Cooking - Chapter 25
Robert's POV:
Me and Ross finally decided we'd have come up with enough ideas to last us the whole day and made a list on my phone. It was kinda funny reading over it because half of it was normal stuff you'd do on a regular day and then the other half was stuff couples would do. Once we finished reading it over we got up from the bed and started to think about what we'd do first. It actually didn't take that much to think about it because once we finished the list I already had a plan.
"Let's go cook first!" I suggest excitedly.
Before Ross could answer I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him downstairs to the kitchen. I took off my hat, threw it to the side, and put my hair into a quick sloppily done ponytail using a loose scrunchie that's always in my pocket for some reason. I turned to look at Ross, who was looking through the cabinets and fridge for ideas on what to cook.
"What do we have?" I ask as I walk behind him to see what he's looking at.
"Well, there's pasta and rice in here, defrosted beef and chicken in the fridge, lots of veggies, and uh.. cheese." he answers.
I think for a minute of what we could make with those things. A few things come to mind. "What kind of pasta and cheese?" I ask again.
Ross looks back in the cabinet. "For pasta we have penne, spaghetti, lasagna, and rigatoni," he turns around to open the fridge. "And for cheese there's mozzarella, parmesan, american, and ricotta." he answers.
I let out a low "nice" to myself before pulling out everything we'd need to cook. Ross watched and as soon as he saw me pull out a certain pasta box he knew what we were cooking.
"Lasagna?" he asks to confirm.
"Yep! Can you take the beef, ricotta, parmesan, and mozzarella out of the fridge please? Oh, and if there's parsley that too!" I answer as I continue taking ingredients out of the cabinet.
He nods his head in response and pulls everything I asked for out the fridge. I finished taking out everything we'd need from the cabinets and looked around for any pots or pans.
Ross noticed and chuckled to himself before opening the oven and revealing a whole stack of unorganized pots, pans, and trays. I stared at it then looked at Ross with a confused expression.
"Don't ask. I'll help take everything out." Ross cuts me off.
We start taking everything out of the oven and separating what we were going to use from the stuff we weren't. We put a pan and a pot on the stove and took a spatula from one of the utensil drawers. We're finally ready to cook.
"Let's wash our hands first." Ross insists.
I nod in agreement and turn to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. Ross does the same and we used a rag hanging from the oven to dry. We looked at all the ingredients and supplies we took out, trying to figure out what we should start with.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Ross asks with a laugh when he sees me take onion powder and get ready to sprinkle some in a pot.
I laugh back. "Of course I-!"
I gasp in shock as I watch a whole landslide of onion powder pour into the pot. I quickly close the container and set it to the side with a stunned expression on my face. Ross immediately bursts out in laughter and grabs the onion powder.
"There's two openings, one with dots that lets the powder sprinkle out, and one with no dots that lets the powder shoot out like it did just now," he explains. He grabs the pot and pours the powder inside the pot back into the container and I watch embarrassedly. "And I don't know what you were trying to season but pans are usually what you'd use to cook beef, not a pot. That's for the pasta."
I nod as I watch him fill up the pot with water, a little salt, and olive oil. He sets it back on the stove on one of the burners and turns on the flame to allow the water to boil before opening the beef from its container. Ross seems like he knows what he's doing, meanwhile I don't have a clue. I thought cooking lasagna would be easy, guess not. But watching Ross cook is kinda entertaining.
I continued to watch in admiration as Ross washed the beef and set it to the side to grab some butter. He rolled up his sleeves and it almost felt like there were hearts in my eyes like in those cartoons when he did that, not the crazy ones though. His mom must've taught him how to cook, considering she's so good at it.
As I stared Ross finally noticed and looked away with a smile. "You can help y'know." he insists.
I quickly snap out of my thoughts and look around for something to do. "What should I do?" I ask.
"You could set up a tray. Grab one and spray some of this on it."
He hands me a spray can and I let out an "ew" as I felt how slippery and oily the can felt.
"What.. is this?" I ask, feeling a little disgusted.
"It's just oil to prevent stuff from sticking on the tray, my mom always forgets to clean it after she uses it so that's why it feels so oily." he answers as he places the beef into the pan.
I frowned but quickly grabbed a tray and quickly sprayed some of the oil on it before running to the sink to wash my hands.
"What else could I do?" I ask as I dry them.
"Uhh.. Oh, you could pass me the seasonings!" he answers.
He gestures for me to get close to him so I stand behind him.
"Just pass me whatever seasoning I ask for. And make sure to open them on the sprinkling side, not the side with the spoon on it, okay?" he explains, emphasizing on the 'sprinkling side'.
"You got it!" I answer, feeling confident that I'll get it right this time.
He turns the flame on and uses the spatula to flatten and separate the beef. Then he calls out for the first seasoning.
