Styling His Hair - Chapter 8
Robert's POV:
I yawn and sit up in Ross' bed as I wake up from a long peaceful sleep. I really needed that, I don't know when the last time I was able to sleep worry free was.
I pull my phone out from under my pillow to check the time. Ten o three (10:03), wow. Even though ten sounds kinda early, for me it isn't. When I was home on day offs from school or weekends I would wake up at eight just to sneak out the window. It feels nice to sleep in a little, even if it is only two hours extra from when I usually get up.
I look over at Ross to see that he's still sleeping. He usually gets up around this time but I don't think he slept well last night. I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard him gasp and sit up on the bed. And then like a minute or two after that he sat in front of me and started to play with my hair and hold my hand. I didn't mind it at first but he was holding on to it for a while. I should've gotten up and asked if something was wrong but something just kept me laying there. Holding hands with him feels different. And not in a bad way. It's kinda nice.
But maybe Ross just needed a moment and held my hand for comfort. I held his hand when I spoke to Jaune for comfort and support so Ross could've done the same.
My thoughts are cut off when I hear blankets rustling. I look over at Ross and see that he's now awake. He looks back at me and sleepily waves.
"Good Morning!" I happily say to him as I crawl to sit next to him.
He sits up and stretches his arms. "Morning," he says back with a tired tone. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good! This is the first time I've been able to sleep so peacefully in a while." I answer.
He smiles then gets up from the bed and picks up his hat from the floor.
"Ross you better not put that back on. Go wash it." I lecture to him.
He spins around fast and looks at me with a smirk. Then he holds the hat over his head and slowly places it on his head.
"Uh oh, must've slipped on." he jokes.
I laugh at him and get up from the bed to snatch it off him. He tries to grab it back but I hold it over my head and since I'm taller he was having a hard time. I quickly run downstairs and see the washing machine in the kitchen so I throw the hat inside. Ross catches up to me and frowns when he sees his hat in the machine.
"Dude, come on." he pouts.
"No stinker. Just wash it then put it back on." I say to him.
He sighs but walks to the machine and starts it.
"Thank you." I say teasingly to him.
He ignores me and makes his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he's walking Jaune comes out of her room and walks to the kitchen.
"Morning guys!" she says to us.
"Morning." Ross walks into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
Jaune starts going through all the cabinets and fridge, pulling out pots, pans, and ingredients.
"I'm going to make a feast for breakfast!" she says excitedly. "And after that I was thinking I could take you to the store to buy some things you'll need for here. How's that sound?"
"Great, thank you Miss. Jaune!" I answer as I walk to the living room to wait for Ross to come out the bathroom.
About five minutes later he comes out and I walk in after he leaves. I brush my teeth and wash my face then come back out after like seven minutes. Ross was sitting on the couch while scrolling through his phone. I sit down next to him.
"Me and your mom are going to the store after breakfast, are you gonna come?" I ask him.
"Of course!" he answers. "Oh, so we should go get ready now then."
I nod in agreement and we walk upstairs back to Ross' room. We start going through our stuff to get clothes for today and take turns changing in the closet. After Ross came out of the closet he glared at me.
"What?" I ask confused.
"My hat is still in the washer." he says annoyed.
I laugh at him. "It's not a big deal Ross. Plus, you look nice without it," I say reassuringly.
He smiled upside down and crossed his arms. "No I don't, my hair looks horrible."
I frown at him. "Ross no it doesn't. It's because you never try to do it." An idea popped into my head. "Let me help you style it!" I suggest.
He looks up at me. "No."
I shake my hands in excitement and practically drag him to the bathroom. I wrap a towel around his neck and tell him to lean his head back into the tub.
"Why?" he asks.
"I need to wash your hair, duh." I answer.
He chuckles and leans his head back into the tub. I grab the shower head from the top and place it next to Ross. Then I turn on the water to a warm temperature.
"How's that feel?" I ask as I hold the shower head over his hair.
"Good." he answers.
And just like that I begin washing his hair. He kept complaining because I was scrubbing too hard but he has a lot of dandruff so I kinda had to. When I wasn't scrubbing his hair we chatted about games, food, and anything that came to mind. I shampoo-ed his hair twice to make sure it was really clean then conditioned it.
"You have a knot brush?" I ask as I massage the conditioner into his head and hair.
"Mhm, second drawer." he mumbles, pointing to the drawer where the knot brush was.
I rinse the conditioner off my hands and grab the knot brush from the drawer. Then I kneel back down in front of Ross and start to detangle his hair. He complained about that too.
"Ow-! Be gentle Rob!"
"I can't, you have too many knots!"
He groans in response.
After about ten minutes of Ross' many "Ow's" and swearing, I finish untangling his hair. I rinse the conditioner out his hair then put the shower head back at the top of the tub. I turn the water off and take the towel from around Ross' neck and use it to squeeze any water out of his hair.
