my shoulders and held them. "But it worked didn't it?"
I gave him a smug smile and he rolled his eyes. "I guess, but you better not do something that stupid again. Okay?"
He gave me a small smile before sighing and leaning against the sink, he looked like he was thinking about something. He seems a bit off.
Ross' POV:
I'm not worried about Robert not keeping his promise, he's usually pretty good at that stuff. I just can't stop thinking about this morning, he definitely had something on his mind. Right when he was about to tell me he changed his mind, which is what's really bugging me. Why didn't he want to tell me?
Robert must've noticed I was deep in thought because he had a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay? I promise I'll—"
"I know you won't break your promise Rob." I assured him.
He looked confused now. He wasn't sure if he should ask what was wrong or just leave me alone.
He looked down at the floor and fiddled with his thumbs. "Is um- something wrong?" he finally managed to ask.
"This morning when you walked me to class," I turned so I could face him. "You seemed so.. sad."
Roberts' demeanor softened, and he sighed as he looked away from my gaze and ran a hand through his hair. "It's nothing, really." he tried to assure me, but I could see he was just trying to brush it off.
I don't want to pressure him to say anything, so I gently took his hand and told him, "Alright, just know that you can talk to me about anything Rob. I'm here for you."
I took a glimpse at him, and I could tell he was hesitating to say something.
But eventually he looked back up and met my gaze again. "I was just thinking about... what happened with my dad," he started. "I just— I don't know, I can't put it into words. The memory just keeps replaying in my head and I can't help but think about what's going to happen next and if my mom is okay."
He leaned against the sink next to me and looked down with a sigh. I frowned as I looked at how sad his eyes looked, it sucks he has to go through all of this. No one should ever have to deal with this.
I looked up at him and took his hand in mine. "I'm sorry you're going through all this, Rob," I said softly, squeezing his hand gently. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed, and you don't have to have all the answers right now. But we're going to figure it out together, okay? You're not alone in this. I'm here for you."
Robert looked down at me with glistening eyes. "Thanks, Ross." he murmured with a small smile.
I smiled back and he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back with the same strength and shut my eyes.
"I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me, Ross. You have no idea. I don't know what I would've done without you." he whispered, his voice full of emotion.
I felt tears prick in the corner of my eyes as I hugged him tighter. "We're in this together, I'll always be here for you no matter what." I murmured.
We both pulled apart and met each others gazes, about to lean in until—
Me and Robert both jumped out of eachothers embrace and looked behind to see who had come in. It was just Roy.
"Oh shut up Roy." I say snarkly.
Roy laughed as he approached the both of us and also leaned against the sink. "So, you guys wanna ditch?"
"Are you trying to get re-grounded?! We have to go back eventually." Robert shouts.
Roy rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Well can we at least hit the dollar store and buy some snacks really quick?"
Me and Robert look at each other before agreeing with Roy. I really wanted a Dr. Pepper anyways.
I'm backkkkkkk, agaaaaiiin.
Sorry I keep disappearing, but I'm gonna try and finish this story and maybe rewrite some old chapters.
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