Embrace It - Chapter 19
Robert's POV:
Robert: he said no!!
Roy: see? u guys r made for eachother
Robert: u think the theory is true?
Roy: trust the olive theory never lies 😎
I smile and put my phone back into my pocket. Mr. Shabs was handing out our chemistry test that we took last week and I'm certain I got a good grade. He finally gets to me and Ross and hands us our tests face down.
"Nice work Robert." he compliments, giving an impressed smile.
I give him a smile back and flip my paper over to check my grade. Ninety-seven percent (97%), heck yeah! I look over at Ross and he puts his test straight into his folder, not caring about the grade. He's not that good at chem.
"What'd you get?" he asks me, he could tell I'm happy about it cause I'm still smiling.
"Ninety-seven!" I answer.
He chuckles. "Nice, that studying paid off!"
I chuckle back at him and we turn our attention back to Mr. Shabs as he goes on with his lesson.
Thankfully me and Ross aren't acting so awkward anymore. And his "meh" attitude is gone which is good, it was kinda scary. I've got big plans for today though, Roy has enlightened me with his thoughts and convinced me..
That I should go for it! I'm going to ask him out at our spot and I'm going to make sure it is oh so romantic. I told him to meet me there at seven so I could get there at six and set everything up. I'm going to do it like they do in the movies; I'm going to buy a candle, an ice filled bucket with a bottle of soda inside (if we were adults it would've been wine), some fancy glass cups, nice food, and maybe I'll dress up. I could see it in my head already... but I won't get into that.
Hm, well actually now that I'm thinking about it, I should save all the fancy stuff for another time. I think it's more of an idea for an 'adult' date. The vision was nice though I will admit. I should do something he likes, something that'll impress him. Maybe I'll just mix in some of those aspects with what I'll do though. But I think I got just the idea, and it's probably not cheap.
The only thing I have to worry about is if Ross turns me down and then everything I did would be for nothing and I'd wallow in sorrow and pain for years for allowing myself to fall into my delusions! What a nice thought. But I'm almost certain that won't happen. Can't be too sure.
Ross' POV:
Robert's been holding a smile all day and he keeps giggling with Roy. I keep trying to think of something they'd be laughing about without me but can't so I'm just trying to ignore it. I'm sure it's nothing bad.
School is finally out and Roy was picked up by his parents since he's still grounded. Robert was able to thank them for helping him which they surprisingly appreciated. Once they drove off Robert started walking in the opposite direction of my house.
"Where are you going?" I ask, confused.
"I gotta go do something, I'll see you at our spot!" he responds before waving bye and walking off.
Huh... this is weird. Alone again. I'm not used to walking anywhere alone, Roy or Robert are always with me.
I sigh to myself and take my headphones out from my pocket and place them in my ears. I connect them to my phone then turn my music playlist on so I have a little entertainment while I walk. Walking to the beat of the music I'm listening to is always entertaining and helps me get home faster.
I make it home in about ten minutes and notice my moms car isn't in the garage, meaning she's working overtime today at her job. I walk to the porch and unlock the door before walking inside and throwing my bag on the floor in front of me. What am I going to do until seven?
I sigh and walk to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips to snack on then walk to the living room and plop down on the couch. I guess I could watch some television. I grab the TV remote from the coffee table in front of me and click the power button. The TV turns on and the news channel appears on screen. They're still talking about that killer that died in October. I'm not in the mood to hear about that so I switch through the channels until I end up on Cartoon Network. Adventure Time was playing and the show is actually pretty entertaining so I left it.
I watched a couple episodes for a while until I heard banging from upstairs, which made me jump. Oh god don't tell me someone's breaking in. Damn why'd it have to be now when I'm here alone. I speed walk to the kitchen and grab a knife before quietly sneaking upstairs and checking every room. I got to mine and peeked inside, and I let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was only Robert and Roy.
Wait, Robert and Roy? What are they doing here? How'd they even get in here?
"You're making too much noise, hurry up!" Roy whisper-yells to Robert as he makes a mess of his dresser.
"I can't find it, I could've sworn I had it here!" Robert says back, going from his dresser to the closet.
Roy looked under the bed and pulled something out that looked like a wallet. "It's here you doofus. Now let's go!" he says, holding it up for Robert to see.
