School Fight - Chapter 23
Robert's POV:
Ross wasn't waking up for some reason so I turned off his alarm for him. I started to gently shake him.
"Ross, you gotta wake up." I say quietly.
He groans and lightly squeezes my hair. "Mmmwhat?" he says even quieter.
I chuckle at how tired and groggy he sounded. "Get up doofus."
After a few seconds he lifted his head from my neck and rolled off me with another groan.
"I'm up." he assures.
I ruffled his head with a smile then stretched a bit before scooting off the bed and picking out my clothes from my dresser. Ross soon followed and went to his own dresser to get his clothes. We took turns changing in the closet and going in the bathroom like usual then went to the dining room where Jaune was just finishing up cooking.
"Morning boys!" she happily greets.
"Morning!" me and Ross say back as we sit at the dining table.
Jaune turned off the flame of the stove and took two plates out of the cupboard. She scraped whatever was in the pan with her spatula onto each of the plates and served them to us.
"It's an omelet! I saw a recipe on the internet last night and wanted to try it. It's got bacon, pepper, onions, garlic, and pepper jack cheese. It said to put mayo but I didn't because Ross is picky when it comes to stuff like mayo so I'll bring the jar here in case you just wanna spread a little on." she explains as she hands us each a fork and places the jar of mayo in the middle of the table. "Let me know how it tastes! I'm gonna go get ready for work now."
Me and Ross thank her as she walks off to her room. I grabbed the jar of mayo from the center of the table and with my fork I scooped a little and spread it onto my omelet
"I thought you liked mayo?" I asked Ross as I closed the jar of mayo. I recall him having a turkey sandwich once with mayo.
"I do, just not on certain things. Like eggs in this case. Weird texture." he answers.
I shrugged and looked down at my plate. I quickly began eating and the omelet tasted really freaking good. I've come to the conclusion Jaune is an amazing cook.
We both finished eating in twenty-five minutes (it would've been quicker if Ross wasn't taking his time scraping out the whites of the egg) and said bye to Jaune as we grabbed our bags and hats as we left. Roy was there waiting, sitting on the steps of the porch.
"Hey losers!" he says as he gets up from the steps.
Me and Ross each give him a handshake.
"Sup!" I say to him as we finish our handshake.
He gives me a smirk and gestures for me to get close so he could tell me something. I lean down so he's able to easily whisper to me.
"So, how'd it go last night?" he asks quietly.
I stand back up straight and walk over to Ross, pulling him in a headlock.
"Me and Ross took a trip to smooch-ville last night!" I teasingly answer.
Ross made a dramatic gasp which made Roy laugh. "Robert!" he shouts, pulling out of my headlock. "Smooch-ville? Really?!"
"We only kissed two times!"
Roy suddenly started bursting out laughing, which made both me and Ross turn to look at him. "Aww, your first fight." he jokes.
Ross rolled his eyes before walking off the porch. Me and Roy chuckled and followed behind him.
"So how'd you do it?" Roy asks.
"I bought a pepperoni pizza and requested that the pepperoni be shaped like a heart then on the top I wrote a note that asked if he'd go out with me." I explain.
"Oh wow, that's actually pretty cool. I thought you were going to do something stupid" Roy responds with a chuckle.
"You were doubting my skills?! What'd you think I was gonna do?!"
"I thought you would get on your knees with flowers and beg."
"What?! I would never! You really think I'd do that?!"
"You little prick. I bet you'd write a note that just says 'I like you' and pass it like some third grader."
We laughed at each other as we caught up to Ross, who was scrolling on his phone, He looked at us for a second before looking back down at his phone.
"Oh! Are you ignoring us?" Roy jokes.
"Are you done talking with Robert about last night?" Ross asks back.
'Then yeah I am." Ross answers with a little smug smile, knowing his answer probably pissed off Roy.
"You- whatever I don't care!" Roy responds as he crosses his arms.
"You sure?"