"Finally, I thought you were going to kill me." Ross jokes.
"Let this be a reminder for the next time you decide you're gonna let your hair get this messy. I will hunt you down and scrub the crap out of your hair." I joke back.
We both laugh and I tell him to sit on the tub.
"I'm gonna go grab some stuff, be back!" I say as I quickly go back to Ross' room to grab some hair stuff.
I grabbed my Moroccan hair cream from my bag then went downstairs to Jaune who was cooking in the kitchen.
"Miss Jaune?" I call.
She turns around to look at me. "Heya! What's up?" she asks.
"Do you by any chance have a blow dryer and diffuser?"
"I do, is it for you?"
"No it's for Ross. I'm helping him style his hair."
"Oooo! He never wants to let me help him style it, I have to see when your done!" she says excitedly. "There both in the linen closet in the hallway.
"Thank you!" I say as I start making my way toward the linen closet.
"Oh, and Robert?" she suddenly says.
I turn to look at her. "Yes?"
"You can just call me Jaune. Miss makes me feel old, y'know?"
We both laugh. "Okay Jaune." I respond.
We smile then I continue to walk to the linen closet. I take the blow dryer and diffuser out then walk back to the bathroom. Ross was scrolling through his phone.
"What the hell is that?" he asks concernedly, pointing to the diffuser.
"It's a diffuser, it'll help dry your hair and give volume at the same time!" I answer, attaching the diffuser to the blow dryer.
I plug it into an outlet on top of the sink and set it down. Then I opened the Moroccan cream and squeezed some onto my hands.
"What is that?" Ross asks again.
"Moroccan cream. It'll make your hair wavy and it also smells really good. I use it for my hair so it should be fine on you." I answer.
I gesture for him to come stand in front of me and he does. I start to scrunch the cream into his hair and comb through it with my fingers.
"Dang Rob, why do you know so much about hair products?" he questions.
"How do you think I get my hair to look this majestic?" I joke.
"True, true."
I continue to scrunch the cream in his hair until I felt there was a good amount in it. Then I grab the dryer and turn it on warm. Before I could put the diffuser on him he backed up.
"Um, is that gonna hurt?" he questions for the fourth time, gesturing toward the cones in the diffuser.
"No silly, but if you move maybe. Now stand still." I answer, grabbing Ross and putting him back in front of me.
I start diffusing his hair and after about ten minutes I put it into hot to go quicker. But when I did I noticed Ross scratch his finger really hard so I shut it off.
"You okay?" I ask worried.
"Can you do it the way you did it at the start? It's too loud when you do it like that, hurts my ears." he answers.
"Oh, sure!" I respond.
I turn the dryer back on at warm and continue diffusing his hair. I didn't know that loud noises hurt him, maybe I'll ask Jaune about it later.
As I was diffusing his hair I noticed the bottom drying in the shape it usually is, pointy and facing outwards. I always thought it was just his hair being messy but I guess that's just how it is naturally. The top of his hair on the other hand looked really nice. It was nice, fluffy, and wavy, plus no dandruff!
Finally, his hair is dry and I turn the dryer off. I took his hair and placed it behind his ears like it usually is.
"So what do you think?" I ask as I gesture for him to look in the mirror.
Ross turns around and I move out his way so he can take a look in the mirror.
As soon as he saw his reflection he raised his eyebrows in shock. "Woah." he says, stunned, touching the top of his hair.
I also said woah in my head, I didn't get to see how it looked all together because I was standing behind him. He looks..
"You look handsome." I blurt out accidentally.
I cover my mouth in shock at what I said and Ross looks at me through the mirror, flustered.
"U-um, thanks?" he stutters.
I rub the back of my head in embarrassment then put the dryer and hair cream in the bathroom cabinet.
"Let's go show your mom, she wanted to see." I say, trying to stop thinking about what I said.
"Okay." he mutters.
We exit the bathroom and walk to the kitchen, Jaune was serving us plates. When she noticed our presence she turned around and excitedly squealed like a little girl.
"Oh my goodness Ross!" she says excitedly, dropping everything she had in her hand to hug her son. "My little boy looks so handsome!"
Ross groans. "Mooom, let go." he whines.
Jaune lets him go and looks at me. "You did a good job, probably better than what I could've done!" she compliments.
I start to fiddle with my thumbs. "Hah, thank you Mi- Jaune." I respond.
She smiles and ruffles my hair. Then she walks to the counter to grab our plates of food and hand them to us. Me and Ross take our plates from her grasp and say thank you.
We walk upstairs to eat our food and Jaune goes to her room to get ready. I look down at my plate and smile. She wasn't lying when she said feast. There was eggs, bacon, french toast, sausage, home fries, and regular toast with an avocado spread.
I look at Ross and admire what I did with his hair, until I remember that I called him handsome and quickly look down in embarrassment. But is it weird that I think that's actually true?
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