Robert hurriedly takes it from his grasp and stuffs it in his pocket. They make their way to the window and take turns crawling out. After they were both gone from my view I walked to the window and looked out. They had used my dad's ladder to sneak inside, smart. They dragged the ladder back to the side of my house before running out my backyard. Robert tripped when hopping over the fence which almost made me burst out laughing. Usually he's good at being sneaky but when he isn't it's hilarious. He could be such a clutz sometimes. But I like that about him.
I sigh to myself as I close my window, since they didn't, and make my way back downstairs. I put the knife I had back into its holder and sat back down on the couch, Adventure Time was still playing. I pull my phone out from my pocket to check the time because I'm super bored and can't wait until seven. Four thirty (4:30)?! Crap that's way too far. I never realized how much Roy and Robert have helped me stay out the house and actually do something. I can't believe how bored I am without them, it's weird to say I miss them but I really do. Even if it is just for today.
But now this leaves me to wonder what they're doing without me. Why'd they have to sneak into the house for a wallet and why can't I know? Knowing them it's probably something stupid but still I'm a little curious. I'm not gonna go out of my way to find out though. Me and Robert have been spending more time together than usual so I guess it's cool they're also having their time together. All I can do is wait until seven.
If what we'll do is anything like yesterday then I'm super excited. Just thinking about it makes my stomach flutter a bit. I think I've realized now I can't try to get rid of these feelings and I should just try to embrace it. I can't believe how much I like that idiot. Whenever I see him I just wanna- I don't know- squeeze and shake him. I wanna hold his hand so badly just like we did on Thursday to feel that warmth and comfort and lay in his fluffy blonde hair. I wish he would tell me his intentions from yesterday cause it would help figuring out if he likes me or not. But I said I would forget it to avoid awkwardness so I have to keep my word.
Suddenly I heard the front door click which made me snap out my thoughts and run towards the kitchen sink. I could tell my face is red just from thinking about him so I splash some cold water on my face to try and make it go away. Eventually my mom walked in through the door.
"Ross I'm home! You here?" she calls.
I dry my face with paper towels before answering back. "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen!" I answer.
She then walks to the kitchen and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "How was school?" she asks.
"It was good. How was work?" I ask back.
"Ah, stressful as usual. Some guy came into the office and said he ate a whole container of melatonin gummies and was scared for his life!" she laughs, taking her jacket and purse off and setting it on a chair behind her.
I chuckle and look at the time behind me on the microwave. Five on the dot.
"Where's Robert? Thought he would've been with you." mom asks.
"Oh, he's doing something with Roy. I'm gonna meet up with him at seven." I answer, making my way out the kitchen.
"Oh, well that sucks. Cause I brought-" she rummages through her purse and pulls out three containers of: "Ben and Jerry's!" she excitedly says.
She pulls out three more containers from her purse while I stare in awe. It's been a while since I've had Ben and Jerry's!
"Woah, how'd you get all that?!" I ask in shock, picking one of the containers up.
"My boss bought some and gave some out for us! He let me take six so we can each have two."
"Sweet. Thanks mom."
I take two containers and a spoon from the utensil drawer behind me and make my way upstairs to my room. I'll play some games and snack on this until it's time to go.
The time now is six forty (6:40) so I should start heading out so I could be there by seven. I shut my computer off and walk back downstairs to the shoe rack. I put on my shoes and said bye to my mom as I Ieft. When I got on the porch I noticed Robert's bag and a note stuck to it:
"Theres some stuff in here for you. :) See you at the spot!"
I smile at the note and open the bag to see what's inside. There were headphones, a doctor pepper, a guitar pick, and a flower.
... A flower?!
I quickly but carefully pull the flower out the bag and stare at it. It's a really nice flower, it's dark blue. My favorite color. I don't know what kind of flower it is but it's pretty big with lots of petals. It smells nice too. There was a black ribbon attached to it with a star.
I continue to admire it for a bit with a flustered face, wondering why he would give me this, before snapping out of it and grabbing Robert's bag to put on. Finally, I started making my way to the spot.
I was walking pretty fast so I got to the forest pretty quickly. I got ready to turn my flashlight on but was surprised to see the forest wasn't dark. There were lanterns lighting up the path for me, along with another blue flower with a black ribbon and star.
My face immediately turned red and I picked it up from the ground, combining it with the other flower I had in hand. Why is this dorkus giving me flowers? I smile to myself before making my way into the lantern lit forest, smelling the flowers occasionally. My face was burning with blush.
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