He did care and promised he'd stop talking about it not even five minutes later.
We finally arrived at school and walked inside to our spot at the vending machine while we waited for first period to start. People kept oddly walking past us to give me specifically, looks, which kinda freaked me out. Why would anyone have a reason to look at me?
"Guys," I suddenly say. Ross and Roy turn their attention to me. "Have any of you noticed people walking past us and giving glares?"
Roy looks behind me and notices a pair of kids staring. He immediately starts approaching them with a furious face. "Hey, got a problem?!" he shouts.
The kids flinch and quickly walk away.
Roy grunts and walks back to us. "Did you do something?" he asks me, still looking annoyed.
"No! Unless- you don't think-"
"There's no way words spread that fast. Plus, the only person you've told is Roy and it just happened last night. That's impossible!" Ross cuts me off, now eyeing everyone that passes us.
"I don't know what it could be then!" I respond.
"I'm sure it's nothing Rob-" Roy was cut off by the bell suddenly ringing for first period. Everyone starts making their way to their classes. "I gotta get to class on time today so I gotta go. If anything happens you come to me and I'll beat their ass. See ya guys!" And with that Roy walks off.
Me and Ross slowly started walking to his first class, History. We took our time and goofed off in the halls, chasing each other and knocking on other classes' doors. Until we almost got in trouble so we decided to just calmly walk the rest of the way. The calmness is making it kind of awkward between us, I thought since we started dating it would go away but it hasn't. Ross must've realized it too because he hasn't looked at me since we started walking. Weren't we just cuddling and kissing last night?!
Ross' POV:
Maybe it's because it's our first day of dating or because we're in school, but it's very quiet between us. I want to do something, like hold his hand but I'm not sure if he would want to or if I'm just jumping ahead. Maybe there's a way I could see if he does?
While very subtly looking at Robert, I graze my finger on his hand for just a second to see his reaction. I could see him hold in a smile and he also touched my hand with his finger. So without a second thought I grasped our hands together, they slightly swayed between us as we kept walking.
"Ross?" Robert suddenly asks.
"Yeah?" I answer.
"I know we're already holding hands but besides that, are you okay with um- y'know-" he paused for a second out of embarrassment. I subtly smiled to myself at his struggle. I should probably help him out.
"PDA?" I ask.
He chuckled to himself. "Uh, what is that?" he awkwardly asks.
"Public display of affection you dummy?" I answer with a laugh.
"Oh yeah, I knew that! But yeah that's what I meant."
"Well, I'm okay with hugs and hand holding but anything else I'd rather no one be around." I explain. "Why?"
Robert looks around before answering. "..Just curious. I don't want to ever make you uncomfortable."
"Aw, that's sweet. Thanks for asking." I respond with a smile.
After another minute of talking and holding hands I saw my class in sight so decided to part ways with Robert so he wouldn't be too late. Not that he cares though.
"I'm gonna go now." I say as we stop walking.
"Okay, I'll see you soon." he responds with a soft smile.
I hesitantly let go of his hand and began walking the rest of the way to my class. I already miss the warmth of his hand on mine, I hope school goes fast today.
An hour later the bell rang for the end of class and I rushed out of the room to the vending machine. Roy was there but Robert wasn't, his room is the farthest from here though so he'll probably be here soon. I gave Roy a smile but he looked a little worried.
"What's up?" I ask, leaning next to him on the vending machine.
"There's word going around about Robert. That's why everyone's been giving him looks." he answers with a frustrated expression.
"What?! What are they saying?!" I ask worriedly.
"They're outing him. They somehow found out he's gay." Roy answers.
"No way, how?! He's only told his family and us!" I shout, now also frustrated.
"I know, I'm gonna do some digging around and try to get everyone to stop talking about it. Speaking of-"
A trio walks past us while glaring and whispering.
"Did you know that the tall kid these guys hang with is gay?"
"No way, really?"
"Yeah! You think they know?"
"Duh, I bet he likes one of them too."
