Stay With Me - Chapter 5
Ross' POV:
The bell for last period finally rang and I rush outside to wait for Roy and Robert, since we always walk home together. Roy is the first one to walk outside, he waves as he approaches me.
"Roberts speaking to Ms. Wiggins." he says.
Ugh, not Ms. Wiggins.
"What does she want with him?" I ask, annoyed.
"I don't know. I was just walking to her room to get Robert but she was in there talking with him." he answers.
I sigh. "Robert was telling me yesterday that she's rude towards him. Whatever they're talking about is probably not good."
"Really?" Roy turns around and starts to walk back towards the school entrance.
"Roy, where are you going..?" I ask.
"To give that teacher a piece of mind, that's where." he answers with a serious tone.
"Roy no-"
Before Roy could walk back inside Robert steps out.
"Hey Ross!" he says as he walks towards me, not noticing Roy. "Where's Roy? I thought I saw him leaving."
Roy stomps towards him and angrily yells, "Here you doofus!"
Robert looks down at Roy and laughs. "Oh, sorry Roy. You're too short to notice." he jokes.
"What?! No I am not!" Roy angrily says back.
Me and Robert laugh at him. "Dude, you're like five three (5'3). Susie is taller than you!" I say to him.
Roy was about to start yelling until he heard a ping come from his phone. He pulls it out of his pocket to check what it is and immediately groans.
"I can't walk with you guys, my parents are coming to pick me up since I'm still grounded."
Me and Robert frown at this. "Why don't you just do your homework?" Robert asks.
"Because homework is stupid, who wants to go home after finishing a bunch of work at school and do more right after? If the department of education wants..."
Roy begins going on a whole rant about why homework is stupid and what should be done instead. Eventually we see the familiar black car pull up to the front of the school with the windows rolled down. Inside is Roy's dad and mom.
Roy notices and sighs. "I'll try and text. If not, I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Me and Robert nod and say bye as he gets inside the car. As the car starts to drive away we could hear his mom lecturing him about hanging out with 'plebeians'.
I look back at Robert and remember that he's sleeping over at my house and has to get his stuff though.
"I'll walk with you to your house to pack." I say to him.
He gives a small smile. "Thanks."
I smile back and we begin walking to his house. Hopefully his dad won't start an issue since I'll be there.
Around ten minutes later we arrive at the front of Robert's house. I noticed Robert shaking a bit so I put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.
He looks down at me. "Sorry, I just don't want him to start anything while you're here." he says, anxiously fidgeting with his thumbs.
"I'm sure we'll be fine, we'll go as fast as we can. Okay?" I assure.
He hesitantly nods and we walk to the porch. He takes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. He walks inside first to look around then gestures for me to quickly come in. I entered and was immediately met with the smell of cigars. I looked around and saw smashed alcohol bottles. I frowned at the sight, it's nerve-racking to look at. I can't believe Robert has to come home everyday to this.
Robert notices me frowning and sighs. "Let's hurry before my dad realizes I'm here." he says.
I nod and he grabs my hand to lead me to his room. It feels the same as yesterday, warm and comforting. Except this time they're trembling with fear.
We quickly reach his room, since his house is one floor, and lock the door behind us as we enter.
Robert hands me a bigger than normal bag from the floor. "Hold this open for me so its easier to pack." he says.
I nod and he starts going through his closet and drawers, throwing a bunch of clothes and other things out. He wasn't really paying attention to where he was throwing everything so I stuffed everything into the bag for him.
When he finishes with his drawers and closet he tells me to walk with him to the bathroom so he could pack his toothbrush and hair things. So we make our way to the bathroom and this time Robert puts everything into the bag himself. Robert zips it shut when he finishes.
"Let's leave through the window, I don't wanna risk seeing my dad." he says as he opens the bathroom door.
"Alright." I respond.
We speed walk back to his room and as we do through the glimpse of my eye I see his dad in the living room, slouched on the couch laughing while watching sports and drinking. What a slob.
We reach Robert's room again and he opens the window. I slide his bag through it then look at Robert. We weren't sure of who should go through first.
"You go, so if he comes in he won't see you." Robert says.
"No you go, so if he does come in you'll already be out and can make your way towards my house. It's not like he'll do anything to me." I insist.
We start going back and forth on who should go until we hear a ringing noise, which makes us both freeze. It was Robert's phone. Now panicking, Robert hits the silent button and pushes me towards the window.
"Go, I hear my dad coming!" he urges.
Seeing the situation we're now in and how I'm in front of the window, I quickly hop through and look back at Robert.
"Hurry!" I shout at him, also panicking.
Robert starts to make his way through the window, but as he was doing so we both hear his room door burst open. His dad. We both meet eyes through the window for a second, which makes my stomach immediately turn. Robert finally makes it through the window and grabs his bag from the ground. Me and him quickly start running for it.
"Robert, you get back in here right now or I'll beat the shit out of you when you come back!" he angrily yells through the distance.
Robert suddenly stops. I look at him and realize he's considering going back.
"Robert, come on!" I worriedly yell, grabbing his hand.
"I'm going to be in more trouble if I go with you!" he responds, his voice now shaky.
He's right about that, but I can't let him go back. What should I do? I look back at the house then back at Robert. Then it hits me. My mom probably won't like it but it'll have to do.
I walk to the front of Robert, now holding both his hands. He looks at me with sad eyes.
"Don't come back for a long time then, stay with me for a while. Please, let's go. We'll figure the rest out at mine just please come with me!" I beg.
His face looks stunned, and a few tears stroll down his face. He squeezes my hands and weakly smiles. "Okay." Is all he says.
I smile back at him and we start running once again, his dad starts throwing stuff at us but misses since we're already too far.
After a bit of running we stop at a street light to catch our breaths. Robert suddenly pulls me into a hug.
"Thank you so much Ross. I don't know what I'd do without you." he says.
I hug him back and my eyes start to tear up. "Of course, Robert. From now on I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. I'll make sure that man stays away from you, I mean it."
I hear him sniffle which tells me he's crying. I rest my head on him and also start to cry.
I meant what I said, while I'm here with him that asshole won't step one foot near him. That house was horrifying to be in so I could only imagine how Robert felt everytime he stepped in that house. I'll ask my mom to help him and his family get away from that house, maybe get a new one. I just don't ever want to see Robert break down like yesterday and today ever again, he doesn't deserve it.
It's strange though, all the sudden I feel the urge to want to be there for him, to protect him. I mean, the same goes for Roy but for some reason this feels different. Since yesterday it's been different. No, even before yesterday it's been a little different, yesterday I think just changed everything more. Usually I never would've allowed myself to get emotional like I am now in front of anyone, but here I am crying with Robert into his sweater. I keep finding myself staring and thinking about him, in a way that's probably not normal for two best friends. His hands are comforting and warm? That's not normal! What does this mean? Why does this keep happening?
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Oh no.
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