I look behind me and quickly grab the garlic. I opened it and made sure it was on the right side before handing it to Ross. He grabs it with his free hand and sprinkles some on the beef before setting it to the side and calling for the next seasoning. And after that one another and another.
"Onion powder."
"Black Pepper."
I continued handing him seasonings and anything else he asked for happily as I watched him sprinkle some in the pan and stir the beef. Eventually it turned into a nice brown color and Ross turned off the flame and checked the water in the pot which was now boiling.
"Could you put the noodles in there?" Ross asks.
I give him a thumbs up before opening the noodle box and carefully pouring everything into the pot.
Ross washes his hands and sets the oven to 375°.
"Almost done." he mumbles to himself.
I felt bad, since he was doing the most and I wanted to do this together. So I gestured for him to sit while I do the rest.
"Are you sure? You know what your-"
"Yes, trust me I know what I'm doing! Now go sit!" I insist.
"Alright, alright." he says with a chuckle before sitting down at the dining table.
Even though I was the one doing all the work now I still had to ask him a bunch of questions.
About fifteen minutes later the noodles were 'Al dente', as Ross called it, a cheese mixture I made was done and I finished making a tomato sauce since there were no pre-made ones. Ross got up from his seat and walked over to inspect everything. He used his finger to take a little bit of the sauce I made and taste it, and his eyes widened when the taste kicked in. I couldn't tell if it was in a bad or good way.
"So?" I ask in anticipation.
"It's good!" he says quickly with a smile.
I immediately squeal and smile at my little accomplishment.
Ross chuckled and grabbed a drainer from where all the stuff we weren't using was. He placed it in the sink and handed me some gloves.
"Put these on and drain the noodles." he says.
I nod and quickly put the gloves on and grab the pot before pouring it into the drainer. Ross turned the cold water on just for a second to let the noodles cool down before turning it off.
"Can we start building the lasagna now?" I ask excitedly as I take the gloves off. That's the part I've been looking forward to the most.
"Yep! We can do it together." he answers with a smile.
I let out a little 'yay!' before grabbing the tray and placing it in front of us.
"You'll do the noodles and sauce, I'll do the beef and cheese. Sound good?" Ross asks to confirm.
"Yup!" I answer.
Ross gives a thumbs up and just like that we begin assembling the lasagna. First noodles, then sauce, then cheese, and lastly beef. We made three layers before I put the topping noodles and sauce and Ross topped it with mozzarella.
I slid it into the oven and set a timer before giving Ross a high five.
"Now we wait!" I say as I stretch my arms.
Ross gave me a smile and chuckled. "That was fun!" he adds happily.
"Yeah! And since when did you know how to cook?" I ask as I give him a little nudge on the shoulder.
"My mom has been teaching me since I was young. She always used to say it's good for a guy to know how, I won't get into why." he explains.
"I think I know why," I say teasingly.
"I bet you do, I saw you staring at me!" he responds with a laugh.
"Couldn't help it! Seeing you cook is something I'll probably never see again and you looked sooo-"
"Okay, okay. Don't need to go into that!" he quickly cuts me off flusteredly.
I made a "tch" sound and went into it anyway to embarrass him. "You looked soooo handsome Ross. With your sleeves rolled up and-"
"You looked nice with your ponytail." he cuts me off again, now trying to embarass me instead.
"..What?" I ask with a stunned expression.
"You heard me doofus. That ponytail really looks nice on you. And the faces you made while you were cooking because you were so concentrated and into it were so cute." he mocks as he gives my hair a little squeeze.
Cute, that's something I never would've expected to come out his mouth. It made my face flush red, which showed Ross he succeeded in making me embarrassed.
He laughed and proceeded to start cleaning up, putting the seasonings away and placing the pots and pans in the sink. I kinda wanted to get back at him for getting me flustered so I caught him off guard when he turned to open the fridge and picked him up. I placed him on top of one of the counters and looked up at him. I almost burst out laughing when he started looking everywhere but me.
"Look at me you dummy!" I say with a chuckle and turning his head towards me.
He looks at me, then away, then back at me. "You are such a tease." he says lowly with a small smile.
I place my hands on top of his which makes both of us smile more. We both leaned in closer to each other and eventually kissed, just like we did at our spot. Our hearts fluttered and we giggled in between it before we pulled apart after a few seconds. I helped him off the counter while giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
He giggled and grabbed my hand to lead me to the living room. My astronomy book was on the coffee table so I grabbed it and sat down so I was leaning on the arm rest of the couch. Ross joined in by laying on my chest in between my arms and legs. I let him get more comfortable before opening my book to where we left off last time to read. This wasn't part of the plan I made in my head but who cares. This is way better.
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