"Hah! What if they're all gay?"
Roy angrily creeps behind them and grabs one of them by the collar of their shirt, pulling them down to the ground.
"What the fuck?!" the boy shouts.
"Where the hell did you hear that rumor from?!" Roy angrily yells.
The guy attempts to get up but Roy keeps him on the floor by stepping on him.
"Dude, let me go! Guys hel-"
"Tell me where you heard the rumor!" Roy yells louder, looking down at him.
Roy started arguing with the kid under him and I noticed one of the other kids try to grab Roy, so I immediately stepped in and grabbed their wrist. But when I did that another one of them tried to also grab Roy. Luckily Roy noticed this time and was able to smack him before pushing him harshly to the floor as well.
"One of you better fucking speak up because I'm getting tired!" Roy shouts impatiently.
The kid under him was about to speak until the other kid on the floor swiftly got up and yanked Roy by the shirt off him. The kid who's wrist I was holding noticed me not paying attention and took the opportunity to pull himself out from my grasp and walk over to Roy, who was now in front of the kid who had yanked him. They kept pushing and threatening each other until Roy suddenly got really pissed and punched him right in the face. That immediately set everyone off and we all rushed towards him and Roy for a fight.
It was unfair, since it was three against two but we managed. Roy is actually a pretty good fighter because his parents make him take fighting classes. He would get picked on for his size but once they found out he could fight they backed off, which is why no one really messes with us much. Me on the other hand, I'm pretty decent at it. Definitely not at Roy's level though.
We all kept beating and yelling at each other until one of the kids went too far and pulled a pocket knife out from his pocket.
"Y'all better get the fuck down before I fucking kill someone!" he shouts.
Roy, never able to admit defeat, shouts, "Do it mother fucker!"
And just like that in one swift movement he makes his way towards Roy, knife raised and ready to stab. Before he could bring the knife down he was suddenly tackled down by the person we didn't want to see or get involved in this, Robert. He yanked the knife out of the kids hand and closed it before throwing it to me. Once the two other kids saw me with the knife they rushed towards me to try and grab it. Roy was able to stop one of them but the other one still caught up to me and tried to smack me. I quickly dodged it and put the knife in my pocket. He stepped back to get ready to punch me but when he did I kicked his foot which made him slam on to the floor. I attempted to go help Roy but he grabbed my ankle and yanked me down with him. I fell next to him flat on my stomach and he took the opportunity to grab my hands and pin them to my back. Robert and Roy noticed and were about to approach but stopped in their tracks when they saw him pull the knife out from my pocket and hold it in front of me, lifting my head from the floor in the process.
"Get down now!" he shakily yells, using me to threaten them. I feel so pathetic right now.
Roy and Robert, seeing there was nothing they could do, kneeled down on the floor. The two other kids stood behind them and were about to grab them but were thankfully stopped by security coming from behind and making them back up. They gestured for Roy and Robert to get up and as soon as they did they attempted to rush towards me, as the kid was still threatening me with the knife. Security urged them to stand back and they cautiously approached.
"Put the knife down Mike!" they demanded. This must not be their first rodeo with this group.
Mike rolled his eyes before throwing the knife on the floor and letting go of me. We both stood up and one of the security guards held both of Mike's hands together and walked away. The rest of security ordered us to follow them so we did. They made sure we were separated from the other group to prevent us from going at each other.
We were all injured, all our faces were marked with bruises but the other group had bloody scratches on their face, since Robert keeps his nails just a little long. He would always tell us it would come in handy and I guess today he's proven that. Roy was the worst out of all of us, he had a bloody nose and one of his fingers I think is broken. I had a little cut on my cheek from the knife and Robert's left eye was bruised, his bruised arm is probably worse now too because he keeps grabbing at it.
I feel bad he had to see us fighting and get involved, he usually tries to stay out of stuff like that. His face looks like a mix of hurt, frustration, and sadness, my throat is burning from how horrible I feel.
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